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 No.302960[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

General Question: does just reading 4chan for longer than 10-15 minutes make anyone feel awful and almost as if placed into a trance state? I can browse other sites for long periods of time without any ill effects, but if I stay too long on 4chan I begin to feel decidedly sick. Why does this happen?
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the shills are using advanced techniques to bypass people's bullshit filter and attack their state of mind. They false flag themselves as friends, they make the user give an initial cognitive investment and then burn them, they repurpose their well poisoning as authentic, they spam attack visual memes to unconsciously hurt the person's worldview. Electronics always put people into more sedate brainwave states and that's why social media is so powerful, nowadays you can't even relax in your digital community pub because of these parasites.

The day will come for ukraine and mill psyops however. We know who they are and there's a black mark on their back for retribution once we rise above…


I think the key is to subconsciously condition yourself to hate anything coming from liberals a priori so they cannot change the mental channel. I was vaguely distracting myself from full focus on the chans with music and visualizing sharty memes of acking and the like to get to that level. Also slowly associating certain opfor memes or phrases with instant rejection to lower the cognitive load going on. Now my mind instantly defaults to a defensive state in advance of the information being provided.

We are in a war. A 4th generation or higher one where the enemy is trying to place mental constructs and scripts in our head to control what we think before we act. You wouldn't trust a hostile tribe in the field of battle, so why do you trust a sociopath presenting with misleading signals today? Reframe your mind to become defensive and energetic, it is a very spiritual thing


That is by design. After the 2016 election, 4chan became a huge target for three-letter agencies and "anti-hate" NGOs. They have several strategies they employ to disrupt the place, but the most used one - and arguably the most effective - is simply making the boards unbearable to browse. Hiroshigook seems to be aware of this and is implementing some measures to prevent bad actors from trashing the boards.


This is somewhat true. For some reason, trannies are overrepresented on 4chan and X, and they tend to say really weird shit


the registration system for pol definitely worked in cutting down the crap. The board resembles normal election cycles with hype threads and spicy takes now. They also are anchoring thing aggressively

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 No.311920[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's have a "official" NEET/Hikikomori thread on /lounge/.
If you're a NEET or a Hikikomori, feel free to post something you think is worth sharing.
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what are you doing NEETs/Hikikomori-wizards?


Gonna play Call of Duty Black Ops 6


I'm done with fps, I played too much when I was younger. why do you still like fps and cod bo6


I just played for dumb fun, bro.


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Post your results from the big five personality test.


I suspect that many wiz are high on neuroticism and low on extraversion
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Do you think it is okay to hurt animals? This means for food, sport, pleasure, or otherwise?

I look at the ways society treats animals, and I'm appalled. Mammals with complex social systems are kept in horrific conditions to produce meat, milk, and other animal products. Chicks are put into a blender live for the terrible crime of being the wrong gender.

It is rather appalling that people seem to so easily accept carnism despite the suffering that is behind the production of meat. Sure, animals make each other suffer and they also eat each other. However, unlike them, we have the choice to do differently. Yet so many don't. Eating meat is so, so horrifically cruel.
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The world is full of animals that have basic repetitive diets depending on their immediate environment. But supposedly humans need insanely complex, varied diets. Why would we be different and unique in this way? It doesn't make sense biologically and i dont buy it.

>Sure, animals make each other suffer and they also eat each other. However, unlike them, we have the choice to do differently. Yet so many don't. Eating meat is so, so horrifically cruel.
Reality - life - is cruel. This needs to be accepted. You are part of it and you can't just reshape it. Your feelings about cruelty are just arbitrary cultural programming that should be seen through.


>Imagine the scale of death and destruction if gorillas or lions had the IQ of humans and were able to talk and use tools extensively.
DC comics has a long history of imagining just that. There are several super villains who are basically gorilas but also smart.


>But supposedly humans need insanely complex, varied diets.
The same can be said of basically every other omnivore.
Omnivores usually have/need very complex varied diets to maximize their health.
Can you really think of a omnivore that when in nature only eats one or two things in a repetitive diet?


Nature's omnivores eat varied food due to eating whatever is available or in season.

Humans have the capability of eating every food from every hemisphere even if they live 12,000 kilometers away from the place where the food was grown.
It isn't too hard to create a balanced diet of various meats, vegetables and fruits, then stick to it forever as long as it has all the micronutrients you need.

There's no need for variety except for fending off boredom or the desire to taste new things and novelty foods.


What is even your core argument here?
That humans should eat bland human chow or something? Because reasons?

Even most carnivores and herbivores when outside of captivity eat a pretty large variety of things. Most aren't like pandas or whatever that only eat one thing always and forever.
At this point I don't even understand what you are complaining about nor the principle for which you base it on.

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I am a failed normie. Probably. Either way. Do you remember Chrono Trigger? Good game in my book. I had a humiliating school experience as a kid. For 5 years I was trying to work as a teacher and became a subject of bullying from elementary wealthy well-off suckers. Just like in the good ole times. The eternal reacurrance of Nietzsche makes much more sense now. Anyway. I am 36 yo old and I am an old boy still. Deep down I feel I did not sell my soul to the tribes of modernity. I am glad I failed at being a normie. Thank you for wizard chan. There are worse things then being what normies called "loser". So if you are a crab, a wizard or whatever, don't hate yourself please for not fitting in the modern society. It sucks. Deep down even normies know that. They are just too well off to admit it and walk away. And they are too stuck in their own ego to say to us, the losers: Sorry. Thank you. Please. Deep down they know that they deserve what is coming to them. What is coming to all flesh.
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With Freddy's case, he's so physically incompatible with other humans and had no marketable skills or achievements (aside from running a forum that at the time was burning with a hatred for succubi). He went on to warn others that any succubus willing to show any interest in a guy like him must be clinically deranged and dangerous.
>fat ugly succubus who shat on his bed
This is funny, because Freddy 2024 is an obese transvestite who commissions fetish art of his ugly fat fursona shitting the bed. Midgetry, not even once.


If it was still the 00s we'd have a closer clone and competitors. Imageboards died in 2014 (at the latest).


>an ugly cow gf they feel like they ascended and "made it"

heh i member when old friends of mine got their cows and then i did not want to hang out with them anymore.

when i was young i did not believe it. i refused to accept it but time and time again i have seen dudes ruined by the stupid cows they were with. domesticated them like dogs into compliant terror-victim type of dudes. these hoes just traumatize men.

i don't think the wizzards in here have sufficient pride in themselves for NOT having their life ruined by some stupid corrupted old bag with princess programming trying to theater her way into playing monarchy with the lives of good men.


I don't know who you are, but you made me think better of myself anon…. gracias


wow just realized i am histrionic. was too narcissistic to notice

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Do you think there's any truth to this shit?
The part about gradually tensing and releasing muscles reminds me of techniques used in hypnosis, and I've also read about it being used by practitioners of "OBEs".
As well, the breathing pattern reminds me of that "wim hof" thing or whatever it's called. Where you breathe in a specific way and become a nordic ninja werewolf or something like that.
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go fuck yourself thot



so you never went outside and people wanted to meet you? i don't even believe you, that's just you pretending to have an excuse for being offended, that must be your favorite emotion.


>Do you think there's any truth to this shit?
Looks like standard progressive relaxation followed by normal mediation.
Nothing really that exceptional about it. I don't know about replacing sleep with it, and the suspended animation thing is just dumb, but it's a decent breathing/meditation exercise that is likely to have lots of benifits while unlikely to have too many negatives, unlike some breathing/meditation techniques.

Also, while yes progressive relaxation is also used for some inductions in hypnosis, it isn't the only use of progressive relaxation. This particular application is pretty unrelated.

>the breathing pattern reminds me of that "wim hof" thing or whatever it's called

only really related in that both are breathing techniques. Other than that they couldn't be any more diffrent. Wim Hof uses a combination of hyperventilation and held breath pauses with muscle flexing to dramatically raise body temperature and force very oxygenated blood to the extremities at will.
>Where you breathe in a specific way and become a nordic ninja werewolf or something like that.
lol, no.
Wim Hof method is just about learning to raise body temperature at will using breathing techniques. It can boost your cold resistance with practice but isn't anything supernatural.


As is it yours to remain where you are despised? Indeed it's you who just run out of excuses for being here wailing.


hehe yea
fuck yourself, succubus
film it too
show us hehe

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some people spend their life wishing to be popular but they never know what it is like. they wish for it so bad, but not bad enough to turn into the person everyone likes.

to me it was always effortless and it felt like a burden. once you embody the thing everybody wants, you can't really go anywhere anymore and be left alone because all day people audition for your attention and approval. is just you go somewhere, and everyone gets an electric shock that compells them to come up with just any stupid excuse to force an interaction with you. makes you understand how enslaved the psychology of most people is. most people believe other people will be the solution to their problematic life, which of course is idiocy.

ugly succubi want to entangle you with conflict all day. they seek every opportunity to have some kind of fight with you to the point that you can not go to a place anymore and expect to be treated like a human because the succubi there will treat you like shit, believing this will break the ice. i guess there are men this works on because otherwise they would not do this on such a scale.

i was very popular in school and always had many friends but for the last 10 years i haven't really had friends and i don't miss it. i don't believe i am missing out. social life is just another war and there are no winners in war. i know a lot of you are not wizards by choice but i genuinely believe it is better to wiz then having a social life because i have had a social life. if only the internet wasn't so fucked up and centralized.

i dunno how to explain it better. go in my head, look around and come back out. you'll hate how it is like and realize that being a wizard is better i am sure.
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>I don't know what social rejection is, I don't know what it's like to share moments with others,

the propaganda machine through relentless training and repetition through movies and tv has people think in social expectations that don't necessarily exist. don't fall for theater and then look at yourself weird for being different then the actors, while you are real, they merely pretend they are. something fake can not the role model for something real. it is two completely different operating systems.

>nor do I know what bullying or mistreatment by others is.

all violence, manipulation and degeneracy are rooted in the desire for passive income. of being in a group and having wealth being brought to you though the work of others; specifically people not a high in the group as you so that you don't have to work yourself.

if you don't know what that is like, that means you found a way to dodge the horror that crippled most men at a young age and while most others were befallen by the curse, it did not befall you. congratulations. i dream of a world where every man can be as fortunate as you.


Left looks better (less bad) than right.


>Left looks better (less bad) than right.

i don't know how true this picture is or the circumstances but if it is true, i feel bad for her and the courage to still put up a smile after 7 years of trying in agony. i wouldn't have wanted to meet her before or after but definitely not after all this surgical intervention, what superficial idiot a man has to be to want a plastic surgeried succubus.


friendship is the topic Aristotle wrote about centuries ago. you cannot force it. if your interests are different, you will drift apart. it's kinda sad but its better to be honest


see my bookstore post…
i put up with shit every day from no nothings and shitwits..,
it never ends…
post your greatest encounter with stupidity and how it affected you… thnx

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i am currently building a pc table from steel rod and "wooden boards" (made from sawdust and resin). i was at the ikea and was looking at the tables they sold and i just wanted to show you this one i thought was pretty cool. if i did not build my own, this would be a fine choice i believe, just too big for my little place. i was looking for one that has the dimensions 100cm * 100cm (so i can fit it in the place i actually have perfectly without wasting space) and you don't find these anywhere i have learned. most desks sold are something like 120cm*80cm.

the reason i believe this one from the ikea is cool is because it has so much space to store computer related stuff. it has two little things on the side where speakers can go, it has space on the bottom where the pc can stand, that way it is off the ground and it is easier to keep the floor clean with broom, vacuum and mop (which is more important for airquality then an aircleaner i have learned. all the floors when kept very clean electrically draw dust and particles to it). also it has the second level where the monitor can stand on and that way you can slide the keyboard underneath it if you need the desk for something else.

if i had the space, i would have chosen this one and it would have been a way better experience because building mine already has me like 14 work hours in (because i was stupid and could not find the parts and drove 8 hours one day to several construction stores just to find the stupid parts i was looking for because every store i was at was almost out of parts.) mine will be mostly finished tomorrow and it will have taken around a week with cost of ~230€. if i had just bought the ikea desk, i would have paid more money but i could have solved the desk issue in a single day: 2 hours driving, 1-2 hours getting the thing inside ikea, 2 hours building it at home and then maybe one more hour setting up the pc on it.

i guess they call it a gaming desk for marketing purpose but i think it is a good male desk in general. i sat at it in the store and tried to shake it, it is sturdy enough.
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table is done, shake test passed. i wouldn't call it wobbely but when pressed hard, it behaves kind of like a suspension, very much like it. all of your tables are automatic and mine is manual. is a fine table and it is ok to be jealous, you are probably very jealous at this point because you watched anime while i built a table. may nobody speaketh ill of this honorable table or face the same illness himself!

damn feels good to have build a table.


bad news. pc doesn't fit.
the lower shelf has just enough distance for the to the upper level of the table so that my pc tower fits, but i did not account for the supporting rods underneath the boards so now i am missing ~3cm.

no big deal though, i just replace the 25cm rods from the 5th and 6th leg of the pc with 20cm rods (that i got left over from cutting the 100cm rods into 80cm rods legs #1-4).

this unfortunately means more rust proofing and this means i have to wait 1-2 more days until i can use it fully.

such is life for the diy builder. the instant ikea consumer would have been happily using his computer table for a week now while i am still not done.


OP will NEVER post pics of his table


i'm sitting at the table right now, try not to be jealous. i like it. i may have made it 5cm too high. i did this on purpose to make myself sit straight and not slouch. when i place my arms too long on the table, they start to stain a bit. i may have to shorten the legs 5cm but i keep it like that for a bit, see if it keeps being a bother or if it is just unfamiliar.

what bothers me is that the new (more sturdy) chair i specifically bought for the tablebuild is not soft enough and now my ass gets sore when i sit on the chair for too long. maybe i get used to it. maybe i place a little pillow on the chair.


I've got a height adjustable standing desk. For most of the time I use it with the top of my laptop at about the height of my forehead which provides good viewing ergonomics and also conveniently brings my bubbler up to my mouth level so I don't have to hold it while taking hits. If I want to do extended periods of typing I just lower the desk down. The only real problem is gaming because I want the screen higher up but then it becomes uncomfortable to use the keyboard for long periods. If I played more games I would probably get a monitor and keyboard to fix the problem.

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 No.304779[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I made this thread for posting various kinds of pictures. Feel free to post some too.
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The game is rigged for most


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This is sad but true. Boys learn through mimicry of their father and through direct instruction by their father, but modern society has made it so fathers are separated from their children while working and when they're home they don't actually do anything meaningful, never teach the child how to actually act in the world. Some are better than others, but I think the overall quality of fathers has been degrading as a result of this way of life for generations now. The successful normies had strong fathers who took the time to show their kids how to "level up". They taught them what to value, how to act, and they did it by example rather than just saying it.


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