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If you've been depressed I'm sure you have at some point been blamed for it as if it was a deliberate choice.

"You enjoy being miserable."
"You are simply a lazy person unwilling to put in the effort or think you are above it"
"You don't really want anything"
"You are spoiled"
"You are a parasite dodging responsibility"

I think it's an unwillingness to try to understand other people and the belief that the world is fair and everyone gets what they deserve. I think what looks like laziness is a lack of a focused goal and lack of confidence and positive reinforcement. But I am biased being depressed myself so idk.


People are of course just horrible and unable to understand. "Laziness", depressions, lack of energy, lack of motivation etc. are all obviously consequences of other things that have happened such as bad parenting and bad genetics


i wouldn't moralize it, but depression is definitely a choice, albeit somewhat unconscious. there's an internal calculation going that basically tells you giving up on reality is the best you can do for now. until the circumstances change or you find a way to see things differently, shifting the equation in a direction that results in positive action, you're basically stuck in limbo.

depression is definitely bitter sweet. there is a sick enjoyment in it if you're being honest with yourself. yes, you're "miserable" but you're exchanging these negative emotions for something much worse. staying in bed and ruminating is much preferable to going outside in the world, doing something meaningless that's forced upon you or playing a game that you know is impossible to "win".

ultimately, it's just a reaction to your circumstances. you shut down, because the alternative just seems worse to you, whatever "normalcy" or "well-adjustedness" people are pushing on you. despite the misery, you'd rather stay depressed than give them what they want.


On the other hand, there are people who seem to remain happy in any circumstances. Many of them are shallow people who give advice like "just smile and you'll feel better :)" or "just pretend you're having fun until you feel it :)"


I think that depression is more of a by-product of worldviews that promote meaningless in life. The logical conclusion in such worldviews is to kill yourself.
It's another topic whether or not these worldviews are even justifiable in the first place.


if by morals you mean partaking in the solidarity of society morals are a spook that nobody abides by but everybody uses to shame others with. if I had enough financial and psychological foundation to remain a weight on the back of societal filth without having to deal with it I'd 100% do that. it's not even an extreme position. everyone knows it's far better to do that since all they dream about is early retirement and a home in the middle of nowhere.

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I'm going broke, and I really don't know how to deal with this fact. I went to 4 doctors to treat it, but none of them worked, and no matter how many medications I took, I was never able to overcome this problem. But these only caused me terrible side effects, such as fatigue, weight gain, apathy, a lot of disinterest in everything, and alopecia, but they were never able to attack the impulses. Violence never stops.
Sometimes I blame my family for raising me in such a violent environment, but then I think it's better to bury the past and look forward. But sometimes it is difficult, since it is not about the violence of 10 or 15 years ago, it is about things sometimes from less than a week ago.

I feel like an alcoholic, where instead of keeping a place free of that poison, it is offered to me in all shapes, sizes, colors and flavors.
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This week I had a breakthrough and going outside without covering myself stopped scaring me. It was a natural progression that started with showing how I look now in familiar places. I might not be the prettiest, but that does not mean I have to shut myself in. Thanks for the kind words, it made the difference.

You are right. I had self-esteem issues even before I noticed I am losing my hair, this only amplified it. There are more battles to come, good luck to you too.

Sorry for bumping another balding thread, lol. It is a coincidence.


Do you coom? It is a factor.


You take finasteride or dutasteride, that's the only thing that prevents balding


I heard sardines help a lot to improve hair, try eat them at least once a day, but maybe it is too late for your hairline


I heard cooming messes with your DHT levels(fin controls DHT), would rather have hair than coom.

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Hello, wizards. Do you remember the moment when you was born? I dont remember too. Lets not speak about processes in babies brain, Im here to ask you a question. Have you ever think about how the first -homo was scared when he realized his existence?
Its fucking insane how trivally kid making has become. When I ask my mother, why she decided to make family and born me, she said some shit about glass of water, giving joy of life to someone; something about peak of love between man and succubus and so on. And now imagine to realize the moment of born. Realize, that you was brought from eternal dark… "here". I dont speak about antinatalism, though I like the idea. I speak about dread of giving and taking life. I already have tread here, called "Siberian apprentice shizo ideas". Its about self consciousness. And I would like to connect it to that post.

And now, lets forget about biology. Lets think about world where kids born already conscious. Their scream is not about pain. Its about realisation of their parents …punishment on them. Its about being doomed, being a cell on a mad and cruel Gods body, who rot in all dimensions, in past, in future.

Actually, I want to bring all my thoughts in order and write a small book or article cycle about shit in my head. If you find it interesting, let me know and I will translate it from Russian to let you read it.


Yes, life is eternally running away from the meat grinder. You can't stop moving or it will get you. With a lot of effort you can gain some distance from the grinder, but it will get you eventually. Then your body will be decomposed, the matter that makes it up will be broken up, dissolved, and absorbed by other organisms. Your point of view will no longer receive inputs from senses, even the sense of time will be lost. Before you know it, a new body will be assembled for you, and your point of view will get caught up in it, and you'll be ready for the next ride :)

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I mean, what can you really say?
Why not? Why not stop the fucking charade if you're really ready? Because some cunt on the internet types to you "it gets bedder bro!" But what if it doesn't.
It may not get better. It may only get worse. You may only grow in your perception of life's falsity, it's vanity, it's total fucking bushtit. And really, who cares? Every life, every person is a small fry. One fucker offing himself does nothing to the global balance, it only improves his being and eases his burden of bearing of the cross of life's woes.
So why not? Why not end it?
I don't because my life is easy enough and replete with enough worthless time wasters to keep myself interested a little bit longer. But what happens if and when those run out? What happens when the well of whiskey and other distractions fails me?
A rope, a running car in the garage, a 357. to the skull, whatever. Just make it quick and easy to clean up.
Any what's the loss anyways? Nothing, there was nothing to begin with.
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Poisonous plants exist everywhere. You can find some water hemlock that will kill you within an hour or so with a high dose. Kids die often from picking up the stems and using them as pea shooters, that's how toxic they are.

You can go an hour away from civilization without a mobile phone, eat a lethal dose and have a guaranteed death.


curse be upon the day I was born


>more masculine suicide methods
>those normalfags are too mainstream for suicide imho
>I'm going to commit suicide if i don't get NEETbux. if Putin, Kabala etc.
Is this how a thread about suicide should look like? Are these suicidal people?


I'm so stupid that I'm dangerous to everyone around me. Because of saying dumb shit my whole family will turn against me if they're not against me already


hemlock deaths aren't pleasant

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At what point is it objectively justifiable to give up? I'm 21 (nearly 22) and I've only worked dead end jobs and never even come close to being in a relationship with anyone. I tried, but there's just been so many negative experiences in my life (mostly from other people) that led me to being a shut in schizoid. I alternate between shaking with rage at my predicament and being completely numb. It's weird, I used to be such a happy kid with a bright future and now I'm just a future suicide case wading through life as if I'm on borrowed time. Anyone else feel like a animal trapped in a cage? I literally only passively exist like a fucking hamster; if I died right now, I'd be forgotten in 6 months max.
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It wasn't easy for the Fullmetal Alchemist either.


I was even harder for Naruto.


2000 was the last cut off year for any decent human beings. people born after 2004 werent even able to put together sentences properly before the brainrot set in with social media and smartphones

me? i remember when houses had a "computer room"


Speak to me zoomie baby, tell me where it hurts…

I was in your shoes a few years ago and buddy let me tell you it only gets worse


what was the last thing you enjoyed? research it, find out if there are sequels, prequels, looks for fan communities and see what they like, look up the people who worked on that game or movie or whatever, and see if they have any more works
if you get tired of consuming, you can try creating fanart like drawings or memes, but just fantasizing in your head is a good start, it will exercise your imagination and distill the things you really like from the things you like not so much about the media
you shouldn't rely on expecting good things to just come to you, it never works that way

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I'm so fucking ugly and disgusting
It's painful to look myself in the mirror
I wanna kill myself
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>literally no one understands my pain
they owe you nothing, just treat bluepilled normcattle (and succubi) like things/bots
>I will write more about the fact about how looks impact your entire life
good, i also want to hear what you think about voluntarily celibacy in particular


Try being short in Europe.

Zoomer succubi age 11 are 20cm (7 inches) taller than you as a grown adult man and look down at you.

It's like living in some kind of hell.


how do they grow so tall?


americans are taller


In places like the Netherlands or Montenegro (where avg. zoomer girIs are close to 180cm or 6ft) I assume it is the very protein heavy diet, lots of meat, cheese, yoghurt.

Combined with sexual hypergamy (the requirements of being a potential dad candidate height-wise increasing every generation).


Cold weather makes me sick my lungs don't tolerate cold air, I hate winter, I have to sleep with three blankets and wear heavy jackets

I wish I was dead


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Buy a space heater. I got one last year and it's very nice. I live in an apartment and they always wait too long to turn on the heat and always turn off the heat too early. With the space heater I never have to worry about it. I have it right under my desk so my feet are always toasty warm.


i use a halogen heater and its a fucking death trap

if I stop posting here its cuz my halogen heater set fire to my house and I perished in the flames


Literally me, it Even hurts my nose, winter nights worsen my sleep issues in Many ways

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it makes me sad I can't create things I like. I always procrastinate and I always did d
my whole life so far. It happened at very young age; I didn't want to go to school nor learn at home or do my homework. I was always playing flash games on the computer or play ps2 or nintendo DS and after that ps3. I didn't lile myself for that and itt continues nowdays. I don't know why I proscratinate. I hate doing things, in fact I was never used to that. I've never learn doing things by myself, always mom or dad did things for me, my mom did the cooking and my dad told me to do sport. I never listened, I just stayed at home in front of my tv. oh yeah the TV…watching programs in my bedroom all night long…it was comfy, at night you weren't bothered by others because I was kind of alone (my brother was sleeping) in front of the tv with no remorse of doing so because it was comfy and calm.
I think it's because of tv, video games and internet (smartphone addiction came way late).
when I discovered 4chan, I knew there will be no turning back: I totally "internetized" now. I'm am completly focuses on internet everyday. now it's not 4chan but wizchan I use and for a good reason: no succubi wanted me, maybe because I was too poor…all these factors made me a procrastinate person. when you're poor there'snt so much to do besode doing your home work and going to sport. no music lesson, or traveling during vacancy (just stay at home).
I know it's my fault and I know why it's because I didn't had MY things. I wish I had a computer just for me.
Anyway, in few years, I'll be 30 with no-skill wizard because it will be too late.
I wanted to know how to draw (but when I tried my drawings were so unmatch I gave up)
I wanted to create a video game (I tried some with rpg maker but I didn't made shit, just few maps and some events)
I wanted to do a lot of sport
(I wish I wasn't shy, which killed the social part of my life; so no sport because fear of others)
music playing (piano guitar drums, all I wanted to do was those but no money, family too poor)
(I really like science but am a brainlet)
technology and computers and coding
(I tried python, all I did was the hello world)
in fact I'm waiting a miracle to happen to me so I can do things and not procrastinating but I know it will not come: I don't leave my house, so no miracle for me.
Nowdays all I do is posting in wizchan and watch youtube vPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I'm tired I always get mocked or put down by others. sucks to be treated as a punching-ball


>Finally I will say that if you are:
Not him. But let's try to instead consider a realistic American.
>-physically healthy/normal
You should instead assume he is prediabetic, has at least one autoimmune disorder that will either cause cancer or cause organ damage before he turns 50, and has significant tendon atrophy that will prevent vigorous full body exercise within 4 to 8 years. That's only if we treat him as a normal American, and without reference to lifestyle disorders that are likely to be more common in longterm social abjects or NEETs.
>-don't have any chronic pain problems
It would be more fair to assume he has mild chronic pain in one of the following locations:
However, I have found that there is a significant number of posters on this site who have chronic pain in the following other locations:
-God save you if this is your case, but jaw and tooth.
>-domiciled in a safe house
This is in practice never the case and I have no idea why you would make that as an assumption. Do you mean "a housing standards act compliant apartment with no visible black mold" instead?
>-fed and clothed
Food prices and food stamp program restrictions usually mean major compromises on the more important of these two. Even the most well known nutritional disorder on Earth, scurvy, is currently making a major comeback. It was already on the rise from 2016 through 2020, mostly in individuals with Autism Spectrum disorders:
–but, man, in 2020-22 grocery stores were selling oranges with mold on their skin and lifestyle/spending adjustments met with prices to make increases in scurvy cases a fact-of-life for commoners.


mostly death just like everyone else anon, you're running out of time, just make sure you love and take care of yourself


But loving myself is gay, since that means loving a man as a man.


Basically all of this describes me, including the tooth pain. (not OP)

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 No.282979[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How are we supposed to get used to loneliness and the fact that our life is fucked up?
Here's my resume: never had any friends, bullied during school, uni dropout but basically never went to high school, very poor (no income), obviously never had any gf, the last time I talked someone my age was since high school basically. I can't get used to the loneliness… I also have a very poor health, and no one to help me with it.

What's your life status and how do you cope with it?

I personally try to cope with video games, anime and a bit of drug (alcohol and opioid mostly). But that hardly works… Sometimes I'm into my game or I'm high enough to be ok, but most of the time I'm depressed or suffering or both. I wish I were dead since I'm 12, I'm 25 now.
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>didnt do any sort of reflection on my day, and when I went home I switched to online friend mode so I didn't reflect on anything in my real life
it do be like that


I can't program, but "codeslaves" who produce actual legible high quality code are smarter than 99,9% of people alive.


That show is really good. Mostly because of the alien. It's the only cartoon I can tolerate.

I don't like Farlanes other shows like Family Guy or Cleveland. They're too tryhard and unfunny (except for Stewie the baby).


You don't get used to it. The profound pain of being alone and unloved for 40 years is incomprehensible for those who haven't experienced it themselves. To have autism juice injected into your thighs as an infant to your father shaking you over your crib giving you literal brain damage on top of the aforementioned tism vaxx; my life was over for before it began. I have never experienced positive female company; they invariably hit me with "that glare" they give to men whom they declare inferior life forms, and given that glare hundreds of times whether they're fat niggers to models. All because they can smell my autism which gives them the ick. I used to hide away from the school bullies and my father's frequent beatings with video games and anime, but that shit's all pozzed and ruined by normalfaggots and trannies. I live off a monthly pittance of disabilitybux which I spend on either junk food or paying some e-whores to give me a facsimile of affection, the closest I'll ever get in my worthless life to the real deal. I wish I had never been born.


posts like these have to originate from artsy guys projecting their hippielike hatred of work. So many assumptions being projected

[Last 50 Posts]

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Studying is the bane of my existence. Honestly, it feels like some cosmic joke designed to torture me. If hell exists, it’s just endless exams and textbooks. And then there’s me, stuck in a third-world circus, India. Yeah, the same one where people will skin you alive if you don’t follow their playbook of “success.” I flunked college once—no, wait, make that twice—and let me tell you, the outrage was unreal. It’s like I committed a war crime. My parents? Oh, they hate me now, I can feel it in the awkward silences and side-eyes. And it’s not just the failing part; they’re terrified I’ll be mooching off them forever. Hell, I’m terrified of it.

And then, there’s this bloody exam looming over me. I’ve tried. I really have. But the more I study, the more it evaporates from my brain like it’s allergic to knowledge. It’s absurd. Who invented this nightmare? They deserve jail time. Every time someone so much as mentions studying, I break out in a cold sweat. I’ve literally fainted over it. Fainted! But does anyone care? No. Society looks at me like I’ve personally slaughtered their pets just because I failed at college. Twice. Wait till they hear that little update. I’ll probably be excommunicated.

At this point, I’m done. D-O-N-E. I don’t want to study anymore. I’d rather stare into the void. And oh, don’t even get me started on the “what could have been.” If I were a white guy in a first-world country, I’d be coasting on social safety nets and “find yourself” gap years. Or better yet, if I were a succubus here, at least I’d have the sweet, sweet option of getting married off and chilling with household chores. Instead, I’m this miserable, broke, perpetually judged disaster of a person.

Anyway, cheers to another sleepless night before failing yet another exam. Life’s a circus, and I’m the clown. Take a bow, idiot.
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my race is the best because we have it the worst


Indians generally do better than whites when they immigrate, but get more hatred.


Because of their looks. One might thing because of lookism Indians would be more accepted in these places being the bottom of the barrel.


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It's brutal.


Must commit suicide Indians are legitimately disgusting.

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