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A thread for those who enjoy and wish to discuss animation and animation related stuff from places that aren't Japan.
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Sonic teaching kids what to do in case of harassment


thank you sonic


Sonic teaching about the dangers of smoking


Heres all the sonic says psa. Hard to believe there was a time that had to sonic cartoons on air at the same time


Animated short based on pickman model

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What makes a good fantasy or science fiction novel for you. Is it the prose or the writer's ability to bring his ideas to life?

Have you read any novels that you consider beautiful in their own right?
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here wiz, this one has better acting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FJ8pTK8N8I enjoy it


>Because in all this wonderful, beautiful, miraculous world, i ALONE, had no body, no SENSES, NO FEELINGS, never for me to to plunge my hands in cold water on a hot day, never for ME to play Mozart on the ivory keys of a forte piano, never for ME to MAKE love, i was in hell.. looking at heaven. I was machine, and you were flesh.

Sad, patethic and almost human. You can find this type of writing today. Thanks for posting that animatic, i thought it was a tumblr bean shaped cartoon, but it was better than expected


i hear the doom door sound, i knew about movies using a lot of stock sound samples for explosions, but didn't know that was common in games also



What mad universe must be the best isekai ever written. The Mc dont even wanst to be there

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Favorite comic?
Favorite author?
Favorite cartoonist?
Favorite character?

What are you reading right now?

Previous thread: >>41819
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This must be a theological joke, because theres no way this could real, even the poor guy gets a chin at the end


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>you could have been rich

And she still dont know why i hate this people


she will not understand if you explain to her, will she?


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Thanks to the guy who posted about thorgal a some years ago. Thorgal must be the best sword and sorcery comic ever, it's a twist on the Conan stereotype. While conan lives adventures for his own benefit, thorgal just wants to be left alone with his family, besides, he is much more empathetic than conan. Sadly, the quality of the writing declines a bit after the departure of the original writer.


You can read it here

>she will not understand if you explain to her, will she?

No. Shes the kind of person who prays for everything in a holier than thou way

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This thread is for hobbies that misuse oppressive infrastructure for fun. This includes skateboarding, climbing stuff, exploring, parkour, graffiti, train hopping and street skiing, but it's not limited to these. The point is freedom, which goes hand in hand with creativity. This stuff is often dangerous or illegal, even worse it can draw attention, but for us with the souls of cats and raccoons it's the only way to live.


I thought it would be nice to have this thread here to collect the crossover between raccoons and the extremely introverted to share tips, stories, musings, whatever. Personally I only go out after dark, and my impulse for freedom is always fighting the fear of being watched and talked to. I especially wouldn't know what to say to a cop, the one time I've had trouble from one I nearly talked him into arresting me.

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Anyone here interested in researching serial killers? I find some of their backstories and psychiatric evaluations really interesting…
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Nah a majority probably. Brownsters are subhuman


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One UK YouTuber called King Von a serial killer due some definition about ”typically a person who kills three or more people, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant period of time between them". Although soldiers who happened to fit the criteria don't put into the category, so why would gang war shit be there?

King Von himself rapped about having 7 bodies that he's sure of, not 9. And he's definitely not the first rapper with such bio.

Someone from O'Block in Chicago said that for him killing feels like sex. Further posts may be offtop. The end.


>And he's definitely not the first rapper with such bio.
That video title was misleading with such a statement.


he's making a persona for the rap genre game, I don't think he ever killed anyone.He is LARPING to keep fans entertained.trap\drill music is like pro-wrestling.


Hear about the new tranny cult that serial killed their way across the US that was just partially caught?

6 known victims so far, but that number might grow as more details are uncovered.

 No.54194[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

After Reading Fingerprints of the Gods and Magicians of the Gods, I wonder if it’s possible the existence of an ancient and lost civilization like those books described. I know a couple of books who give more evidence of that. 2 books written by the Spanish investigator Javier Sierra, called: En busca de la edad de oro and La Ruta Prohibida, if you want to read them. But, the only book I know who gives a serious proof of that is Hamlet’s Mill. That makes me think if the civilization is cyclical and the event that erase a possible civilization could happen again to us. Just think about it.
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The Pomberito is a figure from Guaraní mythology, present especially in Paraguay, Argentina and parts of Brazil. He is described as a small being, generally with a mischievous and playful appearance, who lives in nature, particularly in the fields and forests. According to oral tradition, the Pomberito is the guardian of the fauna and flora, and is attributed both beneficent and maleficent powers, depending on how it is treated.

Legend has it that the Pomberito protects animals and those who respect the natural environment, but can play tricks on those who defy him or harm nature. It is common to offer him gifts such as tobacco, honey or food to appease him and gain his favor. It is also believed to be a protective spirit for homes and families living in rural areas.

Over the years, the Pomberito has been the subject of numerous local stories and folk songs, passed down orally from generation to generation. This mythical figure is not only part of South American folklore, but has also captured the imagination of writers, artists and anthropologists who have studied the indigenous cultures of the region.

The Pomberito represents a deep connection between people and their natural environment in South America. More than just a legend, this mythological figure reflects the importance of respect for nature and harmonious coexistence with the world around us. Its persistence in the popular imagination demonstrates the cultural richness and continued fascination with the mysterious and the sacred in South American traditions.




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Some years ago, in latin america, specifically in argentina, they were published a series of books with the most common kinds of magical beings, vampires, faeries, gnomes wizards and witches, called el magico mundo, heres the wizards one if someone want to know the wizards from the world



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>In Venezuela there are many legends about spirits that haunt the roads, beings taken from our nightmares. Here in Venezuela, hearing about spirits, the dead and ghosts is a very important event. Children sit and pay close attention to the stories told by their parents, grandparents and other relatives. Many times, even the neighbor comes and tells you about the time he was in his house and things were moved or he saw someone who was never really there.

>In Cedeño, a small town on the road to Cumanacoa, Sucre State, Venezuela, it is perfectly normal to talk about Los Encantados

>The people of that town assure that they are beings in human form, usually very beautiful, with white skin and colored hair and eyes that reflect the skies and the water of the river. When the enchanted ones arrive to the rivers, deep pools are created, in which the water is fresh and crystalline and the entrance to their world is under the big rocks that many times hide subway caves that are portals, they have their own societies and take care of nature.

>But, don't be fooled. Los Encantados, they are not good… But they are not bad either. They protect what is theirs, nature. They can drown those who threaten it, as well as if they see a being with a pure soul they can take it to their world and no one knows why and for what. Sometimes people simply disappear while bathing in the river and they say they drowned, but they never find their body. It is the haunted ones who take them away. There have been times when the supposed drowned come back years later and talk about the enchanted ones and their thrones with snakes and cities out of fairy tales. I know of one case of someone who came back for a day. In those strange cases, they come, they tell their relatives that they have lived in that other world, in the enchanted world, and then you see them going into the river, never to return.


>While redcaps may be an innocent-sounding name for a mythical creature, this couldn’t be further from the truth. These malignant faeries of Scottish folklore aren’t creatures you’d want to come across while exploring the hidden grottos and glens of Scotland. Luckily, if you’re not planning to visit one of Scotland’s ruined castles, you’ll probably avoid these little villains.

>But what is a redcap exactly? Well, that’s exactly what this article aims to inform you about. We’ll cover everything you need to know about redcaps, from their characteristics, stories involving redcaps, and where you can find them today.

>A redcap is a type of malevolent, murderous spirit or faerie that originates from the Scottish Borders. They’re also sometimes called Redcombs or Bloody Cap (you’ll understand why in a bit). According to Border folklore, redcaps would kill regularly, using their fingers armed with talons and long prominent teeth

>A redcap mythical creature typically has a shorter stature with a thickset frame and eyes of a fiery red colour. They usually have very elvish or gnomish features, along with prominent teeth, skinny fingers, and grisly hair streaming from their head. The most iconic descriptor to instantly recognise a redcap is its large red caps (who would’ve guessed!).

>As the legend goes, these caps are soaked with their victim’s blood, giving it an eerie crimson hue. Sometimes, redcaps are also equipped with weaponry and armour, such as their iron-shod boots. Several stories describe their skinny fingers armed with heavy iron pikes or spears.

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 No.11978[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is anyone here in to 3D modelling? Planning to start?

What programs do you use? Are you working on animation, models to publish, or building environments to render pleasantly? If you plan to export to a game engine, check out ( >>>/games/8456 )
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Infinity. It is possible to learn Blender, but true understanding is only forever approachable, never attainable


If it was infinity hard to learn to use than literally no one anywhere could use it.


Literally no one anywhere can use it.


3 maybe? Depends on how familiar you are with 3D and graphics stuff in general. >>68702 is also right. It's kinda like Photoshop, it's so complex and has so many features that it's impossible to fully "learn it." It's a journey, you start by learning and consolidating the basics and then continue learning what you need as you go along. The good news is that there are a lot of tutorials available for pretty much anything, both free on YouTube or paid.


I think the problem is confusing learn to use with complete mastery of 100% of the features.
Photoshop generally isn't hard to use at all.
Mastery of all the features is borderline impossible but also for most totally impractical of a goal anyway since the vast majority of the more obscure features are extremely niche.

[Last 50 Posts]


The only hobby I had for a long time was gaming. Recently I quit cold turkey and I need something else to fill the time. I've been reading instead and that's pretty fun but it isn't as comfy as gaming. I need to find something that makes me want to wake up in the morning but everything I try I get bored of. Sometimes it's a few months, sometimes a few years, sometimes a week, but I get bored. No hobbies really sound interesting to me, and even if they do there's always something shitty about them. Should I just go back to gaming?
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>university textbooks also obtained cheaply, especially second hand
It's incredible how the current schoolbook system is allowed to operate. Someone could discover that mixing blue stuff with red stuff actually goes more efficiently at 30.3ºC instead of the 30.0ºC that the textbook says. So now they need to update the textbook and all of next year's students must buy the new one for $499.99 (it cost $2.10 to print). It's a scam, but the high turnover rate really does put a lot of good books out to market.


It's rarely even about updating any facts. They just reword it a little, change the color of the cover a little, change some of the practice questions. Everyone knows it is a scam and the universities are in on it, tied into the corruption


Don't forget changing the formatting around a bit to make it difficult to use older copies in courses using the newer ones despite the info being exactly the same for 99% of the book.


Yeah, it's pretty incredible. In a sense I hope it never changes even though it's a byproduct of a seriously ill society. Over the years I've bought 100+ hardback textbooks for little more than £700-800 in total, many still offered new on scamazon etc. for 10-20 times the price. A couple of extremely obscure books (catalysis A to Z etc.) are 50-100 times lower than the price if bought new. Competely broken system built on asymmetry of information and in the case of the book market, designed arbitrary obsolescence. Some medical textbooks I've procured have been flawless with a single hospital library stamp on the inside page.

A tip for anyone interested in getting into this is patience. Ebay has such a fast turnaround that within a month or two, half a wishlist can be obtained at stupidly miserish prices. It is also a buyer's market, due to low volume sales and small sellers aggressively undercutting each other, probably just trying to scrape by a small living. However this seems usually only the case with less popular pursuits - education, obscure hobbies, laboratory gear that no formal laboratory would deviate from buying from a sole distributor. "Watching an item" will often yield a discounted offer from the seller, making a silly price flatout ridiculous. But it is a dangerous game to play, as anyone else might snap it up for the listed price. WorldofBooks is a favourite seller of mine, but there are many other huge outlets that seemingly don't know the value of anything either. It's very odd.

With regards to buying laboratory and production-line equipment I've never had a problem to date. The microscope and other items along with it retailed at approximately £2500 and I spent £224 in total. This is for a reputable dark field, polarising petrological microscope with waveplates, plan-achromat objectives all in as-close-to-brand new condition as I could have cared for. I bought it primarily to test multiple samples for asbestos, needing accurate polarisation and quarter-wave retardation, but ended up going deep down a path of plant biology and medical studies that has stolen a lot of my time. I've not seen another come up in months however while trying to track another one down for a family member, so this might sadly be a very rare find.

If you don't know much about ebay, there are both 'auctions' and 'buy it now' options. AuctioPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Are you doing all of this as a hobby, or did you go through university and work in a field related to that?

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 No.50416[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Who here likes to walk? Where do you walk? How long do you walk for? What kind of shoes do you like to wear? Do you take photos?
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yeah, most of my life i lived a few hours from there


its nice up there, there any other good trails there you know of?


I didnt go out much so i dont know. I regret not visiting there. I wonder if it would be a good place to live since the climate is cooler on the mountains


thought the same, its a lot easier to breathe up there


Love walking in the woods. Sometimes I go for an hour, sometimes less. Luckily I live rurally so I usually don't encounter a single other person on my trips. I have some busted up hiking boots that I need to replace once I have money, I'd like to get some minimal trail shoes. I had some Nikes a long time ago where you could feel the little stones and shape of the terrain as you walked, I want that again. I usually don't take pics unless I remember to bring my old digicam.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Let's have a thread on it! In the US at least, there's a lot of neat stuff to find even if you're not into it that much. For example, all quarters & dimes dated 1964 and earlier are made of 90% silver.
I'm surprised that there wasn't a thread about this already. Post your hoard if you wish.
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It's been over a year since I wrote this post and I still haven't gotten a new job and still haven't restarted this fun hobby yet.

I remember in 2019 and 2020 I enjoyed getting brand new quarter rolls, because some of the new ones had the West Point W mint mark, rather than the P or D mark. I had relatively good luck finding at least one for every handful of new quarters.

In 2021 I probably could have found more if I had kept up with the hobby. Now in 2022 I haven't encountered a single one. I regret not coin roll hunting these past two years, I could have built a good collection of those W quarters (which I think can sell for $5-10 on Ebay a pop, depending on their condition).

I mentioned in my previous post that I liked collecting paper currency with interesting serial numbers. Well I went broke recently and finally had to spend these bills. I should have tried to at least sell them on Ebay. But the same depression/anxiety combo that prevented me from keeping my job and going to banks for coin rolls also prevented me from even bothering to try. And the fact that I no longer have those neat bills makes me hate myself even more. I had a $10 with a number 01000010, a $1 with number 66606660, and a $20 with number 45454455, among others. And a couple dozen rare star notes. Now they're all gone because I'm a lazy, mentally ill retard.


I've spent every single wheat penny, every silver quarter, every silver dime, even the neat silver proof quarter I had. Spent that one on ice cream for my mom.

The last cool coin I had was a 1885-S Morgan dollar coin. A few weeks ago I pawned it for $20 which I then spent on an ounce of kratom and a benzedrex inhaler and a Coke.

I only bump this thread in the hopes that maybe I'll eventually be inspired to fix my life, and then reignite my interest in coins, and then as I rebuild my collection I'll actively post in this thread and get other people interested as well.
But I'm much more likely to kill myself before anything like that ever comes close to happening.

This was the best hobby I ever had and the only silver lining is that it wouldn't technically be THAT hard for me to rebuild my collection. Given enough time, I could get 95% of it through coin roll hunting and would have fun doing it. I could use my electronic microscope and upload closeups of neat coins and show differences between things like, 1982 small date and large date pennies.
But I'll never do anything ever. Never have never will.


Updates, mage?

I might as well share that I have a 1928 Peace Dollar, I am kind of proud of that. I also have every 5 oz Silver Quarter 2014-2021 before the swapped them out for the succubi of color quarters (which will never become valuable, at least for the foreseeable future, since numismatics is a hobby with a lot of conservatives).


>1928 Peace Dollar
That's neat, I looked in my old "red book" (bought it when I was collecting coins several years ago), and only like 360k were minted that year. Apparently, even in relatively-low-quality, it could be worth over $200. Whereas the ones minted for like 4-5 years before that one would be between $20-40 in the same condition.
(You probably already know all that about your coin though…)

>succubi of color quarters

So THAT'S what the new designs are on the reverses of my new quarters. I noticed they weren't doing states or national parks now but couldn't figure out what was going on.
Also, why did they change the Washington portrait on the obverse of the quarter? The older portraits look better!


Well, I still have no job and still am broke and still haven't gotten back into collecting. But I have a glimmer of hope; every month my family gives me a little bit of cash now. I think I'll buy a box of pennies or something soon: pennies would be only $25 for lots of rolls, and I always enjoyed penny-hunting because of all the different changes in composition over the past century.
I used to collect the pre-1982 copper pennies, too. I know it's not really a *good* "investment", I just thought it was fun amassing rolls and rolls of older, slightly heavier copper pennies.

I also had a dumb idea for a project I will most likely never work on: some kind of weekly coin-related video series or podcast or something. Every week I'd take a coin (US or foreign) and would research it and give interesting facts. BUT, not JUST facts about the coin itself! I'd also talk about where the coin was made, how its design was chosen, other history about its place of origin, AND maybe some other events that happened in its year-of-mintage.
I'd never bother trying to monetize this hypothetical series so I guess I could say whatever I wanted and make each installment as long as I wanted.

But, such a possibility would probably have to wait until I have a job some day.


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I need the coin with the Jersey flag to complete my gibraltar Charlemagne collection, don't know which coins I'd like to collect next

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