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Magic: the Gathering Arena General

>when you download extra data edition

Or just MtG thread

What do you play? Aggro? Control? a ramp deck? What colours?

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 No.59855[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

elden ring is getting a DlC, what are your hope for it? for me, I just want a HUGE map
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>faster-paced, more combo-focused combat
oh ok I see. I agree, combats done quick
>sorry I didn't explain myself well.
its ok no problem


>they cant make a soulslike without jumping now, it would be a downgrade.
DS1 had jumping


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I bet they had the idea on making nightreign after some created seemless coop on elden ring


yeah it seems that the game is just fan service for /dsg/, it's like an official Nexus mod.


this is one of the worst froms idea ever according to me. maybe the game will be a success who knows

[Last 50 Posts]

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what is the best FF game for someone who never played a FF game of his life?
To my perspective of an unplayer, I would say the story is meh, the combat are too boring and the worldbuilding is average. the objects/magic are average,etc…yadayada
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Some are but alot of them are just normal fantasy.


just found out SE is making a remake of Final Fantasy tactics for 2025, I'm excited to see the game and maybe get it if not to much expensive


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what exactly do you think picrel is?


weird, i never even heard of that. Sounds like it has some changes abut is basically a remaster


a dlc???


since the remake of silent hill 2 dropped, I am interested in the silent hill series. I never played a silent hill game before so I can't argue about it because I k'ow nothing (well just the stories I've read on wikimedia yesterday haha).
Wich silent hill you've played?
which is your favorite SH? Did the game you've played was scary or not?
Why Silent Hill is so comfy?
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spoilers for silent hill 2
did james really killed his wife…but why?
have you been scared by the game, what moment was it?


Why does these games attract so may underaged trannies?


I have no idea what your are talking about.
The silent hill games are old as fuck and so is the vast majority of the fan base.
It also doesn't seem to particularly attract trannies, compared to a game like Undertale or Celeste.

I think you are just trying to be inflammatory for attention.


iirc it was a mercy kill because she was terminally ill, but he still felt remorse afterwards


I've only played the room but I stopped playing after encountering those dogs with the suckers

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I have the sinking feeling that we have lost Minecraft and culture surrounding the things that were like it to the new normies the nermies if you will. For example the core of Minecraft c418 has been gone for some years now and the majority if not all of nermies can't really tell a difference. The new music isn't even necessarily bad it's just not it and you know what fuck you yes Minecraft does have a specific feeling to it so by playing music that sounds like it's directly out of terraria. Anyway it wasn't the bad graphics or the lagg that gave you the absolute Nirvana. It was the boldness of mostly jeb and a little from notch and not being afraid to add something so small like a fucking firefly. And that's pretty much it I don't feel like doing anymore I just had to purge all of this after hearing all the nermies on cucktube and queddit.


>having a tantrum over minecrap music


I still play 1.16, I also have 1.19 but i don't like the new map generation so much and copper is pointless

I also replaced and expanded all of the music with stuff like fearofdark and xyce, I like the old soundtrack but it gets repetitive

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Any horror games recommendations for playing while i rot on the morning before going to wageslave in my shitty job
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you should make a life simulator of a hiki in his room and you must manage him to not die or getting kiked out of the house. why do you think?


I have the forest downloaded but still haven't gotten around to playing it.
Once I play it, if like it then I will pick up sons of the forest.


Don't shit your pants


Uhhh ok.
Do you mean in the game or in real life?


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Which mahjong video games do you like? I recently started as a beginner on Mahjong Soul but i've been playing on tenhou.net as well. I also ordered a hard copy of Mahjong Fight Club for the PSP that i'm looking forward to playing when it arrives.

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I have a lot of Tiberian Sun screenshots in .pcx format. I would like to convert them all to png with imagemagick but there is something wrong with picture ratio. If I use Photoshop I can fix it by going to Image->Pixel aspect ratio->Square (as in pic rel). I don't know how to replicate that option in imagemagick though and I need need it because I don't feel like manually editing hundred screenshots in Photoshop. Do anyone of you know if there is some option I could use? I tried googling it and tried several options but nothing helps.


Get GIMP and the GIMP GUI Batch Editor


Or open each image as a layer, change the pixel aspect ratio for the entire image, then export each layer


>I tried googling it and tried several options but nothing helps.
Did you check copilot or deepseek?

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 No.60906[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for discussing games you're currently playing.

>What games are you playing?

>What games have you recently purchased?

Previous thread:
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OLD FAGGOT detected


oh snap!
imagine being a wizard's apprentice and talking to your wizard master like that


VF5 released on steam yesterday.
Been playing it since release.

While I greatly missed proper VF action, and appreciate finally having decent online play on PC, I am still kinda disapointed.
The single player modes are gone beside arcade and practice, meanwhile it's already a wait to find matches and pretty limited numbers of people online, both in ranked and in rooms.
Meaning that it likely won't be very long before the online mode is mostly dead exept for wantabe pros.

When a fighting game has a decent single player mode I can still play it for years even when the online is mostly dead.
Without a decent single player it's only a mater of time until the game is dead.

I hope that they include a robust single player mode to vf6 when it comes out.


Full price or wait till discount?


If you aren't already a vf super fan I would highly recommend just waiting until vf6 comes out.

The steam version is pretty stripped down for online and tournament play.
It quite literally is the E-sports version of the game.
So if you aren't already good at the game and ready to sweat hard with people who have a decade of experience, you are in for a bad time.

It doesn't have the expanded practice modes or single player to really get good at the game. If you aren't already experienced you are just going to constantly get bodied in the online modes until you get frustrated and quit.

[Last 50 Posts]


I've been following how–probably solely because of Project '06–The Sonic '06 game has had a comeback recently. Like there are people who are genuinely saying that it's good.

Anyways, what do you think of Sonic?
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recently picked it up and I'm loving it. Currently finishing up 3&knuckles. I'd recommend. Also:

1>2>CD>3 in terms of quality.


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>Anyways, what do you think of Sonic?
I'm fond of this franchise, and have been ever since I was a kid.
I just got done finishing Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island on SEGA Genesis, or Sonic 3D Blast, if you prefer, I wanted to give the SEGA Saturn version a shot too, but it's probably the toughest console that I've ever tried to emulate, it just doesn't run very well, so I went for the version I'm more familiar with yet again for this replay… and loved it yet again. I definitely recommend it for those that are fond of Sonic already, and those that avoid his 3D stuff too, since this feels quite a lot like a classic Sonic title, but in a 3D environment, with the exception that your objective isn't to just get to the goal, this is a collectathon, a lite one of course, but still counts. I think in a collectathon, the most important thing is level design that's fun to explore, and Travellers Tales nailed it here to me, going up and down and all around looking for the Badniks, Sonic icons to get continues, Tails & Knuckles for Special Stages and Chaos Emeralds… it's just a fun time, I'm glad I've decided to replay this one yet again.


I finished Sonic Origins it was fun, my ranking is 2 > CD > 1 > 3

I think I will play Generations next


My entire life right now


Where can I find it?

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