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I'm so fucking ugly and disgusting
It's painful to look myself in the mirror
I wanna kill myself
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Yet, he killed himself. "Good looking" people aren't safe from misery.


Yet you still mask, knowing how much it hurts you, to be liked by normies who do not deserve a damn smile from anyone.

Be uneasy. Perfect that gift.


thanks retard kun. posts like these remind me that even if i fit here by definition, i shouldnt visit wizchan. why were you so angry about nothing? where did all that negative energy come from? i guess if i cared about you i would feel sorry for you.


>Disparage the pseudo-intelelctual, nu-nihilistic, drug pushing, rape loving, label slaving transvestite who openly encouraged young White men to kill themselves
>I'm the bad guy

Not only is your butthurt laughably misblamed, but you even talk like a schoolboy who just discovered black clothing.
>i guess if i cared about you i would feel sorry for you.
Like what was that even supposed to mean? You're using text on a slow imageboard, you can afford a few extra minutes to come up with a better way to say you dislike someone, or to say that you're an edgy emo kid, or whatever it was you were trying to get across.


That's cool. Did you know they remove wisdom teeth to keep you mouth breathing and ruin the connection from your left foot to your neck. You're not depressed they simply destroyed your body. Go and get implants you schlubby fucker.

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I'm going broke, and I really don't know how to deal with this fact. I went to 4 doctors to treat it, but none of them worked, and no matter how many medications I took, I was never able to overcome this problem. But these only caused me terrible side effects, such as fatigue, weight gain, apathy, a lot of disinterest in everything, and alopecia, but they were never able to attack the impulses. Violence never stops.
Sometimes I blame my family for raising me in such a violent environment, but then I think it's better to bury the past and look forward. But sometimes it is difficult, since it is not about the violence of 10 or 15 years ago, it is about things sometimes from less than a week ago.

I feel like an alcoholic, where instead of keeping a place free of that poison, it is offered to me in all shapes, sizes, colors and flavors.
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When did I shave my head? June or May… well, today was the first time I have showed my clean shaved head in the local shop. Pretty much the only place outside I go to. That's a massive progress. I know it is not impressive, but please be proud of me, wizchan.

I am still afraid of the looks on the streets, even though I know nobody cares. Mind is funny like that.


good luck wizzie


its weird, i am 73 and my hair wont stop growing…
yeah; no shit, seriously…
my beard is getting to be a major aggravation…
yeah, genetics? i guess ?…


everyones hair grows. the issue is the area it covers shrinks…

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How old are you? What brought you to where you are? What prevents you from changing?
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>How old are you?

>What brought you to where you are?

Trauma from culture and family memebrs leaving me to fend from myself. Also trauma by so many poeple calling me ugly when I was a teenager.

>What prevents you from changing?

I am changing now, but looking back it was quite a few things. Not having my own space to relax, ignoring my trauma, and participating in crab in a bucket communities were teh major things. A gf would've fixed my problems, but looking back I had plenty of opportunities for that but my damaged brain prevented that from happening. My experiences and natural temperament put me in a state where the only way to heal was with time, unfortunately.


You sure it's just bloating and not inflammation? Have you tried xifaxan which usually is used for SIBO for example.


>How old are you?

>What brought you to where you are?


>What prevents you from changing?



28, despair,health issues

I don't even want to fix my life anymore, or maybe I do… it's just too painful what I have been through. I want it all to just end.


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31 in two days

The standard cocktail of depression, autism and other examples of mental defect

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Do you think growing up with video games ruined me?

I can't help but get angry at how life is a roguelike game with a randomly generated starter character you only get to play once. Fucked up your health permanently through bad decisions? Too bad you have to live with it even if you now have a healthy lifetyle. Found a new passion in life? Too bad you are now too old to pursue it. Want to study math? Well too bad you were born with a low IQ…

I just hate how you can get locked out of certain routes in life as time goes on or they were locked from the start. I hate how you have no control over what thoughts you get so you can waste your youth doing dumb shit only to realize it once you are an adult and the damage has been done.

I should just focus on what I can change and on the future but I can't help but feel frustrated over this. I can't help but feel envy towards those who managed to be in the right place and make the right decisions to end up with an amazing life and be frustarted at my past self for being so careless.
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Certainly the fuckup could be something that predisposed you to end up this way after integrating videogame stuff into your brain, making you blind to it and henceforth thinking the game was the real thing.


Unlike a videogame/rouge-like there is no "winning".


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If at least it had been my decision… my life was sabotaged by my retarded parents. I can't cope, i just want to die. No social circle, no education, garbage health. Just fucking kill me.


Redpill me on IQ and autism.


Niether are for real

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 No.291139[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Now i don't know if this is madness but can a person like really just be vexxed or cursed to never have a girlfriend ? It's the fact that even when you try it always seems to not go your way, it always goes wrongly, It's fucking insane how much tries you try yet it does not work, it's almost as if there is someone stopping that shit because it's fucking insane how one can keep trying even in any way yet he cannot succeed with getting a succubus.

Do you think there is really some fucking paranormal background to males not having the chance to get a girlfriend even though they do everything that seems to be accepted by Social standards and even break social standards just to get a girlfriend yet with no avail, Even the most handsome yet cannot get it, I remember there was a thread about how people are bound to be lonely well this is a continuation, Do you think there are some who are destined to never have a girlfriend even though it seems absurd ?

Is there anyway to break from this cycle ?
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A w0man alone wont bring you happiness. Seek God and He will bring you real happiness


Fuck ur god


>A w0man alone wont bring you happiness.
>Seek God and He will bring you real happiness


isn't that memegraphic from 4chan? it even has tfw and pepe in it


The Old Man of the Mountain

[Last 50 Posts]


Hello. Despite this being a depression board, it seems most people are still around trying to do something. I am in a situation where except dying there is nothing to do, so i decided to make a thread wondering if there are any other people like me online, since it's almost impossible to find anyone even on the outskirts of the internet.

tl;dr i have countless diagnosed and undiagnosed physical illnesses which cause me agony daily and i feel like i'm dying every day, spent all my money on doctors and went into debt, cant make any more money, will eventually be homeless(can happen at any time), addicted to xanax that if i quit im gonna get seizures, i will never have a normal home(never had my own room) or family(mentally retarded?) not to mention my mental health problems etc.
Overall I guess I have around 10 major problems of which each is lethal and will kill me, and 100s of minor ones(which a normal person would consider unbearable). I have nothing and noone, my life self-destructed this the year and it's been half a year of pointless suffering knowing i'm gonna die anyway. I just couldn't push myself to end it since i'm the biggest coward in this world.
I guess i'm not sure if there's anything to talk about, since everyone in similar situations is either dead or sleeping under the bridge and dying. I just lost interest in talking to anyone since I know they can't comprehend my situation at all. Even on suicide forums maybe even 1 person out of 100 is in a situation comparable to mine. So I just made this pointless thread.
If life is truly over for you, and you don't know what to do, this thread is for you.
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> thrived and successfully procreated
choose only one
>multi millionaire or homeless
idiotic meagre distinction. im not a multi millionaire–im not LESS THAN one. i trust in semen retention
>crime, business
same thing!!


1) Spend more time at the gym
2) Get a decent haircut
3) Learn to code


getting an stylish or "type of" haircut is unfair because you need MONEY for the barber–a real Justice-abiding man would shave his head by himself and then just let it grow naturally. it's unfair to require MONEY because some people don't have money and hierarchies not-based on Chaste Celibacy are satanic


has anyone else's life just been absolute hell on earth? i grew up in a crackhouse, at 15 i moved to my grandmas for 6 years and became a shut-in and got belittled everyday without seeing another face for months at a time and now im back at the crackhouse due to having no other option. people have sex on the floors and smoke meth here.


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I don't want to die. I want to never have been born in the first place.

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You know, I've been thinking a lot about life and I finally realized something. I finally realized something after so many years of living. When I was 14 or 15, I believed that I would succeed in life, that I would soon become an adult and be able to do something in life. When I was young, I tried to find a job and learn something, but I just hit a wall. By the way, everyone humiliated me at school. Now I'm 26 and I don't want anything from life anymore. I'm literally not interested in succubi or money. I realized that because I couldn't succeed, as I got older, I lost all desire to have or do anything. I finally realized that if everything comes easy to you, you have goals and a desire to do something, and if nothing works out, you just give up. For example, I don't want anything from life anymore, I don't like people, and they don't like me either. Yesterday I overheard my mom and a relative talking on the phone and they said they hate me. You know, no one has ever considered me a person and I'm not a person, in fact I'm a nobody a loser with shitty health no job no goals in life no money and friends I'm a degenerate bastard.
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>"Saber que se puede, querer que se pueda"
>"Pintarse la cara color esperanza"

Why do normalfaggots never get tired of vomiting empty platitudes? Is everyone in this fucking earth an egotistical narcissist?


>complain about life
>okay heres a solution

just rot i guess no more help for u


>I'm a nobody a loser with shitty health no job no goals in life no money and friends I'm a degenerate bastard
You still have time


Not him but time for what? Working a shitty dead job. Spending your little remaining valuable yeses sprinting to where everyone is while everyone else "enjoys" their life? You usually have less opportunities too


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>I finally realized that if everything comes easy to you, you have goals and a desire to do something, and if nothing works out, you just give up.
That's not how it works for everyone. That's just a flaw of your character. You can work on it.

>You know, no one has ever considered me a person

I won't either unless you try. Save yourself. 26 is certainly not too late.

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I don't even know how to elaborate the sheer brutalness of life, I am so tired of being poor and be dependent upon my parents like a cuck. The state has no concept of neetbuxx. I have completed my degree, and I am sick of getting rejected from interviews, dancing all day long on LinkedIn out of the all fucking websites in the world, begging recruiter here and there. Changing my CV again and again, I do this all day, only to get an offer of a job that pays nothing, that wouldn't even qualify as stipend for internships.

Meanwhile, succubi in my college, particularly good looking succubi have no problem in life, they get paid so much, and get hired at an instant cause they look cool. They are truly untouchable. The new caste system is based upon looks and gender. With gender being the varna, and looks being your jaati. I don't usually get upset at things in life, as I have decided to not kill myself (maybe because of cowardice or simply it's rather unnatural), so the only logical conclusion is to improve the quality of my life that I am gonna live.

But today is one of those days, where you truly feel defeated and raped. It's quite remarkable how different my life is from an average bitch, who starts having sex at 15, travels the world, sleeps with whoever she wants, looks pretty, gets a job just for existing, good at socialising, sports, academics, etc. due to being in an extreme positive feedback loop. And most importantly despite of the cope that goes around in the online spaces, they are happier than the most.

Meanwhile, I have nothing, I don't care for relationships anymore cause damage is already done, but I can't even live a decent life alone and can't get a fucking job. A cunt who studied with me, got a job today for 11LPA INR (13K USD/YR) which is extremely good for India. Meanwhile, I can only get job a few job offers for (2K USD/YR), I mean what the fuck is this? Am I supposed to work 12 hours a day and six days a week for this, all while she goes around pilpuling her bosses and working for just 6 hours a day, 4 days a week?

This can't go on man, I can't live my like this, I don't know but this can't go on, this is wrong. I have legitimately not felt angry for like 3 years but today I really fucking am pissed of, my head hurts, I am just so fucking upset that I can't even cry, like what the fuck did I ever do to anyone to deserve this retarded fate.

I hate the fact that I have to put so much effort into tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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am currently facing many years in prison. I was already suicidal beforehand but, if I can only get a plea deal that includes prison time, I plan to buy some charcoal and a grill and light the grill inside my car. Does this seem like the best method? Carbon monoxide is supposed to be a silent killer so that should be pretty painless right?


woops wrong thread


what did you do to go in prison?


You don't just "join" the special forces of any country out of pure force of will.

There is a small % of genetically fit people in every nation who have the physical and mental capabilities to make the cut. (Probably less than 0,1%)
The rest can try all they want and all they will achieve is hitting their head against a wall.


save up and move out to a first world country

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I would like to be with a being with whom I can share everyday moments, to have a being to worry about, in which I can capture the most beautiful part of my being, to whom I can show my vulnerable parts, express my deepest emotions, and show them really who I am. But who am I really? Even in an anonymous forum, I would say he is a great guy, who went through some things, but who despite everything never gave up, someone who always wants the best for others, and who has an optimistic vision even in the most difficult moments. hard And although in a certain way the above is not a lie, the reality is that there is an uncivilized being inside me, someone so disgusting and unpleasant that I don't even like to admit that we are the same person, and hypocritically, whether consciously or unconsciously. , I pretend it doesn't exist. But this is an undeniable reality, and although it is something that can be hidden, it is something that I would never share with anyone, much less voluntarily. I prefer to be a hermit secluded from all social contact rather than show this part of my being. I'm not going to lie to you, life alone is not the best thing in the world, and it has some associated problems, but it is not something completely bad either, and it helps to value things, self-esteem, one's own thoughts, and leave aside vain issues. like social norms, or what someone outside of us may or may not think of us.
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What is that shit you post?


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a meme where you have a gf and lets say she's a nerd and will have all the quircky dvantages of being a nerd gf written around the drawing. they use it on 4chad. herr's another exemple bu bf instead of gf


It is a thread of violence, anger and impulsiveness, obviously it is going to be unpleasant.


No one cares whether or not they have a girlfriend. It is irrelevant, and does not enter the discussion of the thread.


that's pretty sad


Serious question for any wizcels:

Do you ever wonder how you got here…as in, how or why you "woke up" when you did, where you did, to the people (parents) that you did? It's impossible to make sense of. Just on one fucking terrible day, we took up consciousness, literally out of nowhere we are in bodies and tasked with learning the mechanics of entire material world. What caused us to be born when we were, to whom we were? I don't accept that it was random, or mere bare biology..I feel within myself that this life is a targeted punishment and that were I smarter I would have avoided being born entirely. What piece of shit god thinks he/it has the right to do this to us? We are born, thereafter we spend a few years simply making basic sense of things, go off to school, probably suffer a lot, continue to grow up, endure more sadness, and now through all of it we just continue to get older and weaker and sadder. This life is a crime against our souls and whatever caused us to come here HAS TO PAY. Really the only thing I fear is being forced to come back to this shitheap of a world to suffer again…and I do worry about this precisely because I don't know how I got here in the first place. I feel deeply sorry for all the new souls born to this world…there is just so much to learn, but even more there is just so much to suffer through…and I cannot understand what kind of god would force this sort of existence on tender helpless beings? The demiurge must be overcome.
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It needs more hallucinogens


I don't use them, but I do see why millions of people turn to them.

They're a cope for enduring this curse just like chocolates, hamburgers, chips, alcohol and whatever people ingest or inject in hopes of escaping into another plane of existence for a few minutes or hours.


Hallucinogens are not like that at all. Opiates and sedatives are like that, but hallucinogens often force people to face their demons, in a potentially very dramatic and painful fashion.


the earth is a closed system. outer space is not real. we are under water. even aristocles/plato understood water is the outermost element of this reality, and it was for that reason that he assigned the icosahedron to that element. our world is a concave hypertorus. no, im not insane. there are no galaxies. the sun is small and local. we are in the cosmic egg. for a thread that purportedly is discussing gnosticism, for you guys not to know that "occultists", that is, platonic mystics, are bound by the concept of pseudos gennaion (noble falsehood, noble lie) and that accordingly they deceive the goyish masses in everything they do (not only in politics, wars, but also "higher level" science) is really just laughable. outer space, big bang, ball planets, asteroids, gravity, quantum mechanics, string theory, set theory, evolution, the earth as a sphere moving around the sun – all these beliefs have clear antecedents in pythagorean philosophy wherefrom these propagandists have drawn their deceptions. watch the movie "sunshine" from the year 2007. this film is potent masonic outer-space propaganda. you'll notice when the crazy psychologist guy is discussing the intensity of the sun's light at around 04:54 (a little before the 5th minutes of the film), not only is the pilot making a masonic M gesture with his left hand so as to gird and countenance his fellow's thoughts, but you as the viewer are being subtly clued into their system of light worship.

here's a link, wizzies (if you're interested): https://ww4.123moviesfree.net/movie/sunshine-6695/


A flat ring within a larger bulged-out doughnut (thus a hypertorus), that would resemble a sphere from the outside perspective of the Maker (god, or the demiurge, if you're a gnostic). We are indeed on the inside of the earth, between two bodies of water. I think the original image of Zoroaster holding a ring encodes our reality, and that this symbolism was used in the Sonic the Hedgehog games, which are a Japanese interpretation of Zoroastrianism (the masonic pointed finger gesture, the ring motif, the wings of the soul ascending out of demiurgic false reality, etc.) Even the name of the world wherein Sonic lives (Mobius) is an occultic acknowledgment of the Mobius strip, that being a type of infinite recycling loop. And of course Sonic itself is just a shortening of Masonic, just as when we meet Ma'Sonic in the Egyptian episode of the cartoon. The judeo-masonic rulers of our world are clever bullies. We may behold them operating pursuant to erasmus' written rede : "non expedit prodere omnem veritatem vulgo" it is not profitable to state every truth to the rabble. But we, wizards of true blue, requite back at them the full weight of their deceit with equipollent assertions of truth. Also, wizards, I bid ye look upon the ancient initiatory structure of the Mithraists, called by the Romans a "mithraeum", that being a cave-like temple of Mithra. I think this building was built in such a way so as to convey to the initiates that we are in the illusory cave right now, and that the true god resides locally outside of this world, whose position can only be "intellectually" made sense of through psychogenic drug use.

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