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Should I apply for a part time job at my local grocery store? I keep procrastinating applying
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you can ignore costs completely. By any margin the wagie will always make significantly more than the neetie. Time to wake up


sure, the wagie makes more money, but if you have enough to have a comfortable life than why work for more? it's not like neetie has a wife and kids with ever rising expectations and needs. he also doesn't have anything to prove so bigger number is his bank account doesn't mean much if it requires him to sacrifice peace of mind.


at the psychological cost of being suicidal, depending on how much of a capable normie you are


Depends on the pay. I'd do it for more than $20. Sounds comfy. Part time jobs are the best. Problem is you don't get health insurance usually so you need to walk a tightrope between earning enough to live and not earning too much to kick you off medicaid.


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I wonder where is the border between consciousness and physical existance. I mean, If I die who can garantee that my consciousness end too? Maybe I will continue suffering as another human. What if there are no real difference between your "me" and mine "me"?

I came up with concept where humanity is connected with their minds so our personalities are just illusion, an aspect of Gods psychological illness. Death of a man only means end of another meat cell on Gods body. The suicide cant help you end your personal suffering because its only part of something more, there are no you or me. Only way to end your and mine personal hell is to erace every sign of intelligent life in universe.

Sorry for mess in this shitpost. Vsem bobra i kvasa.
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>Russians are imperialists by nature, so of course they love Bolsheviks
if they were imperialist it would make morse sensese to shill for tsar


>Russians are imperialists
If you are from USA or Europe, its funny to read))))
>by nature
fuck of nazi


They already shill for him hard. Like constant plans to make him Saint by the Orthodox church and all those walks with crosses and his portrait.
People in other countries build cities and provide education without killing 9 million Ukrainians during Holodomor. (The number of 3 million is promoted by the left institutions despite recent findings in order to have Holocaust as the biggest tragedy, as if it's a competition for them).


>by nature
>fuck of nazi
90% of Muscovite opposition in emigration is against decolonization and denuclearization of Muscovy. And that's those who the West considers to be cream of the crop. Regular Muscovites are even worse. Actually, Muscovy almost always was the empire. Including the USSR rebranding.


your personality is almost certainly rooted in your brain. So even if consciousness is some kind of transcendent property your experience here, this, only happens once

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This shit really triggered me. Imagine caring for some little animals for 7 years then jew approved paper pushers come take them from you with no warning and then kill them.


amerikkkan politics is a joke. if the coppers didn't get him, then surely the haitians would eat him haha


It is a good example for demonstrating the type of society in which we live


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Moved to >>>/jp/42618.

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I need to share a set of deeply\tightly connected musings: atheism, antis*x+antinatalism, and "reality shifting", misanthropist and mortality\dying.
Im a STRONG believer in "reality shifting" -not the shiftok version but the Monroe\ Transposing \Bashar\ Neville \Zeland "schools". I know they're NOT the same but they're non-shit-tok z**mers who teach this. I had been (still am?) religious but after reading Paul Almond, and other such authors, now I doubt deeply. My main reason to be religious\ pro-christianity was its huge emphasis on celibacy (catholicism) but, now I learnt from several authors one can be -and indeed, many are- anti-s*x and celibate and an atheist. Anti-natalism is about life=suffering, but I still oppose any and all forms of contraception. I think human meddling into animal breeding is a cosmic monstrosity and see ecological damage by capitalism (and also communism, soviet retards polluted half the world with really nasty shit) as unforgivable and atrociously heinous. Misanthropy and the fact of my own mortality also hold their dark, trapping fascination upon me.
NOW: As I said, Im having more and more, and more intense, lucid dreaming\OBE\ astral experiences–I believe the Empty World (an exact copy of the 2024 planet with no animals ,or humans) exists and want to go there. My main idea until now was to go as a kind of holiday ,or to perform christian religious exercises, pilgrimages, intense asceticism, etc. Now I still may be ascetic (non-masochistic, tho) but want to never return here. and die there. It pains me to a horrible, horribly intense level that my parents won't ever see me again\ I won't see them or family ever again.


Moved to >>>/b/999929.

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Isn't the mere existence of consciousness something that should terrify us? Consider these points:

a) Consciousness exists, and it can arise out of nowhere.

b) Your consciousness emerged once, whether by random chance or some other process (the exact process doesn't matter). This suggests that it could happen again in the future—or perhaps it has already happened in the past. You have no way of knowing if this is the only time (in this life) you’ve experienced subjective awareness.

c) There is no overseer of the universe ensuring moral order (as evidenced by events like the japanese experiments during ww2).

From these premises, we can infer that an indifferent or possibly random force (like the universe) can cause conscious beings to experience feelings, including profound suffering. History shows that most lives, up until now, have been filled with suffering—perhaps even more suffering than pleasure. People have constantly struggled with survival, worrying about their next meal, staying alive, or keeping warm.

This presents a disturbing reality: life is a forced subjective experience, one that can involve terrible feelings. The option to escape, whether through sleep or suicide, can easily be taken away, and it doesn’t take extreme thought experiments to see how. Someone would only need to restrain you, for instance.

In conclusion, consciousness is frightening. I would even go as far as to call it a nightmare.

Moreover, there’s no current scientific explanation for consciousness, but early theories suggest it may be a fundamental aspect of the universe, akin to gravity or other forces. This could mean that either we are all fragments of a single, universal consciousness or that each of us is a separate consciousness among an infinite number of others. Either scenario implies that we could be trapped in this reality for as long as it exists—possibly for eternity.
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>you could have been born in a reality where you feel unbearable pain every second of your life, like some sort of hell. instead you are born in a reality where pain exists in abundance but isn't always present.
Concept of a reality where everything you experience is pain doesn't make any sense. Pain is how you experience stimuli that you should avoid in order to survive. If you could be in unbearable pain all the time and not die, you'd just get used to it until your mind becomes completely numb. If you experience pain, you can either find a way to avoid it or you can't find a way to avoid it. If you can't, you either get used to it or die. There are no other outcomes.
>there is the possibility that consciousness can arise in places so horrific it would make earth seem like a paradise in comparison.
Nothing is horrific by itself. "Horrific" is something that either you or people in general find horrific. If a consciousness arose in such a place, it would think of it as normal, the same way as you do of Earth.


Wikipedia I'll abuse it to be clearer
>There is a universal consciousness
>I don't see in the rest of your post anything that leads to that conclusion. (Btw, I'm not the retard you're replying to,
He's right in general. If you're skeptical, my arguments are EXTREMELY weak ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sextus_Empiricus )
I was babbling mainly about Darwinism because It's what catches my mind
1. Mind-independent external reality exists
2. One individual mind couldn't produce anything
3. Spirit is not by random chance in nature, but for the sake of freedom which is not a mere idea :

Truth is the agreement of cognition with its object ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coherence_theory_of_truth ) the judgment of experience combines empirical consciousness of the intuitions in the consciousness in general KrV tr. Anal. § 19 (I 159—Rc 191)
The logical criteria of truth lie in the twelve categories of substance, cause etc. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critique_of_Pure_Reason )
scientists assume that the ultimate substances exist and don't cease in nature (fact) . Nature presents itself as a chain of endless causal connectendess ( called causal determinism / nexus effectivus etc. )
"the perception of this persistent thing is possible only through a thing outside me and not through the mere representation of a thing outside me." ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internalism_and_externalism , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_realism_(philosophy_of_perception) , the first first critque refutation of idealism )
any positive knowledge obtained throPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>things can get much worse

one truth is that this reality is brutal and unforgiving, so it is wiser to expect an after life that is equally brutal and unforgiving.
don't cling to wishful thinking and always prepare for the worst

see you in hell brothers , the nightmare never ends


Too many words to say that antinatalism is damn based. Have it clear: no explanation is needed to whoever understands and to whoever does not, no explanation could enlighten them


>another garbage pol thread screencap
It's all so tiresome


>deformed eyes since childhood
>dark brown acne ridden skin
>only redeeming quality is being 192 cm in height(at least that made me safe from being seen as a punchable pathetic maggot by normies, I would haveprobably roped sooner if I was short.). (Not hating based shortcels, I cannot experience it but understand that there is suffering)

It's been 23 years in this earth without touching succubi bros. When do I get my wizard powers.
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>wizard powers
no such thing


indians cant be wizards


Race/ethnicity/nationality doesn't determine wizard status.


I still feel better knowing about how lacking a minimal of eugenic purpose caused slow but sure havoc into genealogy.

Even if /pol/ damn sucks for being so full of AuthRight


In some cases leaving cereals and dairy away from your stomach helps against acne. A month or two are needed to start seeing effects.

Good luck.


Why does the most merciful god allow the most disgusting cursed species of the earth to burn innocent children alive and tear their bodies apart? I understand that these kids are going to heaven, but isn't this a very difficult test?


god didn't do anything when the phoenician/punic/carthaginian/hebraic/jewish/semitic civilization that spanned the entire ancient mediterranean was lining the earth for hundreds upon hundreds of years with molochian child sacrifice temples and related demonic statues, or what the bible calls "idols". it was the romans who brought repeated pressure to force this satanic civilization's collapse. the phoenicans however responded in kind by causing the collapse of rome through the sustained efforts of the Severan Dynasty (Septimius, Caracalla, Heliogabalus), who together over about 100 years destroyed rome. Gibbon's "Decline and Fall" is masonic misinformation that intentionally conceals the judeo-phoenician influence in the toppling of rome. afterwards the weight of phoenician finance chose to quietly transpose itself to Venice (Northern Italy), where their elite continued molochian worship but with much greater secrecy (ie, not in the open like before). After Venice spent almost 800 years causing engineered financial collapses, flaming internecine wars between european nations, trafficking precious metals and people, the Catholic monarchs created the League of Cambrai with the aim of ending Venice. They did not however succeed, and Venice simply relocated to London, wherefrom they then took over the entire world. We are living under their control in this very moment. If they are to be defeated, it will be human men, not "god", that puts them into hell where they belong. Over the last 400-500 years (beginning with the Venetian-Jewish capture of London under Lord Burghley, Francis Bacon, and ultimately Cromwell), we've lost sight of an ancient enemy who wears a thousand different masks and goes by a thousand different names.

1600s – Venetian Jews control Amsterdam, Scotland, Portugal, and London.
1700s – Jewish bankers add America, France, and Prussia to their empire.
1800s – Jewish bankers finance Napoleon, anti-monarchical revolutions of 1848, the American Civil War, various (((British))) invasions of India/Egypt/Crimea, thus placing more land under their control.
1900s – Jewish bankers trigger WW1 (with the goal of slaughtering as many white goyim as possible and also dissolving the Ottoman Empire as it was the nation that then controlled Palestine), the Judeo-communist-bolshevik "russian" revolution that deposed the catholic monarchy and ceded control of russia to jews, WW2 (to establish absolutist control overPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Also see the following testimony of a roman:

Sacrum quoque, quod equidem dis minime cordi esse crediderim, multis saeculis intermissum repetendi auctores quidam erant, ut ingenuus puer Saturno immolaretur: quod sacrilegium verius quam sacrum Carthaginienses a conditoribus traditum usque ad excidium urbis suae fecisse dicuntur. Ac nisi seniores obstitissent, quorum consilio cuncta agebantur, humanitatem dira superstitio vicisset.

Again a literal translation. If you want an "easier" translation see the link above.

There were also certain instigators of repeating a sacrifice, which indeed I may have believed in little wise to be to the heart for the gods, by many centuries intermitted, so that a noble boy would be immolated to Saturn: which sacrilege verily than a sacrifice the Carthaginians are said to have done being established from the founders unto the fall of their own city. And unless the elders would have objected, by the rede of whom all things were managed, dire superstition would have conquered humanity.

It really is up to us to make a better world. And I believe we can do it. We have allowed them to get away with so much for so long, indeed to such a degree, that they thought they could fake an entire plague and murder billions of people with complete impunity. I actually believe their power is waning, which is why they are losing strategic sobriety and attempting things their forerunners would never even have dreamed of. All it takes is awareness of Jewish power to bring down Jewish power. Imagine what would have happened in 2020 if the population had merely been wiser, or more aware? There would have existed a collective will to block the jewish covid death plot, and with all persons intelligently refusing the vaccine, their schemes would have been dead in the water.

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You know, I've been thinking a lot about life and I finally realized something. I finally realized something after so many years of living. When I was 14 or 15, I believed that I would succeed in life, that I would soon become an adult and be able to do something in life. When I was young, I tried to find a job and learn something, but I just hit a wall. By the way, everyone humiliated me at school. Now I'm 26 and I don't want anything from life anymore. I'm literally not interested in succubi or money. I realized that because I couldn't succeed, as I got older, I lost all desire to have or do anything. I finally realized that if everything comes easy to you, you have goals and a desire to do something, and if nothing works out, you just give up. For example, I don't want anything from life anymore, I don't like people, and they don't like me either. Yesterday I overheard my mom and a relative talking on the phone and they said they hate me. You know, no one has ever considered me a person and I'm not a person, in fact I'm a nobody a loser with shitty health no job no goals in life no money and friends I'm a degenerate bastard.
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>early birth
>mother was nearing 40
all the best ingredients to make a retard, but yeah uhh, jus b urself, you can still turn out good, just try harder :^)


It's actually pathetic to blame your parents for all of your failures. He sounds like a whiny male that doesn't want to take responsibility for himself. Also he's a normie and a relationship haver breeder. Why the fuck do you post this crap here?


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well then - what can we say? enjoy being miserable! i truly wonder why they didnt put you in the trash bin right after the procedure!


I'm the author of the thread. During this time everything became even worse. my mother has coronary heart disease. I’m really hurt and offended, I tried to look for a job or do something while waiting for this, but in my town it’s impossible, I need money urgently. But I can't even earn them. I also developed very severe anxiety. I don’t know, I’ll just keep this thread as a diary so that the normies have fun.


>mother was 37
>early birth
Holy shit, same thing. I am a weird autist, the very epitome of autism. Hearing shit like 'just try harder bro' makes me want to clobber the fools who spout this nonsense.

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Does anyone here by choice or by disability, live in FILTHY conditions?I mean to say: beyond those clean-up tv shows and straight Biohazard levels.
Non-functioning sewage, stale water\piss\pools of liquid, decomposed organic matter, etc. or being personally filthy ;dirty, bodily fluids, attached items (metal necklace? ropes? glued-to-skin clothes?)? If this isn't you personally, have you known someone who lived\was like this?


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sorry I can only think of pics I saw online. never meet someone who lived in filth


here's thos japanese hikikomori, watch earlier videos, he live in filth https://youtube.com/channel/UCq3P5sw6cuPk5lRfgS6dqyw?si=GusrGibobVIlHokp

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