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2a983 No.63730

There's a guy on /b/ who is ruining the board. I mean, i don't want /b/ to be overmoderated, far from it, but its just too much at this point. Every day this piece of shit is spamming pepes, wojaks and /pol/ shit and race baits, 95% of actual wizards hate this shit. This guy is clearly a troll. I love the freedom of /b/ but man, thats just a outsider teenager posting stupid outsider memes, its not "wizardly" and random anymore.

a14a7 No.63732

/b/= /trash/

5e930 No.63741

Unless they personally offend the mod or disrupt their gay role playing it's rare for them to do something about anything that happens on /b/ unless it's a existential threat to the site, like someone spamming cp or malicious links. Even then depending on timing it could take hours since there is like only one or two regularly active mods for this site anymore.

Report, hide, and move on.
They ether will do something or they won't. I lost faith in them being even remotely competent years ago.

685b6 No.63754

Why go on b are you a coomer or retarded ? It’s essentially a place to post bbc and other porn it’s pure cancer and not even the good time if you look at any other section it is so much better

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