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What are your guys thoughts on the "manosphere" idiots like pic related gaining huge popularity among normalfag psychopaths and kids/zoomers. Every comment seems to praise them as some sort of god or father figure. I didn't expect normalfags to like this sort of figures that much.

So, in the future are the kids going to grow up being focused on money, hoes, scams and overall being assholes even more so compared to today? The future looks bleak


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It's a way of depoliticizing and neutralizing those men, redirecting their legitimate grievances away from power and towards the other half of the population (and redirecting them into an alternative form of consumption as you noted)


I don't know who that is. If you want me to judge him and give opinions on him then at least tell me what he even is first.


OP is a succubus or a faggot.


Isnt this a rehash of the redpill/PUA/Mgtow stuff?



> What are your guys thoughts on the "manosphere"

Losers looking for a cope and 12 years old kids left unsupervised on the internet.


Yes, but the catch is the guy is immensely popular due to a pyramid scheme he runs.
How? Every second youtube reel is literally him talking


Well for one I only use youtube to listen to the few music that I haven't downloaded yet. I also make conscious effort to avoid retarded shit whenever I see it recommended to me, just as one would dodge dogshit out on the street.




>Every second youtube reel is literally him talking
What is your explanation for youtube putting figures like that on blast?


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He is a paid government actor made to spread disinfo and keep anyone smart enough to know what he's talking about from further reproducing and being in society. The elites are running a live eugenics experiment right now which is why you see the only people who could stand up to them (white autistics) being psyop'd into turning into trannies or life long virgins


>The elites are running a live eugenics experiment right now which is why you see the only people who could stand up to them
>white autistics


don't forget that wizchan was advertised on kiwifarms and crabchan so there is crabs running around here, the prostitution thread is one such example. if you call them out they just spam "schizo schizo schizo!"


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I find him hilarious to be honest.
But is also a little sad there will be lost people who will look up to these kind of grifters.


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You can impress any tween or young teen by acting like a sociopath, it's not a modern phenomenon. Kids are fucking stupid.


We both accept he's a grifter, so what would an authentic person be like?


I don't follow this guy or any manosphere characters. But I'm going to assume his advice is "man up". Which is to say accept harsher conditions without a reduction in effort. Of course, anyone with sense knows that you lower your effort when the reward shrinks.


You again, eugenic schizo? Still rumbling about thing that contradict itself?


Awful topic and awful dude, Andrew Tate is a con artist.

Also, Jannies, do you job and delete this thread.


How does one manage to watch any of this without puking his brains out?
Shit thread


you do realize it's not done manually, but by the algorithm, which is indirectly controlled by the userbase of the platform


every generation has had a fairly popular figure within the manosphere, and this one isn't an exception


>why are men who inspired respect, you know… being respected?

golly gee, I dunno.


His dad was a literal glownigger. It's pretty obvious he's just another glowie agent trying to destabilize young men more than they already are.


I disagree with a lot of his views and don't care for his PUA/dating/normie advice but I respect him for putting himself and his mug out there for his controversial opinions, and think he's generally redpilled about succubi, SJWs and trannies. Don't care that much about him being a low-level grifter because the whole economy itself as it's structured is rigged and a grift by design.

>It's a way of depoliticizing and neutralizing those men, redirecting their legitimate grievances away from power and towards the other half of the population (and redirecting them into an alternative form of consumption as you noted)
You're totally naive if you think we don't already live in an informally gynocratic society (one of many inevitable consequences of liberal democracy). Go back to leftypol and whine about the meanie "reactionaries" over there with the other greenhorn zoomers. All our ancestors up until the 20th century had the wisdom to keep succubi in line.


You sound like a fucking feminist to me, OP. Disregard whores integrity.


> All our ancestors up until the 20th century had the wisdom to keep succubi in line.

Yep I’m not truly right wing either because I’m atheist but when you see todays western countries countries collapsing by low fertility rates and getting overrun by immigrants and feminist culture. You just understand why giving succubi freedom and equality was a mistake. succubi are truly demons and monsters.


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>I'm an atheist
>the West has fallen
>feminists are to blame


What are you even saying?


Not him but he is probably mentioning the secret pact between Western nations to keep the Nazi WW2 eugenics experiment going. As you know all disabled,homosexual,mentally ill and coloreds would be exterminated as per the original orders. The project was too big to shutdown and has gone into live testing phases in the 1970s. Instead of genociding the weak and colored people they are now being forcefully shunned out of society. With data from Russian Sleep Deprivation experiments as well as testing of Agent Orange, and later MKUltra, it was decided most humans were simply needed to be kept in a cattle-like state to prevent anyone from actually finding out. It's the reason our society is in a degenerative state and down to worshipping only raw strength, money, and sex. We are taught from birth to shun the weird and deny the supernatural, thus limiting the potential of white autistics (descendants of Nazis). The only people capable of empathy for other races are whites and Japs, and they are dying out due to low birth rates


>Russian Sleep Deprivation experiments
I loved that creepypasta


clicked the wrong bookmark shelly?


Top tier schizo posting


The dude has some dumb as fuck takes and looks like a rat. So a lot of pathetic dudes really look up to him because they can't form their own opinions huh? Because he speaks with such certainty? I've known so many people like him where no matter what they say they speak like they're experts. It's a super obnoxious quality, but I guess people really thinks that is masculine.


Why , do every atheist have to be a feminist?


>feminists are to blame
Indeed they are.

"Succubi did that thing in the Garden of Eden for literally no reason other than it sexually excited them to rebel against God, and that is what all succubi are still. In the cosmic context, the entire struggle of men is not really against the Jews. Without succubi, the Jews could be crushed just as Adam could have smashed that talking snake."
- Andrew Anglin

"White knights and simps are a cancer on society. They are why we are in this situation. We can all blame the Jews, but the reality is that succubi are the standing army of the Jews. The core of the Jewish plot against Christian civilization has been to destroy the family, and the liberation of succubi is the key of destroying the family. Liberated succubi will support every agenda the Jews put before them. They are untethered rag dolls that can be flopped around by gross appeals to ego. There is no moral core in any succubus."
- Andrew Anglin


andrew anglin is a fuckin idiot


Anyone who defends succubi, at all, in any way whatsoever, while this power imbalance exists is a simp.

Succubi only got away with all they’ve gotten away with because of faggotized men who defend their terrible behavior, and protect them from other men.

Frankly, the Slut Defense Force deserves much more scorn than the sluts themselves. The sluts themselves literally have no self-control at all, and are no different than wild animals. Men should be capable of reason.

- Andrew Anglin


I think they're a natural reaction to the cutthroat world of normalfags and modern society that treats below average men pretty terribly. They're basically advocating to become more ruthless and stop allowing society to take advantage. I don't really agree with them, I prefer to withdraw and not play a rigged game but I understand them.


Looks like a dude that is trying to make a buck off of failed normies.



Greta Thunberg is now 17 and full of joy.
She celebrated her birthday with her climate minions.
But her breasts were nowhere to be found.
As always though, she produced a good range of weird facial expressions.
Greta Thunberg may have the smallest breasts of any 17-year-old succubus on the entire planet, but she’s likely to have the biggest legacy.
Her war against people not driving Tesla cars is just getting started.

- Andrew Anglin


If only succubi voted every single state would be blue. If only men voted every single state would be red. The problem is succubi. Every single evil that's ingrained into society today is a direct result of succubi and their simps.


>If only succubi voted every single state would be blue
wtf i love succubi now


That's because you're effeminate. You have the thought processes of a female.


i just think for myself without retarded labels but okay i guess.


he really is. isnt he the poster child for wmaf wignats? if white men want to fuck asian succubi, it's none of my business, but they probably shouldnt be championing white identity when they are quite actively contributing to its erasure.


this is now the single mother expert general thread /sgeg/


this is what's reproducing. never teach in a school.


having an opinion about it would require me to know something about it which would be terrible.


They want adulation and control and this is their chosen vehicle for it. Normies fucking love cults too, they're just a symptom of the gullibility and malleability of human beings as well as their disgusting lack of principles and capacity for rational thought.


>Every comment seems to praise them as some sort of god or father figure

thats it, there are no father figures left so when one appears those lost boys latch to them, same thing with Peterson.


Andrew Tate is not wrong about his opinion on succubi, however he's a grifter taking advantage of the troubles with succubi and the economy that zoomers face since their fathers didn't prepare them for it because most fathers are too passive about their sons. A lot of his videos are cringe but he knows exactly what he is doing and hes aware that most zoomers are too dumb to notice when someone is acting, his money advice bits are also classic investment bullshit takes that any con artist does on youtube for free but he's making people pay for it, he made most of his money by pimping out whores and grifting zoomers but tells them that anyone can be a millionaire by taking his advice.

He is literally a pimp and his manosphere bit is just another play of his. It's quite easily explained, he's just taking talking points of other people and gives it a twist with lamborghinis and whores because that's the only way to get to zoomers apparently because they need that feeling of superiority over others and that's not on him but our society in general.

He's for sure a grifter but it's still funny how he managed to piss off so many people, that video of the teacher talking about how her students repeat what he said to their female classmates was especially funny.


i honestly couldnt attribute a single quote to him. i dont even know why i have ever seen his name before.


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Andrew Tate has converted to Islam



He's a Dark-Triad personality type grifter, but a lot of his points in relation to succubis is correct though


He is nothing new
When I was a teenage in 2000s the internet was full of these self help/pua gurus. I think he is popular because zoomers don't remember Neil Strauss, Mystery, AFC Adam, Paul Janka and so forth.
I miraculously distanced myself these bunch very fast and was content with my wizardry apprenticeship. All thanks to the guy by the name of Paul Janka.
Of all the people in pua/mano-sphere he was the most handsome one, quite tall, harvard graduate, basically a chad. But he was the only one who admitted that success was mostly looks and even then his success ranged around 8%. That was really a wake up call for me. Basically the blackpill before blackpill ever came about. I made my peace with wizardry and closed off manosphere shit, this was in 2011.


are these bots? why are they so fucking retarded?


they aren't human beings, they're stunted degenerates whose human behavior has gone extinct in their lines. all that remains is animal compulsion and the will of their masters.

and trump and movie stars etc.
the media bombards the cattle brain with psychotic ideals that are impossible, but as they are continually stimulated with these ideals they come to expect them.
their brains expect that sharp, hard, artificial stimulus of the screen, the music, the masses of followers placed artificially, the events surrounding them that are scripted to be over the top, etc.
and they reject anyone who isn't surrounded by these jewish illusions. so their egos get filled up with these expectations and the only ones who meet them are jewish agents.

this is not a reversible process, these fucking cattle must be slaughtered.
the only thing that can do this efficiently is mass chaos and the dissolution of society, which is a LOT easier than it sounds considering how severely overleveraged the resource distribution system is and all the inherent instability in a "multicultural" society there is


You aren't special.


yes I am, but that's okay, I know you mean that comment for yourself


Similar story here. Back in my early 20s I had a friend who rec'd me some puashit book. After reading about half of the book and seeing this guy recite it's fucking nonsense advice like some dogma I gave it all up and embraced the path to wizardry.
The only thing that I really got out of that book was the fact that it's all a social protocol. And a fucking weird one at that: if you like a succ and want to give her your mana you have to pretend not to be interested. Pretend real hard. And then act like so-and-so and follow this and that forms of social etiquette and…. All of that trouble just to perhaps get something that doesn't even look that interesting to begin with.
I can't even watch porn because all I see is a couple beasts ramming into each other in a very dull-looking activity.


This is what it all boils down to when it comes to that pua faggotry, pretend to be interested in a succubus while displaying yourself as interesting as well and so forth, all just to get shallow temporary attention from a female. It kinda shows how shallow and retarded many succubi supposedly are because you need to talk to them in a certain way in order to get their self centered egos to listen since they are too retarded to be interested in something if it's not somehow about them.

I witnessed a couple of guys who were into this pua stuff and they were all cringy narcissistic retards, they also all had weird relationships with their mothers as well. I'm sure most of these men are insecure and need to push their self esteem with the meaningless attention from dumb whores.

I'm not by any means a feminist but I don't think all succubi are like this, however most succubi seem to be prone to be brainwashed by all this media faggotry as you described it and it's irritating how their whole personality is based on movies, shows and what they see on social media, they really don't have a personality of their own. Most men are like this too, I think it's really just a normie thing, going with trends not thinking for themselves. The problem is not even normies but the shitty times we live in, modern society is based on narcissism and low urges and normies just adapt to it, that's why I think the world was better in the 1950s.


the reason modern society is like that is because of them, not the other way around.
they would never become like that if they were actually human, like I said they evolved this way because there were no real standards, they just adapted to consume whatever was available


It's a snakeoil distraction from the blackpill content they should be consuming instead.


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