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I regret not enjoying my youth more,when i was 14-16 if i think back i could have had so much fun, instead i had to be a fucking depressed loser even Back then and just barley coped as to not end myself.
But at least i didnt have to worry about money/Rent but i just wasted away my youth and did nothing and now its way too late at 27. I should have enjoyed that time and just not worry,gotten high everyday drop out of school and do what i actually enjoy ,Go out blah blah so on and so on
I Wish i Had a time machine
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what would you even spend it on? It isnt that easy to convert money into happiness unless it can allow you to work less


I don't really get what you could do but you did not.


>wanted to learn to play piano
>wanted to learn to draw
>friends playing together in games I didn't own
unfortunately the cost of the equipment and software scared me off. Also wasn't sure if I could commit myself to learning it due to both uni and part time job taking up a good chunk of my time. I had a decent gaming pc that I built during high school, but I pirated most of my games to save money. couldn't play together with my uni friends who had legit copies. some had 3ds and played Mario kart 7 together. Wanted to get one to play together, but refrained mostly thinking that my money was better spent on more life important stuff. One time my friends asked if I wanted to travel to the Netherlands together, I decline due to wanting to save money.
economically secured now, but my youth was bleak with a few rare moments of good memories. had I not been so stingy I could had more of those good memories. The friends I had in uni are gone now, too late to do anything about it now, guess things are just going to get bleaker.


>just wasted away my youth and did nothing
>I should have enjoyed that time and just not worry,gotten high everyday drop out of school and do what i actually enjoy ,Go out blah blah so on and so on
Your second statement hints that there were things that you liked to do but didn't? not sure what you meant with did nothing, was there something preventing you
and you distract yourself with doom scrolling or something?


You can't know if paying for those things would have been worth it. I bought a game once just to play with someone when i was a late teen and it was awful. I went on a trip once with people and it was perhaps the worst week of my life. Maybe it is difficult to remember why you really made those decisions. Sometimes our past selves were smarter than we remember and our memories have discarded important context. To me it doesnt sound like those things were really all that important, anyway

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I'm going broke, and I really don't know how to deal with this fact. I went to 4 doctors to treat it, but none of them worked, and no matter how many medications I took, I was never able to overcome this problem. But these only caused me terrible side effects, such as fatigue, weight gain, apathy, a lot of disinterest in everything, and alopecia, but they were never able to attack the impulses. Violence never stops.
Sometimes I blame my family for raising me in such a violent environment, but then I think it's better to bury the past and look forward. But sometimes it is difficult, since it is not about the violence of 10 or 15 years ago, it is about things sometimes from less than a week ago.

I feel like an alcoholic, where instead of keeping a place free of that poison, it is offered to me in all shapes, sizes, colors and flavors.
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Not that poster, but I was called a bald creep by succubi my age 19-22 just because I had no hair like other guys.
All I did was exist. I didn't even talk to them or look at them, all I did was minding my own business.



Should have called them cumdumpster sluts.


I feel so happy about having despised foids as a handsome wiz apprentice.


you're probably ugly yourself
lots of ugly people think they're good looking

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It seems I have no other choice, unfortunately. Because of the lack of jobs where I live and my family now turning my life into hell because they openly despise me, I can't see any other way but to join the army and do at least one year of military service, given that it's the only job that practically always is open for literally anyone, and to get in you just have to want it.
I'm not even "patriotic" nor anything, I just want to leave my parents house and survive, also no, my country is thankfully not at war. Do we have any other wizards who are also considering joining the army?
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can anyone tell me when the jews are going to pull off their next false flag attack? it has to be soon given this wide drive for recruitment. it won't work here though – wizards are too smart to die for ZOG in yet another war that advances jewish power and control.

remember US/Europe/China/Russia/Ukraine are all under jewish dictatorship. kikes are gearing up for another slaughter of dumb goyim while playing both sides as usual. believe nothing you see broadcast on the (((msm))).


Yeah, it robbed me of everything. People believed in me, I didn't have *awful* cards dealt to me, but all I've ever wanted is to escape, escape, escape. I can't study, can't work, can't plan, all I can do is escape online. I wish I could die in my sleep. But nature is so incredibly cruel that it won't even allow me. I'll have to kill myself using of the gruesome methods with non-zero chance of survival.


well said

Same. I see myself as a rat in a maze that was trained to navigate it to avoid electric shock. Other rats were trained to be reward-motivated, navigating to get a reward of cheese. I have no reward system except trying to avoid pain


Know how to decide, and why if nothing sounds fine to such way of deciding, nothing might be the best thing to do: https://www.myhumandesign.com/get-your-chart/

It's free. I stopped disgracing myself with the anxiety of trying to pour my ass into the wagecuck dungeons out there due to this knowing so much about me.


isn't army like prison, but you have to run a lot?

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 No.297968[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

2025 The Great Depression 2. Post your pain and suffering. Previous >>294941
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I have been having very low energy and headaches while at work. I have committed to my shitty job for years, not attracting attention and allowing interactions to be one-sided as I just be a passive fuck that smiles and nods. I hate people, society, and this life. Every day I just wish to pass away in my sleep, because a human's life is too complicated, hard, and phony. Every time I think about improving my situation, I remember that it will not address the underlying issues of my misanthropy, chronic depression, and social anxiety. I will never get to a place to secluded peace unless I earn the big bucks or become an ascetic hermit. Fuck being human.



call me a failed normalfag if you want, but the difference is they probably feel like they belong in those contexts. they go to work and they like people and they feel respected. they have friends. if youre on this website, you've very likely be on the periphery of society/social groups/peers instead, i know i have, pretty much my whole life. i dont like referencing rote crap like muh maslows pyramid but its true because on the rare instance i get a little preview of belonging and intimacy my whole world changes for the better; without a fundamental sense of being a person who gets treated like a person, everything else can feel pretty meaningless.


I have stopped "reflecting" over my life. I don't give a fucking about evaluating my actions anymore. Fuck this world. If world doesn't give a shit about me then why I should care? End is death. It is same for everyone. At this moment millions of people are wallowing in pain in the hospitals and why should I think of life as coherent plan? It's a fucking mess. A rape before death. Nothing speaical. That's all. I don't give a shite anymore. I'll live like a beast. I won't give a shit…at least until next misfortune.


> they go to work and they like people and they feel respected
What they feel is they are surrounded of more neurtypical bottlicking aura, like theirs. Which they love to use as it disguises (in their minds) how much a failure their hierarchical societies are.

[Last 50 Posts]

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I do nothing besides doomscrolling, going outside for a while and maybe read for an hour a day (if i can find a book that interests me) or watch an episode of some anime but the rest of the day is spent doomscrolling on my computer, I am too insomniac and have bladder issues to spend half or most my days sleeping to pass my days with sleep like many NEETs can do with ease, there is just no way for me to get out of this cycle, at least not on my own, I need money and connections, most importantly MONEY.
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Gym is a scam. they wont tell you that resting is the important part and that compound exercises are the really useful ones. Buying gear enough to do this at home can cost you like 3 months at that stupid scam.

Gym owner put his machines in your hands, which you do not consume, just use. You put money in his hands. In the end he is the one having both your money and the machines, and whatever waste you might have occasioned will never be so costly as even a 1/100 part of you paid. It's like damn faire attractions.


The gym owner offers you a transparent deal and it is beneficial for some people. Some people don't have space for gym equipment in their home, and/or want a wide variety of equipment. For some people it is indeed better to buy their own equipment - if you have the space then go for it. In no way is it a scam. Many, many things in society these days are scams but this isn't one.


So yeah, they just openly fool theirselves for having bad organization at home spaces. Like paying at restaurants while being too lazy to use your kitchen or buying bottle waters at an airport.


No, even a lot of working professionals in big cities can't afford the luxury of enough space for gym equipment. It isn't a scam to them, it's the only way to get a proper workout.


You must have no idea how small many people's apartments are.

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2025 will be the layoff year edition. How we holding up?

previous >>289727
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These movements. The tension, the counter tension, the feeling of the joints and all the impact feel of everything engaged. Always brain irritation from controlling things with preciseness and closing boxes always to the standard so both flaps are lined up just right. Always shit to prune. Be careful. Be gentle with that cheap shit.

Hands tired, brain tired, wanna drink, worship death.


People complain about wagie type jobs all of the time(retail, warehouse) but office work might be the worst thing ever. The 8-5 schedule, dress code, normie coworkers, and high pressure environment makes it feel like hell on earth. It feels like I am in high school again. Normies on reddit talk about it like it is the best thing ever and how you are able to just sit around all day. I regret even applying for this job in the first place.


>8-5 schedule, dress code, normie coworkers, and high pressure environment
How is this any different from manual wageslave jobs though? Back in the warehouse I worked for, people were always gossiping about each other and you couldn't stand still for a second. At least in an office, your body doesn't hurt at the end of the day.


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I used to work in a warehouse up until a year ago. I started at $16 an hour, worked hard for months on end, worked long shifts (usually only 8 hours, but often times 10+ hours) and even helped others around me when things got busier. Eventually I got burnt out and threatened to quit (some succubi in my department were causing petty drama and making everyone else miserable) so they offered to move me to a better area and bump me up to $17/hr. At the time it felt pretty good. I still left that place (on better terms) about a half a year later. More recently I worked at a craft supply store part-time for some extra money, they started me at $14/hr. Not long before I quit there I saw a sign in the front of the store that read "Hiring new associates, starting at $17/hr part-time, $19/hr full-time." It honestly pissed me off a bit.

One of the many horrors of the modern age is that our various efforts and sacrifices throughout life ultimately amount to nothing at all.


supermarket worker here. there are daily incidents and they've moved me right next to the checkout/cashier lanes where is where 95% of incidents happen. You know they have a "code red" buzzer that they call out when something happens like a shoplifter getting physical and they expect all male staff to run to the front of the store to try intimidate the culprit. I always ignore it and keep working but we have some super workers who sprint through the isles once the code is called lol.

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I'm older than people who have kids who're already graduating from high school. I know it shouldn't bother me, but I can't help it. I feel like my life hasn't progress at all. I already have grey hairs on my beard and I don't feel my age at all. life as a wizard is like living in a perpetual limbo where nothing ever happens until you grow old and die.
I know many young wizards will call me a failed normie for saying this, but it's only until you reach a certain age that the loneliness of the wiz life starts to creep in and you begin to wonder where did all go wrong.
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I'm 32 and yesterday I realised that everything I have done till this point was all just for the matter of not dealing with the question what I want to do with this life. To put it differently, I'm a master in the art of self distraction, of avoiding any serious decision making, of dealing with important questions about my personal life. That doesn't mean I did nothing over the past 14 years, I've lived in 3 different cities, even more homes, studied, worked, but I never truly thought about any of that if that even makes sense. I just did what needed to be done in order to go back to video games, drugs and abstract thinking. But I never had any real hopes or dreams, no goals, no ideals to strive for. I just did all that to play more video games and entertainment. I never cared about studying or work, I just did it because it had to be done. But now I feel like I can't go on like that. It's all too bothersome and pointless. I kind of lost my ability to distract myself and the suicidal ideation hits hard.


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>was all just for the matter of not dealing with the question what I want to do with this life

It feels inevitable to me that I ended up as a permaNEET wizard.

>average at best IQ so studying math was a pain

>no artistic talent and creativity so no hope to succeed in that field
>suck at sports so that's out too
>uncomfortable around people + bad at STEM = what options do I have?
>no parents and relatives with good jobs to inspire or employ me
>unattractive so I also feel completely worthless

sure I could work on these things when I was young but how could I not be totally mindbroken and feel like life was not for me? I gave up, became depressed, hang around other losers because people who have it better than me made me uncomfortable which is a self-perpetuating cycle and did the bare minimum. I'm still mindbroken over how much better other people are by default. Now that I "wasted" my 20s doing nothing it's of course much worse. It feels cruel that I have to consciously experience this loser life. It's surreal that some get to live life never knowing how bad it can get and I will never know what it's like to not be depressed 24/7 and experience happiness.


>Agree, we're born randomly only to be enslaved and killed by nature

I think so too. And suicide doesn't solve anything, because chances are we can't escape the cycle of existence given an infinite amount of time.

We will just have to endure this shit in another form on another planet forever.
Even after the heat death of the universe, another universe will spawn given infinite time and we have to exist again in one of them when life starts evolving.

There's no escape from any of this. You can only temporarily make it better during the current round with various comforts.



Seeing people with children now, when I can still clearly remember them as children is very strange. I'm speaking of extended family.


Been browsing 4chads /pol/ all day for happenings and apparently Musk is gonna end NEETbux. I'm disabled and am unable to work, so I guess this is it for me. It was nice wizzies, but I guess this is the end.
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Cool it with the anti semitism


If they need to go to work, it's because there are taxes. I do not have any hope, despite being libertarian, about taxes being truly removed. It's their way of control.


End yourself nigger.


it's the devil whispering and attempting to drive you mad with his insane prattling


Exorcisms don't work on schizos because it is a mental condition not demonic possession


How will my life change if I miraculously get a job as a dishwasher or idk burger flipper? Is it really a path forward, trading your soul and most of your day for minimum wage? I suppose I could buy a new PC this way after a while, but just living like that because you have no choice? Rope sounds better
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These jobs aren't there to help someone get ahead. They exist so that you can buy food to survive another day to continue to perpetual wage cuckery


We are really fucked up if we call these jobs "miraculous"


I.K.R, I don't live in a big city, if i can get ANY low-skill job here (or anywhere else in my country, to be fair) I would consider my self lucky.


This. There isn't any light at the end of the tunnel if you go down this path. You only exist to make the owner filthy rich while he gives you the bare minimum so you don't starve to death.

This. NEET as long as you can, and if the system collapses, simply suicide. Don't give in or contribute to the exploitation in any way.
Only agree to employment if it means fair wages or ownership in the company, which will never happen in the current job market for anyone but the top 0,0001% of applicants to highly niche fields of work who also get signing bonuses.


Suicide sounds scary. Can we do it?

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Im 27 years old , i dont know anything , i graduated faculty of arts in 8 years failing once every year because i didnt study enough , i live in a place where there's compulsory recruitment and didnt apply because i am on antidepressants and don't want to waste a year of my life which is not very important but this city does not care if you die , normal citizens are not of much importance here anyway , i tried checking fiverr & freelancer because i didnt have an idea what to do if i want to work from home , it doesn't seem to be very promising , it felt impossible to get a place among all these beasts conquering every damn field in the category , i barely know anything about the world and autistic and i think im stupid too , but if i try to surpass my stupidity , what to learn to be able to work remotely and not eat shit for the rest of my life?
Im on the verge of complete mental breakdown , i need help.
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>think about what you can grow in yourself that others would find useful.
That was expressive , thank you.


Skills like what? I don't understand. What skills? Name one skill that will pay.


carpentry, bricklaying, IT tech support, plumbing, pastry making, video editing, business consulting, life coaching, karate training, cocktail mixing, the list goes on…


No matter what logic demands. Drive yourself by s&a. Learn this: https://www.geneticmatrix.com

>its free

I am not even applying anymore. 32 years. Pretty much better this way, my parents bred me to be a slave like them. NEETing hard.


Can't get what you're trying to say friend , what is the link about?

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