OS (Operating System)
I don't understand what an OS is. why are there several OS? does this mean that one OS is worse than another? Yet each OS does the same thing: start programs. why then create different OS if they all do the same thing? Why is Linux favored by computer enthusiasts instead of Mac OS and Windows? Does one OS do something different that another OS doesn't? why Linux can't launch video games (I hear that often). how different OS; all execute applications in the same way, why create another (OS)Anti-Crawl Thread CXV: Sweet Sumer Air
No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.unvaxxed wizbros, we are vindicated, we won
We really can't stop winning wiz bros while dumb cattle who follow blindly the media fell victim to one of the biggest pharma corpo scams of the century and to this day, they keep losing.Politics Thread #85: Crashing This Boat With No Survivors
General Question: does just reading 4chan for longer than 10-15 minutes make anyone feel awful and almost as if placed into a trance state? I can browse other sites for long periods of time without any ill effects, but if I stay too long on 4chan I begin to feel decidedly sick. Why does this happen?BIG FIVE PERSONALITY OF WIZ
Post your results from the big five personality test.The cruelty humans enact on animals
Do you think it is okay to hurt animals? This means for food, sport, pleasure, or otherwise?Thanks
I am a failed normie. Probably. Either way. Do you remember Chrono Trigger? Good game in my book. I had a humiliating school experience as a kid. For 5 years I was trying to work as a teacher and became a subject of bullying from elementary wealthy well-off suckers. Just like in the good ole times. The eternal reacurrance of Nietzsche makes much more sense now. Anyway. I am 36 yo old and I am an old boy still. Deep down I feel I did not sell my soul to the tribes of modernity. I am glad I failed at being a normie. Thank you for wizard chan. There are worse things then being what normies called "loser". So if you are a crab, a wizard or whatever, don't hate yourself please for not fitting in the modern society. It sucks. Deep down even normies know that. They are just too well off to admit it and walk away. And they are too stuck in their own ego to say to us, the losers: Sorry. Thank you. Please. Deep down they know that they deserve what is coming to them. What is coming to all flesh.having friends
some people spend their life wishing to be popular but they never know what it is like. they wish for it so bad, but not bad enough to turn into the person everyone likes.gaming desk
i am currently building a pc table from steel rod and "wooden boards" (made from sawdust and resin). i was at the ikea and was looking at the tables they sold and i just wanted to show you this one i thought was pretty cool. if i did not build my own, this would be a fine choice i believe, just too big for my little place. i was looking for one that has the dimensions 100cm * 100cm (so i can fit it in the place i actually have perfectly without wasting space) and you don't find these anywhere i have learned. most desks sold are something like 120cm*80cm.Anti-Crawl Thread CXIV: Afternoon Shadows
No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.wageslaving sucks when you work with chads
Two apparently alphas chosen by the divines or something have some sort of agenda at work to make everyone who they deem betas to be subservient too them.love for juice and hate for beverages
do beverages even make sense? do they deserve to exist? i don't think so. beverages are shit. i question the general concept behind them. when i see someone drink lemonade i instantly consider that person an idiot; that someone who is drinking sugary industry juice because they made it taste nice. that's someone who was tricked into selfharm to me.What in the gyat is happening out there, bruh?
Sorry, I am a bit of losing contact with the outside real world. Not seeing many souls from old times when I was one of those guys before the sigma stuff was an actual thing… yet I never saw nor heard or said anything like this.Staying /comfy/ in a Hurricane
So I'm in FL, I evacuated a little north to get out of central florida. I'm at my mother's house and I'm starting to get an awful lot of cabin fever. Normally I kill time by fooling around on ChatGPT and complaining about my life problems but oftentimes I grow bored of that. What else is there to do to pass the time, either with comfort or entertainment? Any recommended snacks, shows, bedroom setups, music?Wizzies daily life and routines
a NEET-Shut-in here with too much free time I have no idea what to even do with it, I read books, go outside for walks, watch cartoons and documentaries, used to read manga/LNs, but not anymore, I do some light language learning and that is it, I could also play vidya, but, i am saving cash to buy some gaming-material,I am a bit interested in learning about the people's routines and what they do in their daily lives, esp the NEET/hiki crowd.daydreaming
to those who like to daydream, what do you daydream of?significant improvement is within reach
it is possible to have a nice life and be healthy and happy. many people don't have a nice life but in almost all cases for almost everybody it is possible. many of the people who don't have the nice life are very few steps away from having their quality of life significantly improved.sports fans are dirt
sports fans are the worst. they were tricked. i get it when they are disabled, i am not pooing on disabled people, they should be the only ones watching. but for everyone that isn't, they should not be watching people play sport, they should be doing sport themselves.group writing project
we write a book paragraph by paragraph.The Cucking of the White Race
How is it that white people have become so pathetic and self destructive in modern times? They can't express pride or love for their own people and skin color without being called racist, every predominately white country is expected to be flooded with other ethnic groups, and when those groups begin to take over by way of gaining political power its celebrated as progress. Whites no longer being the majority in their own countries is seen as a good thing, when the inverse would be seen as colonialism. What the hell happened?aggressive wizzies in this thread
https://www.longdom.org/open-access/understanding-the-mind-of-violent-aggressors-review-of-a-tenyear-study-depicting-a-pathway-to-destructive-antisocial-mannerisms-an-2161-0487-1000344.pdfCyberpunk thread
I hate cyberpunk 2077, it failed at depict a cyberpunk. it mimics cyberpunk and looks like a gta game in the future they should have made the game based on the genre and not only mike pondsmith's table top rpg game.peak disgrace
i thought i'd share with you an example of the state of female corruption. warning, this is cancer, consider ctrl+w out of this thread.Are people rude to you for no reason?
Hey Wizbros I'm not even sure how to preface this. Is it just me or does it feel like people are rude to us for no reason other than the crime of simply existing? Wtf man I'm so sick of people treating me like I fucking have Leprosy I don't do anything to illicit such Vile hatred from these sadistic psychos. I try to be kind and respectful but it feels like that just makes it worse. I Just needed to get this off my mind…. Am I the only wizard here that puts up with this? Anybody else have similar experiences?some people will never be truly accepted in society
this down syndrome couple are like barbie and ken within the down syndrome ecosystem and that realization made me laugh so hard but also they don't seem aware of what's going on.Ancient Civilizations
How do you think these walls in Peru were built? The only thing I can imagine is they had some way of melting the stone and were able to fit them together almost like clay.I finally cracked the code - autists can't win
It's not about how hard you work. Or how much you study.vermis
vermis a book about a video game that never exist but it's comfy. don't worry you don't have to buy the books because the volume 1 and 2 are available in pdf format:Fattie Nolegs bought 420chan
Fred bought 420chan for $4200 a couple months ago, details of the agreement are here: https://420chan.org/contract.pdfspell of healing
wizards itt i try to channel a spell. since i am a legit health wizard, my focused attention can manifest physically. there is surprisingly few magical activity happening in here but i am not willing to take example of that.Tropes that you like
I don't know whether this has to do with me being a virgin bro, but I've always loved the trope in shows where a serious, angry female fighter, attacker, villain, or any upset and belligerent succubus blushes after being randomly kissed by the guy she is trying to physically hurt, or after receiving some form of affectionate treatment, whether by accident or on purpose.Succubi by themselves aren't interesting
I'm a 34-old permanent virgin and my future looks bleak. Strangely enough I'm not really bothered by all that.Forgetting your mother tongue
I was born in Moldova and my native language is Russian. I moved to America when I was 10, and since then I have forgotten quite a bit of Russian. When it comes to reading/listening, it’s fine. But when it comes to talking/writing, it’s getting pretty bad. I have an American accent in my native language, that’s assimilation for you.Philosophers (and how useless they can be)
Do you take philosophical tenets from specific authors or do you tend to criticize and even correct them until the point of elaborating your own wiews apart entirely.orginizing all the things to do
do other wizards by chance have a good system they use to keep track of all the things they want to do? seems like such a trivial little obstacle but i've only gotten better at it slowly.Achieving focus and mindfulness
A clear, calm mindPorn is unwizadly and hurts wizards short and long term
Porn has irreversibly damaged wizards mentally due to it’s easy accessibility and widespread advertising (Sex scenes in films,, porn on imageboards, rule 34 everywhere you go to, fotm porn, Porn ads seeping through youtube on purpose etc.)The mind's eye
Any of you guys do deep creative inner visualization? I'm talking seeing the apple in your mind, being able to recreate and interact with worlds you create. It's a skillset taught during gateway meditation and "astral projection".A man who scams old ladies... became a father at 13. And he named his "company" after her
Here's his new site: https://trees.jaystarrbr.com/Psychedelics and mental health?
I haven't been to wizchan for a good while, I remember there being a thread about psychedelics and drugs but it seems to have gone so… I will just create this thread to ask this question. Please excuse me for any spelling mistakes or anything, I'm sleepy af right now.scientific/philosophical question
if we are in a vacuum and all things happen in it, then there must be a creative thing (example: big bang). but if all things flow from a previous thing then how did the original thing come into being? it did not appear by miracle in a vacuum. If scientists can answer this question then superstition and belief must be put aside for good. otherwise, we must consider a creator god?