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I was a very heavy eater, but for whatever reason in the past year my appetite has just gone to a much lower level. I have no will to eat almost anything and have eaten maybe 300 calories just yesterday, my belly just feels locked for the lack of better phrasing, I know it correlated with the worsening of my mental health with the time.
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thanks for the bump.


Complete loss of appetite or feeling "plugged" is associated with terminal stage depression (which is one step above severe depression).

At that point people simply have no more interest in maintaining nutritional behaviors nor feel any hunger.

Other mammals in extreme distress also display this behaviour, most notably orangutans and chimpanzees in captivity when their basic needs get neglected long enough (so indirectly they can commit suicide).


I still try to eat 3 meals a day, but i just end up feeling "full" so early, my belly is not just the same anymore, thanks for the good info anon.


Do you take any medication? I had the same issue when taking some psych meds


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Does any of you get irritated with family gatherings or when guests come to visit you in your family's house?
I am 24 years old, little to not school education, no job, whenever I am with some relatives or in some family gathering I can sense how much they look down at me for being a massive loser, even if they almost never express it directly at all, since I was a child I would always be asked by them questions like "how are you doing in school?" or "are you getting any good grades" Of course they no longer ask me such question, But I still feel a lot of shame when I am around them, I try to avoid sitting with them like the plague
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people just say "and college is where you get connections, anon. so be sure to socialize and go to all the parties hehe"


I got my job thanks to my uncle who knew some rich boomer, so I ended up wageslaving in his company, I was lucky my family helped me


This post is so true that I want to take a screenshot of it to print it and hang it on the wall.


almost 30, family has given up on me and wants little to nothing to do with me


It's too long and not racist enough


I can't pass the driving test in Germany while foids drive BMWs. I am a total genetic subhuman. Driving involves genetic based machinery like Spatial Awareness and good motor controls, my subhuman genetics have none of that I failed despite spending 2500 euros. I am truly an embarrassment.

When I see men and succubi drive i feel like a cuck. I feel so emasculated. I have not felt this bad since I got kicked in the balls by a teenager in 4th grade.

The only silver lining is I am not in a completely car dependent country. I wonder how do people in America who don't have driving license survive. Fuck it. I am so fucking charred from within. Fucking teenage sluts can drive and I can't. Fuck it. Fuck fuck fuck it. Please God kill me in my sleep tonight.
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I got my driving license in 2014 and haven't driven since.
Tbh, I don't feel the need to own a car. Public transport is comfy in Yurop.


>Public transport is comfy in Yurop.
You mean full of niggers?


Do you really live in Manhattan? Must be cool as fuck, I see a lot videos by drones online, it looks spectacular, I am jealous! BTW I wrote more about parallel parking here >>>/wiz/220853
You're not alone, but we're in the wrong minority unfortunately.


The trick is to ask your family to carry you to somewhere away from dense traffic with their car, so you may practice a lot before even stepping into that robbery named "driving schools".

Just like those succubi do


I ran into the curb when parallel parking. He asked if I always drive this slow. Passed the exam. I was 22.
Driving is really hard because I have hundreds of times a day where a second "skips" and I'm unaware of what happens. Also about 10% of the time one of my eyes gets blurry and I have to close it to see out of the other one. I also have to use cruise control most of the time and drive barefoot to keep my feet from becoming numb. I keep at least 5 seconds between me and the guy ahead of me.

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my parents want to move: sell the house, move to an apartment in the God-Accursed capital city.If I had money, I would cut them off and go live alone; I don't have enough and THEY won't pay for me to live alone.
I have no reason to support the family unit, because it would make me go to the Capital. leftists want to abolish the "traditional" family-I want to oppose ANY family, the very notion of blood-ties being binding, and parental authority over their children.
I guess I will become a psychologist to be a militant anti-family, anti-parent\adult authority activist.
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you can become a barber, car mechanic, or even a pastry baker, yeah, non of these jobs have the high social status as being a dentist or an architect, but they are involve skills that are relatively easy to learn, jobs that are in demand, and pay better tha jobs that require 0 skill to perform, you will not know until you try, otherwise, i do not know how are you going to be able to find work if you are an autist with 0 skills, they should give you a chance to lean some useful skills before, and not just: "find a job anon, this will be your last night here"


>high social status
Why care?


just mentioning that basic fact


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yeah I don't know. I'm clumsy and remiss. thank you for trying helping me, I appreciate


i will suggest daily physical exercise (or at least 1 hour of walking) as well as getting your fair share of daily vitamin D, not to mention quality sleep and diet, when you have spent a long time as a NEET out of education and learning, your brain becomes out of shape, i can't help you fully with this issue because i have not even solved it yet my self, i will suggest you have an honest conversation with your parents, explain to them how it is irrational for them to expect someone with 0 skills to get a job and try find some useful skill that you can learn, if needed convince them to get you a refurbished PC, and show them that you are dedicated to learn skills that will help you find employment online, I.D.k, just think and find ways to at least delay being kicked out from the house.

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People, who do escapism, how do you cope with returning back to reality?

No matter how many times I finish the game/movie/anime it always hard for me to realize that in fact I live in THIS world, and in fact nothing will ever change
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I wish escapism worked for me. No matter what I do to try to distract myself my real life worries still nag at the back of my head.


I often took lots of weed to make literally everything in my life seem like a distant dream and to just live in my island. But i stopped bc it always made me stupid as shit and really unhappy once i got sober


Not necesarilly dreams but intrussive thoughts (basically OCD) about scenarios I would like to take part in. These fuckers keep me from actually engaging in "truly" escapist activities like everyone has such as watching some anime, a movie, series, reading a book, vidya, looking onto interesting stuff on Jewtube.
Sorry for avoiding the actual question, I just wanted to take it off my chest.


just wait till you get sick and start being in constant pain&dying, it will resolve itself and escapism will become impossible


This, I am in my late 30s, I no longer enjoy gaming, anime or even masturbating, No job, no social life, no hobbies, no interests, just existing.

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what does he want from us?
why is he torturing us?
why does he give great amount of suffering and horror to poor believers while giving happiness and wealth to evil disbelieving people?
why is he so careless?
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>God can’t exist if he has qualities that contradict his existence.
Such as all its qualities. God is non-existence or nothingness and therefore definitionally doesn’t exist. If you stop subjecting God to personification and anthropomorphism, you’ll be able to think more rationally as opposed to pinning everything down to his incomprehensibility.


excuse me why the fuck is this thread in /dep/ ??
you have the best images, and the best music, the works of the greatest minds of all time, you have them at your fingertips, and still you are unhappy
what the fuck man, what else do you want?
is a succubus really what you want? really?? >:D


If God exists, that adds nothing new to my idea of Him or his essence. And if He doesn't exist, then how can He lack anything. Qualities of being good, omniscient etc. presuppose existence. Now existence is just a relation between an object and certain concepts, and in case of God and other imaginary entities, no corresponding object in physical reality can be found. It's a spook or I must acquire the proof of his existence from other sources like the intuition of the aforementioned will manifesting at different levels or something, this probably would be the difference between the ontological and cosmological arguments.
Basically this, but since dispensing with anthropormphisms is such an impossible task for us, I think the difference between pantheism and atheism is mostly a matter of semantics
Basically Plato's chariot allegory
There's a good thread about free will in /lounge/ with retards saying it absolutely doesn't exist


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visit the website and YouTube channel vaticancatholic. com for crucial information on this topic


He created the universe because he was horny and he jerks off to this stuff

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How old are you? What brought you to where you are? What prevents you from changing?
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>How old are you?
>What brought you to where you are?
Im only striving to maintain a status quo and nothing beyond. fucked up my studies even though Im still studying right now. Im not spending the time on things I should, currently Im obsessed with reading manga, light novels and lord of the rings. The last week was spent on learning hearts of iron 4 and other video games as well as watching trash on youtube. I have 0 friends but this is also kind of my fault since I couldve had at least two from school but I rejected them both. I remember myself sperging out once on my classmate friend 5 years ago who was constantly talking about stuff I dont care and since then I had no friends in school anymore.
>What prevents you from changing?
Timidness in every social situation, I just want to get out everytime a stranger might be looking at me. Im addicted to spending my time on everything but mathematics and stuff related to my university. I am unemployable because I cant work physically with my slight disablity and have no skills to work on a computer with besides some programming knowledge but thats worthless. Im worthless.


are you learning C.S?
I have some experience with C.S courses, basically if you are not willing to put maximum effort and practice coding for 10 hours each day OUTSIDE of your classes, then you are doomed, it's a skill based major, companies value your skills way more than your degree, when you apply for a job at google corpo, they will give you an algorithmic equation or ask you build a project for them to test your skills, I only suggest people who are willing to put all their free time into it to get into it.


>How old are you?
>What brought you to where you are?
Twisted perception of the world since forever. No one in my entourage can't read my way of thinking.
Childhood : The classic, constantly bullied, self image disorder, undiagnosed autism, beaten by both classmates and parents. But it was mostly deserved. Grew up poor didn't help.
Teenager : losing friends, social anxiety becomes worse, doing some misdemeanors, but somehow having good grades. Had a failed suicide attempt.
Adulthood : no friend at all but it is good as it is, KHV, the classic again. Balding at 25. Have a shitty, underpaid IT job. Never gone neet, but I'll probably rope myself if that happens. Anyway I still want to exit life but I have not enough resolve nor access to firearms.
>What prevents you from changing?
No self-discipline, health decline beyond repair, unfixable body, short-temper. Living on autopilot for at least 25 years.


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Not the other guy but I'm in C.S. and where I live it's basically a requirement to get some sort of computer related office job (beyond a basic excel sheet filling job or whatever). Unless you have a degree or finished an apprenticeship in something related, you won't get the job in 98% of cases. But I agree that if you want to get into programming, you have to be excited about the process of programming itself cause most of the time you will be coding nonsense globohomo projects with no real value.

26yo apprentice
>why am I here
Social rejection from middle school onward. Became convinced early on that humans are an ugly, evil species and we're stuck in a system where we do meaningless labour for most of our waking hours and get nothing out of it besides the privilege of continuing to work. Retreated into my room, started living on the computer. Got by in school but am struggling to finish my degree now. Relationship with parents is good, we live in a large house and I never have anyone over so I never had any reasons to move out or "make something" of myself.
>why won't I change
I am convinced that we will experience absolute ecological and following that economical and social collapse within our lifetimes. There is nothing out of life that I want that I don't already have. I am reasonably content with reading books, going on walks and such. I'm lucky as it is to live in my current circumstances. I have no hope, no positive outlook for the future and as such, zero motivation to change.


>I am convinced that we will experience absolute ecological and following that economical and social collapse within our lifetimes.
why bother working hard for your future, when everything points to disasters?
better to live for the day and enjoy life while it's enjoyable

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I went to the college today for some work regarding documentation and met a "friend", people in the college have nothing to talk about except bitches. The "friend" in question screamed my name from afar, later came running, and told me he has scored a bitch. Showed me a photo of a bitch and him cuddling. What is more shocking is that the guy is also kinda below average in looks but extremely out going to the point he just sleeps when he's at home.

I didn't know what I was supposed to respond like good for you, I guess. But now I am thinking maybe he did it purposefully, like he knows that someone who looks like me can't get love and sex. And hypothetically if I ever get sex, I probably won't be able to get it hard, and even if I do get it hard, I won't be able to cum cause of my tight foreskin, frenulum breve, and OCD.

I wonder if he somehow guessed that I had an inability to get sex or do sex which is why he rubbed it in my face, other times some other "friends" of mine also talk about their girlfriends infront of me and how cool is this and that.

Are normies just like this or do they do it on purpose with me?


was she beautiful?
also it's hard to tell, some are geniune and just want to share their lovestiry with others but some want to make you feel uncomformtable. to know if they rubb it in your face you must recall a moment if your friend did something like that to annoy you or has a two face personnality


regular normies are pretty chill. the more successful they are, the less they feel like they need to prove so these types of games are only played by the borderline failed normies like your "friend". they don't have a stable sense of self so they constantly need admiration and approval from others, or simply dunking on those perceived lower than them. they're the types to fight over a succubus or get into bar fights over someone dissing them because they can't afford to look like a loser because it activates all their insecurities so they deal with it with aggression and being an attention whore.


1. it wasnt about you at all. It was about him.
2. youre a normalfag for having frineds bcs I have 0


Yup, she seemed above average.
Could be, the friend in question however doesn't seem like a failed normie but just one of those guys who seem to stay out. Or as you said he could be doing this to show that he's not a failed normie.
My only friend is a virgin, fat, acne-ridden, glasses wearing person. Just like me. Although he's unaware of the blackpill and wizardry. All in all he seems to be happy with his life so I keep my peace and don't blackpill him. Ignorance is bliss and all. As for other people, like the one I mentioned, he's an annoyance and nothing more.


It is normal for your friends to want to show you their achievements, for the average person, and even more so if they are ugly it is difficult for them to find a partner, so it is important to them.

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My laptop died several weeks ago and I got no money to buy a new one, I have been doing nothing but going on long walks daily and looking at walls, I even hate using my smart phone (that i mostly only used to call my mother at work) anyone like me?
also, poorfag NEET general maybe?


Have you Tried not being poor?


>>297207 do you know where you are?


You have no idea how hard it's getting a job when you lack higher education and connections, I been trying to get a shitty job in over 5 years and non of these places want to hire me.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Closing the thread because OP is just talking to himself.


I'm going to make this post very concise, and try to avoid rambling. I'm terrified of death: mortality itself, dying process, what may be after (punishment of some sort\duration for me, likely. if there's nothing I wont be there to notice..but RT the idea of nothing is uncomfy). Anyways Im almost deciding to become a professional insufferable person and mooch off my parents, demand they give me a given big amount of money, start being chastely desperate with everyone, take big risks, try new experiences, sleep almost nothing, etc
What to do? Therapists are s* for this; they literally will make me COPE. they can't erase my Mortality.
>how do I proceed? what to do?
>how do I manage my savings\ job\ investments, in view of me being liable to die ,ANY day?
>I don't think it's fair a corpse should make the living incur expenses. how can I have my body NOT receive any funeral \burial nor cremation,\ etc?


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You can delay death by being healthy.
While you're alive, you may as well find ways to have fun.

But remember that everyone else is in the exact same situation as you in regards of mortality.
There is no way to be sure if death is the end. Nothing in this world is ever lost, can only change form, so it's best to assume you will have to go through life again.
So try not to perpetuate harm and suffering.

But for now, focus on the first two points.


I'm already very healthy (no drugs, no alcohol, no s*x, 9 hours sleep, healthy air, etc) and yes, I DO try to have nice clean fun; but at the moment the fun ends (for example: I finish all available episodes of an anime) the dopamine crush is terrible; or when I when I just arrive home after eating out a nice meal, so on. those few seconds of "it's over..now remains the Void"
For some reason I seem to have an altruistic nature. i enjoy helping others and can't bring myself to be mean and violent (unless severely provoked).


yeah i lift weights when i get those moments


This post is completely incoherent to me

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