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Is anyone else hugely depressed by this stuff? Sometimes I'm googling for certain stuff, or info on a historical person or event…and very often I see obituary pages of people with the same name.Very old, young, middle-aged..died of diseases, accident or just old age, sometimes due to violence or crime.
I get similar feels when I see a specific documentary from a crisis (economic, social) of my county 20 years ago- where are the poor people featured in the docu, nowadays? and the rich old guys are probably dead or dying in some ICU room by now.What was the point of it all?..The other week I visited a public university because the cafeteria has cheap snacks and I reckon I passed by 2000 people-I cant fathom those are REAL persons, with dreams and sins and will die ,perhaps 20 or 50 will be dead within 3 years.
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I worked at a job doing death/suicide clean up and often the bodies aren't found for weeks, sometimes months, and just rot away. Imagine leaving piles of meat and offal on your bed for a month and then cleaning it off, that'd be what the mattress looks like after.

Lots of old people have nobody that checks on them, sometimes it takes until the power being switched off due to lack of payment before someone will bother seeking them out.


NMV, I reverse-googled the image, it was an old japanese man that was left for like, 2 years to rot
>I worked at a job doing death/suicide
what was the worst thing you saw? in terms of overall room\house, such as stashing or hoarding, or suicide method, etc? Ever saw anything spooky\paranormal?


I think 99%+ of all human lives were basically 'wasted'. Only scientists, mystics, artists and philosophers really help make this world less shitty


I should say I never got to see that stuff because I wasn't there long enough. But I'd hear the stories in detail about what it's like. The most I've done is wash human blood out of a room.

There's a lot of piss apparently and the bodies are usually rotten, and some of that skin and rot sticks to the couch/floor/whatever. These were normalfags doing it and they said it does psychologically get you.


What do your colleagues thought about their own deaths?

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26 is were I get off. sorry I couldn't make it to 30 and join you in the sun. Just to tiered of the pain. I should have done it sooner but I'm a coward. I would have done it last year but my nerves got in the way. Just need to write the rest of my will and donate the rest of my clothes to charity and I'll be good to go.

>end of blog post
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I'm also 26 and I'm considering starving to death due to health issues


starvation is painful buddy
try pilloverdosing


Are you dead yet?


Everyone always "follows the light" with these sorta things


I am trying some weird baking soda therapy after reading Mark Sircus. It's been reducing how rigid my back is every morning!

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>why cant picrel be real?
I really fucking hate learning how computers work. I fucking hate it.
Ever since I started this fucking degree 3 years ago its been nothing but a perpetual torture. I think I say enough when I say shit like Calculus or Lineal Algebra was 100 times more enjoyable for me than anything related to computer science. I gotta be honest though: I m a lazy piece of shit, but I m the kind of lazy piece of shit who studies solely so I dont have to be at the end of the fucking semester doing a fucking "final exam", in order to prove that I m able to pass the course, because that means I gotta learn all the semester's subjects just so I can pass that stupid fucking piece of shit of an exam.

I hate studying. I hate learning. I hate the smugness, shit teaching and the attitude most teachers have and I hate the happiness and eagerness of the people surrounding me. I hate the idea of working and having to wake up every morning so I can keep my sorry ass alive.
I m aware that being a NEET is a dead-end road, specially when you are not on welfare, but I cant stop feeling like a sack of shit every god damn day of my life because of this. I know what has to be done and what I have to do if I dont do it.

I have nothing to look forward to in my life. The sole reason I havent killed myself is because I know my parents would probably die because of that (already have 1 deceased sibling, and the other one aint doing to well in life), and also because I cant bring myself to do it. It terrifies me. I have no access to guns, so the only way would be to jump off a building, but regardless of it, the idea of death, or the idea of "pain of death", is the thing that bugs me the most. I dont want to suffer the ultimate pain that may last minutes! Even if they are just a few seconds, I bet the pain will feel like an eternity, not to mention the fear I will experience during the fall.

Yet I m sick of this shit. I m stuck here. Why the fuck am I subject to all of this? Why the fuck was I brought to this world? Why cant I have the drive or ambition that those maggots sons of bitches of my peers have? Why must I be such an unhappy piece of shit?

Of course, I know many of the answers to those questions, but still. It doesnt deprive me from wanting to create a hole through my wall from the mere anger of having to deal with this bullshit. Why cant I just be left alone in my room? What place iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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This exactly how it looks someone with emotional authority going against it because "it seems to be no other way".

But following strategy and authority requires an attitude of faith, even if you get to chat with others similar to you in this sense. Give this some time, watch what I am talking about: https://www.thesimply.ca/blog/human-design-basics


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>If it were a few years ago and I were someone who'd give a shit about
Uh oh, internet tough guy is too good of a coder now to GIVE A FUCK about us anymore. Poor guy is probably going through some serious butthurt over the fact that a free computer program can do his job better than him and now his fake Excel degree will never get payed off


Not my point. My stats aren't good, I have the developer equivalent of a dead end enterprise job and my brain is slow. My IQ is alright and above average but being slow makes me bad at coding challenges, and being an autist makes me bad at coding interviews. I'm butthurt about that rather than AI, since it doesn't really have an impact yet. Anyway no I don't give a shit about you, but that doesn't mean you can't write a loli sorting app


I'm a structured alcoholic, meant >>294463


and I also meant to say that being an autist makes me bad at normal interviews, coding interviews and autism aren't counterproductive

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 No.282979[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How are we supposed to get used to loneliness and the fact that our life is fucked up?
Here's my resume: never had any friends, bullied during school, uni dropout but basically never went to high school, very poor (no income), obviously never had any gf, the last time I talked someone my age was since high school basically. I can't get used to the loneliness… I also have a very poor health, and no one to help me with it.

What's your life status and how do you cope with it?

I personally try to cope with video games, anime and a bit of drug (alcohol and opioid mostly). But that hardly works… Sometimes I'm into my game or I'm high enough to be ok, but most of the time I'm depressed or suffering or both. I wish I were dead since I'm 12, I'm 25 now.
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He doesn't exist and you're an obnoxious retard. Go knock on random peoples' door and annoy someone else with your BS.


reality is so terrifying that people turn to necessary delusions


Just watch American Dad.


You're a low IQ slave worker. Don't indirectly talk down to me, retard. I work a codeslave job that requires me to actually use my brain, and I'm apparently more miserable than you despite being "a more successful" wizard wageslave. You have a normie boomer mentality despite being a loser by their standards.

The epitome of your attempted but misunderstood optimistic flavor of wizardom is to leave the wageslavery force in order to not contribute to a system that oppresses non-genetically blessed non-NT men. Leave the thinking to the non-bluepilled men who have actually given their suffering some thought.


It's said, pain is something you never get used to. You still seem to spend your life focusing on wrong things, you lacked some experiences but what makes you think that such stuff was hiding anything far from some other types of nightmare to you?

Investigate your human design, your type and authority… people around here says the way is similar to us all yet without knowing how much damaging this lie is even to theirselves.


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 No.291261[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post here when you don't have enough to say for a topic and it's too depressing for the general crawl thread.
Previous: >>290006
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>got drunk yesterday
>cut myself with a broken glass
>this time tried to stab an arm artery

It's stupid but this is my life now. Several months ago during the peak of my depression spiral I got drunk and stabbed my arm vein with a knife. Just to see if I can, not a serious attempt. The sight of my blood sprinkling felt like a relief. Since then I do it almost everytime I'm drunk. Even if I don't really plan beforehand.
I just want to never wake up again but this isn't the way. I get it. But I just love the feeling of bloodletting. Probably should stop drinking. This isn't gonna solve anything anymore, just create more problems.


Why cant femmoids just return to crystal cafe where they can (and I kid you not) fantasize about removing male limbs all they want?
>Looks through wayback machine when searching for old comic from 2021.
>Sees graphic (albeit unsurprising) SJ raid.
Oh bother =______=


Tooth decay really puts your life in perspective. Terry Davis was right about teeth, they're a reminder of your mortality, once they're gone they don't come back.

I also realize how fucking scary old age NEETdom will be without family around to help me. What will I do in my 50s if I'm an invalid living on disability and have actual problems? I understand now the deaths of despair.


Im so fucking sick of how American society has to pander to utter fucking retards. Look out coffee is hot! Dont gorilla glue your hair! You have to spoonfeed these people on how to do anything remotely complicated and whats worse is these same morons fuck and have kids! I remember being in high school and some of my classmates couldnt even fucking read out loud without sounding like hooked on phonics. Technology and shit cant even progress forward because of how safe we have to make everything so some tardsauce doesnt fucking hurt themselves. Fucking dumbass marvel mcdonalds tiktok brains with smoke detector chirp.


I really don't know what to do anymore. I feel so tired all the time, even without doing anything with my life. I spend the whole day looking at my cell phone, rotting in my room, with no expectations for the future. I've tried a lot to change. I tried to make friends and be a different person. I started seeing a new psychologist, and still things don't change, because I'm fucking stupid and all I do is lie. And and even though I’m paying to get better, I feel like such a huge piece of trash that I don't have the courage to talk about how miserable I am and how my mind is already rotten and yet I don't want to accept that I have no salvation. Sometimes I cry at night, knowing that I'm just a frustrated, selfish idiot who only wishes that things could go right for me, just once. Or that I could go back to the past and not have lived what I've lived, and consequently not have become who I am today. I wish I could wake up one day in my life feeling grateful to be here, but l only feel like a burden to my parents and the worst example of an older brother. I've thought countless times about ending all of this, ending my suffering, but I'm afraid to do it and even more afraid that no one would care if I actually did.

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why dont things ever seem to get any better? they only seem to spiral more out of control and worse.

if you were born to as fucked up as a family as i was, you never had a chance.
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sometimes we live only to suffer


I hate this meme, why all we do is suffer? Is that the point of all this? To be imprisoned and feel pain? This has to be a fucked up joke behind this


we were*
should not*


You are an adult, if they get in the way of your life, walk away from them and write your own story on your own. It won't be the best story and it will be full of spelling mistakes because of your lack of experience, But over time you will improve, until you can actually achieve it.

Here only 4 users and the administrator.


This August be feeling like the worst fucking month I have undergone this year


Remember wizzies: there are all sorts of impostors here promoting suicide for wizards. They give themselves out as wizards but are not. They continually lurk discussions on this board and others pertaining to self-murder in the strict interest of getting us to go through with our own elimination. Sometimes they start a whole new thread and stage an organic-looking pro-suicide conversation amongst themselves. It is known that this site is "/pol/ adjacent" so many of (((them))) are here as well with such objectives in mind. Be advised.


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 No.287439[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I hate wizards who got substantial inheritances, or lucked out otherwise while being unable to work. 99,9% of the problems related to being a wizard are related to a lack of money and the fact normies hate even employing a non-neurotypical, making life an infinite paywall torture simulator where you can only look but not touch anything.

My life would completely transform if I even had 10k dollars to my name. Yet there are wizards who inherited an expensive big house and hundreds of thousands of euros or dollars.

They cannot sympathize with someone who is in a perpetual cycle of shit tier labor->pay absolute necessities->have maybe $20 extra at the end of the month-> repeat infinitely…

Because they play life on heaven mode where everything is unlocked and stress levels go down by 99%.
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>The only thing that makes a wizard is whether or not he remains a virgin after the age of 29

I've never tried to redefine that. But the concept is also an idea. A wizard as an individual being adequate to that idea is an ideal. As a substance, it is equivalent to the sum of the ideas of which it composed. The degree of wizardry is a spectrum. The ideal of the wizard archetype goes from the objective world into the subjective consciousness. There is a hierarchy of archetypes in the collective uncosciousness and normalfags will always divide people into alphas/betas/omegas beautiful/average/ugly etc. , just as crabs. The rich are normalfags and most of them are shit from experience. If someone here larps as a wizard multi-millionaire, I might larp as Nikola Tesla as well.

> "Not caring" is not a cope. It's just "not caring"

It is a gigacope and will backfire in the future


being rich is a good thing buddy


What does the "F" stand for? If it's for "fuckless" then that would be redundant since that's what "V"/"virgin" already means…


Fanless. Poor guy is melting in the summer heat without a fan to breeze his spirit.


I understand not having an AC (I don't), but not having a fan is just actual fourth-world… how does he even have a digital device and an internet connection?

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Don't play with fire or you'll burn yourself, don't get close to it or you'll burn yourself, if you shouldn't use it, don't even use it for cooking.
I am a crazy man who did and does terrible things, but that does not take away the great appreciation I have for myself. A long time ago I learned not only to accept the worst in myself, but to accept it as one of the few ways I have to feel alive again, But if I am honest with you, I have no alternative, no matter how despicable I may be, benevolence and forgiveness are present, Since there is no one else, there is only me, and although I constantly complain about the isolation to which I was subjected, the truth is that I think that without it I would never be able to have so much appreciation for this beautiful monster.


If you don't want to get burned, don't play with fire, you'll end up charred.


Pyromania, obsession with fire is highly correlated with absent father for males, physically absent or otherwise.


Burn down a refugee camp


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You think I want a release from the pain? It is the pain that makes life bearable. Of course a normie like you wouldn't understand such things.

 No.287504[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I relate a lot with old inc_els because most of them don't even want relationships anymore, they've accepted that past a certain point there is no coming back, once you've spent your entire life bullied and ostracized and mocked for how you look or being introverted and entered adult age not knowing real friendships or love from parents, there is really no rainbow in the dark or light at the end of the tunnel.

Your personality is shaped, your memories are painful so you want to erase the past or pretend that it didn't happen, you are like an abused and neglected kid who starts to sweat and becoming increasingly anxious as the time to go back from work for his dad approaches.

Lot of pain and trauma. You are better off alone at that point, engaging in hobbies, distracted with work or in some fantasy world.

There is no cure.

You can't even relate or feel an attachment for this world and what it has to offer. You are almost prepared to leave and don't care. How can you care when you carry a broken soul within you.

There is no return because the place you left was doomed to be hell for you, from the very beginning and you know it's best once you accept that it wasn't your fault and stop blaming yourself. What can you do when you are born a wiz.

Society doesn't care. You've been left alone.
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It's not about what you want but what you potentially can do.

If you are an autistic mentally ill neet, 5'2 tall american in his late 20s with no friends it doesn't matter if you stop wanting relationships, when in actuality nobody wants you.


Whatever else you want to keep repeating to thyself, huh


Yeah, it's like a homeless moneyless schizo saying they choose not to live on the Upper East Side in a 10,000sqft empire mansion.

That was never an option, hell even a single bedroom condo wasn't.


>nations become concentration camps
I guess your point is too high IQ for most anons so I'm going to elaborate and you may correct me if my interpretation is wrong: the feared dystopian big brother system has already been here for a long time because people are raised to police themselves and eachother to conform to norms and values that benefit the powers that be. The 'work-will-set-you free' slogan is analogous to the promise that conforming to societal expectations will lead to a good life (home ownership, partner, leisure, a job that is respected and well rewarded) for all of us. Wizards tend to be those who by either the circumstances of their birth could not or by virtue of their character would not conform to norms that in the eyes of the wizards are clearly not in our favor at all. Such inability or refusal to conform must be punished to reinforce the status quo and it's ironic that the normies who act as judge, jury and executioner don't see that by bullying others they also bully themselves. They're probably very scared that the same thing could happen to them if they don't keep up with the latest expectations.


ive never had sex or a gf dont know how it works ive been called ugly

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