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 No.155841[Last 50 Posts]

people over 20, how do you still manage to enjoy imageboards when more than 90% of the population is obviously underage or just slightly above the threshold? do you even realize that you're trying to have a discourse about life with people who never had to deal with anything more complicated than math homework? are there actually any people here over 20 who enjoy staying here because you can relate to what is being said here and other wizards and not because it's just habit for you and you feel like you have nowhere else to go?


Why would you think I enjoy imageboards?


to clarify, I used the word "enjoy" in the sense of "use and benefit from", not just "take pleasure"


Those are important developmental years.
If I can help a single wiz properly adjust its worth stickin around.

Also sometimes I see funny posts.


They are predetermined to go to imageboards. They might think they are doing it though.


do you ever feel like you've seen all the funnies and all the "advice" wizchan can offer?


The threads repeat themselves at times but a slow drip of new blood is always present so it's understandable. The outer ethos of wizchan can generally keep me entertained with variety at the very least.


Occasionally dysfunctional Wizards post and express parts of their experience I can relate to. I have found that here whereas it was absent from other communities. It is rare but it's enough to keep coming back.


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soon enough i'll be actual wizard age, but i don't really think about my age and it takes a while to remember how old i am anyway.

i also don't ever consider the people behind posts, only the content itself, and wizchan is pretty good with not allowing overtly underage crap like school problems or similar whining. this works alright.

i enjoy staying here primarily because of rules 2,3,4,7,12. you can shit on the enforcement of various rules, the mods, etc, everything but wizchan doesn't have to be perfect to still be better than everywhere else for my needs.


Imageboards suck but at least they're fairly active, the lack of activity in the good ones wears down on you real fast. Also angry ignorant shitposters are still better company than the patronizing "nice guys" you find on reddit and modern forums like resetera


I am pretty sure most of this sites users are actually over 18. I think the vast majority here are 20 somethings with a few who are older and a few that are still in their teens.


Some people don't bother with introspection until they're at their "mid-life crisis" so it barely matters. That isn't to discount age+experience, but even old farts can be as dumb as a high schooler at times.
But luckily that doesn't matter in places like this, where our identities are mostly invisible. All that matters is the discourse.

I go to all manner of places but this is the only place that is even remotely relatable. It's not like I repel people by existing, I'm actually almost-unerringly cheerful at surface level nowadays. It's when people start trying to dig at my personal life that they realize something/everything is "wrong." So until they get to that point I can actually chatter away somewhat normally about some outside topics. Since said topics are horribly standard and universal I like coming to places like this that talk about niche topics, and even better my shitty personal life doesn't even have to come into play. It doesn't matter that I'm struggling to find employment anywhere, that I cannot drive, that I am a virgin, that I have no friends, that I have nothing more than food+shelter support from my family, and that I have no special interests or hobbies other than my workaholic preferences. It doesn't matter that I'm not actually normal beneath my cheery exterior (though that cheeriness isn't fake, somehow). There is absolutely no personal social stigma here, and I often get far more out of conversations on the internet than anywhere else.


Age isn't really an issue, the problem is being sandwiched between two different generations of retards. I've been seeing an alarming amount of insecure middle-aged guys who can't write a post without whining about hypothetical "zoomers" since last year. Younger posters can be obnoxious but at least they don't have a stick up their ass


zoomer… this forced meme is pretty bad. I've been seeing it a lot suddenly, is it the new "millenial"?


Exactly. It's used by millenials to say the same shit boomers said about millenials, except towards genz instead


kids are dumb. nothing's new


>people over 20, how do you still manage to enjoy imageboards

I don't. Next?


I have been on image boards for well over a decade now and honestly I am enjoying them quite a bit lately, even more so than I was enjoying it maybe 5 years ago. Generally I like slower image boards that focus on niche interests like anime or not very popular games. I think to enjoy image boards over long periods of time you have to learn to enjoy shitposting. Shitposting has been a bit of an acquired taste for me, but as I have learned to enjoy it image boards have become much more enjoyable. Not saying you should just shitpost all the time everywhere for fun, but to do it at the proper time and place, or even designated shitposting areas.
My enjoyment of image boards has also waxed and waned along with my depression, as has been the case with the enjoyment of most of my hobbies. Not enjoying imageboards anymore may have more to do with your own state of mind than imageboards changing.


Both boomer/zoomer are forced memes. The boomer one was especially rammed down imageboards' throats. It was continually pushed on halfchan, across every board, until others started using it. There's a screencap out there that shows it. I could see the whole thing being a marketing campaign from Coca Cola just to sell their shitty energy drink.


I really hate hearing this. It outs you as such an obvious cripplekike dick sucker.


When you convince yourself (or simply realize) that you really are functionally retarded, life becomes a lot easier and more enjoyable in general.


Retarded in what aspect? I don't know if retarded is how I would describe a wizardly person, that would imply that most norps are smarter, which is certainly not true.


Because I'm genuinely addicted and can't find anywhere else to go.


Discussions with high school outcasts dealing with complicated math homework would be really nice. Coming here, I see instead endless good ol' 4chan times circlejerk, /pol/ bots, accusation by everybody of everybody being "retarded", and degrading of NEETs and schizos. I can guarantee all who are doing this are over 20. Teenagers are too exhausted for the Internet, studies take not 8 hours but the whole day, leaving ever decreasing spare time and willpower as you discover anhedonia and despair.

/hob/ occasionally has interesting content, and I think I remember something quality in /dep/ in the beginning of the 2018. Shiritori on the textboard is a positive highlight. Everything else here is worthless. If I weren't addicted I wouldn't return ever again.


>Teenagers are too exhausted for the Internet, studies take not 8 hours but the whole day
Do you really believe most kids study? Most computer/video game nerds just go to school for 6-7 hours and then they come home and screw around on the internet for 10 hours


I did. Just hear yourself, 6-7 hours, it's deadly, posters in the wageslave thread complain about part time which doesn't amount to this much. School was hell, homework was hell, internet was hell.


I don't know what kind of school you went to, but high school for me was mostly just a bunch of bullshit where half the time everyone would just be playing video games on the pcs or the class would spend an entire hour doing a small worksheet, which basically meant writing some crap on the paper for the 100% participation grade and then spend 50 minutes playing on your phone. Then there's lunch time, which was a little over an hour, usually the nerdy kids would be holding multiplayer sessions of diablo 2 or counterstrike or whatever they brought in on a usb that day in the library. School's nothing close to a job.


In Eastern Europe it's all the polar opposite.


Not everyone who espouses stupid and childish views on the internet is actually a child unfortunately. It's amazing how many boomers use 4chan now. Fox has been running segments on them since forever so I guess it's not surprising. In fact I blame the media for destroying 4chan. They kept sensationalizing it as this place for the worst type of scum to hang out and the worst type of scum saw that shit and thought, cool a fun place for me to get together with other shitbags and hate on other people! Really I think marblecakealsothegame was the beginning of the end. The last act of old 4chan before it was destroyed by newfags. After that 4chan just had too much notoriety and the media kept writing those sensationalized stories painting it as worse than it actually was and it became infested with the scum of the normalfags.


Do you want to help me with my ap calculus homework


This, I've seen so much boomers who use the word normie.


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Every chan poster is actually old as fuck. Teens are busy creating their own value elsewhere where you don't even hazard to go because it's probably too normie for you or w/e justification you made up. Why would they even want to waste their time trying to win over the territorial faggots that populate imageboards these days anyway? Everyone's been yelling about the same old shit for 10 years if not more so it's not like you have that special spark that makes people want to stick around either


This is a joke, right?


You're going to be seeing versions of that "internet died in 2007" meme updated for 2017 pretty soon


Nah. 2007 was special.
It's the year the Iphone was first released.

In what seemed like an instant, boards across the internet went from a hangout for nerds and social outcasts to something used by literally everyone.

4channers called the endless wave of newfags the "Eternal Summer".

And eternal it was.


>Eternal Summer

It happened before, and it will happen again. I bet the next generation will say the same thing, because they aren't 14 anymore.


I turned into a lurker and just pounce on posts that resonate with me


Hmm… true dat. I wonder what the next level of internet breakage is though, or how it would come about. Every time it breaks it's because the internet becomes more accessible. Practically everyone already uses it already.


If I go to imageboards it's mainly just to laugh at the shizos.


There's not much to get upset about here so it's fun to browse. I only browse to kill time still though.


why would a schizo come here though


If I could enjoy them without issues I wouldn't be taking breaks for several months at least once a year. After a break like that wizchan always feels fresh and wonderful for at least few weeks, then I start noticing all the annoying and shitty stuff again.


I don't.


Generation Z -> zoomer.

While it gets memed, it is faster to write. Take it as you may.


Because 4chan is so much better? Get over yourself.


You can despise 4chan without resorting to shitty 8chan memes, you know.


Don't get triggered over some memes.


Just abbreviate it to GenZ.


I do what I want.


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I don’t know, I actually get bursts of imageboard use and then long moments of complete social isolation within the internet. I guess after a certain point you just learn to filter content, but it can be frustrating when you do get invested and realize it was some retard or someone pretending to be retarded all along.

IBs are still the only place where you can find half-decent humor on the internet though.


To their credit imageboards are the one thing I don't have to make a conscious effort to wean myself off from because they can get so hopelessly retarded I just end up losing interest given enough time. I just need to stop getting so bored I end up going back


it depends what kind of imageboard you go to, wizchan has plenty of users in their 30s


I don't enjoy it. The same reason that normies stop talking to me is the same reason "autistic wizards" stop talking to me. And nobody would let me know why.

Problem for me isn't that I fit in with weirdos, I don't fit in with anyone.


Same here.
I know it’s generalizing, but can we apply the rule of 95% to imageboards?
While this rule’s debatable, I myself do not visit imageboards often, but when I do, I search for intersting OPs. I mean, if you’re looking for communication, it’s probably not the best place to do so due to various obvious reasons, but if you’re using imageboards for information and discussion, they oftentimes offer much more help than the regular forums.
While 4ch*n is flooded with normos, and this place has some youngsters, they both have their permanent identity and population, which stick to the principles on which it all began.
Maybe it’s a personal preference if you want to evade imageboards completely instead of burying yourself in the trash in order to find gems. I think these are worth it, because thanks to them, we can have nice things in the internet instead of 100% dumbassery and shitposting.


>angry ignorant shitposters are still better company than the patronizing "nice guys" you find on reddit
This. I want to be around people who know there's no changing. That's what I'm seeking coming here. People living in denial trying to get me to do the same are irritating.


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I was them once. Other imageboards I have become more estranged in thought from than here and I see myself from years ago sometimes. There was always some people saying stupid shit since the beginning so nothing has changed really except who is doing it, maybe. I don't mind. I take things way less seriously now. I am 30.


I agree, I think that's the real reason why someone would come here.
In the same way as coming here you know there won't be "tfw no gf" posts.
We are people that are tired and that have accepted their fate and can't stand normalfag's bullshit anymore.
Then of course 90% of what you find here is shit. And everyone attacks each other and there is this unending fight about what really is a wizard, but this exist in every community, there are always meta-discussions even outside /meta/, I think that's because there really isn't much else to talk about.

But still every now and then I find a good post or a good picture, so I keep coming back.


Exactly, most teens are busy being little faggots on Instragram and Snapchat or playing vidya. They usually find imageboards in their early 20s when they have to actually interact with wider society


I've met guys younger than 20 that are smarter than me, and people that's way older act childish. The good thing about anonymous forums is that you never (ideally) see the person behind the posts and the only way to judge them is by what they're saying.


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You know what? The "what truly makes a wizard" kind of posts are more bearable than the "tfw no gf", "wah a normgroid did something mean", etc. Posts on 4chan


On paper, that's the way they're meant to be and it should be part of their appeal. However you can't even have an argument anymore without some bitter asshole trying to find flaws in your post that expose you as a zoomer or figure out if you're samefagging


We're older than you think


Truth is, I don't enjoy imageboards nearly as much as I used to. I don't post much anymore and read them for the few niche interests of mine that still persist. On /v/ for instance I skim it but hardly have anything to do with it because I don't follow or care about new releases anymore. Nowadays my primary source of entertainment is Youtube videos of one kind or another.


I'm not entitled to people having my level of experience, nor arrogant enough to think I have nothing new to learn. I'd much rather be surrounded by nothing more than "wizkids" than to have douchebags constantly throw it around as a derogatory term. I've never been able to completely relate to this place 100% anyway., so I keep my expectations low.



Mainly use it to bounce around some thoughts and ideas from time to time. Not expecting much.


Ibs are not supposed to be your main "attraction" for the day. It's a place you check 2 or 3 times a day, at most else you will burnout.


I only use this site because I get banned from everywhere else for being "toxic" just for swearing and saying racial slurs or sometimes just because I have a different opinion than others and I just say what I think with no filters. I just can't be myself in other place.

>twitter bans you for no reason, if you say fuck you get banned and when I made a second account I don't even know why I got banned.

>reddit is just a 4chan wannabe
>4chan is reddit 2.0
>discord is a big circlejerk
>facebook is for 40 year old people and third world countries


>discourse about life

People actually go to imageboards expecting this? I've always just considered them places have some light discussion on video games and other hobbies, shitposting, and laughing at current events. Maybe useful for some occasional venting on how life is shit but I've never expected help or enlightenment from people here or other places.


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>People actually go to imageboards expecting this?
Yes. I can't fathom why but just look at /dep/.


Anime is not a niche topic, it's incredibly main stream and has been for years.

You sound like a newfag. 4chan has always been aggressive.

AOL was the turning point.

Image boards used to be decent places to discuss things. Shit posting was hated but newfags picked it up so now it defines the place.


no one knows who you are. no one cares what you think. you dont have to reply to every single post. quality over quantity my friend. could you elaborate on some of these things? put yourself in the readers shoes, they cannot go inside your mind. it may seem like basic information to you, but people dont get a lot of information from a one sentence reply.


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Yep. And I absolutely hate it. It constantly reminds me of my own mortality. And there are always, always new 18-19 yo posters. On every imageboard, in every thread, general, everywhere. Even on such obscure, slow imageboard like wizchan.
The endless cycle.
I understand younger that post on wizchan, I'm in my 20s myself. But fucking teenagers, come on.


Shared hobbies.


90% of the population is on facebook or youtube or other major platforms where the cool kids and cute girlss and popular contents are

chans are for old nerds and losers, you seriously think the horny hormone filled kids would rather read whiny posts of the old fags than orbit some cute girlss? fking delusional
and the more losers use text boards

and you seriously think age has a correlation with intelligence for basement dwellers? if anything their brains rot over time

get some reality check for god sake


You're the one who needs a reality check. Imageboards are fucking full of porn and most will have a cult formed around the one succubus stupid enough to post her face online for them. Especially /b/ boards. Also you seem to be under the idea that using one is exclusive from using the others. The problem is that underage use both facebook, twitter, discord, and imageboards, and post the same way regardless of where they are.


Go browse 4chan for a bit and say it's full of "old nerds and losers".


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It's either 25+ oldfags or teenagers. Discord servers prove that there are many underages there, especially on boards like r9k. Most of them are just lurkers(like almost all underages on imageboards), but they are active on Discord.


Please don’t post that shit here.


It might scare away the wizkids.


I hit 30 not long ago and I really don't enjoy most of them anymore. There's only a few boards on 4chan, for example, that don't have younger people posting on them. wizchan is the only one I've seen that is guaranteed to have older posters and it's the only one that isn't being fucky half the time or going down due to interference from a 3rd party. If I want to be frank, it's not just imageboards that I can't relate to, it's most of the Internet. I feel like non-NEET 30+ year olds are too busy working 3 jobs and don't post on the Internet like they used to. As a NEET it's really depressing to me that it's either talk with people who don't understand what I'm even talking about, talk with "redditors", or just fuck off completely. The latter is looking mighty appealing.


i realize that the average IQ in this coontree is headed towards 78-80 or less due to 60 million filthy subhuman immaggotgrunts dragging it down.
the average intelligence on this board is 95-105 depending on the time of year and time of day.
Places such as this are the last bastions of civilization.
you are the remnants of what could have been a great and powerful country.
watch in terror as we descend into the pit of turdwurldism.


>could have been a great and powerful country
why do you fucking care?


a very good question.
i shall have to think on it at some length.
why SHOULD I give a flying rats ass about 'murica?
why should you ?


Well typically great and powerful countries have very nice things, like safe neighborhoods, electricity, clean running water, and good healthcare. So unless you're posting from some solar powered underground bunker in the woods that you made yourself and somehow have internet, I imagine you would appreciate these things.


death to the great satan


the question was 'rhetorical' in its conception…


And how would you spend your precious time in this utopia in comparison to your current way of life?


I wouldn't because I currently live in a country that provides pretty much all of those things. I however would not like to see them taken from me.


It's rather like digging through a trough of pigshit in search of pearls. It's dirty, disgusting, and depressing work- but when you find one it makes it seem worthwhile.


>the average intelligence on this board is 95-105 depending on the time of year and time of day.
Yeah, and you're one of the retards bringing that IQ down.


100% worldwide 5G coverage and UN subsidized smart phones for every man, succubus, and child on earth will be the next breakthrough. Watch them make technology a human right before eating and clean water. Hopefully 3rd world access to the internet will cause the same effect that happened in the 1st world with birth rates. That's the only "positive" thing I can imagine coming from such a nightmarish scenario.



31 years fwiw. It's frustrating to try to communicate with people with zero life experience. I also don't care about imageboards in particular, but for a community of outcasts you need default anonymity and only imageboards really offer that. I think about creating a hermit / recluse community with a minimum age limit from time to time, I have the means but I don't know that there would be any sustained interest.


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21 year old here.
I wonder if this also happens to me some day.


I always wonder where all the 30+ users went over the years. I guess elsewhere on the internet or heaven, with any luck.


My IQ is around 110, never was able to convert though


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I'm 21 and I only read non-fiction books. I've never enjoyed video-games. I no longer watch anime. I feel and look like I'm 30. I was raised by a single mother without a father figure so I had to learn how to be a man on my own.
I can't relate with most people, let alone people of my age who only care about hedonistic things. I don't feel superior to others, I feel more mature than people of my age. I don't care if I'm talking to a zoomer or to a boomer. We're all anonymous here.


It's not just imageboards. Everything is just going to get worse and worse. The one saving grace of imageboards is the fact that you are still anonymous. Even with new demographics, there are still those like myself (25+) on image boards because there's nothing else for people like us online. Sometimes, you can find some decent threads from time to time.Otherwise, the only reason I even use imageboards still is because the alternative is significantly worse.


> how do you still manage to enjoy imageboards when more than 90% of the population is obviously underage or just slightly above the threshold?

Move to boards with slightly less preponderance of it. Going from 4pol to 8pol helped, but I'm a fish out of water resorting back to halfchan now that it's down. Fucking MLPOL is more adult by comparison.


I don't anymore. This summer I mostly stopped browsing imageboards. For the most part it's not real.

Take the website crab.crab

Do you really think the person who has posted, over 4000 times, "I want a qt loli catgirl to friendzone me" is really a crab?

No, of course not. It's mostly bored 14 year olds (I hope they're early teens, anyway).

The internet is like if the one shitty person you knew growing up, who always linked to goatse, now was every person on the internet but now it includes everyone on their phone to make it even worse.


>Going from 4pol to 8pol helped


I don't actually because I no longer dwell on the fact I'm a social outcast. To be honest a lot of people here are on the autistic spectrum, severely depressed, or have a physical disability or other mental disorder. Maybe I am some of those things too, but no longer stronger identify with either of those crowds. My 20s were about making incremental improvements to my life by finding out what makes me happy. Only now that I'm hitting my mid 20s am I seeing results of that. In either case it's time consuming and posting on wizchan is often counter productive because people here have a different outlook on like. Maybe that's an age thing, I'm not sure.


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