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A thread for those who enjoy and wish to discuss animation and animation related stuff from places that aren't Japan.


bojack sucks ass, who the fuck watch this or rick and morty ;to me its for normalfagw


I haven't watched it yet but I heard it has pretty phenomenal writing so my expectations are a bit high.

What did you not like about it?


>What did you not like about it?
its american so you have american jokes but done badly. (just compare south park even if I heard its pozzed now, don't know if true to rick and morty or bojack). bojack and rick and morty are ugly and for normalfag reddit niggers
why do you like bojack and rick and morty?


Is it safe to say you didn't actually watch it and hate it categorically and out of principle rather than it's actual content being objectionable?



Sonic teaching kids what to do in case of harassment


thank you sonic


Sonic teaching about the dangers of smoking


Heres all the sonic says psa. Hard to believe there was a time that had to sonic cartoons on air at the same time


Animated short based on pickman model

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