217679 | 369 from Tesla is just saying AUM so hum with a spoon in your mouth and your tongue touching the roof of your mouth. Do this laying down and nose breathing. Congrats. Tesla coil. You are now a genius. Nice trick. | [View] |
217628 | A community of the disconnected I will start by saying that I don't know if this post belongs here or is better suited for /lounge/. I trust the mods will locate it accordingly. | [View] |
217583 | How is it people create something so warm and complete while my shit always ends up cold and soulless. | [View] |
217531 | Why do you want to be a wage slave? Why do you want to be a wage slave instead of starting a business, finishing a degree, or learning a trade? | [View] |
217492 | Hello bros, help me generate an extra income I am from a third world country and I have saved 21.5 dollars (in my local currency | [View] |
217485 | Lack of feedback (form me) I ma this type of schizo who does not give feedback when others are clearly waiting for it, nor I disp`lay my emotions openly so they confuse me with a robot. I love being this way since it's my curtain of privacy against nosy normies and their shitty dynamics, but I read this: | [View] |
217422 | I'm a mentally ill NEET loser and the person I've been dependent on is dying of cancer. When he is gone, I will have no way to support myself. I need a way to make money and fast. I'm open to literally any suggestions. I have no skills or college degree. I have severe social anxiety and was a shut-in for over a decade, though I am able to leave the house now. I may or may not be open to illegal su | [View] |
217387 | Arcane word: flames (in the ass) I lived my days having a special itch against all the retarded shit normies pull, defend and throw not only on their own but also against me, extracting pleasure from breaking it down into pieces or flipping it upside down to gloat on their seething. It seems I got addicted to this, anyone relates? Should I stop or am I fine? | [View] |
217360 | WIZJOBS What job are wiz friendly? I need a to have good idea of jobs that are suitable for a 30 years old wiz. | [View] |
217274 | universe 25 experiment What strikes me the most is those rats who gave up on female rats and take care of themselves only. this is clearly us, wizards. | [View] |
217237 | Am I not born to talk to god I've reached a part in my meditation where I'm found having conversations with beings but everything is such a blur that it's difficult to get details on them or what happened. On one of my shifts at work I took a small nap on my desk having a conversation with a being in my half baked dream, it was the most I've felt connected to anyone, by the way it was going it was | [View] |
217053 | Normies There is a lot of talk here about what normality is, about how normal people live, and all that, and the reality is that normal people are mired in miserable jobs, immersed in a fictitious reality and completely consumed by social networks, where They are told how they should behave, what they should yearn for, and what trend they should follow, completely dominated by hedonistic pleasures | [View] |
216748 | why is so hard to connect with people? | [View] |
216521 | I am 26 years old and have never had a relationship with a succubus. (Honestly, it doesn't bother me that much anymore) The only thing that bothers me is that I'm still NEET, I don't have a job and I live with my old parents. I don't have a good education. Still from a small town. All my life I literally didn’t know what I wanted from life and what was interesting to me. I don’t even have a ho | [View] |
216248 | Wiz guide to life So, I was thinking if already exist a guide to maximize happiness and tranquility as a wizard, I'm looking at the idea of guide made by older and wiser truwiz to help younger wiz avoid major troubles and problems, does a guide like that exist or not? | [View] |
216206 | I realized that having a lot of experience with succubi, having succubi pine after you, and sexual experience simply isn't a true reflection of your character, but something society constantly tells you is. Life can just be that unfair and that's ok. Some people just have that come constantly without any effort. Some people claw at the chance of a relationship their whole lives. I have found comf | [View] |
215360 | WISDOMS FROM OLDER NEETs So, I'm entering my 30s soon as NEET, what thing should I look out for to maximize my comfort and lower te probability of problems as I become a more older NEET? So, what wisdom older NEET can share with us? | [View] |
214569 | WELFAREMAXXING Does anyone here did a welfaremaxxing and now are living the good life away from being a wagie? | [View] |
214236 | Catfishing as a NEET/hikki career option Have any of you guys tried catfishing? I've come to the conclusion something like this is my only hope of acquiring a little bit of money. I don't have a degree or any viable skills, and I have such severe social anxiety that I've never been able to work a real job (I was a shut-in for a decade or so). The people I'm dependent on are elderly and in poor heal | [View] |
212750 | thread to share true wizard quotes 14 | [View] |
212138 | true wizards have souls and normies hate it Wizards never lost their morals unless you count degenerates as wizards but hear me out. | [View] |
211617 | Did your social anxiety ever get better? | [View] |
211265 | Hatred is killing me. Junior Wiz in training here. (Interned successfully since birth for Truecel Crab Corp. Ltd.) I find myself literally unable to go through life I am in a perpetual state of rage as a man. | [View] |