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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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What's your personal philosophy towards death? How do you deal with death? The older I get the more "real" the idea of death becomes, I was wondering if could achieve peace with this fact.


File: 1725490888741.png (181.04 KB, 1108x1009, 1108:1009, death.png) ImgOps iqdb

I don't know, I'm still young and healthy, so the idea of death is quite distant. I really can't know how it is after death, but it's possible that death is fake and you just reincarnate to an exact same life (just purely based on logic, no supernatural stuff), refer to pic.
I grew up in a religious household so the idea of hell sometimes comes to mind. It's a really horrible and inhumane story, but I can't help but still be afraid that it might be possible.


You die nigger


Death is good, dying is not, I'm antinatalist


The principally new beginning in time by virtue of birth is natality. Hegel held that death is a logical necessity, he considered life finite in itself. Ignore the logical finality of life, ignore the concept of natality. You need to propose that death is inevitable, but somehow unessential to life.


post this image one more fucking time i fucking dare you


I embrace it, I have nothing to live for.


Doesn't matter nearly as much as you're led to believe. Have had family and people close to me die, saw fam die in front of me and couldn't do anything to save them. The idea that you're supposed to obsess over death this much is something people tell you if they hold you in contempt - and they say this precisely because they de-value life and want to convince people of the glory of death, sacrifice, and if they can get you to agree to it, killing on their behalf. Death sucks and it's a bunch of bullshit. Life, however futile it may seem, is basically good, and so is the world. It's not life itself or the trees or birds that did something so awful by living.

Basically - find a way to die alone, so the bastards don't have the satisfaction of leering over you as your life ends. If you can win that, and settle whatever affairs you have, you've already won the greatest victory of all. Reasonable people don't want to be by your side as you die, and wouldn't want to drag people they like into the abyss of death. You might say how selfish that is, but when death comes, you will be alone. Better that than being given over to ritual sacrifice and the grotesque soul of those who did this to the world. If anyone truly cares about you, they will understand this, and probably think the same about their own death. Perhaps the one thing someone might want is someone they trust to watch over them and guard them, so that those who would leer at their death with pleasure are unable to barge in. The assholes love doing that just to twist the knife. So, I think about that, and am so thankful that I'm probably going to die in my home, no medical attention and no one needing to know. I don't expect to die any time soon, and I quite like living and keep in touch with people, so if they can't reach me after a week or two, they know I'm either dead or hiding from something.

There is no Hell and you don't physically "go anywhere" when you die. A child can see through that. The afterlife is something we sense while we are alive - a potential that is difficult to describe in language unless you are someone inclined by true need to find it. It's not something that applies to most of humanity, I've learned. Most of humanity really doesn't think about death in this way. They're too attached to their sense of self and social standing, and when you really see what they feel and think about death, it's some of the most pathetic idiocy I've heard. I thought I was stupid and frilly at times, but these people would cry over mild career disappointment, or the parties being over and realizing the fad they bought into was a lie? Please. I've had to live with the guilt that being alive made those I care about suffer, to the benefit of people who I despise and who always have won - who stole the world from anyone decent and insisted we have to kowtow to that. Giving in to their notions of what life and death should be would be the most accurate knowledge of a living Hell I can imagine, and so I make it a point to spit on them - and I can. I truly can. There truly is a Heavenly power that despises humanity for being what they are, and this is good. But, that has nothing to do with an afterlife or the fate of the soul. For conscious existence, when you're dead, that's it. From what I've heard of near-death experiences, it's painful, and so many see a visage of the living Hell due to all of the demons they've lived with and tried to stave off. But, no matter what it may appear to be, there is a faith I hold - that however the nightmare appears, there is an end, and at the crucial moment, death grips the conscious faculties and overrides all else. Then, silence, into eternity. From your point of view, that really is it. The final moments of death agony - and these are unavoidable - will be worse if you sense there is unfinished business or a score to settle with these bastards. Hence, why the bastards love to twist the knife and glorify the sadism that much. We wouldn't have so many absurd beliefs about the afterlife, the soul, the mind, and political society, if it weren't for the sadism exercised in this way. But, I resolved that I'm going to choose the conditions of death as much as I can, and I can choose some conditions of life. Among the things I do with my life is preach messages like this, and preach the message of "fuck those guys", who carry numerous names and associations throughout the ages.


I know all of that sounds flippant and nihilistic, which isn't the purpose. I don't glorify death or fatalism. Like I said, life is basically good, or at least, life and most of the world is neutral. Even at its worst, the natural world can't really do much. If I died to a fire, that would suck, and I would want to prevent that. That's one of the most painful natural deaths I can think of. But, odds are, I die of a heart attack and that's enough. I'd prefer to know it's coming, rest in bed, and let whatever will happen do its thing. But, if the past is any indication, I'd likely seize up one day while I'm about my business at home, and that will be that. I intend to be alone and want it that way, and I have means to guard against anyone using this to insinuate any foul play about the nature of my death, or use that as their pretext.


All that said, it's probably better to do the necessary investigation, then see that life is basically good - up to a point where you're not really living or doing anything, and that there are things far worse than death in this world. If you can only think about all of the terrible things humans do to twist the knife, you're going to waste a lot of energy, and that's one reason why they push it so aggressively. If I were interested in eternal life or legacy, I know I'm not going to find it with the approval of those people. That's not an eternal life or legacy worth living or contributing to. The world deserves better, and most of humanity really deserves better, even if they don't appreciate me. This isn't about my own aggrandizement. I'd be quite happy if my name were lost to history and my deeds didn't have grand world-historical impact, simply because I don't think the world needs to owe a heroic debt to a human failure like me. If I were going to "save the world", one of the first things I'd tell people is to get rid of this insufferable hero and guru worship fad, because ordinary people are capable of better than this, and we had the sad misfortune of living in a social order which commanded the exact opposite, for the worst reasons imaginable. I believe in the end there is enough interest in something other than that shit to carry on, even if I remain a human failure with nothing good to say for myself.

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