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ace70 No.63715

we need a new board can you think about it mods please. think something more about the wizards

a9ec5 No.63717

it would make sense if wiz was wizard topics, and lounge was misc. but as it is, there are two nay three miscs.

but im sure there would be a lot of debating and fuming over what precisely a wizard topic is

maybe a new board just for personal topics, but that largely overlaps with dep

wiz- happy wizards
dep- sad wizards


idk man

ace70 No.63718

yeah this and I was thinking about a international board too

71878 No.63719

e4049 No.63722

/pol/ - containment for political & news discussion. ban it everywhere else. alternative name: /civ/ics to avoid association with /pol/.

/fap/ - let's face it, we all do it. bonus: allow 3d content as long as it's spoilerred or one 3d general for the non-weebs. hide from /all/. >but we already have a thread!! yeah, one thread where furies, faggots and pedos clash on a daily basis. every fetish can have its own thread this way and easier to find material when you need it.

/adv/ - ask/give life advice, talk about nutrition, self-improvement, solve tech problems, requests etc. or just blog about your life. discourage or outright ban unsolicited advice giving outside of here. alternative: /help/

/fren/ - a lot of wizzies are lonely and isolated. this could be a place to find online friends and seek out various communities. posting your limited contact info would be allowed or sharing invites to communities.

too difficult to moderate. normies could be talking about fucking last friday night and you wouldn't be able to tell.

6ec85 No.63723

no new boards

8dd9e No.63742

Not terrible suggestions but the problem is there just isn't the population or activity to sustain a bunch more boards.

fe8f0 No.63743

make a board for self-improvement

wiz = larping for kidiots
dep = giving up
hob = passing time
lounge = entertainment (work safe)
b = entertainment (not worksafe)
jp, music, games = niche entertainment


f49d1 No.63745

c711b No.63749


a9ec5 No.63768

What if all politics discussed in /civ/ had to be before 1900 AD? It would help keep our elevated tone as high cultured Wizards stroking our beards, and not just 4chan lite.

We only discuss politics and "news" when the dust has settled and we can calmly rationally evaluate and not just scream in the heat of primate passions

39ab0 No.63770

File: 1680104818163.png (478.71 KB, 1736x691, 1736:691, austro-hungarian autists.png) ImgOps iqdb

>What if all politics discussed in /civ/ had to be before 1900 AD? It would help keep our elevated tone as high cultured Wizards
You have clearly never been to /his/

4d677 No.63813

I fail to see how self improvement would not fall under the purview of /hob/.

8e656 No.63818

this, we need a Chad wizard containment board where they can compete in who self improves better

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