>>213709>…you can't get STIs without any sexual contact, can you? Stay away from public bathrooms. Entire pools have been closed due to aids.
>>213709>you can't get STIs without any sexual contact, can you?All of them stay on towels/ toilets/ dishes for a long ass time.
If you have roommates and they are the type to use a glass to get a sip of water and then put it back in the cupboard without washing it with dishsoap, you have a very high chance of catching something from them.
Hand soap doesn't do shit against viruses either. If you want to disinfect something properly use alcohol.
The information online on STDs is pure bullshit. If you manage to catch herpes in your mouth it WILL creep into your eyes eventually. """Research papers""" claim that it is not possible due to "developing immunity".
What is also claimed is that "most people don't know that they have it". They do, it's a wild and massive infection.
tl;dr don't share bagels/ water bottles/ towels/ drinking glasses/ beer bottles with your buddy. It will fuck you up.
>>213758yes yes and once more yes
>>213758so are you saying normalfags get to have sex and infect wizards with stds?
>>213758Can you get an STD from sniffing and licking your female roommate's dirty panties? (Hypothetical)
>>211212I noticed that in some groups of friends, talking about sex, they almost "fake it", meaning that they talk about sex "because that's how it works", even though in reality, in that particular moment of their life, they're for example very focused on their job or studies and they couldn't care less about it.
So you enter a vicious cycle where you end up really thinking and talking about it all the time.
hi this is my first time here
I realize social life is a pendulum between arrogance and hypocrisy so i go back feeling superior.
Sex havers because of the way they lived have such a wrong and juvenile perspective on literally everything from orange man bad to scamdemic to psi, soul and consciousness to how human life should be to videogames to their inability to change philosophical paradigm fuck them big time. And worse than all this shit of a low awareness low life soyciety rewards their robottism much more than our awareness.
I fucking predicted nearly all the trends we see today in 2013 while normies either laughed at me or thought i was exaggerating or crazy and now i see them fucking adapting to the globohomo trends i already understood in 2013.
I came to the point where i search my normies ex classmates or uni colleagues just to see how much of a non thinking normie conformist they are. It’s funny how i don’t envy even the most accomplished of them and i would NEVER trade places with them.
Isn't sex like the best feeling ever according to normalfags?
>once you satisfy it you don't crave it anymore and might even feel disgust (aka post nut clarity/shame).
kek where you getting this from some puritan subreddit of religious cucks?
Everything points out to the opposite, people love it and continue doing it till they die and even find excuses and lie in order to get sex.
>>215528I mostly hear it's overrated without a intense emotional connection, and the drug users I have known consistently say if given the choice between sex and certain drugs they would pick the drugs every time. Though the gay/bi people said meth+sex was best.
I highly doubt I am missing out on much not having sex. I don't get emotionally invested or close to people and universally normies say physically masterbation feels better than sex. It the emotional and psychological stuff that makes it so valuable to them.
>>215704> and the drug users I have known >the gay/bi people said meth+sex was best. you seem to know a lot of degenerate niggers.
>>215705spoiler: the gay/bi people is himself
>>215706most likely, I don't know where a "wizard" would meet gay/bi meth users and have sexual discussions with them.
sex outside of marriage is devoid of substance and only damages people in their spirit for the pleasures of the flesh. to the extent that a person derives other worldly pleasure from scandalous encounters, that damage done to their spirit is likened.
celibacy is an absolutely integral part of any deep spiritual practices or meditations. not everyone is destined for, or cut out for this.
>Does no one else see how pointless it all is?
it isn't pointless and that is the point. it is by design. sex sells, literally. money. money. money.
it's brainwashing. when you put sex on a pedestal people have to become hyper-competitive, that decays, causes all kinds of rife, and most importantly it fosters economic competition and growth and the spending spending spending of money.
>>215705Not all of us have privileged backgrounds.
I grew up in a not great neighborhood and was even homeless for a bit.
Of course I knew fuck ups and degenerates.
>>215706>>215707Go fuck yourself.
>>215722so how exactly do you know so many gay druggaddicts and bisexual and homosexuals who do meth? You haven't answered that, and why do you talk about sex with them.
It seems that you don't belong here.
>>215723I wouldn't be suprised if the guys who always come to wizchan to defend succubi, fapping and porn are also hanging around drug addicted faggots irl. They definitely know such people online as well.
>>215723I have answered that question retard, in the post directly above the one you replied to.
Again go fuck yourself.
>>215776Why do you hate sex? We need it to make new humans and it's fun and pleasurable. Yeah, I get that we don't get picked to participate but no reason to make that your life obsession.
>>215777It's disgusting. Do I really need to explain it? I'm an atheist but it feels demonic. The aggressions sex drive leads to supports this.
>>215778It's objectively disgusting, but there are many disgusting things in the world that you aren't currently thinking about or worrying that you are contributing to them. Maybe your math discovery ends up making better toilets that fit the ass better or revolutionizes plumbing and transportation of literal feces. The fact that your mind is preoccupied with sex in particular means there's more than just a simple disgust response. Often it's just a way to hide other, more unpleasant emotions like shame and insecurity. People might be fucking! The horror! While beneath that, you're just pained that you might be missing out, or worried what your sexlessness means about you.
>>215779what comparison is that? shitting is not a choice. meanwhile sex drive can be dealt with by just jerking off. you dont even need porn.
Meaning of life is to endure suffering, sex just creates more suffering under the illusion that it will alleviate it.
>>215780My point is that you don't have to think about sex if it disgusts you, but you do anyway, and the idea of other people having sex disturbs you emotionally. There's no doubt in my mind that there are people eating literal shit on this planet, but I don't think about it. I'm not secretly wishing I was eating shit. There's something disingenuous about saying "sex disgusts me but i can't stop thinking about it and it hurts me that other people are engaging in it".
If you don't like golf, don't play it, don't watch the golf channels, it's that simple.
>>215783again odd comparison
you cant compare deviants to something almost everyone engages in
>sex disgusts me but i can't stop thinking about ityou get constantly reminded of it. its very commonly featured in media and in geek circles people can be unhinged with their horniness
>>215776>How do you guys find meaning in life if you hate sex?What a odd question.
There is so much more to life than sex. I also don't "hate" it. It's just not apart of my life. It's a non-factor.
And no, not everything is in some way tied to sex. Most of the things most people do is in no way related directly or indirectly to sex.
To argue otherwise seems irrational.
>>215804Don't be that guy.
>>215802That is just one reason for having children. The crabs are just the extra hands that never found a mate to create more people with.
>Is anyone else bothered by how much importance people place on sex?
pooping is very important. not pooping is also extremely important. importance by itself is meaningless
you must specify important to what. i think you are speakingly generally and mean positive value, for example people positively value having sex. you seem to hold the opposite, a negative view/value of sex
but a positive or negative value of something both mean the thing itself is important to you. for it to be unimportant, you must be ignorant or uninterested. i am this, uninterested, and i don't value sex positively or negatively. it's an irrelevant aspect of life, like driving a car, or fashion
>>211212>pointlessIt's an agenda. Take care of yourself.
>>218036>>218038Trying to push antinatalism as a philosophical position will never work because normalfags cannot conceive of having children as being a bad thing, at least in that way. They have to be tricked into it, like through abortion advocacy.
>>218065This. Neurotypical and normie communities will always and forever consider babies the greatest blessing life can endow on someone.
Ironically the only people pushing antinatalism are guys who were never going to be accepted for procreation by any succubus in the world.
And maybe 1% are old academic spinster succubi who were highly undesirable to men all their lives.
I'm an antinatalist, but at least I admit I was always going to stay a virgin anyway because nobody wants me.
I also think the world is vastly overpopulated at 3 billion humans let alone 8+.
>>218080>Neurotypical and normie communities……have children who are embraced by the village and don't need to burn it down to feel its warmth.
>>211212Yes. I'm very bothered by it.
My generation may not be entirely responsible for it. But they're certainly complacent to normalizing sex to the same level of stigmatism provided to an ordinary hand-shake.
You can tell others that you're a virgin in even your early twenties and they'll draw their faces as a grain-fed fluoride stare. You'll then be spoken to as if there's something wrong with you. Then assumed it's either because of religious implications, or that you're impotent, or that you have no 'game'.
No, because you don't want to surrounded rubbed against, shoulder-to-shoulder by complete strangers in a claustrophobic room with blaring noises, epilepsy-inducing lights and take mystery pills YOU'RE the freak.
Supposedly if you change your gender to female on apps all the coomer ads/game ads go away?
not really. it's actually a great thing for them to constantly seek such mindless pleasure and keep each other busy behind locked doors. more normies have sex less I have to see them on the street.
>>211343Ever since the US Department of Justice started recording prison rape figures in the 1970s, succubi's prisons have hald TWICE the rate of inmate-on-inmate sexual assault as recorded in male prisons.
Recent figures will often be attacked as a result of "transexual" prisoner transfers so I do expect you, personally, to look into the reality of female lesbian prison rape until such time as you personally are exhausted by the literal mountain of paper evidence on the subject.
>>211596>something is therefore should be and becomes a purpose, no, THE purpose>believes in IQYep, confirmed retard.
>>211604>He's a breeder normie so he'll simply tell you that you're wrong because you don't want to shit out more wageslaves for the demonic entities that want to harvest loosh.I think he's been posting here for years because I've seen his natalist rants like a hundred times already and it's baffling. Why worship natalism and rant about it on wizchan?
>>211563I contribute to the wellbeing of people I care about. And to my wellbeing, first and foremost. I don't cuck myself by making the lives of ungrateful mouth breathers easier. They wouldn't do it for me (because they deem me different, i.e. a subhuman or a non-human that they have zero empathy towards), so why should I do it for them? It's like cuckoldry on steroids: instead of someone fucking a bitch you call your own, he fucks your entire life and you masturbate and enjoy it. Like the extreme sports version of getting cucked.
>>211564And he'd be right.
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