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/v9k/ - Dead

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These guys are such freaks.


>tfw no ladmin


They are ruled by a numin now



wizards dont wanna see em

wizards would rather flee em


Wizards will make em flee /b/ and /v9k/


A flea wrecked havoc with my touch screen screen


Hello Numin.


Hello Jerry






File: 1484759271528.jpg (155.06 KB, 960x720, 4:3, warlockgang.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

Real Warlocks comin' through




[21] Fearful of the social consequences of the price hikes implemented in 1979 and thereafter, the leadership hoped that the increases would be tolerated if they were not accompanied by serious shortages. The econonmic crisis made capital- or import intensive solutions to recurring shortages more costly, however, and writing on the wall was clear: they would soon be beyond reach even as temporary expedients. The assumption of a large foreign debt in the 1970s and early 1980s, for example carried tremendous new costs of its own in the form of debt services, pressure from international financial institutions and, by 1982, near-default. In addition, despite the fact that neither actually occurred on any significant scale, anticipation of wholesale reduction of subsidies to state firms and the possibilities of bankruptcies led reformers to think of private firms in terms of potential job creation in the event of state-firm layoffs.




what a bunch of pedophiles smh


no they r not like that



Feels is dead. The world will never know the ideals of mel


The ideology of gp will never be read


It lives


How are they still around?




This time they are finished for good


The only point of Feels is to distract his gym friend from annoying him at the gym.


Feels was an elaborate plot to murder Mel, by trapping him in his own sick brain and driving him to suicide. Now its mission has been fulfilled.


we need another funtown

someone test this shite


STEMlad lectures GP on learning STEM






The madman finally did it


free advertising for reddit now


sad days


Maybe Numin is trying to tell us that Reddit was the true Feels all along. Full of forever alone incels and hapas.


why the FUCK is it still dead


I thought it was just a joke


it is, isnt it?








stop laughing at me


u deserve 2b laffed at for being sad that incels have died


Dead as Dillinger.



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