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I'm going broke, and I really don't know how to deal with this fact. I went to 4 doctors to treat it, but none of them worked, and no matter how many medications I took, I was never able to overcome this problem. But these only caused me terrible side effects, such as fatigue, weight gain, apathy, a lot of disinterest in everything, and alopecia, but they were never able to attack the impulses. Violence never stops.
Sometimes I blame my family for raising me in such a violent environment, but then I think it's better to bury the past and look forward. But sometimes it is difficult, since it is not about the violence of 10 or 15 years ago, it is about things sometimes from less than a week ago.

I feel like an alcoholic, where instead of keeping a place free of that poison, it is offered to me in all shapes, sizes, colors and flavors.
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why wear glasses if you don't like it


Bald and glasses is the worst combo


>how is eating poultry gonna help? emotional eating?
I finally see a reason to spell that country Turkiye
The joke is that it's comparatively cheaper to get hair transplantation operation there.
Balding is starting for me too and it will be good

Regaining your hair won't help you feel well being you
It might help but your real problem is crippling social anxiety
I'm miserable every now and then and trying to get my life on track
Good luck man, hope you find some happiness, whether it be (trying to) restoring your hair or finding life experiences, habits and changes of lifestyle that make you less miserable
I think to me the most helpful thing is not trying to find happiness but instead thinking of "what can I do to be less miserable"

Betting 50 points on "what is sampling bias" dear game master
The study behind this claim you make is based on such a flawed study of new york jews.
Speaking of relatively affluent jews, let's be positive: praise be upon my man Eric Clopper


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This week I had a breakthrough and going outside without covering myself stopped scaring me. It was a natural progression that started with showing how I look now in familiar places. I might not be the prettiest, but that does not mean I have to shut myself in. Thanks for the kind words, it made the difference.

You are right. I had self-esteem issues even before I noticed I am losing my hair, this only amplified it. There are more battles to come, good luck to you too.

Sorry for bumping another balding thread, lol. It is a coincidence.


Do you coom? It is a factor.

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I am that same Indian guy who made the post about having C-PTSD and living with abusive parents. I have hit a new low, I think I am becoming low T, I check every symptom on the box, having brain fog, constantly fatigue, constantly sleepy, not being able to get it up anymore, no more morning woods, and no erections.

The problem is this, I am still a student and the effects of having low T are affecting my studies greatly, risking me going into a negative feedback loop where I feel like it's gonna take a toll on my studies. And thus reduce my likelihood of getting a job. I have managed to start gym after intense fighting with my parents.

But there is only so much I can push them as someone who is dependent upon them. I am sorry to post this here, after few long years, I just burst our crying today when my parents denied me to visit a urologist, while I have no symptoms (apart from slight shrinkage of my testicles), I probably have Varicocele too.

This is more of an SOS post, please if there is someone here who can take me away from my parents please do. Please give me a home, some love, some help to fix myself. I hate my life, I hate constantly being low T. My parents also hate all sorts of medicines, and they are going to freak out if the doctor recommends a surgery for varicocele. I can't get a job in this tough market either. It's truly hellish being a crab in the third world shithole.

Low T is affecting all areas of my life, and there is no redemption in sight, is my entire life going to be like this from this point on?
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do you get some disablebux?


Third-world countries don't have the luxury of NEETbucks.


>trying for past 2 years
What kind of job are you looking for?


I thought he lived in america


Generally remote jobs. Although I have tried for on-site jobs in retail, textile, IT, and dairy as well. No luck so far.

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How badly will escitalopram fuck my libido? Is it permanent? They're also 9 months expired is it still safe to take? Will it lower my heart rate?


Any kind of "opram" will turn you in to a lobotomized succubus. Shove your antidepressants up a doctor's ass


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You're right. Drugs only mask the cause of anxiety and sadness, not address the source.


SSRIs are placebo.
They do have real side effects, though, so, be careful.

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Most parents in the west who aren't complete junkies or obese hillbillies, treat their kids like scions of their family who deserve all the best things in life, good education, good safe surroundings, high quality food, books, good parenting, vacations etc.

But in third world countries, there is an animalistic undertone to raising children. They are mostly just a nuisance and labour source. Nobody cares whether the kid is happy or not, or whether they receive a high quality upbringing or not. Everyone is just trying to survive.
5 out of 7 kids died due to disease or easily preventable mineral deficiencies?
Oh well. Not a much bigger deal than the adopted family stray dog dying out of malnutrition.

There is no higher thought involved, no planning for the future, no setting up a dynasty to last for centuries and ensure the family line goes on and does well in society.
No, there is just animalistic survival where nobody gives a shit how the kid is doing. They are just an annoying byproduct of sex, which the parents had unprotected because that's the only entertainment they can afford.

I hate being born into a third world country. All my peers are fuckups as well because not only are their parents dumb, they didn't raise them at all. They had to fend for themselves and figure stuff out alone. The parents are completely useless illiterate animals.
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>oh so sad, parents give gifts and want the best for them so they don't turn out a failure


It's a first-world problem, you wouldn't understand.


>Nobody cares whether the kid is happy or not, or whether they receive a high quality upbringing or not
this is the same in 1st world. most people just put there kids in front of the TV/computer and do not give a fuck. most people in the 1st world is ok with indoctonation from school and LGBTQ+ shit from school

the 1st world and 3rd world is the same, there is just no "animalistic" thing. instead it is a open mental asylum. the more crazy you are, the more socipathic you are, the more you succed. the "western world" is roten to the core. do not know about how it is in other 1st world countrys that are not westner world


Ah yes third world family values. Namaste from India.


But in third world countries, there is an animalistic undertone to raising children. They are mostly just a nuisance and labour source. Nobody cares whether the kid is happy or not, or whether they receive a high quality upbringing or not.

is it really like that? can you post a source so I can verify this info

 No.285599[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I've been on finasteride for 2 years and I just lost my job and had to move back with my parents and I noticed that my hairline is receding it looks bad, my hair is thinning too, even the back and sides are thinning so I will never be able to get a hair transplant. I've always been anxious about going bald because I have a really bad head shape and I just don't look good without hair, or well, i look worse than with full head of hair.
Balding young is fucking brutal and I don't feel like wearing a fedora or beanies it will make it all more obvious, i feel a pain in my chest and all this stress is causing me to lose more and more hair im in my early 20s but i look now like my male relatives who are full in their 50s.
I can't hide it and I don't want to be that bald guy everyone mocks.
Why it had to be me, wizards? I'm short and now balding, fucking life sucks and did nothing to deserve this.
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>opinion on my post
It's called "description". Grab a dictionary if you don't believe me.
Oh, am I being too harsh? ¬¬


>too harsh
No, just too retarded.


Suffer at ease. This is not a place for your likes, as it is neither any other imageboard.


> God cursed me with huge gyno when i was 10 years old so i got bullied in school, swimming was the worst
i remember a kid in class who had gyno, he loooked weird


just shave it and grow a beard

[Last 50 Posts]

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What are your thoughts on the concept of missing out?

Because of depression and anxiety I spent most of my life in my room doing the same shit every day. I don't challenge myself with new experiences. I eat the same bland food every day. Sometimes I will see what's out there and I feel the pain of all the missed out experiences. But is it a real pain or imagined? After all no matter what you are always missing out on something as you can only be in one place at a time and even if you are busy 24/7 there is way more to life than you can experience in a lifetime. You could say that I can't regret the past because I did the best I was capable of at that time but I feel like a lot of the resistance to new things is more in my head and once I break the routine the pain is gone. Like starting a new video game instead of playing the same online game again takes willpower at first but once I am playing it I'm having fun and wondering why I didn't do it sooner.
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outer space doesn't exist. we live inside a stationary toroidal sphere that is bounded by water. there are no pictures of earth "from space". nasa is a masonic propaganda group. the "picture" you posted of the milky way is a giant saturnian eye. it is not real.


You can always look back and always think that things could have been better.
It's not good to do.


I've felt like this my entire life. Even when I was coming up I did some unpleasent shit to make certain people laugh so they could get me to "experience new things along". Get their attention.
I wonder If I will ever be capable of having this insecurity gone and live at my own pace.


I have the opposite, I wish I did less in life.


I'm too busy doing stuff to think about what I missed out.

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I'm a deformed freak with this condition, I never even got braces. And now, because I didn't look after my teeth, my entire right side is sitting on two teeth.

I have no money and a few years I'll have my jaw entirely sink in, and be struggling to breathe. I may as well kill myself for being such a deformed freak.

I don't even care about the looks, I just want to feel healthy in my face. I'm a fucking living pug dog but in human form.

I tell people I'm deformed, I'm fucked up, it's not worth it. And they just tell me people deal with worse, that I have to learn to cope with it. But I genuinely don't want to, I'm at the point where I'd rather not exist than exist like this.

I'm going to talk about surgeries and treatments for this.
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I don't eat junk food, I'm particular about what I eat. It's when I wake up that I have a foul taste because I sleep with my mouth hanging open.

I used to be able to just sleep and deal with the cold when my breathing was right. I'm going to suffer so much in old age when I actually get other respiratory problems, then I'll just choke in my sleep and just want to die constantly.

I just want a normal jawline and to be able to breathe like normal people do. I don't want to be a human pug dog, always sniffing funny and getting exhausted.


go see a doctor


Ever tried any detox? Liver, kidneys, fasting even?

I don't remember where but I read that such breathing at nights (when the body cleanses) is due to low capacity of organs doing their task


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I look like this and it only became chronic with tooth loss and the resulting jaw moving up. I've bad blood tests done a while back so I doubt it's anything with my organs.

It's not just at night, it's anytime I lie down, I just have to lie down to sleep.


that looks like mouth breathing, I think you need surgery to fix it

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I want to rant about a certain succubus – my 8 year old sister.
She looks hopeless to me. She has extremely bad behavior in general (ten times worse than of a toddler half her age), she's shameless and degenerate (doesn't mind walking around the house in nothing but her underwear just because "it's hot", likes slutty clothes and behaves in slutty ways; doesn't mind talking about gross things such as literal shit, often opens the bathroom's door when others are inside as a "joke", etc), she's spoiled, she's addicted to YouTube and stupid phone "games", and while she behaves like a toddler in some areas at the same time she also displays manipulative and psychopathic evil succubus traits that wouldn't manifest at this age yet, etc.
Although I start my day in the afternoon (since I go to bed closer to dawn), I'm temporarily woken up every day at around 8 or 9 AM which is when she wakes up to go to school, and I always hear my mother screaming at my sister, and my sister also screaming back. Recently I even heard my mother have a breakdown because of her behavior (not the first time it happened).
At her best, she's just noisy and hyperactive and can't shut up and stop bothering others, and if I point that out my parents say that she's "just lively" or "just playing around" or "just a kid". Also they don't let me hit her back if she hits me (because they say it will somehow make her docile and accepting of abuse in the future).
I spent years hoping that as she grows she'll become better behaved, but if anything it looks like she's only degrading, so at this point I realized that she's a genetic failure, and her non-inherent negative traits have been solidified by now (by my parents spoiling her, etc) and are being constantly strengthened and thus should be nearly impossible to reverse. If you deny her anything (like jewtube, mobile "games", etc), she'll start screaming and behaving like a crazed beast (especially bad since I live in an apartment – what are the neighbors led to think when they hear it?), so she can't be "unspoiled" unless she was left in a schizo padded room for a week. By the way, she's not low IQ per se and if anything she seems smarter than average (although she behaves worse than a nigger monkey with 30 IQ), and she has decent looks, and of course, my mother is always complimenting her on those things and boosting her ego.
When she was conceived my mother was close to 40 already, and while that didn't make herPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I had cousins like this when I was a kid. Both of them are whores now. One of them lives with her junkie boyfriend, the other one (still underage) sneaks out at night to slut around and do hard drugs with college aged guys. It got so bad she was basically disowned, and now she just tours around with whomever gives her drugs in exchange for sex.
FYI both of them molested me when I was a lad. The older one used to facesit me, and play with my cock. The younger one would always try to fool around with me, but my older cousin would get jealous and beat the shit out of her. From what I've heard, they were both molested by their dad's girlfriend at the time, and would try this shit on other kids at their respective schools as well.
I blame both of these whores for turning me into the sexually repressed degenerate I am today. There's a lot more shit I won't disclose for safety reasons, but my sexual interests are truly fucked up. It sucks being self aware of it, and not being able to talk to anyone about it.


sad story/situation
>but my sexual interests are truly fucked up.
what are they?


I practically can't get off unless I wear vinyl gloves or have to wear things like rubber.



sisters are annoying as hell

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 No.294024[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

You see, I am what people call a waifufag, a genuine one. I fell in love with a loli from a very obscure edgy manga made in 2012 and finished in 2015.

I discovered her in 2022, and the few months we were together were genuine, the happiest in life, not even kidding, but then I made a fatal mistake, you see, because I was an insecure purityfag and wanted to know if she was a virgin because a lot of succubi in her manga have been either raped or sexually abused, but she is an exception. She gets stabbed, whipped, and beaten by her boss, who is like Stepbrother. 

I asked the author if she was a virgin, and he said no, and then I asked why she was not a virgin, and he simply said yes.

This comment, single-handed, destroyed me and made me fall into despair through the entire half of 2022 and the entire 2023, and now 2024, I really can't let go of it.
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he is a shartyfag


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Are you feeling any better now? Or still sad?


i feel nothing just pure emptiness since that horrible day


honestly just at this point i am tired
i feel empty without her
if i cant have her that i just want to sleep forever
i really doubt i will ever find someone like her ever again…


I want to have Lukyon from the obscure-manga Sekai Oni kino as my feedee, feed me hamburgers as she calls me a human whale and my belly gets bigger, and she using it as pillow when cuddling me, making me bigger and bigger until i will weight 240kg and she making party for that milestone

[Last 50 Posts]

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Gentlemen, it's completely done for me. At the age of 21, it's done for my cock. It's ruining my fantasy life. I have been so stressed out from work and studying that no longer does my dick feel alive. I can't get an erection using my imagination, for past 4 months I have had no morning wood, even if at this point some miracle was about to happen I would still stay a virgin. And this is despite the fact that I don't have death-grip and haven't watched porn for past 7 months.


you can always take a viagra if you really need to get wizardly, but idk why you're crying about it, doesn't seem like you had any use for lil wand anyway.


My fantasy life is getting ruined because of this.


lol wut, I was shitposting before you were even born

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