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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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My heart hurts. I've seen too much, felt too much, slept too little, and my hair keeps falling. I'm so close to buzzing it off and just abandoning my identity, my personality, everything. I won't be a person anymore. I'll wage for a bit, pay off my debts, and see if any temple will take me in. I don't even care anymore. I'm not attached to anything. Just let it all go.


Update. I bought a cheap shaver and buzzed my head to 1/8".
Results: Pretty ugly. But who cares. Was hoping this would help kill my ego or something but guess that's gonna take a lot more time


let your hair grow till you have long haird


I shaved my head a long time ago, read books about buddhism and meditate daily. But i dont think it is realistic at all to just turn up at a temple and be 'taken in'. If youre a citizen of some asian country maybe?


They have centers/sanghas in western countries that you can stay at for varying amounts of time. Anyone can do a short retreat I think but to stay long term you need to have no debt, no enemies, no legal problems, etc.


Our need for self improvement does not come from goals or pleasure, but from the insidious fact of things always being ready to get worse with time.

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