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ae7b8 No.63814

mods, u aren't doing enough to comfort me. you know how on planes how there's a button to like call stewards? well, there should be a button on wizchan where i can call wiz mods. if im feeling sad or frigten wiz mods should have to comfort me. if i can't sleep wiz mods should have to tell me a story or assure me about my problems so i can sleep.

ae7b8 No.63823

see, mods didnt even respond to me! this is exactly why we need wizzie service button! they arent helping to look after squirmy wizkids. mods have a responsibility to look after us.

e359c No.63824

why are the jannymods so hellbent on not responding to op? it seems every time i come back to this shithole, op #63814 still hasnt been given a response.

ae7b8 No.63825

i know. they need to protect and care for wizards. i am sleepy and need them to say something nice before i nap.

2ce86 No.63828

They aren't your personal servants for your trivial whims.

But I agree there should be an alert button to wake mods in the middle of the night in the case of genuine emergencies.

46fc4 No.63830

mine crypto for me to my address and i will be your digital butler

f303c No.63831

I wish i could get fresh reports as sms messages on my wristwatch

2ce86 No.63832

Awake times aren't the problem. It is the dead of night, when most mods are asleep when they strike. And then dangerous materials can stay up for hours. The site can be flooded and unusable for hours.

This is why we need an alarm that will wake mods from their sleep.

e359c No.63833

File: 1680848124207.jpg (421.59 KB, 1440x1920, 3:4, xcccc.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

ae7b8 No.63834

They're not servants but they are carers. It's there responsibility as the people who run the site to take care of us.

c91bd No.63835

What makes this funny is that you wasted a significant amount of time on such a lame strawman.

ae7b8 No.63836

I thought it was funny. lmao.

56f3d No.63837

It would be funny if the mod were saving actual CP instead of mommy tit hentai because then it would be true.

0668e No.63838

That IS CP. That's what /meta/ has decided anyway

56f3d No.63839

Literally absolutely nobody is reporting mommy tit hentai for CP. You can't source a single post on meta for that claim. That's why the comic is only funny because some disingenuous retard wasted so much time on defending his headcanon.

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