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If you suffer from depression you probably experienced people calling you lazy or trying to gotcha you by psychoanalyzing that you subconsciously enjoy being miserable and that's why you don't do anything. If you disagree then you will be called in denial or making excuses.

What do you think?

I think someone who is lazy evades responsibilities but will put in effort into the things they enjoy like going out with friends. But if you don't do anything, even let yourself go and can't even be bothered to do stuff others do for fun then to me that's clearly depression.

I feel a lot of regret and hate myself for letting myself go but then when I do think of trying to start doing something like cooking or exercise or reading it feels so difficult because I have almost no energy and don't feel satisfaction from achieving something. I thought I could find a way to bypass feelings and function on logic alone but I don't think it's possible because in the end we are biological beings and need to feel pleasure for motivation.
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Did anon say he is depressed due to homelessness? Depression can come out of nowhere if sunlight is scarce.

Also "bleeding" was figurative there. I'll let you guess what I really meant.

You should address each comment before answering their lines. But yes, depression sometimes comes from not following basic brain regulations, not saying that this be the almighty panacea

>I don't need constant sunlight, I don't need to work myself to exhaustion at the gym, I don't need to eat a perfect diet.
Nobody spoke about perfections here. Such quick way to escalate!

>let's just say that salt makes a dish of fish a bit more tasteful


>it's that all those bullshit advice givers fear paying taxes so others might actually have a life worth living
Dubiously, since those would then suffer a subsequent tax increase. It's middle class who pays for this scam of a society.


>Depression can come out of nowhere if sunlight is scarce.

bruh is just not sunbathing enough



>my case is worse so this cannot be real for others
>not giving a damn if it is, stay feeling like shit cos I can't get it through



Please learn how to cite posts properly.



>Dopamine deficiency has been linked to neurodegenerative conditions in the body. If you have symptoms of low dopamine levels, you might feel:
Anxious or moody
Depressed or hopeless
Indifferent about the things you used to enjoy
Unable to concentrate
Unable to sleep
Uninterested in sex
>Dopamine and serotonin compete for expression in the brain, one tends to dominate over the other
>see also https://wizchan.org/wiz/res/211617.html#217192, high serotonin causes shyness and anxiety
>a high carb diet, IE typical western one for poorwizs, favors serotonin production
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that's damage to neurons in a specific area of the body


This is like googling symptoms of cancer when you have pain the area of kidneys. Whoever did that knows what I mean. OP is scam, fuck you.


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Aye sir, but this only serves for causing us more anxiety about our health.

What coconut oil helping against those issues?
>parkinson alzheimer and others
Ever read anything? Just saying, in case anyone has time to google it.


computer time, porn addiction, and depression will directly lower your dopa levels. I don't see your complaint as being valid, this is very entry level neurochemistry

Only think I know about coconut oil is oil pulling and ketones. Parkinson is the extreme end in old age when some guy's striatal neurons are damaged by pesticide exposure and other toxins IIRC


The only thing i have is high leves cope.

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I'm locked in my room trying to figure out what the point of all this is? Why I was born if I wasn't given social gifts? Even asocial people hang out with other asocial people but I don't have anyone except for three old friends.

I jerk off frequently to relieve the sadness in my soul but that only feeds the emptiness more, I feel so helpless and misunderstood in this world, I would rather die but I dread the thought of pain so I pray to die in my sleep.

In the end this confession will remain here and no one will know who is the owner of these ideas.
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>important, necessary, healthy fun outlet
No difference between fap and nofap.
Absolutely wrong. Can live without that.
Makes you feel better when you're good, but makes you feel much worse when you're but. Lots of fun. So fun actually, that some people have it as an excuse for suicidal ideations.


Mastery. This the actual longevity exercise, the hormones produced are said to be quite valuable when not lost


I wish if you can find happiness my friends


>Even asocial people hang out with other asocial people but I don't have anyone
this hurts the most


As long as you keep yourself starving and wanting for that, it will remain.

Rejection is to be done inwardly and outwardly, to delete this inner drain of mental health


I have a very bad prose and poor way of writing so I will write simple sentences, "bullet points" to convey what I mean to say.
I have discovered that the 2 Cups Method truly does work. I believe in dimensional jumping, but not in reality shifting. I have calculated and meditated than under ANY religion, -even materialistic atheism- the best for me is to live 2 ,3 years at full intensity and then die.
I would be treated like a king, my rich relatives would gift me a lot of travels and stuff, my parents would give me early inheritance money. the future is super super grim, better to die happy. I want to choose a religion to devote the last of life to. If Im a great and ardent devotee + expiatory suffering and burning bad sins trough cancer\etc, I'll go to heaven and not h*.
I think my current religion (catholicism) is right, but maybe tibetan vajrayana, or Krsna Vedic path, are true.
please, give me valuable insight or advice.
>tl;dr I can give myself cancer trough magickal means. What do I do to burn family's cash on my fun + go to true religion's heaven after 2,3 years


Ever read about Kali Yuga?


3 months and 7 days, and I'm just thinking,. Why am I ugly? Will my future be mine?, Am I wrong? Is my existence wrong?
Also, I have a crush on a succubus that study in my high-school, she appears recently on my dreams, thats so sweet and i wanna text het she is looking so cute and smart.
Mybe just mybe this succubus gonna be my only escape from this hole.
Wizzies, should i do the move? Tell me and i will keep yall uptaded.
I love all of you guys


Please hang on line. The Wizard Consortium is currently considering your problem and will notify you immediately once a solution has been deduced. Please be patient. Stay magic, Wizard.


expect her to date some ruthless chad in front of you after you kindly confess your tender feelings towards her. Will you be okay?

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I used to cope with patriotism, believing my country was better than the others despite being poor, at least we had some morals. But take a look at the vidrel, the vidrel is India.

There is nothing Indian about this, all I see is unabashed degeneracy, alien to Indian soil. It is then I realised, that only I care about India and Indians and not the opposite. Nobody gives a fuck apparently about the country. About the culture. About what my ancestors tried, all in vain.

It's a brutal reality, while this fair skinned Indian bitch parties, some poor, short, balding, dark skinned Indian man will clean this up. All while her body becomes a maze of Hindu Chads, Muslims, and White Tourists.

Patriotism and Nationalism is truly the cope of the man who has nothing to be proud of with himself. And desperately seeked some higher purpose in the service of motherland. All while knowing that neither the motherland, nor the citizenry gives a shit about me.

I am all alone. There is no us vs them. It's me vs everyone, me vs life. Another cope gone.

>Ahhhh India is so conservative vro

>Indian succubi are extremely oppressed by uggo pajeets vro
>India crab paradise bro
>Muh arranged marriage

Third world brokeness. First world wokeness.
BTW recommendations for other copes? I like driving. But fuel is expensive. So I am now unironically thinking crocheting like my grandma. Kek the days that are going to come by.
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tbh as much as I wish I was born in the first world (well maybe not seeing the condition of the succubi there, wouldn't be surprised if "wizards" here would rather defend "their" succubi then side with a poorcel), India is still a hell lot better than most third world countries, as a matter of fact I would go so far to call it the best among the third world despite having more problems than other third world country.

but sadly given the demographics although our fertility rate was 6.8! in in 1950 it's now below 2. Below replacement, but sadly it's the hindu populace that is dying. Future is muslim, yall


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>Wanting to die for a bunch of sociopaths who will flee the country at the first sign of trouble


being poorer than nigeria but richer than mali is not exactly something to brag about


Agree, nationalism is for normalniggers.


I understand but hopefully you can see the progress, tell you what, about two decades ago, we only had electricity in our houses for just 3 hours a day, when temperatures use to go up for 44C in summers, and electricity grids use to crash. And even in winters. But now, electricity rarely goes for 3 hours a week, even in summers.

We barely had a highway network, and now we have third largest highway network. Our fertility rate was 6 in 1960 and now it is reduced to 1.9, despite the outstanding birth rates of the Muslims. We have managed to develop a military that is the 4th most powerful in the world, we acquired nuclear weapons even as outside world tried to sabotage us.

We were a debtor country earlier, and now we are a creditor country, we are food secure, and we have a truly stellar pharma industry and perhaps the best healthcare system in the third world. Literacy rate in India was 20% in the 70s, now it's 74% today.

And despite all of this, I admit we are a poor country. And yes, our achievements fade away into irrelevancy when compared to China. Life is bad here. But you can appreciate what the country has done after 1500 years of slavery under Islam and 200 years of slavery under British. So in that context things are getting better for now.

Can't say about the future though, but I guess in the future it won't matter cause India is becoming Western in it's culture see the vid in OP's post. So we all will be the same. We will all speak english. Our mothers, sisters, etc. will all dress up scantily clad, they will all complain about oppression, and patriarchy. Whilst practising the most degenerate and immoral and immodest acts (doubt that succubi even know what modesty is). And we will all hate each other over our race, and everything, which is understandable because whites were the top dogs (still are but not to that margin) primarily because of China and internal bickering. So that will give rise to resentment, kanging, so that the elites, normie men, foids, and faggots make sure that gynocracy will never be overthrown.

 No.287504[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I relate a lot with old inc_els because most of them don't even want relationships anymore, they've accepted that past a certain point there is no coming back, once you've spent your entire life bullied and ostracized and mocked for how you look or being introverted and entered adult age not knowing real friendships or love from parents, there is really no rainbow in the dark or light at the end of the tunnel.

Your personality is shaped, your memories are painful so you want to erase the past or pretend that it didn't happen, you are like an abused and neglected kid who starts to sweat and becoming increasingly anxious as the time to go back from work for his dad approaches.

Lot of pain and trauma. You are better off alone at that point, engaging in hobbies, distracted with work or in some fantasy world.

There is no cure.

You can't even relate or feel an attachment for this world and what it has to offer. You are almost prepared to leave and don't care. How can you care when you carry a broken soul within you.

There is no return because the place you left was doomed to be hell for you, from the very beginning and you know it's best once you accept that it wasn't your fault and stop blaming yourself. What can you do when you are born a wiz.

Society doesn't care. You've been left alone.
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>Society isn't ridiculing voluntary celibates.
well actually yes it is (or would, if volcels were even relevant), society would never consider a sexless man to be voluntarily sexless, its a hysterical proposition to the average person. and regardless theyre still virgin, low status men, the biggest punching bags of society.


Any virtuosity gets mocked in todays world and labeled as naive, if you choose to not partake in something they will automatically assume that you are a weirdo. In our feminized world you only get rewarded for superficial stuff such as your dick, sexual experience and attractiveness but not for your virtues. I'm not saying it was way better in past days but men seemed to get rewarded for more relevant things in the past other than now where its all about how attractive you are to succubi or how well you go along with modern bullshit. That's why the attack on male autist spaces is a last direct attack on masculinity as well, they try to bully everyone into submission and dumb men down to being chimpanzees who only do things to get validated by succubi. A mans status is not based on his intelligence, virtues, strength, views or skills but its all about how well he plays into this feminine thing and that's why thug lowlifes get rewarded more than some uninteresting guy who might be way more intelligent but less likeable for todays standards.


I agree that todays concept of "love" is bullshit and also a delusion of men. Theres attractive men who want to have a loving relationship but they are still aware of the womens nature unlike the losers who get manipulated and act like little boys wanting their mommy to love them. I wouldn't say Christians/Europeans concept of love is a perversion but modern times just show that "love" without the spiritual aspect is superficial and religions like Christianity have been aware of the womans nature too


If you fret over a man's status in the society you have no virtue, so you deserve whatever you're suffering.


Low IQ response

[Last 50 Posts]

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Distant recognition from a goodsocietyman. Suicide: A Social and Historical Study, written by Henry Romilly Fedden in 1938.
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hey OP didnt you make a thread similar to this a week or two ago but with a different book? I wanted to save that book but I forgot. something about the machine and the abyss right?


I loved this pages I read, Thanks you i'm happy it didn't have any kind of forced Aphorism, Even if there were, there were few and still even tho I disliked the constant examples of Rome and hoped for other examples to make it clear, Still it was a good reading. Could've dug deeper into the subject rather than staying in the already known "Suicide is caused by the same reasons other writers said" but hey It's good to read something you already know.
Liked the examples


The People of the Abyss by Jack London. He lived among the poor in East London in 1902 to tell his well-placed fellows.


Rome was just one chapter, though the longest.
Read his prediction of the future, if you haven't.


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What's the easiest way to get Nembutal nowadays? I'm suffering greatly and I would appreciate any help.


Be careful there are a lot of scammers online who ask money upfront and never deliver


I wish there were some replies to this. Sorry I don't have them. Not that I think I'd have the guts to order anything outside the surface web anyway.


Can you travel to Peru? Apparently you can buy it there.


Got me reading wiki about capital penalties now I am psychologically devastated for no reason.


I don't think this has ever been done before. I also don't know what fellow wiz will think of this idea (but that doesn't really concern me). I just thought to make a general prayer thread for all true wiz so that every worthy reader of these sentences might feel just a little less alone in having understood that he has been prayed for. Be it known that I've prayed for you guys sincerely. I also wrote a brief latin poem to that end.

nos non recte sapientes senes qui intellexerint
dehinc pedibus invenire debeant velocibus exitum.
Unicus unicis detur animis locus serveturque
quoi vixdum aditum morio titubans unquam
seipsum supponat adeptum esse verum;
etiamsi erro per errorem in fallacem veniens
occultum gloriabitur intellectum rarorum campum.
parumper verestur huc dum plane nesciens,
magis modo initiatis veridicus ceditur thesaurus.
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denounce the talmud.


I had to translate, although I recognize many cognate words
I like the thought of this even if still remaining unsure about believing or not. Lovecraft wrote something to the effect that the traditions of our forefathers have moulded out a place for us in the cosmos; whether or not they are true or not, I enjoy contemplating Christian literature. Its a shared cultural sphere of thought and the spirt of Christianity has created much literature I find highly poetic and beautiful; even if ultimately its meaningless


Since Pascal's wager proves every atheist as the idiot they are, no need for middle ages or whatever to have a minimum brains.


nos non recte sapientes senes qui intellexerint
dehinc pedibus invenire debeant velocibus exitum.
Unicus unicis detur animis locus serveturque
quoi vixdum aditum morio titubans unquam
seipsum supponat adeptum esse verum;
etiamsi erro per errorem in fallacem veniens
occultum gloriabitur intellectum rarorum campum.
parumper verestur huc dum plane nesciens,
magis modo initiatis veridicus ceditur thesaurus.

they who not rightly shall have understood us old wise men
from here with swift feet may they owe to find exit.
let a unique place to unique minds be given and likewise kept
to which hardly yet a stumbling fool ever
may suppose himself to have found true entry;
even if a wanderer through wandering coming into a hidden field
shall boast hidden understanding of rare things.
for a little while let him here dwell while plainly not knowing
truth-speaking treasure is yielded to initiated wizards alone.

Thanks for reading my poem. I wrote it in defense of wizardry generally. Times are not easy and I find myself praying to die…somewhat contrary to where I was when I first posted this.


they who not rightly shall have understood us old wise men
from here with swift feet may they owe to find exit.
let a unique place to unique minds be given and likewise kept
to which hardly yet a stumbling fool ever
may suppose himself to have acquired true entry;
even if a wanderer through wandering coming into a hidden field
shall boast fallacious understanding of rare things.
for a little while let him here dwell while plainly not knowing
truth-speaking treasure is yielded to initiated wizards alone.

quick correction.

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