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[–]  No.309821>>309822>>312467>>317528>>317770>>317772[Watch Thread]

Getting a job has proven to be nigh impossible and it frustrates the hell out of me. It's been one week since my seventh interview, and like all others, I've gotten no call from the company. All that I am seeking is entry level minimum wage bogus, because that's all I'm qualified for. I'm mildly autistic, I'd put myself at a two or three on a scale of ten. Not impaired enough for anyone to sense it, I just come off as an awkward and quiet man. That being the case, I feel like all my interviews have been good enough, I can answer the questions given to me aptly and in a polite manner. So I really don't know I am doing wrong for the interviews. Does anyone know of any incantations to use on an interviewer that would guarantee employment?

[–]  No.309822>>309826

>>309821 (OP)
no incantation here, but seek and understand this man's ways. he is a former hiring manager, and his content has personally helped me earn my keep when i was forced by circumstance to move out and seek employment with no formal education and poor prior work experience


the essence of his advice and what made interviews click with me is this: hiring managers look for people to fit their job post, not find jobs for people. reread that because it's an important distinction. if they have a square peg and you are a triangle, you will have to mold yourself into a square (at least temporarily for the purposes of the interview), until you secure the contract. in this world, people are not entitled to a job. if you do not fit their mold, if you cannot communicate how you fit their mold, you will not get the job

the great myth and error people make is somehow assuming that just because they have the qualifications on paper, that they are fit for the job. they must communicate HOW they fit into the company culture, personality they're looking for, or what have you, and that is a completely different thing than just saying "but i have X qualification, therefore i am entitled to Y job." remember, just getting the interview means they already feel you can do the job. the interview is for you to secure that they made the right choice

the good news is that this human flexibility means you can turn the tables and twist this to punch above your weight: you might be surprised how many jobs you can now get with seemingly unrelated or missing qualifications, just because the candidate somehow convinced the hiring manager that they would be a good fit. that is someone who has bent the mold to their advantage, not be at the mercy of it

[–]  No.309823>>309826

If it needs an interview, it's not entry level. You're aiming too high. Go to a temporary employment agency and they'll give you a job at a box moving facility.

[–]  No.309826>>309827

Well, I would say that my explanative skills are sub-par at best. Really doubt I'd get anywhere by trying to bullcrap a man into thinking I'm fit for work I have no prior experience in. Wish an interview could be as simple as sitting down with the manager and saying "Yeah I get that working in this greasy hell hole sucks, but just hire me and I'll do what I need to do."
I did contact an employment agency months ago but they replied with a text in broken and misspelled English so that turned me off and I never responded. Might be a good idea to hit another.

Thank you two anons, your input is appreciated

[–]  No.309827

think of it as less bullcrap, and more connecting the dots for them. they are looking for A, B, and C characteristics to do job X, Y, and Z. Oh, and it just so happens you're the person for the job, because you have A, B, and C qualifications and can do X, Y, an Z jobs. obviously this is all very generic advice, and the truly best advice is to mold yourself into what they're looking for. to tailor the resume, the interview, the candidate (you) to be as hirable and appealing as possible, at least until you secure the deal

best of luck out there wizzie

[–]  No.309873>>309885>>313630>>316871

>I feel like all my interviews have been good enough, I can answer the questions given to me aptly and in a polite manner.

Looks, height, race, sex, age and perceived social skills are mostly what determines the outcome of a job interview more than anything else. A young perky blond bitch can pretty much get any job she wants even if she's under qualified (that's how you end up with all these succubi that have useless jobs but still make six figures). A balding brown manlet is gonna have the odds stacked against him no matter how qualified he is.
In your case it's almost certainly the 'tism that's doing you in. I'm not autistic, but I'm a bit socially off despite my best efforts and it's definitely affected me during job interviews as well. If people pick up on even the slightest hint that you're socially different than them, it's over.

Also, certain jobs are associated with certain groups of people. You'll find it difficult to get a job in housekeeping or as a domestic cleaner if you're a man, even if the job doesn't require any qualifications. Many cafes or restaurants will only employ young succubi to serve as waitresses with the occasional hot guy. And ever see a guy working at a lingerie store? Didn't think so, even though gender discrimination is technically illegal.

For guys like you (and me for that matter) you either need to find a job that insta hires people with no interview (look into temp agencies) or develop skills that are so in demand the pool of candidates is low enough they don't get to be picky about superficial bullshit.

[–]  No.309885

>Looks, height, race, sex, age and perceived social skills are mostly what determines the outcome of a job interview more than anything else

[–]  No.312467

>>309821 (OP)
You might have projector's aura. Which means you should never go after things to achieve them, but await for an invitation towards something, and it needs to be the right something, with chances of getting away whenever you need it, if you do not want to end up messed up badly.

Check here:https://sanctuarybykristenrice.com/bloghome/humandesignprojectors
(do not fall for paying a thing, there are apps which can tell you everything about your type and strategy and many things more, this page is worth just its text)

[–]  No.313630

this wizard knows

[–]  No.316871

Interwiewers today are basically asking you to lick their boot. I didn't even want to answer the "why do you wish to work with us"?

They aren't worth a single penny got for them.

[–]  No.316882>>316884>>317759

Did you know recruiter ladies have their exclusive groups on facebook, discord, etc.? They share personal data and pictures of people they interview, and warn other recruiters about "creepy crabs"

[–]  No.316884

That strongly depends on the industry.

[–]  No.317528

>>309821 (OP)
Start your own business

[–]  No.317759

You should tell them. Find them crabs and tell them. The bitch might get sued

[–]  No.317770

>>309821 (OP)
I am like you with no skills or any degrees, I gave up at this point, my only hope is my family finding a job for me.

[–]  No.317772

>>309821 (OP)
Go to your containment board and stay there

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