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Do you think normies could ever accept us or even tolerate us for real? It's obvious that absolute majority people is repulsed by a NEET lifestyle, failed dating/life/work experience, motivational or existential problems. Do you think there's a space for us to exist at all? Is it acceptable, is it planned for? Or we are truly just the trash of the world that should be cut out from society the sooner the better?


The closest ones who will "accept" you are your family members and even those will talk badly about you behind your back and always look down at you as a low life even if they don't express it with their tongue.


Absolutely correct. Even your own parents don't sympathise with you and think you're this way cause you want to be this way. They don't understand what factors cause us to be NEETs. And that things are already beyond our control.

I don't know if anyone will read this but my parents are quite abusive, now this sounds like a paradox because I live as a NEET in their house in the third world so I am completely dependent upon my parents.

I am truly grateful for what they've done for me but I don't love them very much, because as a child they abused me quite a bit, my father in particular is a weird kind of redpill/self-improvement man.

Anytime to every-time that I try to talk to them. They just tell me to just "be positive", and they tell me that all the things that are going wrong with me is because I am not positive. And that if you don't think positive then positive things don't happen to you.

My father keeps on showing me entrance exams in the country where competition is so high that it's not worth participating, he says how would I know that if I haven't tried yet, but the truth is that I spend a lot of my life studying and failing in academics all while my family "supported" me by saying that it's just that it's in my head and how would I know if I don't try, but the truth is I knew, and the results when I tried were that failures piled on me. I failed a lot of exams and that broke me to the core, turns out I am just not the studious kind.

I don't really get along well with my father, not at all, I kinda want to leave but at the same time I recognise that I need his support, and it crushes me from inside.

I also have a lot of resentment from my childhood because my parents used to beat me, abuse me, curse me out, etc. I know that I am only alive because of them and they must love me to keep me alive, but it feels like I am sort of owed it now because of all the suffering I went through as a kid, but at the same time I don't want to be dependent upon my parents at all.

In times like this, I truly wish I was a succubus, all I would need to do to survive as a succubus is to do basic household chores and get married off, I wish I was born a succubus. I say this not because I like or enjoy cocks, on the contrary the thought of being intimate with a man repulses me to the core, so I am not some Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


if a man fails, none will respect him or offer him a supportive hand, but a succubus can go fine just doing house chores and cooking, they can't even "fail" like men do, sadly, i get such thoughts as well. men and succubi face different types of challenges.


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Never. Normies are brainwashed with the concept of it gets better since birth. They cannot accept the reality of winners and losers.

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Past distant recognition chapters 1&2 of 10 now on the internet archive.
I. Introduction
II. Servant and Widow

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2025 will be the layoff year edition. How we holding up?

previous >>289727
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I have a hunch if you rely on trading crypto, there will be negative consequences later on in life


One of my coworkers is a power tripping faggot too The guy gets mad because we didn't throw more meat on the grill and had to halt on orders all the faggot does is take orders on drive thru and cashes out drive thru. We had a new guy who is liked as far as I see and he was complaining how the new guy was ignoring him when he was giving him orders. The new guy greeted me though. I also heard him talk shit about other employees too including the managers. Overall the guy isn't likeable and I think he's just tolerated because he works overnight. I just can't see people genuinely liking him
Oh yeah there was a guy in the drive thru that wanted onion rings and I already cashed him out so I told him to talk to the customer since he took the orders and he started getting uppity with the customer telling he told him fries instead of rings.I returned to give him his food. I could tell the customer was ready to crash out on my coworker so I just told him it's my fault but man you could just tell he was ready to shoot up the place because of the way my coworker talked to him. Some people man


How is working a security job as someone who is not strong at all? I heard someone say they prefer you not to get involved and to call the cops, but I don't know how true that is in practice.


>I heard someone say they prefer you not to get involved and to call the cops, but I don't know how true that is in practice.

It's 100% true, you're there to observe and report. Anytime drama happens you just call the police and wait while you have a coffee.



>>297596 is right. Security guards are the eyes of the law - nothing else. The most you'll have to do is tell someone they're trespassing, and in a lot of positions that is done over a CCTV intercom. Inner city security work has its own quirks like informing hobos and drug addicts that they can't be there, repeatedly, every night. As an overnight mall cop your job is more of a legal requirement for buildings of a certain size, so they don't get sued if some kid who was hiding in the mall overnight falls off the escalator and dies because nobody was there to tell him he wasn't allowed to be there. Also you just need to make sure the building doesn't burn down and that you inform daytime staff of any damages or oddities you found so they can attend to them before shoppers are allowed in.

That is, if you're not working as a response security. Guarding bank trucks, hospitals, courthouses, and buildings that themselves deal in security will require you to be ready to shoot someone in the face at all times. You will be tested for strength, mental health, drug abstinence, criminal record, and general intelligence before being hired as a guy who gets to shoot people in the face.

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36 years old Wizard here with Schizophrenia living with mom (dad died a long time ago) I don't have any qualifications or income I am disabled and there is no NEETbux in my under developed country my hairline is receding due to how much I stress on my future in every single hour once my mom passes away I will be beyond doomed nobody in my family will support me they all live far away and they can barely support their own survival let alone to support another useless eater my mom already has health issues but nothing too severe (yet) is it possible to turn my life around in this late ago? people say "it's never too late" God I wish my parents never gave birth to me I heard stories og people who spent decades in prison and left by their 40s and still ended up starting a business and buying a house but I can tell it's an abnormal case once you enter your 30s without any skills qualifications or are capeable of work the chance of you being capeable of turning your life around becomes too small.
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Thanks. I really "chose" one of the more difficult roads.


I am neeting hard at my 31 level, pretty muchi without any stress or any dreadful vibe like I constantly felt searching for and trying (in vain) to keep shitty jobs.

I mentioned Human Design a few times here on wizchan, yet how many projectors here are still hurrying after a world which only gives them back misery?
>letting the mind decide can kill you


im a schizo too, but im 33, pretty much in the same boat as you op.
I guess the only hope is to become some sort of low level wagie


definitely agree with you (most wiz wont) but I think when it comes to third world wiz we arent in a position to imagine enough to give them relevant advice. they work under fucking horrible conditions that even test regular people. health conditions for workers are common because employers dont care about preventing accidents and health hazards. or it costs too much. It's hard to fathom just how fucked these people are compared to us.


how can your personality trait charts help with this thread's theme?

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 No.285412[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Death of the Uncool - End of the Wizards V

Watching Geekdom get absorbed into the monoculture over the last decade (and then some) has been a pretty demoralising experience.

Part of the process of commodification, streamlining and assimilation of geek culture into the all-consuming monoculture, is distortion and erasure of the original.

"These would be the successive phases of the image:

1 It is the reflection of a basic reality.

2 It masks and perverts a basic reality.

3 It masks the absence of a basic reality.

4 It bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own pure simulacrum.

In the first case, the image is a good appearance: the representation is of the order of sacrament. In the second, it is an evil appearance: of the order of malefice. In the third, it plays at being an appearance: it is of the order of sorcery. In the fourth, it is no longer in the order of appearance at all, but of simulation."

I'm probably using Baudrillard wrong, but I think we're either between phase 2 and 3 or on phase 3. We're at the point where we have "gamers" who don't like videogames as the faces of videogames.
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What pisses you off the most in this regard? For me it's the amount of niggers that have poured in. It's not the outcast blacks that used to make up this demographic but jist your regular gold toothed nigger.


People wearing anime t-shirts, especially faux-hentai ones. I wonder when normalfags start wearing furry porn t-shirts because social media trends told them to.


>the surprising number of normalfags wearing eva shirts
I wouldn't be surprised if Legend of the Overfiend starts appearing on their fucking shirts.


Interesting. Wherever the wind blows, seems like that's more or less the conclusion.


Pretty much what you said along with seeing normies who have anime-themed profiles on various different parts of the internet punching down on losers, nerds, and outcasts, to make it even worse, they start shitting up the discussions about any loser-themed anime/manga as well. A few months back I was looking at the youtube comment section for the anime adaptation trailer for the My Wife Has No Emotion manga and it was filled with normgroids calling the MC pathetic for dating a robot succubus.

[Last 50 Posts]

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I was a very heavy eater, but for whatever reason in the past year my appetite has just gone to a much lower level. I have no will to eat almost anything and have eaten maybe 300 calories just yesterday, my belly just feels locked for the lack of better phrasing, I know it correlated with the worsening of my mental health with the time.
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I still try to eat 3 meals a day, but i just end up feeling "full" so early, my belly is not just the same anymore, thanks for the good info anon.


Do you take any medication? I had the same issue when taking some psych meds



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Me too. I'm down to about 80lb. Probably leads to me being zoned out all the time, but I just don't really have the energy to do it. Ah well.


>fasting out of pure whim
Let your body heal and be thankful you do not need to withstand crushing hunger while doing so. Such bliss…


Serious question for any wizcels:

Do you ever wonder how you got here…as in, how or why you "woke up" when you did, where you did, to the people (parents) that you did? It's impossible to make sense of. Just on one fucking terrible day, we took up consciousness, literally out of nowhere we are in bodies and tasked with learning the mechanics of entire material world. What caused us to be born when we were, to whom we were? I don't accept that it was random, or mere bare biology..I feel within myself that this life is a targeted punishment and that were I smarter I would have avoided being born entirely. What piece of shit god thinks he/it has the right to do this to us? We are born, thereafter we spend a few years simply making basic sense of things, go off to school, probably suffer a lot, continue to grow up, endure more sadness, and now through all of it we just continue to get older and weaker and sadder. This life is a crime against our souls and whatever caused us to come here HAS TO PAY. Really the only thing I fear is being forced to come back to this shitheap of a world to suffer again…and I do worry about this precisely because I don't know how I got here in the first place. I feel deeply sorry for all the new souls born to this world…there is just so much to learn, but even more there is just so much to suffer through…and I cannot understand what kind of god would force this sort of existence on tender helpless beings? The demiurge must be overcome.
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I agree with your thoughts. Though struggle is not the word i'd use. It is the opposite actually. Even you mention it by 'not talking to apparitions and staying in the dark'. To become void, you need to let go of everything. You need to become a void so to speak, formless. As long as you struggle, resist, it just won't end.


it's brainwashing.


why are you so sure there is a soul?


demiurge needs to be destroyed.


not him but there is a fundamental difference between you and a rock, both are matter and yet you are animated, unlike a rock. the thing that gives you the ability to flail your arms autistically is what we call soul

 No.277007[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The purpose of this thread is to counter the general tenor of sadness that defines all the other threads. This thread will therefore feature practical advice about reducing suicidal behavior even when we feel most suicidal. Naturally, being that I started the topic, I will be the first to contribute.

(1) Know that I care about you guys deeply and sincerely. Call me a faggot, I don't care.
(2) Examine what you are eating. For example, gluten especially produces depressive/psychotic episodes in sensitive autistic individuals. Sugar also is not healthy for your brain.
(3) Make sure you are getting sufficient sleep. Chronic sleeplessness or even a few days' worth of irregular sleep can seriously interfere with the clarity of our thinking.
(4) Clean up. Taking a warm shower and putting on fresh clean clothes always is refreshing and helps to break up darkened mental habits.
(5) Breathe fresh air. Open the windows to your wiz-cave and allow some wind to come in.
(6) Watch your breathing. When we are panicked, our breathing can become very disordered and we do not recognize the effect this has on our thinking. Take deep, purposeful breaths, and collect your thoughts.
(7) Respect yourself. You have done your best to survive in an awful world, and you should grant yourself forgiveness for any mistakes and the allowance to rest with a composed and balanced mind.

I've done my part. Anyone else?
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I used to swim a lot. That helped. But now I can't find any good/clean places to swim. I might try walking. Even just being outside in an area with crisp air immediately helps my thinking.


Night securityguardmaxx


>When the fire is burning your flesh it hardly becomes a choice anymore
That is also the reason why schizophrenics are as suicidal (9-20%) as male autists, MDDs, bipolars and BPDs. Because they experience psychosis (Hellblade II)


wish i could swim.


Exercise is important. But really living is very hard and I dearly wish I had never been born.

[Last 50 Posts]

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my parents want to move: sell the house, move to an apartment in the God-Accursed capital city.If I had money, I would cut them off and go live alone; I don't have enough and THEY won't pay for me to live alone.
I have no reason to support the family unit, because it would make me go to the Capital. leftists want to abolish the "traditional" family-I want to oppose ANY family, the very notion of blood-ties being binding, and parental authority over their children.
I guess I will become a psychologist to be a militant anti-family, anti-parent\adult authority activist.
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>high social status
Why care?


just mentioning that basic fact


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yeah I don't know. I'm clumsy and remiss. thank you for trying helping me, I appreciate


i will suggest daily physical exercise (or at least 1 hour of walking) as well as getting your fair share of daily vitamin D, not to mention quality sleep and diet, when you have spent a long time as a NEET out of education and learning, your brain becomes out of shape, i can't help you fully with this issue because i have not even solved it yet my self, i will suggest you have an honest conversation with your parents, explain to them how it is irrational for them to expect someone with 0 skills to get a job and try find some useful skill that you can learn, if needed convince them to get you a refurbished PC, and show them that you are dedicated to learn skills that will help you find employment online, I.D.k, just think and find ways to at least delay being kicked out from the house.


Normies are savage wild animals, especially succubi. You must maintain integrity when dealing with them. They will see your autism but at least you can herd them a bit.

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There are a whole hosts of posts here where we explain how we're dependent upon our parents and how when they die we will die with them, I am starting to think that the lack of money is a real problem.

Additionally, I am 22, but pursuing a worthless degree in IT, I don't know if I'd be able to get a job, I feel like I need to do something immediately to avoid this impending catastrophe. But I don't know what, it's like I have seen the writing on the wall.

And of course I have no other reason to believe that I am better than people here on the contrary I might be inferior, hell, I can't even drive properly, you've probably read a thousand of my posts here lamenting that by now.

Fuck man, I need to do something, upskill or some sort of productivity or self-improooovement shit or something, in the odd case that it might works. But this path is scary as fuck, this is leading straight up towards suicide. I am not as gutsy as other users here, who are fine with the idea of dying, I kind of want to live properly for a minute first before contemplating dying and I don't think I am even capable of suicide.

I don't even get along very well with my parents, we have a weird hate-love relationship where I am dependent upon them because I have no option.

I don't understand how I can be so unlucky, there are millions and millions of people, literally 99% of them just living their lives normally, I don't understand why do I have to be in the bottom 1% of this planet's population.

I feel an urgent need to do something to prevent this ship to colliding with an iceberg but I am just sitting and watching, if things continue this way, this is not going to end well.

But man all the posts here just scare me to no end. Everyone is talking about the problem but no one is really offering any real and followable solutions, this is not going to end well for either of us.

I don't know why I decided to make this post I feel a sheer sense of urgency and helplessness yet all I do is bedrot.
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Absolutely true. It's unbelievable how bad things truly are in this country, we have a lot of money in India in that hands of top 0.1%. Anyways, my problem is not with rich people. But the problem is that they do not pay the workers their fair wages and the thing is that Indians don't care about being united. If every Indian worker stopped doing jobs that don't pay shit, employers would be forced to pay them adequate salaries. But we don't have any unity among people. We don't even have something called minimum wage in this shithole. I bet if you post a job vacancy of 1 person for eating shit at 1000 USD in an year you will get literally 1 million or so people applying for that job. Like I am no commie but this country could overnight turn into a first world country if EACH AND EVERYONE stopped working and demanded higher salaries, employers would be forced to pay up. But people have no unity. But instead it has become a competiton to the bottom with people ready to work for nothing, they don't understand if none of us is gonna work they are gonna be forced to pay us a decent salary.


Ps. I understand the pain of firstworlders. They feel the exact same way as I do when they see someone from poor country doing their jobs for fuck all. Collectively bringing down the standard of living for all including themselves. I now understand what you guys feel. I feel the same thing when I see people in my country working for 1000 USD a year. And I have questions like why are they doing this? Do they not value themselves? And it is because of them that value of my IT degree is worthless. Because my fellow ITniggers in India are ready for a 90hr 7 days a week for 1000USD a year (even if you convert this money to INR it isn't work jackshit) of work and it's because of the fact that these people put up with this shit, I too am left with no other option to put up just to survive. Fuck these rich niggas and desperate niggas man who don't value themselves bringing others down with them.


Now ofc I am not smart or anything but this problem seems so easy to solve if ALL people get on board and ALL of them collectively say we ain't gonna work till you pay us a fair share and if you jack up the prices of other things in response we are still not gonna work and I bet if the 99% of this planet combines and say this shit. They will be forced to pay.


Yes, I do agree with you. Telling people to go into tech right now tells me the person has no clue what they're talking about. Because no one in tech would advocate for such a thing knowing about the layoffs, high post-grad unemployment, AI job replacement, hiring freezes, and economic depression. Tech is shit-tier for jobs right now (and may be over.) It seems like only the most senior niche engineers are still doing well. Or people "in AI" (which won't last forever. It's hard to say how many years they will get out of that boom.)


>this country could overnight turn into a first world country if EACH AND EVERYONE stopped working and demanded higher salaries
Definitely not. Even if all production in India right now were perfectly distributed, everybody would still just live in shit.

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