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If you suffer from depression you probably experienced people calling you lazy or trying to gotcha you by psychoanalyzing that you subconsciously enjoy being miserable and that's why you don't do anything. If you disagree then you will be called in denial or making excuses.

What do you think?

I think someone who is lazy evades responsibilities but will put in effort into the things they enjoy like going out with friends. But if you don't do anything, even let yourself go and can't even be bothered to do stuff others do for fun then to me that's clearly depression.

I feel a lot of regret and hate myself for letting myself go but then when I do think of trying to start doing something like cooking or exercise or reading it feels so difficult because I have almost no energy and don't feel satisfaction from achieving something. I thought I could find a way to bypass feelings and function on logic alone but I don't think it's possible because in the end we are biological beings and need to feel pleasure for motivation.


i don't think we understand depression or the human mind yet. i believe you when you say that things feel difficult and that you feel like you don't have energy to do things. maybe there's like an unconscious part of your mind that does a sort of calculation of whether doing X, Y or Z is going to pay off in some way and being depressed is a state where almost everything ends up with a strong "no", so you're left with browsing the internet or jerking off.

the question is how to get out of that. it's not a conscious process, even though you do have the ability to override how you feel and just do things, this is very difficult and unsustainable because you're going against yourself and that causes friction and certainly doesn't bring any joy or relief, it's just a way to stop being a problem for other people since you're doing your duties and the psychotherapist can tick off a box and say they helped you in an observable way.

the goal is to get your unconscious system to say "yes" when the question of doing things comes up and i think what goes into the equation is mostly past experience. if your memories point to failure, then it's only natural to assume the next time you try something you will fail or it won't be enjoyable or pay off in any way, so you need new data to displace the old data. so you need new experiences that give your mind the foundation on which it can say "yes, let's do that because it worked out before". how would we get there? it makes sense to start small and with activities that require low amount of activation effort but have a reasonable chance of payoff and success. your mind will still say "no" but you can override that with a small amount of effort and take a gamble on it and as long as it leads to success and a payoff, your mind gets new data that can move the weight a little bit in the other direction. collect enough of those experiences and you succeed in a flipping it completely and now most things will receive a "yes" answer from the inside and you could say that you're not "depressed" anymore.

anyway, that's my thoughts about it. what do you think?


> What do you think?
I don't give a shit.

>you subconsciously enjoy being miserable and that's why you don't do anything

Bullshit. It is like saying that somebody who's broken a leg simulates pain as an excuse for not walking and enjoys it.


No, it's like a neuroinflammatory response to abuse or failing to reach your expectations or normal standards required for a contented life. That's like saying somebody who gets scar tissue from a burn spot is personally at fault for a known physiological process


Something as easy as lacking sunlight might have great incidence on this.
>If you disagree then you will be called in denial or making excuses
Stop bleeding in front of predators, you.

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I'm locked in my room trying to figure out what the point of all this is? Why I was born if I wasn't given social gifts? Even asocial people hang out with other asocial people but I don't have anyone except for three old friends.

I jerk off frequently to relieve the sadness in my soul but that only feeds the emptiness more, I feel so helpless and misunderstood in this world, I would rather die but I dread the thought of pain so I pray to die in my sleep.

In the end this confession will remain here and no one will know who is the owner of these ideas.
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>important, necessary, healthy fun outlet
No difference between fap and nofap.
Absolutely wrong. Can live without that.
Makes you feel better when you're good, but makes you feel much worse when you're but. Lots of fun. So fun actually, that some people have it as an excuse for suicidal ideations.


Mastery. This the actual longevity exercise, the hormones produced are said to be quite valuable when not lost


I wish if you can find happiness my friends


>Even asocial people hang out with other asocial people but I don't have anyone
this hurts the most


As long as you keep yourself starving and wanting for that, it will remain.

Rejection is to be done inwardly and outwardly, to delete this inner drain of mental health

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Maybe they're right all along.
Whenever im forced to interact with normalfags, it feels like theyre finding me repulsive and looking at me in a sense of disgust or hate. that they sense that there has to be something truly wrong with me that i cannot sense or fully comprehend my self, it feels all the faults about my self that i already can see is confirmed by others, but there is something they sense more about me than my self. it feels all these people who mentally tormented me all these years were right, because they are all living their lives now surrounded by family and friends while im here left to rot in my own prison. theyve won and ive lost, but whenever i try to join their normalfag world just to stop taking so many L's in life, copy their mannerism and speak like them, it comes out as unnatural or forced and i end up feeling exhausted then isolating my self from society even more, because that would never work, they would still be able to see through me no matter what and they can all sense of how much of a loser I am. Whenever i share any of my interests or thoughts it feels like i am humilating my self.
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I don't agree with you, but I feel your post and personally my inclinations lean towards your post rather than OPpost. Violence is not an option, but being a monkey such as them is disgusting as well.


Unless passively done. But that works when your are just being mocked, not bullied
What I meant is not that, they will mock all the same. It's just the fact of us being petulant what humilliates us. So I said (remembering my past experiences) better if passively done. Like dropping shit carelessly upon them, and they seethe, oh boy.


the moment you try and compare, you're in for a bad time. Normies do not experience the sort of hardships most people on this site have and are also generally pretty stupid.

a relationship takes dozens of hours out of a normie schedule and the demands are escalating. People also get trapped by social acceptability with the succubus and instead of researching topics spend their time trying to be amusing or funny to get sex.

People who use drugs are just inferior. There is ample evidence on this, even the ones who moderate.

Yep. I think the issues start when normies begin transitioning into "autism"


>People who use drugs are just inferior. There is ample evidence on this, even the ones who moderate.
Do me a favor give me this fucking evidence. I can't imagine why one would do drugs. My life has been a wreck, why do I never feel the desire to drug myself? Why do I not want to get drunk? Why do I return to /dep/ again and again, and while feeling all this seemingly unbearable pain that drives me suicidal, I still do not want to drug myself. What the fuck is the difference?


Which thing pains you, man?


>Dopamine deficiency has been linked to neurodegenerative conditions in the body. If you have symptoms of low dopamine levels, you might feel:
Anxious or moody
Depressed or hopeless
Indifferent about the things you used to enjoy
Unable to concentrate
Unable to sleep
Uninterested in sex
>Dopamine and serotonin compete for expression in the brain, one tends to dominate over the other
>see also https://wizchan.org/wiz/res/211617.html#217192, high serotonin causes shyness and anxiety
>a high carb diet, IE typical western one for poorwizs, favors serotonin production
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If you dont have enough dopamine it is called parkinsons


that's damage to neurons in a specific area of the body


This is like googling symptoms of cancer when you have pain the area of kidneys. Whoever did that knows what I mean. OP is scam, fuck you.


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Aye sir, but this only serves for causing us more anxiety about our health.

What coconut oil helping against those issues?
>parkinson alzheimer and others
Ever read anything? Just saying, in case anyone has time to google it.


computer time, porn addiction, and depression will directly lower your dopa levels. I don't see your complaint as being valid, this is very entry level neurochemistry

Only think I know about coconut oil is oil pulling and ketones. Parkinson is the extreme end in old age when some guy's striatal neurons are damaged by pesticide exposure and other toxins IIRC


Post here when you don't have enough to say for a topic and it's too depressing for the general crawl thread.
Previous: >>290006
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Fucking run, Jesus Christ it's not a coward way to survive for yourself instead of dying for rich pricks. Run as far as you can or do anything to get the fuck out of that country.



I have a broken brain. No running away from that.
Even if I wanted to, the borders are closed and well-guarded and there is no escape from being a male citizen of Ukraine.



Exactly the same situation, exactly the same feelings. It seems like I should have made peace with dying long ago, but prolonged wait of death just makes this shit insanely hard to bear mentally. Sometimes I just with a missile fucking landed in my house and saved me the trouble.


Надеюсь, все это скоро кончится, брат по несчастью.
I hope our suffering will end soon enough.

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When I was younger, around 20-25 years old, I was highly driven, motivated, outgoing, hopeful and physically fit. I had even graduated college. Then, the year I turned 26, I destroyed my right shoulder, left leg, totaled my car, dropped out of the trade school I was in, lost my job, became an alcoholic, and was THIS close to killing myself. Obviously I didn't since I'm posting here now at 29. I even went back to school and graduated for the trade and got the "dream job." Also stopped drinking 3 months ago.

However. since that year I haven't felt that happiness I once had. All of the things I had built up for myself were taken away all at once. I used to enjoy doing multiple martial arts, running, swimming, gaming, and learning new things. I just don't get the same enjoyment or excitement out of any of that stuff anymore. I don't know what to do any more. Do I just keep living even though I hate it? Just so I don't make my mother upset that I killed myself? It's just not good any more. Hasn't been for years.
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^ it is such a waste he is not employed as a professional medical caregiver, just imagine how many wizardly souls he would cure by virtue of his unappreciated knowledge?


medical people don't really do supplements, or if they do their information is quite dated. Many of the best treatments such as what I describe are still considered experimental or might have side effects. Maybe things will change and I'll run a peptide therapy clinic one day, I don't have high hopes


I am all in for you Wiz. May you be blessed with magic for thy efforts to save Wizardry


You're gone. There is no fixing this. Your life will never have value again.


^ whom does he talk to?

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 No.283944[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In this thread, we shall discuss everything SSRi-related.

I've tried the following:

Fluvoxamine, Sertraline, and Fluoxteine are SSRIs.


Desvenlafaxine Venlafaxine

I'm going to talk about each of them and how I feel about them.


The first two weeks on Fluvoxamine are complete torture; I'm anxious, tired, and have terrible focus due to anxiety and panic episodes.


When I first started on Sertraline, I had no side effects, it was OK till it pooped out, but it truly works but it can screw with your motivation, plus the weight loss is fantastic on this medicine, I was 78 before taking it, and three months later I was 69-70.

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This entire thread is full of mentally ill people and junkies who swear some drug "saved" their lives. You should just hide it.


Serotonin agonism is a very bad fix. It's a dope neurotransmitter, makes you passive and sedate but not necessarily any better. The way these pills are distributed to the public as if they were actually anti-depression is actually criminal.

BDNF agonism
Dopa sensitization
Serotonin sensitization
That's the sort of formula that would help with the dep. Simply flooding some guy's brain with serotonin is like the normie equivalent of what an AP does to a schizo, zombifying them


so in other words
st john's wort

take those together and you'll probably get results


those dumb fucks talk shit on meds. Not even 50 years ago they would be FORCED by their family to do a lobotomy. Thats how things worked back then, and if you go back in time it was even worse due to ignorance

my god i hate dumb, ignorant people so much. you are lucky to live this day and age and have the privilege of people treating you normal when you are clearly an idiot


you're a moron, leave

[Last 50 Posts]


I'm doing it sort of to enjoy life in the moment outside of my ADHD vices but now what, what to think about, what to fill the empty void with do I force myself to think and be creative or do I let my thoughts flow until I find something I can do but sometimes I find myself dozing off or have some sporadic serges in my thoughts that scare me or make me feel anxious or dreadful almost makes me think there are entities trapped in my thoughts trying to scare me or something. I'm trying to break free from my ADHD not just control it I want to reshape my entire personality to the desired outcome.
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I have a really similar experience. I have times of intense anxiety, fear, and confusion. And also most of the time I'm suffering because of the transient nature of life and the lack of any real meaning or purpose. All I have found to really do about it is immerse yourself in art. I read and listen to music. Even if that's ultimately meaningless also its the only way to escape reality somewhat.


Thoughts that bait me into feeding the ego and I end up in stupid situations where I make a fool of myself. Sometimes it's personality issues in general I want to change like my anger and hedonism. Over all personality change.
I've tried art it just makes me realize how dull I am as a human it's always stuck on anatomy I dont broaden my horizon it's always stale. Even a 2D picture is better than a well done 3D drawing of poses. Idk


For me the thoughts are the worst when I get up and walk around. The second I stop interacting with stuff on the computer screen and go to pee or something, they come flooding in and torture me. Of course, things on the computer screen that I see can trigger them too at any moment. There really is no escape.


Yup. Your are not the first nor the last who will come here in need of the obvious, retardedly forgotten reducers of brain stagnation:

This is only a brief guide about what I gathered. To deeper knowledge of why I am saying this all, you'll'ave to research on your own. This practices are designed to outcast most defficiencies known by wizkids away (muh brainfog, restlessness, etc), exceptuating only those given by genome:

>leave all diaries, inmediately

>leave grains: no wheat, corn or rice at all
>eat your foods within a reduced schedule, rather than through all the day long
>avoid starchy foods and red meats
>if not vegetarian, eat meats briefly: like once a week or two weeks
>the softest and wealthiest meats are white fish
>do you like nuts? They are still acidifiers…
>learn your ayurveda body type (dosha) and how to regulate it

If you want quick results, these are the shock therapies:
>fasting regularly (the body must slowly develop its ability to detox or adversities a.k.a "detox crisis" are to be faced. The same on mucusless diet.) using honey if dismay prone.
>colon enema
>HIIT exercise
>do not use domestic cooling/heating unless your body strictly requires so, due to some sickness or whatever else
>drink hot water, as much as it can be without harming your mouth, specially useful for early morning detox
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adhd is low dopamine in the pfc. You want stimulants for the short term, try phenylpiracetam. Take CDP-choline, subultiamine, and inositol for months on end to increase receptor density and sensitize them. L-tyrosine might also help if you're somehow not able to synthesize dopa naturally


I have a very bad prose and poor way of writing so I will write simple sentences, "bullet points" to convey what I mean to say.
I have discovered that the 2 Cups Method truly does work. I believe in dimensional jumping, but not in reality shifting. I have calculated and meditated than under ANY religion, -even materialistic atheism- the best for me is to live 2 ,3 years at full intensity and then die.
I would be treated like a king, my rich relatives would gift me a lot of travels and stuff, my parents would give me early inheritance money. the future is super super grim, better to die happy. I want to choose a religion to devote the last of life to. If Im a great and ardent devotee + expiatory suffering and burning bad sins trough cancer\etc, I'll go to heaven and not h*.
I think my current religion (catholicism) is right, but maybe tibetan vajrayana, or Krsna Vedic path, are true.
please, give me valuable insight or advice.
>tl;dr I can give myself cancer trough magickal means. What do I do to burn family's cash on my fun + go to true religion's heaven after 2,3 years


Ever read about Kali Yuga?


Health - undiagnosed gastrological problems, lost half my weight, couldn't breathe normally for a year, NAFLD, IBS, schizoid personality, mixed anxiety-depression, all teeth dying, always in pain or unbearable agony or feeling like i'm dying, benzo addiction, exhaustion, inability to function, move, eat, work like a normal person, heart arrythmias, breathing problems, stomach pains, teeth pain, head pain, eyesight problems, heartburn, huge scoliosis etc. etc.

Money - after making a ton of money in crypto eventually I started losing it and giving money away due to depression and suicidal ideation, so after 2 years of psychiatry and therapy i went to the best psychiatric hospital where they scammed me out of 6 figures and said they can't help me. Rest went to physicians for normal health problems, nobody really helped, they misdiagnosed me and tried to treat non-existing conditions, spent a year going from doctor to doctor for my symptoms until i ran out of money, now i'm left with infinite tax debt. Dropped out of school at 18, can't work any normal job due to physical mental social problems and inability to do simplest things, not that anyone would hire me.

Social - my family is insane and insanely stupid, they don't care and won't do anything even if you writhe in pain in front of them, or start dying in front of them. I don't speak to them since years and I would do things to them I'd rather not write about. Never had my own room, and shared a PC with 2 forever unemployed mentally ill brothers till I was 20. Never had a chance to live or function like a normal person. Never had a single relationship, a friend, never felt love in any form for anyone in my family or otherwise. I am socially at a level of a 4 year old.

Oh, I also can't do basic chores and never learned how to function like a normal human being. And I lost all my hobbies and copes since there's no point. So why am I still here, you ask? No reason, apart from my cowardice. I first thought about suicide probably 12 years ago, drowning in my bathtub. But i quickly decided it was just a fantasy and I will do it via train. Nothing's changed, only available methods are brutal and scary and i'm the biggest coward you will ever meet in the universe. But, there is no choice. Suicide started as a comforting fantasy, then a choice, and then a necessity you beg for every day. I hope I manage to die today. There is no point in doing anything or thinking about anything or feelinPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Have a fun life
Not happening. It's not bad in the same way as yours, so I'm some months/years away from suicide yet. And at this point I am too repulsed towards "hapi" normalfag life anyway. Hope next time it's going to be better.


All of the problems you've listed are actually treatable. Go to the top supplement forums and grind out hours lurking, longecity is the good one


Give me some


This isn't my job and you need specialized subsets of knowledge a general practice biohacker won't have. Bentonite clay to clean out your gastrointestinal tract might help.

Your low intestine is where nutrients are absorbed so of course if you have dysfunction there your whole body will go out of whack. Noopept massively increases visual acuity, you'll see more vivid colors a few days in.

Headache; that might be inflammation or choline deficiency. Schizoid isn't a real disease but you could raise d1 dopa receptors with sulbutiamine. Liver, I don't know much but try milk thistle and higher dosage NAC. Teeth and body pain try bpc-157 (capsules) from limitless. Heartburt, I don't know. The dep I already posted a guide to somewhere else today, ashwaghanda, gotu kola, and SJ wort should help. Go do your work and study breh


oh and get the apaguard toothpaste from japan to fix the teeth. BPC-157 just kills the bacteria in them

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