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Called the hotline. Was in a bad way mentally but clear enough to call. I needed somebody to talk to. Instead they made me feel like an idiot and sent the cops and medics to my home.

They then kicked in my front door without knocking, dragged me out to the medics and put me in the ambulance. The entire ride the medics just sat there looking at me as though I was wasting their time (which I guess I was seeing how I just wanted to talk to somebody).

In the end I still felt like shit, had an SI label on myedical record (which raised my insurance rates) and a $3500 hospital bill. Fuck the suicide hotline.
To this day I can't even get life insurance because the premiums are so insane. That night I needed help. I did NOT get help. All I got was a harder life.

The world is a hell planet, there is no escape except legal euthanasia. Most homebrew methods of killing yourself often fail and just turn you into a vegetable who then has to passively watch life in tubes for 50+ years which is even worse.


Telling anyone you're planning suicide is held in the exact same regard as saying that you're planning murder. You can hypothesize methods and scenarios where one would want to do it, and you can reasonably joke about it, but admitting to any upholder of the peace or signer of checks is going to get you in trouble. You know this now, but it's a shame that many who idolize suicide are going to fall victim to the "we care" meme. Yeah, they "care" - care about having to scrape you off the pavement - so they'd rather drug you up and restrict your freedom of movement so. It's as if they're saying "Oh, you wanna kill yourself because your life sucks? Let's see just how sucks we can make it"

You should steal a bike.


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Euthanasia should be legal


I do find it pretty sickening that they keep a file on you and record everything you tell them. When I went psychotic I blabbered on the line to them and there's no way to get rid of that information now, and the government can do whatever they want with it.


That's the thing, no one really cares if you open up. Be it family,friend, whatever..they will ridicule you into shutting up. No one wants to hear it. And they be surprised when you take your own life. How did it happen??? How?? Yes this world is hell, don't procreate and take a shit on the way out.


Of course, the obvious decision is not to kill yourself but to die fighting.

Stop looking for understanding or company. Let the feel sink!


I tried this, I just endured the depression and pain from ages 15-33.

As a result I feel absolutely nothing anymore and the only time I get a glimpse of feeling again, it's just the desire to cry or die.
Food tastes like nothing, art, games, nature, hobbies feel like nothing.

It's like being a dead corpse who keeps breathing. Get some kind of help while you're still young even if it means taking pills. I never did.


You did not get a heck of what I just said. Show off


That's the phase when holotropic breathwork is required, since somatic blockages have already taken over


Not that guy but I feel almost exactly the same like you, i'm 32 however

you idiots can either help us or keep being smartasses


>call a suicide line and get semi arrested and issued an expensive bill

Fucking US, not even 3rd world countries do this shit, what kind of dystopian nightmare is that country


The US is literally hell on Earth if you're poor, and even worse if you're poor and need some kind of help.

What will happen is human predators will find a way to slap debt onto your name for "helping" you and make your situation even worse than before.

I'm not surprised we're the #1 hotspot for mass shootings in the world. It's really hard not to become a misanthrope if you're in the US while not rich.
Everyone is disgusting towards you and is just waiting at the sidelines to take advantage of you somehow and destroy you. It's like a constant Battle Royale.

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