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 No.311496[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

do beverages even make sense? do they deserve to exist? i don't think so. beverages are shit. i question the general concept behind them. when i see someone drink lemonade i instantly consider that person an idiot; that someone who is drinking sugary industry juice because they made it taste nice. that's someone who was tricked into selfharm to me.

myself i like to drink fruit juices. i very much believe in the juices i make myself from real fruit. a fresh juice from an apple? that's so nice that everything else compared feels like a waste. occasional get distracted and resort to buying in boxes from the supermarket. currently i drink nothing but water. drinking only water is fine too though. that's plenty especially when the food is as dense as modern food. that's plenty for the body.


people drinking alcohol is so funny to me. i use 99% isopropyl alcohol to dissolve spraypaint off when some asshole spraypaints my car. and the same stuff people drink for fun. that's just more self-harm. why they keep harming themselves.
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>Just drink zero calories drinks
but why? they are unhealthy and they don't taste good. you just drink them because you are a bitch who is susceptible to marketing influence. mass formation victim.

>negro, they are safe and healthy.

no they say that the drinks are healthy and safe and since you're cursed with the inability to verify their claim, you choose to believe them but it is not a choice, it is just bitch training. repetition mostly. repetition, normalization, humanization, shit like that. propaganda. i'd hate to be you, i rather be me.

you were spawned in this dimension in a biological vessel that has a digestion dialed in to regional food that happen to be alive. there is no coca cola tree you poor industry victim. the suits and the labcoats invented coca cola in order to accomplish two things: become rich and make idiots sick. and then they build factories that made the coca cola, hoping someone would be dumb enough to buy it and drink it. and then YOU came along, sacrificing yourself to fulfill both their demonic wishes and for that i consider you a bitch. disrespect upon you though i appreciate you calling me a negro. i do like the negro very much. when i am in a bad mood, i listen to negro music and it cheers me right back up.



tldr diet soda are better, safe and healhtier than your sugarry soda, you speak bullshit and full of bias.


sugar did nothing wrong


>tldr diet soda are better, safe and healhtier than your sugarry soda, you speak bullshit and full of bias.

why do you let a website speak for you, i guess it is too much to ask for you to explain your opinion yourself because you don't understand what you believe and don't care to. just point to an university and with confidence proclaim "whatever they say!" and that's how the smart people do it.

no man you don't get it. you can't even explain to me what problem the soda is solving. what need does the soda fill?


no there were plenty of liquids before


i dunno i have a freezer where i put entire 0,5l glasses of fresh squeezed apple juice in and i just take one out per day. i freeze the juice when i want convenience, that way i don't have to pasteurize and kill the juice, which you probably don't even recognize as important given you think soda is safe to drink.

>liquid candy?

just eat fruit if you want candy, it is the reason your body wants candy in the first place.

>"good taste"

you develop your taste based on what you consume. the reason soda tastes good to you is because you are drinking it. you went to mcdonald because of the advertisement and ate a menu and it came with soda and this made you form a habit to soda.


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diet soda is way worse than regular soda

[Last 50 Posts]



I've reached a part in my meditation where I'm found having conversations with beings but everything is such a blur that it's difficult to get details on them or what happened. On one of my shifts at work I took a small nap on my desk having a conversation with a being in my half baked dream, it was the most I've felt connected to anyone, by the way it was going it was as if I was somewhat more well spoken but after I woke up, there were parts of that could be remembered but it was gibberish non sense/remember it differently Or I forget it entirely. I get god doesn't discriminate but is it possible our build keeps us away from being connected. I'm not smart, and have bad memories.


god doesn't exist…yet


This is a big warning sign and I recommend you stop whatever you are taking that agonizes the 5ht2a receptor. Dreams are just in your head, I've been completely lucid in them and proven it over and over. They're not real


Do you wish to reach lucid dreaming to just to remember dreams? It's said that making efforts for the second ting is a step to the first


Take galantamine if you want to lucid dream


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Maybe they're right all along.
Whenever im forced to interact with normalfags, it feels like theyre finding me repulsive and looking at me in a sense of disgust or hate. that they sense that there has to be something truly wrong with me that i cannot sense or fully comprehend my self, it feels all the faults about my self that i already can see is confirmed by others, but there is something they sense more about me than my self. it feels all these people who mentally tormented me all these years were right, because they are all living their lives now surrounded by family and friends while im here left to rot in my own prison. theyve won and ive lost, but whenever i try to join their normalfag world just to stop taking so many L's in life, copy their mannerism and speak like them, it comes out as unnatural or forced and i end up feeling exhausted then isolating my self from society even more, because that would never work, they would still be able to see through me no matter what and they can all sense of how much of a loser I am. Whenever i share any of my interests or thoughts it feels like i am humilating my self.
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Unless passively done. But that works when your are just being mocked, not bullied
What I meant is not that, they will mock all the same. It's just the fact of us being petulant what humilliates us. So I said (remembering my past experiences) better if passively done. Like dropping shit carelessly upon them, and they seethe, oh boy.


the moment you try and compare, you're in for a bad time. Normies do not experience the sort of hardships most people on this site have and are also generally pretty stupid.

a relationship takes dozens of hours out of a normie schedule and the demands are escalating. People also get trapped by social acceptability with the succubus and instead of researching topics spend their time trying to be amusing or funny to get sex.

People who use drugs are just inferior. There is ample evidence on this, even the ones who moderate.

Yep. I think the issues start when normies begin transitioning into "autism"


>People who use drugs are just inferior. There is ample evidence on this, even the ones who moderate.
Do me a favor give me this fucking evidence. I can't imagine why one would do drugs. My life has been a wreck, why do I never feel the desire to drug myself? Why do I not want to get drunk? Why do I return to /dep/ again and again, and while feeling all this seemingly unbearable pain that drives me suicidal, I still do not want to drug myself. What the fuck is the difference?


Which thing pains you, man?


That's the problem, I never get to figure out what. The pain is just there, constantly. Lately I've given up bothering. Just take my doze of lament and get done with it.



If you suffer from depression you probably experienced people calling you lazy or trying to gotcha you by psychoanalyzing that you subconsciously enjoy being miserable and that's why you don't do anything. If you disagree then you will be called in denial or making excuses.

What do you think?

I think someone who is lazy evades responsibilities but will put in effort into the things they enjoy like going out with friends. But if you don't do anything, even let yourself go and can't even be bothered to do stuff others do for fun then to me that's clearly depression.

I feel a lot of regret and hate myself for letting myself go but then when I do think of trying to start doing something like cooking or exercise or reading it feels so difficult because I have almost no energy and don't feel satisfaction from achieving something. I thought I could find a way to bypass feelings and function on logic alone but I don't think it's possible because in the end we are biological beings and need to feel pleasure for motivation.


i don't think we understand depression or the human mind yet. i believe you when you say that things feel difficult and that you feel like you don't have energy to do things. maybe there's like an unconscious part of your mind that does a sort of calculation of whether doing X, Y or Z is going to pay off in some way and being depressed is a state where almost everything ends up with a strong "no", so you're left with browsing the internet or jerking off.

the question is how to get out of that. it's not a conscious process, even though you do have the ability to override how you feel and just do things, this is very difficult and unsustainable because you're going against yourself and that causes friction and certainly doesn't bring any joy or relief, it's just a way to stop being a problem for other people since you're doing your duties and the psychotherapist can tick off a box and say they helped you in an observable way.

the goal is to get your unconscious system to say "yes" when the question of doing things comes up and i think what goes into the equation is mostly past experience. if your memories point to failure, then it's only natural to assume the next time you try something you will fail or it won't be enjoyable or pay off in any way, so you need new data to displace the old data. so you need new experiences that give your mind the foundation on which it can say "yes, let's do that because it worked out before". how would we get there? it makes sense to start small and with activities that require low amount of activation effort but have a reasonable chance of payoff and success. your mind will still say "no" but you can override that with a small amount of effort and take a gamble on it and as long as it leads to success and a payoff, your mind gets new data that can move the weight a little bit in the other direction. collect enough of those experiences and you succeed in a flipping it completely and now most things will receive a "yes" answer from the inside and you could say that you're not "depressed" anymore.

anyway, that's my thoughts about it. what do you think?


> What do you think?
I don't give a shit.

>you subconsciously enjoy being miserable and that's why you don't do anything

Bullshit. It is like saying that somebody who's broken a leg simulates pain as an excuse for not walking and enjoys it.


No, it's like a neuroinflammatory response to abuse or failing to reach your expectations or normal standards required for a contented life. That's like saying somebody who gets scar tissue from a burn spot is personally at fault for a known physiological process


Something as easy as lacking sunlight might have great incidence on this.
>If you disagree then you will be called in denial or making excuses
Stop bleeding in front of predators, you.


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I'm locked in my room trying to figure out what the point of all this is? Why I was born if I wasn't given social gifts? Even asocial people hang out with other asocial people but I don't have anyone except for three old friends.

I jerk off frequently to relieve the sadness in my soul but that only feeds the emptiness more, I feel so helpless and misunderstood in this world, I would rather die but I dread the thought of pain so I pray to die in my sleep.

In the end this confession will remain here and no one will know who is the owner of these ideas.
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>important, necessary, healthy fun outlet
No difference between fap and nofap.
Absolutely wrong. Can live without that.
Makes you feel better when you're good, but makes you feel much worse when you're but. Lots of fun. So fun actually, that some people have it as an excuse for suicidal ideations.


Mastery. This the actual longevity exercise, the hormones produced are said to be quite valuable when not lost


I wish if you can find happiness my friends


>Even asocial people hang out with other asocial people but I don't have anyone
this hurts the most


As long as you keep yourself starving and wanting for that, it will remain.

Rejection is to be done inwardly and outwardly, to delete this inner drain of mental health


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Holy shit, got this really awful epiphany in the middle of the night, I'm a 30 years old man that never had sexual experience, by now, a man at my age has like maybe 14 years of sexual experience and relationship experience under the belt. I know, sex isn't everything, but still, it dawn on me that I never had some (in theory) fundamental aspect of human experience, or something. Honestly, I just don't know if I'm either sad, mad or just don't care. Feels like a door has closed to me.
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>Do you have some sort of personality split disorder?
No, it's just an ego dystonic thought. It's part and parcel of being a human being my sweet little child.


He was just talking hypothetically, I don't see the big deal.


You mean that it's a doggy-dog world?


> being gaslit since childhood about the reality of darwinistic society.
you're supposed to learn the truth by yourself, wiz.


If you haven't woken up, now's the time!



Honestly, what's wrong with depopulation?
It's good for the average jap. They will finally be able to buy a home at a good price. Same for us in the western world.
Why are the elite forcing that shitty propaganda? there's no such thing as infinite growth. All the ressources on earth are getting scarce, some will disappear this century.
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This is more from urbanization than population decline. I mean the population is declining but that doesn't cause a threat to towns, what does is when all the young people in small towns move to tokyo in addition to the population decline. After it gets to a critical point of too many old people it just drives off the young people even faster and the towns go into decline. There was some sort of vampire anime that was a metaphor for this phenmomenon but I can't remember what it is right now.


it's only a threat to the rich whose empires depend on stable consumer demand. Mass migration is a complete grift


wise words


normies are so utterly mind poisoned on the population issue




Thread dedicated for those who are practicing abstinence. Share the changes you experience in your journey of self-control and celibacy as you reject porn and masturbation. What you’ve learnt so far about yourself. Your struggles with self-control, and what you expect to accomplish. The numbers of days you plan to go without it and why.

I plan to accomplish at least 5 months without wasting my seed this year and that time I’d squander watching porn I want to use it to improve at digital painting and become better at japanese which have always been goals of mine.

Disregard porn and destructive habits, acquire magic
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Your mind?


NO-FAP is such a mega cope, holy shit, kek


I don't really want to talk about this sort of thing even on an anonymous imageboard. But the daily normalization of pornography is very destructive and it is well known, as if excessive social media use. There are supps for killing sex drive as well, let me find them


Those are destroying your already weak male hormonal system.


I'm not talking about medication. People who start lifting experience massive increases in sex drive as their testosterone raises. Pretty soon you turn into the wizcel gym Schütze as the feels come back

But if you don't lift…



>Dopamine deficiency has been linked to neurodegenerative conditions in the body. If you have symptoms of low dopamine levels, you might feel:
Anxious or moody
Depressed or hopeless
Indifferent about the things you used to enjoy
Unable to concentrate
Unable to sleep
Uninterested in sex
>Dopamine and serotonin compete for expression in the brain, one tends to dominate over the other
>see also https://wizchan.org/wiz/res/211617.html#217192, high serotonin causes shyness and anxiety
>a high carb diet, IE typical western one for poorwizs, favors serotonin production
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If you dont have enough dopamine it is called parkinsons


that's damage to neurons in a specific area of the body


This is like googling symptoms of cancer when you have pain the area of kidneys. Whoever did that knows what I mean. OP is scam, fuck you.


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Aye sir, but this only serves for causing us more anxiety about our health.

What coconut oil helping against those issues?
>parkinson alzheimer and others
Ever read anything? Just saying, in case anyone has time to google it.


computer time, porn addiction, and depression will directly lower your dopa levels. I don't see your complaint as being valid, this is very entry level neurochemistry

Only think I know about coconut oil is oil pulling and ketones. Parkinson is the extreme end in old age when some guy's striatal neurons are damaged by pesticide exposure and other toxins IIRC


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I really love this game, is a part of my childhood and m wondering if we can start a server on and play together.
What you wizards think.


Counter-Strike with wizards really wouldn't be all too different from Counter-Strike with randos.


>What you wizards think
No, I don't want to play with you.


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An activity for this collective (wizzies) could be to start an online virtual library instead, where we discuss the content in a snobbish, ludicrous mood, constantly showing smugness about thwe quality of its books, media, pictures and memes.

Basically what this imageboard lacks since we are mostly rotting with ignorance about true wizardly ways, ways of healing, of improving, of reaching our selective potential, that the normie world wont offer to us and can mostly be accessed or discovered after years and years of delving and lurking the internet alone… as only truwizards gladly do.

This way we might change this constant torrent of newcomers wailing due to sickness, failed normalcy, mental issues, bad life patterns, constant failures and errors repeated generation after generation of wizards only due to the normals's incompetence and obliviousness when it comes to elaborate and design a fine cultural code where human flaws get fixed in time once and for all.


I'd be up for some team fortress 2?


You mean like a technic


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 No.206507[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's start with this interesting one I just found:

Previous thread: >>192836
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Ashkenazi IQ is false like the Chinese', they take all their samples from the creme de la creme of Jewish private schools. Nepotism is why they make up the upper crust of jobs in society.


There's a theory that if the universe is a simulation, civilizations that get too advanced or expansionist get deleted.


>Abstract: A corollary of the Simulation Argument is that the universe’s computational capacity may be limited. Consequently, advanced alien civilizations may have incentives to avoid space colonization to avoid taking up too much “calculating space” and forcing a simulation shutdown. A possible solution to the Fermi Paradox is that analogous considerations may drive them to avoid broadcasting their presence to the cosmos, and to attempt to destroy or permanently cripple emerging civilizations on sight. This game-theoretical equilibrium could be interpreted as the “katechon” – that which withholds eschaton – doom, oblivion, the end of the world. The resulting state of mutually assured xenocide would result in a dark, seemingly empty universe intermittently populated by small, isolationist “hermit” civilizations.


How weird, I went to post this and saw it was already posted!


I've seen arguments suggesting the real number is 108? The Israel having a sub 100 score thing isn't representative of the ashkenazism


kike shill using the very same crap excuse they all use for muh holocoast

even here at wizchan they have come

Who cares anyway. We cannot do crap about it.
Ignore this troll. You wizards are trying to outsmart him but he just argues in bad faith. He knows you are right already.

[Last 50 Posts]



Post here when you don't have enough to say for a topic and it's too depressing for the general crawl thread.
Previous: >>290006
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Fucking run, Jesus Christ it's not a coward way to survive for yourself instead of dying for rich pricks. Run as far as you can or do anything to get the fuck out of that country.



I have a broken brain. No running away from that.
Even if I wanted to, the borders are closed and well-guarded and there is no escape from being a male citizen of Ukraine.



Exactly the same situation, exactly the same feelings. It seems like I should have made peace with dying long ago, but prolonged wait of death just makes this shit insanely hard to bear mentally. Sometimes I just with a missile fucking landed in my house and saved me the trouble.


Надеюсь, все это скоро кончится, брат по несчастью.
I hope our suffering will end soon enough.


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I got my hands on the satanic Bible. I want to ask any wizard frens if I can learn magic from the book or not.
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Gypsies are literal cultists of the first real succubus ever. That book is just another fart


all those books are fairly larpy as well my wizfriend.


The little bit of magick in the book is ripped off chaos magic.
Without discipline or underlying understanding within a occult framework I seriously doubt one would achieve any verifiable results with what is in the book alone.

Honestly better off just reading Rand or other objectivist writings if you want radical individualism and leave the theatrics to people in showbiz.


Isn't lavey satanism just atheism/humanism with an edgy twist?


It's always so nice to see someone reposting your jpg.
t. apprentice of 18 winters


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When I was younger, around 20-25 years old, I was highly driven, motivated, outgoing, hopeful and physically fit. I had even graduated college. Then, the year I turned 26, I destroyed my right shoulder, left leg, totaled my car, dropped out of the trade school I was in, lost my job, became an alcoholic, and was THIS close to killing myself. Obviously I didn't since I'm posting here now at 29. I even went back to school and graduated for the trade and got the "dream job." Also stopped drinking 3 months ago.

However. since that year I haven't felt that happiness I once had. All of the things I had built up for myself were taken away all at once. I used to enjoy doing multiple martial arts, running, swimming, gaming, and learning new things. I just don't get the same enjoyment or excitement out of any of that stuff anymore. I don't know what to do any more. Do I just keep living even though I hate it? Just so I don't make my mother upset that I killed myself? It's just not good any more. Hasn't been for years.
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^ it is such a waste he is not employed as a professional medical caregiver, just imagine how many wizardly souls he would cure by virtue of his unappreciated knowledge?


medical people don't really do supplements, or if they do their information is quite dated. Many of the best treatments such as what I describe are still considered experimental or might have side effects. Maybe things will change and I'll run a peptide therapy clinic one day, I don't have high hopes


I am all in for you Wiz. May you be blessed with magic for thy efforts to save Wizardry


You're gone. There is no fixing this. Your life will never have value again.


^ whom does he talk to?



vidya bgm



Moetan - Dandy no Theme


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No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

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I don't know if any of you dumb spergs or flaggots noticed, but Gogle is using AI sentiment analysis tools to pre-screen every single comment posted to YouTube in order to block anything remotely controversial or "dangerous" from ever appearing on the site. Every comment goes into quarantine and it takes ~15-60 seconds for the AI to either pass it or reject it. You realize that if Google can afford to run every single YT comment through an LLM based AI gestapo, we are at the point where they can use this technology on literally every single form of communication. SMS, voice calls, messenger apps, DMs, you name it. They can monitor everything you say for wrong-think and either censor you, establish a hidden social credit score, or just arrest you. How long before your smart TV, amazon echo, or phone are conducting sentiment analysis on the AI transcribed audio it picks up 24/7? Do you honestly think that it's not happening right now or is at the very least less than 5 years away? People joke about their "personal agent" who is monitoring everything they say, but with AI that is literally possible now. The "community guidelines" of a handful of corporations are going to become de facto law in western countries and you will have no method by which to discuss it or complain about it.


Completely agree. We are clearly hurtling toward a reality even more dystopian and horrific than any of the popular dystopian novels


Youtube has comments?


I get slightly annoyed when people call rowhomes townhouses.


Let me guess, you're piss because you can't call random people online "jew" anymore like a pissed children? Kek


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I want to share my experiences of having an inner monologue and somewhat losing it later on.

For most of my life up until I was 17 I had an inner monologue. This was almost constant, always some kind of monologue occurring in my head. It was almost a little bit overwhelming, and while I was not diagnosed, I'm 100% sure I had OCD. Would constantly check stuff even though I knew it didn't have to, repeating things in my head to calm anxiety etc. - textbook OCD.

I remember at my "peak" I scored 128 on the Norwegian Mensa IQ test on the first attempt. Not saying that means I had that high IQ, but I'm mentioning it because nowadays I can't score more than 100-110 on the same test.

Anyways, when I was 16-17 there was a lot of fucked up personal shit I don't want to mention, but it was out of my control. I did not use drugs and I wasn't particularly irresponsible, not more than others at that age anyway.

I had gone to the doctor because I was experiencing fatigue. This was shown to be linked to low vitamin D (though it was had more to do with my home environment). The first day I took this supplement, my inner monologue quieted down. It was still there somewhat, but not as active. The next day I took the supplement again it was even quieter. I think I took for a month until I stopped because I didn't feel like myself, inner monologue was basically gone. Even though I stopped it did not return fully. This was compounded by the fact that I decided I needed to lose weight, so I did lots of water fasting, not eating for 2 days at a time. While fasting does provide some benefits, it is not recommended for someone who's brain is still developing. Malnutrition can have permanent effects on your development, which it did in my case. My inner monologue was basically completely gone at this point.

After awhile I actively tried to quiet my brain down because I had such an awful home environment, I would just watch YouTube videos with sound on full blast so I didn't have to hear what was going inside my head or in my living area (family issues). This was right before turning 18.

Ever since, things have not been the same. This was 5 and a half years ago, and things have never been the same again. I do not think as quickly, I don't "get" or understand things as quickly. Like if I read a text or hear someone say something, I may have difficulty understanding it (reading comprehension). This was almost never the case before. Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>just ruin your life using meds and becoming dependent on it
lol I'm not taking your poison, look at your spacing.


yet the conspiracy is real


what do you think meds are? the way you talk about addiction as if taking meds is like smoking crack just shows your ignorance

what you are doing is spreading misinformation about things that could potentially make wizards lives easier and less stressful


>only MY anecdotal experience counts!
now imagine you had a bad experience, wouldnt you be writing against it? The other user just said "anxiety meds" so it's not even clear at all which drug theyre fucking talking about. It could be antipsychotics as often prescribed in eastern europe, which literally measurably shrink the brain within a few years or less.
My own anecodote: from my teenage years all through my 20s I was only prescribed SSRIs. They harmed me.
In my 30s, I was finally given beta blockers and benzos. They are very helpful, but benzos do permanently harm memory, and some people ruin their lives with benzo addiction, so i wouldnt outright recommend them to everyone. With all this in mind i'd say your comment is awful, dangerous, and low IQ.


We should better say exactly which stuff we are taking each one of us, so we may compare effectively.
>don't fall in this trap that dumb conspiracionists preach.
Ok, this was just enough to suspect you are a faggot trolling us all.
>just trust me bruh


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have you played dd2 yet? 4chad's /v/'s saying it's shit and unfinished, is it true? I played the first dd and I found it confusing
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>the game has micro transaction
shit game


It runs like shit in the cities even on high end PCs which is where some of the hate came from.
Besides that though it was just underwhelming and has a lot of the same issues the first one did before Dark Arisen and in some ways is even worse. If you didn't like Dark Arisen I doubt you'll like this one.


I recall summer of 2015… Stream_Wiz streamed DDDA.. He got forced in to dialogue with some black, said "oh it's this nigger"… Nigger mentioned someone named Balsac and streamer_wizard laughed at the name being ballsack.


>single player game with micro transactions, requires always online, and it's EUA says you don't actually own the game so they feel justified taking out your library whenever they feel like.


you know what, maybe the game is trash or meh but microteansactions are a big no to me


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 No.35069[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are you watching?
What are you enjoying?
What have you dropped?
What are you looking forward to next season?
Previous: >>31249
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Just finished Golgo 13 and now on Ashita no Joe 2


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I have finished Ninja Slayer From Animation.

The first 23 episodes were unique, well animated, fun, and proved how American source materials are worth adapting into anime because they didn't feel like they were unexpectedly rushed nor dubbed (and sure as Buddha didn't lag most of the time anyway), which by default means they made sense.


Just the first 23 episodes out of a total of 26 .


Goblin Slayer and My Hero Academia


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Surely there will be more to this than the, *ahem*, pizza sauce jokes I was spoiled, prior to watching, by the second half..


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Finally getting around to watching Accel World..

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 No.65514[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What's the last movie you've seen?
What's the oldest film you've seen?

The last movie thread has surpassed the bump limit. >>>/hob/60753
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File: 1713862661527.webm (3.72 MB, 1800x720, 5:2, Enter the Fat Dragon 1978….webm) ImgOps iqdb

i didn't know jim kelly was in this movie


File: 1713862809358.webm (3.71 MB, 2002x1080, 1001:540, Mr.Vampire.1985.Bluray.10….webm) ImgOps iqdb


Mr. Vampire is my favorite movie.


File: 1714039615330.webm (3.44 MB, 1334x720, 667:360, Mr.Vampire.1985.Bluray.10….webm) ImgOps iqdb


File: 1714291963363.pdf (1.49 MB, Civi War Review.pdf)

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