>>317350>>317351>>3173559/11 was jews. it was retaliation for the first 9/11 aka Tisha B'Av (9 in 11) which occurred in 72AD. there were no planes on 9/11, only bombs.
COVID was jews. COVID is the kabbalistic concept of demonic possession reversed – DIVOC.
CORONA stands for – Coordinate Routing Nano-networks (
The 19 is numerological signalling corresponding to the position of the first and ninth letters of our alphabet – A and I.
Thus "COVID 19" means something akin to "Demonic AI".
Jews at the (((CDC))) declared the pandemic on March 11 2020 (3 x 11 x 2020 = 66660).
The purpose of ((( their ))) virus hoax was indeed depopulation. Interpreting Judaism as a longstanding cult-system whose singular purpose is the thinning of the number of living goyim is a sound interpretation. Everywhere in their Talmud you may read how vehemently their "sages" advise them to weaken and kill goyim wherever this can be done discreetly and effectively. Feminism, transgenderism, anti-natalism, mass immigration, vaccines, wars, veganism, abortion, even pornography, are all jewish weapons designed with the unambiguous purpose of cratering the number of existing gentiles. You will have observed that in all of these satanic depopulating projects *gradualness of effect* is a key strategic characteristic. Expecting everyone all at once to drop to the floor and die is insulting to the practiced plotting intelligence of the murderous wealthy jews behind this crime. Have you not noticed how much older everyone looks (all the vaccinated have aged 2-3 decades in 2-3 years)?
Please stop taking vaccines. I will freely say that I never knew humanity was this stupid. I was and remain genuinely shocked.