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So I turned 20 recently and for already 6 years I'm confident that you don't need a relationship or a gf to live a happy life. I won't deny that I wanted a gf at some point, but I was kid and stupid (like 11-13 y/o. Now I *want* to be alone until I die. And before saying anything consider the following: no relationship means no one will cheat on you, no one will break up with you, you don't have to spent shit ton of money on a succubus, you don't have to raise kids, which means even more money saved. And if you're feeling lonely, get yourself a pet.
It's a peaceful life waking up knowing that your happiness does not rely on someone (pets are exception)
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It's just a natural urge, when you get to a certain age you realize it's just not for you.


I'd rather my gf-less state be of my own volition rather than being made for me.


if you believe this then you never belonged in here to start with, @mods do the needful!


im not sure I even do at this point. yet our biology still tortures us. maybe if there were some alternative that satisfied the need, but I don't know of any.


Epic ^^


Whitepillers don't have a retort for autism. You can get a good degree, pursue your hobbies and work on your self esteem but if you have autism you will never make it in this anti-autistic world, Life is all about one thing. Being born without autism. If you're born without autism the normies will make excuses for you, help you out, share money with you, give you 100 chances, etc. Meanwhile if you have autism you're evil and creepy just for existing and blinking the wrong way. Everybody gets to live for free except autists and only autists who are given this fake ass "you gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make your life" "you gotta amount to something" "innovation" story. Shit that literally no one else has to follow.
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>normies will bully you away from any job
That is, if they can even land a job in the first place.


Any autist in a group home


Make sure you block out ALL sunlight and other lights if you want quality sleep.


I have to turn off my computer completely, even so that my monitor's "on" light doesn't blink to get good sleep.


Then you know what type of people to combat, leech and sabotage. Good luck.
Insist. Go for autistic associations, too


Do you think normies could ever accept us or even tolerate us for real? It's obvious that absolute majority people is repulsed by a NEET lifestyle, failed dating/life/work experience, motivational or existential problems. Do you think there's a space for us to exist at all? Is it acceptable, is it planned for? Or we are truly just the trash of the world that should be cut out from society the sooner the better?
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>Or maybe I don't know, maybe it's hard to get welfare in developed western countries too and I am just coping that thinking life could be better elsewhere
This used to be true, but now the West is actually crumbling, specifically because it allowed the 3rd-world mass entrance which squeezed every governmental budget to breaking point. There are no longer the budgets for the safety net that was in place just 15 years ago, and the economy is only making survival exponentially harder for those at the lower end - even those employed. So no, it's no better anywhere else but for marginal examples.

We can't choose our parents but they are the ones we are stuck with. The best you can do is be courteous and helpful, and hope that they will reciprocate. For many years I used to hate the content about "Self-improvement", but it is really the only tangible way to 'improve'. How it will materialise is an unknown metric, however. Regardless, try not to rot and stagnate as that only makes tomorrow all the more intolerable. Even if it is just tidying up, learning to fix things or building things, this kind of thing resonates with parents, knowing that their child is at least doing something. This changes absolutely nothing about the outside world, but I say this from personal experience with my parents over the last 20 years. They now depend on me to keep their house in order and save them thousands in home repairs and improvements. They treat me like an actual human being now. It's quite a nice environment that I didn't ever expect.


It's insane that you got to be proving your value and have "somethihg to offer" just to be allowed to live.


It is, and says a lot about people who claim to be "liberals". Total double-standards. I suspect human beings have a genetic predisposition towards attacking downward, and liberals practice this while simultaneously denying it, counteracting this betrayal of their value system by overcompensating in forms such as compassion for criminals and open-border posturing etc. The fact that the authority-figure of the mainstream media is so openly hostile to our kind justifies individual behaviours of this sort.

But again there is a necessity to accept that this will not change, and adaptation is the only mechanism for survival, save for the impractical and indirectly self-destructive option of "removing the problem".


Never began for him


You better stop following that cursed trail of "normies pls mercy me" and start taking advantage of them or causing havoc.

Henry David Thoreau adn uncle Ted almost got it. You must just learn to hide while selfsubsisting.

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Is being a male with bpd a fate worse than death? Do any of you know for certain you have BPD?
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the only good and based indian was osho. he wanted the whole villages in india to be sterilized.


Why not take meds?


i was diangosed with Bpd at age 20. im 24 now and it doesnt get any better


yes. personally I cannot think of a worse fate than having a made up illness.


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He sure didn't try this.

This means less money wasted in the long term

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i have no reason to live anymore. ask me anything.

- no, i will not kill myself
- yes, i have tried hobbies
- no, i am not diagnosed with depression
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fucking hell I thought I was the only one. after a few days the habitual urges were already pretty much gone and I flatlined completely. I got back into pmo but mostly due to boredome more than actual horniness. planning on quitting for good though


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He isn't addicted though, he just happened to not jerk off for 30 days because he didn't feel like it. If you don't buy into the nofap cult brainrot beforehand you'll notice there's actually no benefits because it's all in your head. You'll also notice there's much crossover with deranged /pol/tards who think it's a Jewish plot to keep da whit man down. The creator of the easy peasy method is also a male feminist who thinks men watching porn are going around beating up succubi, as if violent media causes violence, so he's a retard, grifting off other gullible retards and making a brand for himself.

The only thing which makes me feel alive is doing something which contributes to my goals, like getting better at a hobby, whether I fap or not is irrelevant. If your goal is: people on the internet said I shouldn't touch me willy, and you *want* to attribute everything good in life to not shooting ropes, of course, you'll get the desired effect. That doesn't make it true, though. Self-reported testimonials are not hard data.


Look i understand where you coming from. I'm not antifap, mast can def be healthy. PORN is not, atleast for me. It actually caused me severe physical withdrawls like an opiod addict. My stomach is finally getting better after years looking at the cause. My aches are disappearing. It's like a fucking drug. I will never touch that poison again. I'm just saying if you are depressed, feeling like shit and you a porn user. Try going without. And no it doesn't mean fapping. PMO is the problem here. I was on the other side for years belittling antiporn wizzies. But they are right. The easy peasy method is great for deconstructing the need for porn, dont give a fuck about feminist it's bad for females blablabla. It says it's a DRUG and you an addict, everything the brain thinks of tricking you back into it. And yes even boredom is a need to get that insta dopa fix. Do what you want if you happy with it and you can live and have it under control. I never could and never will. I'm better without that's all that matters.


you have some sort of core problem with self-control. You should work on that directly instead of focusing on porn as one particular manifestation of your weakness


a new day, a new chance to burn alive and get permanent brain damage from whatever and stay like an overfried potato in silent agony until death. Amongst many others possibilities ever ignored by breeders in their delusional tendencies.

we need our mana. May you ppl not have to learn it the hard way

>yea, we are this way

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i'm 27, i live with my parents, i don't have a job and to be honest i don't give a fuck anymore. i would have wanted to move out 5 years ago, when i had a ton of ambitions, but my fuckin overprotective mother didn't give me a hint of freedom. now they hate me just for being. like everyone else. i used to be good at history and wanted to move in that direction, and now i'm NEET who spends all my free time on the internet and goes to the store once a week. i hate them for not letting me realize myself in a life that i don't see any point in right now.
thank u mom
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I relate to the section about overly-protective parents lashing at you years later for HOW they raised you and blaming you as if it's your fault, impossible to reason with them.


i hate it when they accuse me of my lack of independence. like, mom, u didn't give me the opportunity to be independent.


>its too dangerous to go ride your bike outside with the other kids, 10 year old anon


they tell you "be a man, do not blame other people for your problems"
but parenting is the foundtion of everything, it can make a sky-ground difference in the kind of person you end up becoming in the future.


It be breeders who agreed to bring more flesh to this rigged game, feel no pity for them. Blame yourself not a bit, and take fortune as it comes.

Even if they let you, outcomes are still very probably to be utter shit. Times are getting worse, you see.

Gen Z and millenials are generally fucked.

Because they are not be reasoned with, just say incoherent bullshit and be even weirder. They already know it's their fault. Boomer society of taxcuckery and wageslavery and mortgages and author's rights, it's all shitted.

Do not accept their denial about it.
Insist on their fault. Be cheeky, do not beg for understanding, that's lethal to do against normies. We do not see how evil they are, but they are.

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Does anyone else live like they will have another chance at life despite not being religious? I am so displeased with my starting point in life and how much better others have it without needing to put in any effort that I mentally checked out and have been a low-effort hedonist focusing on being comfortable with the least effort in the moment. Like refusing to play an unbalanced game. But there is no alternative, no one is going to balance life. I'm still in disbelief that this will be the only way I get to experience life. Born in times of great technological progress and opportunity but unable to enjoy it.
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Nah, some are aware of it. The only reason I don't kill myself as an autist is because I realize how lucky I was to be born into a western country with generous Neetbucks for life (permanent disability).

In a third world country I wouldn't even be alive.

So even if there is rebirth in some form, I get to prolong a comfy existence for at least 80-100 years and postpone being born as a rat or slum indian who has to scavenge garbage for sustenance.

(And I don't loathe those people - I'm just scared of that fate, and grateful it wasn't bestowed upon me)


what country? how hard was it getting permabux for autism? im in the uk and i reckon i could swing it somehow


Retarded argument. Human existence is nothing but an attempt to rid ourselves of these naturally imposed horrors. Carnivores and herbivores balance each other out in the bigger picture. Rich/poor, west/rest are just a result of some form of 'winners' externalizing the cost of their winning to those with less power and then solidifying that difference in power. Such a thing could not happen in the natural world. The reason we suffer so much is because we know that things could be different if the human soul weren't such an ugly thing.


yeah we could easily have a utopia if it wasn't for greedy bitches who always want more, to be better than the rest, to be #1


Another chance in this world, is to me just another chance for serious miseries. That's the core of this reality.

What do you crave for?

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I think it's genuinely just plain over if you don't have education, skills or job experience at the age of 25. It feels like I should just play videogames until anhedonia reaches critical condition and then to just off myself. I lost to job market. I lost to capitalism. My ego and my weakness won't allow me to live as burger king worker. Not to mention i'd be a useless worthless asset in any job anyway. Fuck
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I'm 33 with no job experience or college degree. I am so cooked. How did I get here? I went on reddit to ask for advice but on the same board people with just a 1 year gap and STEM degrees were complaining about not finding a job despite 1000 applications so I didn't even dare to ask.


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I fucking hate users from reddit


I mean they also seem to have it pretty bad…
I will graduate with my cs bachelor 1 year late and I feel like Im pretty unemployable due to my lack of personal projects. So I could relate to them.


Again, I insist: learn your Human Design.

That war always lost. Don't let it deceive you from your real, best chances.

>My ego and my weakness won't allow me to live as burger king worker.
And even though, he should rather set his own burger business to outcompete his wagecucker in the end. That'd be a great middle finger.

Nah, that's just normie sabotage. GO for neetbux, tell you feel horrible sick and whatever. Show your poor resume.

UNEMPLOYMENT AND CELIBACY WILL RISE, you just wait. This site might as well become overcrowded.

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Its the type of pain most people live with, a background pain. Ambient pain. The idea of dying alone. The idea of being a virgin. having so skills. No purpose. every day is exactly the same, you never leave the house, you cant, you cant drive a car, you are too tired to walk. and its going to be like this for the rest of your life.
You were born to die.
every second hurdling faster and faster towards death.

and no one cares, even if you told someone they would despise you.

you might as well be a corpse already, let the bugs and birds eat you, rot away till you are nothing but bones, let your bones turn to dust, let a gust of wind blow you away.

all that pain, and one day it was like you were never there.
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If paths of liberation are conditioning then whatever you have just written is also conditioning. How can we be anything other than what was put inside our brains?

I totally agree with your conclusion.


Because you know clinging, you assume you know not-clinging. Because you don't know not-clinging, you assume it's clinging. This is a mistake. You wish for everything to be the same so you can better justify yourself in suffering, and due to this desire, you assume suffering and tranquility are the same. You assume wisdom and ignorance are the same. This is also a mistake. You take pride in suffering, and so everything must be suffering, and nothing is allowed to be anything else. Friend, you have effectively allowed yourself to become a blind man. You walk around as a blind man. Everywhere you turn, it's equal darkness. When someone informs you there is vision, you tell them it's the same as blindness. I tell you this out of compassion but I can only go so far, if you don't strive and put aside this pride in suffering picked up from the world, you'll continue to live in it and see nothing beyond it. Be well, friend.


It's so useless to offer these wiews without any request or solutions. What are you aiming for? A circlewhine about it?


Why do you assume I don't know tranquility? Why do you assume all I know is suffering? All I'm saying is that even tranquility in the end is completely useless and nothing of worth. People like you sound like preachers, Know-it-all, uptight, passive-aggressive, sensitive. If you were tranquil you wouldn't feel the need to answer like that. I'm sorry but your lost in desperate attempt to feel better than others. Have a good day anyways.


which skills? being creative enough to know what to say?
There is nothing to say, and even when you learn from others, it's all pathetic.

I say, one of life goal for every wiz is
>First: no-fap if you cannot afford the second, because your health and aura are weak
>Second: to goon and wank without letting a single drop go out, not even at nights. Learning how to regulate the body via diet, cold, gym, etc… so this energy gets effectively recycled.

God help you all against the hordes of ishtar, hell on her

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I'm fucking jaded by life because of people and normalfags. I really can't take it anymore. I have limits and today I got my tolerence limit to the macimum, I don't feel good at all. normalfags make life disgusting when you're around them. I can't anymore today, I don't know if I could live like this during all my life.
I'm in pain physically. my heart hurts kind of. I feel depressed.
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I have been having a horrible day as well. Tell you what, I don't know why I do it, but I keep browsing the internet and keep entering the places, I know I will be pissed when I enter them.

I basically am not the best driver and I can't parallel park >>>/wiz/220853 which has become a serious source of my anxieties. And today while browsing the internet I came across the profile of a pajeeta. Claiming how much she hates Indian Men. And how all Indian Men are creepy and bad.

When I as an Indian Man know the reality, most Indian Man are poor and work extremely hard in low level jobs only to be scammed by their employers and people over them but yet they sacrifice so much for their families. Indian Men lead extremely hard lives and do extremely hard labour to provide for their families only to get shit in return.

But retarded Indian Cunts have demonised Indian Men so much and nobody corrects them cause Indian Men don't wanna get on their bad side and continue to simp. White Guys of course won't side with Indian Men cause degradation of their fellow outgroup men is helpful and helps them get more sex. White succubi couldn't be arsed and find Indian Men repulsive.

Anyways, this pajeeta went about how she only dates white men and how she'll continue to do so even when she was abused by a white man who was her husband and said that race has nothing to do with it. Wouldn't say that race had nothing to do with it had the guy been Indian.

Anyways, what drove me fucking nuts was that this bitch was claiming that she is good at driving. And I suck at parallel parking. I feel so inferior. Not only have I been lifemogged by a literal fucking slut on tutorial mode. I am also getting logged in driving which is the one thing I am remotely good at compared to other things, yes I am not the best driver but I pride myself in being good at it but now literal fucking pajeeta cunts are logging me.

I face so much racism on the internet and as a little guy I can't do anything about it. All I do is ragewalk all night in my tiny little room. It's hard to describe the difference between my life and her life. It's so unfair. I don't even have a place on internet where I could be brown and air out all my crabiness.


Despise what you cannot have, forcing yourself into roles you are not born to hold will only destroy.

Relinquish. Abandon. March the opposite way
>craving validation
Get the opposite, and maybe you will discover something of valur within it.

If you cannot get out the pit by climbing, dig.


If you don't tell what they used against you, I cannot elaborate accurate responses against them.

>Many of you think you must put up with shit because otherwise you will end up fired from jobs or that you have no alternatives, but then that piled up shit as a tension makes you sick and you end up having wasted your life in cuckery, masking and wageslavery and now also sick and regretting not punching normies in the throat or burning their cars or whatever.


They must all be unhealthy so they pretend they are kind, sociable and hiding their weirdness (all of them have some). They unhappier than they look, I tell you, small talk is often carried out of pure anxiety

>i'm no wierd, i'm not weird, do not react against me

>see? i eat shit like everyone else
>it's so great to feel in company
>i must eat shit, it would be rude and arrogant not doing so after everyone else does it

And that's how they gaslight theirselves into their own misery while sociopaths and psychos feed upon them. They know they are miserable but they minimize it, and the more they are in toxic behaviours the more dangerous this goes for the pressure is against not taking their asses out the misery they engage in.


They have families. They perpetuate their own misery.

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