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 No.33352[Last 50 Posts]

Do any other wizards have an interest in French language, history, and culture?

>Welcome to Tex's French Grammar (la grammaire de l'absurde), a pedagogical reference grammar that combines explanations with surreal dialogues and cartoon images.

>English-French Dictionary
>Weekly News in Slow French
>Learn French with RFI
>Anki: Friendly, intelligent flash cards.



EN DIRECT : l'info internationale en continu par FRANCE 24


Why on earth are you interested in French language?


French history, Enlightenment, French Revolution, Restoration, July Monarch, Second Empire


It's a very beautiful language, and it's fairly easy to learn if you already know English.


The French Revolution - Part 1 - English subtitles (La Révolution française - Les Années Lumières)


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I browse French Twitter on days when I don't have the drive or time to read from a book or long news article. It is a good way to get at least a little bit of language exposure on my off days.

They have an election coming up, which has really energized the normalcattle, and it makes for amusing and interesting reading.


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Thanks for the resources wiz, I seem to be picking this up faster than Nipponese.


Maybe you might like this: https://boards.qwant.com/
Qwant is a privacy-oriented French search engine, but I use Searx.
There are French imageboards too:
I realize my suggestions may be unwelcome, but keeping tabs on imageboards is just something I like to do.


Louis Ferdinand Céline interview - English subtitles


>Extra french avec sous-titres- Episode 1
A sitcom-type show made for students of French. I think there are German and Spanish versions around as well.


Thanks, wiz.


French Existentialism


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>Do any other wizards have an interest in French language, history, and culture?

I was born in france, for my sins. I got out when I was 20 and can't possibly conceive of a reason why anyone would take an interest in anything remotely french.

I hope to live long enough to see their heinous language die, and it upsets me a great deal that anyone would want to learn it.

Why? Is it like NTR pornography, where somehow the inherent humiliation is supposed to make you feel better about yourself?


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>I got out when I was 20
What happened to make you hate France, wiz? Is it because they deported you back to Algeria? :^)

This thread is certainly not meant to hide or obscure the fact that much of France and its culture is highly unwizardly.


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I couldn't take the cognitive dissonance, it was too much to bear. Everything the french produce is utterly shit in comparison to what the civilised, English-speaking nations of the world have to offer. Whether we're talking about literature, music, movies, technology, everything they make is shit-tier and yet, the french genuinely believe that it's the best.
They'll wank on an on about their "exception culturelle", high on the smell of their own farts. And it's not just that they keep repeating it, but they expect you to believe it also. I was never particularly smart, but I had access to satellite TV and later the Internet, and it was plain to see that the grass really *was* greener in the civilised world. That's what drove me mad.

I'll never know the dignity of being American, and I'll never get back the 20 years of my life they stole from me. Fuck the french.

Saged for blogposting.


I'm French myself and his way to speak is really amusing, really interesting person. thanks wizzie.


those boeard are utter shit i don't recommand visiting them. filled with incel normalcattle.


>literature technology being shit tier
Careful there boy. Some of it is great.
>I'll never know the dignity of being American, and I'll never get back the 20 years of my life they stole from me. Fuck the french.
Another fucking burger. Who would have known ? ^^
Burgers are so proud to be part of MURICA it's ridiculous.


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Soyons gentils.

Let's keep this thread positive, friends. We are all wizards here.



The Horla is pretty good, I remember reading it when I was 13 and being both scared and fascinated. Maupassant is very popular in middle school and high school, well, as popular as a "classical" author can be but his stories have really aged well.


French is my mother tongue but I'm from the province of Quebec in Canada.

French people from France tend to have a better
command and a wider vocabulary than the people living here. Sort of like the distinction between British english vs American english but more pronounced.
From where I am and as is the case with most north american people, the people here descend from peasant stock which kind of explains the lack of refinement with which we express ourselves compared to our European counterparts.

French literature is considered by many to be one of the greatest. The french language itself is melodious.

I've enjoyed reading Michel Houellebecq's works and I highly recommend them to people of a wizardly bent. But apart from that, I don't really enjoy reading books or literature. I'm what you may call "educated" but even I have trouble getting into most of the classic "auteurs".
It just goes way above my head. I can't go through a single page without having to look through a dictionary and the cultural references from other centuries are lost on me.

To really get the most out of a lot of those french classics you practically need a degree in literature.
There are too many ancient cultural references and archaic terms to make these works accessible to a general public or even most educated people.

Imagine a guy from the 24th century reading a 2017 raid chatlog peppered with KEKs or BURs. The poor guy won't understand anything. Unless he's read extensively about early 21st century MMO history and culture.If he's not well acquainted with our culture, he might mistakingly think KEK is a frog god from 4chan while in fact it's LOL from world of warcraft. Only a true scholar will be able to savor guild chatlogs from the early 21st century.


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What Fantastique littéraire people usually read? I'm looking for horror writers in particular but it's kinda difficult since there isn't such a "division" within French literature (correct me if I'm wrong). They just call it Fantastique and that's it. I read lots of Erckmann-Chatrian. This compilation http://www.filedropper.com/collectedworkoferckmann-chatrian (epub format btw) is the only English translation I found. That's a fairly difficult to find epub btw, if anyone is interested.

Other author I would like to read is Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam but there's practically nothing translated to English, at least that I could find online for free. I did find it in Spanish though.


This is an interesting site that I am reading for language practice. It is a French government site that tries to stop Muslim chads from doing jihad.
>Stop Jihadism: Act Against the Terrorist Threat


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thanks anon! especially for those imageboard links


Those imageboards aren't the ones us french use. It's for older people.
HEre's where all the younguns hang out and the happenings happen : http://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/0-51-0-1-0-1-0-blabla-18-25-ans.htm


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you and i know this site is shit tier, if you think otherwise you might be an outsider, pure cancer.


Wizchan would be beautiful if the only images we could upload were crops from Goya's artworks.


Everything is shit tier. Even this very site.
But you can't deny that's where stuff happens.


-But I'd prefer that you spoke directly of your problems. Once again you're being too abstract.

-Maybe. But I don't understand, basically, how people manage to go on living. I get the impression everybody must be unhappy; we live in such a simple world, you understand. There's a system based on domination, money and fear - a somewhat masculine system, let's call it Mars; there's a feminine system based on seduction and sex, Venus let's say. And that's it. Is it really possible to live and to believe that there's nothing else? Along with the late nineteenth-century realists, Maupassant believed there was nothing else; and it drove him completely mad.

-You're mixing everything up. Maupassant's madness was only a classic stage in the development of syphilis. Any normal human being accepts the two systems you're talking about.

-No. If Maupassant went mad it's because he had an acute awareness of matter, of nothingness and death - and that he had no awareness of anything else. Alike in this to our contemporaries, he established an absolute separation between his individual existence and the rest of the world. It's the only way in which we can conceive the world today. For example, a bullet from a .45 Magnum may graze my cheek and end up hitting the wall behind me; I'll be unscathed. Taking the opposite example, the bullet will splatter my flesh, my physical suffering will be enormous; will be enormous; at the end of the day my face will be disfigured; perhaps the eye will be splattered too, in which case I'll be both disfigured and blind; from then on I'll inspire repugnance in other men. At a more general level, we are all subject to ageing and to death. This notion of ageing and death is insupportable for the individual human being, in the kind of civilization we live in it develops in a sovereign and unconditional manner, it gradually occupies the whole field of consciousness , it allows nothing else to subsist. In this way, and little by little, knowledge of the world's constraints is established. Desire itself disappears; only bitterness, jealousy and fear remain. Above all there remains bitterness ; an immense and inconceivable bitterness. No civilization, no epoch has been capable of developing such a quantity of bitterness in its subjects. In that sense we are living through unprecedented times. If it was necessary to sum up the contemporary mental state in a word, that's the one I'd undoubtedly choose: bitterness.


Read this today for practice.
>Michel Houellebecq : "Je suis un disciple imparfait de Schopenhauer"

>The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq | official trailer US (2015)


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Not goya but an another one i like


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God thank you for this, it's too fucking great


pleb happening you mean.


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Today I read for practice this brief passage on a pessimistic philosopher who was so persuasive that he convinced some of his followers to commit suicide.
>Hégésias De Cyrène
He argued that happiness is impossible to achieve, and that the goal of life was the avoidance of pain and sorrow.


Hegesias is an interesting fellow, but virtually nothing about him is known except a few off-hand comments made by later authors.


The whole socks bts affair was pretty fun. And risitas makes me laugh a lot.


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I went to one of these to listen to a talk on French military history with French and Vietnamese military commanders, and another time just to have an early morning coffee and view an art display they had up. Many locations have all sorts of events, movie viewings, and libraries. The one I went to was not usually bustling, save for when they have a big event.

The Institut français is in charge of implementing France’s cultural action abroad. The agency was set up by the July 27, 2010 French Foreign Cultural Action Act and its enabling decree of December 30, 2010.
This cultural diplomacy is based on a network of 96 instituts français and more than 300 alliances françaises under contract with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs located in 161 different countries around the world.


>Vietnamese military commanders
North or South?




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Today for practice I am reading about the «Affaire de Hautefaye» in which a young French noble was brutally tortured and murdered by French peasants during the Franco-Prussian War. (There are rumors that some of his attackers then proceeded to engage in cannibalism.)

As a wizard I believe there are (at least) two lessons that we can draw from this event.
1) The savagery of the normalcattle is always bubbling just underneath the surface
2) Wizards should never leave their maisons or appartements unless they have a very good reason. Consider that you may be eaten before leaving your house each time!

There is a book on the incident, which has been translated into English, but I have not yet read it.


Un fil sur le language français ou personne ne parle un minimum en français ?


I found that episodes of French cartoons were officially uploaded on Youtube, both in french and other languages. Embedded is the link to the first episode in French, but they are also in English and Deutsch like, for Lucky Luke for example :

Other shows like Spirou and Fantasio, Code Lyoko, Kid Paddle… are also accessible.


Wizards are more than welcome to interact in French here. But I also wanted to make the thread accessible for wizards who are just interested in French culture and history. I should've emphasized that more in the OP.


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Today for language practice I checked out a French UFO religion, le mouvement raëlien.

>Cult backs new book–The Possibility of an Island–from French bad boy Houellebecq

The Elohimites are based on the real-life Raelian sect, who hit the headlines in December 2002 with their unsubstantiated claim to have cloned the first human baby. Led by Frenchman Claude Vorilhon, the cult believes that extraterrestrials created life on earth via cloning.

In a statement earlier this week, the Raelian movement praised "The Possibility of an Island," describing Houellebecq as a "top-ranking intellectual who dares to say publicly that he finds Rael sympathetic and that its ideas are interesting.

"At last – a stone in the pool of intolerance of the French intellectual milieu," it said.

Houellebecq, who attended a Raelian congress two years ago, told Le Monde that he found the sect "well-adapted to modern times, to our leisure-based civilisation. It imposes no code of morality and it promises immortality… For a science fiction fan like me, its ideas are interesting."


During his extraterrestrial encounters, Rael received a series of messages that touch on all aspects of human life. Whether your interest lies in ancient history, modern science, UFOs, religious scriptures or even sci-fi, you'll gain new perspective from taking the time to read them.
This video summarizes some of the main points conveyed to Rael.


I encourage wizzies to read his books. They are of course not wizardly in the sense that the protagonists have sex and relationships with others, but the emotions and thoughts conveyed in them are.
Houellebecq is a very interesting guy and I enjoyed his books very much.
Of course because this is a french thread I encourage you to read the books in french once you can.


That's surprising, I thought that lunatic was only "popular" (as a laughingstock that is) in french speaking countries.


This man was my first love in literature


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Today for practice I read about an autistic French writer and comedian who is running for president. I am going to start his first book in a few days, L'Emperor, C'est Moi, which is about his early years as a child with autism.

>Le premier tour aura lieu le 23 avril. Il compte représenter les 300 000 à 500 000 autistes de France sous le slogan «Un destin pour tous!».

Assuming his numbers are accurate, just think what upwards of half a million autists could do. They could human-wave attack a French nuclear missile base, then use the nukes to demand that the French government give them generous bux and free apartments.

Related to this I read about another presidential candidate, François Fillon, who had been a front runner before a scandal dented his chances. While on television defending his staying in the presidential race, he said, “I am not autistic, I can see difficulties and I am aware of the criticism,” he said. At another moment in the interview, he said: “I am not shutting myself away, I am not autistic, I want to convince my political family.”

Frankly, we have no choice in the matter. We must seize nukes and dictate terms to these normalcattle. They have nothing but contempt for us. We must bully them before they can bully us.


This is the movie that most closely resembles my life.
Very wizard-like

It's in french with english subs. The quality of the traduction is ok but if you understand french, it's even better.



I would've liked it if it wasn't a pretentious French circlejerk. Hearing that succubi talk ruins the movie.



Emil Cioran - A Century of Writers (English Subtitles [CC], French Documentary)


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France *NEEDS* to be better than USA (Trump) and UK (Brexit).


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You encapsulated exactly how it feels when I try to read the classics.


Corporate media go home


basically everything is a bible reference in normies world

once you read it youll understand most of the "classics"


If he worries that Le Pen might be elected, he don't has to worry about anything, no matter how well she does, or how bad the other candidates do in the campaign. The two turns election guarantee that Le Pen can't be elected unless she gets 51% of the vote in the first turm, but then who knows, the FN is apparently getting more popular even amongst migrants, and people might not give a fuck to go to the voting booth.


Yes and we all know that Hillary won the election and Brexit failed, just like the statistics predicted it…


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Les femmes enceintes seront un jour lapidées, l’instinct maternel proscrit, la stérilité réclamée.
Cioran, Le Mauvais Démiurge.

>L'art de guillotiner les procreateurs : manifeste anti-nataliste

Théophile De Giraud


>Pregnant succubi will one day be stoned, the maternal instinct proscribed, sterility demanded.

This won't happen because communities/societies that carry this out will be replaced by those that continue with the natalist business as usual. Look what happened to the Shakers in America, or any other childless cult.


>Cafe scene from Le feu follet
The Fire Within (French: Le feu follet) is a 1963 French film directed by Louis Malle. It is based on the novel of the same name by Pierre Drieu La Rochelle. The film stars Maurice Ronet as Alain Leroy, a recovering alcoholic at a rehabilitation clinic in Versailles who has depression. He decides to end his life, but first decides to visit his friends in Paris one last time, in an attempt at finding a reason to continue living.


I'm thinking of going to college in quebec because there should be less competition then the anglo provinces. I can write and speak french competently but not super fast. Know what the job market is like there?


I'm using Anki to brush up my French vocabulary. It's a lot of fun, I'm always looking forward to it. I need to work on grammar too, at some point.


well you are missing on great stories by not reading classics, french or not and I would highly encourage you to not give up because it's amazing how you can still relate to the characters centuries later and makes you understand the issues people have on this website are not new at all. Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment for example is as close as you can get to a 19th century wizard.



Anyone got guides to learning French?


Here's a self-learning CD rip if you're interested. Don't know how good it is.



Thanks anon


these boards seem dead


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It's time to learn arabic, not the french.


Les Français ont quoi ? Rien. Si on apprend le japonais on peut voir des animes ou lire de manga sans les putain des dubs que sont terrible. Je ne peux pas trouver rien intéressant en français, parce qu'ils fait des dubs ou sous-titres et n'a pas des choses originales. J'aimerais si quelqu'un peut montrer moi quelque chose que change mon opinion et ne regrette pas apprenant cette langue. Et je sais que la grammaire est mauvaise, ne direz rien.


what is difference?


Si tu prenais la peine de lire les messages postés précédemment, tu aurais largement de quoi élargir ta culture qui se limite à première vue à regarder des dessins animés.
Je trouve ta démarche d'apprentissage lamentable et j'ose espérer que tu abandonneras l'idée de poursuivre l'apprentissage du Français.


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No bullying. You're being awfully rude, fellow Frenchanon, almost as bad as a Parisian.
A lot of people have little culture, but I'd wager wizards know better, and most of all know better than being upset with an obvious bait.

I know it's really a difficult read for non native speakers, but hear me out :
The hunchback of Notre-Dame is a wizardly novel, through and through. I know, Victor Hugo wasn't a wizard by any stretch, but his genius was enough for him to put himself in our shoes. Seriously, read it, I trust English translations are good enough. Don't get me wrong, Quasimodo isn't a wizardly character, he's a mindless beast and not much else. Frollo, however, is pretty much what we would be if we were raised in a hardcore catholic society : obsessed with esoteric meanings, bothered with all the bullshit from normieworld.

Honeslty, it's the story of a fallen wizard (and so much more). Read it, it's worth it.


It seems like terry is spending all his time at the library learning french. he probably will considering he was dedicated enough to build his own operating system


how is terry davis's french?


I freaking love Terry. It's hilarious he's using "meuf" if I understand it correctly which is slang for succubus.
A man of his stature shouldn't use such a word but it's funny to hear though.

He needs to progress but with his intellect he'll get there quickly.


Whats the difference between quebec, Cajun and standard french?


J'en ai ma claque d'avoir à me confronter à des ignares mêmes pas fichus de faire preuve d'humilité face à une culture qui les dépassent.


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thought I would share this, some teacher left her entire french class files on a website without password protection, so if you want a bunch of textbooks, workbooks, and audio files to go along with them, her home page is hard to navigate, but here are the french 1 download files



Terry Davis has passed away. A real shame.


Is there any solid evidence yet though? Last time I checked there was only an obscure report about a homeless man being hit by a train in the same area Terry was thought to be.


I've started learning French on Duolingo today, and I'll be monitoring this thread.

Bonne chance.


It's hard to get any confirmation when we deal with the homeless. However, terry has disappeared since a man named terry was killed on a train track in the area he was known to be.


I recently finished an engaging popular history book on the life and times of Louis XV's last chief succubus, Madame du Barry. From working class to riches to the guillotine, quite a story.

The author, Joan Haslip, has an engaging writing style, which reminded me a bit of Emil Ludwig's Napoleon biography.

>Madame du Barry: The Wages of Beauty by Joan Haslip


I'm now moving on to a more wizard-friendly, French-language work, a small book I found on Amazon with interviews and commentary on Emil Cioran, Entretiens avec Sylvie Jaudeau.


ne parle pas*

C'est drôle, je commençai apprendre français y a trois ou quatre jours, et peux déceler ces erreurs


French "variété" is the worst thing to ever happen in the history of music.


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I use picrel dictionary in English on my laptop , and I need a dictionary like this for PC. ENG-FR is preferred ;_;

Do you have any suggestions?


La Jetée is a 1962 French Left Bank science fiction featurette by Chris Marker. Constructed almost entirely from still photos, it tells the story of a post-nuclear war experiment in time travel. It is 28 minutes long and shot in black and white. This film inspired Terry Gilliam's neo-noir science fiction film 12 Monkeys.

Chris Marker, filmmaker, poet, novelist, photographer, editor, and now videographer and digital multimedia artist, has been challenging moviegoers, philosophers, and himself for years with his complex queries about time, memory, and the rapid advancement of life on this planet. Marker's La Jetée is one of the most influential, radical science-fiction films ever made, a tale of time travel told in still images.


you're both wrong correcting this guy, no negation needed and the òu is supposed to be a où.

now for your correction.
> C'est drôle, j'ai commencé à apprendre le français il y à trois ou quatre jours, et peux déceler ces erreurs


La Jetée really is a fantastic movie, I always recommend it to everyone I can.
12 Monkeys is also good enough in itself.

Now for your correction:
>il y a
It's the "avoir" verb.


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French literary rebel Houellebecq releases 'Serotonin'

(The novel, which will be published in German, Spanish and Italian next week, comes out in English in September.)


Vous pouriez poster en francais, au lieux de poster en englais, c'est super patetique


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Interviews with two French hikikomoris, one a 22-year-old male, the other a 38-year-old succubus.
>Interview with a French hikikomori, Guido.  Round 1  "Even a Hikikomori Can Have Love Life!"
>Interview with a French Female Hikikomori; Tellurienne, Round 1 "Not My Choice To Be a Hikikomori"
>Entrevue Avec une Hikikomorie Française; Tellurienne, Round 1 « Je n’ai pas choisi de devenir une hikikomorie. »


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"Why have only norman animals like dogs been sent into space?" President Charles de Gaulle once asked his science advisor. And thus begins the story of the first cat to visit space:

Félicette was the first cat launched into space, on 18 October 1963 as part of the French space program. Félicette was one of 14 female cats trained for spaceflight. The cats had electrodes implanted onto their skulls so their neurological activity could be monitored throughout the flight. Electrical impulses were applied to the brain and a leg during the flight to stimulate responses. The capsule was recovered 13 minutes after the rocket was ignited. Most of the data from the mission was of good quality, and Félicette survived the flight, the only cat to have survived spaceflight. A second feline was launched on 24 October, but the mission resulted in a fatality.
>Hail Félicette! French Space Cat Memorial Beginning to Take Shape
Fifty-six years after a cat named Félicette became the first feline to launch into space, plans to build the cosmic cat's first proper memorial are beginning to take shape.


>Une vie : Félicette


I want to learn German


French food is fine but French language sucks; why not spell it how you pronounce it?


>why not spell it how you pronounce it?
He says, while writing in English.




I've been learning french since january of this year, i've been told i'm doing well but i think the fact that french is very close to my native language helped me a lot
Fuck this shit


How can you learn a foreign language or be incentivized to do so, if you're too socially awkward to ever even talk with anyone anyways?


I learned english just because a lot of stuff on the internet is in english. I never planned to talk to native english speakers, my english speaking skills are horrible, awful accent. Being able to read, write, and hear(understand what people are saying) is enough. Learned spanish because it's the second most spoken language in the world or smth like that. Planning to learn chinese for the exact same reason, and to learn japanese for the japanese internet and media. French and german would be nice to learn too. No plans on actually speaking any of those with my mouth.


Being "incentivized" is not a problem to me, language learning is honestly fun
And as >>50882 said talking with native speakers is not my main objective
I too learned english as a second language, and although i can read, write and listen without difficulty i would probably be awkward as fuck talking and my pronunciation is shit since i've rarely if ever had occasion to actually speak it


je suis le seul français ici?


nan gars t'est pas le seul mais je fait que lurker et je poste peux


I've been listening to podcasts from https://innerfrench.com/ and it's helping me immensely. If you're at an intermediate level of French it might help you out a lot.


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Merci, wiz.


Haven't personally watched this yet, but I saw wizards talking about this documentary in another thread. This is in French; there's also a German version on YouTube.
>ARTE - Tokyo Freeters
Freeter (フリーター, furītā) is a Japanese expression for people who lack full-time employment or are unemployed, excluding housewives and students. The term originally included young people who deliberately chose not to become salary-men, even though jobs were available at the time.


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On the one hand I do want to learn French. On the other hand, every time I've tried to speak it and with other French people, I've only accumulated embarrassing memories.
I'm torn between whether I want to try again, or forget and move on.

…now that I've said this, I realize that this is something that extends to a lot of areas of my life.


I've kinda resigned myself to being unable to master new languages because I'm deathly afraid of actually conversing with people in them, which is where a ton of experience comes from.


Completely agree. If you can't use a language to speak to others, your opportunities are very limited.


a bit more political, but i'm going to drop this documentary here (don't mind the website…)
Dominium Mundi The Empire of management

there is an english version but it no longer is available on youtube.



Don't know if you are being sarcastic but I could not disagree more.

There is no point in learning to speak a language if one is the prototypical asocial wizard. Besides, people are all the same everywhere and only have boring stuff to talk about.

The best thing, imho, about learning a language is to understand websites, forums, newspapers, tv-shows.

From my personal experience, if you learn how to read you will also have a much easier time understanding what is being said on TV, movies. That's the passive part of language learning.

Writing and speaking a language work different parts and I personally would not bother doing so unless you are super social and plan on doing a lot of studying.

Much easier to understand a math proof than to write one. Same with foreign languages.


You got him good!


great thread
I love French.
It's very difficult to hate the French.
Even if some politician is going full Napoleon and retarded in a speech, in less than hours some intellectual is mocking him. Contrast that with the Japs where they tow the line for at least a week even if they're in opposition. France proves that Russian propaganda is wrong and the individualism of the West is great.


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I recently read Antonia Fraser's "Marie Antoinette: The Journey."

I was quite moved by the Queen's life and impressed with the self-control and dignity she demonstrated not just in her final days but also while being relentlessly bullied at Versailles and later during her long captivity. French normans would harass her in person and they also constantly spread rumors and published scurrilous stories about her. They claimed, for example, that she was participating in orgies, stealing France's wealth and sending it to her native Austria, and even molesting her own son. In one particularly sadistic event, a mob paraded her close friend's (Princesse de Lamballe) head on a pike outside where she was imprisoned. They had intended to force her to kiss de Lamballe's lips, but were forced back by the Queen's jailers.

>…Never at any time did Marie Antoinette display her distress publicly; her composure was so sublime as to be interpreted as contempt by her enemies.

>[The Englishman Horace Walpole later wrote about her death]: "Mine is not grief now. No, it is all admiration and enthusiasm." The last days of that "unparalleled princess" with not one friend to comfort her were so superior to any death ever exhibited or recorded that he would not choose to revive her even if he could–unless of course she could be restored to a true happiness that would include her children. "Let history or legend produce a similar model."


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I was also impressed by Princesse de Lamballe's bravery:
>Brought before the tribunal, she refused to denounce the King and Queen. The Princesse, who had once been too sensitive to bear the tribulations of ordinary life, found in herself the strength to answer with awesome composure. "I have nothing to reply, dying a little earlier or a little later is a matter of indifference to me. I'm prepared to make the sacrifice of my life."

>Afterwards terrible stories were told of the fate of Princesse de Lamballe… Unquestionably, the Princesse's head was cut off and mounted on a pike. Her naked body was also ripped right open and her innards taken out, to be mounted on another pike. The corpse and the two grisly trophies were then paraded through Paris.


I'm an anglicized Acadian. It is shameful not speaking my ancestors' language. I am committed to learning French; I'm sure my grandparents who were forced to speak English would be proud.

Je suis un Acadien anglicisé. C'est dommage que je ne parle pas la langue de mes ancêtres. Je m'engage à l'apprentissage du français; je suis sûr que mes grands-parents qui ont été forcés de parler anglais seraient fiers.

Did I make any mistakes? Il y a des fautes ?


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I really enjoyed this. Hopefully they will make a real biopic of her someday. I'm thinking about reading her memoirs next.
>The Fabulous Life Of Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun (Le fabuleux destin de Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun)
A renowned painter and a free-thinker, Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun is still considered ahead of her time. Follow the artist's adventures over the course of her nearly 90-year life in this captivating docudrama.

Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun (also spelt Vigée-Lebrun; 16 April 1755 – 30 March 1842),[1] also known as Madame Le Brun, was a prominent French portrait painter of the late 18th century.

Her artistic style is generally considered part of the aftermath of Rococo with elements of an adopted Neoclassical style.[2] Her subject matter and color palette can be classified as Rococo, but her style is aligned with the emergence of Neoclassicism. Vigée Le Brun created a name for herself in Ancien Régime society by serving as the portrait painter to Marie Antoinette. She enjoyed the patronage of European aristocrats, actors, and writers, and was elected to art academies in ten cities.[3]


>BAC Lecture: The Works of Elizabeth Vigee-LeBrun April 27, 2016


Ironiquement la seule erreur que tu as faite est dans ta phrase en anglais. Ton orthographe et ta grammaire sont parfaites, tu te débrouilles mieux que la majorité des français de langue maternelle.


>Je m'engage à l'apprentissage du français

sonne faux… je m'engage à apprendre le français est mieux non ?


Marie Antoinette was awful even by succubus standards and deserved to be executed brutally


Bought it after reading that post, i'm halfway trough and i really like it, i also have the privilege to read it in french. Some chapters really amazed me and will probably never leave my mind, same can be said of the general sentiment this book gives me. I knew since i was 16 that i should read more because that's one of the things i really enjoy and by which i feel moved, too bad i'm a lazy bum


This coming from an English speaker, LMAO.


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La norme typographique canadienne-française est de ne pas mettre de caractère blanc pour les espaces fines. Donc, pas d'espace devant les points d'interrogation ou d'exclamation.

Ce n'est pas une faute à proprement parler, mais ce n'est pas le genre de chose que l'on apprend si on lit les manuels écrits en soi-disant « Français international ».

Je recommande grandement le logiciel Antidote par Druide. Il contient toutes les ressources que l'on peut souhaiter et plus encore.


J'ai fait une faute : le mot « français » désigne ici une langue et ne prend donc pas de majuscule. Encore un point de confusion entre le français et l'anglais.


Tu penses quoi de >>53571
Ce n'est sans doute pas une erreur, mais je ne peux pas m'empêcher de trouver que ça sonne… bizarre.


Every time I see this thread I'm reminded of my failures in learning this language and find myself skipping over it out of embarrassment.

…how do I get over my past failures?


I also regret not learning french and live with a lot of shame. Try to sleep as much as possible and take jewpills to help erase your memory


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Je crois que la faute pour autant qu'elle en soit une est née d'une traduction hâtive :
>I commit myself to learning French
Le mot « learning » peut être un nom, en quel cas, il se traduit par « apprentissage ». Cela dit, il s'agit ici d'un participe présent et il serait mieux de le traduire en tant que verbe. J'opterais donc également pour :
>je m'engage à apprendre le français
Ça sonne bien plus naturel pour moi aussi.

Même Google a l'air de partager notre avis.

J'ai également consulté le dictionnaire de cooccurrences d'Antidote. Dans le sens de « s'investir » avec complément d'objet indirect, « s'engager à » a l'air d'être presque toujours suivi d'un verbe et non d'un nom.


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J'ai réalisé qu'on pouvait filtrer les résultats davantage. Sur les 184 cooccurrences listées de « s'engager à », j'en compte moins de cinq qui sont suivies d'un nom. Ça ne semble donc pas n'être qu'une question de biais personnel.


je comprends et lis le francais mais je me bloque quand j'essaie de m'experimer,a cause du manque de communication
vous pouvez me recommender des chaines youtubes ou des podcasts pour améliorer mon niveau de langue?


des choses en particulier t'intéressent?
voilà une émission que j'écoute de temps à autre, les sujets sont assez variés https://bit.ly/3igr9w3


n'importe quel sujet,l'important c'est que ça soit en francais


Didja all french up Bastille Day?


À bas les normans!
>Terror! Robespierre and the French Revolution (2009)
In 1794, French revolutionary Maximilien Robespierre produced the world's first defense of "state terror" - claiming that the road to virtue lay through political violence. This film combines drama, archive and documentary interviews to examine Robespierre's year in charge of the Committee Of Public Safety - the powerful state machine at the heart of Revolutionary France.

Contesting Robespierre's legacy is Slavoj Zizek, who argues that terror in the cause of virtue is justifiable, and Simon Schama, who believes the road from Robespierre ran straight to the gulag and the 20th-century concentration camp. The drama, based on original sources, follows the life-and-death politics of the Committee during "Year Two" of the new Republic. It was a year which gave birth to key features of modern age: the thought crime; the belief that calculated acts of violence can perfect humanity; the notion that the interests of "mankind" can be placed above those of "man"; the use of policemen to enforce morals; and the use of denunciation as a political tool.


>Slavoj Zizek, who argues that terror in the cause of virtue is justifiable
Why am I not surprised?


de toute manière les fils sont super lents je sais pas pourquoi


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America is on the path of decline, but France is long gone in any case.

The might just as well say "nous kiffons d'etre pédales pour notre maitres arabes"


>Le monde en face–Hikikomori les reclus volontaires
French hikki documentary. I haven't watched this yet.

Japanese hikki featured in the program is angry at the dishonest female director(in French):


I haven't watched it and don't plan to. These documentaries are worthless. It's almost always people freaking out about a social phenomenon they could have seen coming. And the answers are inevitably: pills, psycho and social therapy, self-help stuff to get them back into society (=employment because it's the only thing that truly matters in the end). Shallow, moralistic reporting that goes nowhere, and helps no one (not like it could to begin with).
I mean, half the young males in the first world could be hikkis, and these morons would still handwave it as a personal and medical problem to be fixed more or less humanely with psychiatry, counselling, coaching by grifters or boot camps like they do in china.


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>Jacques Mesrine: “The Man of a Thousand Faces”
A blue lorry, a tarpaulin over the back, drew up alongside the BMW. The driver signaled to Mesrine that he wanted to cut across him to turn right. Mesrine waved him on and then noticed with apprehension that another lorry was drawn up behind him. The first lorry drove in front of him and stopped suddenly, right in the path of the BMW. From under the tarpaulin four men appeared, each with a gun leveled at the car. There was a split second’s pause before twenty-one bullets crashed through the windscreen, tearing into Mesrine. A car drew up alongside the BMW. The man in the passenger seat leant out and calmly fired a shot into the side of Mesrine’s head, like an officer finishing off a condemned man after execution by firing squad. — Carey Schofield, Mesrine: The Life and Death of a Supercrook (1980)

So, who was the mysterious Robin Hood-like brigand whose corpse was dragged unceremoniously out onto the blood-soaked cobbles of the Place de Clignancourt on November 2nd, 1979 for all the world to see? Why was everyone, from the President in the Elysee Palace to the humble schoolmaster in Chateauroux, riveted to their television screens as news broke of Mesrine’s gory demise? What secret history did his violent death at the hands of a crack unit of the OCRB conceal?

Jacques Mesrine (28 December 1936 – 2 November 1979) was a French criminal responsible for numerous murders, bank robberies, burglaries, and kidnappings in France, the US, and Canada. Mesrine repeatedly escaped from prison and made international headlines during a final period as a fugitive when his exploits included trying to kidnap the judge who had previously sentenced him. An aptitude for disguise earned him the moniker "The Man of a Thousand Faces" and enabled him to remain at large while receiving massive publicity as a wanted man. Mesrine was widely seen as an anti-establishment 'Robin Hood' figure. In keeping with his charismatic image, he was rarely without a glamorous female companion. A two-part film which came out in 2008 was based on Mesrine's life.

Drafted into the French Army, he volunteered for special duty in the Algerian War as a parachutist/commando. In 1961, Mesrine became involved with the Organisation armée secrète.

>Organisation armée secrète

The Organisation Armée Secrète or OAS (meaning Secret Armed Organisation) was a short-lived right-wing French dissident paramilitary organisation during the Algerian War (1954–1962). The OAS carried out terrorist attacks, including bombings and assassinations, in an attempt to prevent Algeria's independence from French colonial rule. Its motto was L’Algérie est française et le restera ("Algeria is French and will remain so").


Newscast from November 1979 covering his death. (In French)


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>Michel Houellebecq
God i remember him, Whatever was horrifying. You could also read "Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue" and "Juliette and the Prosperities of Vice" by the same author wich are quite simple to read but even more horrifying


>Les Français ont quoi ? Rien.
Tu sais que la littérature ne s'arrête pas aux mangas n'est-ce pas ?


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For the wizzie who wanted to read this, it has now been translated to English.

>In the Presence of Schopenhauer

The work of Michel Houellebecq – one of the most widely read and controversial novelists of our time – is marked by the thought of Schopenhauer. When Houellebecq came across a copy of Schopenhauer's Aphorisms in a library in his mid-twenties, he was bowled over by it and he hunted down a copy of his major philosophical work, The World as Will and Representation. Houellebecq found in Schopenhauer – the radical pessimist, the chronicler of human suffering, the lonely misanthrope – a powerful conception of the human condition and of the future that awaits us, and when Houellebecq’s first writings appeared in the early 1990s, the influence of Schopenhauer was everywhere apparent.

But it was only much later, in 2005, that Houellebecq began to translate and write a commentary on Schopenhauer’s work. He thought of turning it into a book but soon abandoned the idea and the text remained unpublished until 2017. Now available in English for the first time, In the Presence of Schopenhauer is the story of a remarkable encounter between a novelist and a philosopher and a testimony to the deep and enduring impact of Schopenhauer’s philosophy on one of France’s greatest living writers.


I don't know, Frollo is really an asshole, if i was raised in a such society i would probably be one too. I still feel closer to Quasimodo, probably because he is a mindless beast


la première sinon. au moins les nouvelles d'outre mer sont marrantes


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We had some Degas prints around the house growing up. I was surprised to learn there's a dark history behind them. Apparently in the 19th century French opera world very young ballerinas were often prostituted to wealthy men by their own mothers. They also had to submit to sexual abuse by their instructors or else risk having their careers ended. This was all common knowledge at the time.
>Derrière l’œuvre de Degas, la terrible réalité des petites danseuses de l’Opéra (Behind Degas' work, the terrible reality of the little dancers of the Opera)


some things never change, are the fashion and entertainment industries that different nowadays?



Absolutely disgusting.
The paintings are pretty good, although I'm not a fan of impressionism.


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Japonisme is a French term that refers to the popularity and influence of Japanese art and design in western Europe in the nineteenth century following the forced reopening of trade of Japan in 1858. Japonisme was first described by French art critic and collector Philippe Burty in 1872.

I stumbled across this fascinating short essay.
>Lafcadio Hearn, Untranslatable Japan
We all know how crazy suddenly everyone became about Japan. After the country’s enforced opening to foreign trade in the 1850s, Japanese culture seduced the European artistic crowd, converting many literary figures into enthusiasts and collectors. Stunning Japanese prints, fabrics and netsuke were a novelty, they were relatively affordable, and they radiated sophistication and cultural ambition. Zola got himself painted by Manet with a Japanese print pinned on the wall. Painters’ models started wearing kimono and posing against the backdrop of decorated screens. Whistler made Chelsea look Japanese in his nocturnes. By 1885 the Japan craze was so widespread, that Gilbert and Sullivan turned it into a comic operetta, The Mikado.

For all this explosion of japonisme, however, it is striking how few writers and artists in the West had a direct knowledge of Japan. Hardly anyone could read Japanese, of course, outside highly specialised philological circles, and very few travelled to the Far East. A notable exception is Lafcadio Hearn, an Irish writer who arrived in Japan in 1890 and never left the country again, dying there in 1905. During these years, Hearn published a large number of essays and stories on Japanese themes that made him well known not only among readers of English, but also in French, German, Italian and other languages. This in itself would have made Hearn stand out among Western writers. But he did something even more unusual. Hearn became Japanese, that is, he renounced his British citizenship in order to take up Japanese nationality, and in this process he also acquired a new name: Koizumi Yakumo.


D’autres modes d’existence et de civilisation sont possibles. La culture sans le confort, la beauté sans le luxe, la machine sans la servitude…, la science sans le culte de la matière permettraient aux hommes de se développer indéfiniment, en gardant leur intelligence, leur sens moral et leur virilité.

Other ways of life and civilisation are possible. Culture without comfort, beauty without luxury, the machine without servitude, science without the worship of matter would allow men to develop indefinitely, while keeping their intelligence, moral sense and virility.


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>Noël, la beauté dans la vie
We are approaching Christmas (another name for the winter solstice). Associated with the evergreen tree, Christmas has always been celebrated in European countries since time immemorial as the great feast presaging the revival of nature and life after the repose of winter. One cannot help but think that Europe, too, will one day emerge from its current Dormition, even if it is longer than the cycle of nature.

Christmas is for children. It is also a celebration where beauty has its place. Is it not the occasion to reflect upon this vital concept, one of the three components of the “Homeric triad“: “Nature as the foundation, excellence as a goal, the beauty of the horizon”?

Rather than a dissertation on beauty, I want to offer to those who read me some practical advice, without, however, neglecting a meditative reflection: aesthetics grounds ethics (the good is defined by what is beautiful) and ethics grounds aesthetics (the good is inseparable from the beautiful).

Cultivate beauty (aesthetic sense) for yourself and your loved ones. Beauty is not a matter of money and consumption. It resides in all things, primarily in the small details of life.

Beauty is given freely by nature: the poetry of clouds in a bright sky, the patter of rain on a tent, starry nights, sunsets in summer, the first snowflakes, the colors of the forest in winter, the first flowers in the garden, the hooting of the owl at night, the smell of a wood fire above a cottage in the country . . .

If the beauty of nature is given to us, the beauty we create in our lives requires effort and attention.

Remember that there is no beauty (or joy) without harmony of colors, materials, shapes, and styles. This is true for the home, clothing, and small accessories of life. Avoid synthetic and plastic materials in favor of natural ones.

There is no beauty without courtesy in dealings with those close and distant (except jerks).

I noted that aesthetics is the foundation of ethics. Indeed, there is no beauty without moral and physical poise. For example, keep your pains and troubles, those of the heart, body, and work to yourself for the difficult months. You’ll gain esteem for your discretion and a reputation for good company. You will also gain esteem for yourself.

Merry Christmas to all!


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>It's very difficult to hate the French.
No, it's easy. The language gives you dyslexia if you don't already have it. Their engineering created the Citreon (lemon) car; so unreliable that Italian car-makers laugh at them. Hospitality? Hah. Good cuisine? Only if you like smelly cheese. Ewww.


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These comments were from back in May, but I'm just now seeing them and they made me smile. I'm also wondering how his marriage is going, if it will change his views at all. In his last book his main character affirmed the importance of and need for romantic love.

>He described COVID-19 as a "banal virus" with "no redeeming qualities… It's not even sexually transmitted.". But he warned that the self-distancing and "home-working that the epidemic has brought" would accelerate the technological push to isolate and atomise people.

>It was a great excuse, he said, to push further the "obsolescence of human relationships".

>"It is no scoop to say that, it [the West] has been all over for a long time," said the novelist, who is married to Qianyun Lysis Li, a Chinese student of his work 34 years his junior.


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This site archives many public executions using the guillotine. It's interesting to see how most of the condemned don't fight, they are scared but they accept their fates. Some of them just insult everyone and try to punch the gardians, and some others even seems excited. I don't know what to think of the fact that the crowd took a lot of satisfaction to see the criminal agonize

Human rights have reduced their creativity, now french just lock people in prison. But i think that France, more than any other country, raised the practice of making criminals suffer a lot while keeping them alive into an art, using a lot of advanced techniques and tools


>But i think that France, more than any other country, raised the practice of making criminals suffer a lot while keeping them alive into an art
they're hardly any different than other european peoples, and the guillotine was thought of as more humane than other means of execution. There was the breaking wheel that was still in use until the revolution, I don't know if any other country in europe had anything like that around the same time.


oh and thanks for the link by the way it's pretty good, with that early 2000s feel and all.


I found a channel where a man uploads his walks around the port city of Bordeaux.


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>Le suicide râté de Chamfort (Chamfort's Failed Suicide)

Unable to tolerate the prospect of being imprisoned once more, in September 1793 he locked himself into his office and shot himself in the face. The pistol malfunctioned and he did not die even though he shot off his nose and part of his jaw. He then repeatedly stabbed his neck with a paper cutter, but failed to cut an artery. He finally used the paper cutter to stab himself in the chest. He dictated to those who came to arrest him the well-known declaration Moi, Sebastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort, déclare avoir voulu mourir en homme libre plutôt que d'être reconduit en esclave dans une maison d'arrêt ("I, Sebastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort, hereby declare my wish to die a free man rather than to continue to live as a slave in a prison") which he signed in a firm hand and in his own blood. His butler found him unconscious in a pool of blood. From then until his death in Paris the following year, he suffered intensely and was attended to by a gendarme, whom he paid a crown a day.


>Soon after the attempted suicide, Pierre-Louis Ginguené, a close friend of Chamfort and his first biographer, arrived at the house. While Chamfort was dictating his last wishes, he sat up and said: "What can you expect? That's what it is to be clumsy with one's hands. One never manages to do anything successfully, even killing oneself."


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>In studying the ills of nature, one acquires a contempt for death. In studying the ills of society, one acquires a contempt for life.

>Living is an ailment which is relieved every sixteen hours by sleep. A palliative. Death is the cure.

>Society, which is called the world, is nothing but the contention of a thousand petty interests, an eternal conflict of all the vanities that cross each other, strike against each other, are wounded and humiliated by each other in turn, and expiate on the morrow, in the bitterness of defeat, the triumph of the day before.


>nothing but the contention of a thousand petty interests
Beautifully, put. Although, it is ironic/contradictory to say. I wonder if this writer is aware that his own writing is a petty interest? Or perhaps my reading of his writing interesting me in a petty way? I suspect the contamination of schizophrenia.


I haven't watched all of this walking tour of Montmartre yet, but so far I like it. He even has captions at the bottom pointing out things of interest. I found another video of Monmartre that was more moody and wizardly, in the sense that it was filmed on a cloudy autumn day, but the camera work wasn't great and made me sick.


How do I get over my previous failures?


What do you mean my previous failures?

Mostly it is just a matter of learning from past mistakes and moving on to keep practicing. Mistakes are part of the learning process.


Croissants Making
(dubbed in French, subtitled in English)


I keep giving up on French every couple years because I feel like I'm making zero progress, and I think I can finally at least explain part of my block (one HUGE block is because it reminds me of a lot of traumatic failures in my life, but that's a different story). I can get the grammar, I can grok the verbs and the tenses, I can understand the pronounciation (thank you Spanish for the first two, and thank you living there for a year for the last one).

I do not understand the word choice.
>La fiscalité luxembourgeoise s'appliquant au tarif du kiloWatt/heure ne grimpera pas de sitôt.
Literally "The Luxembourgish fiscality's application of the tarriff will not climb so soon."
If I were to say it in English, "The Luxembourg government will not be raising the option tax on electricity any time soon."

I come across stuff like this all the time and it just completely throws me off. It's not the vocab, it's the weird turns of phrase and word _choices_ that get me. It's like instead of saying "I'm looking at an apple," a Frenchmen would say, "I hang my eyes upon a red tree-fruit." Like, I'd figure out what they're saying. We could caveman talk to each other in butchered French. But I just don't _get_ it.


pretty cool, thanks for sharign this wiz. im currently at https://youtu.be/yqOlY5uBBbo?t=2070

they said this tiny little plot of land is still able to produce 1500 bottles of wine though! that is interesting


>It's like instead of saying "I'm looking at an apple," a Frenchmen would say, "I hang my eyes upon a red tree-fruit."
That's because you read classical literature, most likely. That'd be like me thinking that all americans talk like they do in Poe or Melville's works.
What might throw you off in newspapers might be the writing style that journalists try to go for (often bad to passable honestly), but then that is not uncommon in this field regardless of their native language isn't it?

And I don't think it is exclusive to the french language but in school we are told that repetitions in language is one of the worst stylistic mistake one can make and should be avoided at all costs in any piece of writing that is not purely technical, like an instruction booklet.
This might be one of the reason you find some turns of phrases and word choices so weird. I would guess the same unwritten rule exists in most languages, but it is especially prevalent in french.


Does anyone have any kind of business/website and would like a software/app for it? I'm working from home so I've got a lot of free time


O.K., what the flying fuck dude? I get you're desperate, but if you're going to put effort into spamming like this, at least do it in the right places and the right times, otherwise it's not just a waste of our time, it's a waste of YOUR time , too!

First of all, you post in an imageboard. Do you know how fast you'd usually get deleted or banned for spam because the owner of the board would usually rather you pay for an advert?

Second, you post in WIZARDCHAN. Do you know what the average disposable income is here? Enough so that 90% of the userbase is on SSI or bumming off of their parents. With that kind of demographic, do you think we have money? With that kind of userbase, and the large number of mental issues we have, do you think we're entrepreneurs or businessmen with ideas for websites and apps?

Third, you post IN THE FUCKING HOBBY BOARD FOR LEARNING FRENCH. If you're going to spam, AT LEAST make a new thread in /wiz/ or some place noticeable. Ffs.

Your behavior clearly indicates why, despite possibly having programming skills, you're so fucking idiotic that you can't find work with those skills. However, if you don't even have this level of common sense, I severely doubt that anything you make could possibly be good. The ONLY thing good about your post is the fact that at least you don't have broken grammar.

I'd usually not be so harsh, but if you shit up a thread, I'll dish back hard words at you right back as a form of revenge and retaliation. Fuck right off.


>What might throw you off in newspapers might be the writing style that journalists try to go for (often bad to passable honestly)
>I would guess the same unwritten rule exists in most languages, but it is especially prevalent in french.
Dude, you're right. This was making me feel really despondent about learning this language.


How do you get back up to try again when you've failed before?


>Un fil sur la langue française où personne ne parle même un peu le français?


Thanks, never heard about that event.


Salut "magicien" (Je sais pas si on pourrais le dire comme ça), je parle Français aussi.


on devrait dire «une wizoune»


Oui oui


i watched asterix and obelix in the middle kingdom last night and it was great. i appreciated all the puns (even when translated into english they were still great) and the prop comedy was good. there's a bunch of others, and they are based on an old french comic. i will probably watch the rest of the movies and then look into the comics


i feel like i should note that i don't care at all about french language or culture, and maybe this is why i liked this so much. it glorified in a comedic way ancient france's origin as gaul, and made fun of modern french culture. most of the comedy was situational and via props and actions. it was just a good movie, but it was french so i felt like posting about it here. apparently the first movie in the series reignited french filmmaking and received so much attention and praise, so it seems to have become a cherished series over in france i think

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