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How the wizards here think about the future?

I realized some time ago that one of the things that bothers me about loneliness and my life is worrying about the future.

Will I going to life the rest of my life like this? My parents are going to get old and sick, I will have to take care of them and they will eventually die. I will have to go through all of this all alone? No one to even talk to about it? I barely socialize with them, its a weird relationship, but I still visit, after their death, that is it? I will never going to have any family or anyone else ever again?

I know nothing good comes about worrying about it and much its just a matter of perspective, but I just can't help it.


I am living with my grandma and she is dying . Fell and buster her head beacuse of the fentynal . I will be homeless after this..
Feels like awful


I'm convinced that not thinking about the future and just doing whatever your instincts tell you to do at any given time is the key to "success" in modern society.


Yeah i gotta hurry ans get on buxx before mom dies


Splenic projector here, with same issues. But I decided to fuck off and LDAR as I wish because I am not done to operate with plans for future not going after things.


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I take solace in the fact that one day when everyone least expects it the sun will scorch everything we built to shreds as it tends to do every 10 000 years or so, and in the end nothing will have mattered.


Im kind of hoping either the AI the ends the world is created or climate change is real and kills us all


>don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk don't circlejerk


Its not even a money thing. I have a job and plenty of disposable income.

Its just that I see so many posts about "disregard succubi and normies", but ultimately, not having a social support network or circle takes its toll.

I am probably going to kill myself in my 40s or 50s before everything gets even more shit.

Also, sorry for the OP image, I don't come here often and I forgot about the rule.


The mythology about a content truewiz life of being a cool bearded hermit in your 50s and 60s that's just above it all is really harmful. I see it pushed on here all the time and it's absolutely bullshit. Even actual ascetic monks live communally and the younger ones support the elders, and they have a support network. Kaczynski was really healthy and attractive, and managed to live that life for years, but even he was a bitter fuck in his cabin, lashed out constantly and ended up roping in old age.

Career minded normalfaggots who think they're above all the family shit burn out and become like we do in their 50s and 60s. They extrapolate their 20s and 30s onto the rest of their life and experience a rude awakening. Everyone working in a hospice says the difference between those with family and those without is night and day.

That's not even getting into those of us living in a demographic replacement country where you'll be a despised minority relying on a new population to pay your pensions and support you. A population that resents how rich and easy you have it, a population that knows the pensions won't be there for them. We're currently in the golden age of being elderly in the sense that independence option, while shitty, is still available. It could return to how it was for 97% of history where if you're old, have no family and are alone you just die, die painfully and die very quickly.

I don't even think wizchan wizzies are alone in this. I think normalfaggots themselves are in for a very rude awakening in 20-30 years time and large swathes of Millennials and Gen Z will die alone, cold and unloved.


Life is over after 45 anyway. Even 40 for people with bad genetics.

It's only worth living when you don't have chronic pains and have full mobility.

I'm closer and closer to 50 and I have so many ailments it's unbelievable.
You need to live it up between 18-39 because it's over after that for most of you.

You didn't realize how short life is, did you? Let's not even get into people in their 60s, 70s, 80s with brittle bones, dementia, incontinence and all kinds of pains. That's not life. That's prolonged suffering.


I will try to get every race of succubi pregnant through artificial insemination. Every brown succ who wants a white baby will get a useless autistic child


Only thing that really worked was to detach from time and "progress". I'm going to get old. It will suck. I will lament that so many better potentials were stolen from me so that a few jackasses could make the world into this. I will lament things I could have done, as most do given that their lives are never what they were promised or what they were told they "should" be. It never is really what was promised, and the older I get, the more I see how farcical all of it was. Even with the world changing, I don't think anyone can really get that until they're quite advanced in age, or they're facing a short life and have to be honest about what this has been. I always operated with the belief that there wasn't going to be a future and I could die any day, but that alone did not substitute for all that I have seen, and all I hear from others. I like to listen to others' stories, check them for bullshit, and figure out what could have been, and the only way to do that is to have some genuine data rather than supposition or "memes" about what we were supposed to be. All you can learn at a young age are stories and models - perhaps they are successful models or models which allow someone to build a proper understanding more effectively. What we were given was the exact opposite - lies and more lies about basic things to set up this lockout society where everything is onerous and painful for anyone who isn't in the club.


Good post.

It is ultimately one gigantic machinery to keep those who inherited immense wealth in a position of power over everyone else.

Everything, including diligence, work ethics, respecting authorities, is drilled into children at a young age to keep the club going.

Ours is a different version seen from absolutist hereditary monarchies like North Korea (whose lead is a 'chairman' in name only) but the idea behind all that subtle brainwashing is all the same:
Make everyone toil hard to sustain the small wealth club.

Hereditary nobility and titles have simply transformed into inheriting tens of millions (petty nobility) or billions (upper nobility). Nothing has changed over 8000 years.

The feudal system is still in place regardless of what penniless idealistic yokel acts as a prime minister or parliamentary member to mostly end up doing nothing but making the wealth club even more entrenched thanks to their relentless lobbying.


It wasn't always "the rulers win every single time without fail", but the rulers have never believed in anything else and laugh at the idea that we think peaceful coexistence is stable. The greater limitation for the rulers is that rulers don't actually do anything except rule. They're the true oldest profession, going back to the first ape who wanted to dominate another ape. Cooperative government has always been briefly tolerated at the uttermost end of need, mostly functioning as a way for fellow nobles to hold an oligarchic claim for a time and convincing rubes that they're part of the fun. It's not that cooperative government is impossible or unnatural. We could very easily do other than this, or the rulers could leave their subjects largely to our own devices so long as the basic situation doesn't change for them and they retain final decision-making, most of which wouldn't affect ordinary people. There is also the reality that all of the claims of rule together can't really control the world and reality in the way that a ruler must claim, and so the aim of most people has been to find some part of the world that hasn't been consumed by this madness, for however long that works. Most humans, regardless of their temperament, will spend much of their lives alone and not really minding that, and don't value social interaction of the sort we're told is "normal" and "expected". They have their parties, they have to cooperate in order to accomplish much in work, they have their contests for social position, and they have a few relations which are pleasant. Then they have relations which are obligatory or purely transactional, and the dirty secret is that families are kept together because children were legally slaves for most of history and treated as such. Humans take freedom for granted at their own peril, and really, humans have always been more adapted to slave societies than whatever they're calling "freedom" - a freedom removed from anything we once understood as such a condition, freedom that was valued mostly because we saw enough of the alternative and a few people, when they could, wanted to try a new thing for the first time. It turns out freedom failed, mostly because humans can't stop making each other suffer and they were on the cusp of too much decency existing the world, so someone had to step in to stop that. It's very sad.

So when I think about the future, I really think of the life I made largely in solitude. I do feel like I'm a vampire on the world for not giving back nearly enough or giving something that would abate the badness. I try, and it's not like everyone can or should do as I did. They will follow what works for their soul, and what I did to live with this is not something that should be normalized or praised. I'd much rather have seen a different way for all of us to coexist. But, even in a different world, people would still largely live their lives alone. We'd just have more pleasant social interactions and less bullshit. It's actually surprising that despite the pressure to make the world terrible, I'd wager most people really do prefer to be left alone, regardless of where in the world they are. Part of that period where there was too much decency came about because, for the first time ever, writing and media to share ideas in privacy were available so that most of humanity could be both literate and live very different from how they had lived before, and could see that there was really no reason for the past cycles of war. Just as it seemed like humanity might have learned something around the time I was growing up, the geniuses decided "nah, we're actually going to make the world Satanist", and we got what we got. It's completely fucking stupid, but then, "victory" was hollow, and only happened because the current plan in motion was possible for the rulers. If not for that, very likely the "Cold War" would keep going to the point of exhaustion. Their reason for stopping is that they could democide more of us in "world peace" than they could with the wartime deprivation and ideology stuff, and choose more carefully who lived and who died. That's all they believed in up there. I wish it were as simple as a few nobles doing their usual thing, but what we're getting is much worse. The nobles purified their malice and rid themselves of anything that once sobered their calculations.

So I tell anyone who listens, first of all, don't ever have children. For us, this is not a problem. Second, instead of living for yourself or for other people, live because that is what any of us should do, because the world itself was mostly good and most people didn't deserve what we're getting thanks to a few assholes who figured out they would be rewarded for turning humanity into a dumpster fire. The world will never fall and will never be what those people insist it is and need it to be for any of their plans to produce what they think they're getting out of it long-term. All they ever knew how to do is insist we have to love slavery, not even suggesting a slavery that is at all functional. I could probably respect them more if they thought about anything slavery would produce, given any competent technology and a concern other than self-gratification. The best argument for freedom I can find is not some primitive impulse or the unpleasantness of slavery, but because slavery encouraged these jackasses to do nothing but smell their own farts and insist we should be like them. It's really disgusting.


They don't always win, as the French revolution showed, when the exploited just got sick of the wealth club and killed them all including the king himself.

Historical upheavals of government have also happened, but only to be replaced by another wealth club.

I can't think of a place except Japan where a revolution historically led to the true freedom of serfs and slaves. The Ikko-Ikki buddhist warrior monks created a small province in Kaga (Kaga-Ikki, lit. "Peasants Kingdom") that fended off various daimyos and shogūns that tried to tax them for over a hundred years.


Buddhists viewed the place as a sacred ground free from the oppressors and tyrants of the world. Of course it had to come to an end when Oda Nobunaga started attacking all his opponents with massive armies that had Portuguese matchlock guns that made martial prowess obsolete, but it lasted a good while.


Excellent writing.

You are giving back – you have contributed very worthwhile thoughts. I've appreciated them.

I will say this though: you failed to identify the semitic political engine behind the world’s ills, and instead chose to speak inexactly of a vague league of “rulers” and their “satanic” ambitions. I say contrariwise we need to identify in clearest terms the true source-point of the extremely sophisticated tyranny the world is now suffering under. We need to identify the group that is habitually deceiving humanity at large. We need to identify what ambitions have driven and continue to drive this group to do such horrible things to other people. We also need to protect the greater generality of mankind from their schemes (eg, the COVID/DIVOC mass murder campaign) because plainly the greater generality of mankind is not smart enough to anticipate and proportionally respond to these sophisticated attacks. And in order to do this competently, we must exhaustively acquaint ourselves with the true historical tracks of this world. And if through much time we shall have made the honest effort to have achieved this acquaintance, we will find one group quietly and almost eternally behind the disturbances this world seems to senselessly suffer again and again. This group again as above stated would be the Jews/Phoenicians. They've been triggering wars, orchestrating economic collapses, carrying out population-wide eugenics, trafficking slaves, practicing human sacrifice, etc., for literal millennia, indeed going all the way back to ancient Phoenicia. They were feared then as they are feared now — even Homer records (((Phoenicians))) as practitioners of human slavery and murder. They had an entire ancient empire whose bounds comprehended the whole of the Mediterranean corridor and even breaking upwards territorially into ancient Britain. They invented the Jewish religion and the Jewish identity after temporarily losing sovereignty to the Persians and facing the necessity of outwardly disavowing their horrific sacrificial practices (hence the ahistorical Conquest of Canaan narrative). Their outposts were everywhere — Phoenicia itself, aka Canaan aka the Levant, Sicily, Sardinia, Northern Africa (Punic Carthage), ancient Hispania, even Cornwall. After leaving Kiryat Chadasha (Carthage), they moved to Venice, where over the course of 800 years they financed countless european and asian wars (for instance, Venetian bankers were the movers behind the Protestant Reformation and subsequent internecine christian wars, and also centuries earlier they were the financiers of the Mongol Khans), in addition to bankrupting whole nations through usurious money-lending, thereby precipitating mass continent-wide starvation cycles.

When the Catholics grew impatient with these criminals, they formed the League of Cambrai, and attempted to cooperatively end Venice. They failed, and Venice (ie, Jewish bankers) not only survived, but actually grew to take over the entire world. The seizure of London by Venetian Jews (such as Burghley and Walshingham and Bacon, and the whole masked silent lurking invisible crowd of Jewish finance behind them) probably represents the most decisive and fatal point in the history of modern conquest. It was from Venetian London that the Jews then proceeded to claim the earth.

By the mid 1600s, Jewish bankers controlled: Portugal, Scotland, England, parts of Italy, and parts of Germany.

By the mid-late 1700s, Jewish bankers controlled all of the above mentioned lands in addition to having financed the creation of America, the creation of Prussia, and having master-minded the toppling of the French monarchy. Therefore America and Prussia and France are now added to their empire.

By the mid-late 1800s, Jewish bankers controlled all of the above mentioned lands in addition to having financed Napoleon, the Opium Wars in China, the (((British)) invasion of India/Crimea/Egypt, the flash anti-monarchical revolutions of 1848, and the masonic unification effort in Italy that resulted in the capture of the Papal States. Therefore even more of Europe, China, various Asian/African lands, more lesser monarchical governments, and more of Italy, are now added to their empire.

By the mid-late 1900s, Jewish bankers controlled all of the above mentioned lands in addition to having orchestrated the Bolshevik/Communist Revolution in Monarchical Russia and both world wars (the first of which resulted in innocent european men slaughtering each other to an extent that cannot be recked of and the ultimate dissolution of the Ottoman Empire — the nation that then critically held sovereignty over Palestine; the second of which resulted similarly in senseless death of innocent humans while apparently permanently crushing the last and final rival to jewish world government — national socialist Germany (though there are some that claim Nazism was financed by Jewish bankers as controlled opposition). And upon the concluding of the world wars, Israeli Jews lose little time in backing Mao to further cement their control over the Chinese and Asia generally. Therefore Russia and Germany and China as a whole are now added to their empire.

By the late 1900s-early 2000s, Jewish bankers had fastened their imperialist appetites on submitting the remaining Middle eastern nations, and accordingly were presented with a problem in how to market the conquest of these countries in a way that would not be disagreeable to the deluded mass mind of their controlled democratic republics. The answer to this riddle was the strategic invention of groups like Al-Qaeda/ISIS/Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas, which are all Jewish outfits, whose main purpose was/is to create support for Israel by training the world with fear for the terroristic barbarism of Islam through repeated calculated murderous trauma, thus creating western support for the overthrow of those nations that represent not only a fabricated threat to western democracies but more seriously represent an actual competitive threat to Israeli domination of the Middle east. This hellish ploy sadly proved successful, and the great jewish golem aka America duly attacked the prescribed enemies of its master, Israel. Also, lest we forget, the Islamic Revolution of 1978 was financed by the CIA (as the Shah had become too disobedient to his Zionist masters, and they required a more willing puppet to be put in his place). Therefore by the late 2010s, nearly all of the Middle East had now been added to their empire.

And now here we are, under total Jewish rule. If we are to do something about this situation, we must do something about Jewish power. They just carried out the greatest mass murder plot in human history and few even dare to speak their names (instead preferring euphemisms like “communist, marxist, globalist, eu, un, nato, satanist”). Hopefully the abridged adumbration above may help some to gain a sounder understanding of where we actually are in final political terms.

“It turns out freedom failed, mostly because humans can't stop making each other suffer and they were on the cusp of too much decency existing the world, so someone had to step in to stop that. It's very sad.”

Freedom did not fail of itself, rather it was meddled with by an independent outside malicious agency that owes nothing to a common imagined human tendency of wanting to make each other mutually suffer. We have not had freedom since the catholic monarchs ruled. Democracy is a system of cloaked judeo-masonic control, and communism is likewise a system of disguised judeo-masonic rule (although more “openly” satanic).

Just as Christ said: “ 17 τὸ πνεῦμα τῆς ἀληθείας, ὃ ὁ κόσμος οὐ δύναται λαβεῖν, ὅτι οὐ θεωρεῖ αὐτὸ οὐδὲ γινώσκει· ὑμεῖς γινώσκετε αὐτό, ὅτι παρ' ὑμῖν μένει καὶ ἐν ὑμῖν ἔσται.” The spirit of the truth, which the world is not able to receive, because it does not observe it nor does it know [it]. But ye know it, because beside ye it remains and in ye it shall be.

This is the truth, to wit : most of humanity cannot grasp the truth. Such that, the authentic dimensions of human reality will always be aggressively adjusted by a conscious plotting few, who if left unopposed will exert tyranny over the unanimated remainder. It is beyond sad what has happened, I agree. But dwelling on the sadness of what this world has become will not redound to the enacting of a solution against the worsening problem. Some theologian somewhere said: “βατὴν δὲ θάλασσαν ἐργάζεσθε” which translates roughly to: “make ye the sea walkable”. This being a call to doing something that is difficult.

“If not for that, very likely the "Cold War" would keep going to the point of exhaustion. Their reason for stopping is that they could democide more of us in "world peace" than they could with the wartime deprivation and ideology stuff, and choose more carefully who lived and who died.”

Neither of these statements are true. For one, the Cold War was fake — it was a masonic deception from the start. America and Russia have both had Jewish rulers for over a hundred years now, therefore no true antagonism could ever fester between them. Further, we are at war in this very moment — and as such they have “democided” more people in a war-time environment than they ever could in a pretended peace-time one. The COVID pandemic should really be called The First Jewish Vaccine War (it lasted from 2020-2024). There may be others forthcoming.

“They don't always win, as the French revolution showed, when the exploited just got sick of the wealth club and killed them all including the king himself.”

The French Revolution was not some organic political movement, it was a satanic plot of Venetian Jews carried out by their Masonic/Illuminist agents and agitators. It was the seizure of a european catholic monarchy by semitic venetian bankers wearing the disguise of liberalism.


Your future is shaped by your genes and make no mistake that you will suffer regardless because in your genes there's primal ambitions.
Life has always been about reproduction. Having kids. Having offspring. The most basic of legacies that a century ago was at the hand of every man willing enough.

Everything else are conjectures.

You see people who don't have kids focused on creating something they consider meaningful, a creative or artistic legacy of sorts to fill that emptiness.

Then there are the ones who in this degenerate era spend it seeking pleasure and consuming what society offers, they are still empty.

Not fulfilling your most basic urges will leave you disgruntled and depressed.


>I'm closer and closer to 50 and I have so many ailments it's unbelievable.
>You need to live it up between 18-39 because it's over after that for most of you.

>>You need to live it up between 18-39 because it's over after that for most of you.

Yes. That's something few will understand. Youth and health is the most important factor for enjoyment in life.

Youth is the most important thing in life.

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