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R: 294 / I: 33

Politics Thread #86: YOU HAVE SEVEN DAYS


Previous thread: https://archive.fo/oMDB8
R: 78 / I: 21

Cyberpunk thread

I hate cyberpunk 2077, it failed at depict a cyberpunk. it mimics cyberpunk and looks like a gta game in the future they should have made the game based on the genre and not only mike pondsmith's table top rpg game.
It is lame compared to other cyberpunk games (example: deus ex).
I hate cyberpunk 2077 for another reason too; it is that when you type cyberpunk 2077 in the search bar, every results is about cyberpunk 2077. the results are 99% of the time about cp2077 (it completly broke the genre on internet). cp2077 was a mistake to me and a burdden for the genre.
But now that the game exist, it is good because now you can separate the bad cyberpunk media from the good ones (and cp2077 is a bad one!).
about cp2077, is now normalfags think what is cyberpunk is what they saw in cp2077 (neons, shitty rap music,…).
anyway, enough of cp2077. I only played 10 minutes of the game.

>What cyberpunk media (game, book, music,etc…) did you consum?

>Is your life High tech, Low life?

"The future is here. It’s just not widely distributed yet." William Gibson
there's some elements of cyberpunk in real life but cyberpunk is just far away from reality. just take surfing in the virtual world (cyberpsace) and using internet on the computer or even cyborg arms/legs. Or megacorporations, but yeah william gibson is right, we have cyberpunk things in reality.

-I like the neo-tokyo city in Akira. it make so much sense to me to build an artificial island on tokyo bay with neverlasting buildings.

-I also like Kowloon walled city. maybe the most cyberpunk area to ever exist. If I was about to make a video game on cyberpunk, I'd add a kowloon level haha!

-One thing I don't like is flying cars. when you see cyberpunk cities, they have roads but if flying cars exist, better make all cars flying therfore not making roads. I don't want to it to turn into the fifth elements. The cars must no fly. or only for ambulances, firefighters and police. so to me cars shouldn't fly

-There's a lot of cyberpunk media that are in fact post-cyberpunk media like Matrix and Ergo proxy, am I right?

-I like the role of megacorps have in cyberpunk genre. I like them to be the main antagonist and those who don't like corps are punks in the sense of anti-megacorps. it make so much sense about the name of cyberpunk. (the cyber part=future). it's the rich against the poors like in real life for nowdays world. so cyberpunk is kind of down to earth sci-fi genre.

-one of the aspect of the genre is the hacking part. it is cool: it gives to the genre another point of vue to the protagonist (the protagonist must know some hack shit and not only knowing how to shoot guns).

-When we think about cyberpunk cities, we think about asian megapolis first and american coast's cities but never about european cities. what can make cities in europe more cyberpunk is to think about commieblocks in eastern europe countries (example russia)

-overcrowded cities, most of the population living in big cities. crime and gangs everywhere, drug and cyberspace, hacking and cyborg parts, electric impulse and micro technology, endless underground parties, silly fashion, that's what cyberpunk is!

watch this: https://youtu.be/nAuYKQ-j86s?si=lskFJL1TYsvrCJat
R: 136 / I: 45

OS (Operating System)

I don't understand what an OS is. why are there several OS? does this mean that one OS is worse than another? Yet each OS does the same thing: start programs. why then create different OS if they all do the same thing? Why is Linux favored by computer enthusiasts instead of Mac OS and Windows? Does one OS do something different that another OS doesn't? why Linux can't launch video games (I hear that often). how different OS; all execute applications in the same way, why create another (OS)
These are questions that I ask myself about OS because it interests me but even after seeing some videos and sites talking about OS to explain it, I still had questions and things to know.
If you know about computers very well, can you try to answer my questions, please?
R: 109 / I: 262

Random Images. Vol 2.

The other thread already hit the limit. I like to collect pictures that i found, so fell free to post anything you like
R: 118 / I: 15

Anti-Crawl Thread CXVI: Winter Sun

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

R: 60 / I: 6
Hitler's thread:
Paintings or things related to him or to national socialism.

- Painting of a castle.
R: 119 / I: 12

unvaxxed wizbros, we are vindicated, we won

We really can't stop winning wiz bros while dumb cattle who follow blindly the media fell victim to one of the biggest pharma corpo scams of the century and to this day, they keep losing.
They bought into the psyop, wore double masks, took the jab and got triple quadruple boosted, and even got into fights with people who did not want to take the deadly jab. These npc cattle shilled for it as well on social media, it wasn't enough for them to take it themselves, they wanted everyone to be vaxxed.

On the other hand, every intelligent wizard was able to tell from a mile away that it was fishy, you can just do a quick research and see that Pfizer CEO is a kike and kikes have a bad reputation, as liars and fraudsters. The kikes behind the media were pushing for this state of emergency and lockdowns due to a harmless virus that supposedly came from china, yet wizards did not fall for it because we knew it was bullshit.
Everyone that took the vaxx might as well be dead, because in their compliance for the powers that be their human freedom was gone as well. Their spirit to be free from mental slavery was not there, maybe it was never there in the first place.

I did not fall for it and wasn't afraid because I've been gifted with foresight. Now, almost 5 years later, the sheep have to admit they were wrong and got manipulated, that the vaccines were not safe and effective. That the science was more concerned with money than with saving lives.

>AstraZeneca withdrawing Covid vaccine, months after admitting rare side effect. The Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide, months after the pharmaceutical giant admitted for the first time in court documents that it can cause a rare and dangerous side effect

>AstraZeneca has insisted the decision to withdraw the vaccine is not linked to the court case or its admission that it can cause TTS. It said the timing was pure coincidence.

Stay strong, wiz bros, and remember: the biggest hoax is reproduction.
R: 117 / I: 11
Why are many here are certified /pol/tards ?
I do not Care About politics, I could never effect or change anything in my own country's politics, but I am wonderibg what makes many social outcasts, perma virgins, and Hikis attracted to that board's ideaolgy
R: 42 / I: 0
I saw this movie and it is one of the saddest and most decadent things I have seen in a while. A guy who was biologically designed to be submissive and follow orders, with the sole objective of killing his race, where his only consolation is an AI that appears as pornographic propaganda everywhere, at the same time that it is used in the worst possible way to be nothing more than another mercenary, making him believe that he is somehow the chosen one or some shit like that.

I haven't seen such a decadent movie in a while. The characters are dead inside, they are simple machines for killing and following orders, they lack freedom and are nothing more than puppets used for other people's interests.
R: 1 / I: 0

Vent Thread

I see a lot of threads on wizchan about people venting about how bad life is and such. Why don't we have a thread dedicated to just that. Wizards venting about life and other wizards lending an ear and maybe some advice.
R: 11 / I: 0
Do you think there's any truth to this shit?
The part about gradually tensing and releasing muscles reminds me of techniques used in hypnosis, and I've also read about it being used by practitioners of "OBEs".
As well, the breathing pattern reminds me of that "wim hof" thing or whatever it's called. Where you breathe in a specific way and become a nordic ninja werewolf or something like that.
R: 27 / I: 5

new religion mix?

have you ever heard about combining budhism with christianity? what would it be like to live as such a person. powerful? sublime? intelligent? peaceful? beyond envy? woudln't it be the way to deal with sadness of the modern loneliness plague
R: 71 / I: 6
Many, many years ago, I think it was 2017 I really wanted to help fellow wizzies.

So I got rich off crypto, yes, one of those early adopter guys.

In 2017 or so Ethereum was just starting to take hold. It cost around 7$ to 14$.

I did some modelling and extrapolated that it has extremely high likelihood of replicating Bitcoin's initial success due to tokenomic system.

I made a post on wizchan back in the day (forgot which domain) and told you wizzies to buy ETH as it will most likely go up 100x and you will all be rich like me.

Guess what happened next? Admin deleted the thread for no reason. I tried to help and admin just deleted the thread and warned me.

Of course ETH did 100x at least. All what I said happened over the course of next few years. If any lucky wizards read the thread before it got deleted you'd be rich right now.

It's really sad and kind of disgusting moderators did this and shot community in the foot. I really wanted to help and nothing more. For wizards like us getting rich is the ONLY redemption we can hope for.
R: 151 / I: 115

Webm / MP4 Thread

Post wiz-centric WEBMs and MP4s in this thread. Politics, "rekd", or normalfag interests are NOT allowed.
R: 122 / I: 12

Fattie Nolegs bought 420chan

Fred bought 420chan for $4200 a couple months ago, details of the agreement are here: https://420chan.org/contract.pdf
R: 39 / I: 61

I need more wizard images

Need more wizard images for my collection. Hard to find good wizard images with the pointy blue hat. Can also be other colors I guess
R: 18 / I: 0
how do i know if its autism or adhd? the only thing i have to work off of is that i crave constant novelty far more than repition
i sometimes have trouble with social cues but i don't feel like its that i can't understand them, more that i'm unable to properly concentrate on the conversation
maybe its all stupid to worry about
>inb4 adhd isnt real
R: 7 / I: 2
It's called wizchan but I've never once seen anyone talk about magic here. Do you like (real) magic?
R: 0 / I: 0
I just saw a herd of deer with 5 bucks with antlers in it. That's the most bucks I've ever seen together at one time.
R: 47 / I: 5

Finally going to make pc at 20

I am a third worlder poor virgin, and i finally gonna able to afford making a pc which will cost me around 450$, i would like to know from all the pc builders/users that if it's worth the deal. So here are the specs

Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600
Motherboard: Asus Prime A520M-K / Gigabyte A520mk
Graphics Card: NINJA RX 580 8GB
RAM: ORETON 8GB*2 3200MHZ (16GB)
Storage: Oreton 256GB M.2 NVM SSD
PSU: Value-Top NEO Q 450M Real 450W ATX Power Supply
R: 39 / I: 18


Post your results from the big five personality test.


I suspect that many wiz are high on neuroticism and low on extraversion
R: 26 / I: 0


Are you disabled wiz? Mentally or physically? I'm talking actual diagnosis. I got pretty bad OCD and PTSD.
R: 48 / I: 1

Opinions on healthygamerGG?

I see him being suggested around in loser-ish circles, did your videos ever help you? how do you feel about his content?
R: 9 / I: 1

AI-Driven Social Control Will Create a Dystopia

Until recently, surveillance functioned much like a modern panopticon, creating the illusion of constant observation. But with AI, we’re fast approaching a reality where it will be possible to genuinely monitor everyone, all the time.

It will become possible to instantly identify 'bad' behavior, and in some cases, even raise suspicion before it occurs. I use 'bad' in quotation marks because its definition is entirely shaped by those in power. Under the wrong circumstances, what’s considered 'bad' could be a personal opinion—or even an entire ethnicity.

Social media already allows a small group of powerful oligarchs to shape what people see—and by extension, what they believe. While propaganda has always existed, social media takes it to a new level, making it harder to recognize the source. Even worse, it's personalized, creating isolated groups with entirely different sets of information and viewpoints.

With the rise of AI, however, this influence will only grow. Not only will algorithms become more advanced in how they rank and recommend content, but they’ll also be able to generate fake content or messages, passing them off as organic.

I can’t predict the future, but I’d bet that the majority of people won’t even notice this shift. Most are tech-illiterate,and tech companies dominate the flow of information, which means any discussions about this will be limited and hard to find. It won’t be a secret, per se, but discussions about it will be few and far between. When those discussions do exist, they’ll likely be watered down to avoid sounding paranoid or extreme.

How does this make you feel emotionally? How would you react to it? The implications of this technology really bother me, but I know bringing it up in real life would likely make me seem paranoid, so I just keep it to myself.
R: 11 / I: 0
Getting a job has proven to be nigh impossible and it frustrates the hell out of me. It's been one week since my seventh interview, and like all others, I've gotten no call from the company. All that I am seeking is entry level minimum wage bogus, because that's all I'm qualified for. I'm mildly autistic, I'd put myself at a two or three on a scale of ten. Not impaired enough for anyone to sense it, I just come off as an awkward and quiet man. That being the case, I feel like all my interviews have been good enough, I can answer the questions given to me aptly and in a polite manner. So I really don't know I am doing wrong for the interviews. Does anyone know of any incantations to use on an interviewer that would guarantee employment?
R: 14 / I: 1

peak disgrace

i thought i'd share with you an example of the state of female corruption. warning, this is cancer, consider ctrl+w out of this thread.

apparently this is a girlgroup from the Philippines. they just sit in a room being their fake, plastic selves while filmed by cameras pretending to like nestle nescafe. they make all kinds of random noises and faces to produce this 5min58sec video; obviously because the company paid them.

this video doesn't count as advertisement for some reason, it just appears in the news feed of the succubus group on this horrible website called reddit.

many comments suspiciously praise the beverage and comments like i would have made are suspiciously absent.


my guess is that these are just personifications of advertisement, pretending to be a succubus group or to put it more grimly: pretending to be human. pretending to have emotions, pretending to have hope, dreams, feelings, opinions and a personality. the theaterplay of being more then puppets. i'd rather starve in the street then prostitute myself like that but there is no shortage of unremarkable modern succubi who (with the the promise of being celebrated and paid above average) will say and do whatever the soulless corporate overlords want them to do.

i think is nasty that they pretend to be humans. humanity should have some kind of defense against this. some way to sue these shills because they pretend to be humans.
R: 19 / I: 16


maybe this thread can be a place to post cool tool pictures and videos, share experiences and talk tools.
R: 317 / I: 41


Let's have a "official" NEET/Hikikomori thread on /lounge/.
If you're a NEET or a Hikikomori, feel free to post something you think is worth sharing.
R: 6 / I: 0

positivity-max as a pessimistic wizard

For the longest Time i had none other than my Parents to share my problems with and they Would Always say stuff like:
"Everything Will be alright, just be positive"
And for The longest Time i believed that was bull shit, to think our thoughts could influence reality and our outcomes in life, and lately After another conversationv with my father where he said the usual stuff of "everything Will be alright for you as Long You remain positive and optimistic"
I thought to my self why don't i become positive and optimistic just in order to relieve my present anxities? even if maybe it's all dogshit and the universe is indifferent about your thoughts and such, but of course when you are a life Time pessimist, it's not easy to change your mindset, even if it's just wanting to delude my Self.
R: 31 / I: 1

Forgetting your mother tongue

I was born in Moldova and my native language is Russian. I moved to America when I was 10, and since then I have forgotten quite a bit of Russian. When it comes to reading/listening, it’s fine. But when it comes to talking/writing, it’s getting pretty bad. I have an American accent in my native language, that’s assimilation for you.

So what should I do? Should I try to practice Russian or just let things be? It’s sad because if you don’t use a language , then you lose it. Does anyone else have a similar experience in forgetting their native language?
R: 103 / I: 15

Christianity General

Discuss the Christian faith (or theology in general).

How has God helped you in your life?
R: 41 / I: 5

Are people rude to you for no reason?

Hey Wizbros I'm not even sure how to preface this. Is it just me or does it feel like people are rude to us for no reason other than the crime of simply existing? Wtf man I'm so sick of people treating me like I fucking have Leprosy I don't do anything to illicit such Vile hatred from these sadistic psychos. I try to be kind and respectful but it feels like that just makes it worse. I Just needed to get this off my mind…. Am I the only wizard here that puts up with this? Anybody else have similar experiences?
R: 10 / I: 6

pajeet memes

post your pajeet memes in this thread. Lately there has been a ton of new memes, posted all over too not just on chans but on social media as well
R: 18 / I: 2

Philosophers (and how useless they can be)

Do you take philosophical tenets from specific authors or do you tend to criticize and even correct them until the point of elaborating your own wiews apart entirely.

Everytime I engage groups about this, they are always talking about non trascendent sutff told by Camus or Kant which brings not much to my mind. Did you wizards find anyone out there worth having his ideas spread and well known or rather useless and obsolete while having better eyes for your own counterceptions?
R: 56 / I: 2
How do you feel about police, wizards? Are policemen helpful, competent and friendly in your country?
R: 306 / I: 59

Anti-Crawl Thread CXV: Sweet Sumer Air

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

R: 308 / I: 635

Random Images

I made this thread for posting various kinds of pictures. Feel free to post some too.
R: 28 / I: 2

free will or determinism

Fellow wizards, what is your stance on the concept of free will? It's been on my mind for the past month or so, and I have reached the conclusion that, on a metaphysical level, free will simply doesn't make any sense. This has huge implications, and has massively altered my perception of the world. I think that it validates shitty behaviour in a contrived sort of way, but I still think that people should be punished for their actions
Obviously you are going to be influenced by
>what you know
>what you don't know
>what you want to do
The ability to reflect on this and be aware of yourself must mean something. Isn't the ability to do what you truly want free will?
R: 5 / I: 1
I am not sure where to post it so I guess I will go with lounge? I don't watch movies, tv shows or anime anymore, I do it rather rarely. Browsing internet is not entertaining either most of the time and besides I would like reduce my time on the web anyway. That basically leaves me just with playing video games and hobbies. But I don't feel like always spending time actively. Sometimes I would like to just be passive. That's where usually most people watch something or browse funny images. But I am looking for some kind of alternative. So far I came up with

listening to websdr
watching some live streams from real world like feed from ISS or junkies in Philadelphia

and that's it.

Can you help me and suggest something else? Basically I would like to just sit down, relax and look or listen to something that is non-fiction.
R: 32 / I: 9
imageboards are dead. I am having trouble on finding what else I can do on the internet. it's strange to think for the past decade this was not an issue for me and my boredom was mostly covered by looking at pictures, watching videos and reading jokes posted on imageboards and responding to them.

do I need to use twitter now? most of that site is ragebait and outrageous crap designed only to lure interactivity. bunch of grifters trying to become famous then to sell a book or a ticket tot heir show to bank on their newfound fame or just boring and pointless politics. it's pathetic.

seriously, what now?
R: 24 / I: 1

some people will never be truly accepted in society

this down syndrome couple are like barbie and ken within the down syndrome ecosystem and that realization made me laugh so hard but also they don't seem aware of what's going on.
On the one hand, they must not know they can't be normalfag since people get an uncanny v alley reaction the moment they see them, on the other, they are totally unaware of this and have only a superficial understanding of what their actions, words, and clothes convey to the public, so they can't change it. You can see towards the end of the video reporters don't recognize them as normalfags or part of a group and having to deal with them besides what's necessary for tv would be bothersome.
The downies for them are just disabled people in normie costumes and with a lent mindset for general public appeal and nothing the downies do will change that no matter how hard they try. I think something similar would happen if a wizard ever tried to be "normal". People would notice and you will be discouraged because it doesn't come off natural. This is why when autists and aspergers search for friends they tend to look for others like them or risk being the weirdo of the group and even so there's still the risk of being the undesirable of the group.
R: 16 / I: 3

how did this happen

>exploration is dead
>all the ui design looks bland
>a majoraty of the internet is ownd by a handfull of companies that track your every move
>ragebait is at an all time high (especially reddit and twitter)
why does this era of the internet has to suck balls there used to be hope for the future idk what now
R: 6 / I: 1

roman emperors

who were the best roman emperors?
also is the following true:
The Illyrian emperors
It was from this group that the most successful emperors of the time came from and it was they who brought the Crisis of the Third Century to an end. Examples include Claudius II Gothicus, Aurelian, Probus and later on Anastasius I Dicorus.
R: 4 / I: 1

IT freelancing as a 3rd world wizard

Long story short, I live in what you would say is a penal colony. Fortunately I've managed to get by. But I want more form life and thus, I wish I didn't have to deal with other people on a daily basis, as it is always so troublesome, I think I've always been a schizoid, so I need my space, in my dream life, I would only have to deal with characters on a screen on a daily basis. But I know that this is not how evolution shaped most humans, so at least, I would really like to limit how much time I have to interact with others face-to-face, and some beer money job (for a first worlder) would be a godsend for me.

The minimum salary in here is 250 dollars, that's all I would need to earn on a monthly basis and I have most of my waking time free, I've looked job listings on fiverr and all those other sites but if some anon here knows like a plan for me to eventually earn more (my dream salary would be 500 dollars) programming on whatever language, that would be ideal.

If I don't get many answers here, I plan to look up mostly east asian redditors looking for scraps, just like me and then team up with them. But I figured some wizards could come up with a more helpful plan for me, I think. SQL seems easy enough and I've done hours of exercises, but I don't know if there is some more profitable language.
R: 2 / I: 0

Intermittent fasting general

Have any wizards did intermittent fasting before? I am planning to do a 24 hours fast only drinking water.I do the 16:8 fasting routine daily as well as having did 20:4 fasting before and a handful times of a 24 hours fast, it's relatively easy and gets further easier with the time, best thing is to start easy and build your way up
R: 229 / I: 20

Why are some people on this site so misogynistic?

I would like to read your stories. How has your experiences shaped your worldview?
R: 35 / I: 5
This shit really triggered me. Imagine caring for some little animals for 7 years then jew approved paper pushers come take them from you with no warning and then kill them.
R: 63 / I: 4


What's the reason you became a NEET/wizard? Do you believe is genetic or life circumstances led you to your actual life?
R: 11 / I: 1

I remember coming across this comic a while ago

To add, I also came across a commentary which told a story about how the other shapes launched a whole coalition to drill a single otherly hole into the wall, and how the circle was in shambles after that.

R: 1 / I: 0

What is government, if not a monopoly on violence?

What is the difference between a cop shooting you in the face, and a gang member shooting you in the face? What makes the former 'legit' and the latter 'criminal'?

Has there ever been one example in human history of that invisible entity calling itself 'government' that didn't exist outside of its self-declared right to kill you if you didn't do what it said? That a tiny minority (or even one single person) one day declaring "I am in charge, now. Bow down or I'll murder you." and everybody else inexplicably nodding and going along with this psychotic nonsense?

I'm not being an anarchist nor a lolbert. I fully understand the need for this objectively nonsensical situation in order for humanity to function and prosper. Without somebody holding a bigger stick than someone else, that someone else has no reason to behave himself.

And there is no stick bigger than God.

There wouldn't be ~3 billion Christians and Muslims if somebody didn't convince them all (with violence) that if they misbehaved that after they died an invisible sky fairy would exercise incalculable sadism by trapping them in trillion-degree lava for the rest of time.

And the only reason that this schizophrenic idea stuck is that somebody with a big stick told everyone else that "this bronze age book of barbaric bedtime stories is all true and in fact nothing is more true than it, so do what it says or I'll kill you AND THEN you will 'die the second death' by being trapped in trillion-degree lava until the end of time".

What is the point of this OP? Nothing, really. Just had this on my mind while lamenting that existence in its current form was a ghastly mistake, if there really is some sort of unmoved mover and ground of all things that created it. And that if there is no outside-of-time-and-physicality lawmaker behind the invisible concepts we call the laws of nature, that all there has ever been and all that there ever will be is a fully-automatic universe consisting of incomprehensibly small bits and bobbles bouncing around in the cosmic void, then there is no such thing outside of things, that what we call "concepts" are just us trying to cast invisible nets around invisible nonsense to try and make sense of an ultimately senseless existence.

Happy fucking Caturday.
R: 6 / I: 15


impressionism is my favorite type of paint. It makes me go nostalgic/melancholic/saudade. share and post your impressionism paints and talk about it
R: 10 / I: 1

catholic spiritual paranoia

I'm a catholic, I hate tradcath zoomers because they're degenerates (I used to have discord -big life mistake, I know- so, I know them) BUT I realize something is very ,very wrong with the Church in theology, sacraments, Orders, liturgy, penance and preaching, etc
I kinda narrowed down the possible alternatives\solutions to the mainstream RCC Church. I hope Im wrong and Francis is just the true Pope and that's it, because the implications are cosmically abominable for humanity, otherwise.
what say ye, about these here folk?
R: 33 / I: 9

Advice needed

Some faggots are pushing me around at school. I need advice on how to stop these fuckers from pushing me around. What should I do?
R: 5 / I: 1
Ho do I know if i have inner monologue? I cant understand people who have opinions about everything happening, can argue by posting long texts; lets say on current trump stuff etc. I dont have any opinion about things that dont affect me directly, this is on top of my autism. People sometimes think that i am mute and deaf
R: 6 / I: 0
What are the chances the change in average height are due to hormonal or environmental factors, in part, and that it's not all down to better nutrition?

Just for an anecdote, me and my brother grew up malnorished by western standards. I had low blood pressure as a child due to just eating the cheapest cereal grains for years. I remember being tested at 10 for low iron levels, and when I stood up too fast I often got dissy. Regularly 'd be hungry at school as my lunches were small. Both me and my brother grew up to be some of the tallest people in town, but we have tall, thin frames. We're both significantly taller than our parents too.

In the 1950s you never really heard of kids going to bed hungry that often in the west, they typically had a solid diet with three square meals and full pantries. That's not really much different to a kid in 1980 or the year 2000. I doubt there's been that much significant nutritional gains to cause increased height since then. Maybe it's an epigenetic change due to the abundance of food? Perhaps, but we know what we eat and how we live is also changing it. Even lower testosterone levels causing delays in when the plates fuse as a teenager could be behind it. People noticed Eunuchs used to be really tall and lean, so are modern people suffering from the same effect?

People say it's sexual selection driving it, with high status tall men being more desired. That might be true before the industrial revolution, but I don't think it's true anymore. The crabs had a source showing it's shorter men breeding more actually (because lower class people are short and fertility is dysgenic). Tall men might be more desired, but they typically don't have more children. So in recent years sexual selection doesn't drive it. Just anecdotally again, being around food banks, you see the people are very short by modern standards and have many children.

We can also look at jawlines and teeth malocclusion to see an environmental impact people put down entirely to genetics for years. You can see in the skeletal record that everyone used to have straight teeth and wide jaws, and that changed around the industrial revolution. People are only now coming around to realize that it's due to changes in the way we eat and live, especially with eating soft foods and breastfeeding less.
R: 17 / I: 2
This is the best wallpaper site I found, I just want to share it with you.

R: 2 / I: 1

Any piece of media you like to re-visit very often?

Eveyday I wake up in the morning and Re-watch 'The Journey of Natty Gann' while eating breakfast, I wonder if anyone has a piece of media that they re-visit extremely often, I have been in this routine since 2016, I almost never skip it unless I am overly busy for the entire day
R: 30 / I: 4
The Vatican made a cute anime succubus as their official mascot. What are your thoughts? I'm not a christian but I think it's very cute!
Also there's already porn of her.
R: 127 / I: 19

Wizard self improvement /WSI/ - Project 2024 Edition

Post ideas or guides to improve life as a wizard (ignore the modern bourgeois concept of personal development), calithenics at home, learn to draw, write, read books, quit porn, or whatever you think fits this topic.
R: 12 / I: 10


I want the cold to come so I can wear a coat and drink warm things.

Greetings from Spain.
R: 2 / I: 0
I was thinking about putting a picture of me for you to ‘’rate‘’ my no…beauty or crab level or whatever you want to call it, but I'll better not, I'll just say that I look almost 100% like the character in the movie Powder (picture), but I'm short, I have brown eyes and no powers. Goodbye, good day (closes the door and leaves).
R: 224 / I: 23

Reading 4chan and Feeling Awful

General Question: does just reading 4chan for longer than 10-15 minutes make anyone feel awful and almost as if placed into a trance state? I can browse other sites for long periods of time without any ill effects, but if I stay too long on 4chan I begin to feel decidedly sick. Why does this happen?
R: 13 / I: 1

Staying /comfy/ in a Hurricane

So I'm in FL, I evacuated a little north to get out of central florida. I'm at my mother's house and I'm starting to get an awful lot of cabin fever. Normally I kill time by fooling around on ChatGPT and complaining about my life problems but oftentimes I grow bored of that. What else is there to do to pass the time, either with comfort or entertainment? Any recommended snacks, shows, bedroom setups, music?

I would try to add more detail to this question, forgive me, but this antsiness is even affecting my mind, I hope it doesn't bother you, maybe some of you could add more detail to your questions to make up for it.
R: 308 / I: 81

Politics Thread #85: Crashing This Boat With No Survivors


Previous thread: https://archive.fo/msC0D
R: 6 / I: 0
The world cannot satisfy the emptiness of our hearts, but Jesus can.

You must seek Christ in prayer and in the Bible, he will guide you, for he loves you and will not let you fall.
R: 135 / I: 26


ok bros, i thought lolis were just a niche a topic that sweaty weebs get mad over when discussing it
but normalfags caught on and you really get in trouble when joking about it.
R: 6 / I: 1
Dye really think the stories from OT and NT happened in real life? Egypt suffered from plague, famine, lots of people and soldiers died, it would leave strong evidences even if egyptian fbi destroyed all the writings on walls and books.
R: 65 / I: 2

The cruelty humans enact on animals

Do you think it is okay to hurt animals? This means for food, sport, pleasure, or otherwise?

I look at the ways society treats animals, and I'm appalled. Mammals with complex social systems are kept in horrific conditions to produce meat, milk, and other animal products. Chicks are put into a blender live for the terrible crime of being the wrong gender.

It is rather appalling that people seem to so easily accept carnism despite the suffering that is behind the production of meat. Sure, animals make each other suffer and they also eat each other. However, unlike them, we have the choice to do differently. Yet so many don't. Eating meat is so, so horrifically cruel.
R: 13 / I: 4


I am a failed normie. Probably. Either way. Do you remember Chrono Trigger? Good game in my book. I had a humiliating school experience as a kid. For 5 years I was trying to work as a teacher and became a subject of bullying from elementary wealthy well-off suckers. Just like in the good ole times. The eternal reacurrance of Nietzsche makes much more sense now. Anyway. I am 36 yo old and I am an old boy still. Deep down I feel I did not sell my soul to the tribes of modernity. I am glad I failed at being a normie. Thank you for wizard chan. There are worse things then being what normies called "loser". So if you are a crab, a wizard or whatever, don't hate yourself please for not fitting in the modern society. It sucks. Deep down even normies know that. They are just too well off to admit it and walk away. And they are too stuck in their own ego to say to us, the losers: Sorry. Thank you. Please. Deep down they know that they deserve what is coming to them. What is coming to all flesh.
R: 8 / I: 2

having friends

some people spend their life wishing to be popular but they never know what it is like. they wish for it so bad, but not bad enough to turn into the person everyone likes.

to me it was always effortless and it felt like a burden. once you embody the thing everybody wants, you can't really go anywhere anymore and be left alone because all day people audition for your attention and approval. is just you go somewhere, and everyone gets an electric shock that compells them to come up with just any stupid excuse to force an interaction with you. makes you understand how enslaved the psychology of most people is. most people believe other people will be the solution to their problematic life, which of course is idiocy.

ugly succubi want to entangle you with conflict all day. they seek every opportunity to have some kind of fight with you to the point that you can not go to a place anymore and expect to be treated like a human because the succubi there will treat you like shit, believing this will break the ice. i guess there are men this works on because otherwise they would not do this on such a scale.

i was very popular in school and always had many friends but for the last 10 years i haven't really had friends and i don't miss it. i don't believe i am missing out. social life is just another war and there are no winners in war. i know a lot of you are not wizards by choice but i genuinely believe it is better to wiz then having a social life because i have had a social life. if only the internet wasn't so fucked up and centralized.

i dunno how to explain it better. go in my head, look around and come back out. you'll hate how it is like and realize that being a wizard is better i am sure.
R: 0 / I: 0

stupid overrules everything...

see my bookstore post…
i put up with shit every day from no nothings and shitwits..,
it never ends…
post your greatest encounter with stupidity and how it affected you… thnx
R: 81 / I: 39

gaming desk

i am currently building a pc table from steel rod and "wooden boards" (made from sawdust and resin). i was at the ikea and was looking at the tables they sold and i just wanted to show you this one i thought was pretty cool. if i did not build my own, this would be a fine choice i believe, just too big for my little place. i was looking for one that has the dimensions 100cm * 100cm (so i can fit it in the place i actually have perfectly without wasting space) and you don't find these anywhere i have learned. most desks sold are something like 120cm*80cm.

the reason i believe this one from the ikea is cool is because it has so much space to store computer related stuff. it has two little things on the side where speakers can go, it has space on the bottom where the pc can stand, that way it is off the ground and it is easier to keep the floor clean with broom, vacuum and mop (which is more important for airquality then an aircleaner i have learned. all the floors when kept very clean electrically draw dust and particles to it). also it has the second level where the monitor can stand on and that way you can slide the keyboard underneath it if you need the desk for something else.

if i had the space, i would have chosen this one and it would have been a way better experience because building mine already has me like 14 work hours in (because i was stupid and could not find the parts and drove 8 hours one day to several construction stores just to find the stupid parts i was looking for because every store i was at was almost out of parts.) mine will be mostly finished tomorrow and it will have taken around a week with cost of ~230€. if i had just bought the ikea desk, i would have paid more money but i could have solved the desk issue in a single day: 2 hours driving, 1-2 hours getting the thing inside ikea, 2 hours building it at home and then maybe one more hour setting up the pc on it.

i guess they call it a gaming desk for marketing purpose but i think it is a good male desk in general. i sat at it in the store and tried to shake it, it is sturdy enough.
R: 257 / I: 28

Anti-Crawl Thread CXIV: Afternoon Shadows

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

R: 252 / I: 35

love for juice and hate for beverages

do beverages even make sense? do they deserve to exist? i don't think so. beverages are shit. i question the general concept behind them. when i see someone drink lemonade i instantly consider that person an idiot; that someone who is drinking sugary industry juice because they made it taste nice. that's someone who was tricked into selfharm to me.

myself i like to drink fruit juices. i very much believe in the juices i make myself from real fruit. a fresh juice from an apple? that's so nice that everything else compared feels like a waste. occasional get distracted and resort to buying in boxes from the supermarket. currently i drink nothing but water. drinking only water is fine too though. that's plenty especially when the food is as dense as modern food. that's plenty for the body.


people drinking alcohol is so funny to me. i use 99% isopropyl alcohol to dissolve spraypaint off when some asshole spraypaints my car. and the same stuff people drink for fun. that's just more self-harm. why they keep harming themselves.
R: 13 / I: 0

What in the gyat is happening out there, bruh?

Sorry, I am a bit of losing contact with the outside real world. Not seeing many souls from old times when I was one of those guys before the sigma stuff was an actual thing… yet I never saw nor heard or said anything like this.

Could anyone explain this to me?
Why are these words banned?
R: 39 / I: 13

Wizzies daily life and routines

a NEET-Shut-in here with too much free time I have no idea what to even do with it, I read books, go outside for walks, watch cartoons and documentaries, used to read manga/LNs, but not anymore, I do some light language learning and that is it, I could also play vidya, but, i am saving cash to buy some gaming-material,I am a bit interested in learning about the people's routines and what they do in their daily lives, esp the NEET/hiki crowd.
R: 48 / I: 7
Do you think bullying and shaming are good ways of changing someone's behavior?
R: 12 / I: 8

Help a Spanish learner?

I am looking for interesting/funny youtube channels and podcasts in spanish to use for input/immersion about ANY topic/subject, would be grateful for your suggestions
R: 51 / I: 14


to those who like to daydream, what do you daydream of?
I like thinking about a 12 yo succubus being my neighbour and coming too my home time to time to talk with me and treat her like my daughter and her thinking I'm cool and asking me a lot of question about my hobbies and have fun, and trying to teach her things. haha
R: 25 / I: 3


how much do you earn per year?
how did you find your job?
what kind of degree do you have?
what school you went to?
do you struggle on daily life after you paid the bills?
do you have a hobby to spend your money on or it is not worth it?
R: 18 / I: 6
supermarket is a miraculous place i believe. they have so much to eat. food as well as stuff that people eat that i wouldn't call it food necessarily but culturally it is considered food by many.

how much of the food do you consider "ok to eat"? all of it? half? only a few things?

they have fresh plants that easily perish, well they used to, now they spray them with some kind of coating that prevents them from perishing for weeks. they also sell plants that are shelfstable for many months.

they have baked goods (that's process grains), again some fresh, some shalfstable ranging from weeks to months.

they have candy, that's processed sugar, which is isolated from plants in the factory.

they have animal products, most perish easily so they keep them cool. milk mostly from one species and then the dead flesh from several species. some processed animal products (cheeses, butters, milkshakes) and some stuff that is basically a mixture of everything processed like pizza or lasagna.

they also have a section for snacks like nuts ranging from natural, to slightly spicey to heavily processed and right next to them they sell complicated highly processed potato chips and stuff that is even more processed; basically human food pellets at this point. like animal feed for humans. that's what i consider pasta. pasta is human cattlefeed; is just highly processed grains but they also sell less processed grains.

last thing i can think of is the frozen aisle. they sell frozen versions of many foods and they sell a lot of processed convenience food like what i believe to be one of the most dangerous things a human can encounter: the frozen pizza.

ridicule me all you want, being unconscious about food is dangerous, even when i was younger i mostly succeeded in not eating terrible but now that i am older and never stopped looking into it, i can see the difference in me and people who did not give a fuck and ate terribly. i am never tired. i can work all day and it does not phase me. i never get sick. i can completely rely on my body to perform, it is a well maintained dream manifestation machine that asks very little of me and only gives all day, and i love it and it loves me back. some people are sick all the time and they hate themselves and everybody, they get bitter and they seek conflict all day and their emotions have them by the balls and keeps dragging them into problems and that's completely optional.

it all boils down to how you behave in the supermarket. what do you consider food. what do you put in the cart, what do you shake your head at and leave in the store. that's so important. don't take it lightly wizzards, the key to your wellbeing is how you behave when you push that cart or carry that little basket.
R: 111 / I: 44

electric scooters are awesome

i don't remember anyone ever doing a thread about one of these. i've just started riding around on one of those. i don't see them so much anymore but they used to be very popular around the younger guys.
R: 26 / I: 0
Do you think discovering imageboards early in life fucks you up?

I already had ADHD symptoms when I was young but I feel like imageboards made them worse with how fast they are, the ability to jump through boards each discussing different topics and the total lack of barriers for making new threads. I got used to making a thread for whatever question or thought I had instead of trying to think a bit for myself first. Also something I thought about is how my PC is full with images from years of imageboards and how that made me a very visual person. I just feel like imageboards molded my brain and behavior and every time I think I can quit them because I am tired of the shallow level of discussion that comes from the fast pace and lack of barriers I somehow end up back and spending my entire day on them even if it makes me regret it at the end of the day.
R: 5 / I: 0

significant improvement is within reach

it is possible to have a nice life and be healthy and happy. many people don't have a nice life but in almost all cases for almost everybody it is possible. many of the people who don't have the nice life are very few steps away from having their quality of life significantly improved.

you ever seen someone who is having difficulties with something that is easy to you and you knew exactly what to do even in the difficult person's case? i hope you find those steps in your life because i maintain they are there. things you are not doing that you should be doing as well as things you are not doing you should be doing.

may you stumble upon the good stuff.
R: 19 / I: 4

sports fans are dirt

sports fans are the worst. they were tricked. i get it when they are disabled, i am not pooing on disabled people, they should be the only ones watching. but for everyone that isn't, they should not be watching people play sport, they should be doing sport themselves.

fucking degenerates watching others being alive while they sit on their ass and watch and many are drinking beer which will make them sick and ugly and depressed. stupid alcoholics doing everything their boss tells them and then at the stadium they vent all their frustrations about how they hate their life. instead of doing the healthy thing and not having their life suck.

whenever i am near someone who i suspect wastes his life being a knave of some stupid sports fandom, i feel disgust. a kind of disgust that is obviously not polite for me to have, but to ignore it would be dishonest. it is similar to being near gay men when they kiss; impolite to be disgusted to it but real.

so i choose not to be near soccer fans, i consider them frauds who bottle up their feelings and endure a shit life that they should not while glug-glug-glug-ing to make it through. i admire the dude who quits this life, says he no longer wants to do it and becomes homeless, while giving the world the finger. that's preferable to being a toddler in this stupid entertainment for children.

there is nothing wrong with liking sport. go do the sport. it is healthy, for the body and the mind. but sitting around watching beer and screaming like a bitch while the men play, that's disgraceful. living testament of how important it is not to develop bad habits. habits are everything.
R: 8 / I: 4

Admiration of the great empires of the past

Is it me or is this being a very common trait amongst normies? I mean, feeling proud of an organized mafia who cucked their own people into taxation in order to set empires and start swallowing every other tribe around into their same misery
R: 28 / I: 2
I've identified a strange trend in modern processed junk food where they advertise "food" ingredients without saying what they actually are.

I first noticed it a few years ago with Taco Bell Fiesta Strips. This example isn't too egregious because they're presumably crispy tortillas but nowhere is it stated on the menu, just that they are "strips" of some kind.

Then in the past few months I've noticed a couple more examples.
Hostess Cakes advertises "sweet crunch pieces" as an ingredient in their new Kazbars. What are these pieces and why are they crunchy? Who cares just eat the shit.

Finally, Subway has introduced something they call "SubKrunch™" as an optional topping on their sandwiches. Not even the press release mentions what SubKrunch™ actually is.

They used to respect our intelligence at least a little bit and say "with almonds" or "with crispy onions". Now the average IQ has dropped so low that they know they don't even have to bother pretending that this stuff is real food. They can just call it SubKrunch™ and know that we'll eat it without question.
R: 6 / I: 2
In January I will make 30 years old of virginity.
Do you think I'm really a magician/wizard?

Greetings from Spain.
R: 182 / I: 15


Were any of you bullied at school? If If so,share your experiences. How do you cope all these years later?
R: 25 / I: 0

name the blue area

assuming this meme is true (which i don't know), what word(s) would you use to describe the blue part of the circle. what is that.

it costs them 57$ to make, what is with the remaining 2723$?
R: 11 / I: 2

Chart Thread

I wonder about my fellow wizzies' hobbies and interests sometimes. Don't post any contact info in these.
R: 6 / I: 2

group writing project

we write a book paragraph by paragraph.
I'll begin.


I woke up in my dream…or I fell asleep in reality. I don't remember it anymore but my eyes were wide open. In fact, I didn't really know because it was dark, I didn't know if my eyes were closed or open. To find out if I was awake, I decided to get up. In this dark, dark room, I realized where I was. Now it all comes back to mind, I remember, unfortunately…
R: 36 / I: 1

Underground websites

Guys do you know any underground websites for crabs or wizard or volcels or whatever the fuck there is that have some advices or informations about life or discussion places or looksmaxxing or whatever there is
R: 109 / I: 14

The Cucking of the White Race

How is it that white people have become so pathetic and self destructive in modern times? They can't express pride or love for their own people and skin color without being called racist, every predominately white country is expected to be flooded with other ethnic groups, and when those groups begin to take over by way of gaining political power its celebrated as progress. Whites no longer being the majority in their own countries is seen as a good thing, when the inverse would be seen as colonialism. What the hell happened?
R: 4 / I: 2

aggressive wizzies in this thread


>Social integration

Once aliated with proper, positive aliations with others, prosocial people become integrated into society which comes through
understanding and practicing the proper social courtesies and societal
expectations over time. Crick et al. [19], through their research, found
that as a child grows and develops, these evolving changes impact the
child’s cognitive understanding and, as they mature, develop certain
social reasoning skills where their information-processing abilities
improve over time and they become integrated into society as a way of
life. Once integrated into the dierent aspects of society, the tendency
is to make positive contributions to people and communities.
Нese activities positively impact those in the same level and
promote a healthy set of behaviors that are non-aggressive in nature.

>Social outcast stage

Another element in behavioral theory is that there is a relationship
between aggressive mannerisms and a lack of peer acceptance. When
peer-acceptance needs are not met, a person of interest can be labeled
an ‘outcast’ from the school norm at which students avoid this person
to the point where high levels of frustration may result in personal
rejection leading to a detachment from peers and school. For support,
they turn to others in the same condition, establish a bond with these
individuals, and begin to form a self-identification conglomerate or
clique which can be quite large at this level.
On average, these individuals tend to conduct themselves in ways
that draws attention while demonstrating defiant behavior as a group
to retaliate against a system they believe forced them outside the realm
of normal school functions and operations. Нe behavioral actions for
social outcasts is usually one of aggressive, defiant, and hostile
behavior with negative interpersonal relationships with those outside
their group

>Social isolation stage

Anti-social behavior escalates in this stage with those that are totally
rejected by peers. As social outcasts, those in the normal school
functions or operations tend to shun these individuals. A long-term
consequence of the eect of peer rejection is that oіen, one will
become more socially isolated and more socially aggressive as
indicated in this stage. Нe rejected person(s) will become increasingly
inept at pro-social interaction that intensifies to elevated frustration
levels in various social situations and functions which can lead to
hostile responses. As a result of continual rejection by peer groups, the
excluded person may further isolate himself/herself from others and
experience persistent aggressive problems [1,2]. Нose with heightened
aggressive tendencies are seen as less likable and are deemed deserving
of other’s vetted anger against him/her which can lead to further
rejection by peers, thus causing total isolation from the established
school normoіentimes becoming a recluse or loner at home.
If applicable, the number from the previous Social Outcast Stage
may be reduced due to a more hostile transformation with heightened
aggression and hostility synonymous with this stage. Some in the
Social Outcast Stage may not migrate to this level for those very
reasons. However, those who do fall within this stage, on average,
become more hostile, more aggressive and more uncontrollable, and, if
leі unchecked, will lead to a further downslide in the anti-social path

what you think about this wiz?
i think im in social isolation stage but i have no anti social hehaviour but im agressive sometimes.
i know there's somewhat anti social wizzies, you need to know your path is not going somewhere good. im not judging, im saying this for me too.

im definitely not an glowie that tries to collect info btw. i just want to wizards have consciousness about this path.
R: 9 / I: 0

The Grimoire

let's make a written text (or book) of phrases, quotes, and wisdom that we, wizards, have acquired during our lives
R: 17 / I: 4

Hispanic wizards thread

Este es una especie de experimento, he visto a algunos hispanohablantes por aca, veamos si podemos crear un hilo
R: 24 / I: 9

Ancient Civilizations

How do you think these walls in Peru were built? The only thing I can imagine is they had some way of melting the stone and were able to fit them together almost like clay.

It seems that long before us there was a civilization of intelligent people who had technology that we still don't understand, despite how "advanced" we are.