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a78d8 No.62887

hello wiz mods, im a cute lil wiz imp and i very much appreciate you all keeping the site running. i know there are a lot of bitter and ungrateful goo-goo dolls here. but u should know we are not all like that. so thanks wiz mods ^_^/

f6428 No.62888

File: 1666660543844.jpg (41.99 KB, 779x733, 779:733, FfivVnvWICYqTQD.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>he's a cute lil wiz imp and he very much appreciates us all keeping the site running

>he knows there are a lot of bitter and ungrateful goo-goo dolls here

>but we should know they are not all like that

17ae8 No.63634

Stop saying that, they can do better

57d00 No.63648

>he knows there are a lot of bitter and ungrateful goo-goo dolls here

If you are comparing my meta rants to the genius that wrote Iris, I will take it as a compliment.

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