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You always make threads of "I will never be pretty enough", "I will never have a job because I am ugly", "I am horrible :(". Everything related to physical appearance, and complexes. The truth is already unpleasant, and pathetic that men , and especially chaste men, give importance to something as trivial as appearance.
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If someone treats another badly just because of their appearance, it is because that person was straight up shit. Since it is true that great beauty can lead to better treatment, the lack of it does not mean that you have to be treated poorly.


The problem is that 99% of people are straight up shit.


Ironic isn't it? There was a brief period in my life when I was under a certain influence that made me less shit, but now I'm shit again. Toxic, hateful, and enjoy it. A bit lonely for sure, but at least secure. Maybe many people are actually not shit, just high on defensive, because this society is basically kill or be killed.


Imagine that you are in a forest and there are hundreds of huge trees, and one suddenly falls. That tree that falls will make an extremely loud noise, and it will be an experience that you will hardly forget, but the hundreds of trees that were there creating a beautiful ecosystem will be forgotten.

The same thing happens with people, you can surround yourself with very good people, but they are the most unpleasant people, the ones who will remain in your memories.


Nope. You remember only that to which you pay proper attention. Pay attention to good people and you will remember them too. Basic metacognition.

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hello wizneets, anyone been kicked out before? im leaving today. gonna just stay in a hostel on neetbux and drink alcohol or something
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not to shit on your other but what does she expect from her kids if the man she chose to pass on a genetic lineage is a genetic dead end nigger just tp punish you for giving you shit genes. She needs to get her head kicked in for that one


Are you really addicted. No one should ever start to even smell that shit.


Alcohol is only useful for wounds


Anything but drugs. You need to stay keen to survive burglars and the so often psychos who chase us all out of nowhere.

Have some honor


yeah, i got kicked out when i was 24, when i was neeting since 18 (im 32 now)
unironically, it was probably the best thing that happened to me.
i camped for a bit, but i got a job quickly, (1mo) i gave my blank CV to job agencies and had an interview at a factory. factories take any warm body they can. staff turnover is very high.and its tough work initially, but your feet get used to it after a few weeks.
i wont ever be on neetbux again, unfortunately. my country isnt very permissive on this, but it isn't as awful as you'd think.
after working solidly for 5 years and saving a good amount of money (I'm a cheap guy, don't spend much on anything but alcohol, rent and food) I saved a cushion and now work as a night time cleaner, 16 hours a week, to cover my basic expenses
this isnt glory, i live in a shared house with some nigerians, but they're okay and not thieves or anything

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My brother exhibits the same behavior as I did at his age and it just makes me miserable and depressed to see it, someone ending up like me, sloppy, low motivated, half brain working, and no aspirations to life. It's forcing me to relive my past, to see someone like that. With beautiful eyes and a strong personality of a manager to grow up to be me. It's already over for him, he is 14 and already the light of life is just gone. Another porn addicted anger issued soulless husk to the calling of this shitty existence of life. I don't care if eugenics goes against ethics, THIS IS UNETHICAL. to allow "nature take it's course" to ruin so many children at a young age because a couple of dysgenic fucks decided to hump like niggers unprotected. Even my brothers speeches are slurred half fast mumbling like mine.

But today is sunny and it's been screwing up my mood lately, more depressed than ever than in the winter or cloudy days. That's going to be a fun few summer months to embrace.


Beat him up

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 No.285412[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Death of the Uncool - End of the Wizards V

Watching Geekdom get absorbed into the monoculture over the last decade (and then some) has been a pretty demoralising experience.

Part of the process of commodification, streamlining and assimilation of geek culture into the all-consuming monoculture, is distortion and erasure of the original.

"These would be the successive phases of the image:

1 It is the reflection of a basic reality.

2 It masks and perverts a basic reality.

3 It masks the absence of a basic reality.

4 It bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own pure simulacrum.

In the first case, the image is a good appearance: the representation is of the order of sacrament. In the second, it is an evil appearance: of the order of malefice. In the third, it plays at being an appearance: it is of the order of sorcery. In the fourth, it is no longer in the order of appearance at all, but of simulation."

I'm probably using Baudrillard wrong, but I think we're either between phase 2 and 3 or on phase 3. We're at the point where we have "gamers" who don't like videogames as the faces of videogames.
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Hmmmmmmmmm. It seems like I'm the one who is jaded. Having seen so many discussions relating to the thread topic and seeing it happen in real time, it has long ceased to be something I really put much thought or negative energy to.
You can even sometimes find ancient blogs and posts from (now) much older and (most likely) truer nerds through wiby.me making succintions of all the posts itt.
I won't waste your time any longer. All the best.


Helldivers 2, a sleeper hit, nearly fucked up it's PC release by trying to force people to sign up to PSN to play it. It's only because of PC-only gamers, in foreign lands where PSN doesn't exist made, enough noise to stop Sony reverse it's decision. And you KNOW that Sony has plans to make it mandatory for any future titles.


>a sleeper hit
More like a streamer hit. Helldivers 2 was a one week wonder. Half of those who were interested in it took a week to get experience all it had to offer, while the other half just watched jerks on Twitch play it. Trash game or not, what Sony tried to pull was bad, but the reality is that platforms such as Epic and Steam are already rolling out measures to tie users to their real identities but nobody is batting an eye because those platforms or held in higher regard than Sony. All this situation has revealed is that most gamers who blow hot air only do so when it is fashionable to do so, while remaining ignorant or hypocritical to the same issues elsewhere.


remember palworld? neither do they.

>tie users to their real identities
oh fuck, do you have any source for that? like many older guys here i grew up with a "dont put up your real info online" mentality. i dont play games anymore at all, but i keep an old account that must be worth almost $1,000. thats not much but its a lot for a zero income neet. i always feared steam one day locking me out and demanding proof of this fictional identity

im not that guy btw


>All this situation has revealed is that most gamers who blow hot air only do so when it is fashionable to do so, while remaining ignorant or hypocritical to the same issues elsewhere.
The Cyberpunk 2077 situation is absolutely insane, a game so broken on release that the Playstation Store issued refunds. Then they release an anime and the negative opinions starts going in reverse because every normalfag is now an anime fan.

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As Wizards, do you think we suffer a lot more than most people? Recently, I've been having antinatalist thoughts that all humans and animals were born to suffer, and that everyone probably suffer to similar degrees no matter how shit or awesome their lives are.

I used to think most people have much better lives than me, because they have friends, loving families, careers, sex, etc. but, no matter how much better their lives seem to be compared to mine, I've never once wanted to BE them. If I could trade my sorry existence away and live the life of some famous super celebrity, I wouldn't make that trade. Partly as an ego thing, and partly because I think I would be taking on their suffering too, so it would be pointless.

We all know of celebrities who killed themselves despite having fame and fortune and things we could only dream of having, but how are their lives any better than that of Wizards who an heroed? Wizards kill themselves for being on the spectrum, and being ugly and unwanted, while those celebs suffered from none of those things and had everything we ever wanted but they ended up killing themselves anyway. I think it's a mindset thing derived from the circumstances of our lives. Those celebs would never worry about the same things as a Wizard would worry about, but having celebrity status exposed them to different sources of suffering like needing to maintain their looks, avoiding scandals, contemplating the dicks they need to suck to stay relevant. It seems to me like it doesn't matter if you're normal, a wizard, homeless, or a celebrity. You're always gonna have your own set of worries to make you feel sad and depressed. I'm starting to think all living things were born to suffer equally.

My coworkers are as normal as can be. They're married, have kids, and socialize with each other every day. Meanwhile, I'm the opposite. I'm single, no kids, and keep to myself. Of course I get sad about this sometimes, being the only KHV in the office, but when I overhear them rant about drama regarding their family and friends, I feel grateful that I don't have to deal with those things.
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Buddhism began as a religious movement among the nobility and many early monks were literate and the cultural elite of their day.


I agree. In fact most religions were spread primarily through the elite (in India's case the brahmin caste).
Even a Roman emperor was one of the first advocates of early christianity.

It doesn't change the fact it is at the core a tool of power to keep the unfortunate and poor content or even happy with hunger and owning nothing.


You didn't even know how Buddhism began a couple a post ago and now you think you know the core of it. You don't know anything, anon.


The belief system itself is a cope for poverty.

It being originally spread by the filthy rich doesn't change that.


another false flag is on the way soon, I think. jews are preparing a war between their puppet states (American ZOG vs Chinese ZOG).

 No.277007[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The purpose of this thread is to counter the general tenor of sadness that defines all the other threads. This thread will therefore feature practical advice about reducing suicidal behavior even when we feel most suicidal. Naturally, being that I started the topic, I will be the first to contribute.

(1) Know that I care about you guys deeply and sincerely. Call me a faggot, I don't care.
(2) Examine what you are eating. For example, gluten especially produces depressive/psychotic episodes in sensitive autistic individuals. Sugar also is not healthy for your brain.
(3) Make sure you are getting sufficient sleep. Chronic sleeplessness or even a few days' worth of irregular sleep can seriously interfere with the clarity of our thinking.
(4) Clean up. Taking a warm shower and putting on fresh clean clothes always is refreshing and helps to break up darkened mental habits.
(5) Breathe fresh air. Open the windows to your wiz-cave and allow some wind to come in.
(6) Watch your breathing. When we are panicked, our breathing can become very disordered and we do not recognize the effect this has on our thinking. Take deep, purposeful breaths, and collect your thoughts.
(7) Respect yourself. You have done your best to survive in an awful world, and you should grant yourself forgiveness for any mistakes and the allowance to rest with a composed and balanced mind.

I've done my part. Anyone else?
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sounds really good.


have any wizards here been able to associate bouts of sadness with certain foods eaten? or contrariwise, feelings of happiness with certain foods eaten?


>feelings of happiness with certain foods eaten
Uhh… consuming your favorite food after not eating it for a week?


what's your favorite food?


Chicken curry, Thailand style. Or at least anything that has to do with curry as long as it’s not seafood

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.283944[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In this thread, we shall discuss everything SSRi-related.

I've tried the following:

Fluvoxamine, Sertraline, and Fluoxteine are SSRIs.


Desvenlafaxine Venlafaxine

I'm going to talk about each of them and how I feel about them.


The first two weeks on Fluvoxamine are complete torture; I'm anxious, tired, and have terrible focus due to anxiety and panic episodes.


When I first started on Sertraline, I had no side effects, it was OK till it pooped out, but it truly works but it can screw with your motivation, plus the weight loss is fantastic on this medicine, I was 78 before taking it, and three months later I was 69-70.

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those dumb fucks talk shit on meds. Not even 50 years ago they would be FORCED by their family to do a lobotomy. Thats how things worked back then, and if you go back in time it was even worse due to ignorance

my god i hate dumb, ignorant people so much. you are lucky to live this day and age and have the privilege of people treating you normal when you are clearly an idiot


you're a moron, leave


Saphis so far has been the worst thing I've taken, and now I've been scared off taking anything else for the most part. Relinquishing myself to medication again feels like the cuts of monotony in The Seventh Continent but scenes filled with pallid walls and overbearingly bright lights, fake conversations with the doctor and a complete inability to explain myself. Meds can help sometimes, but generally hurt quite a lot as well. Hence the reason I take nothing anymore apart from clonazepam daily. The only reason I keep paying my psychiatrist every 3-4 months is just to get some benzo refills because taper and withdrawal is genuinely so awful. The taper from Saphris may have been worse, though. Sweating, shaking, dissociation, an even furthering of an unstable mood. Being on the drug was not much better, though. I was having constant visual distortions, any form of stress felt amplified by ten, it was absolutely unbearable. The previous antipsychotic I was on, Vraylar (had to stop due to urinary retention), got me back into exercise and cycling but Saphris ruined that for me. I just reverted back to my shutin ways and didn't leave the house for about 8 months after I started, including tapering off. I don't feel that much better, but it's a vast improvement to what it was before. There seem to be some lasting problems like insomnia, anxiety, visual distortions, and tinnitus in my left ear (but that's probably just earwax buildup and unrelated), and maybe dizziness? I remember getting vertigo a lot with panic attacks while on it but I'm unsure if that's just a trait and it had been so long since my panic attacks were so consistent that I've forgotten. I'm falling into a depressive episode again and have lots of Latuda, and it works as an antidepressant but it makes me a bit unstable when the dosage creeps up. I mean the whole reason I stopped taking it was due to severe suicidal urges going up to 60mg. I still felt a bit depressed at 20, so it was upped to 40mg and it had abated for a little while but something still felt off. 40mg made severe depression manageable, but the akathisia sucked and so did the intolerance to heat. I got a bit chunky on it too, which now some of the weight I've lost but I tend to fluctuate a lot lately. I'm really hesitant to try anything new anymore, and I don't have insurance.

tl;dr don't take saphris that shit sucks man


ssri = castrating jew poison
covid vaccine = depopulating jew poison


More than 13% of people take the jew pills. How many got lobotomies? 0.1%?
Further, 50 years ago most of us would be fine and able to get some easy job and buy a house in a year

[Last 50 Posts]


Serious question for any wizcels:

Do you ever wonder how you got here…as in, how or why you "woke up" when you did, where you did, to the people (parents) that you did? It's impossible to make sense of. Just on one fucking terrible day, we took up consciousness, literally out of nowhere we are in bodies and tasked with learning the mechanics of entire material world. What caused us to be born when we were, to whom we were? I don't accept that it was random, or mere bare biology..I feel within myself that this life is a targeted punishment and that were I smarter I would have avoided being born entirely. What piece of shit god thinks he/it has the right to do this to us? We are born, thereafter we spend a few years simply making basic sense of things, go off to school, probably suffer a lot, continue to grow up, endure more sadness, and now through all of it we just continue to get older and weaker and sadder. This life is a crime against our souls and whatever caused us to come here HAS TO PAY. Really the only thing I fear is being forced to come back to this shitheap of a world to suffer again…and I do worry about this precisely because I don't know how I got here in the first place. I feel deeply sorry for all the new souls born to this world…there is just so much to learn, but even more there is just so much to suffer through…and I cannot understand what kind of god would force this sort of existence on tender helpless beings? The demiurge must be overcome.
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Hello buddy, I see that your post was insanely subjective and seem to come from hatred of Life and God.

But don't worry this hatred is not absurd and you're right, But don't be hatefully ignorant, Life is trully a punishment but you must know beyond punishment that the life you were given is atleast better than what the other misfortunate person had.

Be thankful that you atleast see and live in a better place and can afford internet and electricity and water. I know this may seem as sophism but truly you need to be thankful that in this punished World atleast you had the advantage 60% didn't have.


It seems unlikely that we will be reborn in the same conditions, but since we don't know what consciousness actually is we can't say for sure that we do not live again. Things are always worse than imagination.


Zero. There is no escape.


false, ultra false.


i practice tens of times every day to be ready to dodge this fucker when i finally happily die.

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sometimes, I feel like my heart is heavy and it make me very sad and feel uneasy. It also feels like a sharp object penetrating my heart. Or sometimes, I feel like I have a big hole in my chest (where the heart is located). and whenever I feel one of the three situations, my energy is drained and I feel awful and empty inside my upper body. anyone who feel the same way?
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Lifting weights!= good health


Lifting weights for building muscles are aesthetic purpose nowadays
>for health
Much more efficient based on your diet and amount of sleep
t. someone who exercised a lot and have unhealthy habits


>Men are inferior abominations.
This a male site, you disgusting faggot.
Lifting weights or doing calistehnics:

Improves heart health
Improves bone health
Increases your energy
Improves your cognitive function e.g., processing speed, memory, executive function, etc. All linked to memory and learning
Lowers your risk of injury
Boosts your metabolism by building muscles
Improves sleep quality
Boosts your mood and improves mental health
Reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types o cancer
Decreases your risk of falls
Lowers your risk of developing diabetes
Increases ROM, allowing for greater mobility and flexibility

Basically a better quality of life.


>Much more efficient based on your diet and amount of sleep
This and sun exposure. I wish I knew how to optimize these things when I Was younger.


It also helps you lose weight… helps with blood flow and lowers the risk of so many heart problems, bone problems and makes brain feel good.

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Reflections on height
My mother is 4.9, my father is 5.5.
In my school years, because my mother worked as a cleaner in a factory for 12 grand (RUB*) a month and my father worked in the same factory as an electrician for 15 grand, I had a disgusting diet and a closed way of life - I was forbidden to leave the house. I grew very slowly while my boy classmates in 13-14 years old were 5.2-6.2, succubi were 4.9-5.7. I was 4.7 in 9th grade at 15 (since I went to school at 6 (while the whole class was 7-8). I was hated for my height and for the fact that I was not a calm tolerant I was a hyperactive child with the character of an alpha kid most of the bullying was psychological mostly I was bullied by classmates and teachers who were also female. The bullying could be expressed in the following teachers constantly put me as a bad example or as an example of a stupid child because I was the youngest and smallest, they looked down on me while my classmates allowed themselves to communicate with them as equals and challenge their decisions my attempts to build a constructive dialog ended with remarks and F's in the diary. I could be forced to do class work because it seemed to them that I was the easiest to force and so they reflexively emphasized me. To wring out a rag, to wipe the blackboard, to put me at the first desk in every lesson, to call me to the blackboard every lesson, to take away my backpack for not having time to put my textbooks away before the lesson started, constant teasing trying to shove me into some ugly role in some ugly play for example I played a rooster in the New Year's play because I was threatened to get a D for the quarter after which my classmates and teachers laughed at me almost immediately after that I was tricked into the role of an eagle on teacher's day where I was scripted to peck Hercules' liver while I was pecking the liver on stage. From the outside it looked like an act of sodomy and about 100 people were looking at me, including teachers and students, laughing loudly at me and shouting "peck, peck" I still do not understand how and why in their heads these people had such a desire to mock me. In addition to this I suffered from overweight, acne, stuttering and social maladjustment. No one was involved in my physical fitness, so I never knew how to do pull-ups and push-ups, which in turn caused ridicule from others. Classmates never paid attention to my advances they every day laughed at my height and my appearance Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>I feel bad about the lack of humanity in people
you don't get it, anon, this "lack of humanity" is the common human behavior.
you provably were the guy who your average height classmate would think "at least I'm not like HIM", every normie have this sense inside of them, there's always someone to be the worst which others will look badly on, you were unlucky enough to be the one who fell into this position.
I understand your feeling of thinking how you're the worst version of yourself, I think that way about me every single day too, I was cursed with things that hindered my health as a child and that I didn't have the courage (?) to change, my parents also didn't do more than the necessary but I've always tried to keep this bad feeling in the closet as much as possible, maybe I was afraid to say that things weren't good as they were, anyway, I know it wasn't my fault for not making the best decision at an age when my brain wasn't even close to finish it's development, but I still can't stop imagining how things could have been different, I can't help but blame myself for not giving up everything and forcing my parents to help me fix my life while there was time.
You said you were not a calm and tolerant guy but a hyperactive child, I'm certain that things would've been way worse if you were the shy guy.
I went through something similar, most of my life I was someone shy but I had to change little by little or things would get bad for me, I would be seen as weird if I hadn't changed, I've always been the shortest one on my school times too, in puberty, I would see a lot of people younger than me surpass me quickly.
I avoided conflict as much as I could however, if I hadn't been lucky things would have gone down a worse path.


>You said you were not a calm and tolerant guy but a hyperactive child, I'm certain that things would've been way worse if you were the shy guy.
I don't think that's true, being hyperactive while sucking at socialising is the same if not worse than being shy. If you are quiet you may pass under the normies radars, but if you are constantly drawing attention to yourself you are much more likely to get bullied. The most bullied kid in my class in elementary school was very hyperactive.


+1 to this spell. I used to try and fit in now and then back in school and every time I drew attention of the "cool" kids to me I got bullied one way or another. I thought that maybe it was a pattern and ghosted them and whoa nobody knows I exist anymore. Lucky me that they had enough shit to occupy their mind, so they didn't harass me out of blue.


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idk, man. whether you wanted to hide your presence or not, you would still be noticed in some way


of course, it's not like being quiet is some magic anti-bullying spell, but from my experience the people bullied the most are those who are drawing the most attention to themselves.

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