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a41cf No.63756

Can anyone here or the mods explain this?


Seriously, what's going on behind the curtains? Are there any real wizards left?

a41cf No.63757

pls tell me that this is a joke and the mods are virgins please

55f14 No.63758

Rumors have been going around for years and admins/staff have switched a couple times. Currently there is not even an actual team behind wizchan as it seems since moderation is quite poor.

f7fb7 No.63759

Tbf, most of us have trouble going outside or talking to anyone at all, so of course one of our own is probably going to have issues moderating.

a4dc7 No.63760

wizchan was taken over by trannies a while ago and moderation has definitely been terrible. It is what it is.

59db9 No.63761

I hope this is not real. Fucking cunts cant you just let us have our own space.

d5992 No.63762

homosexuals were a mistake of nature

cb033 No.63766

they know no one can do anything about it. at the end of the day, the brazilian retard that pays for the hosting every month has the final say on who moderates this place and he will always pick his online boyfriends no matter how blatantly anti-thetical to the site they are. they probably laugh about it every friday in their private gay chat room and get off on the attention.

basically, these threads are useless for anything other than us morons that care about the site to yell into a hopeless void.

966c2 No.63767

File: 1680055738605.png (136.26 KB, 1274x370, 637:185, This post was in the galle….png) ImgOps iqdb

Anyone know or have that imgur gallery of Wizardchan/R9K posts?

f57c5 No.63782

I think I know what you're talking about.

966c2 No.63786

File: 1680328107705.jpeg (19 KB, 320x427, 320:427, wizardchan, haven't heard….jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Ah, found it!
It's actually as concise as I remember it being.
Hard to believe it's been five years since I last read this.

tldr stop wasting your time here

41b20 No.63788

Wow, I just posted that in another thread and didn't know anybody else knew about that gallery. I read it about almost four years ago and I'm still here….


I banned this user some years ago for rule 12 after he was embedding his Youtube videos featuring his face and location. I haven't seen him back since. I believe he was housedoxxed from some of this info and I'd appreciate if that info wasn't posted for the sake of global Rule 9 consistency.


The person who created that thread has a few aliases which I can identify. I've seen him, over the past year, interacting with users off-site directly soliciting info and old threads from Wizchan. If you link your pseudonymous accounts on Wizchan, expect those who want to troll Wizchan users to reach out to you. That seems to be the primary focus of that thread - Naught/Namae/Archivist posting info on Wizchanners he was able to dig up.

To say I don't care about this would be a lie, because the reality is that I find it pretty funny. Wannabe cyber-sleuth grinding the social ranking in a spinoff chatroom of a forum for virgin men, just so he can obsess over, screencap, write about, and post.. the general country and typing style of like 8 users? And the time they talked about anime briefly? Onionfarms doesn't even seem to care what Wizchan users are up to.

Remember that Wizardchan gained notoriety in the lolcow community for our supposed role in Gamergate, a nearly 8-year-old controversy that lasted 3 months at best. There's a good chance most users of Onionfarms aren't old enough for that to have been something they experienced, so Wizchan is beyond their realm of interest.


Makes me lol every time I see it.

This whole "issue" has been severely overrepresented as a genuine concern. It's one person, trolling one user, in a dead thread, which is then being spammed by OP across the site almost every day. You can keep posting about this all you want in /b/ and this thread, but we would really appreciate if you stopped interjecting in to random threads and killing discussions from the catalogue just to remind everyone that two users exchanged facepix over Discord.

21211 No.63791

>That gallery
Holy normalgroid. Like one or two screenshots are good and the rest is normalgroid speak.

5323a No.63792

What about the mod who threw a tantrum on /b/ permabanning anyone who made fun of crystal.cafe and now continues to permaban anyone who posts ban reasons from that tantrum?


That never happened, but I see why you would believe that based on what you could have seen from a user's standpoint.

There was a user here who was found to be crossposting on a succubus-only board called Crystal Cafe. He was exposed by another user who also for some reason went there, and was then banned for being a female. He appealed the ban, proving he was male and promising not to post on CC anymore. He then posted voice clips of a succubus reading Wizchan posts, so he was permanently banned on the grounds of using a succubus to troll wizards.

Between the appeal and a permaban, another user was accusing any post he didn't enjoy as being made by "CC Poster". He was frequently banned for rules 5 and 11, but he seemed to have unlimited unlisted VPN IPs so he begun posting his ban messages on the mainboards, mocking the staff for "simping" the succubi on CC. I honestly don't know if he became hellbent on doing it to the point of sitting here for entire evenings doing that, or if he had managed to summon other troll demons to do his bidding. Either way, we began just hitting the post history annihilator button whenever he was done his little raid.

Someone is likely going to post the same old screencaps in response to this, the ones that were edited to make it look like the moderator awake at the time was begging him to stop. Even after we've long shown the log entries for those bans displaying the ban reason as either null or just "ban evasion".

2151b No.63794

Andrew and Seth are lovers.

Leave them alone.

1842a No.63795

>I honestly don't know if he became hellbent on doing it to the point of sitting here for entire evenings doing that, or if he had managed to summon other troll demons to do his bidding
People were making fun of you because you were permabanning anyone at all who made fun of crystal.cafe or who posted linked to those vocaroos of him making fun of crystal.cafe. Even now you're calling the people who made fun of crystal.cafe "demons", and you'd probably permaban me if I posted those ban reasons you were talking about. You have to admit that this is incredibly suspect behavior coming from you people, especially immediately after you officially sanction crystal.cafe crossposting and then completely ignore all questions and concerns from the userbase in response to this. And you guys have explicitly lied in the past about things like tracking cookies.

2151b No.63796

File: 1680440924084.png (31.04 KB, 450x483, 150:161, esav3.png) ImgOps iqdb

All of you kiwifarmers will be BANNED.

Andrew and Seth are in love and there is nothing you can do about it.


File: 1680447418859.jpg (39.4 KB, 524x524, 1:1, Fga1wWwVsAAfPDE.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

I and other mods have already entertained this exact same post you've been making for so long now every time you see a staff member post on /meta/. This thread isn't about any of this.

>made fun of crystal.cafe or who posted linked to those vocaroos of him making fun of crystal.cafe.

We banned the one guy we found out was posting ON a succubus-only board. We banned anyone who was remaking his posts because those posters were either him ban evading, or someone pretending to be him to troll users who didn't want him here. This was already explained nearly 20 months ago.

>you'd probably permaban me if I posted those ban reasons you were talking about.

Yes, if you have the (edited) ban page screencaps of someone who was permanently banned for routinely forcing several user's threads to 404, then you're either that person or someone trolling on his behalf. Do you really think that if someone gets banned for a history of spam, you can start remaking his posts in his place and then call your ban unjust?

>You have to admit that this is incredibly suspect behavior coming from you people,

Nothing suspicious about it. We were deleting several threads of spam, which often had soyjaks, gore, scat, and other memes attached, and then banning those who made the spam.

>you officially sanction crystal.cafe crossposting

We permabanned the first guy we found to be posting there, and anyone pretending to be him…

>completely ignore all questions and concerns from the userbase in response to this

Not only have we been routinely explaining the old, now irrelevant situation with the ban evading crossposter in threads where the spam occurred and on /meta/, but I'm pretty sure it's the same user (you) who keeps on asking the same questions and then not giving attention to our responses.

>And you guys have explicitly lied in the past about things like tracking cookies.

"Tracking cookies"? You're given a file deletion cookie, a Wizbux cookie, a settings cookie, and a custom settings cookie upon setting. And a captcha cookie if you we enable it. You're free to reject all of these and then continue to post as normal. Wizchan doesn't benefit from search engine boosting so we don't see a reason to have a cookie consent popup.

0ee3f No.63798

You permaban a lot of users who don't break any rules, to be fair. They just commit the cardinal sin of hurting your butt. This is clearly another instance of that. Also stopped reading. You're quite boresome with the sophistry.

c97d3 No.63799

>claims mods never reply about this
>demands a reply about this
>mod replies about this
>doesn't read it
she should ban you!!

e1f20 No.63800

>i am a retard and cant into IDs
Yeah, I could tell. As it turns out, it's entirely possible and even predictable that more than one person thinks this website is operated like shit. Keep cheerleading, champ.

05fb9 No.63801

>There was a user here who was found to be crossposting on a succubus-only board called Crystal Cafe. He was exposed by another user who also for some reason went there, and was then banned for being a female.
Reverse image search… There was a poster who posted the same thread about living in france on here and a couple other boards - including cc -who got found out like that. Was it the same person?

05fb9 No.63802

nevermind that it probably wasn't, but the point still stands that reverse image search is one way to do it.

5323a No.63803

File: 1680456195149.png (117.58 KB, 1492x292, 373:73, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb

>or someone pretending to be him to troll users who didn't want him here.
>or someone trolling on his behalf
So everyone who makes fun of crystal.cafe or who posts this guy's content is working "on his behalf" now? That's ridiculous. You initially tried to frame this situation as though the guy in question's primary crime was ban evading for rule 5, but it's clear that what you're most upset about his the actual content he was posting. Specifically, mocking crypto-females who post on wizchan. Not everyone who does this is intentionally pretending to be this specific person.
>We permabanned the first guy we found to be posting there, and anyone pretending to be him…
You unbanned him when he "proved he was male" (???) which constituted as an official sanction that openly crossposting from crystal.cafe (a site dedicated for females) was perfectly okay since users from there are given the benefit of the doubt as being male for some reason. You only permabanned him after he posted a voice clip.
>Not only have we been routinely explaining the old, now irrelevant situation with the ban evading crossposter in threads where the spam occurred and on /meta/, but I'm pretty sure it's the same user (you) who keeps on asking the same questions and then not giving attention to our responses.
I was referring to your ignoring of users who were voicing concerns after you made an announcement that the CC crossposter was unbanned for "proving that he was a male". You people completely abandoned the thread and ignored people's complaints after you made that bizarre announcement, which is what triggered the CC "trolling" against you in the first place. It wasn't just a lone "troll demon", multiple people were rightfully upset with you about how you handled the CC crossposter and your response was to assume that they were part of some sort of "troll conspiracy" and permaban them.
>"Tracking cookies"? You're given a file deletion cookie, a Wizbux cookie, a settings cookie, and a custom settings cookie upon setting. And a captcha cookie if you we enable it. You're free to reject all of these and then continue to post as normal. Wizchan doesn't benefit from search engine boosting so we don't see a reason to have a cookie consent popup.
I was banned multiple times explicitly for telling people to disable cookies on wizchan, with reason being that I was making it more difficult for you to track your "troll demons". See pic related. Unless you regularly delete your ban logs you'll be able to check this yourself. It's therefore disingenuous for you to suggest that the purpose of these cookies is not covert tracking of users when you explicitly use them to covertly track users and ban people like me for telling users to disable cookies because it is making it more difficult for you to covertly track users.


File: 1680459224244.jpg (517.67 KB, 683x820, 683:820, ayy33.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

That email was sent by the previous admin. He was the honest and patient one. He gave every user a chance and genuinely believed all wizards had a right to post regardless of their individual faults.

I'm the one who checks your post history after you once again cry about being banned for spamming the site 2 years ago, sees that you do indeed have a history of being an asshole to users and the mods, and then calls you a retard who should leave the site. I didn't read a sentence of your post. No matter what we say, even if we grovel and apologize, you'll still write paragraphs about mod accountability or something because we dared to ban your IP range after you pretended to be the succubus CC Poster to troll the users who were complaining about her. Maybe you were just pretending to be the guy who was pretending to be her. Either way, banishment.

5323a No.63806

Have fun destroying this place to satisfy your ego, I gues.

c3ac4 No.63807

I don’t expect admin to put up with infinite shitty posters to be honest.

0ef0e No.63808

can you improve wizchan, please

f57c5 No.63809

I found it and was going to link to it when I see that you already did.

a8e46 No.63817

File: 1680717818961.jpg (263.39 KB, 1826x2527, 1826:2527, nade_getaOCcoat.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>Naught/Namae/Archivist posting info on Wizchanners he was able to dig up.
To say I don't care about this would be a lie, because the reality is that I find it pretty funny. Wannabe cyber-sleuth grinding the social ranking in a spinoff chatroom of a forum for virgin men, just so he can obsess over, screencap, write about, and post.. the general country and typing style of like 8 users? And the time they talked about anime briefly? Onionfarms doesn't even seem to care what Wizchan users are up to.

i made that thread as a bp/andrew thread, he wanted to be a lolcow i later reverted the thread to a wizchan general and hid it but another admin took control of onionfarms i left my changes were undone. anyway i joined the wizcord met fazli who made that image of the wizcord regulars it was funny so i cross posted it. later i asked around about the /cow/ threads kanna sperged out and blamed it all on deletewiz then started and continues to spam the OP about me from the now defunct lolcow.org.

c97d3 No.63819

>i made that thread (in collaboration with another user) … later reverted the thread to a wizchan general
And what on Wizchan did you find worth sharing with people who obsess over lolcows? Posts from anonymous men asking how to kill themselves after their parents die? Posts asking how to stop being afraid of the outside world after a lifetime of being bullied? You desire approval from peers, but can't earn it through sharing positivity or experience, so instead you desperately look for something to hate that other people will also hate, so you can be the ringleader to a little clique of underage trolls sperging and giggling over young mens' emotional suffering. Being so far distanced from the in-group however, the only thing you even know enough of to post about is probably the one website that payed to bear host to your horrible posts: Wizchan. Now looking to find friends in the namefaggotry swamps of Lolcow forums, you stab your wizard friends in the back and rush over to the 'farms to show everyone the funny squirming man with a knife in his spine. "What a freak!" You say, while still wearing the same pointed hat as the dying lad. Highschool succubus logic.

>hid it but another admin took control of onionfarms i left my changes were undone

Then log your [Mtf] =SaD BoY= ass back in and delete it. Those onionfarmers are your friends, right? They'll understand.
>it was funny so i cross posted it.
You wanted the thread hidden, and then you bump it with wizard's identifying information? Bipolar highschool succubus behavior.

>fazil kanna deletewiz Peruchan

I don't know any of those names. I don't use the "wizcord" and I doubt anyone here does because the only thing I hear about the server is that nobody there bothers to use Wizchan anymore.

Next time you read through the Suicide General for material to laugh at, consider how easy some of the solutions to life presented in the thread are, then reflect upon your own life and gauge if it's worth moving forward with existence.

a8e46 No.63826

File: 1680803962608.jpg (27.95 KB, 516x387, 4:3, dontforgetyourehereforever.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>all this projection
>And what on Wizchan did you find worth sharing with people who obsess over lolcows?
the image of wizcord regulars.
>Posts from anonymous men asking how to kill themselves after their parents die? Posts asking how to stop being afraid of the outside world after a lifetime of being bullied?
i never mocked anyone from wizchan nor did i even comment on it, i cross posted from plenty of niche imageboards and forums.
>more projection
nigger i got a thread on lolcow.org because i refuse to play by their rules. niche communities are interesting and worth documenting yet others dont share the same sentiment i do that the info ought to be correct.
>Then log your [Mtf] =SaD BoY= ass back in and delete it. Those onionfarmers are your friends, right? They'll understand.
im done with onionfarms.
>You wanted the thread hidden, and then you bump it with wizard's identifying information? Bipolar highschool succubus behavior.
no, that was the new admin (now quit he burned out fast) took a disliking to BP and reverted the thread can you not read?
>Next time you read through the Suicide General for material to laugh at, consider how easy some of the solutions to life presented in the thread are, then reflect upon your own life and gauge if it's worth moving forward with existence.
again, projection im not /cow/ im not lolcow.farm.

c97d3 No.63827

>the image of wizcord regulars.
Why though? What do you have to gain by laughing a a group of random shitposting nobodies in from when there's a whole sea of people like browns and crabhapas to mock instead?
>i never mocked anyone from wizchan nor did i even comment on it, i cross posted from plenty of niche imageboards and forums.
No, you dumb faggot, making a thread about anything on a forum where the whole point is to mock and laugh at what is posted on it.. That's mocking. What did you expect from posting Wizchan users there? For those lolcow forum users to come and be genuine posters?
>I never PERSONALLY laughed at them, but the other lolcow farmers might have
^ what you're saying

>niche communities are interesting and worth documenting

But why on a TROLL FORUM? Why do you value the input of transsexual-defending, child-grooming, fat fucks who jerk off to Chris-tran's wank tapes?

Make a master thread on one of these "niche boards" you're so invested in. Catalogue them and contribute to them at the same time. Make a Youtube video about your experiences with Wizchan like Whois did before these very same troll forums doxxed him off the internet.

>(now quit he burned out fast)

You're quite entangled in the happenings of that forum for someone who's "done" with it.

>again, projection

Telling you to kill yourself isn't projection, it's me telling you that you should end your life.
>im not /cow/ im not lolcow.farm.
You're making threads there because you value their opinions above all others. You are absolutely one of them, no matter how much they rejected your obsession with Wizards.

You're not allowed to use Konata you ESL borderline reject tranny.

b14e8 No.64916

spoiler test

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