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 No.314581[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I don't understand what an OS is. why are there several OS? does this mean that one OS is worse than another? Yet each OS does the same thing: start programs. why then create different OS if they all do the same thing? Why is Linux favored by computer enthusiasts instead of Mac OS and Windows? Does one OS do something different that another OS doesn't? why Linux can't launch video games (I hear that often). how different OS; all execute applications in the same way, why create another (OS)
These are questions that I ask myself about OS because it interests me but even after seeing some videos and sites talking about OS to explain it, I still had questions and things to know.
If you know about computers very well, can you try to answer my questions, please?
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OP here, I have question concerning internet but I don't want to make a thread just for that so I post it in my thread (but this is still an OS thread)
the questions:
which search engine has the most sites indexed? do all search engines share indexed sites (does google give access to their site catalog to other search engines)
What is a non-indexed site? why do you need a special search engine to navigate non-indexed sites?
how many sites are in the dark web?
Let's imagine that I want to create an OS, and in it I create a search engine that can access both indexed sites and non-indexed sites? there would therefore be a search engine with a very large site catalog.


>which search engine has the most sites indexed?
Google, second place Bing.
> do all search engines share indexed sites (does google give access to their site catalog to other search engines)
Typically a different site will need to purchase indexes from other producers. DuckDuckGo pays money for Microsoft's Bing index.

>Let's imagine that I want to create an OS, and in it I create a search engine that can access both indexed sites and non-indexed sites?

You don't want to do that, and in any case it is unnecessary to create an OS just for your search engine.
The smallest and most appropriate starting project for this is to create a handful of web spiders. There are a lot of instructions for how to do that online. I would recommend building your database around JSON so that you can use similar interfaces for your web search as are already implemented in video-searching tools such as yt-dlp. There is no part of the customized web search engine pipeline that benefits from being housed in a customized OS.


Forgot to mention, the biggest reason to produce your own web spiders is to build indexes of specific and particular sites and not the entire internet. Places like Pixiv, danbooru, artstation, deviantart etc. for image searching, stuff like that.

Non-indexed sites are typically sites that have a robots.txt instruction which is respected by a major search provider so their spiders don't crawl them. Special search engines do not respect these instructions. Nobody really knows how many such sites there are, they are typically uninteresting or unwelcoming places to people who do not hear of them through non-search-related, 'proper' channels. Like certain niche imageboards. I think most imageboards built by-and-for female users use robots.txt to avoid male and transgender attention to their boring, niche cyberbullying and cosplayer-gossip boards, for example.


thank you, so if I buy all the websites from browsers for my browser, will I make the utlimate browser?
I think I also heard about a imageboard that need to know the link to go there. can't remember.
also what is ognion for (is it the same as tor?)


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>You should try studying english elsewhere

[Last 50 Posts]

 No.312907[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We really can't stop winning wiz bros while dumb cattle who follow blindly the media fell victim to one of the biggest pharma corpo scams of the century and to this day, they keep losing.
They bought into the psyop, wore double masks, took the jab and got triple quadruple boosted, and even got into fights with people who did not want to take the deadly jab. These npc cattle shilled for it as well on social media, it wasn't enough for them to take it themselves, they wanted everyone to be vaxxed.

On the other hand, every intelligent wizard was able to tell from a mile away that it was fishy, you can just do a quick research and see that Pfizer CEO is a kike and kikes have a bad reputation, as liars and fraudsters. The kikes behind the media were pushing for this state of emergency and lockdowns due to a harmless virus that supposedly came from china, yet wizards did not fall for it because we knew it was bullshit.
Everyone that took the vaxx might as well be dead, because in their compliance for the powers that be their human freedom was gone as well. Their spirit to be free from mental slavery was not there, maybe it was never there in the first place.

I did not fall for it and wasn't afraid because I've been gifted with foresight. Now, almost 5 years later, the sheep have to admit they were wrong and got manipulated, that the vaccines were not safe and effective. That the science was more concerned with money than with saving lives.

>AstraZeneca withdrawing Covid vaccine, months after admitting rare side effect. The Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide, months after the pharmaceutical giant admitted for the first time in court documents that it can cause a rare and dangerous side effect

>AstraZeneca has insisted the decision to withdraw the vaccine is not linked to the court case or its admission that it can cause TTS. It said the timing was pure coincidence.

Stay strong, wiz bros, and remember: the biggest hoax is reproduction.
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9/11 was jews. it was retaliation for the first 9/11 aka Tisha B'Av (9 in 11) which occurred in 72AD. there were no planes on 9/11, only bombs.

COVID was jews. COVID is the kabbalistic concept of demonic possession reversed – DIVOC.

CORONA stands for – Coordinate Routing Nano-networks (https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2800795.2800809)

The 19 is numerological signalling corresponding to the position of the first and ninth letters of our alphabet – A and I.

Thus "COVID 19" means something akin to "Demonic AI".

Jews at the (((CDC))) declared the pandemic on March 11 2020 (3 x 11 x 2020 = 66660).

The purpose of ((( their ))) virus hoax was indeed depopulation. Interpreting Judaism as a longstanding cult-system whose singular purpose is the thinning of the number of living goyim is a sound interpretation. Everywhere in their Talmud you may read how vehemently their "sages" advise them to weaken and kill goyim wherever this can be done discreetly and effectively. Feminism, transgenderism, anti-natalism, mass immigration, vaccines, wars, veganism, abortion, even pornography, are all jewish weapons designed with the unambiguous purpose of cratering the number of existing gentiles. You will have observed that in all of these satanic depopulating projects *gradualness of effect* is a key strategic characteristic. Expecting everyone all at once to drop to the floor and die is insulting to the practiced plotting intelligence of the murderous wealthy jews behind this crime. Have you not noticed how much older everyone looks (all the vaccinated have aged 2-3 decades in 2-3 years)?

Please stop taking vaccines. I will freely say that I never knew humanity was this stupid. I was and remain genuinely shocked.


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Please consider getting back on your medications.
Your ramblings over the years on this board have become more and more unintelligible.


just ran this bad boy through the "writing to iq estimator" and it came back at 124! holy fuck.


>jews are seething


many cases like this. still cant tell if it's engineered or the idiots are naturally generated

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.310890[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why are many here are certified /pol/tards ?
I do not Care About politics, I could never effect or change anything in my own country's politics, but I am wonderibg what makes many social outcasts, perma virgins, and Hikis attracted to that board's ideaolgy
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"with a conscience who decided to side with the working class"

All their contrivance and machination, their 'politick' and scripture, were all nothing more than charade and cheer whose end target was to fatten their already pot sized bellies and pass time. That was the case then, and is still the case now. No one does anything for the working man besides the individual working man himself.

Now, on point of all aristocrat stock, only Kant matters. Everyone else, Schopenhauer most especial, took to filling up their halcyon days with writing once their poor share of entertainment rescinded in its value. Everything you see is a product of boredom, to repeat. A substitute to pass hours. Empty musing. All these men would be playing video games and reading scifi fantasy if today they existed, exercising their tremendous boredom into theorycrafting for Elden Ring. They wouldn't give a fuck.


A higher aristocrat is at the end no less a man whose belly is fatter and his head infinitely plagued by boredom comparative to his 'lesser', or rather 'lower' aristocrat compatriot. As down the poll we go, the smaller the bellies, the more in-reality the people become.


So you have no housing, no water, no money, no electricity, no gas, you live completely isolated self-sufficient and do not depend on other people, health system, infrastructure, digital services in any way? Hard to believe especially because you have the means to post here.


Schopenhauer and Marx are equivalent to a very wealthy NEET today.
But with so much more stimuli available today versus then, yes, they'd probably be immersed in travel, video games, drugs or just sleeping.

Would someone like them born today stand up for poor employees? Absolutely not.


>Would someone like them born today stand up for poor employees?
did they say something on poor people? if yes, then apply it nowdays

[Last 50 Posts]

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I see a lot of threads on wizchan about people venting about how bad life is and such. Why don't we have a thread dedicated to just that. Wizards venting about life and other wizards lending an ear and maybe some advice.


Imagine being indian and bathing in shit river right now

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Do you think there's any truth to this shit?
The part about gradually tensing and releasing muscles reminds me of techniques used in hypnosis, and I've also read about it being used by practitioners of "OBEs".
As well, the breathing pattern reminds me of that "wim hof" thing or whatever it's called. Where you breathe in a specific way and become a nordic ninja werewolf or something like that.
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As is it yours to remain where you are despised? Indeed it's you who just run out of excuses for being here wailing.


hehe yea
fuck yourself, succubus
film it too
show us hehe


focusing on my breathing gives me panic attacks now, if you're not in a good mental state then doing this shit is dumb desu
if you want to achieve what feels like a state of meditation or an out of body experience that would take hours to work up to, just do some acid or shrooms instead and you'll get much farther than any amount of breathing techniques


This seems like intentionally the worst advice humanly possible.
Why bump this this thread just to troll?


actually its weird, a couple of weeks ago i was researching breathing teqniques, apparently there is one called Holotropic Breathwork. Apparently you can get high just by breathing really fast


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have you ever heard about combining budhism with christianity? what would it be like to live as such a person. powerful? sublime? intelligent? peaceful? beyond envy? woudln't it be the way to deal with sadness of the modern loneliness plague
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Christians are pathetic.


The only thing pathetic is your faggot crab ass on this forum, we all are pathetic here, otherwise we would have never been on this forum to begin with


No, this is not a forum for pathetic losers. It is a forum for wizards - adult men who choose to remain virgins. If that makes us pathetic in your eyes, then you're the faggot.


If you have a true choice in the matter, then yes, as a principle someone sticking to it shows willpower and resilience.

But for a far balding geek who couldn't even match a transgender dwarf on Tinder let alone talk to succubi, it isn't like they're "choosing" to be virgins.

And for every tall handsome Bruce Wayne who has his life together but abstains from sex, there are at least a million fat weird neckbeards who are virgins simply because succubi find them disgusting.

And the latter type to me isn't wizardly in any way.

I'm an ugly, short guy but at least I try to maintain hygiene and feed myself through honest work. I've never tested if my virginity is voluntary, but based on my previous life experiences with succubi, I'm pretty sure not a single one of them in this country would have sex with me.


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Theres a name for that, its Gnosticism, or atleast Christian Gnosticism since theres many forms of it.
However, the fundamental beliefs of buddhism and gnosticism, which is rejection of the material world, its god(s), and an afterlife, that enlightenment would be above all of it, are entirely incompatible with Christian theology. The gnostics say Christ came to the world to teach enlightenment to the world to free us from the demiurge (god).
Its mostly a dead religion that attracts a few /x/ schizos here and there, and theres a lot of theological holes in its teachings. I don't like gnosticism personally but its an interesting concept, and buddhism and gnosticism have a really interesting aesthetic in a modern context.

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Many, many years ago, I think it was 2017 I really wanted to help fellow wizzies.

So I got rich off crypto, yes, one of those early adopter guys.

In 2017 or so Ethereum was just starting to take hold. It cost around 7$ to 14$.

I did some modelling and extrapolated that it has extremely high likelihood of replicating Bitcoin's initial success due to tokenomic system.

I made a post on wizchan back in the day (forgot which domain) and told you wizzies to buy ETH as it will most likely go up 100x and you will all be rich like me.

Guess what happened next? Admin deleted the thread for no reason. I tried to help and admin just deleted the thread and warned me.

Of course ETH did 100x at least. All what I said happened over the course of next few years. If any lucky wizards read the thread before it got deleted you'd be rich right now.

It's really sad and kind of disgusting moderators did this and shot community in the foot. I really wanted to help and nothing more. For wizards like us getting rich is the ONLY redemption we can hope for.
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Please stop posting, you know absolutely nothing about *real world* economy.
>just stop being poor bro
>just start from nothing and try to catch up with the IRS and billion dollar companies as competition bro



wasnt gonna post til read said post.

i genuinely believe i am cursed, not ha ha rite ok j/k

like legit unexplainable bad luck for my entire life.

ive studied it and tried to break it my entire like, minimal success.

My Present Theory:

as poster im replyin to said,

i believe we are in some kind of a simulation, call it whatever you want to call it, and most of us are meant to play a part, we volunteered to come here for it. Response: why would we volunteer for a life that sucks ass??

i dont know.

but i believe we are here to play a part, its wy we cant really alter it at all, and someone radically altering their life is almost un heard of.

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>He deduced someone's reasonably sensible posts down to a vague strawman sentence and added "bro" again
Now it's just sad


I still do. Worthless as shit, not even currency, those pieces of software are.

Only when values do not fluctuate and a solid, nearby, collective and variated organization of markets can give you guarantees of it being accepted, is any of these "currencies" worth having. Like coupons.


A gypsy usually gives lies mixed with truths, or avoids useful truths. I'd do my research about it.

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 No.302912[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post wiz-centric WEBMs and MP4s in this thread. Politics, "rekd", or normalfag interests are NOT allowed.
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chinese organing a competition on which one to eat first


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【Blades of the Guardians】

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 No.303590[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fred bought 420chan for $4200 a couple months ago, details of the agreement are here: https://420chan.org/contract.pdf
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Anyone here regularly train with gymnastics rings?


Why even give this traitorous, degenerate attention-whore any attention?


that's a past wizchan admin, show some respect


Why give him attention? Why call him a gutless dogfucker? Because he is, and his actions continue to afflict the internet as a whole. It's important to keep tabs on people like him and to laugh at such an abomination's expense. He continues to do evil unto us so we shall make sport of him. Believe it or not, but Freddy is a 100% normal person (at least the brain part) so it's not likely he's beating his little midge meat to our words of hatred.

I assure you that on a board filled by adult men, your train of thought is alien. Asking (and Sageing no less) why we give something we dislike any attention is no different than a gypsy succubus mumbling a "just chill, no bad vibes allowed" mantra.

Well, as of May…


Ewww, it redirects to leftypol.org

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Need more wizard images for my collection. Hard to find good wizard images with the pointy blue hat. Can also be other colors I guess
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