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Expired threads: /dep/

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Displaying 21 expired threads from the past 1 month

Post #Snippet 
290490James Thomson on Suicide Poet (1834-1882) who didn't kill himself but didn't fare well and died at 47[View]
289757A Quieter World Have any wizards here noticed that the world feels much quieter today than it did 4-5 years ago. Did the (((vaccine))) really kill of a large percentage of the population? Are people not going outside as often anymore? When I go walking in various places there are uniformly less people in these places than what was customary only a few years ago. [View]
289084 why should i continue on?[View]
288933 i have strange urges when i watch lights flicker on the screen. they do it so smoothly and nicely. i feel like i want to flicker with them but i can't. what the fuck, jesus christ[View]
288753I'm sick of family photographing me Even if I only go there every 3 months, they just have to take ugly pics of me and put it on their boomerbook profile.[View]
288751 So much unprocessed trauma I still choose to ignore it though I can't handle being less than others, being picked or being pushed against into fear. People close to me got the anger that I held inside. It's not like I can just get over it. Everytime I think I do new heights remind me it's impossible. Living under low self esteem and degenerating, I am avoidant of my family out of shame, and hide m[View]
288634 Had a dream where I died in the shower, same feeling as if you took hydromorphone for the first time, it is an intense feeling all over that is overwhelming, thoughts slow down but you still fight to stay alive. Existence just blanks out as you loose your consciousness slowly, you exist but you aren't conscious, at the last second I woke up. Still, I'm not sure if I fear death or if this indiffere[View]
288596Depression Crawl Thread LXIII Post here when you don't have enough to say for a topic and it's too depressing for the general crawl thread.[View]
288553Liber Ne'et-em-dom I have been working hard on my clandestine PDF which talks about the ultimate neet lifestyle from a guerrilla perspective: How to mooch off, get free stuff, fake disability and welfare, and more complex stuff such as: find a squatting network, survive as homeless, go into the woods, dodge taxes, or a mix of all this.[View]
288464came up with the solution to the diminishing returns problem putting this here cuz this is more like the brain side of this forum. I put all the knowledge of reality into chatgpt and had it come up with a solution for my life that requires negative effort:[View]
288454Anyone else suffer from memory loss, degradation of higher thinking ability, complicated by ADHD I won't even bother describing these problems in a detailed way anymore. I could 2 years ago decribe it rather succinctly to a friend, now my head is just spinning around.[View]
288245Accepting your fate Did you guys ever hit a point where you had so much of life stacked against you, that you spontaneously realized "None of this is really my fault", and felt a lot better? You can only place the blame on yourself for so long before it starts to become ridiculous. There's nothing I could have done to prevent this, and realizing that makes me feel a lot better.[View]
287360friendship is fleeting among loser men at what age did you realize that friendship only exists between normalfags and that low value men hate each other's company and will stop being friends the moment a better and more normal life is offered to them or a female shows interest in them?[View]
287264 i just realised if i bothered to search and know all the pop culture icons and slang with quick internet searches i could have faked my way through my social awkwardness, i didn't know who vanilla ice or anything about whitney houston songs for example.[View]
285492Wageslave General nothing makes sense edition[View]
285165 I just want to LDAR I wish I had diagnosed disability for neetbux or atleast something.[View]
284221How do I cope with being ugly It's like no matter how neurotypical I try to be or how positive or outspoken I try to be, it just rubs "normies" the wrong way.[View]
284013Easiest way for self deletion. If somebody was planning to self delete what is the most painless method that won't cause much pain.If one could access a firearm that would be a no brainer,but what's the second easiest way?[View]
278964Suicide General - Pure Agony Edition Suicide general, - Discuss everything suicide related here.[View]
277271Drugs & alcohol general #2 It's not a secret that lots of wizards abuse alcohol and/or drugs for any reason (i.e. to cope), some might even consider themselves alcoholics and/or drug addicts. Using is a big part of our lives and we should have a space to express our daily experience.[View]
27425731 and no skills How do I stop thinking about my lost years?[View]