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File: 1664195753917.png (273.99 KB, 894x870, 149:145, 1664175430458.png) ImgOps iqdb

14cf1 No.62791


Is this the end of Wizchan?


bb494 No.62792

Just move somewhere else, the real wizards are not here

bdd7b No.62793

where are they? I wanna find them

c4aa4 No.62794

Hell nah bro your retarded as fuck.

8d3f6 No.62836

People said this in 2015.
This is not a new thread.

3852d No.62840

The Brazilians had Maguschan, but they couldn't keep it online.

176fb No.62849

oh no Brazilians

89e25 No.63635

Where the normie flux runs unwatched: r/NEET , r/INTP , r/INFP , r/libertarian

Yet those places are special

e814b No.63636

There's already a massive overlap in the 4chan and wizchan userbases, though. It was never not a normie site.

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