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I hate having human potential and desire when my brain capacity and mind isn't equipped to have a human identity or experience human things. It's too much to handle and think about when your brain and body can't keep up. Then you have this ounce of hope when a plan comes to mind to do it, but the universe finds some way to ruin it, always. Then I find my self in stupid ass situations where I think I can do it or handle it just to look like an idiot or piss someone off. Why if I'm built like an idiot can't be contempt like an idiot, why do I have this surge of self awareness and conquest why can't it be reserved for actual human beings and not subhuman swarthoid shits we call humans. It's painful. Really painful to live in this contradiction.


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Next time don't mix drugs and genital problems with a profession only a rare few have.


I feel the same.

I feel violated but there is no one I can blame. There is no god and even if there was I am not an anime character who can take him on. There is only this process that emerged called evoltion that gives us all humans similar desires but then "watches" who comes out on top thanks to their superior genes or luck. It's all a big game that we get forced into but for no spectators. I sometimes wonder if we live in a simulation for pure entertainement purposes. Maybe the people running it are taking bets on us. But I feel like there would be a lot more fuckery if that was the case. I can't imagine anyone being too excited over watching me cry alone in my room.


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They don't spectate the loners and the dull masses. They follow Musk or big battles or major conflicts while eating their equivalent of popcorn.

It's like the Truman show but instead of one person, they can watch every creature alive. And the entertainment never stops, since the actors just keep replicating for thousands and thousands of years.

It's all a game to them. Will the great-great-times 60 grandson of Pontius Pilate become the president of France? Will the bastard descendant 46 times removed of Joan of Arc become a world famous pop singer? Tune in for season 2024 of Earth!

Bonus features this season: "The illegitimate progeny of Rasputin tries to conquer his neighbors and expand Russia with no limits! Are you not entertained?"


>People take bets on us
Read the book of job where god made a bet with satan


Clifford Hoyt

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Eternal nothingness after death is pure cope.

The universe is infinite and eternal, considering the universe came from "nothing" and that "nothing" still is "nothing". After that established fact, the probability of the heat death of the universe and the universe progressing towards a neutralized state of entropy forever becomes 0%.

It's an impossibility for the universe to expand forever, as repulsive gravity emerges from fields of energy within the universe and this force is responsible for the expansion of the universe. Once these fields of energy and this repulsive gravity decays, the persisting attracting gravitation force of matter pulls the universe back in on itself, eventually condensing into a hot ball of energy made out of all the matter and energy in the universe. This unstable ball of energy that was formed at the concluding end of the universe is the same ball of energy that was there at the beginning, eventually manifesting into the expansion of the universe and our genesis.

The universe is eternal. Life is eternal. The demiurge has us by the wizorbs.
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What have we done to deserve this? How do we atone?


Much like our souls the world we know is contained, eternal infinite expanse is cope to justify eternal nothingness after death making life meaningless and small. Gnostic were the biggest normies using their religion to host massive orgis. The demiurge gas you by the wizorbs.


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Nothing, we can't escape rebirth and are forced to be reborn into clown worlds over and over.


At least we don't remember our past lives… That would be hell if that was the case.


Why? You would probably work to set your life to be as good as possible as soon as you can if you remembered your previous lives.

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 No.290006[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post here when you don't have enough to say for a topic and it's too depressing for the general crawl thread.
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I will never get better and being a neet living in my parent's house is the best possible outcome for my future.


It's all not worth it. All this struggle and it never gets better. Being alive was a mistake.





Same here.

[Last 50 Posts]

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i am a high school dropout, have never had any irl friends past people who i would talk to at breaktime as a 7 year old and never hang out with. i have absolutely no talents, hobbies, interests, zero stories or life experiences besides playing video games and consuming media in the darkness of my room.
due to going sometimes years without speaking to other humans my cognitive functions have declined significantly. my social skills are non existent and i have no idea how the world works such as basic concepts like taxes, cars, and money. on top of this i am physically extremely repulsive to the point where i have no mirrors in my home, my horrible looks are a main reason behind why i dropped out of society as i could not show myself without being ruthlessly bullied.

i doubt i will be able to live another 3 years. is there anyone out there like me or am i just next level fucked up?
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I agree with you OP, I am this >>290312 anon


yes, except I only scroll through jewtube shorts and eat junk food because that is the only thing my nigger mind can handle a small stupid brain of mine. I ge tpockets of self awareness that I am wasting time but it doesnt help it that I ge butt fucked by space nigs when I take the right path. Its all too hopeless


Whats the alpeal of shorts? It seems like normie shit


It lets you feel like it was filmed on a phone


>butt fucked by space nigs when i take the right path.

what do you mean? could you elaborate on this?

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I first started using the Internet during the early 2000s. I was 12 years old or so, and used it as an outlet to escape and forget about the difficulties I faced in life and school. Been that I was so young, I never told anyone what my real age was, nor did I ever share any important details about my personal life. Naturally, I also never VC'd with anyone, or sent a picture. This mindset has stayed with me to this day, and I still can't think of the Internet as anything but a virtual, parallel world. This is why I'm always baffled by how eager some people are to share personal information online, as though this sharp divide that exists in my mind between "reality" and "Internet" doesn't exist for them.

Whenever I interact with anyone online, I'm never interested in who they are behind the screen. I don't even want to hear their voice, because even VC is too "real" for me: it goes against my notion of what the Internet is.

I had a very shitty life, filled with trauma and mental torment, and the idea of isekai-ing (if I may use that word) into a separate world helps me cope. After all, this was the reason I became addicted to the Internet as a 12 year old in the first place. Yet the line between irl and online only got blurrier as time progressed, which is very alienating to me. Due to a similar reason, I never use my phone for browsing or anything other than phone calls for the most part, because a phone is unlike a PC in that it's more tied to the irl self. I know this is all a delusion, and the Internet is nothing more than an extension of real life, but I wonder if anyone feels the same as I do.


I lie about my personal details online all the time. I live a country over, I am 3-5 years older in either direction, I work in a semi-related industry to my real job that I know about. Stories about my relatives become stories about 'some guy I know", my height I vary up or down too. The only thing I don't lie about is my race and gender, funnily enough.


I can relate, but I don't really have anything to add.

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 No.283805[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>get back from mental hospital after about 2 years
>excited to tell my NEET loser online friends about it
>they're all normied up. One has even become a gay furry living with Tyrone
>they keep giving me improvebrah advice and telling me I'm too negative
The only people I can relate to now are you motherfuckers. I wonder how many Wizards have done this and left the site. Both these guys were old 28, and 35 respectively.
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I mean, they're half of the world population
Not really, but, pretty much


They destroyed the whole internet



I hate curries too man.


Fuck curries

[Last 50 Posts]

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I suffer from this and I don't know why.

My parents didn't really spoil me. I had mediocre grades in school and no one told I was gifted. I even remember that at a young age I read books like "how to become smarter, how to learn creativity, how to talk to people" because I knew I'm worse than others.

I wonder if it's because I didn't have friends and instead escaped into anime and games where the whole focus is on the main character and everything that happens happens for a reason and any challenge is there to be overcome.

But life is not like that obviously. It's clear as day. It would be incredibly arrogant of me to look at all the people who die in war, suffer in 3rd world countries, lie in the hospital and think that somehow I am special and protected from this.

I guess it's because of consciousness making me experience everything in such an intense way but other people are not less conscious.

Maybe it's because years of isolation I lose touch with life and instead of being concerned with worldly issues like going to my job, coming home exhausted and watch tv, isolation and depression makes me look at life from a distance.

Realistically I exist for no reason, consciousness is just what humans evolved to make better decisions and desires exist to motivate me into action. Yet knowing that it's hard to say no to desire. I'm not religious but I can't help but feel like there is more to life even if it can be explained as a coping mechanism for dealing with chaos and your own mortality.


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Are you familiar with that one scene from the first episode of Goblin Slayer? God forbid life ever checks you like that nightmarish scene, but misfortunes around that caliber will break or sober you up from any delusions you have described.
Some variation of, "I never thought such a thing would happen to me!" is so often expressed its almost funny.


I actually hated both the anime and manga from what I watched and read before binning the entire franchise for good. That scene I'm talking about was tasteless and literally developed so animanga newsites would leap on and give the series exposure.
Still leaves quite the impression however.


Well like I said I've been reality checked since Day 1. I know I'm not special. But I just don't know how I can really accept it and stop resisting it which just makes me suffer.

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By Jack London. Picture taken by Miron Zownir in Moscow in 1995 (Radical Eye).
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>The old man leaned upon his spade
You cant call black people that anymore


I helped unravel my own thread


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Jack London as the East Londoners saw him in 1902


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The city of degradation


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The golden rule

"The papers boastfully proclaim that there is nothing the matter with the East End as a living place." For everyone fares as well as the next person, or is in his place and should be glad.

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Poet who "maintained to the last his constancy to himself and gentleness toward others" despite his misfortune.
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His last days (according to Bertram Dobell)


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'Sympathy' from 'Essays and Phantasies'
"Who likes to believe it is altogether vain to look for the blessing of deep sympathy in any of his friends?"

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Stuff used to increase by like 1% a year if that.

Now the exact same order costs 20% more a month later. There is absolutely no way this can be chalked up to inflation. This is pure greed.

And no I don't eat there every day, it's my only treat as a poor wagie about once or twice a month. Now I'll cut it down to zero since they just keep gouging the prices up rapidly.
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oh also the war in sudan affected prices also since it is a pretty big exporter of seeds and nuts and stuff. Any disruption to real production or distribution of food causes price inflation.


This shit makes me regret dropping out of college so much. Being a NEET sucks so hard now.


The cost of McDonald's bacon cheeseburger is not at all related to the price of food.


>"The McDonald’s McDouble, at 390 Calories, 23g of protein, 7 percent of daily fiber, 20 percent of daily calcium and iron, etc., is the cheapest, most nutritious, and bountiful food that has ever existed in human history."
>The claim was made by Ralph Thomas to Freakonomics authors and radio broadcasters, who are known for showing 'the hidden side of everything' by fitting economics to popular culture.
>Commenting in the New York Times Kyle Smith says that those opposing the idea of the McDouble's nutritional worth, are ignoring the fact that it is great value-for-money for customers.
>"Junk food costs as little as $1.76 per 1,000 calories, whereas fresh veggies and the like cost more than 10 times as much, found a 2007 University of Washington survey for the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. A 2,000-calorie day of meals would, if you stuck strictly to the good-for-you stuff, cost $36.32, said the study’s lead author, Adam Drewnowski."
As you can see, it was a rhetorical point that access to cheap protein was a sign of historic exceptionalism. This point was silently dropped once it became untenable, and now we get to witness the same class of people silently shift their position on food and fuel again


It was possible to get a McDouble for a single USD before covid, or even 2 for 1 deals on the app making it $0.50 each.

Now each McDouble costs about $3 to $4.50 in most markets and is no longer a value option.

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