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I decided to end it… even how i want to do it but now when it's decided i feel fear and what will await me on the other side. Has someone advices?


Wrong pic i fucked up


Yes, yes, you want to kill yourself, your life is shit, and all that. Why don't you look for something productive to dedicate your time to, and wait like the rest of the normal people to die inevitably?

>Has someone advices?

If you are really going to kill yourself, go to children's hospitals, and choose among the many children who need a kidney and donate them while they are still alive, so at least you will do something noble before you die.


If you attempted to kys before and failed, why did you feel grateful you're still alive YET are still drawn to the idea?

I guess there's something in your life that gives you pain and you want to escape from it. You want to end your life just to end that pain which is temporary but you're in fact giving up to it.

Take a look at this shit, and don't worry there's nothing cliche about it:


Many people cannot face the pain, and many times this pain becomes chronic, and even if they can bear it, sometimes they get fed up and kill themselves. The ugly and funny part of this is that most of the time it is not real chronic pain, but imaginary pain, created by the mind, and only the mind can treat it.
Suicide is a desperate way for mentally ill people to seek a solution to their pain.


Not OP, but personally its not just "imaginary pain". I can feel it. I was prescribed muscle relaxants because I cant feel extremely sad without feeling totally sore in my left arm/chest/neck/jaw or sometimes in my lower back. The pain leaves me completely unable to do anything. I cant seat properly, I cant lay in bed properly, until the pain is gone.
Currently I m also having issues with falling asleep. Some nights I stay awake till 5 and wake up at 9 or 10. My eyes feel sore, I have headaches and nausea from not being able to sleep.
I wonder when will I ll be able to finally say "enough is enough" and finish it.


What is your diet like? There all of kinds of foods that can greatly increase pain sensitivity or outright bring on painful ailments.


Whatever my parents decide to cook. Its quite diverse.
Cant change my diet since I m not the one who cooks, and I m too lazy to cook.


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I think nothing is stopping you from killing yourself, your life is the only thing you truly have. If we look at your life in third person as if we were god judging our own life we could also cut it short when we want. Close the book and move onto the next life in line waiting to experience another person's body and environment, another person's life.


Just because pain is created by the mind does not mean that it does not have repercussions on the rest of the body.

>I was prescribed muscle relaxants because I cant feel extremely sad without feeling totally sore in my left arm/chest/neck/jaw

As a small recommendation, you could bathe with very hot water, or cold water if you are in summer, that will help reduce muscle pain considerably.

>Some nights I stay awake till 5 and wake up at 9 or 10. My eyes feel sore, I have headaches and nausea from not being able to sleep.

It could be because of stress, anxiety, and similar shit. For a week I felt like this, and I couldn't sleep for 48 hours straight, and the time I slept was very short. What helped me were valerian drops, hot water baths, and masturbation (not excessively of course). Combining all of that I was able to sleep like a baby.


>valerian drops, hot water baths, and masturbation
This whole nature shit is not for me. Its good if it helps you, but personally I feel like its more about you thinking it helps you, rather than the chemical composition of the herb itself. It may help, but its strength is nothing compared to a drug that was manufactured specifically to counteract insomnia (I m looking at you Ambien). And even then, sometimes Ambien is completely useless and all I feel is weird and lightheaded, but not sleepy.

As for taking a bath, if it wasnt because I got long hair and is kinda hard to avoid "not getting it wet", I really dont like taking showers, because then I spend half or up to an hour drying the damn thing. What I do though is putting one of these hot water bottles against my chest and surrounding areas to get rid of the pain. Takes time, but its helpful.

On the other side, Idk if its just me, but when I masturbate at night, I feel more active and less prone to falling asleep, so I try to avoid it.

Yesterday at night was one of those nights, sore muscles and whatso, so I took a pill and also helped me to sleep (one thing I dont like is that I start to feel sleepy BEFORE the pain is even gone lol).

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