>>309821 (OP)no incantation here, but seek and understand this man's ways. he is a former hiring manager, and his content has personally helped me earn my keep when i was forced by circumstance to move out and seek employment with no formal education and poor prior work experience
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdoF6gSVWF8the essence of his advice and what made interviews click with me is this: hiring managers look for people to fit their job post, not find jobs for people. reread that because it's an important distinction. if they have a square peg and you are a triangle, you will have to mold yourself into a square (at least temporarily for the purposes of the interview), until you secure the contract. in this world, people are not entitled to a job. if you do not fit their mold, if you cannot communicate how you fit their mold, you will not get the job
the great myth and error people make is somehow assuming that just because they have the qualifications on paper, that they are fit for the job. they must communicate HOW they fit into the company culture, personality they're looking for, or what have you, and that is a completely different thing than just saying "but i have X qualification, therefore i am entitled to Y job." remember, just getting the interview means they already feel you can do the job. the interview is for you to secure that they made the right choice
the good news is that this human flexibility means you can turn the tables and twist this to punch above your weight: you might be surprised how many jobs you can now get with seemingly unrelated or missing qualifications, just because the candidate somehow convinced the hiring manager that they would be a good fit. that is someone who has bent the mold to their advantage, not be at the mercy of it