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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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how do you deal with your work colleagues? are they cool or annoying? do they know about youre being a wizard? do you talk to them or they talk to you? do you think they talk behind your back and think you're weird?
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>Why the fuck would that ever come up at work?
well coworker ask if you have a gf, says no, then coworker ask have you ever had a gf, says no, then he says WHAT? you had sex at least right anon? says no
I hate it too because you're put in trouble just for listening to it


Ive worked alone for almost all of my adult life.

Probably why I am 38 and still a wizard. There were only a few years where I actually had coworkers and I didnt talk to them much other than occasionally having lunch with them.


what was your job to get alone all these years?



Software developer for a government contractor. I lucked out in many ways to get int he position I am. Reshuffling happened during COVID and while other people found new jobs I was just like "fuck it, they can fire me. I dont care I have enough in savings to survive at least two years"

But I didnt get fired. I got hired by another company to do the same work but the guy assigned as my supervisor doesn't really giev a shit about me. He has no idea as to what I actually do but he signs my timesheets and I do my own performance evaluations. Apparently people wanted me around and I have no fucking clue why because I dont do shit. I think they just want to say they have someone working on this project but no one cares about it actually getting completed.

Things will probably change now that Trump is looking to trim the fat on federal spending, which includes funding leeches like me. But then again I am a contractor so they will probably just reassign me to another project at another location where I am actually expected to work.


>well coworker ask if you have a gf
I don't talk about my personal life and would just shut down the conversation and change the subject.

You do know you don't have to answer questions if you don't want to.

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>be wizard
>wake up on a random day in your comfy pjs after a long sleep
>no faggot normies blasting your phone with text messages or missed calls because you have no friends
>comfily make some breakfast, some coffee, sit on PC and watch some comfy content like stock market videos
>play some comfy vidya for an hour or so
>go to the gym get a nice workout in
>go home and cook some comfy meals
>clean your room make it all comfy
>play some retro games on my Famicom and chill for the next 5 hours or so
>night time read some comfy books or manga or something until bedtime
>no spending gay time with gay normies
>no going out spendng money needlessly
>no normie politics
>no gf drama
I thought we were wizards because we liked this kind of life. Why do you fakewizards want to be normalfags so bad?
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while being a wiz? Your happy days are counted.


I haven't fapped for two weeks, unintentionally, I feel no different, if anything I feel worse. You're dumb.


being a wizard says nothing about your lifestyle, a wizard is just a male virgin past 30.
what you are describing is the NEETLife. not even hikki shutin mode.


When your energy is depleted by wiz issues, you cannot even feel it.


How dare you speak positively about being a wizneet, OP? You're supposed to be miserable like the crabs on /dep/ say you should.

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Have ever held a micro-job? if yes what was the task and how much money you'd made from it per day/week/month? was the work easy?
you may had heard of micro-job from the 'amazon mechanical turk' held by amazon.
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I see. I'm also on ssi (disablebux) and if I work, my disablebux will stop


In my state there's no point because it's all locked down by regulations. Pretty much all you can do is shit like hanging stuff on walls or setting up ikea furniture. Everything else needs to go to licensed contractors.


I am guessing somewhere in the EU.
I am always shocked by the amount of red tape even the most basic stuff over there requires.


Imagine if every business had the equivalent of micro-jobs: like small, carefully defined pieces of work that were useful to the business, maybe standardized so they can easily be reused. None of which would constitute a full time position because the company doesn't want or need anyone full time.

And anyone could just come in and grab a micro-job, do the work, and easily get paid. No hiring process at all needed. If someone doesn't "work out", the chunks of work allocated are so small anyway that anything wasted costs almost nothing and is more than made up for in the efficiency gains from the open hiring process.

Essentially, under this process it might look like this: a cleaner ordinarily wants a full time cleaning gig but they're harder now to come by. So instead of one full time gig, they pick-up 10 micro-cleaning jobs from local companies in a row. The work is listed in chunks and allocated intelligently based on a simple reputation system. Perhaps, optimized to balance supply and demand in a way where the system is sustainable.

The core idea is there would be no interview process at all, virtually no hiring contracts, and standardized work. In place of bureaucratic inefficiency would be an open system for work running on a simple reputation system. Opportunities for scamming would be minimal due to payments done for small divisional chunks. Relationships are both fast to be made and fast to terminate. This weeds out bad employees and bad employers. As they are caught early on in the process.


reminds me of this

tbh i like the idea of the small "quests" that you can do whenever you want, and with a lot more variety than doing the same thing for years and having to show up at cruelly early hours

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Being skinnyfat is /wiz/ manifest on your body. It's through no fault of your own that it happens: you didn't overeat, nor were you particularly lazy. Rather, being socially and mentally deficient forced you inside, where you moved less and less vigorously than the average normalfaggot child would.

The normalfaggot child, through no skill, hard work, or determination of their own, built a genetically normal amount of muscle over a long period of time just by being outside and moving with their other normalfaggot friends. They ate more than you, they enjoyed the fruits of life more than you, and they worked so much less harder than you— and they were rewarded for it with physical desirability.

The normalfaggot, then grown up, grows arrogant, and thinks themselves special, even though they put no effort into the good things that life and their sociability gave them. With this attitude set, they spit venom at the lazy, ugly, disgusting skinnyfat people.

Fuck this condition.
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No gym, please. The point is to have the gears at home so you may quickly lift and drop them once and thrice…

Paying gym is just playing yourself an idiot, sluts everywhere thinking you go there to watch their tight clothes on, it's doubly humilliating.

I still lift my weights, even if irregularly, aging lazily is not affordable for us.


Actually it is through fault of your own. I have lived as a sedentary neet for many years and the only times I ever got skinnyfat was when I ate like shit. If you eat a bunch of sugar basically is when it happens. You're just a naturally skinny person who is eating the same trash that obese people do.


Might as well post this here:

Currently on day 20+ of lifting and getting fit. I want to do intensive workouts for a year and see what happens. So far I'm really enjoying the training. I have dumb bells in my room and lounge room that I do basic exercises with 4 times a week, and recently started bar bell stuff too. For cardio I have an exercise bike and a treadmill. I'm starting at a low level of fitness so I'm not trying to do a bunch of shit starting out. Just honestly enjoying the befits to this so far like:

- Reduces pain to nothing
- Makes me feel more awake (pwn noobs in my games ;))
- No stress
- Body feels amazing

Have some muscle tears from grow muscle too fast tho. lmao. I have many other ambitions but the state of the world mostly mostly makes me think 'fuck it.' But getting fit like this actually seems worthwhile. Next time I shop I'm going to drop my old diet (mostly just snacking from being lazy as fuck) to something where I can meal prep. The funny thing is I'm usually starving because I never want to cook and buy the right food. Yet when I do eat its usually high calorie shit. So not that optimal.

Anyway, I am getting started and I've seen progress already so would recommend / 10


>Have some muscle tears from grow muscle too fast tho. lmao.
lmao xD

be afraid of getting injured, thats what always happens to me when i have that level of enthusiasm


I have to train to kill normies. Going to try quit caffeine now. I did multiple months in the past and it was a profound improvement to my life but my motivation never came back. Maybe it will work if I actually do "everything you're meant to do" tm alongside it. I have to train my body to kill normies.


Any wizard here got so deep into the ways of handling urges that he can fap edging (like weekly, lets say) without finishing it and zero consequences (like night pollutions) because he learned to handle the energy?

Please elders share the ways of aura charging. I wish to thrive in this path
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seems like a waste of time
unless you have nothing better to do but play with your dick


>one time I had such an intense orgasm that I orgasmd again and again and it was like my brain glitching out of my head and I literally passed out from the pleasure.

w-wow… wizzie thats… really something…


doing that on meth would blow your mind, makes it 100x better


>seems like a waste of time
not at all, you can easily multi task and do other stuff while you edge.
>w-wow… wizzie thats… really something…
I never even knew the body was capable of something like this until I experienced it.
thing is you can reach a really intense high like this without drugs but I do assume that cumming this hard is in some way damaging.
its best to never cum and just to edge endlessly.


I think it would make a cool porn video. not gonna lie.


Do you think psychotherapy can help NEETs to become something better? It's such a common advice out there: go to therapy, it's the best you can do to help yourself, it's your responsibility etc etc. What's your experience with therapy? Do you think it genuinely might help?
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No. Sharing things to professionals get you mocked and scammed (since you must pay like a cuck).

It's lifting. Lifting is therapy. If you do it at home, of course! Let's not allow the gym owner be nourished upon our need for fitness…


My fear is that as soon as I inevitably reveal that I'm a 30+ year-old virgin they will just think "he is one of those school shooting crabs, we need to let the authorities know".


yeah I hate that stigma too
interesting how media put a lot of attention to the crab aspect of school shooters


Why would they not? It's like modern medicine: fuck the cause, lets treat the symptom.

Is anyone being bullied by a gang? The system itself will push the blame on the victim. As they did when younger…


I think therapy gets a bad rep because most people think its just "talking about your feelings" and then ignore the progress of an entire field… But that's not what it means at all. There's many different kinds of therapeutic techniques– some are formal, some informal. Some useful, some not.

Have you ever had someone convince you to try something? I'd argue that this is therapy in a way. If I tell you that at the end of a rainbow there's a pot of gold it would be easy to refute that with basic science. But what would you say if I told you often the reasons people say they won't do something aren't rational at all? Your question then might be – well, what use is knowing something isn't rational – I'll still have the same problem. But that's the thing. Often the reason people choose to do things is based on irrational thought processes they're not fully aware of. When they become aware its very hard to continue the same behavior – because it makes no sense (emphasis on that line if I knew how.)

A perfect example of this is the zoomer word "cope." Imagine ur doing shit in a video game and raging out at your team mates. Despite your best effort: you lose over and over. Eventually, there it comes: cope. And you're pissed off but part of you knows that they're right. You can't go back to pretending that its "just your shit team mates." So you decide to have a break (good idea.) That was legit therapy in a sense. It identified an irrational and flawed belief, and resulted in a positive behavioral change (high return for a meme designed to insult you, l-lmao.)

This is a simplification of a certain therapeutic technique called CBT (cock and ball torture used by the wiz mods.) There's many forms of it and many other therapies. But basically, the general idea is that actually knowing what you're thinking and why you're thinking it can allow you to take control over aberrant behaviors. It goes deeper than that, much much deeper, with specialized approaches for things like insomnia, fatigue, motivation… etc. The remarkable thing about this is you're able to create such changes through the mind. It is worth looking into.

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There's any anon here that lived that type of lifestyle of a hobo, vagabond and streetNEET? How was it? Why is so tied to being a wizard?
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How many homelessness threads are needed?

What happened to the other 3?


I never noticed that before, but the clock in the background says 21:43.

Where might this ascended wiz be located? Probably somewhere in either EU or CA…



he is probably watching sports or something else, i think it's an edit.


He is probably in some Latin American shithole. The "No Parking" sign's got an E, which is only used in Portuguese or Spanish speaking countries. And that place doesn't look like Portugal or Spain. Well, from what I've heard maybe they do nowadays, but that image is fairly old.

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How many newcomers have been dwelling here without ever reading about it? Is this topic well unkwnown still or did at least one wizard experience it as working against some issue? Did any of you know that skinnyfat bodies are due to liver overload with high fructose syrup and other additives? You people still dealing with acne and other miseries?


Fasting is the best, you can get used to it in a week and no longer feel hunger, unironically the more you eat the more hunger you feel.


a pro tip would be to drink tea and black coffe (no milk) and 0 sugar with either.


It helps with recalibrating my appetite. Not eating for 24h+ even a slice of bread with butter will taste heavenly and I am less likely to snack for at least a short while after. I often snack out of boredom or to avoid some other emotion I think but after fasting I can better differentiate between true hunger and emotional eating and stop myself.

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Who did ignore this knowledge until today?
Nobody ever knew?
And those who knew about this… was it useful or revealing in any matter?

Share your levels.
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Whatever your results be. A test goes first, then you research your data.


strategy and authority, man.


so, it's like one of these dozen personality-type tests?


the fuck. am I supposed to do?


Moved to >>>/b/1005902.

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I have now turned 30 years old. I have now attained wizardry. I spent years waiting for this moment and now I am witnessing the transformation before my very eyes.
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>The technology isn't there yet.
And I don't think it ever will be, I mean you would have to change your Y chromosomes into X, and even if you managed to do that to every single cell in your body, you're still too old for your body to transform into a true female body. You would need to transplant your brain onto your artificially grown female clone, and even then there are differences between the male and female brain. So the only way to truly become a female would be to take your memories, skills, your brain software essentially, copy them onto your female clone, and then somehow transfer your point of view onto that clone. Only in fantasies.


You were born aspie/autist and it can't be "cured" no matter how much family yells at you.


Closest thing you have is masking.
It's not really a "cure" as much as Linux trying to emulate being Windows.

That or just dealing with it and trying to make the best out of it as is.


Yeah, except the input lag is major and the kernel keeps bugging out and annoying anyone interacting with it.


You don't have to cure it, but it make the forceful standard for as many normies around as you can. Exert pressure on them, curse them with your mere pressence, otherwise they'll drain you out like bullcrap.

Stop this damned circus about wanting to fit in, you suckers
>but nope, they still expect you to just "drop the act" and suddenly become normal and successful.
That's where the NPC expression comes from: they cannot reason as they should as humans. More like fleshy husks, pretending to be so.

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