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fe06a No.63724

whats the point of jp, no one is a weeb,otaku, this is pretty sad. delete jp

dd5b0 No.63728

quite frankly probably the only board worth keeping.

c3020 No.63729

and i have never ever been there

e650d No.63731


fe06a No.63733

it's sad I wish there was more weebs otakus

c4aa6 No.63746

posts in the last 2 weeks
781 - b
363 - lounge
244 - dep
120 - wiz
67 - hob
57 - games
46 - meta
21 - jp
10 - music

1f076 No.63747

Your method for counting is probably off for /b/.
3,250 threads expired in the last month, not counting replies.

a909f No.63748

Those stats aren't even right

c4aa6 No.63751

yeah it's not right, but i used this https://wizardchan.net/stats.html the problem is that for the barchart showing the numbers, i assumed it was both weeks added together. in reality it only shows the past week's post count number

83c5b No.63752

>Last Updated : 2021-03-28T08:00:01

c4aa6 No.63753

wtf someone must have hacked wizchan to make it say that, weird, bizarre even

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