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chronic alcoholics, drug addicts, homeless schizos, career criminals, neets who are one or more of this options, all mixes of these: Are they actually correct? if life is absurd and meaningless: why play by the rules? Why not maximize pleasure at the expense of everybody else?
Serious discussion here. Every day, I DESPISE more and more family men, job-havers, preachy-preachy goody two-shoes, anyone who works for stability, governance, administration and organisation of communities.
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> Misery is profit, suffering is value.
>Misery is profit, suffering is value.
No it doesn't, not everyone has to be so masochistic.


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I've been doing a collab with another online fren about how true crime and most arrests, cases ,police and crime is all fake-staged-coded


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this is worldwide, international, transnational. intra-global


And you are right. But know that drugs will make you reach powerlessness faster than you already might be heading for it by nature. Don't give a penny to those bastards.


I want to start obtaining and doing benzos, Xanax and\or Clonazepam, and drinking alcohol daily all the time. I have my own apartment now but I just feel and see nihilism everywhere. I can lived without working due to investments + disability pension which is based on Real motor disability, disability Tax exemptions etc. so far I DO work and a lot, but it's for time-wasting's sake.

I really feel desperate and despondent about society, social relations, life-long projects or before-I-die bucket lists and prospects towards old age. Im a man, 29 years old. Benzos + alcohol will probably kill me if withdrawal doesn't but I've done and seen so much (bad stuff), I don't like being aware of reality any more.

I won't buy illegal drugs but I would (I hope I can stop this plan in time) lie \ fake \ fraud symptoms to my psychiatrist to obtain legal doses and prescriptions. I already used to take non-Benzo meds for 10 years, I stopped recently as I was "given the medical OK" and declared suitable for living without meds. Getting drunk is legal but only inside your house, so if I while drunk decide to leave the house, it's illegal (public disorder, threatening behaviour etc). But really in my Country you can do anything to yourself within your property.

Deep down I know this path is so wrong but I can't stop heading down it. my last rescue would be , to stop this from starting, going back to churches, talk to priest, maybe community meetings. But Im terrified of making long-lasting social relationships so I can't form part of a Community anymore. I even have almost totally stopped consuming Culture and Art (no anime, no vidya, no memes or shitposts) because that's so eminently communal and bonding, I hate national identities and housing codes, it all reinforces bonding and kinship. really,, neighbourhoods are for benefiting the community itself, it kills every Ego in a mass sacrifice.



You better dead than giving a single penny for those things.

Desperate =/= despondent.


Just curious if you are or aren't. If you are, what are you doing? How is it working? If you're not, why not?
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I have no other choice as otherwise things will just get worse but trying to fix my life at 32 sucks because I can feel the passing of each year. When I was in my 20s getting older was whatever but now every year stings as it brings me closer to 40.


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Oh, I tried…
In the grand scheme of things I'm neither better than some people nor worse than others.

(Ffs, I have those I consider ALLIES)..


Did enough years of therapy and psychiatrists.
Now I'm done with that bullshit.
Now I'm on NEETbux.


That's why I fixed more of my life between 30-32 than I did in the entirety of 16-29.

It really hit me I will be old and decay soon. Mortality doesn't feel real in your 20s.
Then as you said, I realized I'm going to be 40 soon. That made me lose all inhibition and I just started doing stuff in rapid succession I should have done a decade ago.

Life is so, so short. Acting today is a necessity.


Yes. My ways are still available for whoever feels the same: https://wizchan.org/dep/res/291067.html#291423

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clingy tacky
I have a shit personnality. I am clingy and tacky. people I talk to are fed up because I take their time with stupid questions or comments I make. I'm a real shit
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You'll be fine, anon. Need a hug?


no it's okay, thank you for the offer


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I'm tired of being insulted because I'm a ESL


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My feed doesn't seed


Since you might be doing it for the mere sake of having company, you give attention to many who do not deserve. The worst is you still blame yourself for what they are.

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This evening (or rather very early in the morning) I had a very (perhaps instructive, it remains to be seen) particular contrasting experience. I was as usual due, to unstability of the mind, fail to accomplish what I set upon myself earlier: that is to simply slept early rather than late. Instead, I once again fell into the same destructive behavior of putting whatever url or search terms despite not actually interested in the subject, for the unfathomable instinct to not sleep but rather do "something".

This cost me sleep time, and when I finally told myself to went to bed, I was unable to drift to the dreamworld despite thinking nothing for the better part of the half-hour. So I woke up, and then I masturbate, something clicked then, but nothing decisive. My mind continue on its chaotic state and I was still unable to sleep. Then I masturbated again an hour later. Everything is calm then, and even so until now.

Suddenly I found myself able to do things that for the last two years I can only dreamt of doing. I can sit with great calm, even my extremites aren't compelled to fidget or vibrate for the sake of movement. Its as if I'm detached from the physical body, and yet silmutaneously, for the first time in months I am in full control of my body and spirit. I can read long passages and paragraphs without feeling nauseatic. I can commit to a task such as writing this thread without diverting my focus elsewhere, nor does my mind have any compelling to do so.

There are few minutes however, when I could feel it in my head and mind that I'm slipping to my previous destructive-unfocused self. That I'm at the verge of losing control. It is terrifying, dreadful. Because I know that at the end, I will slip to that evil state that destroys me so much. This is not the first time that I had this sort of experience, everytime I managed to retain control for perhaps a few hours or even a full day. But something always broke that most graceful state, either interraction with other people or the mere impetus of the physical body, evident by the sudden nausea I that appeared when I was reading the long paragraph I a few moment prior was just comfortable with. Ultimately, the act of drifting to sleep seems to reset this control to the old cursed status quo.

At this very moment nausea is overcoming myself, and my vision felt as if it is oscilating though it doesn't. This I suspect howver, is due to the affect of sleep depriviation raPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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imagine writing all this shite instead of just powering through your stupid chores like every other person on the planet that doesn't feel like it.


imagine replying with butthurt because you see someone write at length about his thoughts. Talk about being a mongoloid.


There always seems to be some post on wizchan attacking people and insulting them no matter how innocuous the post is. I like to pretend in my head that it's all just one really pissed off guy. I call him Mr. Sourpuss. Just ignore Mr Sourpuss, he posts here a lot.


There's a type of bitter wizard that lashes out at everything that exists. Most of them are probably failed normies that wish they weren't wizards but were forced into the situation.


You are a coomer. Therefore I don't give much of a penny for you being allright internally. If you just made the effort of saving your mana to stop losing life force you might have better inner conditions against this trouble.

Also the fact of you getting poisoned by something you contact without even knowing, is a possibility. I would try detox in order to at least make sure these symptoms are not due to some substances messing me up from inside.

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At least 6mg of clonazepam. At least 500g of Tramadol. One decent sized cannabis edible. 355ml 35ABV% alcohol being chased by sprite

Unlikely to kill me to be honest, desire more benzos and stronger opioid, not pussy ass Tramadol. I use for fun, life is too painful, suicide is relief. You virgins don't know what's using, you don't know what you're missing, you are completely club sheeple. Just take the pills and chase them with a shot of bombay sapphire and feel no paint.


> You virgins don't know what's using, you don't know what you're missing, you are completely club sheeple
>you virgins
It FEELS AMAZING TO FEEL ACTUAL HAPPINESS DAILY without the need of pills and to have zero addictions and be free from the clutch of drugs and kike pharmacy industry.
Imagine thinking you know anything about life when you are the equivalent of an npc who is drugged out of his mind 24/7 and has to medicate himself with kike pills just to survive o feel anything, you will never be a wizcel because you have no conscience, you are a puppet. It's good that you will die and suffer in the process while I enjoy my wizard life.


There's no such thing as a free lunch, my wizard friend. The euphoria and excitement you feel now will be paid with a brutal comedown afterwards and neurochemical imbalance and brain damage in the long-term.

Consider finding more suitable ways of coping with this hellish world!

t. straight edge wizza


insisting you're a wizard when your mass in space doesn't collect a ringbelt of doctors orbiting you and scribing your tombs


>There's no such thing as a free lunch, my wizard friend. The euphoria and excitement you feel now will be paid with a brutal comedown afterwards and neurochemical imbalance and brain damage in the long-term

Have you wizards forgotten we are weaker than the rest?


Mom has guests over again.

Too afraid to go to the bathroom so I just had to shit in a garbage bag, then tie it up. It's under my bed right now and I'll take it out later.

Social anxiety and anti-social behavior is hell.


Shitting is crossing a line. I would never do that outside a toilet while at home.

I have peed in bottles when I was younger to avoid going to the toilet when guests were there. It was impossible to get to the toilet without the guests seeing you.
This way it was plausible to pretend you were asleep the entire time and they didn't enter your room to bother you.

I was actually low inhibition enough to pee out of the window at least 50 times, I just had to make sure none of the neighbors were at their windows.
Wondering if they ever saw me. Now that I'm older there is no way in hell I'd have the balls do to that. I live alone now though.


Scare what scares you. I see no other way.


Does anyone else experience boredom or lack of interest so intense as to be unutterably monotonous and to cause anger and irritability?
If I drink a lot of caffeine I'm interested and able to read and listen to music but without it I'm miserably uninterested in anything
I have schizoaffective and am a NEET


yeah I do except im not monotonous im narcissistic and need constant attention and I hate it I hate my personality. I dont do shit because it will always backfire on me and fail. That is why I dont take caffine or ssri I literally dont see myself improving because of extreme self hatred and being mentally lost.


Schizoaffective? I wonder if your sadness could be alleviated by lifting until becoming a monster who could punch whoever made him depressed any time he needed to.

This lack of interest or internal inputs about what could make me have fun, I have too. But no anger, rather dread. Which makes you schizoaffective by the way?

Welcome to wizchan!


I genuinely cannot see how this world could be anything but hell. It's as if everything has been finely crafted for my suffering and misery. I'm not even in an incredibly poor or war torn area, but I know that I do not, and could not ever have the means to do anything with it. If you took any random street shitter from Mumbai, they would be more capable than me. They are stronger than me, and are more fit for survival in this world than me. The same could be said of nearly any person if you were to choose someone random 1000 times. I am weak. I am hideous. I am mentally deficient. I am utterly incompetent and incapable of doing anything that could make my life better in any way. My life is just a train crash that I am forced to slowly watch while knowing there is nothing I can do but take a seat and wait for oblivion. I do not see how this could even be an accident. I got one in a couple billion shit luck, and you mean to tell me this is just the result of randomness? No, there is definitely something out there that sent me here to suffer. There's no way. I can't accept anything else.
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With Wageslaving I can buy cool stuff

But nothing beat waking up every morning at any time you want and not having to go into a job

Having all day everyday to play as many videogames as you want

A small amount of money set aside by your family or the government to buy just enough games and food

I think NEETs have it made


oh wow another optimistic fag with a hostile tongue get over your own problems before trying to preach your bullshit


Being NEET while also getting generous donations from parents is like the ultimate life form unless you count being a rich trust fund kid which is less than 0,0001% of the planet.

No responsibilities, no job, no nagging boss or work agencies, just total freedom and a good standard of living.

Neetbucks alone probably isn't going to cut it these days due to high costs of living and inflation.
You need like $500 or more per month from your parents on top of neetbucks for a comfy life.


>Having all day everyday to play as many videogames as you want
Yeah, like I care about that as a 37 years old. I have no hobbies, I don't get pleasure from anything other than alcohol.

>I think NEETs have it made

I'm as fucked up and depressed as I was before.

I should be livin' the dream right now, but I still feel like shit.

There is no salvation.

>just total freedom
To do what? If you don't care about anything and you have no goals, no hobbies?

Don't get me wrong, I keep recommending getting NEETbux in any appropriate thread. Wageslaving is pure death.
But the NEETbux life is not going to fix your fucked up brain if you have a fucked up brain.
The fact alone that they gave me NEETbux because of my mental health is proof of that.


Do not try to fit yourself in shoes you are not fit for. It is actually hard sometimes and I am a great example: On ly knowing what projectors must do helped me against my despairing job search after 8 yrs of consecutive failures at having some earnings. But no, a projector should never go after things himself.

>know your shoes

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Why did I have to be me?

No hate but unlike some wizards here I am not jaded. I want to enjoy life but my personality and brain is just complete garbage and make me unable to. I can't even improve myself because how can self-improvement come from a faulty mind?


It's because this world is Hell and we all did something wrong in our past life and this determines how we will be punished. Optimistically, you could also look at it as a way to directly confront your sin and perhaps overcome it by the time you die. Pessimistically, you might have to repeat the cycle many many times until you do overcome it and realize something that saves your soul.

The other possibility is that this is Purgatory and any suffering is just caused by chaos and randomness and being far away from God.


>I am not jaded.
>my personality and brain is just complete garbage and make me unable to.
That's pretty much what being jaded is. God, you're just too low iq to function.


Knowing that we literally on a rock floating through empty void of space with no objective purpose or meaning just motivates me to at least do good and ease people pain, I don't see why helping or doing good seems faggy nowadays.


>I am not jaded. I want to enjoy life but my personality and brain is just complete garbage and make me unable to.

same. I am a prisoner to my fucked up mind. I can't relate to the people who are totally mentally healthy and capable and who just chose to be a hiki because they don't like doing stuff. I would like to do stuff, I'm just crazy.


Why not you? Anyways, have the recipes:

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