i think im going insane, i understand why picasso drew faces in geometrical shapes
It's not too bad of a feeling.
Knowing I was never required to be fixated on one thing forever..
I think that I accidentally applied for jobs working in AI fields or something.
Maybe I’ll get paid?
>>312062this is top notch pixel art
>>312166jung isn't based on reality and his reputation is completely undeserved
>>312167Good thing this is from Haruki Murakami, then (unless he stole it from Jung, in which case meh).:D
Here is even another song titled "Hikikomori"!
>>312142Artist is No.312188
Jojo is wholesome masculinity X3.
>>312188The cartoon monkey, the child star, or the weird meme manga/anime?
>>312202The anime… Though it sure af varies with each episode o_o
Me a decade ago: ;_; I will one day kick the bucket ;_;
Me now: …I have kicked the bucket on every other godfucking level, so time to get back to work =_=.
34 today.
Feels pretty meh. Just another day. Honistly feel slightly depressed. Will treat myself to buffet tonight. Maybe I will feel less shit then.
>>312205All you shitters stay out of Oklahoma. Tell your gay ass people not to come here too.
>>312206Happy birthday, Wiz. Remember that the dessert section's cubed Jell-O is the same as can be bought at Dollar General so better to get your fill of something else, such as cheesecake of Belgian waffle.
I could never be a rich person. I've spent the day watching YT docs about rich hotels, cruises and whatever and none of it really appeals to me. What's the point in spending $9000 a night for some tropical island resort where your cabin is one of 30 on a street? You might as well stay in suburbia. And why do their 5-star hotels all look the same, that same modernist minimalism where you can barely tell if you are in New York or Tokyo? And then there's the food, Sea urchin fried in chilli-infused truffle oil and topped with caviar, Jesus, just give me a burger or lasagna.
>>312227Actually wealthy people have their own culture and generally don't go in for nonsense like that.
For wealthy people even their luxury spending and hobbies are calculated to be assets that add to their overall wealth.
They would almost never waste large amounts of money on consumables as such behavior is irrational and wasteful to them.
The stuff you saw are traps for the young/dumb money who doesn't understand wealth and just have more dollars than sense. The wealthy don't like to associate with such people.
(Used to work for generational wealthy people as a seasonal job)
>>312231>(Used to work for generational wealthy people as a seasonal job)Does their greed ever subside?
>>312258I am talking about a class of people who were born into wealth and trained since childhood to understand how money actually works.
They don't come off as greedy in any traditional sense of the word.
Greed is fundementally doing anything for the sake of getting more money.
They already have money and just very good at managing it to not squander the generational wealth since to them being the one to drop the ball and drop the family into a lower class would be shameful.
It's a very aristocratic type of world view.
>>312261Don't speak as if you know something you don't
>>312264What's your problem?
Damn. Little fuckers are still doing their faggy bullshit several hours later. What could the big fellas possibly be up to?
Heard Wild Child by Enya for the first time since the cusp of the millenium yesterday.
Always felt like I was looking at things from years ago again with binoculars.
Still a calming song.
>>312296Take your meds you weird nut case.
>>312308i wish mods would just automatically ban people who are posting crazy unintelligible nonsense.
You know for all the users that now populate the internet, it's really hard to get a conversation going. Even places like reddit and discord it's hard. I wanted to talk about a particular comic I finished reading yesterday (not at all obscure, capeshit, fairly well known title) but you either get drowned out because there's just too many people posting but not responding to each other or the subject matter you bring up gets ignored. One would think with thousands of people reading a comment one would get some replies but it's not usually the case. The internet really is a shouting match and if you don't write your message in a way to cause a knee-jerk reaction you get ignored. On the other hand, I don't want those idiots' low effort garbage anyway, so I don't write the message as a provocation.
I get better feedback talking to my mother who knows nothing about comics but at least she listens to what I have to say. It's funny. I think I should try to make online friends, I don't know how hard that is.
>>312355Private messages do exist.
>I think I should try to make online friends, I don't know how hard that is.¬¬
On one hand I'm tempted to return to certain things I was a part of..
And then it hit me: I was a part of it.
I did my part already.
They can coach themselves on however a job they're doing now, apparently.
Especially since we BOTH have our hands full now, biznatch! ;DD
Watched The void.
It reminded me why I hate "cosmic horror" and lovecraftian inspired bullshit.
It was so badly written and the only punch of it was the visual effects but I have seen better elsewhere in better films with better scripts that had better context behind them.
I tried reading some lovecraft and stuff inspired by his stuff and always wonder why the fuck such shit got popular. It quite honestly is shit story telling and not well written. I always come away from such stories annoyed. Also people who don't know fuck from shit really shouldn't write sci-fi because he doesn't know dick about science, the occult, other cultures, or really much of anything and consistently gets most of the details painfully wrong.
This isn't a "it was back in the day so cut him some slack" thing because writers of the exact same time didn't consistently have the same issue. I have read low grade pulp adventure stories with more care about getting shit right and crafting a well structured narrative then any of his shit I have come across.
My AG album got here today…
Better late than not at all! :D
How many wiz have in real life friends? How many wiz go out during the weekends? How many wiz have a semi norman life but only it's a virgin?
>>312432we're not allowed to ask such questions…
and they're not allowed to answer!!
>>3124343.Do not post about voluntary real life social activities (e.g. going to a bar or party).
>breaking rule 3 No.312436
>>312432I don't see how you could possibly live that life and be a virgin by age 30. Unless you are actively saving yourself for marriage.
>>312436It's possible, world is big and people are different.
>>312435But why there rule?
>>312438if you dont understand then this isnt the place for you
>>312437>it's possible to have a big social life go to parties and meet succubi and be a wizardyou don't qualify as a wizard at that point.
>>312441What's qualify as a wizard then?
>>312442Schizo mindset. Or at least way too introverted
>>312432I work during the weekend.
I work at my other job when I am off from my main job.
These are things I do to not be homeless or starve since the rent keeps going up and food keeps getting more expensive.
Go out, spend money to be with "friends"?
Ha, what luxuries. Why would I waste money on such things not needed for survival.
How do you get yourself to be productive as a NEET shut in? I have nothing going on in my life so I should have all the time in the world to work on my hobbies. But every day I find myself just doing nothing.
>>312470Talk for yourself. For many of us is enough to merely be introverted.
>>312494K. It was mostly just a bad joke, though
>>312460Do you have actual concrete actionable goals. Make a personal sqedural related to said goals and stick to it so that it becomes habit.
Right now your habit is just sitting around rotting rather than doing stuff. You need to force yourself to be in the habit of doing stuff.
>>312514What classroom are you talking about?
Are you underage or something?
Or a teacher?
>>312517Ok, I am going to assume you are a 12 year old school teacher of special needs children.

I had a real vivid dream where I could move things with my mind, big things such as buildings. Not only do that, but I could also travel without moving from my seat or leaving my house, so I did some space traveling and I was admired by this universe. My body never left my house but I could experience the rest of the world, that was my power, and guess what else… My grandpa was still alive and we talked and I decided to show him my powers, projected in real time what the earth looks like from space and galaxies, all right into our living room. He could see through my eyes. I lifted my entire house as well a good 3-4 inches above ground just to show him that my powers were real. This use of my powers proved to be problematic because not so long passed where I got a vision of an angry functionary, not from this world, but a parallel world, that got increasingly angry every time I did so much as move one small object, for his world, me moving things, meant earthquakes. I felt sorry so I stopped then, but he was already upset and seemed to know about people with powers like me and there was a system in place to stop me and he was going to voice his concern along many other public servants.
I was just happy to be able to see my grandpa who died 20 years ago. And it's funny because it seems I willed this dream into existence since I've been thinking lately about him and how we are so similar.
>>312460When you don't waste your jizz the productivity will come on its own, I keep going for walks when it's a week +, can't stay still
>>312460Productivity means living for yourself. You're probably dealing with needs you're not meeting and to maintain yourself you rely on "doing nothing" (which probably refers to a complicated host of behaviors that you are devaluing) to cover for the gaps as best you can.
Imagine a person that is fasting. While fasting, your life begins to revolve around this deprivation. Everything is about keeping up the fasting or experiencing the struggle. It's like a giant filter over the breadth of life. Having unaddressed discomforts can be very similar, it is difficult to take spontaneous action when you are already preoccupied with yourself. You need to leave some empty space in life. Motivation follows on its own.
>>312549Motivation is a unreliable bitch whore to be trusted less than a succubus without external accountability.
>>312551Motivation needn't be trusted does it? Just acted on. The unreliability is in accordance with the amount of actual empty space in your life in either case.
>>312562>The unreliability is in accordance with the amount of actual empty space in your life in either case.Bullshit.
The point is don't rely on motivation to get things done. It will consistently fail you.
I had a idea for a wiz village or apartment complex but only allowing wiz to be resident, like a old folks home, but for wiz, a place for oddballs can leave together and help one another.
>>312572Why? Imagine a real life wizardchan meeting
>>312573One community enters
One man leaves
>>312576One harem enters.
One keeper leaves.
>>312573Imagine a meet up of asocial and antisocial people who don't really get along even when online.
Now imagine that some of them are violently mentally ill.
Now imagine that there is no way to screen bad faith actors, trolls, and crab in a bucket people who just want to watch whatever you build burn, possibly literally.
Shit would be a disaster.
>>312579Yeah, true, probably a good screening system to let trolls, violently crazy and unhinged out would be need it.
>>312579most people are easier going in real life. But there's no underlying connection between most of the people on here aside from the fact it's an imageboard. Also crab memes will never win commiecel
>>312620are you that poor?
>>312622I'm a NEET with bills to pay and who just helped with first+last on an overpriced townhouse.
I don't know if any of you dumb spergs or flaggots noticed, but Gogle is using AI sentiment analysis tools to pre-screen every single comment posted to YouTube in order to block anything remotely controversial or "dangerous" from ever appearing on the site. Every comment goes into quarantine and it takes ~15-60 seconds for the AI to either pass it or reject it. You realize that if Google can afford to run every single YT comment through an LLM based AI gestapo, we are at the point where they can use this technology on literally every single form of communication. SMS, voice calls, messenger apps, DMs, you name it. They can monitor everything you say for wrong-think and either censor you, establish a hidden social credit score, or just arrest you. How long before your smart TV, amazon echo, or phone are conducting sentiment analysis on the AI transcribed audio it picks up 24/7? Do you honestly think that it's not happening right now or is at the very least less than 5 years away? People joke about their "personal agent" who is monitoring everything they say, but with AI that is literally possible now. The "community guidelines" of a handful of corporations are going to become de facto law in western countries and you will have no method by which to discuss it or complain about it.
>>312627Completely agree. We are clearly hurtling toward a reality even more dystopian and horrific than any of the popular dystopian novels
>>312627Youtube has comments?
>>312626I get slightly annoyed when people call rowhomes townhouses.
Do you usually just make shit up to sling at people?
Does it make you feel better?
Do you know you just make yourself look like a clown when you behave that way?
>>312646npc's don't have higher order, self reflective thought. Leave that one, tis a clay man hylic
Gonna take a break from chans for a good portion, if the majority, of next month. Tricky times are imminent, yet not only have I at least contributed to something greater than me but there are also things that are helping me move forward. Not gonna let them be in vain. 諦めない
>>312707Good luck and hope the best for you, dude.
Anyone here is a true recluse?
>>312793Wow, both religion and politics in the same post.
>>312794lol. I want to chelate this neurotoxin from my brain. No.312796
>>312793Another reason to avoid plant-based foods.
-Homemade dynamo to generate your own energy (using strength in exchange for speed, grants you quite a decent amount of power)
-Water distillery
-Electric furnace and heating
-Underground architecture for mining structures
-Sunlight replacements in the form of LEDs.
-Basic electromechanics
-Dry WCs
-Portable kitchen
-Looking for a place where you can easily put your hideout without being sighted.
>>312803Normies are just as addicted to twitter, insta, tiktok etc. you see them browsing their phones in public all the time. You don't need to get rid of the habit completely to be productive though. Internet addiction is a pseudo problem, you will naturally fill up your free time with useless activities, doesn't mean you would have used for something productive. 3 hours of genuinely deep work is about as much as a normal person can hope for.
Can a person with no sexual experience but with normal social life and well paying job still be called a wizard?
>>312813No. Now fuck off.
>>312814Ok, why exactly a person like that wouldn't be called a wizard?
>>312813Yes. A wizard is a male virgin over the age of 30.
>>312813I guess but it depends on what you mean by normal social life.
To most normies that includes a romantic relationshit. Which isn't wizardly.
But if you just mean friends, family, and the like then sure. Though friendships with females is suspect if they ain't kin.
That said, we don't want to hear about your social life at all ever here. So if you had a brew the da boyz, or play expensive toy battles with toys you have to paint and put together yourself but cost more than a car payment, keep it to yourself.
How so?
Explain yourself if you are able.
I want to create a wiz only apartment complex, but with screening beforehand to detect those dangerous and troll so they won't cause problem for the rest of the ok wiz, how could that be done before I'm old and frail.
>>312898you're probably a normalfag yourself if you want to have roommates.
>>312899>wiz can't socialize with other wizUh?
imagine wanting this bad to socialize with others that you will think about creating an apartment complex so that you can live with them.
Hell is other people, really, and moreso extroverted socialfags who want to steal your time. Real human pests.
Landlord is raising the rent by a hundred bucks citing inflation.
Sucks but still the cheapest place in town so I ain't moving.
Wish my income would keep up with all this inflation. Just feels like I am being punished for trying to save money.
>>312926Can we create a wiz villa inside your space?
>>312928no littering
no shouting
round huts only
>>312930Every Friday night and Saturday nights is tabletop games and movie night on the communal hut, all wiz are invited
>>312931it's better to meet on new or full moons, i have no idea what day it is
>>312932Ideally Friday and Saturday night would be nice, wiz tabletop and movie night, wiz barbecues on Saturdays morning, and huge space for nightly wizwalks for those that like walking, wiz villa project sounds cool
>>312932You posted this on a device that shows the day, time, and date.
If you are going to roleplay could you at least not suck at it.
So, wiz villa is approved by the wizzies?
>>313027I prefer living alone and not being in a commie hive of madness.
>>313029Wiz villa would have screening system to detect and avoid unhinged ,trolls and other difficult people.
Who would win in a fight: the power transformer outside my house or seven consecutive x-class full-halo coronal mass ejections?
>>313050You talking about the solar storm going on right now?
Besides causing my router to reset and making the night sky outside the city look weird, I didn't really notice.
I doubt the current one is powerful enough to damage your local transformer.
There's rich wizard? I only see broken and poor wizards, where's the trust fund wizard?
There's no western hikkikomoris, never heard about a real western hikki, all supposed western hikkis go out and leave the house from time to time.
>>313128indeed, it's a japanese phenomena. that's what they told me
>>313128Nobody outside that kind of society can exist as a hikki, even with NEETbux.
>>313128>There's no western hikkikomoris, never heard about a real western hikki, all supposed western hikkis go out and leave the house from time to time.the infrastructure to be a genuine hikki does exist in the western world.
also your way of thinking makes no sense. if someone were to be a hikki, how would you ever know about it? you think the dude becomes a hikki and then gets a big drum and walks around the neighborhood once a week yelling about never leaving the house so that even you fool end up knowing about it?
there are probably hikkis and they are probably glad you don't know em personally.
>>313138Hikkis are terminally online, so yeah, you could find a "western hikki" in some obscure imageboard or some discord server
The third certainty in life people would rather brush off:
And Imperfect love :(
By looking at the jump animation, I would say Roblox
Yume Wizzi (Yume Nikki but for crabs)
Does anyone knows a YouTuber channel about the life of a lower class male? I saw, out of pure luck, a Korean channel of a single older dude showing how is life for a korean "loser" like him, it's was interesting, anyone know other YouTube channels like this, I only know OsakaSyndrome
>>313167scheck out primitive skills on youtube, the most honorable dude alive. seeing him work so hard has inspired me. i did not know a man can work this hard before.
>>313167>lower class maleWhat does this even mean outside of meatspace cults devoted to gaining approval from random succubi?
>>313169Poor, dudes it means poor.
What army of sillies raided Wchan to the point even my internet connection was infected by their "insecurity" this time? XD
Highlighting text in bookreading apps is good, but if it's an image, I can't tap on anything since no text. Workaround: use EBookDroid where it's possible to draw. Downside: if there's plenty of drawings, part of them would stop showing. Workaround: close the app, open the app, chose file, it'll say "access denied", open file through EBookDroid in the file manager (on the memory card in my case), then the first part of drawings previously shown will be not shown, but the next one previously unshown will be shown. Repeat if doesn't work or for other not shown parts. Every other app is 😭 💩 so far. Speaking of 💩, unfortunately with the death of mixtape sites plenty of mixtapes are unavailable. Livemixtapes looks like it's missing a huge chunk, MixtapeWire doesn't have working links for older stuff, DatPiff uploads to but very slow, SpinRilla was forced to close and pay millions of dollars to greedy labels. Just as an example, Squad Shit Only by RondoNumbaNine (serving about 40 years in prison now) and L'A Capone (died) is unavailable, even on SoulSeek. And that's not even underground nonames. Cultural catastrophe happened and nothing to be done. And then fuccin pigz raided Juelz Santana house and deleted plenty of songs from his 💻 and no baccup. He himself was devastated. Metallica's guitarist's phone got stolen with all the riffs for an album back in the day. And, of course, terrorists destroying archives/museums in Europe. That's fucced up n then SSDs and hard drives and relatives don't release posthumous stuff even for free years after the death or pretend as if a leak by hackers had happened so there wouldn't be legal issues for not paying for beats, samples, etc. if there's any problems. 🤮 🤢
>>313199*releases with fake tracklists elsewhere like on SoundCloud rewrite the history. And some stuff early Chief Keef is completely lost. Johnny Cage has at least one album and it won't be released by his son posthumously, even tho from his words, the impression is it's just not something spectacular but not bad either.
>>313200And then all of old pro wrestling that was destroyed by producers in the tape days. At least Jim Cornette bribed the cleaner and got some tapes. Plenty of promotions' tape libraries got bought by WWE and no sign of it being available in the future as there's no big demand too. Reading lostmedia is heartbreaking.
>>313200>And some stuff early Chief Keef is completely lostGood. The less music from those types that is made public, the better.
I can already sense my plans to travel, to and from somewhere later this year, being sabotaged in advance, as we speak (like most of my plans, which have required ID, already have, thus justifying my cynicism once again despite what most illiterately convoluted asswads would judge for eitherway).
I'd love to try and do something about it, except I'd rather not garner that kind of powet, thank you very much ;D..
Tempted to get cold steel stuff I don't need.
I know it will most likely just collect dust somewhere and I don't need it.
Fun things are fun sometimes.
>>313227I always thought that drugs were taking by people with empty brains that need outside stimulation to have some modicum of a interesting thought or having any type of thinking at all
Now it cost 80 bucks (in my local currency) in my country to watch a movie in the cinema, what the fuck?
>Needed a bike fork
>Ordered it through amazon
>Was a pain in the ass putting in new address because they wanted it imput exacty a certain way for their computer to recognize it
>Somehow, don't know how exactly it still ended up defaulting to my old PO box that is 20 miles away and I am not even sure is still active
Fuck, why you got to make my life harder Amazon?
Now I have to wait for the bus on Monday or do a long as fuck bike ride during the heat of the day.
>>313238Normalfarts laugh at this but really they're jealous of Demetrius' power level.
How was your high school experience, bros?
>>313241>Grade 9Boring. I don't remember any nice school events happened. Nobody even putted me on the list during intramurals as they see me as a wimp so I never got to play any games (even E-sports). 4/10
>Grade 10Thesis shit, we were required to write it on a fancy-styled formating with specific font per content which I forgot. The worse part is we had to "defend" it which I'm incapable of since first, I don't care, second I don't see the point. Now the worst part is I was just standing in front of class doing nothing, when it was my turn all I said was "uhhh uhh uhh" and I got laughed at after that. But at least someone had the audacity to put me on handball and chess during intramurals. Overall 2/10
>Grade 11Online class. It means the teacher made sure to make the class more difficult by asking questions on tests that can't be searched on the internet. Also prone to cyber bullying, there was this guy who always picked up on me and I can't think of any comebacks. 1/10
>Grade 12Forgotten. ?/10
>>313241I was an autistic blending in with the stoners, everyone always thought I was high, it worked
>>313244Drugs are for people incapable of interesting thought, so they need some outside estimation, in another word: drugs are for idiots
>>313244You wanted the approval of the "cool kids" (retards) so bad that you pretended to be on drugs to hang with them? Sounds like failed normalfaggotry.
>>313241I was lazy and eventually drop out but finished somehow, despite not even attending to most of the classes and barely going to school. A real waste of my time, almost a torturous wizcel experience. Learnt to hate people and became asocial and avoidant as a result. Probably would have killed my classmates if I was born in USA. Had plenty of antisocial thoughts because I just didn't want to like being there and saw the school system as a prison. I don't think is humane to have to be around other kids or anyone for that matter on a daily basis for more than 2 hours. It makes you go crazy.
>>313241Painfully boring and occasionally cringe.
Most of it felt like a waste of time.
I wish I could have gone straight to collage after middle school. The first gen ed stuff you go through in collage goes over all the shit you went through in high school anyway only much more effervescently with more competent teachers with students taking the material seriously because they aren't legally mandated to be there.
- -
Condescending dreams that foreshadow the shitass life choices of the sports palace country, here I come!
>>313246More like being in a group so you don't become a target, if you were a wiz you'd know the hazard of being by yourself, if you could pull it off any wiz would have done it for protection.
>>313251It's delusional and draining. The sole fact of that what you said being true is enough to have no other choice than staying there to become a target and depredate the damned bastards as hard as possible.
If you are forced to suck the shit of bad company under wsuch conditions, you are already being bullied.
NEETdom is cool for the first year, after that is extremely boring and the copes run out fast.
>>313261NEET for 10ish years here, it entirely depends on the person, hylics need to be told what to do. People like me find shit to do, after 10 years I've gotten very good at it. Oo I'm bored best start shoveling shit. Couldn't be me chief
>>31326110 year neet here I agree
>>313220Retarded take. That's a huge loss for hatelisteners not just the people who enjoy listening to it. And, of course, there's 0 evidence that music itself leads to violence. In fact, about the extremism violence, there's a 3N model that includes network, need, and narrative, but not artistic narrative itself, even if it's reality rap.
>>313261get a hobby or something. i wake up every day looking forward to working towards my goals.
Could be bacteria getting cozy under the hair. Get some alcohol on that sucker
Lower class wizzies, what's you story?
>>313292>Lower classWe're not succubi so "lower class" doesn't mean anything to us
>>313293Lower class = poor
That's not what's being said you dense ESL. The concept of "class" and the voluntary self-sorting oneself in to any of these labels is an effeminate act. What determines a man's "class" is superficial and governed by how he's sorted by succubi. Asking
>any low-class wizards?
is no different from
>any sub-5 wizards?
In regards to the scale succubi use to rank men's attractiveness.
So yes actually, you're right. If you're broke as buttons, then you're just a poor wizard. But if you call yourself "low-class" then you're dancing to the tune of succubi who classify men primarily by their assets, to which you become a succubus at heart.
We have greatly offended the crab.
One thing I constantly had growing up was people everywhere always making out the most basic shit people achieve every day is all some herculean effort. It wasn't just my parents, I had in middle school teachers spreading lies about high school, about how if you're a second late you get sent home and get detention, how the work is so hard that most of the class would fail….Get to high school and it was the same shit.
Teachers also started going on about jobs, about how there's a massive pile of 600 CVs sitting on a company desk and "you can't just expect to get a job". At least once a week it was a five minute horrorstory about how employment is basically impossible. Meanwhile most people have jobs, and most people get jobs fine.
With housing it was my parents, "What, you just think -you- will find an apartment and a place to live. I think you don't understand how intense the competition for housing is". Meanwhile at the time homelessness was near zero.
It was supposed to motivate us I guess but I feel like it did the opposite? I struggle to think of the reason to just make out everyday life is impossible for the average person to achieve.
>>313304Demoralization is the language of those who have failed themselves.
>>313305But the ones doing it already have comfy homes and stock portfolios?
>pretending he's a wizard
Ok boyos. Let's mass report this fag
I have been called alot of things these past 2 years.
A workaholic was never one of them.
and it's too late now, my niggas! :D
I hate how the post rate slows down to 3 every 24 hours whenever I post here, then I leave and wizchan gets 100 new posts in a day.
Am I being targetted? Shadowbanned? Why? Just what did I do?
>>313365Post have been even slower lately due to the cert being fucked up again.
The site isn't trustworthy at all. I wouldn't be surprised if some hacker or script kid takes it down with 2 minutes of effort.
However it's the only website worth visiting for discussions on the internet so I don't really have a choice.
>>313376>>313380it's not trustworthy from a technical perspective. All it means is someone could easily ManInTheMiddle this shit, but why on Earth would someone do that?
>>313380Also there is no way around it on mobile. Now that I think of it, thats a good thing. It forced me to get up from bed and use my desktop. I can type my thoughts easier even if theyre still the same worthless diatribe. This should lead to better content right? Total Phoneposter Death
>>313386it works on mobile firefox
If everybody were rich, then nobody would be.
>The average person should have 1 million usd min in their account.
>why is the best salary 100k?
It isn't.
>that amount seem very low to me for some reason
Because you ether don't understand the value of money or inflation has destroyed your sense of proportion.
>Everyone should be rich
Rich is relative and thus as long as some have more and some have less such a thing is totally impossible.
In a way nearly everyone in the US is "rich" by historical and global standards. But ask a lower class person if they feel rich they will say no because they are comparing themselves to those who have more then them not less.
If you asked a upper middle class person if they were rich they would say no because they too compare themselves to those who have more not those who have less.
Hell, you ask some millionaires who are fully in the upper class if they are rich and they will say no because they compare themselves to those who have hundreds of millions or even billions.
I won't get into detail since that would venture into politics, but to keep it short and simple.
People aren't actually equal, scacity exist, objective reality exist regardless of how someone feels about it, and different people will make different choices with different levels of ability in differing situations to end up with dramatically different results.
Bad news is I was banned from 4chan for an egregious reason.
Good news is, well, contrary to what I was sold, I'm pretty sure my drink only tastes like decaf coffee >;D…
>>313416footfags are disgusting.
"Yaaaay! I'm gonna have wholesome dreams from working hard as an autist who has to put up with bitchass ableism on a monthly basis!!"
Nightmare zombie/vampire/horror succubi swordsmen trying to kill me in a grocery store: NOPE
Walmart now requires creating a tracking account to use any money services and buy money orders.
They want phonenumber, valid current photo id, address, and lord knows what else. All so they can track all financial interactions for some reason.
They can go fuck themselves. I will just go a mile down the road to windixy and do my shit there.
Last year:
(Looks at Grisly bone tomahawk scene)
*Crickets chirping*
This year:
(Looks at Grisly Silent Hill scene
of a similar nature except with a succubi)
All :)
Bad new is I returned to an old fetish website (due to pressure that seems futile) from a decade ago.
Good news is I did it without returning to the messed up works I contributed to it.
But worry not, I'm sure you can find them if you know the wrong, pressure inducing, people to ask…
Shrink switched my meds and I feel better finally
>>313505>Shrink switched my meds and I feel better finallywhat material are your meds made from, petroleum?
Is this security certificate thing ever going to be fixed?
>>313545All these years I never knew this had sound.
>>313553Yeah I think I've only ever seen it as a .gif before. I like it better with sound.
Can someone explain why people are so averse against an offical discord server
>>313694because it turns into a I'm special guy and make them smug and muh sekret klub
>beta cuck
Textual soyjak posting
Another day long wave of activity on this website, in my abscence of course. Why do you hate me so much???
I am watching The Abyss right now.
Do you like movies ? ?
this website is dead as fuck now
>>313726We all know who to thank for that
>I fucking hate Olaf
>God I fucking hate Olaf the snowman so fucking much holy shit. Holy shit, every frame he's in, every scene, every gif, every jpeg, he's got this painfully vacant, stupid as shit, fuckass look on his stupid lumpy face. Absolutely no part of his ugly as sin piece of shit character design is endearing. His stupid fucking legs? Who the hell makes a snowman with legs. His dumb flaily fucking twig arms? His shitty, lumpy bastard head? The three thousand percent unnecessary dumbass shitass fucking SNOW BUCK TOOTH that no snowman has EVER FUCKING HAD IN tHE HISTORY OF GOD'S GREEN FUCKING EARTH? God, I hate him. I hate him so much. So FUCKING much. Every time I see a stuffed toy Olaf or an Olaf gif or a shitty goddamn commercial, it ignites my primal rage response and I'm overcome by the need to punt this shitty little homunculus into the fucking sun. "Bhurr blur, I'm Olaf the fuckshit snow fucker, I like warm hugs". Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. You look like Tow Mater summoned a patronus. Your dumb fucking twig hair makes your whole shitty head look like a hairy skin tag. I hate your dumb fucking lumpy carrot nose and your stupid, empty googly eyes and your over-the-top goofy ass upbeat asshole personality. Any scene he's sad it invokes all the wrath and fury of a spoiled child having a meltdown over a chocolate bar in a w*lmart checkout line. And I know its irrational. That's the worst part. I know he's just a shitty fucking side character in a stupid fucking children's movie, I know it doesn't matter, I know I shouldn't care. But that's part of the problem. The part where no matter the might and fury of my hatred, the locus of my homicidal intent is alltogether inconsequential. I find myself laying awake in the dark in the early hours of the morning consumed by the spirit of Wrath itself, all the force and might of a flaming hurricane directed at a bottle of piss in a ditch by the highway. The absurdity of it all burns me to my core. What better things could this energy be directed towards? And yet my disdain for this stupid, useless, insubstantial failure of endearing character design utterly eclipses the intrigue of all other pursuits. I hate him. I hate him on a level of my mind reserved for the worst of the world's array of sinners, and I can't even begin to justify it. Shitstick the snow dick is, for all intents and purposes, the animated corpse of all of humanity's saccharine pretenses- every condescending, passive-aggressive statement of meaningless upper middle class suburban drama distilled into a single, hateable form. The fucking. Fuck. I have no words. There is no cuss or epithet in any language that can encapsulate the height of the emotions I am experiencing. God, I hate him so much. I hate him so, so fucking much. I want to light his ugly little dumpster body on fire. I want to graphically beat him to death with his own stupid fucking nose. I want to punch him to death. You know that weird feeling you get, when you see a picture of something so cute you find yourself overcome with the bizarre, inexplicable urge to squeeze it? It's EXACTLY like that, except instead of cuteness it's disgust. The wordless knowledge that his existence as a fictional work is evidence of all the failures of mankind. I find myself possessed by the will of a Holy Angel gone rogue with the belief that God has made a mistake, and I alone must correct it. This is the trial by which Samael himself fell from grace. This wild, meaningless rage. A thousand blades of shining steel cast with inhuman force in the direction of a plastic grocery bag floating on a breeze. What horrors must I have committed in a past life to be plagued by this torment now? I must Unmake this fictional snowman
Having sex does not make you a normie
dude what the heck
outsider meme
I'm extremely curious about the psychology behind wizardhood, but never found good books about that, neither found studies, maybe crab adjacent studies could illuminate somewhat.
>>313789up yours nigger
>>313790they refuse to go to Guatemala or Indonesia to find a girlfriend. If they just did that they could escape wizardry. But most of them are just idiots that want to suffer.
>>313799>escape wizardrysuch ignorance. what if you don't want a girlfriend because you see what happens to the men who live with succubi. in such a case wizardry is not a prison but paradise. some people choose to be wizards, for others the choice is made and they default to be wizards.
>>313806>I just need an idea.why would you wanna sell them anything.
>Im broke, i need money.
i know a shortcut, what do you want to do with the money?
i ask again, bitch what do you want to do with the money? do you even know or do you just want to have money because it seems like humanity is revolving around it and you want to matter.
the problem with money is it's inherent social aspect. all the money is held by other people and you need to convince others to give it to you. this usually involves being the slave of the person who pays for a while.
most things you can do or have without money way better. unfortunately for for some things money is needed but for many things it is better when you seek the ways that do not involve money.
money is trash, it was a mistake. the disadvantages of money outweigh the advantages.
>>313822saged by accident again, my bad, i didn't mean to.
>>313822not him, but most of us just want our rent, utilities and some expenses paid. but even for such a basic life, you need to work your ass off 40 hours a week and kiss normie asses and pretend you're actually one of them which is psychologically destructive for most wizzies that aren't already sociopath cameleons.
i realize i just wanna hikki- and hobbymaxx in my room. i'd be so happy if i could just stop thinking about jobs and bills and social BULLSHIT and just focus on learning stuff that i think is interesting and discussing it with like-minded wizardly individuals.
>>313824>work your ass off 40 hours a weekthis is unacceptable. if i didn't have my part-time which i can barely survive on, i would prefer to be homeless over hard working poor.
i completely resent the mindset that considers this acceptable, sacrificing yourself so that rich assholes get their passive income while hard working guys live like peasants.
you know what fuck your rent and your utilities. go without. they are not worth you being a slave.
you're a junkie. your drug is illusion.
Is it possible to live alone on:
Any wizneet lives like that?
I envy you for still being able to enjoy videogames.
That childlike wonder died inside me at age 28-29.
>>313860What do you use to cope now?
>>313837Yes, it's possible to live on all of that. Also the good thing about Section 8 is you'll only get charged a third of your income for rent, no matter what. So it's basically guaranteed housing for life.
post pic pls
Im 30 now and I find the grind of gaming boring now, does anyone feels the same or still have patience or enjoy the grinding of so many games? Now I prefer watching anime, reading mangas or reading books instead, will my desire or Patience to Play returns one day?
12 years ago I remember Dane DeHaan and Ian McShane would've been perfect as Light and Ryuk.
>>313895Nope, mine disappeared for good at around age 28-30.
I find even my old favourites like Zelda: Link to the Past insufferable and childish.
I just can't play video games anymore. All sense of immersion is gone.
>>313983It's insane how this switch flipped for me in my late 20s.
Games that were my life, I can barely open in an emulator now and they feel like nothing.
>>313895>>313983>>313986Eventually one grows up from video games.
Because video games are essentially products for kids and teenagers. Even more serious or complex games that may be targeted at the general population, like grand strategy games or train simulators, remain toys in a sense. Something an adult brain is supposed to find engaging for a few minutes, maybe a few hours, or dedicate only an hour or two each day, like reading a book.
We millennials forget this, because for many of us there is a lot of nostalgia involved. We grew up playing them, and we chase that same enjoyment we had for hours on end as kids and teens.
>>313987What a boring drivel from someone dying to justify "outgrowing" his toys. It's the fox and grapes tales all over again.
It's just that you experienced too much in your life, so nothing of it is new. Find better games that are still new to your underdeveloped brain, although I will admit this grows harder by the minute because the entire industry is geared towards midwits.
Also having some understanding of game development and programming doesn't help, it definitely takes some of the magic away.
>>313987What a bunch of nonsense. A lot of games are for teens, but there are plenty of games made for adults.
People tend to lose interest in video games as they age because other things are more interesting. Video games are great for when you are young with no money and friends, but as people tend to progress in life, they no longer desire to play video games all day.
How do i get diagnosed fo autism fast and easy (usa). I was in special ed in school. Anything extra to convince doc?
Utube: U like this movie when it came out?
Me: It was for people older than me back then.
Utube: PERFECT! Let's make a sequel!
Me:…To be fair the term "actual help" would trigger what happened with that whole "better help" fiasco XD
Me: oh boy, melatonin!
Mild night terror: oh boy, 3 different coffees, ya git!
Me: eh, worth a shot..
4 animation…
2 liquify
4 smoothie …
If Wizchan is Earth, then call me Stinkmeaner because Suno is hell…
oh noes, i entered the website of things i do not like an i got the mads
All this talk about digging a hole yet nobody is bringing a shovel. Fucking idiots.
Deletion of an outsider's posts brought this thread deep below the bump limit, but the new one is already made so I'm locking this one
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