219735 | Mana sublimation and melancholic types After browsing no-fap threads across teh cyberverse, found that many struggles comes from those who are horny and also focused into normie behaviours, while rarely such topic (the struggle for no-fap) is given amongst those who spend their lives (mostly failed normies) feeling this dreadful thirst for sex or company without ever being able to do anything about | [View] |
219678 | Days are a blur they come and Go as I mostly sleep, is this how it feels to be a dreadnaught? If so what is so bad about it, experience nothing for 100 and so years and be awoken for war. Life is planned out for me and I can rest. Unless dreams exist when in stasis, only downside. Don't know why normies hype up being a dreadnaught as bad. | [View] |
219676 | Heinously wounding the feels of normalnuts >be me | [View] |
219658 | Mindfulness Why do you think mindfulness is being forced down our throats everywhere? | [View] |
219652 | Blue Eisenhower November General Recently I saw this video about BEN (Blue Eisenhower November) that claims that it is an alt-right dogwhistle spread on 8chan and wizardchan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVzukRQorws | [View] |
219584 | MY LIVED EXPERIENCE AS A 30 SOMETHING YEARS OLD LOSER I woke up this morning with a nagging question: why life turn out that way to me? I'm a 30 something NEET, virgin, recluse, living with my folk. The question bothered me, went for a walk couple of house later, and saw a young couple making out in the park, not me, I never had that in my life, walking more I passed a bus top where bunch of wagies | [View] |
219541 | How can a wiz exercise and stay healthy? | [View] |
219532 | I have ascended. I don't care about succubi anymore. | [View] |
218714 | shy wizard any shy wizzie? It's a real struggle and I don't know how to overcome this. I'll stay shy all my life I think because it's too hard to talk to people freely. | [View] |
217731 | Theory on narcissists My take on narcissists is that are pathetic cucks whose selfsteem has no motive at all to exist, when they have so is just due to normies being so dull they just fall quick to suck cock on however employs the typical narcissist tactic on them (showing off and similar) since normies do not judge others based on their usage of power but merely based on that mere power itself, in | [View] |
217625 | Storing food Calm down, im not a Crazy tinfoil hat guy and i don't think the society is ending any time soon. | [View] |
217250 | How to disregard females ones and for all? I try not to think about them. I don't know what's inside of me, that keeps kicking me. Like I have to go out everyday, cause I can't be a NEET, so lot of my time is sadly spent out of my house, and I like nature and seeing things. | [View] |
216903 | I'm loyal to a piss bottle I've had this bottle for 5 years since I became 18 and realized my life is in a slow decline of low motivation and self hatred. Got into the part where I started playing a game I couldn't stand up to go to the bathroom because bad bladder and needed something close by. I've grown attached to my companion after a while. After it was full I'd not throw it out but empty it, | [View] |
208280 | What do you think of nofap, does it make sense or is it all a lie, is it worth abstaining from pornography, or is it not worth the effort? | [View] |