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/b/ - Abyss

The Shadow Realm
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What unites us is that we're late virgins but there's no solid ideology behind it. The lack of driving force for the wizard ideology transforms wizchan into a breeding ground for sex haver ideologies like Nazism and Islamism. As you can see those extremist threads are frequently posted.


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wizards are
>30 yo
>hate crabs
>hate succubi
>love children



It's just a talk site. I do not remotely care about the wizcel volcel neetcel chad whatever ideology at this point

Radical thinking is based, you are a bitch


this thread is too good to be on /b/


Also, fuck crabs

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the funniest wizchan meme is: "we won wizards!"


Wizjews won




love it bruda


so good


i like it


i have some sticks






I wish I was american tho


americans don't have basic human rights like free healthcare


oh…yeah I forgot bout that

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is wizchan a community? I don't like the word community.
also do japanese people also have a japanese wizachan in japan???


>lust provoking image + time wasting question

just kys already faggot


go back to 4chad


go back to discord


>implying I use discord
lmao, it's more likely that you use discord than me


it's a smash

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