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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Any wizard here got so deep into the ways of handling urges that he can fap edging (like weekly, lets say) without finishing it and zero consequences (like night pollutions) because he learned to handle the energy?

Please elders share the ways of aura charging. I wish to thrive in this path


70+ years experience; summation: the creatures are not worth the air they breathe…
they bring nothing but stress aggravation frustration deceit greed misery treachery lies betrayal illness and death…
if you let your dick do your thinking, you are already fucked.
everyone i know who married wishes he hadn't, the creatures are evil incarnate…
i could provide all kinds of examples, but i will keep this short and to the point…
it isn't worth it, never has been never will be…
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Don't care, won't have a child as to make me care about the state of le world, beside caring about "moral corruption" is a chuld crab mentality with idea of some idyllic past that never existed in the first place


You could care because they also bully the outcast a.k.a. truwizard. And they fuck their bullies.

And that is so worth of blooddripping I am not explaining any further.

Those delta males. That's what a crab is: a delta.


what's a delta male?
and which type of male are you? i assume you consider yourself a skibidi sigma?


The very ugly, balding, short guys who make fun of wizards and virgins despite being virgins themselves as well.

They try to larp as a "normie" thinking they will get brownie points from society.


Crabs are delta. Also the types the previous poster described yea.

And I was sigma while in high school out of pure hatred. Neither woetomen nor their normal friends are worth an ounce of my time.

Now that I neet, I am omega. Goes quite stable if you care about fitness and health properly.
>Aitherwise it can be a fatal error

May you goon your ways into paradise. Stay away from any pronzorz for your own sake.

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During my middle school to the end of my highschool I used to belive that i was better than the people that surrounded me, that I was more intelligent and that they were too emotive and dumb. But now, with 18 years old and on my last year of highschool, i just notice how this thought isn't necessarily true. I'm in this school since the last year and I had finally found people who are interested in things i like such as anime, arts and media in general. People that are intelligent, you can notice this by the way they express themselves, but on the other hand they also had developed the abilities of being social (thus not being weird), being healty and any kind of normalfag hobbies while also being intelligent.

This broke my illusion that i was the only smart guy in the world, or that i was somehow superior to my surroundings. So I was thinking about this and concluded that normalfags are naturally better than me, in some aspects (but not just socially) because the way they interact with the world and people is different than mine, but not in a normal subjective way: they get to talk with people more often, go outside with more frequency, satisfty their own sexual desires by partying and all sorts of things that they do, while i don't.

It's not like my way of living didn't provided me good things, it actually did: i was able to be a more empathetic person (this is also due to me watching Evangelion), observative person and also stimulated my sensitivity and thinking, qualities that i already had since i was younger. I'm not racist like they are, i try to respect people more than them and i don't drink, but… at what cost? Losing things like what its called "youth" by the slice of life animes that i watch, being ashamed of myself, feeling that i don't have a place to belong but my bedroom and my computer.

This maybe is confusing but to sum it up, normalfags have a better life than mine, they act dumb but they actually lived really good experiences which makes me inferior to a portion of them, as oposite to my previous beliefs. They naturally learn rich experiences by being sharing knowledge and
well-being with their peers, while I, as an outcast, doesn't. They will live happy lives, with not so much despair to feel, good jobs, fulfilling lives and all, even if they have to pay the price of being slightly dumber than they would if escaping from the rat race. Normalfags can feel disgusting sometimes, but i think that living Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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if we wound up here it is mainly cause our genetics are fuckin crap, lets not kid ourselves.

bu im extreme case, 2/10 over here


How would someone like u even pas tge intrview? I guess its a minimum wagecuck job huh?


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>I guess its a minimum wagecuck job huh?
Indeed it is, Condescending-kun. Quite literally the only place within a reasonable driving distance that was hiring people with no experience whatsoever. The only actual interview question I got was
>Why do you wanna work here
From there it was all basically like "so how available are you" and I'm like "I'll be your sexy lil workhorse 24/7 honey", and then a week after that I was brought in to digi-sign some shit. Then I had to read a 20 page thing on the computer about sexual harassment, and got hired.


>i was able to be a more empathetic person (this is also due to me watching Evangelion)


I see no motive for unhappiness in what you described to me.

Hate normalfags more and goon harder.

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Hello, fellow wizzies, I'm making this thread with the idea of gathering knowledge about how to maximize well being as a wizard, we all know how hard life can be, specially as a wiz, so we our combine lived experience I thought we could make a "rule for life" on how to better maximize our well being. So, what should every wizard should know?
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This is true


Peak schizo


I think the basis of all is to remain sane. Going for a walk every so often is enough as someone stated. Also, a hobby is necessary to get into a flow state. Also, limit internet and screen usage.


To really thrive practice seemn retention and raise your chi from the lower chakras up the 33 vertebrae to your higher Chakras in your head and beyond. It's like a drug I feel like I'm on cocaine, I have these songs that enter my mind like I'm possessed, all kinds of ideas, energies rushing up my spine like a train, may be the kundalini I've had. It's the key, to unlocking your true self and your true potential. To not just exist, but really start living.


Kundalini is not me. I want that thing to stay still and not giving me psychosis, kriyas or whatever crap it brings. The more you read about kundalini the more of an annoyance it seems to be.

Better if that thing goes down the dark chakras so these may be stimulated by a superior energy, rather than irritating bodily chakras who are otherwise superior to kundalini.


Yearning for societal markers that promise happiness is embarrassing. Carve out your own path within you own means. That doesn't mean constant improvement or doing nothing. But it could.
Direct yourself and decide what's acceptable. Just be.

Sorry for the psychobabble, but it really can be as complicated or easy as you want. Why let the rules be defined for you?


The answer is marketing. Nobody *needs* the latest 1500 dollar iPhone pro or a $2000 Moncler jacket.

But because of their cunning positioning as luxury Veblen goods, ape-brains get depressed if in comparison they have a cheap $120 Android phone and a generic $70 puffer jacket from Target.

Ape-brains hate to be demoted or feel inferior in status, especially males. Which is why they compete in the rat race to afford all kinds of useless embellishments that signal status. It's all so primitive.

Or at the very extreme end of the bell curve, rich people in their $7000 tailored suits, 100k cars and homes full of 1800s french antiques, paneling and art.
At the core, in the primitive parts of the mind, most don't even like it. It's a display of social superiority.

Can you break free from the shackles and burdens of the ape-brain and live for something else than mindlessly accumulating status symbols? Will you live content and happy with good food, shelter, entertainment and nature?
Only time will tell. But most of you will utterly fail; Due to envy, anger and pride.


Based. You remembered me about sigma compilation memes on youtube.

>Sigma rule #62438279 or whatever

>Eat random normies for no reason
>Make it look like your employer did
>Stay broke


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When the average normie is afraid and shy, and they don't have the balls to talk to a succubus, or even for more important things like getting a job, or opportunities in life other than a simple vagina, they don't do it, Nor will they either, since they are locked in their screens, which covers them from their ridiculous fear. I am not a normie, I lack a complement of normality, too much time locked up posting on image boards rotted my head, my social skills are broken, but you know one thing I don't care, the world eats introverts, shy people, socially stupid people, and I'm tired of being one of them.

Even with everything against me, I will show that I can do it, I don't care if I'm afraid, if I'm not ready, and with multiple insecurities involved, I will prevail in the face of adversity, and I will show myself that I can.
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I just need to prove it to myself.

Sex is overrated


Normie is a normal person. And normal people have shitty jobs, they fill their void with parties, alcohol, watching series and pornography. They are afraid to talk to succubi and put them at the top


>Has normie been perverted into a general word meaning "people I don't like"
It's been like that for years at this point, saw the absolute normalfags at work calling people normies


On the other hand, there is nothing else to talk about. Especially outside of /games and /hob


It be succubi who should gather intent to talk to us. This sounds like cryptonormie improvebruh goyslop.

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>Maladjusted males, meanwhile, took to grooming all day—preening and licking themselves hour after hour. Calhoun called them “the beautiful ones.” And yet, even while obsessing over their appearance, these males had zero interest in courting females, zero interest in sex.
just like wizards
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No One gives a fuck about your fuckin grooming habits,

the key point of the study was once a society reaches certain over population levels it will collapse,


I think the entire conceit of assuming there's anything significant to learn about human society based on an artificial mouse society to be flawed. My understanding is that scientific experiments are mostly done on mice because they're cheap, easy to manage and have negligible rights, not because they're actually ideal for making inferences.>>219932


Q - could the mice experiment can be applied to our soceities?

A - no


Of course it reflects our world. They were trapped by walls, we are trapped by our own kind and their shithole system of taxed property.


Because it had already been and follows same exact patterns.

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I usually think about wiz being well pressured by society. I mean, social relations like measurment of your quality as a DNA-container, normie-based entartainment and media, etc.
Moreover, in my country there are a lot of shit about duty and self-sacrifice. Fun fact, there is an option to be recruited and die as a virgin on a battlefield. 20-25 years ao there were a lot of such situations. Also, you need to work… I have good university- and self-education in IT and math, but todays job is based on normie tEaM bUildIng(a lot of such shit in our University) and I just dont want to think about the job perspectives.
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I have. Didnt work. But if I stop, it will be worse, so I continue. Also I started antidepressants course.




mordor I guess




Another one fucking himself about future perspectives?

Google this expression: strategy and authority.

For real, I cannot be only one who felt relieved after knowing stuff.


I want to start saying I'm a college drop out and have been a neet for 7years long periods of isolation and now it's become noticeable that I have trouble doing basic arithmetic, short term memory issues, can't retain motor skills as well as i did when I was young
Other than dreams I can't visualize images in my head at all or think out logical problems.
I have a lot of difficulty with math even basic transactions counting smaller bills, I would be the type to get potentially ripped off if someone tried shorting me.
I have really shit slow inaccurate reflexes I found it impossible to do those rehabilitation exercises where you spin one finger clockwise the other counter clockwise I find tying knots or wrapping cables hard, can't remember shit in general and need timers and calendar marks for everything. When I did try to cope and channel my energy into normie shit like fps games and let me tell you I had been basically no lifeing the fucking things for about three years 24/7 through middle and high school I barely improved or could make it above anything but a near negative kd.
I'm low IQ in general (84) the zone where you aren't drooling from the mouth but know you are less competent than everyone else and can't name a single thing I've ever had come easy or been talented at.

Any other wizards expeireincing problems from neet life?
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I started waging after a long multiyear stent of neetdom through the majority of my adult life, I'm miserable and I'm at my breaking point, I get insane violent thoughts I never had before and I'm full of resentment for the job because it's not optional for me, or I have to weigh it against options like homelessness or killing myself


I'm practically in the same situation as you. I have difficulty writing (I make a lot of spelling mistakes tho)


Your lifestyle and isolation are stunting your brain and depriving it of optimal nutrition. All of this is fixable if you start to get an income so they can acquire things, but people don't like it when I tell them that.

Racetams raise IQ;
You can take BDNF and NGF agonists with neuron precursor components to grow the big brain;
NSI-189 is proven to grow the hippocampus;
Fitness will physically grow the volume of the brain, especially cardio;
And depression and isolation shrink the hippocampus and other areas which is probably why you score low.

But that all costs money and you have to get out of your bubble and start connecting with others. Heed my advice instead of getting mad wizzie


>Other than dreams I can't visualize images in my head at all or think out logical problems.
Damn, you bad.
>I have a lot of difficulty with math even basic transactions counting smaller bills
Same, so what? Whatever.
>I'm low IQ in general (84)


That is not from neeting. It is out of sedentary life, cooming, no gym and no sunlight while eating crap.

Neet better.

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I neither know how to cook, clean, or do anything household related, I rely on my mother for that nor do I have a job and earn money. I have flunked college twice that too in the turd world. My mother genuinely and seriously asked me today, what do I plan to do when she dies. And I have no answer.

I am a total loser I tried to turn things around after starting college once but I couldn't complete it second time either. And I live in Asia so flunking out of college once is seen as equivalent of a great failure let alone twice.

At this point I am too despondent to even get out of bed. I don't know where life is going. I don't know how I failed so spectacularly.

I am a total loser. I hope a thunderbolt strikes me and I would be done from the face of this earth instead of giving my parents the pain which they don't deserve.

Are there any people here in my position? Though unlikely anybody is going to be this big of a loser as me. But if anyone is please tell me how to cope.
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damn it I hate normalfags. beware, wizzie, they may talk behind your back too


I'm sure they do, but I guess I just don't care because it doesn't affect me. Maybe this is a way to cope? Probably not a healthy way, at least not towards people you care about.


>Are there any people here in my position?
Yes, minus the young-normie self-blame and despondency.
Get NEETbux and then you're good.


Start small and build yourself up.

Don't know how to do chores, well they are easy enough to learn. Start there.
Cleaning is pretty easy to learn, especially if you ask your mom advice.
Cooking a bit trickier but is more fun to learn and with a little practice you can make all sorts of tasty stuff to make it worth the effort.


Well I do chores. But neeting hard is my actual position and I do not care anymore since I learnt about Human Design and my type in it.

No more anxiety.

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