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 No.302912[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post wiz-centric WEBMs and MP4s in this thread. Politics, "rekd", or normalfag interests are NOT allowed.
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chinese organing a competition on which one to eat first


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【Blades of the Guardians】

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 No.303590[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fred bought 420chan for $4200 a couple months ago, details of the agreement are here: https://420chan.org/contract.pdf
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Anyone here regularly train with gymnastics rings?


Why even give this traitorous, degenerate attention-whore any attention?


that's a past wizchan admin, show some respect


Why give him attention? Why call him a gutless dogfucker? Because he is, and his actions continue to afflict the internet as a whole. It's important to keep tabs on people like him and to laugh at such an abomination's expense. He continues to do evil unto us so we shall make sport of him. Believe it or not, but Freddy is a 100% normal person (at least the brain part) so it's not likely he's beating his little midge meat to our words of hatred.

I assure you that on a board filled by adult men, your train of thought is alien. Asking (and Sageing no less) why we give something we dislike any attention is no different than a gypsy succubus mumbling a "just chill, no bad vibes allowed" mantra.

Well, as of May…


Ewww, it redirects to leftypol.org

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Need more wizard images for my collection. Hard to find good wizard images with the pointy blue hat. Can also be other colors I guess
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how do i know if its autism or adhd? the only thing i have to work off of is that i crave constant novelty far more than repition
i sometimes have trouble with social cues but i don't feel like its that i can't understand them, more that i'm unable to properly concentrate on the conversation
maybe its all stupid to worry about
>inb4 adhd isnt real
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To copy and paste some stuff because I am tired.

Non-medication treatments for ADHD include: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), behavioral modification techniques, exercise, structured routines, organizational strategies, social skills training, parent training, mindfulness practices, neurofeedback, and dietary adjustments (depending on individual needs), all aimed at managing symptoms like inattention and hyperactivity without relying on medication.
Key aspects of non-medication ADHD management:
Behavioral therapy:
This is a primary non-medication approach, often including techniques like setting clear expectations, providing positive reinforcement, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and managing distractions.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT):
Helps individuals identify and change unhelpful thought patterns that contribute to ADHD challenges.
Organizational skills training:
Learning strategies to manage time, prioritize tasks, and keep belongings organized.
Physical activity:
Regular exercise can significantly improve focus and mood, making it a valuable tool for managing ADHD symptoms.
Sleep hygiene:
Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine can positively impact attention and behavior.
Social skills training:
Learning strategies to navigate social interactions effectively.
Parent training:
Educating parents on how to best support their child with ADHD through positive reinforcement and consistent discipline.
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It's funny that normalfags have hijacked these two disorders so much that all I think about it tiktok-brained zoomers who try to fill the hole in their chest with 'adhd' and 'autism'.


I don't understand why they hijack everything even stuff they made of.


normies can't stand exclusivity, it's the same reason why we have an illusion of democracy
whenever a normie sees something he does not have, his brain instantly goes
crabs and their attitude towards sex is no different in this regard
crabs are just failed normies, and it is also typical normie behavior to destroy what they can't have, so crabs make it their life mission to hate on succubi
the real rich people know about this behavior, so they provide normies with cheap substitutes of exclusive things
to keep the normies docile, to make them think that they got a taste of what the "elites" have


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 No.314581[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I don't understand what an OS is. why are there several OS? does this mean that one OS is worse than another? Yet each OS does the same thing: start programs. why then create different OS if they all do the same thing? Why is Linux favored by computer enthusiasts instead of Mac OS and Windows? Does one OS do something different that another OS doesn't? why Linux can't launch video games (I hear that often). how different OS; all execute applications in the same way, why create another (OS)
These are questions that I ask myself about OS because it interests me but even after seeing some videos and sites talking about OS to explain it, I still had questions and things to know.
If you know about computers very well, can you try to answer my questions, please?
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why is there different distro? it's weird, why they don't do like windows? there's one OS windows but for linux there's a lot of versions, why so?


There are actually several versions of each windows generation.

But to answer your question.
Anyone with the knowledge, time, and will, can create their own distro since it's open source.

Meanwhile Windows is closed source and created/developed by a single company who has ultimate control over what windows will and won't be.

That said the linux developers tend to be ultra gay radical leftist extremest, while windows developers are soulless corpos.
Nether is ideal.


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ok I see thank you
>That said the linux developers tend to be ultra gay radical leftist extremest, while windows developers are soulless corpos.
Nether is ideal.
its time to make our own OS haha


I use Lubuntu, I love it. No bloat, just what I need.


Apple's OS X is the ultimate user friendly Linux distro which is very intuitive to use, and much smoother and snappier than Windows.

Unfortunately it's maintained by a shitcorporation that I refuse to give money to, and Hackintosh solutions are wonky at best (driver support etc)

[Last 50 Posts]

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Hitler's thread:
Paintings or things related to him or to national socialism.

- Painting of a castle.
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The problem is warrior nobilities were based on multiple hereditary traits running in a bloodline such as physical size and strength, intelligence, inclinity towards martial prowess (with close range weapons) and fearlessness combined with courage.

Now try to put a value on those traits in the age of the atomic bomb, hellfire drones and landmines.

No longer can one great man be worth 50 ordinary men on the battlefield. Now it's one soulless hunk of exploding metal flying through the air that can wipe out hundreds of men without them having any chance of fighting back.

There is no more nobility. Nor honor, or anything else but the cold autistic rule of whoever has the most explosive devices and the masses of personnel to utilize them.


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>The German people descended from Thule through the Hyperborean North.

Aztecs also believe they descended from a magical island. I cant believe somebody think this is true.


What's your theory on abiogenesis?


Judaeo-masonry will fall. It was all for nothing in the end, kikes.



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It's called wizchan but I've never once seen anyone talk about magic here. Do you like (real) magic?
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How were you first exposed to magic? What made you interested?


I was a natural, i figured it out myself through schizo intuition. only later did i find a quote by crowley

"Aleister Crowley, an English occultist, defined magic as the science and art of changing reality in accordance with one's will"

im also an artist and i would notice the way art manipulated people. Like the beatles singing songs might as well be them chanting spells to get all those succubi screaming for them.

i was also into comic books when i was younger and writers like alan moore and grant morrisson were into the occult.

funny enough it was seeing the kek deity be summoned into real life through meme magick that confirmed for me there was something to this stuff.

I have tried chaos magick, making sigils, but they never worked.
Im mostly into what is called mundane astrology nowadays.


that just sounds like ordinary doing things to achieve things
if i want food to appear on my plate, i have to do the cooking, but i wouldnt call it magic
and sure, lots of bands play with the goal of getting the succubi


Yeah, that poster is a larper.

Though I do regard some chemical reactions as magic, like when you cook food and it caramelizes on the surface (Maillard reaction).
Or how mixing magnesium salts with other chemicals produces a bright blinding light.
Or how a synthetic drug created by a random lab guy in China can make you experience very vivid lucid dreams while you're awake.

A lot of things in the world feel inexplicable of magical even when there's science involved.

Heck, to me even 5G mobile connections are close to magic. You sit in a random, basement and your handheld device somehow has enough signal strength to connect to a cell mast 30 miles away with a 50ms latency.

We do live in an incredible world even if it is depressing much of the time. And if Elon Musk has diagnosed severe depression, then no amount of money, achievements or life experiences can shield you from it either.


>only later did i find a quote by crowley
>"Aleister Crowley, an English occultist, defined magic as the science and art of changing reality in accordance with one's will"

I know it's probably not what you meant, but I would totally buy that someone like Crowley would talk about himself in the third person lol


I just saw a herd of deer with 5 bucks with antlers in it. That's the most bucks I've ever seen together at one time.

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I am a third worlder poor virgin, and i finally gonna able to afford making a pc which will cost me around 450$, i would like to know from all the pc builders/users that if it's worth the deal. So here are the specs

Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600
Motherboard: Asus Prime A520M-K / Gigabyte A520mk
Graphics Card: NINJA RX 580 8GB
RAM: ORETON 8GB*2 3200MHZ (16GB)
Storage: Oreton 256GB M.2 NVM SSD
PSU: Value-Top NEO Q 450M Real 450W ATX Power Supply
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Yes, but you may want to choose a cheaper motherboard. I only chose that one because it was on sale at the time for like $50. There's no real reason to get that particular one other than cost which is no longer the case.


this one good? theres too much model, I don't know what they do (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)


I'mma be real with you bro, if you're not gonna take the time to learn what any of this does, you shouldn't be building a PC. It's really not that complicated to learn, but if you don't want to, it makes far more sense to just buy a prebuilt computer than to try and build one yourself.




I second prebuilds.
If you know the basics of what stuff should cost and what's good then you can find decent deals and builds that will do what you want in a reasonable budget range.
Sure you won't likely get the very best of the best price compared to buying each part individually but it's nowhere near as bad as it was 15+ years ago when buying a prebuild meant getting totally suckered on the price.

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Post your results from the big five personality test.


I suspect that many wiz are high on neuroticism and low on extraversion
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tl;dr: checks out
High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.

You thrive on new ideas and creative thinking.

Your percentile: 94

High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.

You thrive on structure, discipline, and completing tasks to a high standard.

Your percentile: 86

High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.

You prefer smaller gatherings and occasional social interactions.
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A lot of you guys are getting high scores on "negative emotionality" but I got all five of my traits on the left.


High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.

You prefer stability and routine, avoiding unfamiliar ideas.

Your percentile: 24


High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.

You are extremely easy-going and prefer freedom over structure or routine.

Your percentile: 5

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