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 No.33619[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Has anyone read 5e's fucking Ravenloft?
Just some of the horrid shit in it:
>Strahd's played off as what amounts to Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Angelus levels of edge, literally feels nothing and seemingly has no interests above the usual, though not for the same Bram Stoker's Dracula tier reasons, Literally just wants Tatanya as if a meaningless trophy on his belt
>These dumb faggots made it so that Strahd wants to turn whatsherface not into a vampire bride, or hell, even a true vampire, BUT VAMPIRE SPAWN (You know, sniveling wall crawling nosebleed assface monster vamps?)
>Tatanya's a nigger
>The reincarnation is a nigger
>Strahd's wives are niggers
>Nigger Mayor of a town surrounding the land
>Evil white "everything is fine man"
>Strahd's a Bisexual sodomite degenerate with two male consorts to boot
>Made Barovians "Diverse"
>Made Strahd's conquering of the land sound tyrannical as fuck and less just
>Made it so that Some have Barovians have souls and some don't because of 5e's ravenloft being in a private demiplane, stopping newborn bodies from getting souls, in a piss-poor attempt to mimick the Old demiplanes of dread thing where some residents are literally just NPCs made by the powers, even though this makes no sense to anyone who's had to deal with Gulthias in 3.5 and Ashradorn in the whole Soul font thing with the ban on unborn souls in lore, so these people should be getting souls, because otherwise the demiplane would have to deny all positive energy for this shit to even remotely work
>All done because they're too lazy to redo the demiplanes of dread just like before,
>Strahd now heals for 20 in his fast heal
>Mongrel Men are the results of Racemixing past the half-race stage suffer for it, check their description and it's fucking played off as a good thing despite them being ugly mutants beyond redemption in their racial descriptions, the self-unawareness is real

This is why warhammer roleplay and castle drachenfels will always be superior
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Love? Well each person is different. To me it's a prison. I call it the 'prison of just enoughs'. Just enough fun to make you not quit. Just enough imagination required to make you dedicated. Just enough tactics to make you pay attention. Just enough for you to care. Just. And it has the odd property of eternally diminishing fun without ever reaching zero, again, just enough to make you show up session after session, month after month, year after year. To me it became this bizarre lingering experience, a looming haze perpetually distorting my days, folding my mind into moss infested corridors, lurking monsters and magic artifacts. I don't even consider quitting anymore because it's better than nothing, again, just enough to make it worth it.

What I mean by if I quit the game dies I mean exactly that. This group I'm in doesn't have the open table mindset and can't even consider bringing someone new in. They are extremely averse to change and newcomers. It's 3 people laser focused on churning fantasy dungeons, there's a rhythm, a comfort and a delicate dynamic we've built through countless hours of gaming together. A year ago when I tangentially suggested bringing in another player it was like I was asking them to commit murder, one of the guys even got offended, like I was trying to destroy a sacrosanct inner circle or something. I don't know, maybe I was. Fucking gamers. And so that's what it is. A prison of just 'enoughs' just for us 3 guys, which is fitting I suppose. Fucking gamers. Fucking troglodytes. Fucking dwarves and wizards and old relics. Next session is in a couple of days. I'll be there early to write the recap and organize the gear for the hirelings. One of them leveled up recently but lost a couple of fingers.


A lovely prison. Thanks for the reply.
So 1 GM and 2 players… indeed, it would probably mean the end if either of you quit.
Well, I hope you have fun next session, and make it to name level one day, if you guys haven't already.


NP, I was quite surprised someone decided to respond to this thread. And thanks, it's probably going to be fun. We have a party at name level working for a king but right now we're dungeon crawling with a thief focused chaotic party, little bit of an evil campaign of sorts.


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Hello anon,
I'd love to hear about this game again.
Any new development? Is it still going? Did your feelings towards the game change?


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Thank you for your interest. Last session we found a monster deep inside a crypt (yet another monster, yet another crypt, yet again, yet again…) but it turned out the monster was dead. Despite being dead, it was making a whistling noise, indicating there's a monster inside the monster's carcass (or something like that). This monster's carcass is located on top of a large stalagmite surrounded by open chasm (another chasm, chasm n. 100000th) and we spent the entirety of the last session hiring workers and gathering materials to build a bridge. Wood, nails, climbing equipment, scaffold parts and whatnot.That took about 4 hours to put together and the bridge will probably be ready for the upcoming session. Then we'll proceed to stab, shoot or befriend what we find there, carry the loot, if any, back to our base, and use it to support a rebellion that is trying to overthrown a particular duke that have accused us of egregious crimes we have accidentally committed. We killed an important individual during a rogue mission for someone else and he's very angry about. So, in order to clear our names, the duke must die. Currently, his army is after us, and we're trying to dismantle his political power through this rebel movement.

Yes, it's still ongoing. My feelings towards the game have not changed. I spend most of the week despising it. I find gaming a frivolous, intellectually and spiritually backward practice and I'm ashamed to be part and engage in it. It's a repetitive, vacuous, frivolous, execrable hobby. It's a bunch of adults who have handed their imagination to the lowest, childish form of distraction. These are not the elegant air castles of literature or the higher arts, it's a group of avatars living in a synthetic, crude world where cheap events are lined up and pushed through so primitive decision making and random chance gives us increasingly expected results. I have often considered that perhaps staring at the ceiling has more value than gaming. Excuse my self-loathing.

Then it's gaming night and all is forgiven. I have a great time, I get to talk with other human beings I don't actively despise, I get to build things out of thin air and exist vicariously in a world where pain, death and poverty are weak forces of superficial and even amusing consequence. We get to be strong, smart, cunning, capable forces in a world of high fantasy.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

[Last 50 Posts]

 No.52879[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I now consider researching conspiracy theories to be a hobby of mine. Of course, as a hikki, this information is of literally no use to me whatsoever, and I do not have the charisma to "educate" others. It is simply a pastime.
Many people act like simply researching these very alternative ideas is damaging in and of itself. Popular on wizchan youtuber named "K9 Aversion" recently announced she will no longer be creating content simply because people among her fanbase were discussing 5G towers and anti-vaxx ideas within her communities. Discussion alone is so offensive? Why? I do not even believe many of the ideas proposed myself and just enjoy thinking about them.
Because of these extreme reactions, I feel it necessary to give this disclaimer. Again, I do not necessarily believe the things proposed in this thread but rather enjoy thinking about it.

Please do not discuss theories that are political in nature in this thread. I don't want it to be deleted, although I find them interesting as well.

Some examples I've been thinking about lately:
- Alien abductions are real, however they differ from the normalfag idea of an alien abduction in that real abductions occur spiritually and not physically. And these abductions are NEVER to your benefit and you leave very unhealthy and emotionally damaged. They happen during the sleep normally, however sometimes they can happen while awake and when this happens it's similar to a date rape drug– you have a 2-5 hour blank spot in your memory when you "wake up" and have a feeling of general unease.

- The extension of the flat earth theory which claims the entire sky is a hologram, and sometimes that no planets except Earth exist. There are many youtube videos that document sky hologram "glitches".
- Alternatively (not flat earth related), that the sky is itself a giant living organism and that it sometimes sends shards of itself down to attack or observe people (they look like blue blankets and fly at great speeds.)

- You can fall through the ground like a video game glitch and get stuck in an infinite void on certain parts of the planet.

- Dinosaurs existed up until the early 1900's as evidenced by dinosaur tracks on the top layer of the earth that are way too well preserved to be from 60,000,000 years ago.

- Some gnostic wizards think that if they become spiritually elevated enough that they can cease ingesting food of any kind and live heaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Since I've had the internet, I've seen stories about giants around the world and no matter where in the world they are, they always look like this. Exactly human, except for the height and only having 4 fingers and toes.

I remember hearing about the testimony of a Smithsonian employee, who, on his deathbed, confessed to the cover-up and destruction of anything to do with giants and anything that did not fit into the historical and evolutionary narrative.

I wonder why. What's wrong with knowing that the history of the world is much more than what a mercenary scientist who sells himself to the highest bidder tells you?


>So why should they do evil against their own citizens
The CIA specifically has a massive lack of oversight and accountability. That is the main reason.
Ideally such organizations should be kept on a very short leash with a very narrow mission scope. That has unfortunately never been the case for the CIA.


What's the point of hiding gigants? What the "elites" would gain with that? Those stupid gigants theory come from stupdi christian trying to prove that the bible is real somehow, get a grip, you're being grifted.


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>According to Aztec legends the Quinametzin are giants that inhabited Mesoamerica and Mexico in archaic time.

>The Quinametzin and other humanoid giants are mentioned in Aztec and Mesoamerican mythology and in Spanish chronicles.

>These mysterious beings stood over 10 feet tall and weighed around 600 pounds.

>They lived in a time known as the Era of the Fourth Sun and it is said that they built the pyramids of Teotihuacán and the Great Pyramid of Cholula.

> These mythological beings are associated with the narrative of the Five Suns of the Aztecs, which is about the existence of five eras with five different races in the remote past of America.

>They were created by the Gods in the Age of the Fourth Sun: that of Atltonatiuh (Sun of Water).

>The Ríos Codex or Vatican Codex A, which focuses on the Toltec-Chichimeca people, shows the Aztecs battling and capturing one of these giants.

>The name of the giant that appears in the codex is Quinametzin.

The word comes from ” quinametli “, which means giant.
Aztec mythology says that these beings inhabited Mexico and Central America and that the native peoples fought against them.
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>Many chroniclers and scribe priests knew of the giant legends told by the aborigines of ancient Mexico.

>The Bernardino de Sahagun fray even stated that the builders of the pyramids of Teotihuacan and Cholula were these colossal humanoids:

>And the burial mounds that they made to the sun and the moon are like great mountains built by hand, which seems to be natural mountains and they are not, and it can still be an incredible thing to say that they are built by hand, and it is true, because those who They were made then, they were gigantic and even this is clear on the hill or mount of Chollullan, which is clear to be made by hand, because it has adobe and whitewashed (Sahagún, 1956, vol. III, p. 209).

>The Friar Diego Duran also mentioned the presence of giants in the region of Puebla-Tlaxcala: “The other people who say they found those of Tlaxcala and Cholula and Huejotzingo, say they were giants. – extracted from Durán, 1951, P. 14.

>Durán stipulated that long and large bones were found in that region of Puebla that he himself saw when they were being extracted.

He also spoke of battles between the giants and the Cholultecs.

>In addition, Fray Andrés Olmos reported the collection of gigantic standing bones in the palace of Antonio de Mendoza, viceroy of New Spain.

>the Aztec constructions of the pyramids of Teotihuacán and the Great Pyramid of Cholula are among the most amazing and megalithic in America.

>The Great Pyramid of Cholula has been called the largest in the world, with 65 meters high and 450 meters x 450 meters base.

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 No.65514[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What's the last movie you've seen?
What's the oldest film you've seen?

The last movie thread has surpassed the bump limit. >>>/hob/60753
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can I get some japanese movie recommended please. it doesn't matter if it's in japanese without subs or theresn't an english translation


Daimajin (1966)
The Vampire Doll (1970)


thank you


bruh is that the 9 tails that was inside naruto


yes haha

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Anyone here interested in researching serial killers? I find some of their backstories and psychiatric evaluations really interesting…
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I never found serial killers interesting and don't understand why normos are so interested in them. I understand the femoid part of the equation since they're animals that find cruelty sexually arousing but what's in it for men to read a psychopath butchering innocent people?


I grew up on police procedurals and detective stories so reading about real world case files of some of the most infamous cases is extremely interesting to me.
I am not going to speculate on the mind of succubi, I will just say that crimes and how they are solved have always made for compelling narratives to me.
That said I only really have interest in solved cases. Unsolved ones aren't my thing. Make of that what you will.
I guess I like when real world evil faces justice due to good detective work.


I wonder how many of these asylum border crossers are sickos in disguise



Nah a majority probably. Brownsters are subhuman

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I have this hobby, I like to save pics I see, I have 1000~ pics for now but Its what I really like, then I go through my folder looking at my picturs I saved from internet
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Thank you. I wish more artist would ilustrate Clark Ahston Smith stories


This just turned in to a random image dump thread. There's already one open at >>>/lounge/304779 and merging so many posts breaks reply chains so I'll be locking this one.

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 No.64932[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Book discussion. Tell us what you're reading.
Previous threads:
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>What made you curious about my take on NHK?
youve read all these books on the chart so I thought you were knowlegable on the subject, so I asked you about NHK which I like. >What's your take on NHK?
I read the LN, the 'rebuild of NHK', watched the anime and read the manga. All I can say is either the LN, the rebuild or the anime or the manga: non made a good ending. it needs more. the story doesn't look finished to me.


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I could say the same as you did. To me the story of Satou should go beyond the ending of the anime (I can only remember the ending of the anime at this moment), where he finally gets a job, since as a neet I think that he would have a lot of hardships trying to readapt himself to what would be called a "normal life".
Actually I didn't read all the books in the chart, but I've read some of them and a lot more since I'm really interested in literature.

Besides NHK, have you read other books?


>Besides NHK, have you read other books?
yes, I've read the metamorphosis, the castle and america by kafka, blade runner, dune, the black company, the great meaulnes, I don't remember the orther books. I didn't read that much books (more manga tho)


Did you not get the ending?
I mean it's one of the best ending in anime I have seen .
I recommend you to watch the last 3 eps again but this time do it at 3AM .
NHK is one of the fav and best anime I have even seen and the ending is great too . You just have to get the point which it end link that


>Did you not get the ending?
what was about to get? can you explain to me please?
also, I think NHK needs a sequel

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Create your ideal succubus, combining 2 AIs ChatGPT for the personality and Stable Diffusion for the visual, thus being born GPT-Chan.
As time passed, GPT-Chan acted strangely, more close, and Bryce cared more and more for her, reaching the point where both, human and machine, fell in love, dog like Bryce's girlfriend was getting jealous and Bryce didn't want a cock cramp so he turned it off.

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volcel destroys all temptresses, even the 2d kind, he walks around naked to show off what a wizchad he is, and that is why he has to keep his sword between his muscular buns


why the hell can't I download it, or anything else from github? I get NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID


I can already do that with my imagination. You can see images in your mind, right wizzie?


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I found a board in an alt chan dedicated to the same idea. They are obbsesed with emmy the robot. Some of them want tesla to create something similar. The should know Elon Musk is a cia agent and a nsa asset. That guy would be nothing without subventions.




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i will not be controlled by sex

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 No.50416[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Who here likes to walk? Where do you walk? How long do you walk for? What kind of shoes do you like to wear? Do you take photos?
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A couple times I went and walked on the side of a highway where I live, no sidewalks here. I don't do it anymore because there isn't much to see and nowhere to really go.


is it common for people to walk there where there is no sidewalk? it would make me anxious standing out like that as a pedestrian, besides all the ruckus and danger that come with sharing the road with speeding drivers

it's something i have come to hate: when you step out of urban areas you've got towns that are a few miles apart, but it's practically impossible to just walk there. sometimes there are dedicated bicycle lanes and pathways and that's it.
but nobody cares since it's so commonly accepted. this is what makes rural life so repulsive to me. every little town or hamlet is like a small island


I have started rucking. 8km / 5 miles with a 20kg/ 44lbs backpack, 2 times a week.

I don't recommend doing this if you've been sedentary for a long time. It's good to work on your leg strenght, flexibility, and back strenght before starting this.


Me too but I also have akathisia from Vraylar. Too bad it's the only med that truly helps me


Walking in nature indeed is nice, it is one of the few activities that give me joy. Even better when there is nobody around and I am in solitude with my thoughts.

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Any wizards play yugioh?

I collect the cards, though I don't really play the game. I'm 26 and still live with my parents as a hikki, so my parents are trying to force me to get a hobby to get me out of the house so I"m thinking of playing the game at my local card shop
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Did anyone have ghetto shitbags in their yugioh community?


there's a new archetype based on alice in wonderland. beford I got rangebanned on 4chad, I larped as 'Alice' in /dng/ (yugioh thread) on /vg/ and I wanted to have a alice in wondeland archetype and konami fullfiled my wish! I'm so happy https://ygorganization.com/goamongmadpeople/


well not that happy but content


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anyone who follow up the current Yu-Gi-Oh! format/meta?
I wish we had a card that set rebirth of the seventh emperor and resurecsion of seventh emperor in to the field (both are traps) for the shark deck


there should be a new psy-frame handtrap card that can synchro summon so you can have a synchro monster turn 0

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Let's have a thread on it! In the US at least, there's a lot of neat stuff to find even if you're not into it that much. For example, all quarters & dimes dated 1964 and earlier are made of 90% silver.
I'm surprised that there wasn't a thread about this already. Post your hoard if you wish.
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Just a very cool video about the history of money in America.


that guy is cool and knowledgable and makes colonial america seem interesting with every video


It's been over a year since I wrote this post and I still haven't gotten a new job and still haven't restarted this fun hobby yet.

I remember in 2019 and 2020 I enjoyed getting brand new quarter rolls, because some of the new ones had the West Point W mint mark, rather than the P or D mark. I had relatively good luck finding at least one for every handful of new quarters.

In 2021 I probably could have found more if I had kept up with the hobby. Now in 2022 I haven't encountered a single one. I regret not coin roll hunting these past two years, I could have built a good collection of those W quarters (which I think can sell for $5-10 on Ebay a pop, depending on their condition).

I mentioned in my previous post that I liked collecting paper currency with interesting serial numbers. Well I went broke recently and finally had to spend these bills. I should have tried to at least sell them on Ebay. But the same depression/anxiety combo that prevented me from keeping my job and going to banks for coin rolls also prevented me from even bothering to try. And the fact that I no longer have those neat bills makes me hate myself even more. I had a $10 with a number 01000010, a $1 with number 66606660, and a $20 with number 45454455, among others. And a couple dozen rare star notes. Now they're all gone because I'm a lazy, mentally ill retard.


I've spent every single wheat penny, every silver quarter, every silver dime, even the neat silver proof quarter I had. Spent that one on ice cream for my mom.

The last cool coin I had was a 1885-S Morgan dollar coin. A few weeks ago I pawned it for $20 which I then spent on an ounce of kratom and a benzedrex inhaler and a Coke.

I only bump this thread in the hopes that maybe I'll eventually be inspired to fix my life, and then reignite my interest in coins, and then as I rebuild my collection I'll actively post in this thread and get other people interested as well.
But I'm much more likely to kill myself before anything like that ever comes close to happening.

This was the best hobby I ever had and the only silver lining is that it wouldn't technically be THAT hard for me to rebuild my collection. Given enough time, I could get 95% of it through coin roll hunting and would have fun doing it. I could use my electronic microscope and upload closeups of neat coins and show differences between things like, 1982 small date and large date pennies.
But I'll never do anything ever. Never have never will.


Updates, mage?

I might as well share that I have a 1928 Peace Dollar, I am kind of proud of that. I also have every 5 oz Silver Quarter 2014-2021 before the swapped them out for the succubi of color quarters (which will never become valuable, at least for the foreseeable future, since numismatics is a hobby with a lot of conservatives).

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