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 No.284879[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

geniune question, why I can't enjoy video games anymore? do you have a theory or an answer on why one stop enjoying video games?
(I don't know if it's the good board to talk about it)
I believe it must be linked to my depression
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Because video games are for children


>most of them are predictable with similar boring platforming gameplay
I agree, that's why I don't really like video games anymore


I agree with you. companies must make money so they need a bigger audience. that's why they make video games for normals


gen z: 1998-nowdays
millenium: 1985-1997


youre learning japanese?

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I can never connect with people there is always someone more interesting that breaks up my conversation and leaves me in the dark, whenever I say to them I am having a conversation, this was after realizing situation, the person who I initially talked to would tell me not to be rude, invite them back, and they have a conversation over me like I dont exist. Every, fucking, time. It hurts. When you are only there for temporary just because of what you offer. I used this time to reflect and realized I am the issue, but I can't help not be interesting, I can't help not expand my thoughts, I can't help but mentally go on auto pilot because my brain likes to not be there all the time. I can't help not know what to say half the time. Even autistic people online are able to have conversations and know what to say, carrying it out into long term friendships. While I drift from group to group, friends to friends, and so on.




18, Brasil


Stop. Doing. That. If they tell you "rude", ghost them.
>realized I am the issue, not interesting
Bullshit. That cruel mindset you hold by yourself is what kills you. You are just giving attention who does not deserve a shit.
>I don't know what to say
Ignore the pulse of needing to say whatever. If you don't have answers, that means there is no need to give an answer, or even better: they must not be given. Unless you wish to play by normie standards which shall get you broke inside.
>even autistic people know…
I do not consider them autistic. You just have the disease of the failed normie. Stop chasing. Judge first, shun their standards, acommodate your relationships to your exigences no matter how crazy these seem to be.

Foresee their reactions while having them like buzzing flies wanting you to be different: they are an enemy. And know that projectors will never triumph if they pass their life chasing stuff, they need to await. Delve about Human Design to know more, there is even an app to accurately know what you are in thoase terms.


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Talking to normalfags makes me physically exhausted. I feel like most chatty normies are just psychic vampires trying to leach on people's energy.

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I have a strange condition and super annoying condition where i literally, literally, literally, literally, literally cannot stop being distracted by my own thoughts, inner Voice and monologues, not Even for a minute, i cannot even focus while watching anime or cartoons with very simple plots, my eyes Would be staring at the screen but my Brain is not really there, it is Always wandering else where, i often have to repeat entrie sections in anime/cartoons/films because i keep being distracted and miss on important scenes, dialogues, details, and so on, often it feels Like a Big chore to constantly have to leave my chair to replay The thing to revisite The scenes i have "missed", let alone Read Books or watching a lecture, i just cannot Turn my Brain off, not even for a second, it causes me severe insomniac issues as well, i Can spend 12 hours in bed but only actually sleep for 5 hours max, the rest of The Time is me spent being awake and thinking endlessly About random things that don't seems to end, i been told i might have ADHD/ADD but i really cannot relate to most people with ADD/ADHD, they just seem as people with low patience, for me it's not that i get bored from Doing things or do stupid things Like not turning off my notifs, but my issue and Source of Endless distraction and concentration Issues Come from my inside.
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> I have a strange condition

Intrusive thoughts / OCD / etc. are not strange or never heard of. You simply might be a very severe case. In this case psychiatry and some drugs can help. Psychiatry generally sucks, but only for "fixing your life and your depressive view of the world" and things like that. But for very tangible practical brain issues like the one you're described, it can definitely help.


>i Would end up not understanding what happened and Missing on Many important details or/and jokes, it's like me leaving The room to go to the bathroom without pausing The episode Every minute just to return and notice How much i missed
How can this not be a cause for failing to concentrate? If you're constantly getting distracted by intrusive thoughts you obviously won't be able to pay attention, also what you're describing is a common OCD thought which is called "memory hoarding".
The way OCD functions is it creates an anxiety inducing thought, and then you are compelled to perform an action which will momentarily relieve this anxiety, but this usually doesn't last long and in the long-term it only makes things worse. The only solution is to identify the thought, acknowledge it as irrational, stop being afraid of it, and resist carrying out the compulsion, although this is easier said than done.
Also, no offense, but from the way you write, you might be dyslexic.


WE learn something New


Maybe, but for this one I am just phone-posting from my small phone's screen, I hate it but I have a good reason to do so.


Every guy here seems to have the same stuff inside. Symptoms are not identical yet they share a common frame.

Have your piece of wisdom: https://wizchan.org/dep/res/291067.html#291423

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It's insane how much of my suffering is self-inflicted by my mind.

I had almost a mental breakdown because of a fucking free2play video game I play just to pass the time. I keep playing it because I'm addicted to earning "rewards" even though what use are these rewards if I don't actually enjoy the core game? I am so used to playing it every day like a job I didn't even realize how much time I was wasting. I can spend an entire day playing that dogshit when I have, even if I am not productive, more fulfilling things to do like play well crafted singleplayer video games that are not designed to be addictive, or read a book or watch a movie…

I feel like I have barely any time despite being a NEET because I keep wasting my time like this and also browsing imageboards out of some stupid FOMO even though I know 99.9% of the time it's just shitposts. My brain is so trained to have this nonstop, nonchallenging stimulation that even reading a short article or watching a 10 minute video feels like a big task. I feel ashamed of living like this. Like these people in dystopian stories who just consume connected to some machine. I barely feel like a person because I didn't grow by facing and overcoming challenges and doing stuff by myself because I want to and not because my someone forced me to.

Every time I actually did something it wasn't that bad like I enjoyed exercising and yet I forgot it was an option and feel like all I can do is the same routine of waking up, eating pre-made food, playing the same game, browsing imageboards and then go to sleep. Like even the slightest deviation from this feels almost impossible. I actually felt proud of myself for finally playing a singleplayer game I bought on steam sale 4 years ago… that's just super sad.


>free2play video game I play just to pass the time.
What game?


Magic the Gathering Arena.

The randomness part is what frustrates me even though it's also what allows me to win despite being mediocre at the game.


I reached master rank and quit. It became pay 2 win.


I don't actually get what the problem here. Did you even say what you want inside such a textwall?


he's ashamed of his lifestyle and realizes his life is going nowhere, but doesn't have the motivation/energy/willpower/personality/???/whatever to change and do things. even simple stuff feels difficult to him like playing a singleplayer game without losing focus and scrolling imageboards. he has no concrete goals or purpose, just feels stuck in a life he doesn't want and feels like time is running out and he will waste another decade doing nothing.

idk, classic angsty man of no action that you see venting about their meaningless lives on imageboards and looking for a miracle cure (spoiler: there is none)

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My life is not suffering, it is very far from it, and I have really improved a lot this last year, to the point that I feel like a different person, however, events happened in my childhood that made me a failure. First of all, there was the divorce, I have a kind of "dissociative amnesia" or forgetfulness due to age because I don't remember, it happened when I was 4-6 years old, it wouldn't be strange at all if it weren't for the fact that it was a very scandalous one that caused a lot of domestic violence, I have no memories but my brothers confessed to me that it was torture, but this would be bad for us if I had not lost my father figure, I separated from him, especially emotionally, and I was very much in charge of my mother.

She is like an older borderline, her personality is a disaster, her emotions too, very irritable and hostile, selfish, manipulative, condescending, she had attacks of multiple things, in short she is a very disturbed succubus. She gave me a bipolar affection, her love was based on talking badly about my father and making him look like a monster and then acting as if she were my savior, there she took advantage of my vulnerability to treat me well and give me affection, but that was very far from reality because on the other hand she ignored me, abandoned me, hit me for no reason and constantly insulted me, all the time she humiliated me and lowered my self-esteem, she was controlling as well as negligent, out of nowhere her affection became cold or contemptuous. Because of that same attitude, she left me in the care of caregivers, family members and nannies who sexually abused me. Over the years I remembered them as if they were flashbacks or regressions. The memory that had the most impact was one where I was lying on my back, very small and unattended. An older succubus changed my underwear, then she groped me and then gave me a very painful anal masturbation. After that I remember more groping, stripping, excihibitions and touching my rear and anal area along with mistreatment. I don't remember exactly the identity of the succubi. who did that, I only remember that they were succubi and older than me, much older because those memories are from my old home, which was where I spent my life before I was 6 or 7 years old. I'm sorry for throwing out all this relief text, I know there are people who need more help than me, but I'm lucky and I shouldn't be sad about these things.
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Yeah look into it. They are saying the character is trans-coded and is likely a MTF.


What could I possibly get from "larp"? My life was destroyed. I'm now a wizard waiting to die. This person got basically no punishment at all, less than a year in a low sec facility.


Nta but I believe you anon, the person who did that to you is truly evil.


Don't you think they deserve death for such a rape?


This literally is the case. Sayo is a biological male.

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I have some kind of severe neurological condition i have no clear answers on and I've apparently suffered from to some degree forever, but it's gotten far worse over the past few years.

I'm completely boxed in, I'm scared of what my reality will become in a few years and I don't want to be here to find out but obviously I may not have the nerve to off myself.

I don't think whatever your circumstances may be that it's all that hopeless, I'd do anything for a functional brain at this point, Jesus christ, I bet if you cut down on screen time and jogged each day your mood would improve by 30 percent at least.

I'm fucked but I don't get that sense from most of the guys here, I see people who are unmotivated and fearful of rejection, who truly don't have any real struggle.


me too. im at point where its so bad im not sure if i wrote that post in some fugue state. society doesnt help people without advocacy, either there are people that love you to help you or you will be in a world of hurt.

except my body despite all best efforts and doing the right thing to take care of it. its also damaged from bad surgery as a kid from socialised medicine the dr makes mistake in public on a patient.

there always been always will be passers through angsty also temp apprentices which are normal and will move on from here. lots of really depress wizard dont even post.

youre right at that point the end its alienating you come to a place for outcast on the internet and then even within that group there are successful people that are mistaken by eveyrone around them for being normal npcs. definitely lots people here that will fix themselves in time and move on, then others who will not and as you put it struggle tremendously not only in their mind but real physical world problems that cannot be thought around. being unable to walk for example. its not the same, still it must suck for them, i'm glad there are some wizard out there doing well.


Damn I'm sorry about the physical disabilities, I can walk fine but I have heart damage from drugs and booze. It is what it is. I think I'm gonna wrap it up soon


dubs checked and sorry the physical you too. dont want know to say to youo which make me sad for both of us because i dont know what to say to myself. its very difficult, how can i tell you when i know myself, that despondency knowing that even if somehow your physical shell wasn't affecting your mind.

to tell yourself some copes well, we cant know when we will pass, people die of accident anytime cant live like that ok. my retort, im basic required biological functions, in a lot of pain the mental anguish, disability makes more difficult. it got worse over the years. i did work very hard to fix things. the equation doesnt work. theres a lot broken and im of little value to others so there isnt investment where its needed to get better. it is scary, im not scared of death, what is scary is to know the world how it is, my state and condition, and that my efforts are inadequate because of circumstance outside control.

its scary, to think what will it be like if things this bad now as an old man. when you cant even look after yourself. people will say that is depression, maybe, its real though. i wont make a choice to end my life one day, i will continue to fight in whatever capacity. if my mind is then broken, the culpability will fall upon others.

its another way of saying too, that some people don't make an act of suicide, they're suicided by the system. other people being left behind too its unfortunate because some of your pain then it go onto them for their burden, and then your pain didnt die with you.

your pain didnt die with you it went to them it didnt die with you it went to them. the body is the great sacrifice to grow the spirit, if you can carry the cross to the end then that is brilliant. if you can find a way to help other people on your way out so that living your life and remaining functional is about helping other people and not care about yourself, that can actually help you to do things and stay alive too. its important to try identify any and all hack that allow to make a good outcome from changing internal perspective, values. coping they call it sometimes, in this instance prefer to call it acceptance.

lots of people can be more happy in an instant lower their desire and want for things, only some things you actually need and then a good case can be made and reason away/accept/cope the rePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>dysfunctional brain
Mens sana in corpore whatever. For brain issues, check here: https://wizchan.org/dep/res/291067.html#291423

It's no little thing, this collection of assets!

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whats odd that while i have social anxiety surrounding all social situations in general, it seems that it gets worse around people i personally know or have to interact with more often. like i can tell strangers on chatrooms like omegle my life story or my most embarassing mistakes or secrets and not care much but i cant tell anything to people i wanna be friends with or people i know. like the strnager im talking to wouldnt care about me or probably wont remember or any of the shit i said to them and they wouldnt really tell others my most personal info coz im nothing but a stranger to them as well so it wouldnt be of worth. im most scared of being judged by people i know. anyone relate and does anyone know what could be the reason behind this?


my basic take is that you're more concerned with the consequences peoples perception of you has than what they think. its a reasonable enough fear to have and keeps people in line. there are dire consequences if youre exiled from the group the human animal knows this. now the average people deal with this fear also except theyre insulated with proportionate support and love type factors, and so they know even if some do judge them the consequences cant be so bad. for a wizard if you are alone and you lose maybe one person you had then now you are much worse off.

and its true because your mind knows on some level damn better not mess this up this one is actually important or i could end up in trouble. maybe your beliefs attitudes opinions being different enough from others that you anticipate judgement and its consequences and know its not good for you in particular not then being well fancied or liked in general.

one group is dependent on to survive in this world, another is almost interchangeable seemingly


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People that have known me since when I was a kid or at least younger, I have a worse time with because I have to pretend that I've not fallen into the abyss that I have.
While with strangers, I can tell them right away that I'm a mentally ill pessimist, and whatever.
It's years since I'm full-hikki now, though, so I simply don't interact with people at all.


Obviously family and friends will have normalnigger views. You'll never be able to change their views and nothing they say will change yours. It's pointless to talk to normalfags since their life wasn't filled with humiliation and failure at every step.


Yeah, I'm the same way. I assume it's because I actually have avoidant personality disorder rather than just social anxiety. Fear of being judged, embarrassed, disliked and rejected are stronger with someone you actually care about.


It may be a punishment from heavens, for caring about people without assuring first whether they be worthy of you or not.

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I am here because I need advice from people older than me. I'm a 21 year old Mexican guy who only has 4 friends and has never had a girlfriend (like probably most people here). I make $100 a week so I barely make enough for anything, I hate my job and I have a hard time finding a job because I have rotacism. I have identity crisis as I like to create fake profiles everyday on shitbook but within hours of creating them I delete them. I masturbate frequently and I don't know what to do with my life. I would like to get feedback from you if possible.

Thanks a lot for reading
PS: I don't know English very well so I apologize if the text is confusing.
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My country is even poorer than mexico. If I were to get a job, which I won't, I'd make 32 us dollars a week, also barely enough for anything.


You probably want to post this on Reddit, and leave this site.


+1 for classic bruce banner image


Sounds like literal hell. I just spent $35 on takeaway food for Saturday.


Stopping the coom is the very first and most important start. You are lucky to be young so it's not late.
The no-fap tricks are: cold showers, intensive sport like lifting or calisthenics, avoiding stimulant foods like sauces meats cereals and industrial crap and coffee, removing your sight from succubi's bodies, fasting and breathing exercises.

You still have no choice than trying to get a different job. Don't let a sole wagecucker drain it all from you.
Unless you share… certain tenets, which make it better to not start things by yourself. Check here: https://www.thesimply.ca/blog/human-design-basics

Be patient. Some of them can still be rescued.


Living with parents right now. They were the one that plunged me into the pits of hell in the first place by interfering with my projects, aspirations, friendship, routines, etc (I already forgotten so much and trying to remember just makes my head hurt and wanna cry). I should've had finished college in time if not for their interference, now that I've graduated and lived with my parents, I simply can't structured my mind just to write a CV, I know this sounds faggy as fuck, but I simply doesn't feel at home here. Just did the "talk" with them and I feel I just wanted to end it all. I really need to gtfo away from them, but that requires me getting a job; which I can't bring myself to while still living with them. Not really asking for advice, simply need to write this somewhere to vent and keep myself from revenge hero'ing against my parents and sister.
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your best bet is a part time job
forget your degree, ANYTHING

then while you work there, apply for jobs that fit your qualification
>noeoee i gotta get away from my parents first


How old are you? No offence but you sound like an actual child.


Perhaps I am a manchild too immature to masked myself as a well adjusted adult in vietnamese basket weaving forum. Fuck off.
thanks for the advice. Yeah I realized gaining some semblance of independence is the way to go, though part time jobs aren't really a thing where I live, probably harder to get than a real job.



what did you graduade?


Wiz was a mute all through school and made no friends because of his face

Wiz was depressed most of his life, never having the opportunity to live like the rest or be accepted by other humans

Wiz was bullied and rejected for his looks and developed depression

Wiz liked videogames because it did not involve other people who judged him and made him feel miserable

Wiz liked videogames so much that he created a youtube channel dedicated to it

Wiz youtube channel dedicated to videogames was a success(1 million subscribers)

but Wiz never showed his face

Wiz have no need to, Wiz was funny and people liked him

then one day

Wiz did a face reveal

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So uhh… How do y'all explain Ricky Berwick (pic related) who looks just as unconventional face-wise as MittenSquad and Dizzy but gained 2 million subs over the past year?

Dear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. TIME TRAVELERS or MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS): The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN formerly of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER. I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body! Thank you! - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL)


> How do y'all

Ricky is a self deprecating absurd comedian that is deformed which gains him views for shock value alone. That's his entire appeal and why normalfags watch him, to laugh at him.


>Ricky is a self deprecating absurd comedian that is deformed which gains him views for shock value alone. That's his entire appeal and why normalfags watch him, to laugh at him.
He also strategically chose the 'based and redpilled' sphere like any grifter/niche personality.


I am glad for him.


He plays a character. The other guy who died was being himself.

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