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Which degree do you think guys should I get? Mind you i'm going to be 30 by the time I start and graduate at 34-35. I tried college once to study humanities but had a breakdown and didn't graduate. But in my country you can get one degree for free as long as you pass the exams well and have no diploma.
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any field where there is always a demand
>medical(people will always have health problems)
>law(people will always have disputes)
>trades(people are to lazy to learn to do things themselves, so you do it for them)
most jobs requires socialization, you are not getting away from it.
I would like to add programming and IT, but unfortunately companies have become super picky.
one way to circumvent this, might be to develop your own software and try selling them.
But it's a massive gamble, even if you give it your all you can still end up with no success. not to mention the massive amount of work.
psychonauts is an example of a high-effort team project that ended up as a commercial failure. if it can happen to AAA studio, it can happen to indie-devs as well.


Could I reword that? I'm not sure I understood. You mean people knew they're unemployable so they didn't even have a CV if they had no degree?

I didn't understand this reply either.


I kinda want to commit suicide instead. People will always ask about the resume gap. Having no degree and no job experience at 30 is absurdly pathetic. In my country even if you waste a year most employers would think you're a freak. I wish I did my degree in humanities even if I hated it because having a diploma is at least something. Having nothing at all is a death sentence.


to be honest why do they even care?
As long as you are capable of carrying
out they work they ask for. Why does it matter?
Since I am out job hunting right now, might as well try if given the chance
if they ask me why I have a gap, will will just respond with "why do you care?"
just to see what happens.


Can I carry out their work? I'm not sure about that.


I think I grew to understand why normies are so fond of some philosophers whose ideas they do not follow at all, even worse, philosophers that even criticize the cattle mindset actively…

It's a trap to seduce the unexpert neurodiverse who really and deeply understands and agrees with these philosophers while still having traits of failed normie. They lure him into this deceit to mock and deceive him, praising what in depth they hate with demonic impotence.

Or that's at least the vibe I felt from watching comments about some philosophers on the internet.

Ever found yourselves in any situation like this one, wizzes?
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This happens to philosophy and almost every damn thing coming from them. Remember the Hidden War meme.


>Remember the Hidden War meme.
the one about Duende and Guende?


the one about schizos, psychos, normies


philosophy is useless


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>tfw its love all the way down

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I lack the "social thirst" and have an avoidant personality so isolating myself felt like the natural thing to do and the only thing that bothers me is how the lack of connections prevents me from having a successful career. With all the drama and the demanding upkeep that comes with relationships I felt like I was doing the right thing but then I read some comments about how the lack of life experience from current zoomer writers results in boring stories and in an argument online I was told my opinion on topics related to society doesn't matter since I am like an alien with how isolated I am and that hurt me at my core. I've shared my philosophy before and got told I need to "touch grass" because it reveals how autistic I am.

Do you think that's true? Are our views on human matters irrelevant? I want to make art but I worry that my autistic perspective will make it speak to no one as my lack of life experience will be visible through it and the ideas I will be communicating are not in touch with what people feel.
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Have you ever read "The Vision of Piers Plowman"? Has anyone who was not assigned to read it by an educational institution? How much of the most important key fundamentals of the life of a common man does anyone alive today share? Really? "Those who work, those who fight, and those who pray." These are not understandable social categories to the citizen of the 21st century. They were the fundamental social categories of all of human history to a point, but only human history. Human prehistory was almost certainly as strange to the humans who lived within history as the human present would be to either category. Piers Plowman is kept current because it was so in touch with the experience of life of a normal vice-filled common man, but no-one shares that experience or that worldview and it would be nonsense to try to replicate it.

One day in the near future, perhaps as late as the end of the 22nd century, most human consciousness will flow from neuro-paste cultured in wafers which gained most of its experience of its "world" through interaction with diffusion models and language models which are themselves trained off of the creative output of those large banks of human biopaste wafers. There will be much more consciousness embodied in the relatively small volume of biopaste than in all the generations of human life that lead up to it. As far as we can tell today all human intelligence and consciousness exists within a relatively small volume of a few neural clusters along the surface of the gray matter of the brain, we would not really have much use for the majority of the neurons of a normal brain. The living space and resources required for an apartment complex would house the cognitive resource equivalent to millions in this more efficient human mind harvest farm. Life within the jar along the wafer in the dream of a robot harvesting your joy and fear and imagination and thought is the key, fundamental human lifecycle and human lifespan that is waiting for those who arrive in the near future, and it can only be averted to anything else by way of a competency crisis or by poisoning the advancement of science with deliberate scientific fraud. The experience of being human will not be fundamentally similar to life enmeshed in the family dramas and interpersonal traumas of early 21st century liberal two legged fully bodied society for long.

Perhaps most human brain matter will have been dedicated to living its early life as a buPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I agree. Interactions with normgroids/normalfags/normies/normyloids that include humor, jokes, memes, etc. are great and very enjoyable. It's a shame that they're shit at every other thing and would backstab you over the smallest thing.


What you say may make sense for spiders, but not for humans.

We're social creatures, 'rite of passages' have always been a thing,
you may argue if those things really matter or if those 'key experiences' are just overrated
but truth is that for society those things matter, and not having them makes life even harder to navigate.

It would be fine if you didn't have to get a job or feel the urge to socialize sometimes, but we can't deny our nature.


Beware of letting normie standards set inside you. Be sure to know what you are not done for.


I just wanted to say I've heard of it independently but never read it.


Since it is something I can't have, and it seems like the end purpose of life is to fuck and reproduce. I have started viewing everything from a very sexual perspective.

I am sorry but I am not able to explain this phenomenon properly but hopefully you got the gist of it.

Everytime I see someone, I know that they have sex, and weirdly in my head I start picturing them doing so. I absolutely detest sex havers. I have a weird inferiority complex with them, I kinda wish that they'd all die in an instant but then I realise that people in my family have had sex.

Whenever I go to a family meet, and see someone's kids, I start imagining how their parents have had sex. How the guy actually left pussy dripping. I can't help but feel anger, inferiority, and curiosity at the same time. It's a weird fucking feeling. It makes me wanna lose my shit and swallow a bullet.

I absolutely detest degeneracy and sex. Everytime I meet someone who is non-virgin, I feel like I am meeting someone from the enemy tribe, and that they are out to get me. Everytime I see them talk to me normally, I pretend to be normal and give normal answers but in the back of my head I feel like I am being subconsciously cucked as I think about them have sex with someone.

I especially hate this feeling when succubi are involved, when I see them do something that they are more skilled than me at, I immediately in the back of my head start seething internally like I am some stupid fucking kid throwing a tantrum.

Since I can't have sex. I feel inferior even to the wizards here cause if you guys are given the opportunity to do sex you will be able to do so, but if I was given the opportunity I wouldn't be able to get hard, do movements, or be able to cum.

All of this makes me feel like a cuck in the back of my head, I pretend to be a normalnigger, but in the back of my head, deep down inside, I am eternally messed up. Whenever I see someone wearing short clothes, partying, or being flirty. I feel an innate urge of great anger and defeat.

I hate that sex exists, I hate that I can't do it, I can't stand the people who do it, I can't stand seeing the fact that there are literal fucking succubi more successful than me at life. I hate it all. I want to burn it all down.
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Dolphins literally gang rape female dolphins. You think only humans have sex for pleasure and not necessarily only for breeding?


I was going to mention dolphins as well but didn't bother since my post focused on primates.

There are other species as well which just have sex for passing time or out of boredom 5-10+ times a day.


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Improving your endurance might solve something. Gooning, I mean. To know that you could do better than any of them due to some proper training.

Your cuckery, have it present, is not due to them having it… but probably due to some subconscious traits within you that were collapsed or mistreated under the promise of sex. A cuck is someone giving up something in exchange for unworthy responses, do you relate? Take the gift away, if you can find it.

I cannot relate to you, since my cope was to RENOUNCE to what I couldn't have so my sadness would be beaten from inside, instead of consolated. this is how I stopped being a failed normie. I subverted the values of the sexual market because I rejected succubi out of pure dissappointment about them and rejection the very same normie standard you seethe to fulfill.

the more you delve on how green the neighbour's grass is, the more you forsake your own garden, whose issues might something quite different. Not even plants at all, they might be.


It be your sex the one which must be craved, it be them who must seduce you into it… not you trying to fit their schemes. FLIP THE OMELETTE, exert social pressure back, deflect it.

Be to the puss what the puss is to you, instead of getting lured into games that are purposefully planned for you to lose. Be the gamemaster. Get ripped, shun normies, shun succubi, glow up and set the standard. Criticize the standard, swap roles. It's all about mindframe.

It be them who must seethe for thine cock. You are indeed falling for a trap!


It's the misery of men giving succubi the easy way, taking all the weight of relationships upon them, what caused the actual scheme.

I only know that retention after gooning is what makes libido alive without having it wasted. Fap, yet no cum. If you manage this, you might even look at them differently knowing you could pound them harder than even their couples… while refusing to even trying to start a conversation yourself. It's big damn wizardry totally deserving the meme upon volceldom.

Also the aura upgrade that comes because of no-cum, gets even higher. In many wiz, libido exists but it low, and I see we can achieve this because of that.


I'll give you some background, I liked to watch wrestling (scripted, I know) and there have been moments where some crazy fans have jumped in between the ring.

While I don't appreciate acts of violence on wrestler. But sometimes wrestlers go too far, for example there was this fan who once jumped in the ring to attack a wrestler, and when that fan was fully constrained and he presented no threat and was being escorted out, another wrestler jumped in between and suckered punch him.

And for the incident number 2, this guy was trying to beat up a wrestler, but another wrestler stepped in to stop him, like he should've but the thing is he already had him in control, but was still beating him up when he presented no threat.

Like I don't understand why so many people on the internet cheered for this incident, it was clearly the use of disproportional post, and when I made posts about my views on the internet, I was viciously attacked and disliked by the majority of people for not advocating disproportionate use of violence.

I just don't understand what causes people to be like this. And honestly this sometimes worries me about the state of the society as this is a microcosm of how people react to things.
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What does this even mean?


I think he means why he put indians on a pedestal over animals


leftoid avatarfag preys on giga autist's inability to understand the nuances of ethical issues


A sane mind won't give a damn about slurs, buzzwords or /pol/ tier dialogues. You just sound like leftie


Because they get away with it. Stop using introverted thinking on that. Use extroverted thinking
>not so much "where is the cause"
>but rather "it needs this to work as it should"


Do you think psychotherapy can help NEETs to become something better? It's such a common advice out there: go to therapy, it's the best you can do to help yourself, it's your responsibility etc etc. What's your experience with therapy? Do you think it genuinely might help?
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probably not, if you speak about anything serious youre going to get medshilling


Honestly, it depends, if you have just a mild form of maldaptive thinking process, then probably with some good therapy you can change your behavior, or more accurate, you can change your thought process. Now, if you have a genuine mental -organic- disorder, a illness that is born -because- your brain doesn't work well from the get go, then no, no amount of therapy will cure you, may help you cope better with the illness, but only medication can actually change your brain biological process in a way that fundamentally effect how you brains works.


I've been in and out of therapy for about the past 10 years now. Therapy helped me when I had the right therapist. I was able to finish and go to college with one therapist, and I think what he helped me with was preventing me from spiraling further down the pit of despair.

Getting a job made the state take away my benefits so he had to cut off the therapy and I went without one for a while. The next therapist was some Japanese guy who barely spoke English and every session was him telling me to stop drinking. It wasn't productive. A few years passed and I decided to try therapy again and I was assigned an older female in her 40s. She wasn't terrible but obviously couldn't relate to anything in my life even though she tried. She was helpful in the sense that she helped me learn how to be comfortable talking about myself.

After she quit I was forced to find another therapist, this one I picked myself. He is by far the most helpful one I've seen. He was the only one who managed to get me out of the house and doing things outside of my comfort zone.


I forgot to mention my first therapist. It was some jew psychiatrist who was a terrible therapist. He gave me pills that made it hard to orgasm and fell asleep during a few sessions. Dude was by far the worst.


Being NEET is my therapy. Some of us need it desperately

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who here just a lazy nigger who wish they were proactive and wish they weren't so shy because you were always mocked by what youve done in your former years and hope to have the will to say whats wrong with others?
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You can be yourself. No need to change who you are or hide who you are just because some people don't like you. Can't get everyone to like you.


Nothing wrong with being lazy

Being hard working ain't gonna make the grass grow any faster

Sloth is a made up jewish sin to steal your peace of mind


There are a lot of things wrong with being lazy.
If you don't do what needs to get done then it won't get done at all.

The results of sloth is a bad life. It's a codified observation that has stood the test of time.


I leave the unimportant stuff to the tax slaves, get to work shlomo


No, I want a world where little effort gets enough to live and enjoy. Pretty much unlike normies have just built this nightmare.

This ignorance will cost dearly to non-energetic types of aura. Be lazy, confront the anxiety… it's not so driven by logic this world you live in.

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Just like the title says: nothing satisfies me, and I'm not enjoying life as I used to. I usually don't have time to do my "hobbies" and when I do, I don't enjoy them and leave me feeling empty.
Back in school, I could spend a whole day, 8 to 10 hours glued to the screen. Now, I can't stomach more than 3/4 hours. Old games get boring quickly, and new ones have shorter and shorter honeymoon phases.
Last time I've watched anything was an episode of Hidamari Sketch back in January, but that's all. Last time before that was in 2022.
I like them, but I don't have enough time to read them in peace, and when I do, I'm just too tired and/or can't concentrate.
>maybe some hobby that isn't just consooming
I used to love birdwatching. I could leave the house for hours and muster strenght to go out during early morning. Now I go out twice a year. It is never exciting and I catch myself failing to recognize birds I could easily eight years ago.

In fact, I miss being enjoying broadening my knowledge. I could browse Wikipedia for pleasure and watched popsci youtubers every day. Now I'm studying in medical field, but somehow it doesn't feel the same. Same with conspiracy theories/paranormal stuff. There were places I checked on a regular basis, that I now rarely visit.

>online communities

Every online relationship I've ever had has atrophied completely.

To be clear here, it's not that I'm unable to feel any kind of pleasure. I do but it never "feels good" afterwards.

So, has anyone here dealt with this feeling before?


try new things and experiences, do some introspection, i don't know what you expect anyone to tell you. wizards aren't exactly known for being "satisfied with their life".


get into swimming, mountain climbing, or even waves surfing.


As I'm older I have a harder time mustering the effort to consume.

I switched from anime to manga/manhua because scrolling images and reading blurbs is much less friction than watching anime.
With anime you have an intro, and then content equal to 15-20 pages of manga stretch to 20 minutes.
By the time some dude finishes a monologue I could already have scrolled a whole chapter and the plot, characters etc. don't meaningfully improve by voice acting or animation, quite the opposite.
They stretch still images for 10 seconds at a time. It feels tedious. Also too much going on to process if I get distracted.

Same for video games. You need to spend about 4 hours on average just to learn the nonsense frivolous systems they "have to have". There is no booting up the game and just playing anymore.
It takes actual effort to get to a state of mindless enjoyment where you no longer have to actively think about the BS that stands between you and the gameplay. This is why I stick to games I already know for longer than they deserve, familiarity gives comfort.

Books I don't like for the most part. They are high effort consumables so if they disappoint they hurt a lot more than "fast food".
All of the above results in basically one thing. Juice not worth the squeeze.

>To be clear here, it's not that I'm unable to feel any kind of pleasure. I do but it never "feels good" afterwards.

This is my issue with creative/IRL hobbies as well. The results don't satisfy, the journey is too long as an adult to enjoy.
Even if I carve some wooden figure, build a gunpla, or build a deck of cards for my childhood TCG it just feels empty after the momentary joy.

The worst part isn't even that the joy fades, but it turns into pain later on.
Looking at old gunpla that gave me joy X days ago, today I'm filled with disgust for some reason. This happens with most things that were fun once.
Dread and disgust. Not sure why, maybe a sense of loss? I don't know. Wish I had the answers.


>Looking at old gunpla that gave me joy X days ago, today I'm filled with disgust for some reason
We thought the world was in a way. And it wasn't… so our worldwiew extends our tendencies according to that, even subsconsciously. Everything changes its meaning.


Tell us about your usual daily routine?
My typical day starts at 8-9 am. I often feel sick, so the first thing I do is go to the kitchen to make myself some coffee and spread some peanut butter on my bread. Then I drink some water. After that, I sit down at the computer and start looking for a job in my small town, but it usually doesn’t bring any results — the work leaves much to be desired, and I can’t find anything suitable. Sometimes I get distracted, watch anime or the news.
By lunchtime, around 1pm, I usually don't eat a full meal, although I may do so sometimes. Then I continue to browse the internet or rest a bit, lying down for an hour. At this time, I often engage in introspection, reflecting on life. By 4pm, I already feel tired and don't know what to do next.
I don't like evenings when my parents come over and I have dinner watching something pointless, like anime. Lately I've been looking out the window more instead of sitting in front of the screen. Sometimes I go outside for a walk once every couple of days, but in general I don't like being outside, especially when I see young people. I feel out of place, like I'm a "freak" or an "otter". Sometimes I play old games that I liked as a child. I go to bed at 11:00 PM or midnight. I don't have any friends or anyone to talk to. and how is your day going?
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>Hobbies get old quick, "self improving" is a meme
Maybe you're just too low IQ for either?


Probably I'm just dumb and untalented, I've accepted my lot in life.


>Wake up 7:00AM
>Go to work (starts at 7:30AM)
>Come home 12:15PM
>Eat and clean my house
>Go back to work (starts at 2:00PM)
>Come home 6:15PM
>Work part-time fixing phones until 10:00PM
I plan to move to another country where I don't have to pay so much taxes and isn't living on a recession.


I sometimes add lifting and investigation of niche topics, to this.

It's not ideal but just because I depend on my parents instead of having some other, more adult, safer income sources.


Let's start ignoring the little man right in his face. We all know who's the same crab making all the inflammatory posts around here

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We're like vagabonds but on internet. we have a shitty life and we wander on in the internet and/or in real life too. We're kind of modern adventurer but we sail in our dreams because we are broke niggas most of us. Some are lucky and can live life as a "ghost", some are almost hobos and can't sustain a good life. The broke wizards are in the worst situation in life. Those who are depressed and think about suicide everyday are also in a bad situation. I assume hobo wizards want to live life at its fullest and suicidal wizards who have everything to live a comfy life want to end it because they are depressed. I don't know which one we should pity the most or to help first.
Knowing some wizards will die because of an unfair life kills me. It's like we didn't help them and it is our fault they died. We have blood in our hands.
I want to help wizards who suffer but can't, we can only watch them fall
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Are you sure your dad had those extremely rich people and rulers in mind, when he was saying he's part of the elite class? From my experience, neets usually think of themselves as some kind of smarter than the working man, they think they're above it all because someone provides for them out of pity. They think of themselves like of vampires who thrive on 'moralfags' and 'wagecucks'.

The other party also consists of disgustingly rich people. Maybe not billionaire-level rich, but still. They're just not so blatant about it. People like Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton also spit and shit on the poor, just with a different, more insidious flavor.


Never said it didn't. The US is a dystopic oligarchy just like Russia.

Both parties are run by ultra-rich psychopaths who only care about becoming even wealthier.


> They think of themselves like of vampires who thrive on 'moralfags' and 'wagecucks'.

Ironically, this is exactly how the very wealthy think of everyone else.

Normals and wageslaves who try to moralize you are just entertainment to people like Musk. He just laughs at them and toys with them.



my dad was a neet mental case, who considered himself part of the elite. was the poster child mental case w/ weird superiority complex. too good to do work, but ok w/ pickin in garbae cans. was a burden on society, and still felt Need to make kids would never pay for, etc…


I disagree. Rights are to be taken, not given.

I have pretty clear who the cause of the problem is, so I am not desperately applying for jobs anymore. "manning up" is falling for the bait.

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