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/v9k/ - Dead

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They argue that all forms of realism are ultimately either empiricist or rationalist and, furthermore, always tautological.


Phases of expansion began when a preceding phase of decline had "bottomed out": when the increasing rate of peasant productivity (caused by the withdrawal of a declining peasant population to the best, most fertile land and increases in pasture, animal husbandry, fertilizer, and so on) finally exceeded the rate of the feudal levy (which had "peaked out" after a cycle of warfare and political reorganization).


How intellectual



The participants, with one or two exceptions, were born between 1900 and 1910 and ranged from twenty to thirty years of age at the time of the Controversy


[26] Ibid., pp. 205–206


True wizards know that "true wizards" don't exist.


My mom or my dad gets me pancakes from Ihop sometimes.


Apparently, he was unable to finish his lectures and dealt with this problem only briefly.



The climactic confrontation between the flagging incumbents, each still championing his own respective vision of the salvationary mission, erupted in the first half




why do u shill on this board of all places


ok i will read


sometimes I believe in an internet solipsism. That everything was type by me.




The sources of this abiding confidence in the vitality of the American economy are several.





We are well aware of the fact that not all
problems posed by the realities of life have been resolved in this country,
that we have not attained all that we wish to attain.



and protects human life—the
supreme value on earth.



>getting thought cucked by academia.
if there were more original thoughts than people trying to pretend they are as smart as dead people.



OK I will



(Davies, 196).




The result of this refraction is that the single ray is 'fragmented' into various and multi-colored rays,


idk what this thread is about but heres a wizardly gif







the scholastic logic chopping of the monastic volcel


keep reading boys. dead texts are the only meaning to your life



Wtf stop creating new threads on /v9k/, my plan to take over the board is falling apart.


someone used to live here


I’m a dumb wizard


Why do succubi throw away their value to become a disgusting whore? Don't they understand that 99% of men will put a pure succubus on the highest pedestal? They seek to settle down with a loyal man only after they've destroyed their own value by being a disgusting whore during their best years.

These bitches always complain about finding a good man, yet act like worthless disgusting pigs. I fucking hate succubi so much bros.

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