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 No.144059[Last 50 Posts]

What's your opinion on serving in the military? I know there's been some military wizards on here before, so I guess I was curious about your experiences if you have had any. Though there's a lot of 3rd world wizards who browse here, I guess this is obviously geared towards experiences in the western militaries. Or we could just have a general /mil/ thread for discussing topics and stuff.


The only real downside i see on it subjectively is the killing. Dreaming is free but id like to be a navy seal medic someday if that makes sense.


Wait, wasn't there already a military thread currently active?


Pretty sure we are all anti-military here


>The only real downside i see on it subjectively is the killing

Navy seal medic? In that case Healing is also a downside, Remember you will be healing the ones who you deem as killers seems as though you want to assist but don't want the stigma that comes with killing. Maybe you know this deep down or don't just thought i'd say.

Unless you just don't like the look of blood and guts splattered on the floor by your own doing than i understand your position.

Depends on what military many wizards may hate the Israeli military or the American one.
Based on my experience with wizchan people enjoy being contrarian and wizards are generally diverse in their thoughts.


You could also say i support killers because i pay taxes. I dont like killing, simple and plain.


>dying for the rich elite
i'll pass


It is just a job at this point.
A shitty, dangerous, destructive, uncomfy job that actively makes the world a worse place.


My uncle was in the military from the age of 16, reach a high rank then I think he quit or they cut him loose. The guy now works in private military contracting protecting oil ships etc. If you are willing to be a pawn for forces way beyond your comprehension, then go for it. You are just a machine at that point, killing anything your boss tells you to for the most basic propagandic reasons.


Don't sign up for the military unless you have literally no other options. Being stuck in close quarters with normalfags is hell, favoritism runs rampant, the food sucks and is frequently unsanitary, the housing sucks and is full of mold and roaches, the healthcare sucks and isn't done by medical professionals. The pay is decent at first but as you rank up the military will eventually defacto require you to get a cell phone, a car, your own groceries (even though they'll keep taking $300 out of your paycheck every month for food you can't even be there to eat), and your own apartment, and the pay just doesn't scale up sufficiently to meet all those monthly costs so you'll be broke all the time.

Oh, did I mention the people? I said it would be hell to be stuck in close quarters with them, which you will be whenever you get deployed or whenever you're at work when you're stationed stateside. Remember what high school was like? That's what daily life in the military is like, except that the high schoolers are now placed in positions where they can prevent you from succeeding. You will be labelled as "wierd" and "creepy", you will never be trusted professionally no matter how competent you can demonstrate yourself to be, and you can just forget about getting a decent evaluation for promotion season right now. Are you thinking of signing up to "see the world"? You're required to use the buddy system when going out in foreign countries. Don't have any buddies? Enjoy staring at the grey walls inside your command then.

Seriously don't join the fucking military. You will be happier as a NEET.


You could join the foreign legion and then become a private contractor. I think there's less buddy system there cause the legion is hardcore grunts from Africa or eastern Europa who see a lot of firefight.


>What's your opinion on serving in the military?

Sounds worse than homelessness to me. Having no personal space and being forced to sleep besides snoring, stinky Normie McNormans? Please off me instead.


there are communication engineers, etc. these jobs look interesting. they are not for profit and thus not as stressful. not all of them are on the war field.


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It's a job. If the conditions were good, I'd pick it over any other.


Only if military isnt so masculine id probably like it. Their strict hair code is so annoying.


I'm actually pro-military. But not in the sense "hey lets bomb and invade some 3rd world countries we have no business being in, while I stick a flag decal on my car to show my moral support", more like "lets focus on providing more pay, better benefits, quality healthcare & rehabilitation, housing for every homeless veteran and job opportunities so that they can re-integrate into society after their service ends instead of ending up on the streets.


Most importantly, it's hard as fuck to quit the military and walking off the job can get you put in prison. As far as I'm concerned the military is for people who want to become slaves to the government.


I wouldn't mind if the military weren't so political itself, everyone jockying for prestige and a career paid by uncle sam.



The only reason I'd join is to get experience to join a PMC.


military wizard here, >>144070 is very close to the truth. people rarely join completely out of patriotism.

most people join as either having no opportunities, or because they saw an action movie and thought it would be cool

>Being stuck in close quarters with normalfags is hell, favoritism runs rampant, the food sucks and is frequently unsanitary, the housing sucks and is full of mold and roaches, the healthcare sucks and isn't done by medical professionals.

you get used to all of the terrible living conditions, but it helps you appreciate life more. depending on your job you can end up with great people. its all about finding your niche. dont go to any of the "action hero" jobs, because they are memes to say the least, and mostly filled with type a personalities who will haze yo for trying to be mature

>You will be labelled as "wierd" and "creepy",

yes, this has happened to me on numerous occasions
>you will never be trusted professionally no matter how competent you can demonstrate yourself to be
I overcame this, but it was difficult
>and you can just forget about getting a decent evaluation for promotion season right now.
in many cases it is about who you know.

certain branches and ranks allow you to live by yourself. I basically go home and stay there outside of work, and I put my housing allowance into buying my house.

slavery is a good comparison. you have no say in where you go or what you do, but you get free food and shelter and a small amount of money. on the flip side, lots of young people go in and blow all of their money on stupid stuff and an environment that encourages substance abuse and degeneracy

the only jobs where people make a big deal about it are those where they have nothing better to do

i'll answer any questions if you have them


Paying taxes and being a Navy Seal Medic are different things with different intentions.


To be honest i dont care if they believe they are being altruistic or blood thirsty people who can kill with impunity.

I do think the military is cool.


You still support it if thats what you are against.


Would only consider it as a last resort. Would gladly volunteer to fight in a big war scenario. But I can't believe the military is so desperate as to recruit off wizchan.


Either way, I guess. There seems to be pros and cons.


-Most likely, more money than having a part time job and going to college
-Scholarships from military. You get get a free ride, I hear (U.S.)
-You could become a veteran, and, in the U.S., could be respected.
-Get through P.T. and be fit
-Experience in your field. Examples being as medics, doctors, technicians, etc.
-Military training


-Death if you get into the real "war" aspect.
-It's hard work. Getting through the training will suck.
-Possibility that the work isn't even worth it. You might not even get paid a lot
-Lose time on getting a degree. If you're like me, you don't want to be working full time and getting a degree. That crap is horrible. Life is horrible. Why would anyone shove so many things into their life at once? Why do people do this for their ENTIRE lives? They say they have no free time? They're animals. Nothing.
-PTSD, but not really likely since you don't want to go to war.
-Obviously, bullying for wizardry, social ineptness, etc.

For me, it sounds pretty good, but I hate hard work. I hate the concept of being on my feet ALL DAY and getting little sleep, but it could be worth it for the respect, money (at the time), experience, and other hidden benefits (like discounts)


Romanian wiz here (technically I'm 29). I've been to the military academy and it was pretty much shit. No more privacy, and I fucking mean it. The people you live with are turbo normalfags, usually a mix between chads, very insane stupid peasants and failednormies/crabs. It's straight up darwinism, and if you show your powerlevel in the slightest they gang up on you. You wouldn't believe how mean and cruel stupid young males can be.
But It was worth it.

My parents divorced when I was 18 but I stayed with my dad who of course remarried 1 year later and shit went downhill from there. They started alluring to the day I'm gonna get a job and leave the house, and to make things worse they were expecting a child. I wasn't kicked out but he obliged me to get a job (which I never did). From 20 to 24 where the worst years of my life, basically everybody from my family bullied and talked ill of me (why don't you have a gf, why don't you get out more etc) and I cracked and joined the military. One year after I finished and got a sonewhat decent job in the military I managed to cut ties with them. It was hell but I feel tougher now and I have a place of my own and decent money so I can rot in peace. Basically, I recomend joining the military as a last resort, it will make you stronger in a way.


it's trash, worse than any normal job. i'd kill myself if i got drafted and couldn't swindle out legally or not.


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There's no reason to serve in the ZOG military.

The country isn't under threat from any foreign powers and never will be.

Well save for the foreign power known as Israel but that said our real enemies are the internal Jewish enemies already here.

You sign up to serve ZOG in a military capacity is basically you throwing your life away for psychopathic Jewish interests.

So just saying on a moral level its wrong to sign up.

Now if you're a vacuous soulless individual just looking for a potentially exciting career murdering Jewish enemies for them?

Sure, go ahead and join the ZOG military under those circumstances or if you're severely broke and too stupid/dimwitted/lazy to find any other viable career options that can get you out of your financial black hole.


i was waiting for you to show up.


a wizard can't get PTSD. The only PTSD we have is from highschool.


The closest thing to actually being a solder. Basically a naval officer's bitch, but you have the gun. Originally created by the British to protect officers from the crew trying to mutiny, then evolve in the US to simply the Navy's personal military, but not large enough to fight an actual ground war. Watch Full Metal Jacket for an idea of training. May get a chance to fly a jet, but a lot of other marines will fight you for this position. Be aware they are super picky about physical attributes.


The retarded older brother of the marines. Has their shit less together but is the largest armed service branch. When you were drafted this is typically where you ended up, and if the marines didn't think you were good enough, the army will certainly take you. Training is like summer camp compared to marines' training, though can vary depending if you want to be a Ranger or in the Artillery. Not a lot of actual fighting since most of your shit can be handled by artillery. Probably my second choice if I went into the military, as the marines seem like uber chads to me.

>the Navy

In this branch the difference between an officer and an enlisted man is night and day (more on this latter). If you enter as an enlisted man be expected to be treated like shit and be ordered around by kids much younger than you. Typically get to do a lot of grunt work, but during Vietnam this was the branch of choice as their is rarely any fighting. However this means your deployment will be ass long compared to other armed services. I have heard some bullying occurs on the ship, and it is notorious for gays, though that's changing with succubi aboard. Will most likely work in a small room with loud machine noises. Serving on a submarine may mean better food and ice cream, but then you have to worry about being trapped under water.

>The Airforce

The nerd-chad branch of the military. You think you will be flying fighter plans, but that's mainly reserved for the marines. If anything you will be lucky to fly a bomber. Also there are no enlisted men in this branch, you have to be an officer and continue to be promoted in order to stay in the airforce. As political as being a naval officer. Very competitive as the nerd chads get all the fun assignments, while you are left manning a missal silo, but when the day comes you can take heart in initiating the normie holocaust. The only best part is you may get the assignment of flying a drone for 12 hours at a time, which basically sounds like playing videogames except with a lawyer in the room being very particular about who you can shoot at.

>Coast Guard

A fucking joke that only complete pussys would join when drafted. Now a days is like a glorified EMT service. Don't know how particular they are about their applicants, but when they are not EMTing they are turning away immigrants in rubber boats. Basically charged with guarding the coast line, but has very few offensive options compared to the navy.

>Officer verses enlisted.

This is a big difference. Being enlisted is basically walking off the street, without even completing high school, and saying you want to join the military. Being an officer however is more complicated and is sort of the academic equivalent of saying you are "majoring" in the military, as you have to do well in school at a young age. You can get promoted to an officer from enlisted, but that's much harder to do than just choosing to be an officer out of highschool. When you decide to be an officer, you're sort of quasi part of the military, though first you are sent into schooling. Typically they want to send you to a military academy, which is as prestigious as an ivy league school and completely free. For the Army there is West Point and for the Navy there is Annapolis, and for the Airforce there is some school in Kansas. If you decide not to go to one of these schools, you can still be an officer in another college provided they have a sufficient ROTC program.

Even if you get past all the academic bars to being an officer, you then have to deal with a brutal shark tank of people trying to be career military officers. Being an officer is highly political, about one step down from being an elected government politician. These are people typically kissing the XO's boots while trying to fuck you over behind your back. This is due to the fact that you can't have as many old generals as you do enlisted men. So at worst they'll try to get you to retire early from the military and leave you to fend for yourself in the real world, but being career military can be a sweet deal.

So that's the sum total knowledge that I know of the military, despite never having been in it. All add more if I think of any more.


you are mostly accurate, but I would add that much of the army exists to fill logistics positions, with more aircraft than the airforce, and more boats than the navy.

Officers are just soldiers who went to college. the service academies are special military schools. besides the ones mentioned, there are the merchant marine academy (which is technically not military) but you go into the private sector in the shipping industry. this school allows you to go to any of the services as an officer.

The other one you did not mention was the coast guard academy, which gives officers both military instruction (like the navy) and training in law enforcement.

the air force has lots of enlisted jobs ranging from fixing things to doing actual scientific research. Though the most competitive to get into, the prestige associated with it is rather high. Everyone who enters the airforce can get a free degree while working as part of the air force university, and you can get degrees from electronics, to criminal justice, to hospitality

the navy is a meme branch, that in many ways is stuck in 500 year old tradition, but still too incompetent to succeed with modern technology. The navy has probably the greatest difference in personalities, and certain rates are havens for the wizardly.

The Marines are staffed with people who can unironically not read, and those who joined to be tough and did not realize that the marines treat everyone like a 3rd grader regardless of age, maturity, or intelligence with the added hazing of a high school football team.

The Coast Guard is the smallest branch, and also encompasses NOAA components. But the coast guard also has the broadest mission. they do everything from saving the whales, to catching drug runners, to potentially fighting terrorists and fixing buoys and saving lives

if you want a wizardly job, look at either the air force, the navy, or the coast guard. the navy offers more variety (you can be a firefighter, EMT, police officer, and shoot machine guns all while being the ships cook), while the navy offers more opportunity (you are more specialized but can travel the world and go to cool places like japan, hawaii, africa and the Mediterranean countries), and the air force offers maximum comfy (you get paid if you have to live with the other branches) but your job will usually make you another cog in the airforce wheel, with almost nothing ever changing


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I made a shitty guide to joining the Navy. If there's some young wizkid here who's absolutely set on joining the military and can't be dissuaded no matter how many times I post about what a fucking shitshow it is, the very least I can do is help keep him from making a retarded decision and completely ruining 4-6 years of his life.

"Rate" refers to the specific job or occupation you'd do in the Navy. Specialty is a much bigger deal in the Navy than it is in the other branches, and it would even be part of your title. Your recruiters will try to force you into whatever rate they need to fill quotas for that month, they will epecially try to push nuke or undesignated depending on whether you're smart or dumb. It's better to go into the office knowing what you want. It's even better to see that there's nothing that you want and just not visit the recruiters in the first place.


the military is a bunch of spherejerkers that spend a lot of my money to protect us from noone.


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>I've heard plenty of stories of nukes walking around base in fursuits.


this noone sounds pretty powerful


Why anyone would want to join the military NOW is beyond me.

You want to go get killed in Trump's war?


ah yes, the noone, the mythical embodiment of evil, the singular entity that is anything not freedomy enough, communism, terrorism, socialists


I got conscripted and will start to serve in a year. Tried to dodge it by claiming mental illness but unless you are actually insane and screaming all the time they will not consider a disability. Can the military kick me out for not obeying ? Is there any way I can escape it?


Why didn't you tell them that you're homo?



Sir I'm sorry to inform you that you've been in a coma for ten years.


smoke weed. piss hot.

boom. you're out.

or you could always put in effort despite the crushing self loathing and depression…


I thought about joining the military but I've been in a mental hospital and take psychiatric medication. Apparently these are big no-nos. If you've ever been on antidepressants, for example, they don't let you join without some serious paperwork and approval slips


I hope the us military is cut down to canada levels for more neetbux



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I would enlist if I could, the only problem however is I can't join due to medical issues like epilepsy.


Those jobs require extremely thorough security clearances that nobody who belongs on this website would be able to pass


Delta Force are so cool.


you would be surprised, wiz.


The only viable position in the military that I could possibly see for a genuine wizard would be as the cook and or possibly a mechanic.

To be an actual fighting man that can take down and kill the enemy you pretty much have to be a roided up, high T, aggressive Chad which is to say the opposite of a wizard.

A Wizard is on average a low T, beta male manlet (and proud of it) who eschews violence, is passive aggressive (if aggressive at all) and is timid in the speaks only when spoken to nature.

That simply won't cut it as a frontline soldier, I'm sorry but if you guys want to LARP and pretend Wizards can be big tough military bros then I guess continue to have at it but its like the equally nonsensical idea that says alcohol and drug addicts can also be wizards when no you basically have to be a heavily social Chad to even get access to such chemicals/drugs to imbibe.


KV here. I am lurking for the first time on wizchan but hope I can help. I served in the Bundeswehr for one and a half years in the heavy infantry of the paratroopers (It is possible to enlist for very short times in germany). Because my enlistment was so short I only got training on platoon level (no reason to spend money on an asset that you can't retain for long). It was an interesting experience and I am happy that I tried it. Basic was shit but super fun. Infantry school less shit, pretty fun but also a lot harder in some regards. I joined to see if this is a way of life for me and to challenge myself and having my intentions in mind made my service so much more bearable. The most obvious way to find out is to join.
But I have to mention that I am probably only something of a distant cousin to you kind spirits on here so disregard me all you like.


I might join the FFL. I think that since I am a brainlet, dying with honor is THE best I can do.


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longtime chairforce vet here, of the kissless variety. Did 6 years active and am reserves now. I've spent lots of time on Army controlled joint bases plus overseas tours and have a few ex marines in my current unit whom Ive talked to often regarding their past experiences so I have a very good firsthand overview of the various branches with the exception of Navy/CG, I've never interacted with them much.

Theres a ton to go over, I guess I should start by sorting through whats already been said, if I reply to posts made about something being inaccurate try not to get offended.

>Don't sign up for the military unless you have literally no other options
depends on lots of things, will elab later if I have the energy.

>Being stuck in close quarters with normalfags is hell, favoritism runs rampant,


>food sucks and is frequently unsanitary, the housing sucks and is full of mold and roaches, the healthcare sucks and isn't done by medical professionals

True for Army/Marines, Ive eaten at their chow halls, as for the housing, it depends on the location, lots of barracks are 70's era but some bases have new ones being built but its a slow transition. I guess I could into the general housing topic now. From what I've lived in and seen, old units are usually 2 to a room, 3-4 at max capacity if theres some big unexpected influx but thats rare, bunk beds. A shared bathroom between 2 rooms, theres lots of videos online you can look up to see what barracks are like among different branches. Pretty much a college dorm scenario.


yah I know they're norms, just watch on mute if it bugs you. the last vid shows the new units that are the AF standard, which are very nice, you get a guaranteed private room and bath and a shared communal area with 4 others. Keep in mind thats stateside though, overseas is different.

You live onbase in barracks if you're low rank and single, which is dumb and was one of the things that pissed me off the most, was that a person who was married is allowed to move offbase or reside in base housing, which are actual houses not dorms. Anyways when you get to E4(corporal) usually after about 2 years in then you can move offbase, you get extra money to pay for your rent which is based on the local cost of living. I was able to get out much earlier(about a year in if I remember) because the dorms were over capacity, you have to prove you're not a dummy with your finances and haven't been in trouble, fill out the right paperwork, that kind of thing then you get an exception and are allowed to be a big boy and live in your own apartment.

>The pay is decent at first but as you rank up the military will eventually defacto require you to get a cell phone, a car,

yah pretty much, you need a phone so they can keep tabs on you. its part of the job, I know its dumb but its just the way it is. you can get around without a car if you live onbase, things are within walking distance and theres usually a shuttle route from the Commissary, Post office, all that stuff. Some bus routes even take you from onbase to whatever mall/downtown are is closeby, I remember it being like that at Sheppard/Wichita. But just get a $2000 beater car its not a big deal. if you can't handle it then bike to work, people do that too.

>your own groceries (even though they'll keep taking $300 out of your paycheck every month for food you can't even be there to eat),

when you live in the barracks and are on mealcard they do that, 10 dollars a day for chowhall, it does suck bigtime if you miss meals lots because of your job or you don't make it there in time. when you go to the chowhall eat your food, then stock up on lots of food to take back with you to the barracks. You can file missing meal reports and get off mealcard and start getting BAS instead but its a pain.
However when you move offbase they stop charging you for mealcard and you get BAS, Basic Allowance for Subsistence, its like 250 a month to pay for groceries, not much I know, gotta eat cheap. If you were living in an apartment and still having mealcard charges thats wrong and you shouldve got it sorted out with finance, sorry bud.

> just doesn't scale up sufficiently to meet all those monthly costs so you'll be broke all the time.

I know its common norm advice but you gotta live within your means. Im admit Im much more cheap than most and had tons of savings when I left active, 30 grand in checking/savings because I didn't buy a brand new car with skyrocket interest rate, didn't spend a dime on femoids, didn't buy electronics and other junk all the time like the other airmen did.

>That's what daily life in the military is like, except that the high schoolers are now placed in positions where they can prevent you from succeeding. You will be labelled as "wierd" and "creepy", you will never be trusted professionally no matter how competent you can demonstrate yourself to be, and you can just forget about getting a decent evaluation for promotion season right now

pretty much, its a norm game and you have to be able to pass as one to succeed. even if you think your command/peers think you're weird and creepy, they at least appreciate that you don't get in trouble like the other idiots by drinking/starting fights and that kind of stuff, they don't say it or express their gratitude though.

>You're required to use the buddy system when going out in foreign countries. Don't have any buddies? Enjoy staring at the grey walls inside your command then.

I dont know what your liberty policy was, Im assuming Army or something so probably something restrictive.
On all my trips I went offbase alone all the time no problem, even if I was breaking the official "buddy policy" nobody cared, not even my supervisor, because they knew I wasn't going to drink and start shit with the locals and get in trouble. Its not a guarantee though, you have to know how to get away with it, and be very familiar with using public transportation if you want to get anywhere without paying super high cab prices, you can't get away with breaking curfew though though so don't attempt that.

>You will be happier as a NEET.

Active duty was misery lots of the time, I admit, and I wouldn't say I'm "happy" now as a reservist semi-NEET(one weekend a month warrior), but thats on me. Ive always been depressed and pessimistic but its much calmer, and not as bad or stressful. the benefits and pay are nice, I'm trying to get to a point where I can live off drill pay, my tax return and foodstamp so I have 28 days out of the month off without working.
Reserves, maybe Guard is what I would recommend for those interested in military life, you get a taste of what its like but without the massive fulltime commitment and contract. if you like it, then you can go active. its more difficult to do the opposite, especially in the middle of a 4/6 year term, you'd have to Palace Chase/Front.

ugh, dont know where to start with all that. but its like… 50% wrong.
what the heck are you talking about, the Army doesn't have nearly as many air assets as the AF, nor boats than the Navy, you can look the numbers up online. Are you talking about non-US forces?

listen to this guy, best advice is to thoroughly research what Rate/AFSC/MOS(job) you want and to have a slot for it guaranteed in writing. Don't let recruiters talk you into joining quickly you'll get stuck doing whatever needs filled like Mechanics, Security Forces(Military Police), Infantry or whatever hard dirty dangerous stuff needs bodies. Go for anything office related if you want comfy, like Finance, Admin, Cyber, Legal, maybe medical or services but those have a mix of good and bad conditions.

The absolute biggest things they look for on clearances are you finances, you can't be in debt because that makes you a risk factor, not having been to countries the US isn't on good terms with, and lastly criminal history. I have a Secret clearance and the most I had on my record were a few speeding tickets and other traffic stuff. Do not lie about anything legal related like that though, trust me. Medical stuff/having smoked weed or whatever in the past you can get away with not telling them. I dont wanna get too much more into that, its getting out of scope.

No offense, but you 99% probably won't make it. you need to literally be in Olympic level athlete levels of strength, endurance and conditioning for that, you gotta carry a hundred pound load over 25 miles day on the final marches. I think the dropout rate for their training is 80-90%, which is equivalent to what you see in special forces tryouts, comparatively standard army's bootcamp rates are 10-20%.
If you have the dedication to train, and I mean absolutely train hardcore for at least a year or two to get into your peak fitness level, while learning french then give it a shot, and even then its definitely not guaranteed.>>144095


>>144074 here, probably should have specified that my branch was the Navy.

A lot of people like to say that the Navy is the best branch for food, and that's really not true. It's true enough at certain shore commands where professional civillians are hired to do the cooking - though at most shore commands the cooking is done by retards contracted by Goodwill, imagine the results for yourself - but on a ship and especially during deployment the food is utter shit. Part of it has to do with the food being stored on the ship for weeks without replenishing it due to the fact that you're in the middle of the ocean, and part of it has to do with the CSs being up and working from 05 to 21 every day leaving them unable to give a fuck if the food is raw or burnt.

The housing, of course, is the ship itself, where you share a berthing with 50 or more others. If you're lucky the base your ship is moored at might have a moldy barracks room, typically two to a room, contracted out to a private company that barely cares available for you to sleep in, but until a room opens up you're stuck on the ship. Once you make E-5 the Navy might give you BAH and let you rent an apartment, out in town, though many bases will force you to take a barracks room instead if one's available because the housing contractors need tax dollars. And obviously on deployment you're stuck on the ship the whole time. It's hard to sleep on the ship, not so much because of the crowded berthing, but more because you're cramped into a five foot rack and the air conditioning is cranked up to fucking freezing ostensibly for sanitary purposes.

As for your question about liberty policy, it varies. When your ship is in home port, of course, liberty policy is such that it's just like a regular job wherein you come in in the morning, do your work, go home in the afternoon, and do whatever you want til the next morning. On deployment is where it gets restrictive. Liberty buddy policy in all foreign ports, one member of every liberty party must volunteer to not drink while you're out. The ship could be suddenly ordered tp take off at any time, so you must be back on the ship by a certain time every day, which usually leaves you with 5 hours or less of liberty time most days. The policy beyond that varies by what area of the world you're in, for example the more dangerous or unsanitary the country the less alcohol you're allowed to consume and the closer you have to stay to the ship. In Africa you're barely allowed to get a buzz, and in the Middle East you can sometimes get away with getting a little bit drunk. Of course, imagine being out to sea surrounded by dumb faggots 24/7 for 60 days and then being told you have five or less hours to spend off the ship before getting right back to it. Most folks choose to ignore the rules and binge drink their frustration away. It's possible to get away with it for most people, but those few who the chiefs - our senior enlisted personnel - don't like typically get their liberty taken away. I personally kept my head down and was very careful to stay out of trouble, but I saw the chiefs fuck people over on the tiniest bullshit.

About the chiefs, there's a much greater difference between senior and junior enlisted men in the Navy then there is in any other branch. Your typical chief de factor has more power than most officers, and the chief's mess collectively can more or less tell the CO what to do. You'd think this would work out great for the junior enlisted men, but in reality it just doesn't. Those who stay in long enough to become chiefs develop a bizzare autism about Naval rules and regulations, and it becomes a point of pride among most of them to fuck over their subordinates as much as humanly posdible, even over things that aren't even covered by the actual rules. In the Navy, your chief is your god, and your god hates you.

I suppose life in the chair force might be better, but if I could go back in time I'd just avoid the military altogether.


>A Wizard is on average a low T, beta male manlet (and proud of it) who eschews violence, is passive aggressive (if aggressive at all) and is timid in the speaks only when spoken to nature

Nice projection. What applies to you doesn't apply to every other wizard, retard. While you had a point about a wizard not likely to be in the military (its below us), you completely negated your point by bringing in your shitty projections


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Badasses. I hope some wizard worked with these people or part of these people.


Why is it below us? Apart from being a slave which is like all jobs available to us.


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My post wasn't "shitty" or poorly thought out, dickhead.

If we were anything other than what I stated we'd cease to be wizards.

Christ, sometimes I really wonder if any of you fuckers have the ability to actually think.


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That orignal post was nothing but assumptions with no fact attached to it whatsoever.
>If we were anything other than what I stated we'd cease to be wizards
So you are basically saying that if you had won the genetic lottery or you come out of your late bloomer state that you would happily run off and become a norm?

Wizards come in all forms, your /r9k/ summary of a few negative traits is disgusting honest to god. The first guy who called you out was right when he said you are doing nothing but projecting.


Have worked with them, they are usually just ultra-normans or chadbros. Many of them are in it for the adrenaline. Would not recommend unless you think getting hazed for months is fun.

Too all wizards I would highly recommend finding a job working as far away from these people as possible


I've been in the US Army for about three years now and I would advise anyone here to stay far away from the military as possible.

The military is not built for wizards, it is built for normies. Not just any type of normies, but really the lowest, most degenerate types that come from trailer parks. But even the normies can't stand the endless b.s. that comes from normal daily life in here - hence why almost everyone gets out after their first contract.

The only people who stay in past their initial obligation are normies who dug themselves into a hole, meaning they got a pregnant wife or young kids to feed. Everyone else, who has a lick of common sense and pride in themselves get out as soon as possible.


More details about your situation please.


I hear that advice a lot. Will follow




So the reason I joined the Army in the first place was to escape NEETdom. I dropped out of college at age 21 and spent a few years being a NEET after which point I had nothing to put on my resume, any contacts, or references.

If you are seriously considering joining the US military I would advise to join only the Air Force or the Coast Guard where the average recruit is better in terms of intelligence and temperament. Even so, I would advise to wait for a job which has a civilian equivalent like those in medical, mechanic, or information technology.


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Go on a military forum for a country without conscription and you'll probably see that most of the people posting are barely literate.

I have nothing against people in the military, it's just an observation.

When I was younger I strongly considered joining. A rock solid military pension would be really nice.




the pension is probably the only good thing. too many young people destroy their bodies before they are even old enough to draw a pension (alcohol and hard manual labor) but at least you get free school out of it in the united states, though most people do not take advantage of it, choosing to play vidya, and find succubi and beer


I'm hardcore anti-military. I believe all people working in the military (and police) should quit their jobs today and never look back because the things they do are wrong and immoral.


I can understand your point of view, but the military itself is not wrong or immoral, it is the people in it that have used it for wrong or immoral jobs. there is nothing wrong with wanting to defend your family or community, but many nations have falsely used the term "defend" to mean occupy and invade. the united states changed the name of the department of war to department of defense to try to lessen the reality.

in the military, there are not enough people to sustain it. prerequisites such as the non-use of narcotics and being healthy are too discriminatory for new recruits. and the problem that happens is the militry (via other departments) tries to augment positions with police. any small town can get high explosives, and machine guns so it can "support homeland security."

If people like you joined the military and turned it into a fighting force for good as a leader, then we would not be in the position where only power tripping angsty teens can become trained killers with no leashes


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Brit here, thinking of joining the Army Reserve (if a wiz knows an easier alternative please let me know), but I don't know how well I'd cope with the training, anyone got diet/fitness for me before I die for the zog in a year or two?
also I'm 20 and I can't tie my shoes do you think they'd give me velcro


Get in shape and learn how to tie shoes. They will not give you velcro. You will learn the skills you need or you will be beaten until you do.


do you have any advice as to certain things I should do/avoid, "get in shape" is a bit vague


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The military is never used for defence and you can never have a conflict between two superpowers ever again, because we have now reached the end-game with nukes. Another world-war would mean the end of the world. The military is mostly a colossal waste of resources, just sending out an airstrike to kill a single-digit number of primitive terrorists in the middle east costs millions of dollar. Imagine how much money is spent on just training missions as well, the cost of all the ammonition and equipment. It is frankly an absurd waste of resources. Most of the military should be disbanded, it should only be used as a security measure in case a war ever broke out.


If contractors would stop overcharging the military it would be possible to expand and cut the budget at the same time. If you ever work with supply shit at all you start to notice how the military buys shit from contractors for thousands of dollars that you could buy yourself out in wal-mart for maybe two hundred dollars at most. The military-industrial complex is very real, I'd guess that if contractors started charging the military fairly we could safely cut the defense budget by 75% with absolutely no loss of manning or equipment.


> If you ever work with supply shit at all you start to notice how the military buys shit from contractors for thousands of dollars that you could buy yourself out in wal-mart for maybe two hundred dollars at most.
the meme is real, there was a couple that got away with charging the government millions by selling 10 cent washers for $100 each, and it took years for anybody to even realize what was going on.

I think that national guard is a good thing, when it works as a response force and provides jobs where troops help build roads and schools in their communities but still has training to fight if they need to is better than an army that goes around the world and serves as a political show of force, since that seems to only motivate others to escalate their inflammatory rhetoric and start fights.


>not using side zip boots to never have to tie laces
are you even trying fellow wizard?


>U.S. forces fired 66 Tomahawk cruise missiles on three Syrian targets early morning local time, making for a price tag of $92.4 million for those missiles alone.
>With an estimated cost of $1.4 million each, Raytheon's Tomahawk missile has an intermediate range of 800 to 1,553 miles and can be deployed from more than 140 U.S.

So just a single missile that is used to killing a bunch of nobodies in the middle of nowhere (and most of them probably missed the target anyway) costs more money than you will make in your entire life. It is completely obscene and should tell you how retarded and shitty this world is.


>14 years work with a 6 figure salary
its more the idea that some dude with $400 in old Russian surplus weapons has a net wealth of a CEO if you consider the money spent to kill him.

the problem lies with people who see the military as a stepping stone to making money, rather than a means to help others and get personal growth


It's not like they just burn the money on an altar and the rocket appears out of nowhere. People get paid to make it and to use it. Being able to murder a bunch of nobodies is just the icing on the cake.


If you can't even figure that out through your own independent research then you're probably quite suitable for military service


The entire world benefits immeasurably from the United States stabilizing influence on global geopolitics and trade. Denying terrorist organizations the ability to operate in foreign shitholes has beneficial effects which are difficult to appreciate but nevertheless significant.

also this.


The only terrorist organization the US has attacked recently was ISIS, which is fair since ISIS has claimed terrorist attacks on US soil. Syria's Assad regime, however, is a legitimate sovereignty and the only conceivable reason to attack it is to destabilize the region.



im in the military but a virgin. Its not worth it. All the benefits are things you can obtain yourself if you aren't lazy. My day to day is hearing stories about chads and their new stacies and getting cheated on by last stacy.


Wellfare queen trying to justify his shit useless non needed job. The troops are welfare Queens


>It's not like they just burn the money on an altar and the rocket appears out of nowhere.
The money overwhelmingly goes to the elites/scammers/moneyhoarders, whatever you want to call them. The elites uses the money to buy influence in the government and forces policies that benefits them and fucks up the rest of society. Wealth inequality increases, forcing normal people to work for slave wages just to live.
Yes, you basically put the money into a fucking drain, those 1 million dollars goes into the bank account of someone who already has 1 billion.

>People get paid to make it and to use it. Being able to murder a bunch of nobodies is just the icing on the cake.

Retarded logic. We spend copious amount of resources on producing waste, a dogshit. Basically even worse than that because it does more damage than good. The shithole becomes and even greater shithole, making shit people flee to our countries, turning them into shitholes as well.
You're saying that "oh but the workers got paid for producing the missile". It is tax money that it used, money that was taken from regular workers themselves. You're thinking that "oh but the money came from the government, it was handed out by Santa Claus.". The workers could have fixed infrastructure or done other stuff, tons of shit that needs to be done in this society that are more important than creating a dogshit.

Get a load of this "good citizen". People like you are the greatest cancer of society, you allow psychopats to rule the world. The wars are just a financial/political tool, beneficial only to 1% of people. Not only does it cause harm to the countries that are attacked, it harms us as well.


You also fail to mention that the reason these 'terrorist organisations' exist in the first place is because the US has invaded half the middle east.
Saying that invading their countries kills their 'US get out of my country' movements is retarded.


The US-Israel-Saudi alliance is backing ISIS in Syria, specifically so they can fuck up the place. It's not official official, but it's open knowledge by now.

This alliance between the American rulers and wahabbis / Islamic chuds has gone on since the '80s, when Zbig got the great idea of unleashing the Islamists against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan to fuck shit up. Why would America's rulers back away from a playbook that worked so well for them?

Everything the rulers are doing is to fuck with Iran to prepare for the inevitable invasion


If by waste you mean space age technology that allows us to fund the research of even more tech, then sure. You need to make a thousand rockets that can commit murder in cool inventive ways to impress people to give your research money, there's no other way about it. Saying that there's some infrastructure that could use that money better makes no sense because you could be talking about basically anything this way. The wars make everyone richer because they give people jobs, it is by no means a waste of tax money, and there will always be the 1%, why is this even an issue worth bringing up? It doesn't matter if terrorists were the creation of USA, we need those wars to move forward as the whole of humankind. You can cry all you want that humans, this way of thinking or me in particular are evil, this is how it's done and you can't change it.


>If by waste you mean space age technology that allows us to fund the research of even more tech, then sure.
Sure, let's create an even more advanced rocket that costs 10 million instead of 1. Now we can kill 2 towel-heads with the rocket instead of 1, very beneficial to the general public.

>You need to make a thousand rockets that can commit murder in cool inventive ways to impress people to give your research money, there's no other way about it.

Where is the logic in this? We don't need to kill fucking desert people in order to progress in technology. We don't need more military technology either because it's nothing but a resource-drain.

>Saying that there's some infrastructure that could use that money better makes no sense because you could be talking about basically anything this way.

Wrong, society is way more inefficient than it should be and there is a general consensus on this. Say there's a broken driving sign somewhere, the government will spend 100x more time getting it fixed than they should spend. If they're building a school, the school could get built quicker if people were given that job instead of creating pointless rocket missiles. There's huge room for improvement in this inefficient society , not just a little bit. And I was merely talking about wasted labour, if you want to talk about wasted money, oh boy, there are one trillion better ways you could spend it than blowing it up in the middle east.

>The wars make everyone richer because they give people jobs, it is by no means a waste of tax money

And now you're talking as if fucking printing money makes people richer. A country's money is just a reflection of the resources and labour in that country. If this is shit then the currency is shit. Blowing resources and labour up in the air makes people poor and shitty, did you forget that the Iraq war costed 2.5 trillion? How is that gonna be paid off? By stealing resources and labour from regular people, turning them into wage slaves for pennies.
You are worthless, I will not reply again and waste more time on your shitty brain.

>and there will always be the 1%, why is this even an issue worth bringing up?

Wealth inequality is greater than ever in previous history because the world is currently more of a freakshow now than it has ever been before. And you're sitting here defending money-burning on fucking wizchan while people are forced to work 12-hour days for pennies. Haha, what the fuck is wrong with you man?

>It doesn't matter if terrorists were the creation of USA

It doesen't matter if the problem perpetuates itself, we need to continue the problem forever instead of just cutting the losses?

>we need those wars to move forward as the whole of humankind.

It doesen't benefit anyone at all except for a couple of businesspeople and politicans. It's actually devastating due to the resource waste, and boosts 3rd world immigration. Not to mention these countries themselves, have you heard anyting positive about Libya or Syria recently? I'm sure the'yre thankful for USA's "service" to them. The damage done by these wars are immense, and they are 100% completely and utterly unnecessary + retarded.

>You can cry all you want that humans, this way of thinking or me in particular are evil, this is how it's done and you can't change it.

So let's delete politics then and just let whoever the fuck rules us in whichever way he wants to? Let's just sit and watch retards run society into the ground and make us suffer, without even critisizing it?

>or me in particular are evil, this is how it's done and you can't change it.

Well you're very retarded and pathetic, which equals evil, I guess. Stupid fucks makes a lot of people suffer due to their shitty desicions and opinions. Dumb people are evil and retarded, fuck 'em and put them into a meat-grinder, thank you very much.


everyone here has PTSD from existing


You talk about nothing but 'this could have been done better' and 'why are people so dumb that they do bad and not good?'. Do you honestly think that all these politicians WANT things to be this way? What kind of solution do you have, "let's dump all this money from military and rich people onto infrastructure and poor people and things will solve themselves?" What rights do YOU have to call the people in the government retarded and imply that they have no clue what they're doing? Maybe you know someone who could replace them? Who are those replacements? Have they studied at a better university? Are they just better, smarter and more well-intended? And what makes them so? Because if they're still just plain humans in the exact same harsh world, then they won't be able to change shit. So complain all you want, once you'll feel like you've been given a chance to actually change the world, you'll meet the hard truth. The reality is that this is the way you HAVE to run the world, and you're just a little bitch who thinks he deserves better than the rest and can't put himself in the shoes of bigger people with actual responsibilities. And nobody will ever give you a chance to do anything but watch, I certainly wouldn't. Just keep talking about your 'politics' and feeling good about yourself so you don't bother anyone actually important.



Alright, norman. People are inherently good because -you- insist. Nevermind the lives we've all led, and the history books we've read. You're right, norman. Everything is sunshine, and rainbows, and everyone is earnestly trying their hardest and wants the best for everyone.

Next time, on Sesame Street, we learn the letter "R"


>You talk about nothing but 'this could have been done better'
Nope, I'm saying that society is being ran in an extremely shitty way. Not mediocre, not slightly bad; extremely bad. Mindblowingly bad. Obviously I'm going to fucking emphasize this point. How fucking retarded do you have to be to say "it doesen't matter how good it is because it could always be better"? So nothing at all matters then? Why did you even bother writing your stupid reply then, RETARD?!

>'why are people so dumb that they do bad and not good?'

Because we're all in the same boat in this society, the actions of others will affect me as an individal. It's not each man on his own here, this is a cooperative project that we live in. I suffer because of the retarded desicions of other people, they have an immense impact on my life.
And, it's not a matter of people being "dumb", it's a matter of them being completely and utterly moronic. OF COURSE I WILL SCREAM IT OUT LOUD.

>Do you honestly think that all these politicians WANT things to be this way

I don't even think they give a fuck, I think they're more concerned with being power tripping bastards and getting money for a new golden Rolex watch. People who actually wanna do good don't get into power anyway; crooks get into power. Democracy has nothing to do with merit whatsoever, getting into power is a matter of playing this shitty game where you have to become a sell-out to your donors and manipulate otehr people. Are you really implying that people such as Donald Trump are the most qualified people to run this country, or even anything close to that? If you could choose between the other 300 million people in USA, Donald Trump would be the best you could come up with. Fucking hell, man.

>What kind of solution do you have, "let's dump all this money from military and rich people onto infrastructure and poor people and things will solve themselves?"

And what are you saying now, that wealth cannot improve the living standard in a country? Jesus fucking christ man. So I guess there's no difference between Saudi Arabia pre and post oil wealth then, or the USA boomers grew up in vs current USA? Wealth doesen't matter folks, burn up all your money and belongings because they are nothing but a waste of space.

>What rights do YOU have to call the people in the government retarded and imply that they have no clue what they're doing?

Yeah, what rights do I have? I'm just a little peasant boy that have to shut up and worship unmerited retards that don't deserve to be in power, right?

>Maybe you know someone who could replace them?

Oh gee, no. I couldn't find a more qualified person to run USA than Obama. Obama is the most qualified person in the world, haha. I could shit out a more qualified person out of my fucking ass than the people who get into power.

>Have they studied at a better university?

Oh no, daddy and mommy put their offspring in le meme university so it could memorize memes and become "smart", gotta worship that right?

>The reality is that this is the way you HAVE to run the world

Yeah, people HAVE to start WW1 and WW2 when they get into power, these things HAS to happen. The entire history of manking was already predetermined, the actions of people had no effect on it.

>And nobody will ever give you a chance to do anything but watch, I certainly wouldn't.

Well, when that comes from someone as fucking useless as yourself it is basically a compliment.

>Just keep talking about your 'politics' and feeling good about yourself

Yeah, I'll just keep complaining about mindblowingly retarded decisions of other people that have an immense impact on my own life, thank you.

>so you don't bother anyone actually important.

I know, con-artists are so important and righteous. Why don't you go and suck one of their cocks since you worship them as your gods.


Alright, I guess I get where you're misunderstanding me. I was always trying to say that there are no good people, and no people good enough to rule the world. That's why the way it is being run right now is the best we will ever get, unless someone mentally more developed that humans arrives and helps us. Obviously I would never say that the way the world is run is the best ever, it is just the best we will ever have. I just find your necessity to explicitly state that the world sucks a bit infantile. I mean, everyone knows this already, why are you even crying about it? The government sucks, sure, but honestly why mention it if your only idea of improving it is getting some kind of better people? If better people for this job existed, they would be put in place. And no, stopping all wars and making sure everyone is happy isn't the definition of a better politician, why are you so naive?
Like I said, you have never actually tried to put yourself in the shoes of people who rule the world. They are just people, like you and me. They get tired, stressed, and want something back for doing these immense tasks. Why do you have to blame power tripping, as if they were being specifically evil towards everyone, if you can easily explain it by the fact that they're just trying to survive in the same harsh world.
Your only way of arguing is to greentext my sentences one by one because you can't grasp the whole text at once in your little head. I don't mind sucking their dicks because I sure as hell don't want to be stuck in their place, trying to govern when people like you will never appreciate it anyway. You'll never raise a child, let alone one that is better than Obama. Wars are always bound to exist, just actually read some fucking books. I'm feel embarrassed as hell by your childish worldview.


Another stupid fucking reply that I could take apart and annihilate, but I've already wasted enough time on your slimy brain. Enjoy being a retard/troll/whatever the fuck you are.


Aww, it's alright, wiz, it was just an internet argument. You weren't taking it too seriously, were you? We could've spent days on this pointless discussion. It's such a shame you decided to quit.



Good call not responding to that one. Notice how he went all condescending and easy going after angrily preaching about how the world is perfect and the best it can possibly be, [you spoiled brat! – that's her speaking]



I wonder if medieval men at arms or roman legionaries also where this fucking annoying when they returned back home "hurrdurr join the army, did I already tell you how awesome the army is durr"


For romans they often just enslaved people they conquered into their military so they didn't really have to, and most other medieval militaries had some manner of shady conscription to swell their ranks.


Why serve in the military?
>to protect my country
protecting your country while shooting civilians in the other half of the world lul
>to get money/fund college
if you're willing to uproot your entire life for some cash, there are other jobs which pay much better
>to become a hero and get status
>to kill nigs lmao
homeless people are much easier available and don't resist as hard

face it, the military is a normgroid facility unsuitable for the modern wizard


All that depends on the country in question, really.


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>A Wizard is on average a low T, beta male manlet (and proud of it) who eschews violence, is passive aggressive (if aggressive at all) and is timid in the speaks only when spoken to nature

Is that you?


Pro military as a job or instutution, don't have a problem with killing (but if you can kill somone means they can kill you too and I am in no way /fit/.

The only downside I see is serving Israels whims and the bad med help once you are cripled.

PTSD is to be considert but I am mentally fucked anyway and I rather die/ an hero because eventually my government will run out of neet bucks to pay me.


Me on the left versus you on the right


I previously wanted to join the military, because I thought it was definitely something that would be good for me, but now I'm really not sure I can
I guess the depression plus self-deprecation has gotten into full force, and it's not unfounded, how can I, who cannot even look others in the eye, speak without stuttering do anything at all arduous possibly do this
so I guess what I'm saying is I want to, but I know I can't, but there is nothing else I can do, and I really don't know what I expect anyone to reply at all because I can't really expect any response beyond either "just join faggot" or "you'd fail anyway don't bother"
guess I should be posting in the crawl thread because what I'm saying in essence is I'm too unfit for anything and though I do wish to do something I can't and I know I can't


Everything about the military is wrong and unsuited in so many ways, from the get go; history taught us military leaders think of you as nothing but a puppet used for maths i.e. More killed vs deaths is a “profit” just look at ww1 where generals LITERALLY forced people to become bullet sponges for retarded charges that were outdated but were unwilling to change until later cause >muh honor >muh tradition >muh career. Why would anybody think the military leaders have the best intentions is crazy to me, they care about THEIR career THEIR life and THEIR “honor” which can be translated to ego mastrubation. Im such a good general and all these grunts listen to me cause im such a good leader, no they listen cause they are retarded chads who were taught to respect hierachy just cause’ they respect his “authority” in the sense they fear punishment. And that general COULD have gotten his position cause hes good at being one but the more likely story is that hes the lucky one of the squad who didnt get killed by a landmine 3 times in a row and shot 5 villagers. Add chad social dynamics or even nepotism to the mix and couple of years and BOOM respected general retard. What a joke. Military everywhere is a joke unless you join a nignog tier militia where you get a free waifu like IS but in exchange your expected lifespan is reduced by a factor of 10X.

In short unless you like being cucked and having your life thrown away when shit hits the fan, military aint for you. And if it is you probably werent a wizard but a failed normalfag chad thats just retarded.


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Hysterial nonsense. I hope you're trolling but I suspect you're probably not.


I’ll agree it is hysterical nonsense if are not in the groundtroops but otherwise tell me where im wrong especially regarding american armies who send their soldiers to 3rd world hellholes cause some politician wants them to “liberate” poor brownskins of their resources and their ebil dicators like assad and oil war style. Dying for somebody elses wallet/desires HOORAH for the army lol.


Just your entire writing style, using chan quotes and "quoting" every other word for sarcasm, strikes me as a teenager fresh off the boat from 4chan. It makes me want to gloss over everything you write. You don't seem to have any self-awareness about this.


Why go navy when you can go chair force.


Lol was on chans 3 years before the trump cancer never 4chan. Never EVER posted, only lurked. Its how I like to write IRL aswell cause im a retard but sure its 4chan mr assumptions. Im sorry my writing style that i am insecure about and try to improve is unsuited to your eyes, I recommend glueing your eyes shut for a permanent [-] if you dislike some autist trying to communicate. And before you go >wizkid!!!! Not everybody has a group of friends to tell them about le edgy imageboards. Some just wallow in misery alone.


Fuck im retarded and unaware of time, thought trump shit started in 2014 lol.


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good thing every military website has a "plz no KYS" button for those who are super depressed.


Milfag here, can confirm that all barracks are filled with depressed 22 year olds.


Arm chair psychologist takes note of vague things common to english text based communication and imageboards and tries to derive a conclusion from it.


How is USAF security?

Is it basically getting a military pay plus benefits just for being a mall cop?


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yes… stopping drunks at the gate and being a dick to them, scanning ID cards and sitting on your ass all day. Unless they assign you to guarding missile silos


french anon here can confirm
the army's classes are pretty hard for a chan tier recruit. The foreign legion is worse.


also i do sailing. I am trying to learn how to read nautical maps and some other stuff. Will it be useful in the navy or is it just a waste of time?


I’m a depressed as fuck KV with no life, future, or any other qualifying traits, and I’ve heard stories from my family and see the stuff on the tv and the military seems pretty cool. I’m on antidepressants though will they let me in?


I think wizards could join tier 1 Delta force


wizchan 2019


Good thing this thread is much better than that post.


In peace time OCD is enough to reject you, but now I'm eligible for conscription which is kind of a problem because if I keep avoiding I might go to prison.


Shit I’m on SSRIs for ocd and depression, will they not let me in? I really need something like this to keep me from killing myself


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>tfw suicide deaths are unironically higher than combat deaths


Are you KV too or just V?
tfw unironically posting this post


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KHV wizchad…


not him but nice me too. not too much of us left around here, good to see a fellow kissless virgin round the boards every once in a while


Which armed forces should I join as a third worlder to retire ASAP I don't mind living barely above the poverty line all I need is electricity, food, water and an internet connection.


depends on the country, as air force and coast guard usually have the best treatment, but depending on the country, the navy or army can be safer (ships being death traps in the former, and the use of the state military as police against gangs and other scum in the latter).


>third world military
I don't know about your country. But mine is full of hazing, corruption and abuse and there is absolutely no place for a wizard to live there. Third world military isn't like the US where succubi can get in and nerds do the technical jobs. If you aren't a normalfag then prepare to get beaten up and humiliated everyday.


You can't actually post here if you're not KV. Read the rules.


KHV in the infantry here.
On one hand the guaranteed paychecks and benefits are very attractive. I don't pay for food or housing.
On the other hand, if you're a failure at life you will become even more depressed if you join. Your coworkers will think you're weird and they might try to avoid you. If you're older you'll have trouble connecting to 18-20 year olds in your section and if you are that age you'll be sucked into endless junior enlisted drama and pissing contests.
I spend weekends alone in my barracks room watching anime and binge drinking Monster.
I actually came in trying to get into the 75th Ranger Regiment but I got cut from pre RASP because my results on their psych test indicated I was clinically depressed.
If you're thinking about it at all, join the 35 series, since that's where all the weeb nerds go in the army.


Any wizard who saw action?


I remember there was the br commando and the wizard who deployed with the UN. I wonder where they are today.


BR commando? I kinda remember the Wiz in a platoon though and was deployed.


I think he was a commando, he mentioned one of their special forces units. Was platoon wiz american? I believe there were a few others too.



Join the Coast Guard, tell them you want to go BM, guaranteed bonuses, almost instant promotion, and you get valuable boating training, you could become a professional sailor and live like pic related when you get out.

>Deck watch officer qualification

>small boat qualifications
>learn navigation

you can be law enforcement and learn to use guns, or you can work ATON and save the environment n'shit


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pic rel


any milwizzies have any good shenanigan stories?


>Container ship captain weeb
I assume a container ship captain's got 3-4 month contracts tops. Doesn't it get tiring to take down those posters?


I'm sure like most of non-essentials, the price is much higher than production costs.


Once a retard lost the bolt to his m4 while in the field and we had to look for it for over 8 hours in the dark. It was -10 outside.


lol, how did he got punished


SSG wanted a water can filled up and moved somewhere, but he wasn't sure if he wanted it over there, or right here, or way over there…
Also 45/45 and the dubious title of battalion retard of the year.


Could a chair force wizzie do a shitty chairforce guide pls



do a few months if you can get a check for it, then hunger strike and insomnia until delerious


what do you want to know wiz? I can maybe provide some small bit of help, but i'm not enlisted myself or anything.


find recruiter
ask parents to drive you there
they make you sign forms and ask for more forms
parents get the forms from hospitals and schools and stuff
go back sign more paperwork
either you're accepted or not
if yes, you enter DEP at this stage more like /dep/
or go through MEPS, i forget the order
basically for DEP you meet up and you do physical fitness stuff as a group
MEPS is basically getting a physical, psych eval, asvab test, job selection, and swearing in
for job selection never choose anything "Open _____", ie open electrical, choose a specific fucking job otherwise you are getting fucked 90% of the time and sent to some shithole with a shit career field
then you got to bootcamp for 2 months
it sucks
they yell all the time, you have zero privacy, and you are physically exhausted from doing bullshit all day
toward the end of bootcamp everyone usually receives their orders>at this point you'll probably regret coming into air force if you get a shitty job
you are sent to that base and have no idea wtf you're supposed to do
eventually someone finds you and is your "mentor", usually in name only, they just tell you where to show up for work and what time
then you are basically a noob and follow people around learning your job for months
youll be inprocessing and go to a bunch of places
youll be taking computer tests getting certified and stuff
goes on for months
then you get your career proficiency upgraded and become a "# level" which gives you more responsibilities
eventually you have to train other noobs
this repeats and you just keep climbing in proficiencies and ranks until you descide to get out of military

i DO NOT recommend military one bit, but there you go. that is what i experienced a decade ago, it's probably still relevant. if you actually decide to do this shitty thing, look up which jobs are the most comfy and easiest, never go in under an "Open ____" category, ie Open Electrical, otherwise you'll get a horrible job and severely hate life. if you do this and it turns out to be a mistake, go to mental health and tell them you are having an impossible time adapting to military and very depressed, and you can receive an honorable discharge to get the hell out of there


DEP is a delayed entry program, it means you will still be held to military rules, even though you have not actually gone to the military. IIRC this can be done for up to a year prior to going to boot camp.

At MEPS they make sure you are fit for duty, if you get to this point and are not in any sort of shape, good luck, your are going to have a bad time. You should also have cleared any bonuses or other promises your recruiter told you in writing on your contract, because once you finish at MEPS and sign your contract, you can make no changes. The second time you go to MEPS is to actually go to boot camp.

The MOS/Rate selection process is the same for all the branches, if you qualify, discuss getting the job with the recruiter and make sure it is on your contract. The only exceptions are the Marines and the Coast Guard, because the Marines only have the option to choose a "field" or a series of jobs, but you will get directed by the corps what your final job will be. With coast guard recruits there is usually a probationary period where you have no MOS/Rate (job type) and you just do whatever your unit requires (law enforcement, search/rescue, painting boats etc) so you can sample the different jobs and and see what you like while you wait for a school spot to open up (can take 0-36 months depending on the school).

Some branches give you more autonomy than others, I can provide some more info if you want to know what life is like outside work after boot camp (each branch treats your "you" time much differently).



Reminder that it is not an option if you live in a shithole.


his name is Van
he is performance artist
he is hired to fulfil peoples deep, dark fantasies


they got three years in prison


I expect a societal collapse and I'm sure learning to wield a firearm and climb walls and all that would be decent skills to have. I pretty much can't get into it though because you need "references" who aren't your family and I don't associate with people at all.


> extremely thorough security clearances
They really aren't. They just check to see that your real name isn't muhammed al bombahdeen.


Is that from a movie?


yes, but not a very wizardly movie


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Something like that.


How do you avoid all the soy and fluoride pozz?


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21-year old apprentice in the Navy, been in for a little over a year.

If you're not completely socially retarded and/or aren't on disqualifying medication, I think its fine if you stick to Crypto/IT rates/jobs either in the Navy or Air Force. I'm not one myself (I am a CTR), but I would highly recommend enlisting as a CTN if you want to stay away from the worst of military personnel, avoid deployment and help transition easily to the civilian world. You'll feel very welcomed in the CT community in general, trust me.

As for the mentioning of other people's experience in the military, it really boils down to what branch, rate/job and billet you pick so I would take their experience with a grain of salt.

You'll have a drastically different opinion of the military from me if you're say, an Army Private infantryman stationed in the Middle-East. I have an easy civilian-tier office job on a shore command in Hawaii, with plenty of disposable income to spend on food, gas, material goods and funding my beater car.


Any marine here?


is it possible to join the american army if you have self-harm scars, and a long history of mental illness treatment and self-harm hospitalizations? I also take medication daily, my parents say I can still join but I heard they don't let weird people like that join


yeah. if you get past the recruiter, and make it to meps, they will examine you and stuff. then you go home and you either get waivered or denied after some time. i got waivered in 2010 for self mutilation, but i didn't disclose my childhood adhd so when that was found out a few years later they kicked me out


what determines being wavered? I also am diagnosed with adhd, as well as major depression and general anxiety disorder


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Hell yea, dude. Carry the rest, right? Haha.

There's was marine in my dnd group who was, If I can recall, a Cryptologic Linguist (Probably MOS 2673.) Told me the job itself is cake, but it's still the USMC at the end of the day. I honestly couldn't handle the ridiculous bullshit they have you guys put up with.


>I stayed friends with a CTR who was in my class at corry station.
wizchan 2019
Military = normalshits


That's a designer fashion boots, only soft boys wear that. It's even gayer than the socks on the right.


Did the brainwash in basic training got through you? Is being a marine your core identity now?


Military discussions should be banned.
Yeah I am mentally fit, sleep in bunks with a group, train with them, eat with them, work with them but I am totally a wizard guys haha


yes, but you forget about the truewiz jobs like navy nuke and all those gay ass cyber/intel/equipment technician jobs where you people see sun, and most people are too autistic or paranoid about their clearances to even talk to other human beings. Basically the biggest wizard circle jerk that the media tries to play off as cool because normies hate those jobs.

Some autist left a phone in the mess hall one day, and one of the staff found it and tried to see if they could identify who it belonged to, and they said "WTF everything on here is just anime" and the guy came back and asked if anyone found his phone, so the staff asked him what his background was, and he sperged out and started mumbling something unintelligible until they gave it back.

you also have:
>the neckbeard wearing waifu themed civilian clothes
>waifu body pillows
>the guy with hentai posters all over his barracks room
>the low key asexual anime fan who is also a wizchad (everyone assumes he is a normie)
>the group of spergs who sit in the corner and watch anime way too loudly when not working


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Which is why I SPECIFICALLY mentioned the cyber/intel community ONLY.

Your ignorance narrow-mindedness is showing. This is also why I said Navy/Air Force ONLY. Your perception of the military is based solely on the experience of the average normie in the more Chad branches like the Army or Marine Corps. Bootcamp was the only occurence where I came close to that "camaraderie" and all it made me want to do was blow my fucking brains out.

There is no valid reason to ban military discussion because at the end of the day; I'm still a 21-year old virgin who could give less of a fuck about the normalfag lifestyle. I do my job, occasionally talk to the like-minded and go back to my room. There's a reason why these threads have been popping up ever since the inception of Wizardchan.


Because regardless of your virginity, if you're slightly within normal social standing (i.e having a friend) you're just a full-blown normalfag. It's a competition to see who's more miserable, bitter and has more problems, apparently.


I was conscripted. You are living in a dorm and doing normalfag shit, fuck off you liar.


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Yeah you're right. I'm currently sitting in Chad's dorm room having an orgy with all the local Stacies and definitely not sitting in my dark room on my computer on a Friday. I'm just some normie with too much free time and chose to use it to lie on an imageboard instead of building gunpla and playing video games. Nah, that's some nerd shit for virgins, which I am not.

You claim you were conscripted, but surely through willpower alone you managed to come out unscathed and not a normalfag shit? Honestly, what are the odds of that; you must feel so special. Everyone in the military are just normalfag shits, so you must be totally different.

Seriously, stop projecting. It's okay to be wrong.


>"camaraderie" and all it made me want to do was blow my fucking brains out


You know how when you go to movies and there's alwaysthat group normalfags who can never seem to shut the fuck up? My entire division was that group, they actually couldn't stop talking or they would die, apparently.

Talking/Fraternization is frowned upon in boot camp and you'll definitely feel the repercussions if you get caught doing it. Punishment involved "beating" or "Intensive Training" (which was doing a fuck ton of exercise nearly to the point of injury) the ENTIRE division due the actions of (typically) ONE PERSON, as if that builds some form of "camaraderie". That's not how it fucking works. Suffering the consequences caused by others everyday non-stop for 10 weeks almost made me lose my mind. It made me realize that normalfags literally CANNOT stop talking and gossiping for more than 10 minutes or they will internally combust.


Ok, thanks for replying.


Yep, no problem.


Currently planning on trying to get into the Air Force here. My motivation is mostly to get away from my mother and out of this ultimate sense of resignation that psychologically I am not able to actualize what I think is my potential, so even if the military is below me in a sense, it is not in effect. It's soul crushing to try and accept but also exciting since I've never been independent.


You're surrounded by normalfaggotry in life. It really doesn't make that much of a difference inside or outside of the military, being an outsider is independent of your location. On the other hand, there is a degree of guarantee in the military and that is potentially appealing, the ASVAB is almost like correlating jobs with IQ scores directly, that sort of thing is nice imo. I don't doubt it isn't a meritocracy at all, but if you're going to spend the days alienated and unhappy, and you probably are no matter what, you may as well get compensated for it.


Im my third-world shithole military is mandatory and if you go to the army you will die. But in a first world country, i think it can make you physically and emotionally stronger, and you can save some good money.


how do you get into special units like recon,seals or green berets?
Can anyone apply for the test or do you need to pass a previous exam?


its v wizardly since it has the highest divorce rate


I thought about it but then I realized that even though I'm physically strong I have a fragile process regarding my own health upholding it. This life is all I know and I'm so set in it that I'm not sure I can go far from it so suddenly. It's mostly just my physical health though. Made me realize how deep of a hole I really am in here.


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I was in a combat MOS in the 2000's. It was cool, I would do it all over again if I could. I think anyone that could go into the service should. It helps you later on in life. Now I get my VAbux ($1500 a month for life) and free full cover health care and I have had the VA pay for all my college.


>Talking/Fraternization is frowned upon in boot camp

really? I'm surprised to hear that


Same, and you do not even get compensated for this. But you do get some quotas related to university pass without an exam, which is laughable



start vaping heavily on high nicotine, develop a sleep disorder, you won't have to fake your disability then


Signing my contract tomorrow with the Army. I don't really even care at this point, figured my life can't possibly get any shittier.


You should screenshot your post and hang it on a wall.


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I am keeping this screenshot just for you wizod


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Most of them have "off the street" programs where you can get a guaranteed attempt at their assessment & selection course in your contract (others require you to have served for a few years first, and/or be a certain rank before you can try out). You still have to meet all of the necessary prerequisites & go through all of your initial training/screenings before you get to the selection course. Often times, but not always, assuming you didn't already get it in your contract, you get offered the chance to volunteer to go to selection at some point during your initial training.

Frequently (but not always), the contracts are set up in such a way that if you fail, whatever branch you're in gets to do whatever the fuck they want with you, which generally means getting stuck in a shitscrubber job (this is half the reason these contracts exist, since the overwhelming majority of people are going to fail selection–it's basically an open contract). If you fail, but not by quitting, they'll typically at least put you in infantry (depending on the branch) rather than making you a cook or whatever. If you fall out due to injury, you'll generally get the chance to try again.


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I'm actually going to be talking to a recruiter tomorrow. I wanted to join years ago, but basically got afraid and backed out. Now that I've grown a bit older and have seen the horrors of life, I feel that I have no other choice. They might finally turn me into someone that I can love


why would anyone with a sane mind join amerimutt military unless they are poor?


early retirement

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