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What do you want to do before you kill yourself?
What do you plan to do?
Is there anything that you recommend other wizards to do or books/film/video games to experience before they kill themselves?
ITT we discuss and list these things.


Don't do it.


I'm amazed how this thread always come back after a while, but I suppose is a common doubt most wizards have. Anyways, I don't really think about that. When it happens, it will happen, that's it, no thoughts, no remorse, no "wasted dreams", nothing, zero, nada. Only a man shutting his body down for good.


I'm amazed at how many people think "nothingness" forever makes sense as an outcome. You're here for a long time, buddy.


Why not?


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This. The idea that death is nothingness sounds too damn good to be true. Still, death is the most powerful transformative agent of consciousness we know of, and I would rather live a different life rolled at random than continue existing as THIS human.


The universe permits suffering.

I wouldn't doubt that we're trapped here forever.


You really love spamming this shit don't you? Even if eternal recurrence is true that still doesn't say anything about how your current life's action will affect the next one. Why not kill yourself now and take the chance? You'll be reborn when you die naturally anyway.


>it sounds too good to be true
For you, the majority of people wanna live forever and the thought of no afterlife or reincarnation terrifies them. So how is your perspective on death and the afterlife better than the others and why should it matter when we want to deduce what happens after death?
>The universe permits suffering
Which we know nonliving things can't experience.

You should stop with this drivel which are based on your fears and feelings. Logic tells us that there's no more life after this one.


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hmm nice question lol , i dont have many things to do tbh but i would like to get a job n buy silly stuff , idk i wanna die asap ,, my mind is so fucking silly n makes me think horrible thinks ,, im having a bad life style n i cant do many things bc im too useless i jst wanna find a easy way to die lol , maybe im a miserable crab neet


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>the majority of people wanna live forever
If that's true, why are cryonics and life extension so unpopular? Pic related is trying to cure aging, but is rarely talked about and barely gets any funding compared to things like curing cancer or malaria. A lot of people also know about cryonics, and how there's a chance that it could allow people to be reanimated in the future, but hardly anyone is signed up for cryonics.


>if that's true
It's true. People are terrified of DEATH and NONEXISTENCE.


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Then why don't they sign up for cryonics and donate to SENS?


So is that gonna be your whole argument? "people are not afraid of death and nonexistence BECAUSE cryonics and life extension is unpopular". Come on, wizard. If anything those two things should give you a clue as to how desperate some people are to continue existing and will cling to this life.



Humans are machines of flesh and bone instead of metal and silicone. We don't die, we just stop working. Your computer goes from working to not working without you philosophizing it's existence. Do the same with humans and you will reach the conclusion that yes nothingness forever makes sense.


Yeah, humans are just meat machines - I mean, a computer has never called itself "I", had a subjective experience of color, temperature, or sound perception (not reducible to its mere configuration of matter, ie the world knot/hard problem of consciousness), but other than that - same thing, dude.



We are machines. We have inputs and outputs, just in a more sophisticated form. Take corals for example, they don't say "I", yet they live and die same as you. Their functions are more simple than those of humans(take in light make oxygen and glucose). Are they not exactly like machines? Just go a few steps above in terms of functions and add some complexity and you reach humans.


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I assumed that you meant people IN GENERAL are terrified of death/nonexistence, as opposed to just SOME people. There are currently only 3000-4000 people worldwide signed up for cryonics. That's less than 1 in a million people worldwide.


Not him but I always found that image compelling. The reason you don't just kill yourself is that it's only a theory (and it's a stretch to call it that). Still, it's the only reincarnation or spiritual idea that seems somewhat plausable to me, even if I won't bet my life on it.


I think it is a well thought out image too, just really hope eternal recurrence is not real


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I'm thinking a tour of the country before walking into the sea.


the unfulfiled will go with you in the next life. that is the whole reason for reincarnation cycle - desires.


He's posting that image in bad faith. Otherwise he would just kill himself.


Massive psychedelic trip. If I could get my hands on them. There are videos on Youtube how to cook your own DMT but I'm so useless I'd probably fuck it up. Plus I live in rented apartment and the smell etc might alert someone.

I would honestly happily take a huge dose of dried mushrooms my first time. I have nothing to lose.


>I would honestly happily take a huge dose of dried mushrooms my first time. I have nothing to lose.
There's not point in taking so much drugs that you are basically guaranteed to have a bad time.


If the choice was between
I bet at least 50% would choose the latter. But it's 80k$, usually too late to arrange it and probably everyone realizes it's a scam.


You can make aya without issues and smell it is very easy just lemon bark and water.
If you really think you have nothing to lose by taking a high dose of psychedelics a drug you have no experience with I dare you to boil up a massive dose of DMT containing bark and taking it and smoking a big hit of DMT when you start to trip.

You need to respect these drugs or they will punish you for being a dumb ass


It's just tea if we are talking smell.
Otherwise it's no fun to be out of control of your body and mind for a long period of time.
5MeoDMT is whack even just for 3 minutes that it lasts.


>5MeoDMT is whack even just for 3 minutes that it lasts
Never done 5MEO but just want to point out that "time" as a concept can dissolve when using strong psyhcedelics like DMT.

The stupidity of someone doing a heroic dose of a psychedleic like DMT before even tripping on a single tab of acid is amazing and if anything the more I use DMT the more weary I am of the drug. I now see that what I should go into it to get is not the experience itself but the "answers" it can provide the insight into myself because in time you forget the experience as it is so alien to you and loses meaning beyond good or bad.



Can you talk about your experiences? Entities etc.

Do you believe in God?


>Can you talk about your experiences?
I can try but think you should watch this video as relevant to my experience because time dilation.

LSD will never prepare you for DMT it sheds your ego and allows you to experience existence beyond what we can imagine it is like your entire sense of self being shattered and stuck together wrong it allows you to see the inner depths of your soul and what you need to do in life or why you are unhappy.

The first time I took DMT was orally and I was being teleported between all different "dimensions" a intense experience that nothing could prepare me for but instead of writing about all my experiences I will tell the one that affected me the most and was somewhat recent it is two part experience.

I was on LSD and decided to smoke DMT I see acid as a launch pad for DMT since it helps to have your toe in the psychedelic realm before smoking DMT as it launches you instantly.
I breathed out a lung full after holding it in for quite some time and instantly was tripping insane balls and I got a telepathic message I forget exact wording but was something like "it could go either way this time I am blessing you I am powerful".
The painting I was looking at became 4th dimensional and for refference the visuals on DMT are like madoka magica witches fights nearly exactly.
I had the universe beaming love into me and my jaw was open just taking in love and feeling loved for the first time in my life it was the best feeling I have ever had better than heroin or any drug.

I came down and waited an hour to trip again I was in an extremely good mood after all the universe had just shown me love but this time as soon as I breathed out the smoke I knew something was wrong. DMT said this exactly to me again telepathically "you had a taste of the good now have some of the bad". I was feeling the direct opposite of love I was feeling vile hatred it felt as if it was pumping through my blood a hate for my own existence and life as a whole and it was so powerful I wanted to get up and stab myself in the neck I cannot communciate the pain I felt on a spiritual/existential level.

This bad trip was actually a lesson it was showing me how I choose to dwell in hate for myself when there is love it was directly connected to the previous trip and in this way no bad trips exist with this drug they are all positive even the nightmares.
DMT is therapy it is intense and will change you and how you think but normalfags who are not deep thinkers do not seem to gain much from DMT I have noticed strangely.

>Do you believe in God?

Depends what sort of god you mean I have to be careful with drug experiences altering how I see the world as it is like getting an answer without doing the working out so I am careful but I do think the following: Everyone and everything has a a shard of a soul gem within them and the universe itself is alive we are just the universe experiencing itself I know it is cliche but we are all one basically.
I do not know about god but I do think there is more to our reality than we can observe and I am tempted to think there really are entites other than us.
DMT is the reason I have not killed myself because I cannot be sure that death is not like a eternal bad DMT trip and that scares me I do not know if that is good or not.

Love is important that is what I think life is all about just loving someone and reminder that love does not = sex or romance I mean a deeper love.


Nothing. Those experiences will just turn into connections in your brain, which will be eaten by microbes just like the rest of your body. If you're making excuses to postpone your suicide you don't really want to do it.



Fascinating. I've wanted to try psychedelics my whole adult life. Im not interested in just tripping, I want to see what insights, if any, I could get from it. I love reading reading other people's stories like this but I know the only way is to experience it for yourself.


>easier than that
>naturally produced DMT in massive amounts


The only way is to experience it really since words just do not exist to explain it. If you feel ready order some of the root bark online it is technically legal.
Norps pay money to go to south america and do it with a shaman but that seems like a scam to me.
>>naturally produced DMT in massive amounts
How to spot a retard


>I cannot be sure that death is not like a eternal bad DMT trip and that scares me
I was not afraid of killing myself until I did 5MeO.
If I hang myself and get into a DMT type state that would really suck.


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It's fun, but nowhere close to getting zoomed out of your mind with nothing to hold on to.


There’s not really much I want to do. There are things I wanted to achieve and be successful at when I was younger but I’m far past the age where I can start learning something and succeed at it to a high level. The main reason I want to commit suicide is that all the options in front of me the future are not good. I don’t want to spend another 50 years living as a wageslave who never achieved anything, but I’m not going to at the age 30 become a pro gamer or an athlete or a musician or film director ir great artist. My options in life are basically just various forms of wageslavery. I’m not even going to be a high tier wageslave because I have almost no experience and no connections.

As far as travel or things like that I’m not really interested. As the saying goes “wherever you go, there you are.” I’ve already tried most types of drugs and don’t really care to do more. There are some movies and artworks I’d probably enjoy but not enough to feel like dying would be missing them. I don’t really care that much about consuming things as I’ve done enough of that spending my whole life in my room as a NEET.


Not him but I've been reading up on a lot of particle physics and there are a few things that really peaked my interest. I'm not a very smart guy but I would consider myself fairly logical. I can try to look at things from a neutral standpoint and identify that things like my precocrabved perception of how things are taint the result and try to disregard them. Realistically this idea of mere flesh and bone, a mechanical being is for the first time ever coming into science this century. Things like if someone observes things on the quantum level it has a meassurable effect really make me think about things. As far as I know no other being can give the observer effect which leads me to the conclusion that logically there could very well be some level of sentience beyond our brain. How that would work I do not know, perhaps it's another dimension holding part of all the collective sentience in the world, perhaps it's supernatural or religious in nature.
I'm not very good at putting my thoughts down in text but maybe you can understand what I mean?


You misunderstand what is meant by observed in quantum physics. The universe is not somehow bending to our will when we measure which gate the electron went through. It is the simple fact that we can only measure something by interacting with, and when we do so we change the property of that thing. It is still a very strange concept. It's like if an apple existed as a red cloud and only solidified once we reached out to grab it. You can still look at its strangeness as some evidence of our reality being more than just a clock being driven by its gears, but to say our human thoughts have any bearing on quantum outputs is completely false.


I want to do heroin.


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Breakthrough on DMT or something similar



That video really got me thinking. It's scary as hell actually. If a DMT trip is anything like that then I don't think I could do it.


Thats the thing though you get amnesia after and forget the horror but still remember a terror you cannot explain of what an eternity trapped in hell felt like but remember it.
CIA likely uses it for torture


Of course Im not saying that this is proof of anything and you’re right that observing it is what changes the outcome. My point is that as far as I know we are the only being in existence that have this effect. This theoretically means the quantum physics is either entirely wrong or that there is something to the mind more than pink and gray matter interacting.


these trips happen when your brain is working, when you're dead there's no trips.


with the way the brain is you could experience a single moment for eternity we do not know what true death is like.


you'll die anyway, and you will have to go through it anyway so why worry.



So DMT feels like 500 million years in an infinite plain of nothingness hell?


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Even with a great set and setting it's heavy stuff.
If you want to get into psychedelics start with normal things. DMT is for whackos like me and I don't even like it.


It can do that or it may not but you really want to think if you want to experience 100's of times of your lifetime in current agony. After it is over it is like that button video though.
How do you do your setting? I am far too depressed to do DMT this week and want to but know what to expect if I do not wait.

Share your tips I play cute happy anime music try relax and take a rip



I couldn't stand experiencing that span of time, it sounds like literal hell. I think I will leave it to the experts lol.

Wonder how many Joe Rogan fanboys have lost their minds on the stuff as a result of him constantly eulogising about it


I mentioned earlier but normalfags can tend to be limited with how they experience DMT from my experience I am curious if others have found this. Obviously a depressed wizzy will possibly have hell but they do not gain from it in the same way.


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Paganism was only 400 years ago in my country so I LARP as that.
And take off your headphones before blasting off. The 5MeO screech was way too loud to hear anything and the extra nonsensical noise that the music became was annoying.


If pic related is the English countryside because that's what it looks like, it was going to be visiting there and maybe some of continental Europe, but that certainly isn't going to happen now.

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