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 No.311920[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's have a "official" NEET/Hikikomori thread on /lounge/.
If you're a NEET or a Hikikomori, feel free to post something you think is worth sharing.
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oh…ok I thought it was ' I wish I was a NEET' haha


Being neet is what most people in the world aspire towards, but with 5000x more income than neetbucks.

Being neet is the optimal state in life, it is only problematic because poors who are neet rely on a couple hundred a month to stay alive.
If that same sum was even just a couple thousand, they'd be free to do absolutely anything in life.


What percentage of wiz are NEET? 60%? 85%?


Holy moly! A 41 years old NEET! Care to share some wisdom?


5% or less. There's only one other 30+ neet here I know and he's an inheritance receiver so our lives are very different (I'm on bux)

[Last 50 Posts]

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Post your results from the big five personality test.


I suspect that many wiz are high on neuroticism and low on extraversion
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I'm extreme high openness as well. Conscientiousness and agreeability are pretty mixed for me. The high openness might have made college easier for me but probably also lead to me becoming insane.


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i dont think im open minded


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Same here, that label seems wrong. I may do some introspection and have some personal philosophical thoughts, and appreciate art to some degree, but I still dislike new/different things, which is what "open mindedness" should be about.


Do you think that everyone here is actually nervous or that is not accurate too. its true for me but evetyone being nervous seems off


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The standard is definitely LLLLR, as you would expect. Open-Mindedness looks to be a bit different for people, but still skewing left.

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No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

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Autism IS a mental disorder because it's effect the psychology and mind of a person, it's a neurodevelopmental disorder that affect the mind too.


I sense that you're among the group that believes anyone with any semblance of personality or mental shortcomings is "On the spectrum".


Not all of them. But practically _everyone_ who ends up a wizard male is on the autism spectrum and also has the same thought patterns, hobbies and lifestyles as autistics.

I very likely am, but I haven't gone to the doctor for a diagnosis.


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aah um.. The joke is that the little dragon 'bus isn't wearing any underwear! Hahahaaa!


Lost my temper and was right at the edge of quitting the job I have held for 6 years over petty bullshit.

I need to find a new job before I end up decking one of these smug motherfuckers the next time they get in my face.

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I don't understand what an OS is. why are there several OS? does this mean that one OS is worse than another? Yet each OS does the same thing: start programs. why then create different OS if they all do the same thing? Why is Linux favored by computer enthusiasts instead of Mac OS and Windows? Does one OS do something different that another OS doesn't? why Linux can't launch video games (I hear that often). how different OS; all execute applications in the same way, why create another (OS)
These are questions that I ask myself about OS because it interests me but even after seeing some videos and sites talking about OS to explain it, I still had questions and things to know.
If you know about computers very well, can you try to answer my questions, please?
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sorry, I meant this:
I wanted to say: in your opinion, what are the available/most well-known OSes lacking that would push you to make your own OS, or do the available OSes have everything you need for the moment? and there is no point in creating yet another OS?


Personally Linux fits my needs, but it has many annoyances. Mind you, though, making an OS is not a joke, it took Terry 10 years just to make TempleOS (which is not enough to fit the needs of the vast majority of people) and that's with him being a genius. To realistically make an OS that could fit the needs of non-negligible amounts of people, it would have to be a collective effort and it would need clear goals.
In my opinion making a browser to destroy Chrome and Firefox would be more important. By that I mean a browser that has the goal of being able to access modern/bloated websites and having modern features while NOT being a barely working gigantic bloated mess (reminder that Chrome has more lines of code than the base of Linux), and having many add-ons (possibly being able to use add-ons for Chrome and Firefox), customization options, and useful features all around.


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>In my opinion making a browser to destroy Chrome and Firefox would be more important. By that I mean a browser that has the goal of being able to access modern/bloated websites and having modern features while NOT being a barely working gigantic bloated mess
the problem is that if we make a search engine to compete with Chrome/Firefox, we would have to encourage people to post their website in our browser but also guarantee them that there will be no deletion or archiving of their website. is it good like that?
am I right?


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Sorry, I'm a bit confused by your question again, but I'll try my best…
>if we make a search engine to compete with Chrome/Firefox
Chrome and Firefox are browsers, not search engines.
>we would have to encourage people to post their website in our browser
In case you mean search engines, then I think they usually find new websites automatically somehow, but there are some niche engines like wiby.me (this one is for old school-style websites) where websites have to be manually user-submitted (and reviewed by the admin).
>guarantee them that there will be no deletion or archiving of their website
I'm not sure what the "archiving" part is about, but in case of a search engine, there's no way of guaranteeing that you won't delete things, you can only speak with your actions. For example Google and other mainstream engines censor a lot of websites that they don't like, so they've built a bad reputation and are not trusted by those who know about that.
But if you're talking about some sort of browser feature, then as long as the browser is open source (and the code is not super complex like the big browsers), people can check the code and make sure of that.


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thank for answering, I just want to fill my curiosity but it's going nowhere and I waste people's time (T_T) its just I was daydreaming about making an OS by myself and being so perfect that it beat linux windows and macOS

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Discuss the Christian faith (or theology in general).

How has God helped you in your life?
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Long read.

I was a devout christian most of my life, about roughly two decades. To give you an idea I prayed every single time I went to eat just about anything, including drinking water, every single time. Avoided temptations, etc, etc.

Then I became a gnostic for what lasted unironically one week, before i reverted to some weird mix between protestantism and catholicism as it always was (minus clergy and pope bullshit, then, which in themselves are aberrations according to the bible, none should represent God, even less promote degeneracy if you catch my drift, as well as pedo stuff etc).

Then, I realized not too long ago that, being someone who value objectivity, rationality, and critical-thinking and seek truth no matter the cost, maybe i'd need to actually reflect on my 'beliefs'.

So I thought, what's the origin of christianity. The Bible, so let's study it, let's find if there are any pitfalls, inconsistencies. Turns out there's only that, after all it was written by men. There's a PDF online which lists a lot of them, but i'll refrain from posting it since you can find it yourself if that's something you're willing to study.

Although the PDF is indeed in a sardonic/slightly condescendant tone, a lot of the counter-arguments from it are actually very right.


So, here I am, thinking 'Well bible is useless then. What about god?'. So I thought, let's review why do we believe christianity. Because of generational faith transmission, because of natural selection (faith provided a survival advantage because it improved group cohesion, moreso because heretics and non-believers were killed, meaning genes that would diverge from religious beliefs would be far less spread and less common than the ones who cause people to be more religious, inherently).

Okay, so it means that people believe faith mainly because their parents teached them to (excluding NDEs, drug trips because while important they're way less common, debatable, and because i need something widespread for my example). They didn't really 'see' anything, they just believe what they grew in.

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wizardry is disregarding females and acquiring magic

archwizardry is disregarding the world and acquiring holiness


Based and pragmaticpilled


What a mix of conclusions to arrive at. Sounds Finnish for some reason

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 No.311699[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Previous thread: https://archive.fo/msC0D
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good job king wizzie!


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>literally anyone with even a modicum of success was just lucky. There's no point in putting in any effort. Also, math is racist.
I wish I could think like this. Because I'm a NEET too. But it feels so nihilistic. It feels like I'm encouraging a race to the bottom for humanity if I say those things.
A world where no one tries, no one thinks their capable of anything, any fortune that people have was preordained.
It feels wrong to say people should live like I do because I feel depressed all the time.
Like yeah I'm a failure, but what if someone with actual talent hears that message and decides to do nothing with their life when they could be the next Nichola Tesla or Wright brothers.
And not just on an individual level, but on a societal level too. A society with the level of malaise we have will never be encouraged to do great things like setting up bases on other planets and maybe avoiding an incoming cataclysm that will inevitably hit some day.


You are an absolute retard please consider reading an actual book.


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Reddit detected.


euh… that's still right wing. Any auth regime could have this, actually.

[Last 50 Posts]


Guys do you know any underground websites for crabs or wizard or volcels or whatever the fuck there is that have some advices or informations about life or discussion places or looksmaxxing or whatever there is
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We need looksmaxxing to keep those normies triggered.


A wizard who started looking like a male model wouldn't have self control to stay in celibacy though. They would fuck the first thirsty succubi that throwed herself at him.


>Poor crab


Top project


I don't think looking different would change my level of distrust I hold for basically everyone and most of the systems and government interventions in relationships.

You don't fuck because you can't get anyone to want to fuck you.
I don't fuck because I can't trust anyone to not fuck me over.
We are not the same.

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assuming this meme is true (which i don't know), what word(s) would you use to describe the blue part of the circle. what is that.

it costs them 57$ to make, what is with the remaining 2723$?
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>But I could be misremembering the terms.

the question was what words YOU would use to describe it, not what your teacher taught you, teacher's pet.

doesn't it make more sense to use words you feel more certain about? of course not, disgraceful sage mage like you is just passing the time between sips of liquor.


I am a autodidact.
Just one with a spotty memory. Stop being a jackass.


>Just one with a spotty memory. Stop being a jackass.

i don't mind a spotty memory, i think you are the jackass for coming into a thread obviously critical of the nature of the financial system and what it has turned into, given free choice over how to interpret the facts and choosing to stick with the financial perspective on it this thread was meant to question.

and on top of that this was a chance to be creative and express yourself, finding new ways to communicate the situation. you didn't you just did what i would expect of a dictionary or a search engine. those already exist. you think there is anyone here not capable of using search engines? it wasn't about that.

>I am a autodidact.

you have a long way to go to become an autodidact…


Stop playing scizo troll.


You should have called him a troll first than he did later to you.

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 No.306401[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How is it that white people have become so pathetic and self destructive in modern times? They can't express pride or love for their own people and skin color without being called racist, every predominately white country is expected to be flooded with other ethnic groups, and when those groups begin to take over by way of gaining political power its celebrated as progress. Whites no longer being the majority in their own countries is seen as a good thing, when the inverse would be seen as colonialism. What the hell happened?
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I think it started with the mediterranean, the mingling of european and middle eastern cultures, and the introduction of christianity.
From what I can tell, white people on their own weren't particularly advanced. They were basically the same as any other race, mostly living in small tribes.
But with the mediterranean and trading and learning from the middle east, they were able to make major cities like rome and greece.
Middle eastern people imbedded themselves in european culture.
They taught europeans to follow christianity which is all about "turning the other cheek" and always putting others above yourself. This made europeans easy to subvert whenever necessary.
Then they used europeans as golems to conquer the world through colonization so they can have an international banking network.
Most of the countries ended up getting "decolonized" and earning "independence" but the banking network is still there so middle easterners are ultimately still in control.
Now the europeans served their purpose and aren't useful anymore.


I think that most blacks don't realize that Indians, SEA and Hispanics are licking their chops at the thought of being able to victimize them based on race. Unironically, this is the golden age for blacks, being given affirmative action, welfare and culturally worshipped with white people's weird negrophilia. You think a majority Indian or Chinese society would feel any guilt or remorse over how destitute and poor comparatively blacks are? Will they allow them to star disproportionately in their movies and media? Will they even allow intermarriage with them to be socially acceptable? Absolutely not.

They've reached their apotheosis of cultural relevance and they're hating on the very race that's made it possible, the race that's basically gifted them their Wakanda wank fantasies. It would be almost tragic if they weren't so utterly ungrateful and have a seething hatred for whites, because of that, it's just hilarious.


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If you want to be an eugenist, you better be subtle. The world is rotting with leftardism and heresy

[Last 50 Posts]



>Social integration

Once aliated with proper, positive aliations with others, prosocial people become integrated into society which comes through
understanding and practicing the proper social courtesies and societal
expectations over time. Crick et al. [19], through their research, found
that as a child grows and develops, these evolving changes impact the
child’s cognitive understanding and, as they mature, develop certain
social reasoning skills where their information-processing abilities
improve over time and they become integrated into society as a way of
life. Once integrated into the dierent aspects of society, the tendency
is to make positive contributions to people and communities.
Нese activities positively impact those in the same level and
promote a healthy set of behaviors that are non-aggressive in nature.

>Social outcast stage

Another element in behavioral theory is that there is a relationship
between aggressive mannerisms and a lack of peer acceptance. When
peer-acceptance needs are not met, a person of interest can be labeled
an ‘outcast’ from the school norm at which students avoid this person
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> For support, they turn to others in the same condition, establish a bond with these individuals, and begin to form a self-identification conglomerate or clique which can be quite large at this level.
i think wizchan and other crab/neet communities can be an example to this.


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You'd have to nuke the govt first.


I was one of those. It's not only rejection but also harassment. That cuckery is not even telling it full despite being a damn textwall.

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