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I'm fucking jaded by life because of people and normalfags. I really can't take it anymore. I have limits and today I got my tolerence limit to the macimum, I don't feel good at all. normalfags make life disgusting when you're around them. I can't anymore today, I don't know if I could live like this during all my life.
I'm in pain physically. my heart hurts kind of. I feel depressed.
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when you say 'loner' do you mean actually alone, like no friends or family, or are you just another larper.


I am no larper anon, I have my own house and am a wagie, I think human relationships aren't worth the effort despite the urges.
When loneliness hits, I am able to dispel it with the snap of a finger in the moment I talk to someone for 3 minutes, even my suicidal ideation disappears. But you see, what makes me a wizard is the fact that I can't maintain relationships at all, because in the moment my loneliness disappears, interacting with groids feels like a chore.
There is a reason for that, I guess: whenever some relative came to visit us, they just asked where my mom or dad were, I don't recall anyone other than my parents caring about me during my upbringing, even my dad didn't play games with me despite he loving video games himself, my mom always hated video games, I have never really had strong bonds with anyone.


To get back on topic:
Normies really are the most boring and unengaging people. I couldnt imagine having such a low sense of fulfillment to enjoy working to go home, consume media and uphold the status quo. Basically just grey goop people. Hey what toppings do you like on pizza? Do you like burgerking or mcdonalds? I just watched the newest episode of the boys. And then they go on and on for hours. What a life.


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I have been having a horrible day as well. Tell you what, I don't know why I do it, but I keep browsing the internet and keep entering the places, I know I will be pissed when I enter them.

I basically am not the best driver and I can't parallel park >>>/wiz/220853 which has become a serious source of my anxieties. And today while browsing the internet I came across the profile of a pajeeta. Claiming how much she hates Indian Men. And how all Indian Men are creepy and bad.

When I as an Indian Man know the reality, most Indian Man are poor and work extremely hard in low level jobs only to be scammed by their employers and people over them but yet they sacrifice so much for their families. Indian Men lead extremely hard lives and do extremely hard labour to provide for their families only to get shit in return.

But retarded Indian Cunts have demonised Indian Men so much and nobody corrects them cause Indian Men don't wanna get on their bad side and continue to simp. White Guys of course won't side with Indian Men cause degradation of their fellow outgroup men is helpful and helps them get more sex. White succubi couldn't be arsed and find Indian Men repulsive.

Anyways, this pajeeta went about how she only dates white men and how she'll continue to do so even when she was abused by a white man who was her husband and said that race has nothing to do with it. Wouldn't say that race had nothing to do with it had the guy been Indian.

Anyways, what drove me fucking nuts was that this bitch was claiming that she is good at driving. And I suck at parallel parking. I feel so inferior. Not only have I been lifemogged by a literal fucking slut on tutorial mode. I am also getting logged in driving which is the one thing I am remotely good at compared to other things, yes I am not the best driver but I pride myself in being good at it but now literal fucking pajeeta cunts are logging me.

I face so much racism on the internet and as a little guy I can't do anything about it. All I do is ragewalk all night in my tiny little room. It's hard to describe the difference between my life and her life. It's so unfair. I don't even have a place on internet where I could be brown and air out all my crabiness.


Despise what you cannot have, forcing yourself into roles you are not born to hold will only destroy.

Relinquish. Abandon. March the opposite way
>craving validation
Get the opposite, and maybe you will discover something of valur within it.

If you cannot get out the pit by climbing, dig.

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Are you a believer in a higher being and hate humanity?
I'm not assign nor believe in any belief or after life but I do believe in eugenics, Antinatalism, assisted suicide, the death penalty, abortion,and overall restricting human rights.
I met, heard so many lonely, depressed individuals who believe in a god yet have a heavy disdain for certain section of humanity be it racial or the opposite sex.
Is it because they trust a being that not human but higher? Yet that same being created the object they detest?
I don't have that dilemma since I don't adhere to any religious beliefs.
Do any of you do? If not do you believe being a misanthrope is silly or based?
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>During in vitro fertilization, mature eggs are collected from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab. Then a procedure is done to place one or more of the fertilized eggs, called embryos, in a uterus
It satisfies your criteria, considering the fertilization (and inevitable development) takes place outside of the bodies, not necessarily in a tube, but any recipient.


I believe in Akatosh. Time defines us in every way. I hope for a dragonbreak when the aliens land so i can skip this shit timeline. Or make it so i was always rich. I don't hate the demiurge, the fucker is your neighbour,me,you. Wait i do hate him hahaha.


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>I hope for a dragonbreak when the aliens land so i can skip this shit timeline.

I just want to learn 5d kung fu so I can fly and maybe throw a kamehameha


Misanthropy is the logical consequence if understanding human nature. Who wouldn't be disgusted by man, knowing his nature?
Natalism should be more selective: anti-natalism for the human shit who should have been infant mortality statisttics, pro-natalism for the actual humans.


it may seem inhumane to deny someone the right to reproduce, but there is far more compassion in preventing yet another miserable life, than in creating yet another miserable life


Serious question for any wizcels:

Do you ever wonder how you got here…as in, how or why you "woke up" when you did, where you did, to the people (parents) that you did? It's impossible to make sense of. Just on one fucking terrible day, we took up consciousness, literally out of nowhere we are in bodies and tasked with learning the mechanics of entire material world. What caused us to be born when we were, to whom we were? I don't accept that it was random, or mere bare biology..I feel within myself that this life is a targeted punishment and that were I smarter I would have avoided being born entirely. What piece of shit god thinks he/it has the right to do this to us? We are born, thereafter we spend a few years simply making basic sense of things, go off to school, probably suffer a lot, continue to grow up, endure more sadness, and now through all of it we just continue to get older and weaker and sadder. This life is a crime against our souls and whatever caused us to come here HAS TO PAY. Really the only thing I fear is being forced to come back to this shitheap of a world to suffer again…and I do worry about this precisely because I don't know how I got here in the first place. I feel deeply sorry for all the new souls born to this world…there is just so much to learn, but even more there is just so much to suffer through…and I cannot understand what kind of god would force this sort of existence on tender helpless beings? The demiurge must be overcome.
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it's brainwashing.


why are you so sure there is a soul?


demiurge needs to be destroyed.


not him but there is a fundamental difference between you and a rock, both are matter and yet you are animated, unlike a rock. the thing that gives you the ability to flail your arms autistically is what we call soul


first one to kill the demiurge gets a special dinner prepared by me!

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The only ,or main, reason I totally suppressed my own ideation of erasing my own life, was not violating religious precepts..Also regarding morality, I genuinely dislike violence (im unable to deliberately kill an ant, for example, I make an effort to avoid stepping on them) ,but there are *so many* complex Ethical issues, with real impact on my life, which without religion, I have to start from scratch (deciding whether theyre good, or evil)
I want to be a Med student in a couple of years, so–medical profession, lots of ethical issues I need to think for myself, without Religious teaching. euthanasia, stem cell research, contraception, IVF, Surrogate pregnancy without medical need (just voluntary commercial agreement), etc.
What to do? I have a psychiatrist, but haven't talked with him in like 4 months. im 29.


Why would killing or exercising random violence be a bad thing? No one can answer that without regurgitating some normie stuff


>wants to be a med student
You are a normie.

It is a fundamental philosophical issue that without a moral compass handed down from a supernatural source, you are left with an amoral reality. All arguments to try to construct objective morality without god fall apart because there is no higher authority than the individual. You basically have to do whatever you feel like, which will necessarily result from whatever cultural brainwashing you have been subject to throughout your life.


Would you like to receive such violence upon yourself?


That logic doesnt stop ~80% of people from eating meat slaughtering in horrific industrial factory torture farms


How do you guys fight anhedonia? Do you have any experience with it?
I basically don't feel pleasure from anything except food, maybe. Stories, games, art don't really touch me at all and it sucks because I remember how much I loved escapism before and how it brought excitement, joy, sadness etc. Now it's all blank. I want to bring emotions back, want to bring excitement, joy, even sweet sadness would do honestly, I miss being profoundly sad.

Have any of you managed to revert to your older non-anhedonic self?
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IRL im not invested in anything thats true, but im trying to get invested in games, shows etc. Theres just no emotion involved. Im kinda curious about things intelectually, but im just not excited, not happy when happy things happen, not sad when sad things happen, empty


My therapist told me that I had to step out of my comfort zone more often. In the beginning negative emotion (discomfort, awkwardness etc) are all you can hope for. If you're anything like me you likely have pulled back over the years and are doing less and less things that you find annoying or otherwise unpleasant. I often rationalize about why doing a certain thing isn't worthwhile or useful or that I can do it in a different, more efficient way but it's all avoidance. There is no positive emotion without negative. The brain is a seesaw.


Yeah I stopped all formal education and not looked for jobs pretty much ever.


I'm still officially in college but I never go to my classes, I've seen the campus a handful of times in the 5 years I've been enrolled. Just showing up is daunting to me at this point. Of course, without going through the discomfort of attending class I rob myself of whatever possible positive experience I might have. Dunno if I can change though. Godspeed wiz.


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I already walk 60 minutes a day, would triplling it be that helpful? I can confirm walking for an hour a day surely does help my mental health and helps me to relieve the boredom of my daily empty NEET life.

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Its the type of pain most people live with, a background pain. Ambient pain. The idea of dying alone. The idea of being a virgin. having so skills. No purpose. every day is exactly the same, you never leave the house, you cant, you cant drive a car, you are too tired to walk. and its going to be like this for the rest of your life.
You were born to die.
every second hurdling faster and faster towards death.

and no one cares, even if you told someone they would despise you.

you might as well be a corpse already, let the bugs and birds eat you, rot away till you are nothing but bones, let your bones turn to dust, let a gust of wind blow you away.

all that pain, and one day it was like you were never there.
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Either way it's doomed. Awakening, ascending, liberation, the path of the transcending mind is eventually not better than hedonism, secularism, materialism, the path of the clinging mind. Both paths are just options imposed on you through the same factuality of being. Both paths lack telos, both paths are pointless by themselves or in any possible combinations. But I guess one should pick the poison which calms down the pain the most.


If paths of liberation are conditioning then whatever you have just written is also conditioning. How can we be anything other than what was put inside our brains?

I totally agree with your conclusion.


Because you know clinging, you assume you know not-clinging. Because you don't know not-clinging, you assume it's clinging. This is a mistake. You wish for everything to be the same so you can better justify yourself in suffering, and due to this desire, you assume suffering and tranquility are the same. You assume wisdom and ignorance are the same. This is also a mistake. You take pride in suffering, and so everything must be suffering, and nothing is allowed to be anything else. Friend, you have effectively allowed yourself to become a blind man. You walk around as a blind man. Everywhere you turn, it's equal darkness. When someone informs you there is vision, you tell them it's the same as blindness. I tell you this out of compassion but I can only go so far, if you don't strive and put aside this pride in suffering picked up from the world, you'll continue to live in it and see nothing beyond it. Be well, friend.


It's so useless to offer these wiews without any request or solutions. What are you aiming for? A circlewhine about it?


Why do you assume I don't know tranquility? Why do you assume all I know is suffering? All I'm saying is that even tranquility in the end is completely useless and nothing of worth. People like you sound like preachers, Know-it-all, uptight, passive-aggressive, sensitive. If you were tranquil you wouldn't feel the need to answer like that. I'm sorry but your lost in desperate attempt to feel better than others. Have a good day anyways.

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i've been daydreaming about living in a world where we stagnated on a 1990's level of technology.

today's internet, with its smartphone-social media, hyperpolitics and ultradopaminergic entertainment is such a mindrape that i'm starting to get really really tired of it…

i'm a millennial but i wish i was born in the 80s or even the 70s just so i could live and relatively normal adult life in the 90s and 00s.

i wanna go back to an analogic world.
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>I wonder how boomers haven't gone mad.
I guess they just keep to their ways and avoid using the new technologies unless they have to. That's how I am with digitization of paperwork and AI. I avoid AI like it's the devil and I go to the city hall or other office to take care of stuff, even though it would be much more convenient to register a digital account. It's like I'm used to doing things the old-fashioned way, I almost enjoy it.


People see only downsides. Technology is amazing. Before year x Life was only about surviving. Its only lately that its gotten to bread Circus games literally. The year depends how you define it. You could listen to music in 70s. In 90s some video games existed. With 2010s you could play online and watch streamers. Imagine living in Finland in 1800s. Which was not that long ago. Chances are you didn't Have Books. Which meant you didn't do anything of entertainment value after The dark comes at 4pm in november


Do you also think that uncle Ted was utterly wrong because it has lways been the govt our real problem?


All zoomers obsessed with a past they never had is cringe


this lmao, talk about what you lived

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I think it's genuinely just plain over if you don't have education, skills or job experience at the age of 25. It feels like I should just play videogames until anhedonia reaches critical condition and then to just off myself. I lost to job market. I lost to capitalism. My ego and my weakness won't allow me to live as burger king worker. Not to mention i'd be a useless worthless asset in any job anyway. Fuck
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That situation wasn't possible in 2015. The job market in the west is completely different in 2025.

There are simply too many people alive now compared to the amount of jobs available.

The only place in the west where this doesn't apply is large US cities.


I'm 33 with no job experience or college degree. I am so cooked. How did I get here? I went on reddit to ask for advice but on the same board people with just a 1 year gap and STEM degrees were complaining about not finding a job despite 1000 applications so I didn't even dare to ask.


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I fucking hate users from reddit


I mean they also seem to have it pretty bad…
I will graduate with my cs bachelor 1 year late and I feel like Im pretty unemployable due to my lack of personal projects. So I could relate to them.


Been browsing 4chads /pol/ all day for happenings and apparently Musk is gonna end NEETbux. I'm disabled and am unable to work, so I guess this is it for me. It was nice wizzies, but I guess this is the end.
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I disagree


Musk is such a cancer, he is manipulating all western democracies to vote for anti-welfare parties like AfD or FdI, in Australia they want people with cancer to go to work. The US spend so much for military equipment it is ridiculous to believe that the problem of public debt is welfare.


If you think paranoid schizophrenia is "made up", ho ahead and spend a night in a room with someone that has it and ran out of medication.


Yup just another giga rich parasite whose own companies subsist largely on government funding or subsidies. But you better pull yourself up by your bootstraps, bucko!


Cool it with the anti semitism

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anyone else not know what theyre gonna do with their future? i had a job at 21 in an amazon facility for about a month, but i lost it because my dad stopped driving me and i had to much anxiety to get myself there. ive been a NEET ever since i dropped out of middle school other than that i have no idea what im gonna do. most days i dont eat because im to anxious to go outside and where i live doesnt help, my dad uses our house as a flophouse for his bum friends to play loud shitty guitar music. i think my future is fucked, it might be better if i spared myself the suffering and committed suicide but i dont have the will to do it, just like i dont have the will to do anything else which is why im in this situation.


Driving to a job that barely makes any money doesn't make sense, you risk to destroy your car.

I don't know how to fix your life, maybe you can join some religious order.


You should wageslave for some x years, it's good for the soul. If you saw the other side you would know it's all pointless. Waging is misery. Neeting becomes misery. At least you worked, you need to be able to function outside. Doesn't matter. Really feel like we are in the endtimes. I hate how i might've died in my original timeline. This one sucks ass. So yeah if you attempt know you skip to the timeline where you survive. The ride never ends. Go to school maybe? Take the good route, the bad ending makes you replay it in the apocalypse timeline where i'm at.


i dunno, i get so anxious in public that i feel like ill pass out and im 109 lbs because i barely eat because i dont go outside

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