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/v9k/ - Dead

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Reply if you still browse /v9k/ erryday.



t. ruben




it moves so slow I forget it exist sometimes


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ytfug does it exist

what is the purpose of this place


remember the past and record your suffering


there's a reason the past has been forgotten


Don't hurt 2D's.


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Don't tell me what to do.


pretty hot tbh


Once in awhile.


it wasn't meant to be


still hot tbh


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if it pisses you off, i'll do it tbh


been here all week


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i open it up daily but i close it instantly once i see that one thread that has been at the top all week and i got nothing 2 say


what's awesome?


what isn't?


please clap





I UNIRONICALLY WANNA BE A SUCCUBUS AND SUCK BIG WIZZIE COCK RIGHT F********** NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


caught red handed canoodling with that whore


Thirstier than an Arab in a sandstorm.


Thirstier than a Syrian in a swimming pool.


u thought ur post was gonna die and never be discovered when this thread was on page 10? think again bitch


I usually lurk and post in the feels general


you are posting at facebook + twitter combined.


please let me go back to the time when this was posted


Not really, still a great place to shitpost on.


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let this thread die



Wow I posted that 3 years ago, I've gone through 3 laptops since then.
Gonna save that image





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