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Are there any wizards that play this game? If there are any, what servers do you play on(if you play multiplayer)
For those that don't know, Vintage Story is basically TerraFirmaCraft turned into it's own standalone game. It's fun but it's still in beta and not going to be finished anytime soon.
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Looks cool. I'd be down to try it.


I loved TerraFirmaCraft. I'll have to try this.


This game looks really cool. I'll try it out and I could try hosting a server if some of you are interested.


I put a few hours into it. I remember it being kind of challenging so I put it aside until I could dedicate some attention to it. I would gladly join a server if you guys host one.


I've got an old laptop but it can run modern Minecraft just fine. Will that be enough for this game?

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I really love this game, is a part of my childhood and m wondering if we can start a server on and play together.
What you wizards think.
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post good servers


i amm too much of a scrub to actually enjoy any fps game, my skill is below average


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i recommend sven coop - it's not pvp and has very nostalgic vibes of cs 1.6 era and half life
on most maps you can stay a bit back and play at your own pace, healing and reviving other players who were too daring and too fast


Sorry to be a downer, but as someone who played since the beta. CS 1.6 was the end of my CS career. It was bad, and so was CS Source. Then Gabe forced everyone on CS 1.5 to move to Steam and use CS 1.6 even though it was inferior to 1.5, and Steam was shit. Somewhere around 2004 if I remember correct. Me and everyone else just stop playing. Clan dissolved too.


Anything with voice chat cannot be considered "for wizzies".

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 No.59855[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

elden ring is getting a DlC, what are your hope for it? for me, I just want a HUGE map
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I think soulslikes as a genre peaked with elden ring and Lies of P. The only way I see to reinvent the wheel would be to go the genre hybridization route with Character Action Games (Stellar blade and Wukong) or directly improve party-based combat in Action RPG.


sure elden ring improved soulslike with a open world, riding, summoning and jumping
they cant make a soulslike without jumping now, it would be a downgrade.
>character rpg
the problem about this is you can't create your character if your character has already a name and an identity. t is against what a rpg is: creating your own character and playing as who you want to be. so I don't think character rpg is good. tell me if I'm wrong
>a party based action rpg
yeah sounds more accurate. maybe from saw how much people liked playing seamless coop, they will do something like this for an upcoming soulslike.
what I want now is a elden ring 2 with a huge map, at least 2 time bigger and avoiding making mistakes of the first ER
but yeah I really want to know whats their next froms game!


With Character Action Games/Stylish Action im referring to a change in focus towards faster-paced, more combo-focused combat, not necessarily a change to a default character (continue improving combat towards a hybridization of the soulslike and CAG genres, something like a 2nd generation soulslike more or less.), sorry I didn't explain myself well.


>faster-paced, more combo-focused combat
oh ok I see. I agree, combats done quick
>sorry I didn't explain myself well.
its ok no problem


>they cant make a soulslike without jumping now, it would be a downgrade.
DS1 had jumping

[Last 50 Posts]


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n a m c o


I'd never thought I'd see such high effort nostalgia trolling.




I can almost see the crusty polygons and awkward walking animations
oh and the camera hates you
and you spend an hour trying to progress because apparently there is an invisible trigger spot for a cutscene

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Any horror games recommendations for playing while i rot on the morning before going to wageslave in my shitty job
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People don't play games to see reflections of themself.
They play games to have fun and as escapism from boring shitty real life.

Also the story arc described doesn't fit with the horror genera.


how does it play/ what's the gameplay?


You could always get into the horror romance genre



I have actually played a few "yandere" games. But I wouldn't call them horror romance.
Like I played Saiko no sutoka. It's basically a escape/chase type game where you happen to be running from a crazy anime succubus instead of a standard monster or something. Nothing romantic about it. It's escape or get stabbed.

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Hello, a question, does anyone know how to add cheats to the game MH:Tri G, I bought it and I would like to try what it has, however I still have XX, Rise and Iceborne pending


Isn't that a multiplayer game?


I have the sinking feeling that we have lost Minecraft and culture surrounding the things that were like it to the new normies the nermies if you will. For example the core of Minecraft c418 has been gone for some years now and the majority if not all of nermies can't really tell a difference. The new music isn't even necessarily bad it's just not it and you know what fuck you yes Minecraft does have a specific feeling to it so by playing music that sounds like it's directly out of terraria. Anyway it wasn't the bad graphics or the lagg that gave you the absolute Nirvana. It was the boldness of mostly jeb and a little from notch and not being afraid to add something so small like a fucking firefly. And that's pretty much it I don't feel like doing anymore I just had to purge all of this after hearing all the nermies on cucktube and queddit.



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I have the sinking feeling that we have lost Minecraft and culture surrounding the things that were like it to the new normies the nermies if you will. For example the core of Minecraft c418 has been gone for some years now and the majority if not all of nermies can't really tell a difference. The new music isn't even necessarily bad it's just not it and you know what fuck you yes Minecraft does have a specific feeling to it so by playing music that sounds like it's directly out of terraria. Anyway it wasn't the bad graphics or the lagg that gave you the absolute Nirvana. It was the boldness of mostly jeb and a little from notch and not being afraid to add something so small like a fucking firefly. And that's pretty much it I don't feel like doing anymore I just had to purge all of this after hearing all the nermies on cucktube and queddit.

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I bought this gem a while ago, and honestly, it’s amazing. I’ve only been playing for about a year, but things started getting really tough once I hit G-rank. I can’t seem to progress, and even though I have the maxed-out weapons, Fatalis knocks me out with a single hit. Is there anyone else who has this version and wants to play together?
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what will you do now?


"Well, I'll wait for someone to share their friend code for Nintendo Switch and play. Let's see if someone shows up."


ok…let's wait


>nintendo switch ver.
>nintendo switch ver.


"I sincerely hope that someone here has played it."

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I wonder if that was before or after they got both Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest as exclusives.

At that point they were pretty much guaranteed victory.
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How do you get that out of Legacy of Kain? Yeah man I was laughing so hard when Kain started rapping about the Soul Reaver and sheeit



meds now


Unrelated but I hated that Ape Escape stage in your picture where you're inside the dinosaur, the environment disgusted me and made me feel physically sick.


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I really wanted Blasto to be good but literally every magazine said it was trash. I should just play it and see for myself.

Another game I should play is Pitfall 3D: Beyond the Jungle. I remember enjoying the demo that came with Playstation magazine but never got the full game.

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Well, any good digital board games that will help me keep my mind fit? Preferably with online multiplayer to teste the skill against other people.
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Learning new card games and variations of games is a casual way to get you noggin jogging.

I got this solitaire game that has like 100 variations of solitaire. Some pretty standard while others work totally different from anything I played before so takes quite a bit of effort to understand. Then even more to get good at. Plus it has a timer and point system to keep track of progress and push myself.

Or another example is poker. The basic rules are relatively simple but to actually get good at the game takes massive brain power since you are ether constantly running odds or memorized full on books worth of knowledge that you have trained to access in seconds.
A good middle ground is getting good at video poker.

Obvious I am not recommending you play card games for money though. It's quite fun to play for free both solo and online against other people.


You have a false dichotomy in this thread. Reaction time (what you call reflexes) always corresponds to general intelligence. In fact, reflex timing is the one way to have a cross-cultural iq level that doesn't depend on education. In other words, working on your reflexes will help your cognitive ability. Furthermore, the older you get, the more pronounced the effect is. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5608941/#:~:text=Highlights&text=Both%20simple%20and%20choice%20reaction%20time%20are%20strongly%20correlated%20with%20IQ.&text=The%20correlation%20increases%20with%20age.&text=The%20underlying%20relationships%20are%20different,is%20complex%20and%20non%2Dlinear, I'd say the great Metroid-Vania style games would keep you sharp without being board to death. Especially the main two, Super Metroid and Castlevania SOTN. WarioLand 3 is one of my favorites. That one has some great puzzle solving in it Metroid requires you to recall areas that you couldn't visit before because you lacked the power-ups. Getting one always triggers the memory of that area then you go back.
Personally I believe the best thing to stay sharp is to master different games. It could be anything, a platformer, shmup, puzzle, strategy game or whatever. Old games are very much about repetition and are short; try to overcome them without using features like save states or rewind, without worrying about finishing, just play them. Once you get really good at something, move on to a different game, And yet I specifically suggest a forgotten game called Locomotion (Kingsoft) A good mental workout, I don't think the premise is that accurate. On the surface it might seem a puzzle game is more about problem solving and cognitive skill, but there's no reason to elevate it above others.

Most games that you think are about reflexes are a combination of short-term decision making (problem solving), long-term decision making (strategy) routing (memory), and fine motor skills. I'd even argue the average arcadePost too long. Click here to view the full text.




>master many games

Although I agree, my idea is to find a good game that give the best cognitive training with the least amount of money spent on multiply games.


brain training on nintendo DS

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