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If you could go back in time to your early 20s what advice would you give yourself?


I already wasted all yesterday fantasizing about reliving my life because of a thread I saw here talking about it. I don't need any more of that.


There is a way to overcome that, by becoming so black pilled you realize your choices didn't make a difference. but that brings on a depression of its own.


That's called deluding yourself. I've never been a fan


How is it delusion? Some guys just have terrible genes, so no matter how hard they try they were going to fail. And redos are just rearranging chairs on the titanic. For those guys believing in redos is the delusion.


"It's not going to get better. Save up for a gun."


>you had a choice
>you never had a choice
oh boy it's the nebulous free will X determinism tug of war coming up again.


Do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING it takes to take control of your life, ASAP.


Good way to give yourself an anxiety disorder and OCD.


Like what sort of stuff?




Don't go on 4chan


Go to 4chan and read the fucking /fit/ sticky. Except teenaged me needed that advice and /fit/ probably didn't exist until a good 10+ years after that.


idk what it says, but just go the gym brah has been around since the 1980s


1. Dont NEET, no matter how tempting
2. Do a year, or 2, in coast guard or air force, for life time free medical.
3. Learn investing, invest, and dont touch a penny of it. Like your life depends on it, cause one day, it will
4. find a job you can tolerate doin for rest of your life.
5. you re an utter failure socially, accept it, move on, you ll never be one of Them. dont spend 1 second tryin to be


Kill yourself now that you have some dignity left




Make moving out of this shit country and society a priority. There is not point in playing life on hard mode when you can live in places were is easy mode.

The problem it's not about how you look AT ALL. I had to find that the hard way by wasting a shit ton of effort exercising and improving my looks just to make it worst because now the assholes stopped just ignoring me and actively perceived me like serious competition. Being ignored by the normies it's a blessing that you don't know you have until you lose it.


dont worry


I had moments of clarity and would realise this but the motivation would always fade and i always figured "eh, i still have time". It's crazy how you can know you're going to get old and somehow simultaneously delude yourself into never thinking it's going to happen to you until it dose.


Get out of parents house asap no matter the discomfort



Don't look porn/don't use the internet


Excessively* hobbies etc, give up on trying be norman.


ponder your feelings


Buy at much bitcoin as possible


I have a lot of things that I would do different, and from before early 20's too. I have to avoid doing hypotheticals like this for my sanity


These, except the buy heroin from the seller you did see and overdose


Just a firm handshake, they say that communicates everything.


i gave a womyn interviewer an overly hard handshake, and she complained twice that i hurt her hand, and i was like "aw shucks dont know my own strength". didnt get the job



one to add. do your best to not cut your family off.

when you re a young edgy dickead, you may think watever, i dont need these people. it sucks winding up te weird old guy w no family, and family you know of , still left, doesnt want to see you cause of your edgy days


To not start taking drugs/medication.


Ladies are suppose to take a man's hand with their fingers over his hand waiting for her at a right angle.


I shook the hand of a middle aged HR lady when interviewing for a job and her hand made a loud crack, it was embarrassing.

I did get the job but I was fired a few days later because the guy I was working for didn't like me.
Well no one there liked me but they adored the normalfag I was hired on with.


Yeah, good one. I almost lost consciousness when I was 17 doing suspension hanging. As a 30 year old permaNEET who still lives with his mum a part of me wishes I had died when I still did have "some dignity".


join the air force

ideally active but if you really can't then go guard/reserve


-Invest in crypto (Duh)
-Go into a boarding house or rent someone's spare room, save your money
-Don't bother getting a car, too expensive
-Don't work construction or supermarket work, just work cleaning or do tech shit
-Don't feel pressured by the family to get your own expensive apartment or


I don't think I would do anything different. Even during the miserable years of my late 20s. Have to go through stuff like that to build character.


"invest in the crypto you stupid fuck"

That's honestly it. There wasn't much I was going to do differently otherwise, but actually having money now would be great.


He is right though, for vast majority of us we truly never had a choice.


Stop caring so much about school. It doesn't matter. Have more fun and develop other hobbies.


To take better care of my health so I can show up for myself, because no else will. I abused too much drugs, alcohol, weed, and smoked cigarettes day and night throughout my twenties, and none of it helped. That’s my only regret.


Same for me. I put an unbelievable amount of focus on school. I did well but it all meant literally nothing. So insane to me how society pushed the meme of school mattering. Only now people are realising it's bullshit. If only I were a few years later


I don't have anything to tell myself because there's nothing I could've done differently given the external circumstances and state of my brain in those moments.


im the opposite, didn't care about school didn't do any work and still turned out here in the same place as you. so i guess it didn't matter either waY.


It's strange, I went to school with a guy that got the highest score in NCEA in the country, he was presented gold medals for his effort and everything. I think I've posted about him before on wizchan. He ended up stacking timber for a career at a timber yard, he's been there for ten years at this point.

He even said he only studied because he was depressed, no other reason really.


when I do these thought experiments, I find myself sneaking in zoomer culture, and I have to remind myself how different things were in the 2000s and what didn't exist yet for us millenials


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satan and jesus have warned the christian roasties have escaped containment from hades. They said to run and are currently hiding in quantum bunkers.


Study harder, go to the gym, and start taking antipsychotic ASAP.



Stop eating mucus producing food.
Start the detox practices.
Leave the gym inmediately and do gym at home.
Use coconut oil and clove essential oil against rotten teeth.
Do not do things just because "someone has to".
Remember your childhood more often.
Do not let mom involve you in her matters.
Collect knowledge.
Real good things come only at good times.

Great one.

All good, 1 and 5 the best ones.


I pretty much did this except for 2 and 3 and i'm still miserable


nothing lol not like my life is any different

the get a job - go to the gym - invest in crypto trifecta is pathetic


>Study harder, go to the gym
Studying hard was literally the worst decision of my life.
I also used to work out and had muscles, years ago, but it was just a waste of time. Exercise helps iun many ways but not gym; for your health just walk and do some push-ups

yes you would just have more debt


Applying the scientific studies and folk psychology won't help you
Your spiritual quest will lead nowhere
The internet only gets worse, there is no meaningful solution. Searching for language and words is a waste of time.
There is no meaningful solution in philosophy
The idealistic values you were raised on will only make you unhappy
You won't be able to commit suicide as soon as you think, your parents survive their illnesses
You won't find anyone to help you
There is no rock bottom - you can only starve out the addictions before they can get worse
Decades of works don't stop your mind getting worse.

There is no solution, there is no synthesis, there is no satisfying outcome. Your birth was a mistake and you have no place here, there is only waiting for death and to disappear. Use your youth to train to wait for death before your mind gets too rotten.


failed normie thread




To not bother with college because you end up doing way better in the trade that you're in. Also to stop with illusions of grandeur and that if actually plan to be successful at your current trajectory that you had better get off image boards and start working.


>There is no solution, there is no synthesis, there is no satisfying outcome. Your birth was a mistake and you have no place here, there is only waiting for death and to disappear. Use your youth to train to wait for death before your mind gets too rotten.

I couldn't agree more. I would also tell my 20 year old self at the time the same thing. I wasted so much time thinking I could find some genius loophole to succeed when this has been the reality all along.


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>Use your youth to train to wait for death
Probably the most fruitful advice in the thread. Unlocking the ability to shrug off all of life's woes and minutiae as you patiently wait for the end is possibly the most freeing thing you can ever do for yourself


Anything against mindroam? My head doesn't stop sometimes…


This thread proves vast majority here are just failed normals. They would just tell their younger themselves to be try harder to be a normal . Men like me who are genuine schizoid, inferior genetic mutant and no matter how hard they try still will be incapable to be a normal people are just tiny minority. I’m genetically inferior and even If I talked to my younger self nothing would’ve changed.


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I would tell myself that tech jobs pay well and reddit janny is a real job that can pay 100k a year.

I'm 30 years old now and kicking myself for having no experience jannying anything.Getting paid to sit in my basement deleting shitposts sounds like a dream.


Practice meditation, don't hesitate to hop on SSRIs if you feel depressed. Also don't stop going to the gym.


My advice would be the opposite to never take SSRIs


yes this thread is incredibly disturbing. Maybe it's the push to make me finally stop visiting this shithole


Stop wasting time on games and virtual socialization, its better to build a financial stable situation so you can enjoy those things later.


Don’t bother, just accept it, and I do mean everything, and you know what I mean. Stop trying to swim through rock. Start writing again immediately.


To myself:
Instead of complaining about life being shit, acknowledge it being shit, then live with that or kill yourself effectively.


1. learn more about psychiatry before dismissing it.
2. not to be so paranoid about trusting psychiatrists because they only care about medical symptoms.
3. start psych meds asap. meds suck to begin with. stop starting and stopping meds before they have a chance to work. side effects like drowsiness go away.
4. you actually also have adhd. not just depression. so better find a doctor who believes you.
5. not to worry so much about wagie or moving out.
6. stay away from recreational drugs because it has too many risks.
7. dont bother learning c++ because its dog shit. learn mathematics instead. most stuff in the future ends up being possible with C or Python. focus on Python over other languages.

I really do wish I had proper psychiatrist treatment early on. I think it would have changed the course of my life. I probably could be further along or better educated… I did what I could.


im over 30 and disagree with all of this

mathematics is completely useless. C++ is very useful. Psychiatry is a scam. Recreational drugs are very useful and increase life satisfaction enormously.


>you give your past self some advice and he ends up even worse off


favela thread


>mathematics is completely useless

>C++ is very useful

number 4 on tiobe index. python and c literally 1st and second for a reason. c++ is dog shit. btw, even java beating C++ and we all know what java is like.

rest of post: u promote recreational drug use over the recommendations of trained medical professionals. low iq. opinion discarded.


Please enlighten me what a wizard can do with math. i have a postgraduate degree so i'd love to know. Fact is that you're a child and havent realised t's only for normalfags working in institutions and big companies. You can't do anything solo with math.

Python vs C++ is likewise: there are a lot of normalfag python jobs like in data science where you suck the dick of business bros, but the few wizardly remote jobs tend to be less popular languages like C++ and rust

>rest of post: u promote recreational drug use over the recommendations of trained medical professionals. low iq. opinion discarded.

more normalfag opinion. The psychology of retard addicts and people who fall for SSRI placebos isnt relevant for a wizard


use ur mafs to create heavily optimized 3d renderers wiz, start by implementing a 3d vector space, idk


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get adhd meds or you'll suffer greatly in university


Obvious financial stuff because I am a wizard from the future who knows what all the best investments would be. Other than that, nothing, My dumbass younger self's brain was so scrambled that he would've ignored the advice, or would fuck up any beneficial scenario that I would put him in.


pull the trigger, pussy.



this, and same. my boy self was suc a clueless fuckwitt, would of fucked it up no matter how i spelled it out. id need to just re do it w/ my own mind.

if so, all id need to do is put a couple grand in Apple in 1990. do bare minimum full time to keep people off my case, and retire around 2010, no crypto or bla bla bla


1. Just learn any skill and get good at it, fuck "potential" and "talent"

2. Save money and learn how finances work

3. Don't let dumb faggots in your life

4. Don't get into smoking weed, nicotine or excessive caffeine usage and avoid porn at all costs

5. Don't trust doctors and don't believe therapy will do anything good for you, never take psycho meds

6. Don't think your parents know shit about modern life

7. You are not made for social situations, don't try to become better at it by getting yourself into cringe inducing situations

8. Take care of your body so it won't be distorted and fucked up later and get enough sleep

9. If it doesn't feel right in your gut then don't do it, don't pressure yourself into doing things that feel wrong to you

10. Accept and know who you are but not in the "be yourself" way


Stop talking to your brother immediately.
That’s the only advice I can think of that both would have improved things and that I might actually have followed. Things like “don’t be a lazy POS” I wouldn’t have done.


This is besides the typical crypto/lottery memery

-You are already bald and ugly, even if you are not fat you have no chance of even forming basic friendships. Not only you are ugly but also you lack social skills. The experiences you have are unique and solely because of your bad appearance and mental retardation. You will not be able to fix this. Accept your apprenticeship gracefully.
-But you lucked out, you belong to 1% of your country. But you live in a 3rd world shithole. One civil war or coup away from losing everything. You have to get out. Yet being in 1% in your country is meaningless as you wealth is not even a half a million dollars. No country will give you investment citizenship for that amount.
-Therefore it is vital that you have an useful major in college, computer science or industrial engineering or whatever. Any major that would land you a job which you can wageslave for 3-7 years. Afterwards you can get a citizenship in 1st world. When you do that move all your wealth to 1st world and return to your 3rd world shithole. You can live in your 3rd world without any worry, withdrawing 500$ a month from some anglo 1st world bank, and bail off with your anglo/european passport if a civil war occurs.
-Take care of your health, it is much easy to be healthy in your 20s than in your 30s. You can afford to be obese in 20s you cannot in your 30s. The weight and other shit will come back biting you in the ass
-For gods' sake have fun. Why are you saving money which you cannot move out of your 3rd worldshithole anyways? Why the fuck you use an 8 year old computer? Why you never buy the analog camera you always wanted? Why you never take nature pictures because travel was expensive? Why ou never bought a car and had to suffer changing 3 transits just to get to somewhere? Why you never get into 40k because it is too expensive? Why on earth you live frugal you dumb fuck. In 10 years you will be too old for most of this shit. Stop being a tight ass. Mellow out in your 20s not in your 30s. Spend in your 20s not when you are too old.
-Move out of your parents house, you have a summer house that your parents never use since 2001. Why not go to university there? A lot of things that you deem normal are actually weird as fuck, that includes you but also your family. You will stop tolerating your parents bullshit in your 30s but by then it will be already too late. Love your parents but do not tolerate your parents bullshit.
-Stand up for yourself a bit more. No matter how hard you are shut in you will never get rid of the bullies. They will just change forms, in the guise of brick&mortar shopkeepers who overcharge, tradesmen who do not do their job properly, car dealers, beggars, civil servants and school officials. Your conflict avoidance and not asking for trouble/hassle will only make them bolder. Just because you are 20something doesn't mean they have the right to stomp you. Realize sometimes you have to fight, even verbally. If shop tries to overcharge you, fight. If a civil servant makes things difficult for you for no reason fight. Do not hold yourself back just to keep out of trouble. THE TROUBLE HAS ALREADY FOUND YOU.
-Please for gods sake overcome your fear of going outside. I understand you were beaten very hard when you were 12 had been chased by junkies at 14 and mugged very viciously when you were 17 which made you scare even to go to market. But by the time you are 20-21 you have already changed. Your ugly face, your messed up facial hair, your large shoulders will become enough deterrent. People who beat others for fun often target teenagers for a good reason and muggers often want your money and nothing else. World is scary alight but not as scary as you think it is. Plus in few years smartphones will be very prominent and cameras will be everywhere, people will think twice before attacking you in the middle of a busy street.
-Realize that 15-20somethings don't know anything barring the last decade. You will only realize this in late 2010s, when you encounter people who don't know basic shit or large events in 2000s. Teens and early tweens will often thing the conditions and history they live in existed for eternity. But realize everything, this too, shall past.
-By the time you are 23-24 you will realize video games, tv shows will stop targeting you. While you think you are out of the pop cultural sphere, you actually are in it. Accept that you moved out of the target demographic, and for love of gods don't ever play the game life is strange. You will realize you cannot resonate with 2013 highschool seniors anymore. And these guys are basically "the last millenials" nevermind the zoomers that will come after them.
-Play more video games, you will not regret one minute of playing morrowind or vtmb or warband. Read less self help books. They are useless and you will regret every second of your time wasted on them.
-2013 will be the last year of 2000s feels. That is the without people having a large social media presence (which you will never have), people still using nonsmart phones with buttons. This will all change after 2013. You will realize entire webpages will be designed for mobile, social media shit will be everywhere. There will be very few places where you will still enjoy 2000s feels. This place being one of them. Cherish them, even if many are phoneposting.


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>dont waste your time in school
>get ANY job
>fix your teeth
>leave your parents house


Kill yourself now. Things are not going to be better in 20 years.

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