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When I was younger, around 20-25 years old, I was highly driven, motivated, outgoing, hopeful and physically fit. I had even graduated college. Then, the year I turned 26, I destroyed my right shoulder, left leg, totaled my car, dropped out of the trade school I was in, lost my job, became an alcoholic, and was THIS close to killing myself. Obviously I didn't since I'm posting here now at 29. I even went back to school and graduated for the trade and got the "dream job." Also stopped drinking 3 months ago.

However. since that year I haven't felt that happiness I once had. All of the things I had built up for myself were taken away all at once. I used to enjoy doing multiple martial arts, running, swimming, gaming, and learning new things. I just don't get the same enjoyment or excitement out of any of that stuff anymore. I don't know what to do any more. Do I just keep living even though I hate it? Just so I don't make my mother upset that I killed myself? It's just not good any more. Hasn't been for years.


A man doesn't simply lose interest in his passions unless by outside force taking its toll on his overall outlook on life. Chemical fores even. It sounds as though a change of environment might work in your favor. Your capacity to succeed in the past is a testament to your general normality, to which it would suffice that you would wish to satiate the many normal male instinctual urges. Most men who've done well for themselves and were dealt a fair hand would have moved to new horizons and begun to raise a familty by your age. This fulfillment of instinctual desires is usually enough to reignite the fires of passion that allowed the man to enjoy his own undertakings so much when he was young. There's a gap in your chest that something besides personal achievement must fill. Look for it and don't stop looking until you're found it or death has found you.

Nobody has any authority to encourage you to seek relationships, nor are we on a website that even allows that, so all I can recommend is for you to look for ways to make things different, but also the same. Try new things to find new appreciation in the old things. Go to new places. Speak to new kinds of people. And ditch the depressive helplessness. You've done well for yourself in the past. You've proven that you can do it, so you should know that you can do it again. Many on this board could never succeed in their goals the first time around, so they dwell on the question if it's even possible to. But someone who did is someone who definitely can, so quit your loathing. The old you would hate to see you like this. Don't let him down.


Seek treatment for your depression. It was designed for normalfags like you.


I am curre>>289565
>A man doesn't simply lose interest in his passions unless by outside force taking its toll on his overall outlook on life.
The loss of my physical ability is something I have never truly overcome. I suppose it exposed to me how dependent I was on those hobbies I was for my own happiness. External things. The buddhist in me understands that happiness comes from within regardless of the external forces but the rational human being in me says "to what fucking extent."

>so all I can recommend is for you to look for ways to make things different, but also the same. Try new things to find new appreciation in the old things. Go to new places. Speak to new kinds of people. And ditch the depressive helplessness.

I am currently learning Japanese. I plan on moving to Guam and frequenting Japan. I would like to see what living there as a quarter Japanese gaijin will be like. I'm basically a white guy, but got the social cheat codes.
>You've done well for yourself in the past. You've proven that you can do it, so you should know that you can do it again. Many on this board could never succeed in their goals the first time around, so they dwell on the question if it's even possible to. But someone who did is someone who definitely can, so quit your loathing.
Thank you.
>The old you would hate to see you like this. Don't let him down.
That's the most painful part!


This reminds me when I told my college philosophy professor that I would be going to med school and he seemed genuinely impressed and happy for me. I ended up dropping out half a year later.
Blackpill reaper comes to collect no matter how hard you cope.


You became an alcoholic AFTER you totaled your car?
I'm thinking you were a braindead alky before and now you just had an excuse to drink even more.


Yeah, I know it sounds suspicious. I fell asleep at the wheel on the highway because I was doing 18hr days to try to pass the trade school, while working, while having a long commute. Thankfully I only totalled my car and no one got hurt. Dude's range rover didnt even have a scratch.

Once I had nothing to do all day I turned to alcohol and pot for around 9 months. Only thing that kept me from drinking myself to death was video games. The pot was easy to kick. The alcohol not so much. Only once I started using Naltrexone was I able to quit. I tried so hard without assistance because I hate psychiatry with a passion. Let me tell you though, shit works.


probably a copypasta too


First off, you were probably never gonna be a pro athlete or whatever, so it's just about competing for fun. You can still do that even if you suck because you are partly crippled. They have cripple leagues and stuff, or you could play against succubi or children to get an appropriate handicap if you're only mildly crippled. Secondly, you're almost 30 by this age your days of being good at sports are pretty much done, you have another few years maybe and then if you want to continue, you would suck. So if you only enjoy being good at sports and not just competing at them, then yeah your hobbies are dead but you can still enjoy competing at them even if you suck, and if you only enjoyed being good at them, well that was always going to end in a couple more years and you'd have to find something else regardless. This just sped up your timetable by a few years.


lame op and ever lamer op


Friend, I would like to tell you something. This temporary, decaying material world is itself vanity of vanities. Since the sin in the garden of Eden, we've had the connection to God break and slowly wither away as our own genetic makeup has been corrupting slowly over millenia. If you'd like a personal relationship with the Creator God, this is the logic behind it and how: Since we're born with this sinful nature, which is evident as you look around you and observe even the little children that don't need to be taught to steal, lie, etc. and as is written in the Bible, a unified collection of 70 books/49 scrolls that was written over the span of 1600 or possibly more than 2000 years if Job was written around his time. There's no other book like it, being the most historically accurate book, proven time and time again by archeology, and used by archeologists during excavation. The New Testament has by far the most early manuscripts surviving from decades after the books and letters of it were written down, and with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Old Testament we have today has been proven to be reliable. In the Bible, it is written over and over again, there is none righteous, no not one. There is no hope for us of our own righteousness, having trespassed against the moral laws embedded in us by our holy, just, and infinite God, to get away with it. If for example, a thief steals, is it just not to punish him because he has ke[t all of the other laws? If not, what is our hope? BUT that God came in his mercy and compassion toward us, loving us more than you are able to imagine, in the person of Jesus Christ, and has paid as an infinite being in a finite amount of time the punishment for all of us finite beings which for eternity wouldn't be able to pay them off (our debt towards Him), was buried, and rose again on the third day. Through belief in Him, you accept his payment covering your moral debts, and receive the Holy Ghost, to sanctify you, and one day, which seemingly is very soon, be raised in an incorruptible body, as was or even better than the body of Adam before the fall, with perfect DNA. I myself can testify that I have slowly been steered away from masturbation, porn, video games, love of money, pride, selfishness, etc. And if you put your faith and your trust in Him, he will make you whole and fill that void that you have in your heart.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


I would also like to add that if you need anyone to talk to, hmu.


i love God.

all of normalmaxxing lifestyle prologues are an aversion to and enmity with God.

wizardly being the anti-thesis of normalmax, and normalmax being extreme aversion to God, and going against Him in all their body and mind and spirit.

love the Lord with all your body and mind and spirit; this is the path of wizardy.

bible is a powerful tome.


lol and now christianfags too
someone burn this thread


And it is not what you do (but of course action follows faith), but what HE DID, DOES, and WILL DO.


proud of you anon


Try yourself under this point of wiew, wizanon: https://www.thesimply.ca/blog/human-design-basics

Finding myself within those data helped to stop a suicidal job pursue which led me to nothing through years. Now I neet freely and my anxiety noticeably reduced
>but that's done according to my type, of course


Aight. My advice all sounds the same at this point but it's a pretty standard thing. It's almost like I should write a general op on basic neuroscience problems and point people towards it. Outgoing behavior is dopa. Most vices and misbehavior will blunt dopa sensitivity or receptor density, making you an anhedonic amotivational mess. Internet addiction and fapping in particular.

Try uridine + DHA + Alpha GPC. NAC helps with alcoholism. BPC-157 capsules will accelerate restorative body processes. Take gotu kola to raise gaba since alcoholism fucks with that. Also take a bdnf amp to kick start your body's intellectual exploratory process, which is another one of those meaning of life type things.


oh, this reminded me. If you want to skip the games take semax nasal spray. You have to pace this stuff since a bottle can go quick. It will turn you into an outgoing, motivated chad with excellent memory in about a week


^ it is such a waste he is not employed as a professional medical caregiver, just imagine how many wizardly souls he would cure by virtue of his unappreciated knowledge?


medical people don't really do supplements, or if they do their information is quite dated. Many of the best treatments such as what I describe are still considered experimental or might have side effects. Maybe things will change and I'll run a peptide therapy clinic one day, I don't have high hopes


I am all in for you Wiz. May you be blessed with magic for thy efforts to save Wizardry


You're gone. There is no fixing this. Your life will never have value again.


^ whom does he talk to?


This. I've also lost everything I had due to external circumstances, then painstakingly rebuilt it all back over years and years of sweat, tears and hard work.

It doesn't feel the same the second or third time around. All emotions and feelings of joy are very muted, it's like you're a dead zombie roaming the Earth in a living body.


This. This. And once again this.


I concur. This is exactly how I feel, or rather, don't feel.
But there must be a way back. I believe the damage is reversible.

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