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I'm doing it sort of to enjoy life in the moment outside of my ADHD vices but now what, what to think about, what to fill the empty void with do I force myself to think and be creative or do I let my thoughts flow until I find something I can do but sometimes I find myself dozing off or have some sporadic serges in my thoughts that scare me or make me feel anxious or dreadful almost makes me think there are entities trapped in my thoughts trying to scare me or something. I'm trying to break free from my ADHD not just control it I want to reshape my entire personality to the desired outcome.


Let it flow. Get away from the computer and allow your mind to be empty. You'll get all kinds of thoughts popping up, some neutral, some that make you feel good, some that make you feel bad. Just relax and take note of them and then let them go. They're like tiny threads that you can pull on and follow, or you can stay in place and just allow them to pass and just enjoy nothingness.

As thoughts pass in your mind and you happen to encounter a pleasant one, follow it where it leads. If it turns sour, observe it and then let it go. Follow another pleasant thought and so on. At the end of a pleasant thought chain could be an idea, something that has potential, an experience that would be nice to have. Now how could that come about? Hmmm, perhaps this way and that way, and you imagine the set of events leading to your desired state. If a thought comes that turns sour, again, simply observe it and let it go, follow a more pleasant train of thought or go back to the beginning again if this one doesn't seem fruitful.

Do this every day and you'll naturally fill your mind with hope and energy. All those pleasant images and potentialities, they are somewhere out there in the world and you could find them. At some point you'll feel like doing something about it, perhaps by taking the first step as you've imagined it. After you do that, reflect back on it in the same way, did it bring you closer to your potential? Incorporate the sensual experience you've gathered into your reflection and modify your phantasy to be better aligned with it.


Life is suffering.
In the best comfy situation, you still have your brain to fight against.
It's insane.


I try but it's obsessive thoughts and other smaller thoughts I can't get a hold of. Rushing through it because it's so intense. I'm walking into a void where the unknown still attacks me it's scary plus self image issues are the main thing crawling around in there

I want to be different heard this will help me change that. When I turn my mind off my initial behavior is acted upon and it ruins everything I worked towards.


I have the same issue. Always distressing thoughts are popping up and I have to fight them. Sometimes to exhaustion. Occasionally, I think I am going insane. No pause, no silence, only the mind bullying itself.

I find that going for walks can help slightly. I am unsure about dietary issues.


What kind of thoughts are you refering to? Only two things go on in my mind. Rumination over my life and myself (this is, negative thoughts) and escapism, daydreaming of different realities (positive thoughts). I try cut short the negative ones and prefer to have a blank mind whenever positive ratger than daydreaming since it is always a bummer coming back to earth.


it's not your brain, it are demons. pray to Jesus and it will go away


I have a really similar experience. I have times of intense anxiety, fear, and confusion. And also most of the time I'm suffering because of the transient nature of life and the lack of any real meaning or purpose. All I have found to really do about it is immerse yourself in art. I read and listen to music. Even if that's ultimately meaningless also its the only way to escape reality somewhat.


Thoughts that bait me into feeding the ego and I end up in stupid situations where I make a fool of myself. Sometimes it's personality issues in general I want to change like my anger and hedonism. Over all personality change.
I've tried art it just makes me realize how dull I am as a human it's always stuck on anatomy I dont broaden my horizon it's always stale. Even a 2D picture is better than a well done 3D drawing of poses. Idk


For me the thoughts are the worst when I get up and walk around. The second I stop interacting with stuff on the computer screen and go to pee or something, they come flooding in and torture me. Of course, things on the computer screen that I see can trigger them too at any moment. There really is no escape.


Yup. Your are not the first nor the last who will come here in need of the obvious, retardedly forgotten reducers of brain stagnation:

This is only a brief guide about what I gathered. To deeper knowledge of why I am saying this all, you'll'ave to research on your own. This practices are designed to outcast most defficiencies known by wizkids away (muh brainfog, restlessness, etc), exceptuating only those given by genome:

>leave all diaries, inmediately

>leave grains: no wheat, corn or rice at all
>eat your foods within a reduced schedule, rather than through all the day long
>avoid starchy foods and red meats
>if not vegetarian, eat meats briefly: like once a week or two weeks
>the softest and wealthiest meats are white fish
>do you like nuts? They are still acidifiers…
>learn your ayurveda body type (dosha) and how to regulate it

If you want quick results, these are the shock therapies:
>fasting regularly (the body must slowly develop its ability to detox or adversities a.k.a "detox crisis" are to be faced. The same on mucusless diet.) using honey if dismay prone.
>colon enema
>HIIT exercise
>do not use domestic cooling/heating unless your body strictly requires so, due to some sickness or whatever else
>drink hot water, as much as it can be without harming your mouth, specially useful for early morning detox
>use temazcalli
>try (your body may not be done for so, so just try) keto diet
>avoid having breakfast inmediately after getting up, the body is still waking up

To further understand it all, next readings are recommended (or immediately needed depending on your degree of harm):
>every single book from Arnold Ehret
>"The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity" by Dan Reid
>"Healing by Fasting" by Alexi Suvorin
>"The Power of Metabolism" by Frank Suarez
>"Grain Brain" by David Perlmutter
>"How I became young at sixty" by Horace Fletcher
>"Longevity diet" by Walter Longo
>"The cheese trap" by Neal Barnard
>"The Salt Fix" by James Nicolantonio
>"One meal a day" by Yoshinori Nagumo
>some books about specific organ cleansing by Andreas Moritz (the other ones I don't trust them much = up to you)
>"Lies my doctor told me" by Ken D. Berry
>"Flax oil as true aid against …" by Johanna Budwig
>"Lymphatic lessons" by Kelly Kennedy
>"The body has its reasons" by Therese Bertherat
>"The Wim Hof method" by Wim Hof

Synthetizing common ideas withhold by all these tomes you should have what school didn't taught about the easiest forms of medicine, enough to keep most chronic diseases at bay. It may require patience and alertness in order to avoid the lethal effects of sudden, uncontrolled detox crisis.


adhd is low dopamine in the pfc. You want stimulants for the short term, try phenylpiracetam. Take CDP-choline, subultiamine, and inositol for months on end to increase receptor density and sensitize them. L-tyrosine might also help if you're somehow not able to synthesize dopa naturally




those aren't meds


Where do you buy them?




>Nootropics (/noʊ.əˈtroʊpɪks/ noh-ə-TROHP-iks or /noʊ.əˈtrɒpɪks/ noh-ə-TROP-iks;[1] but not /njuːˈtroʊpɪks/ new-TROHP-iks or /njuːˈtrɒpɪks/ new-TROP-iks,[1] which are common mispronunciations), colloquially brain supplements, smart drugs and cognitive enhancers, are natural, semisynthetic or synthetic compounds which purportedly improve cognitive functions, such as executive functions, attention or memory.
>While commonly in the form of dietary supplements, nutraceuticals or energy drinks,[2] some nootropic compounds are prescription and non-prescription drugs in various countries.


does it come from pharma, or is it a naturally occurring peptide or substance acceptable to the body? Total resistance to all forms of drugs is unfounded, many have interesting effects that could be quite useful

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