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Recently I've become fascinated with tessellation and spent the past couple of weeks collecting pictures of mosaics from around the world. Eventually just looking at them was not enough and I want to go deeper, understand the geometric shapes and its secrets better. Not even sure why but periodic tiling feels like a brain massage to me, like I'm about to fall out of bottom of how I usually perceive the world around me. So I picked up the book Geometry by Cambridge University Press. Feel free to give a hollow laugh: I honestly thought I could just skip the math part of geometry (yes I'm an idiot) and appreciate its resulting surfaces. While you can do that, if you want to appretiate geometry even at a surface level, you need to know the bare minimum of maths. The book suggested a good grasp on the basics of linear algebra and algebraic structure. I thought 'OK, I'll read the wiki entries as a lazy primer' and quickly realized I forgot even the basics of mathematical symbols. I guess it's true after all, if you don't use it you lose it.

Long story short, I'm currently going through Pure Mathematics for Beginners. The good part of being dumb is when you learn a single thing it feels like a whole new world just opened up and it feels really good.

So yeah, maths thread.
Previous one; >>30554
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I started self-studying math 3 years ago, have read many books already, started with basic pre-calculus stuff and now Im reading my 2nd book on differential geometry. I've found it made me sharper and helped revert actual cognitive deterioration.
How is the study going for you wizs? Have you found any benefits besides enjoyment?
Don't be shy to look at solution online, then write them down (important) while making sure you understand each step, at the start you will do it for most excercises and you will slowly develop technique.


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I made this post >>64921 when i first started to study math seriously, I am now able to understand General Relativity quite well, only because of Eigenchris's youtube channel.
>Have you found any benefits besides enjoyment?
Understanding 'advanced' physics concepts which I previously had to read pop-sci to learn about, and pop-sci is horrible at explaining anything. The explanations of general relativity and black-holes are so stupid, saying things like 'time and space switch in a blackhole' when in reality its just the tangent space of the observer being affected by the intrinsic curvature of 'space-time.'


How do you guys get through texts? I am currently trying to get through "The Book of Proof"


>read chapter in x days, page by page until I understand each theorem and its proof
>do at least 30% of the proposed exercises


Creating Anki decks of the books I read as I go along have been a huge help in allowing me to grab concepts and make connections. Had I started doing this in undergrad, classwork would have been trivial. So I have been working through new stuff and also re-examining my old textbooks related to what I use in my work.
It takes some practice to make good cards for mathematics, it took me about 3 months of making cards for an hour a day before I really developed a sense of what to do.
I reference the 20 Rules from SuperMemo a lot. https://www.supermemo.com/en/blog/twenty-rules-of-formulating-knowledge

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Favorite comic?
Favorite author?
Favorite cartoonist?
Favorite character?

What are you reading right now?

Previous thread: >>41819
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Yeah, this video in particular is a good breakdown of what the comics are (or were) and how they relate. It was pretty entertaining even to me who isn't in to comics .


British sonic is an asshole.


I've been reading this, and you can see that the crow is a character created out of the author's grief over the loss of his girlfriend in a car crash, when he asked her to go looking for him. The author came to believe the character was cursed when Brandon Lee died for it. I like the idea of him being a monster to his killers, and something very human to the innocent.


Heres a reading order if someone is interested in reading them.
Also, heres the fleetway comics


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Well would you look at that, whomp has returned.

 No.56436[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread for those who enjoy and wish to discuss animation and animation related stuff from places that aren't Japan.
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Personally didn't like anything about it.
Didn't find it funny, entertaining, or enjoyable.
The fact it was picked up by a major network kinda annoys me.


I thought it was some cartoon gem but it turned out pretty blant


r/markiplier is to blame


>For me alone was Don Quixote born, and myself for his sake; he knew how to act and I to write,’ Cervantes has written with his pen. And I say that for Cervantes to recount their lives, and for me to explain and elucidate them, were born Don Quijote and Sancho. Cervantes was born to narrate, and to write commentary was I made.


Soviet animation never cease to amaze me, its like watching a fever dream from an inhabitant of another world

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What makes a good fantasy or science fiction novel for you. Is it the prose or the writer's ability to bring his ideas to life?

Have you read any novels that you consider beautiful in their own right?
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This video may be the only thing based on the work of Cordwainer Smith. Perhaps the most unknown science fiction writer in the United States. It is so obscure that he has only one biography in the whole world, written by an Argentinean.


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Not the wiz you're replying to but I just finished the latest Stormlight book last week and I do think that it's turning into slop. Way of Kings was still the best one and it went downhill from there. Mistborn 1-3 (+Secret History I guess) were also really good but the later ones all have this Marvel-esque humor throughout that makes it hard to take anything seriously. Unfortunately, that has now also started creeping into the Stormlight books more and more and it's by far the worst in Wind and Truth. Don't even get me started on that on the nose therapy talk everyone does all the time now for some reason. It was enjoyable enough but I'm honestly starting to check out at this point.


I tried to read this some time ago, but I couldn't finish it. I don't know if it's because something is lost in the Spanish translation, or the author didn't know how to keep the narrative interesting. It starts very well, but when I get to the other world I get lost among all those names and strange terms and that the protagonist is a bitter person who does not believe in the magic that permeates the world, besides being a rapist, prevented me from following the story.


>It’s been 14 years since George RR Martin last published a novel in his A Song of Ice and Fire series.Since then, the Game of Thrones TV shows have come and gone, with the final seasons relying on the other’s outlined plot points.The 76-year-old is still working on the penultimate book, The Winds of Winter, which he has confirmed will be a very big novel.After that, he still has A Dream of Spring to go. Now, the writer has shared a rare update in his latest blog post.

>On his blog, Martin wrote enthusiastically about the latest Game of Thrones spin-off A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.

The new TV show set to air later this year is an adaptation of his first Dunk and Egg novella The Hedge Knight. The short stories are set a century before the events of A Song of Ice and Fire and focus on a lowborn knight and his squire who grows up to become King Aegon V Targaryen.And as Martin confirmed season 2 would focus on the next short, The Sworn Sword, the author then got onto the Winds of Winter.

>Martin shared: “And once I finish THE WINDS OF WINTER, I will need to get hopping on The Village Hero, and all the other tales that await the lads. Don’t worry, I am sure you folks will remind me.”

The Village Hero, which is set in the Riverlands, is one of the future instalments of Dunk and Egg, which the author intends to write alongside She-Wolves.Martin has previously said that he plans to pen his fourth Dunk and Egg novella in between The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring as a palate cleanser. Of course, given we still have no release date for Winds, this could be a while away.

This guy is a joke, he knows he should move his ass and finish the fucking books, but instead of that, he preffer going to fantasy cons and whine about people telling him to do that


hell die before finishing his work lol

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 No.11978[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is anyone here in to 3D modelling? Planning to start?

What programs do you use? Are you working on animation, models to publish, or building environments to render pleasantly? If you plan to export to a game engine, check out ( >>>/games/8456 )
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On a scale between 1-5, how hard is it to learn how to use blender?


Infinity. It is possible to learn Blender, but true understanding is only forever approachable, never attainable


If it was infinity hard to learn to use than literally no one anywhere could use it.


Literally no one anywhere can use it.

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I have been reading many cognitive psychology papers on how to be a better "student". I will share what I have learned and benefited me so far.

1) Create a project.

-Set out a goal

goal ——> higher goal ——> The ultimate goal

Write your goals and step them out to make sure you choose the optimal path to reach your goal. And be as verbose as possible. e.g. instead of writing I will learn French, write I will learn 50 French words.

Also, be honest to yourself. Is your goal achievable? Lofty goals will cause you to lose your motivation.

-Determine the necessary materials.

If you are taking courses in a university etc. necessary materials will be provided to you. But if you are learning by yourself, find the books you think you will need and choose the best 2-3 (from my experience, most popular books usually are the best ones.).

-Determine the time it takes to reach your goal

Again, if you are taking courses, you are on a fixed schedule, write down the starting and ending dates. And fill the time in between with the material you will need to cover

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2) Focusing
The ability of focusing is lost in the 21st century. Learning without focusing is time wasted so you have to improve your ability to focus. Average attention span of a young adult is 72 second[1].

Benefits and use of focusing skill:
-High level of productivity
-The ability to learn hard things faster

So, how do we work without distraction? There are various methods:
-Pomodoro Technique: A good technique for entry level and quite popular. Work for 25 minutes without any distraction (no phones, and if possible no internet). Give a 5 minute break and again no phones, no social media no music.

Even though pomodoro is a nice technique, it doesn't improve your focusing skill, you can't work 25 minutes for your entire life. Thinking deeply means working with the same focus by constantly increasing the hours. which brings us to monastery technique.

-The Monastic Approach: Study like a monk, without internet and any sort of social interaction. For most of you this is not a viable method, you shouldn't have any other responsibility than your main focus.

A more viable approach that is better suited for most people is to study like a "monk" for 3 or 4 days of the week and use internet moderately the rest of the days. Still requires very careful planning.

-The Rhythmic Approach: Determine the time and the place you will work. Examine a week of your life and determine the best time for study, and work in those hours every week. I think this is the best approach for beginners.

-The Journalistic Approach: Switching into deep work mode whenever possible, even with an unpredictable schedule like you are a journalist. Requires a high level of discipline and mental agility. This is very hard for beginners.

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one thing i realized about "learning" is that it's not a simple linear process and usually the most mainstream "common sense" approach is always misguided in some way and you have to tinker and experiment and dig deep into successful people's descriptions of what they did in order to find what exactly got them to that point. the reason people fail to learn is because the instructions are generally bad, they're based on some idea of how things are supposed to be learned. you sit down, open a textbook or go to class and then you learn, but it's never as simple as that. to learn math, you need to go beyond the textbook and really gain an intuition of the objects themselves and then, if you're successful, the formal crap takes care of itself because it flows downstream from a good intuitive understanding. if you want to learn how to play an instrument, you don't start by memorizing a bunch of music theory, you have to ultimately tinker until you find a feedback loop that actually works and lets you improve. if you want to learn a language, you don't study grammar, you gradually build an intuitive understanding by exposing yourself to simple sentences and working your way up to more and more complex language until you acquire it subconsciously. that's the kind of shit that you only figure out through trial-and-error and experience.

which leads me back to focus and discipline, things that people try to brute-force even though a lack of focus and discipline just means that your "learning" method is frustrating and isn't bringing you tangible results. once you find the right method, the work becomes natural and compelling, no need to fight yourself and keep hitting your head against the wall. when things work, it's easy. when things do not work, change your approach until it's easy.


I dunno setting concrete goals only makes me less motivated generally. I will just look at it and think "woah I have to do that much?" and lose heart. If I just keep it vague I will feel okay as long as I make any sort of progress, instead of comparing with the specific end goal.

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I basically want to make a handmade catalogue of demonic/evil symbols, their meaning/the entities that they illude to.
I also want to include symbols of protection be they holy or magical etc.
Any suggestions for good or evil symbols to include would be greatly appreciated.


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the whole of clavicula salomonis, which I think is just what the wiz above posted

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I invite all anonons interested in the occult to gather in this thread and learn the basics of magic. And if on the site there are more experienced people in this topic, please share their wisdom and help with neophytes and everyone
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>going uphill momentarily?
yes, a river crossing a mountain going uphill and then go down


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like this


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Some dharma studies can be quite esoteric, very practical in use especially when dealing with suffering and loss in life. -

From experience I suggest just read up and apply the basic teaching and master that. The basis of dharma is practical life advice that can bring you to a state of skillful means and attunement with subtle magic.


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As for today nobody has been able tell how kabbalah could ever best this.
>yea i'm shilling
>thanks to this i lost the anxiety for getting a slaveplace
>i stop chasing their crap
>after they told me stupid rabble like "why do you want to work with us" or "i don't see you quite motivated"
>i even had to publicly scorn a mid-management sucker in front of everyone because he mobbed me
>it felt damn great, i even got paid and extra not like normies who stayed there sucking cock or just resigning because they could stand the douche
>and i got paid after being fired for that
>still running on this, it's lifechanging
>you can tell it's great because of much hatred it gets from wizmods and soyfags around here


I checked this Human Design thing out, and it seems that the only thing that matters in this is your date and time of birth? That's really not convincing, it's just a different kind of astrology. What about early births, or medical situations where the child had to be prematurely extracted through c-section? Does Human Design account for that, or should those people add a few days or weeks to their date of birth?

Just like with astrology, the info they give is applicable to almost everyone, I mean everyone will think "this about me so much fr fr" upon reading the results. And if a trait doesn't match, you could make the argument that it's a hidden trait that hasn't yet manifested itself.

Sorry, but no.

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 No.33619[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Has anyone read 5e's fucking Ravenloft?
Just some of the horrid shit in it:
>Strahd's played off as what amounts to Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Angelus levels of edge, literally feels nothing and seemingly has no interests above the usual, though not for the same Bram Stoker's Dracula tier reasons, Literally just wants Tatanya as if a meaningless trophy on his belt
>These dumb faggots made it so that Strahd wants to turn whatsherface not into a vampire bride, or hell, even a true vampire, BUT VAMPIRE SPAWN (You know, sniveling wall crawling nosebleed assface monster vamps?)
>Tatanya's a nigger
>The reincarnation is a nigger
>Strahd's wives are niggers
>Nigger Mayor of a town surrounding the land
>Evil white "everything is fine man"
>Strahd's a Bisexual sodomite degenerate with two male consorts to boot
>Made Barovians "Diverse"
>Made Strahd's conquering of the land sound tyrannical as fuck and less just
>Made it so that Some have Barovians have souls and some don't because of 5e's ravenloft being in a private demiplane, stopping newborn bodies from getting souls, in a piss-poor attempt to mimick the Old demiplanes of dread thing where some residents are literally just NPCs made by the powers, even though this makes no sense to anyone who's had to deal with Gulthias in 3.5 and Ashradorn in the whole Soul font thing with the ban on unborn souls in lore, so these people should be getting souls, because otherwise the demiplane would have to deny all positive energy for this shit to even remotely work
>All done because they're too lazy to redo the demiplanes of dread just like before,
>Strahd now heals for 20 in his fast heal
>Mongrel Men are the results of Racemixing past the half-race stage suffer for it, check their description and it's fucking played off as a good thing despite them being ugly mutants beyond redemption in their racial descriptions, the self-unawareness is real

This is why warhammer roleplay and castle drachenfels will always be superior
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I found this group I'm playing with years ago using Roll20. Maps and dice are handled through Roll20 but we use Discord for audio. I'm not sure why they don't use the audio from Roll20, this group had this roll20/discord thing going before I arrived. I know ib users despise discord and perhaps with good reason, but considering purely the technical side of things, using discord for audio is very convenient. As for the game system, we switched around a couple of times but the most fast paced, easy to learn (because, really, there's almost nothing to learn, you roll a d20 for basically everything) is a game called Old-School Essentials which is a rewrite and cleaning up of D&D BX, a very straightforward, no nonsense system. I hope you guys get together to play some, it's a fascinating experience. In my case it became a prison and that's why I'm harsh about it, but you shouldn't pay too much attention to it, it's mostly self-loathing like I said in a previous post.


Well, I've thought about it, and I don't think it would work well on wizchan. It would be too slow to be enjoyable, and would require so much simplification that it would just be interactive storytelling.
I encourage you to look into play-by-post games, I'm sure you'll find an opportunity to try it, entirely over text. There are websites and forums dedicated to this.


1d100[ 1d100 = 82 ]
If 88, we will start a Myfarog campaign (no succubus player characters)


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May God save us from paying for rentals like those subscription games, what a cuckery.

>they give you access

>you give them some money
>deal comes to and end
>they have the game and the money
>you have none of them anymore


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 No.51836[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Does anyone here do deadlifts? I'm thinking about working to get a god-tier deadlift. My first goal is to make it up to 405lbs deadlift and then see how far I can take it from there. Right now I can do 255 for 5x5. Any wizbros here with tips?

Right now I'm 80 lbs overweight and need to stop eating so much food. The problem is I'm addicted to food and since I'm a 28 year old virgin, it's not like I have much else to do so it's gonna be hard to cut back on the food. Does anyone also have tips on how to feel full and not feel the need to eat food?
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Gave myself some sort of back injury doing squats with poor form and going up in weight too fast now I'm having to not go to the gym for a week to recover. At least my gym has a pool I can go to for some cardio that's light on the joints. Remember to be careful wizards.


Spinal decompression should be done before and every heavyweight back and leg sets. Just 15 seconds of hanging from a bar can help


I thought that mixed grip was more liable to cause a bicep injury in the arm that's supinated.


It is. Reverse grip has no benefit. If it's the only grip that is comfortable then there is something wrong with your wrists, and endangering your entire arm isn't worth making a HIT exercise more comfy.


Mixed grip is used to lift more weight during dead lift when not wearing straps. It has nothing to do with comfort.

Usually it's a trade off between making it easier to bail to avoid leg and back injures, but there is a slight increase in the risk to bicep injury.
This is in the context of lifting very heavy, like near or even at the very limit of your strength. So no matter what you are dealing with a risk of serious injury. Mix grip is a way of mitigating certain risk for a lesser one.

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