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/v9k/ - Dead


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R: 51 / I: 51
Took a picture today
R: 1 / I: 0

This is the last place on the internet

I like you guys.
I'm drunk, yep.
But I like you guys.
Let's keep this place alive.
Just because.

There's nowhere else to go.

Everything is pointless, structurally, absolutely, scientifically.
R: 188 / I: 374

Porn Thread #1

ITT, post porn.
You can spam and dump and do whatever.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
R: 49 / I: 29

Rodge Appreciation Thread

He may have been an incel, but he is still technically one of us.
R: 8 / I: 0
I know, or know of so many men who are nearing their 30s or even past and haven't had a serious relationship. Most of them just work and vidya and spend time with their extended family when obligated. They are all low PSL, some have potential and some don't, but its over for them mentally. I can't imagine these guys suddenly getting their mentality together and trying to date for the first time.
An acquaintance I know at church was telling me about the uncle of his wife who had killed himself recently. He dropped a brutal blackpill: "Yeah well he didn't have a wife or even really a career, he hadn't achieved much…" looking at his face and reading between the lines, I could tell he thought the suicide was neither a big surprise or a big loss.
Its over for many succubi too. I know a good amount of succubi who are unmarried at 35+, and they have a complex about it. Its over for both, but its more over for them tbh. Men can still get married at 35 or even 40 and have a normal family. For succubi, that is a near impossibility. And yet no one tells them this. Instead, they just don't talk about it, even though we all know its over.
In the past when young people got to a certain age without marrying they would be pushed to marry. Dates would be arranged, the parents would try to find a nice young man or young succubus for their son or daughter. They would fret and worry if their child reached even their mid twenties without a marriage prospect.
Nowadays what we do instead is just act like it isn't an issue and wait for the person to inevitably blow their own head off. Because everyone knows that missing out on this crucial part of life will eventually ruin a person. But our culture is so fucked that the standard procedure is to simply act like nothing is wrong.
R: 127 / I: 2
I regularly report random posts from this board so the moderators get a little shock when they see it on their moderation queue.

After that initial "Hmm" moment they just think "It's this damn idiot again", but for a moment, I bring them joy.
R: 3 / I: 0

         /^\     .
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R: 23 / I: 2
So, many of you probably already know about the branch of science known as “evolutionary biology” and how it relates to this particular subject, I’ll just quickly recap before I lay out the details relating to the current year and gender relations.

succubi sexually evolved to exist in groups with high female/male ratios (in the sexual economy) and to be extremely sexually selective. succubi had to select for both genetic fitness for healthy offspring and to bare in mind the resource acquisition capabilities of the mate in question.

So they learned to associate resources with certain masculine genetic markers of health and fitness (hunter shaped eyes, strong jaw, full lips, healthy skin, high cheek bones, healthy hair etc.) because these were the men who naturally dominated our initial playing field of hunt and gather. So in our initial setting, the most capable masculine men were the most attractive and traits associated with men who displayed these capabilities were ingrained in the female psyche as markers of this fitness and resulting resources. This is why succubi have adopted what’s coined a “dual-mating strategy” in the milieu of civilization. Because intellectual abilities are what get the resources now, but those possessing those intellects don’t, on average, possess the attributes associated with genetic fitness and thus you get “alpha fucks, beta bucks” saying. Mate with the genetically fit men  “settle” down with the dorky guy and maybe he gets to spread his genes too.
R: 192 / I: 106
Love Your Fellow Wiz.
The Enchanter and the Apprentice in "Experimental Magic Studies"
R: 2 / I: 1
R: 41 / I: 8
R: 13 / I: 5
The fewer people the better, the fewer people the more prevalent my presence is and therefore, the better.
R: 0 / I: 0
He's got a bus to catch, in 3 years.
I sure hope this little fella makes it in time.
R: 9 / I: 1
test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
R: 9 / I: 2

my official departure thread

this is it for me boys

its been about 4 years now? its been fun, im gonna miss you all, i hope you do all well
R: 12 / I: 2


>Had the dream where I was a little succubus exploring her body again
>Woke up more tired than when I initially collapsed
This is how mass murderers are made.
R: 19 / I: 10
This is good.
R: 12 / I: 6
Will you forge a new future with me?
R: 27 / I: 58

Fluffy Pony Abuse

Let's go
R: 17 / I: 2

Vegan board

This board is for vegans with a vegan level of over 9000 - V9K

Please post responsibly and ethically.
R: 1 / I: 0


Hmm.. Let's see.. Nervous, as a first-year should be… Headstrong, with lots of ambitions.. You hope to support your friends, eh? Than I guess I've got no choice but put you in

R: 27 / I: 9
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R: 34 / I: 12
I want to have sex the a 2 dimensional girl
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 1 / I: 0
I've started to imagine things as if they really happened, it feels cool.
Reality can be whatever i want it to be
R: 1 / I: 0
normie here.
ask me anything. Dating advice, social skills advice, career advice, general life advice.
R: 0 / I: 0


Kill normies. Behead normies. Roundhouse kick a normie into the concrete. Slam dunk a normie's baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy chads. Defecate in a normie's food. Launch normies into the sun. Stir fry normies in a wok. Toss normies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a normies gas tank. Judo throw normies into a wood chipper. Twist normie's heads off. Report normies to the IRS. Karate chop normies in half. Curb stomp pregnant stacy normies. Trap normies in quicksand. Crush normies in the trash compactor. Liquefy normies in a vat of acid. Eat normies. Dissect normies. Exterminate normies in the gas chamber. Stomp normie skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate normies in the oven. Lobotomize normies. Mandatory abortions for normies. Grind normie fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown normies in fried chicken grease. Vaporize normies with a ray gun. Kick old normies down the stairs. Feed normies to alligators. Slice normies with a katana.
R: 36 / I: 5
Reply if you still browse /v9k/ erryday.
R: 11 / I: 1
I hereby claim this forsaken land in the name of Feels and Noblemen!  
R: 12 / I: 10
noooooooooooooooo plssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!
why whyyywhywwhhyyyyyy

i was just moody please forgive me
R: 3 / I: 0
chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle
R: 31 / I: 9
How're you guys holding up in 2016 so far?
R: 2 / I: 0


feckin sCOOBERS m8… fck.. cant live w/ em but by GOD we cwnt live w/o them
.. poor lad tryna home study but the aul demin has im by the balls, like whats the lad gonna do?? run to aul ma for help?? no the bitchll just scold him, give him the runarouns bout him needun to let lose or somethin or other, the c*nt probly hired the dammner bitch to fly over and abuse the wee boy till he was sore just so she could get her rocks off… sick. das no help hed prolly hire even more of em abd have a great big orgy on the porch again
R: 44 / I: 48

B L U E - C L O T H E S - W E E K L Y

V ス S
I ク U
R ー N
G ル D
I 水 A
N 着 Y
R: 4 / I: 0
R: 5 / I: 1
All wizzies are invited to my thanksgiving feast
please bring one dish of your chosing, turkey will be provided (dark meat free, white meat $1 per plate)
R: 3 / I: 0



such feels. some of them are even fans of the simpsons
R: 0 / I: 0
I know id probably get my ass beat, but if I sucker punch the faggot from behind or the side I just might be able to overcome him and break his pretty boy face!
R: 0 / I: 0
for sure, kids going into college from high school are just following the herd, not really an idea what they're doing in college and end up wasting some of the best career building years in academics. Homeschooled kids ideally have been given a chance to explore different things and have a good idea what they want to do, and going to college doesn't seem like a required thing to them, so the choice to spend money on college (not to mention, if they've experienced working a business, they know what money is worth) is a more intentional one.

But yeah, you need parents that are involved, and I think both parents have to be on board and participating with homeschooling for it to work
R: 0 / I: 0
well guys im off to another day of waging my life away
no worries it wont be like this forever
remember when succubi stayed home to raise their children anon? we should go back to that
needing two incomes to survive is the exact reason kids are such sensitive pussies raised by the school systems to be offended by everything and blame others for the things they refuse to take responsibility for
im working 9 hours today and it should be interesting
on my break i can make myself something
do you guys have any suggestions for me to try?
its the starbucks succubus btw
hope you all have a lovely day
try to get some sun
R: 0 / I: 0
They are intentionally infiltrating females in this board to give us false hope and to push us even further down.
They created the idea of a "fembot, femanon, femcel" to give us the false feeling of belonging and faith that we can make it and that females that are like us exist.
They make us get close to them only to be "ghosted" (they replace them with other female agents).
They want to break broken men even more, they want to break us down to our molecules and atoms.
They want our death, they want our eradication, they want our extinction.
They are laughing behind their screens, they are laughing at you, me, everyone on this board.
You are all being fooled and tooled. You are all getting laughed at. You are all being watched, spectated and observed.
Always keep this in mind.
R: 5 / I: 0
The gay modbabies
Think they can keep me silent
But inside I scream

-A wizard in despair
R: 1 / I: 0
Anyone else here become a fag because they hate succubi so much? I've spent a decade shifting my sexuality to prefer boy ass and cock over succubus butt and pussy.

If I had a girlfriend, I'd expect her to take closed fist punches daily in the stomach and cunt. If I had a boyfriend, id make him lunch everyday
R: 4 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0
How do zoomers and millennials cope with knowing most will never be home owners and even if we move out rent will force us to move back in eventually? Is this the most cucked generation ever?
R: 0 / I: 0
Why not simply live in a first world country?

>easy to get neetbux where I live

>they give you an apartment, food, and a little bit of money to fuck around with
>its easier now than ever you can have everything delivered
>live in a rural area so theres no waiting lists for apartments or crime
R: 0 / I: 0
succubi follow the herd which is motivated by their feelings. They do not weigh decisions on whether it makes reasonable sense but on if it feels right and what feels right is typically what the female herd is doing. Hence all succubi do hookup culture, even 'christian' succubi
R: 9 / I: 4

summer /b/ refuge

Post here during summer and/or when the site is being invaded. Only true O.L.D.fags know of this place, so it is safe.
R: 39 / I: 12

Alternative image boards

Any other small, comfy boards that aren’t infested with norm-roaches? It feels like wizardchan is being destroyed by 8chan refugees…
R: 2 / I: 0
В 1993 году основал Национал-большевистскую партию.

В 1995 году Лимонов опубликовал статьи «Лимонка в хорватов» и «Чёрный список народов», за которые против писателя было возбуждено уголовное дело[12][13][14][15].

Принимал участие в боевых действиях в Югославии на стороне сербов (во время Боснийской войны познакомился с Желько Ражнатовичем и Радованом Караджичем)[16][17], в грузино-абхазском конфликте[18] на стороне Абхазии, в молдавско-приднестровском конфликте на стороне Приднестровской Молдавской Республики. Обвинялся в том, что в 2000—2001 годах готовил вооружённое вторжение в Казахстан для защиты русскоязычного населения.

В апреле 2001 года по обвинению в хранении оружия и созданию незаконных вооружённых формирований (обвинение снято) был заключён в следственный изолятор ФСБ Лефортово, 15 апреля 2003 года приговорён к 4 годам лишения свободы. Освобождён условно-досрочно 30 июня 2003 года[19]. Вернулся в Москву 1 июля[20].
R: 9 / I: 0
burchase CD?
R: 3 / I: 1
i am so glad today the wagecucks didnt get an extra day off from work this or next week for 4th of july since it just lands on a weekend, tommorow.
i will be sitting comfy with an AC on and probably order a pizza or two
R: 5 / I: 1
make way peasants

superior lifeform comin thru
R: 6 / I: 0
well v9k has disapeared from my google results, so much for that being the quickest way to get to wizchan. just 3 little letters
R: 7 / I: 2


This same feel I've felt so many times before
Empty and alone, I just can't take it anymore
My heart, so cold and bitter
Touch and warmth I crave, and I've neither
What must I do, with these feels I cannot ignore?
R: 8 / I: 3
im putting together a team,
we're aiming to be the champions
go team wizfur
R: 60 / I: 2

These guys are the new freaks. They continue the freak legacy of the other outsiders. They are fraks.
R: 2 / I: 0


ha hahahahahaahahaahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
R: 4 / I: 0
is my cpu good?

R: 193 / I: 0

emotions i have had

I cannt lie i have feelings felt by me. i will try to figure me out. For this wiating for suicide cant go on forevr
R: 3 / I: 0
I'm so bored with life. I don't look forward to anything. I have no emotions, don't enjoy anything. The only time I ever feel anything is anxiety and worry bout the future. I tell myself I need to just kill myself, I''m not afraid of dying, I just want this shit to be over with already. I feel like I skipped ahead to the end of the book of life and all that's left is those white pages at the end of the book. So very, very boring, it takes so much effort to do anything at all.
R: 11 / I: 1

You're next.

If you cherish the times you're having here, then you would be wise to begin archiving those posts which you hold dear.
R: 15 / I: 6

Get rid of /b/

Get rid of /b/. It's time to excise this normalshit-infested cancerous growth off the back of wizchan.
R: 4 / I: 0
Sometimes I get angry and send righteous
Can't delete my posts
When I try
R: 6 / I: 0
This place gets worse everyday. It seems the old board never left us. We really are there forever, huh?
R: 25 / I: 10
>tfw no Lizardchan
R: 1 / I: 0
Sorry admin I try to be better ;___;
Sorry admin I try to be better ;___;
Sorry admin I try to be better ;___;
R: 2 / I: 0
Why are homosexuals given special treatment on this website? Any info on what's going on with that? The mods aren't… fags, right?
R: 12 / I: 7
MANGA-REPORT: Middle aged-virgins.
Manga: Sakuraichi Bargain
Original work: Nakamura Atsuhiko

Chapter 1
The middle-age virgin harboured by the adult daycare sector.

Mr. Sakaguchi (pseudonym) the 44 years old virgin caregiver.
R: 1 / I: 0
ГЕОПОЛИТИКА РОССИИ (учебное пособие 2012)

Русское общество является евразийским, то есть частично европейским, а частично неевропейским, и в целом представляет собой уникальное самобытное явление. Поэтому применять к нему методики западной социологии надо чрезвычайно осторожно и деликатно. Главное внимание надо сосредоточить на выявлении самой социологической парадигмы (на «русском молчании») как матрице русских смыслов. Только при таком подходе отдельные этапы русской истории, ее социологические дискурсы-эпохи приобретут смысл, и лишь затем их можно будет сравнивать с исторической логикой западных обществ и обществ Востока (при соответствующем достоверном и полноценном знании этих обществ, их парадигм – как других, по сравнению с русским обществом и его парадигмой).
R: 7 / I: 0
R: 13 / I: 1
I got 99 problems and a bitch aint one
R: 4 / I: 0
Stop playing with your genitals while watching pornographic videos pretending you are actually having coitus.
R: 0 / I: 0
I am an autist who hasn't had any friends in decades. It would have been self-harm and an act of terrorism against normies, to go to prom or any other social event and make them uncomfortable with my presence.
R: 2 / I: 0


This random shitposter stole our name! Its plagarism and theft. We are the only v9k. We invented it.

R: 46 / I: 11
We are born merely to just wither and die,do you think even normalfags are happy? aren't they just a bunch of ignorants to the truth
R: 13 / I: 1

The Last Exiles

The final grandfathered pre-reform outsider memes are about to expire. They are the survivors who outlived all others, and now it is their turn to creep in to eternal slumber. Like so many others, they no longer consider this their home and are glad to disappear without ever looking back.


R: 7 / I: 1


>tfw can't post on /v9k/
R: 2 / I: 0

this is the end

they're not safe after all
this is from only 1 times a week
not even a toddler tight model
been nice knowing you brothers
let it be known that my last fap was to page 41 of http://thedoujin.com/index.php/categories/16552
finish the job wizards, i'm counting on you
would post dictures but [rules] is [rules]
R: 47 / I: 1

These guys are such freaks.
R: 56 / I: 8


R: 4 / I: 2

Thoughts of wizard

I wrote these while the internet was out sometime in 2016 as a creative exercise. The textfile has been bumping around from HDD to HDD since, might as well post.


I changed my desktop background to white to illuminate a safe passage to my bed.
I should have initiated the PC's shutdown sequence before embarking.

I wake up. I relocate my PC for better airflow and more ample desk space.
My headphone cable no longer reaches my head. I go back to sleep.

I'm glad in the summer knowing that the days will soon begin getting shorter.
I'm upset in the winter knowing that the days will soon begin getting longer.
I shouldn't of listened to mother when she told me to think about the future.

My first non-signup-confirmation Email told me I won a Nigerian charity lottery.
I pondered over emailing them back for many months. Maybe this one was real?

I thought this stack of fifty DVD-RWs would never run out.
How naive I was a week ago.

I downloaded hardsubbed and compressed copies exclusively for my tablet PC.
I felt it was getting sad sitting there without being used for anything.

Mother sent me an SMS saying that there was food for me.
It's been a few days; I'm sure it's been eaten by now.

I never use these CADD and creative programs that I downloaded years ago.
I'll get started on learning them within the next decade or so.

I swapped out my disk drive for a hard drive to back up some data some time ago.
I guess these ISOs will have to wait until I can reach back there again.

The only thing I did today was watch animated shows about young succubi having fun in Japan.
Because of this, I know I will dream of those young succubi. I am reluctant to sleep.

I could probably get some gold by disolving these old PC parts.
I wonder if bleach and dish soap will be suitable acids.

I saw a shooting star and wished for the ability to draw wonderous images.
I wonder when I'll feel up to seeing if the wish came true.

I found a lone ramen flavour packet, the origin of which is a total mystery.
My next bowl will be extravagent; I must watch something great while I eat.

If these figurines could talk…
…What would they scream?

People on the net say it is strange to sit in a small room in front of a PC all day,
Unless you are payed, scolded, wearing a suit, and hating every minute of it.

I wish the power would go out for a few days or so.
It would give me the oppourtunity to burn a candle.

I wonder what they'll claim the item as on the shipping label for something like this?
It's not worth the risk; I'll just buy an onahole or H-figurine instead.

Why did I buy this hat again?
It's not like I ever go out.

So I guess the internet's been out for quite some time now…
…Was I really browsing on cached pages this whole time?

Two blankets, a curtain, and a trash bag.
Still the sunlight gets through.

This anon doesn't know what he's talking about, so I'd better correct him.
Oh wait, I'm the one who posted that so many months ago.

I'm sure I've contracted a keylogger or two throughout my years of pirating and browsing.
Certainly I must have bored the receivers to death by now.

My dreams have been so unadventurous lately that I think I may actually just be sleep walking,
I should prop more weight in front of my door just to be safe.

I've been wearing this shirt for a few weeks and it is beginning to smell.
I'll bet my other one is bone dry by now.

I hope that the roof above my room starts leaking when this snow begins to melt.
I could then keep a coffee pot in here without needing to use the kitchen sink.

I should flip the oscilate switch on that fan next time I get up.
That way me and my PC would get an even share of the breeze.

"No sugar added" ?
I can fix that.

The package was too big for the mailbox so they left a deleviery notice slip instead.
I hope somebody uploaded a tutorial video on how to hand this to the PO clerk.

I dropped an SD card and some case screws a few months back.
Too bad too, this place could use a vacuuming.

The squeeky floor alerts me to incoming danger.
The squeeky floor alerts danger to incoming me.

According to this map website, it will take 12 minutes to get to the convenience store by foot.
I'll just wait until mum has the friday after this one off of work so she can drive me.

Is there a pet that doesn't ever need to go outdoors, have companionship, or have it's area cleaned?
Better ask mum, I think she's raised an animal like this before.

I'll hold on to this empty coffee can.
It's metal, so it probably is worth something in scrap.

January fourth and I've broken my resolutions.
Oh well, there's always next year.

Why is my network card flashing so much when I'm just watching something on my hard drive?
Maybe the admin of that forum is attacking me as payback after all of these years.

I have to wake up early to let the plumbers in and sign for their work.
I hope I don't wake up ever again.

I'm feeling energetic today.
I must be falling ill.

I now have all of the household's bowls in my room.
I'll have to sneak them out over the course of a week.

Oh, they thought I was sleeping so they just ordered enough takeout for themselves.
That's fine, it..It's not like I wanted any or anything; I'm on a diet starting now.

I'd sell this unused item on a classifieds site, but people insist on talking to me over the phone.
And through text, email, in person… They'd probably talk me down to giving it to them for free.

I must wait a while after waking up before visiting the "bright" websites.
I'll order some corrective mirrorshades when I update my prescription.

I've forgotten what my voice sounds like.
I vocalize a yawn to spark my memory.

Mum had me change a light bulb last week.
I think I've earned the rest of this chocolate milk.

If I want to bet nickles on this foreign election online, I must upload a photo of my ID beforehand.
No thanks, I already fell for that one when trying to sell my old MMO account.

After getting fed up, the admin handed power down to someone else.
I feel as though I played a role in that. I didn't want to feel bad today.

I guess I'm a newfag, I've only been using this board for….
…Ten years now.

This electronica is nice and simple. I could probably make some of my own.
I'll learn how by attentively listening to it for a few years.

I should write my own romance VN.
I probably have more romantic experience than the average person on account of how many VNs I've played.

Sometimes I wish my family would snoop through my room and get a good idea of exactly who I am.
The sooner they lose all hope, the sooner I can stop worrying about the "get a job" talks.

Dear Diary… It's been two years since my last entry. Sorry I haven't updated you in so long.
I've been recording my life to anons online instead, but as the internet is out, you will do for now.
R: 26 / I: 8
did someone say SIMPSONS?
R: 11 / I: 4
R: 1 / I: 1
>tfw watching comfy anime and sipping on tea
No better feeling for a wizard
R: 56 / I: 23


R: 21 / I: 4
Why this board from old wizardchan is not showing near other on top of the page?
/b/ too.
And maybe even other seekret clubs I don't know about.
R: 9 / I: 2
R: 40 / I: 16
>/v9k/ will never be the secret wizard hide-out, free of normals
R: 18 / I: 2

V9K Crawl Thread

Anyone else come here to escape from the horde? Maybe we can give this secret board some life.
R: 13 / I: 3


R: 17 / I: 6
>tfw no wizard friend
R: 5 / I: 0

Birthday Thread Thread

>>>/jp/2416 is turning two years old on the 22nd (two days!)

be sure to say happy birthday and give presents
R: 10 / I: 1
What the fuck happened to this site…
R: 22 / I: 6

R: 2 / I: 1

Goodnight, Wizardchan

The calm night swoops over the bright, noisy day like a dark blanket, engulfing the world in a quiet stillness - a cool bath to soothe the burning warrior. A cloaked figure emerges from the mists to offer the 'blessed balm of sleep', releasing us our worries and toils and pains.

Goodnight, Wizardchan;
Sleep tight, and do not mind the bed-bugs.
R: 0 / I: 0
Man cannot discover new oceans,
Until he has courage to lose sight of the shore