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 No.62503[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Any type of writing is allowed, from lyrics, to poetry, to essays, and anything in between.

Last Thread:

Some discussion starters for the thread:

>What are you writing right now?

>What's your favorite thing to write about?

>Is there anything important about writing that you wish you knew earlier?

>What literary devices do you implement in your writing?

>Is there anything that you're planning to improve on in your writing?
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Does anyone have any experience, knowledge etc about the "business" (subculture,"scene" etc) of fanzines, political fliers, independent pamphlet writing, religious tract etc? Im interested in the activity itself…stickers even ,or stencils. Im trying to start small by buying notebooks, taking up pen\pencil writing again, trying to learn different forms of "drawing" the words. I also try to frequent those "old man bookstores" , the well known book fairs and stand-rows zone in my city, and such things.
>pic semi related


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restart another story, I can't help myself


>Chapter 1

Still alive in his mother's womb, the young future wanderer was already showing prodigies in terms of magic.
“He will be born a prodigy under the aegis and blessing of the Gods and of God” said his mother, touching his belly.
She went to bed in her sofa bed

It is customary to give the child's first name at birth. But only the oracle can give the child's first name. His first name and his destiny will be revealed to the oracle when it touches the child.

9 months later, the young magician was born and he was already being prepared for the ritual even though he had just uttered his first cries and cries


My red tongue felt rough against my teeth, it brought back memories of cats in my childhood licking their wounds. A face I didn't recognize was reflected in the mirror. The neighbor's dog whines when it smells me and hides behind its owner. I would have hit the ground cables with a copper hoe and felt my tendons break. I smiled gently because I knew better.

As I left the hall I hummed lullabies, the wrong notes announcing mistakes like syntax. The medicines worked and the tremors stop. I didn't differentiate between real and fake feelings. The mind is like a ship on a misty sea that has lost its course. I lower the chalice filled with blood and pour it into the roots, thick and blooming.

Tar flows thickly in the stream. The rain turned the green leaves brown. Poems have sung about a giant who stretched his arms towards the sky. I travel over the meridian and come back on the red express train. The end result is a self-created wonderland.

Mothers are ashamed and fathers disappear, but children play. They walk in life to the rhythm of Newton's cradle. It was time when the movement of the pendulums stopped and the sky began to whistle. With bleeding eyes, they falter out of the dugouts. Commands fade to a whisper as dirt and splinters overwhelm the senses.

The last letter written in blood, paid for by the next of kin, arrives. We broke the porcelain dishes and bought wreaths with flowers. The ceremony echoed inside the domed building. Trembling fingers are crossed under the gold-framed paintings. A mother falls to her knees near her son and hears the call as the night darkens.


I've read Schopenhauer's essays on authorship and on style, I think people who are interested in these topics should check them out. (https://www.gutenberg.org/files/10714/10714-h/10714-h.htm)

few ideas I want to bring forward: he mentions beauty of the style comes from the idea itself, rather than the embellishment one adds to his sentences or the overall mastery one has of the language. so essentially he suggests rather than trying to perfect your usage of the language you should polish your ideas and those correct ideas will adhere to the right words. as a result better authorship will emerge.

another point he makes is neither writing a lot nor reading voraciously can make you a better author (latter is something at on point I thought was the key). he thinks writing all the time weakens your ability to think considerately and follow your thoughts, and in turn makes you a scatterbrained author. and with reading you can only discover the usage of metaphors and other methods of using language in action. this can teach and allow you to activate your already existing innate abilities accordingly but if you don't have them in the first place reading will do nothing to make a better writer of you.


so if you don't read too much and write occasionaly you can be a better writer?

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Any wizards play yugioh?

I collect the cards, though I don't really play the game. I'm 26 and still live with my parents as a hikki, so my parents are trying to force me to get a hobby to get me out of the house so I"m thinking of playing the game at my local card shop
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Did anyone have ghetto shitbags in their yugioh community?


there's a new archetype based on alice in wonderland. beford I got rangebanned on 4chad, I larped as 'Alice' in /dng/ (yugioh thread) on /vg/ and I wanted to have a alice in wondeland archetype and konami fullfiled my wish! I'm so happy https://ygorganization.com/goamongmadpeople/


well not that happy but content


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anyone who follow up the current Yu-Gi-Oh! format/meta?
I wish we had a card that set rebirth of the seventh emperor and resurecsion of seventh emperor in to the field (both are traps) for the shark deck


there should be a new psy-frame handtrap card that can synchro summon so you can have a synchro monster turn 0

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 No.50416[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Who here likes to walk? Where do you walk? How long do you walk for? What kind of shoes do you like to wear? Do you take photos?
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I usually walk in place or around my apartment just to get some movement in without the need to leave the house. Just to tick a box to say I did something today.


A couple times I went and walked on the side of a highway where I live, no sidewalks here. I don't do it anymore because there isn't much to see and nowhere to really go.


is it common for people to walk there where there is no sidewalk? it would make me anxious standing out like that as a pedestrian, besides all the ruckus and danger that come with sharing the road with speeding drivers

it's something i have come to hate: when you step out of urban areas you've got towns that are a few miles apart, but it's practically impossible to just walk there. sometimes there are dedicated bicycle lanes and pathways and that's it.
but nobody cares since it's so commonly accepted. this is what makes rural life so repulsive to me. every little town or hamlet is like a small island


I have started rucking. 8km / 5 miles with a 20kg/ 44lbs backpack, 2 times a week.

I don't recommend doing this if you've been sedentary for a long time. It's good to work on your leg strenght, flexibility, and back strenght before starting this.


Me too but I also have akathisia from Vraylar. Too bad it's the only med that truly helps me

[Last 50 Posts]

 No.27994[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post good (spoken) books in this thread.

I'll start with the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. Such a good narration.
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>bad faith and non-arguments
What was even the point of this post other then to make yourself look bad?


The Squire
From one of my favorite fantasy novelist James E Wisher.

This one was pretty good. Especially as a stand alone.


Lord of High Reaches by James Haddock.

Second book I have listened to from James. Liked the narator's range of voices even if some of the accent choices were a bit odd.
Was decent but I liked Mage Thrown Prophecy more.


Listening to Werewolf books on a Hunter’s Moon. Few things match such a feel.

Wolf Blood - by Matt Tyler

Has a wonderful gothic horror feel throughout. I wonder if they will keep it up with other books in the series. I will listen to book 2 later tonight unless I get distracted with something.


Book two really is trying my nerves. Somehow the AI voice has gotten significantly worse or the editing of it has gotten lazy. Ether way it's now a drag to listen through.
The story meanders. The themes trite and preditable. The borderline retarded social comentary and virtue signaling is lazy and clumbsy, and I dislike all of the new charcters. Also India sucks as the new setting but it seems that the bulk of the last 3 books of the series are taking place in it. It doesn't have the same gothic horror vibes at all. Instead the whole thing feels more genearic modern fantasy trying to follow trends in mainstream publishing. Which is to say, follow the DEI agenda rather than craft a decent story or stick to the more interesting setting.
Worst yet, basically all of the charicture progress of the people from the last book has been frozen because too much time was spent fleshing out 2 of the new characters. Mind you not all of the new characters, just two of them. Both being kinda shit and I am a bit disappointed nether died. I mean one was wounded but this being now a basic bitch fantasy book, that means basically nothing.
Worst yet, I can already pretty much predict where the story is going and I don't like it.

So disappointing.

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 No.56436[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread for those who enjoy and wish to discuss animation and animation related stuff from places that aren't Japan.
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I have just finished watching the final season…
…wonderful times all around…
I leave now before my cynicism wants to add to that ;_;


I find it funny that the first thing people think when they hear someone's last name like "Fox" is the animal.
With that logic I guess Muriel from Courage the Cowardly dog is a Vi-racist and a Vi-white Vi-Supremacist, given the secret ingredient she puts on things, kek..


The only people I know who are active watchers of cartoons and don't just watch anime are either:
- adult furry artists
- adult leftists
- diagnosed adult autists
only weird af adults
do kids even watch this shit?


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Me hav IQ of 69.
Me can no give gud sentence flatulance of picture drawings.


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> people I know
Wow, you know people, like in real life? Amazing!

>diagnosed adult autists

You got me there.
I ain't a furry or leftest though.
>only weird af adults
This whole site is arguably for " weird af adults" so…
>do kids even watch this shit?

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 No.41819[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Favorite comic?

Favorite author?

Favorite cartoonist?

Favorite character?
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Is the new one with her as an adult any good? Not sure what to think of it.


Not as good imo but still worth reading.


Ah ok


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Anya's Ghost (2011)
Oh, Miss Brosgol ;_;..


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Great Expectations (2010/1861) Charles Dickens and Brigit Viney

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 No.65514[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What's the last movie you've seen?
What's the oldest film you've seen?

The last movie thread has surpassed the bump limit. >>>/hob/60753
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Dredd 2012
Hellboy 2019
Rorschach and Wolverine ;D…..


Theatres in my city are showing old movies once a month. I'm seeing Pulp Fiction on the 4th November.


"Hitler: Rise of Evil". Didn't finish watching it yet. No spoilers please. :D
Probably "It's a Wonderful Life".


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I was gonna check its imdb trivia, but it was probably raided by pmsing succubi, with hypocritical healthcare, like alot of things online seem to be nowadays…


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Let's have a thread on it! In the US at least, there's a lot of neat stuff to find even if you're not into it that much. For example, all quarters & dimes dated 1964 and earlier are made of 90% silver.
I'm surprised that there wasn't a thread about this already. Post your hoard if you wish.
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Just a very cool video about the history of money in America.


that guy is cool and knowledgable and makes colonial america seem interesting with every video


It's been over a year since I wrote this post and I still haven't gotten a new job and still haven't restarted this fun hobby yet.

I remember in 2019 and 2020 I enjoyed getting brand new quarter rolls, because some of the new ones had the West Point W mint mark, rather than the P or D mark. I had relatively good luck finding at least one for every handful of new quarters.

In 2021 I probably could have found more if I had kept up with the hobby. Now in 2022 I haven't encountered a single one. I regret not coin roll hunting these past two years, I could have built a good collection of those W quarters (which I think can sell for $5-10 on Ebay a pop, depending on their condition).

I mentioned in my previous post that I liked collecting paper currency with interesting serial numbers. Well I went broke recently and finally had to spend these bills. I should have tried to at least sell them on Ebay. But the same depression/anxiety combo that prevented me from keeping my job and going to banks for coin rolls also prevented me from even bothering to try. And the fact that I no longer have those neat bills makes me hate myself even more. I had a $10 with a number 01000010, a $1 with number 66606660, and a $20 with number 45454455, among others. And a couple dozen rare star notes. Now they're all gone because I'm a lazy, mentally ill retard.


I've spent every single wheat penny, every silver quarter, every silver dime, even the neat silver proof quarter I had. Spent that one on ice cream for my mom.

The last cool coin I had was a 1885-S Morgan dollar coin. A few weeks ago I pawned it for $20 which I then spent on an ounce of kratom and a benzedrex inhaler and a Coke.

I only bump this thread in the hopes that maybe I'll eventually be inspired to fix my life, and then reignite my interest in coins, and then as I rebuild my collection I'll actively post in this thread and get other people interested as well.
But I'm much more likely to kill myself before anything like that ever comes close to happening.

This was the best hobby I ever had and the only silver lining is that it wouldn't technically be THAT hard for me to rebuild my collection. Given enough time, I could get 95% of it through coin roll hunting and would have fun doing it. I could use my electronic microscope and upload closeups of neat coins and show differences between things like, 1982 small date and large date pennies.
But I'll never do anything ever. Never have never will.


Updates, mage?

I might as well share that I have a 1928 Peace Dollar, I am kind of proud of that. I also have every 5 oz Silver Quarter 2014-2021 before the swapped them out for the succubi of color quarters (which will never become valuable, at least for the foreseeable future, since numismatics is a hobby with a lot of conservatives).

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 No.63672[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

All you need to begin drawing is a pencil and some paper

Feel free to post any drawings of yours in this thread. Illustration, doodle, traditional, digital - anything goes. Discussion on skillbuilding techniques and fair critique of other wizards' work is welcome.

last thread
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I hope you to draw again. Don't bother to be better. I believe it only adds more tension. That tension takes something from you, but I don't have a name for it.


Love the surreal emotion and composition.
Thanks for sharing.


how many years of drawing do you have?


6 years professionally, but total 18 years I guess.


nice. I'm just an amateur compared to you

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Here we discuss and speak of dreams that we had or the kind of dream that we would want.
We don't discuss of lucid dreaming.
I wanted to make this kind of thread as i do control them in how they will work but once inside i let the dream go and work his own doing.
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Guess it can’t be a bad sign if my dying grudges seem to be the most fully remembered in my dreams now..


Well, I'd rather not screenshot a quote I posted in a site that went aggressively downhill last year, so I'm just gonna paraphrase the words:

All I know is that if I dreamt it before then I probably dreamt it again..


Concerning a certain comic strip that I have dreamt or will dream, be it honestly, in a nightmare, or because existence is cruel enough to lie to me by making the dream too hyperrealistic to tell apart from reality until I wake up (or whatever convoluted detail I have yet to go through in the future from this so-called lucid dreaming/astral plane bs/cause I am unevolved enough to comprehend it all) I get it:

I can never return to it in a way I can agree with it fully in this life again.

Hopefully the last stage of grief can come sooner than later already and let the remains of this obssesion can finally die -.-


Desire them to get choked with you!


Think Night of the comet, except instead of zombies its a cult like the one from the wicker man (after taking like 8 different kinds of drugs).

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