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Video Games
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 No.60906[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for discussing games you're currently playing.

>What games are you playing?

>What games have you recently purchased?

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Yeah I remember it was one of the only games my shitty old laptop could play and been playing it on and off ever since 2015. I mainly like playing janitor/miner/engineer or assistant on regular servers or as a PFC on CM.


Why janitor? I mean you get your own closet but your access to the station is pretty limited.


It's fun to just wander around the station and clean up messes and stumble upon things. People ignoring the wet floor signs and slipping is always funny to me as well.


I started using my wii again a couple of days ago. Currently I'm playing Mario Kart CTGP-R and replaying a wiiware game called Hydroventure (got it when I was younger but never got around to finishing it). After I'm done with that I plan on trying out Jett Rocket and possibly some Pikmin 2 romhacks.


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I'm playing XCOM: Enemy Unknown. It's one of my favorite games and I've never actually finished it.

[Last 50 Posts]


since the remake of silent hill 2 dropped, I am interested in the silent hill series. I never played a silent hill game before so I can't argue about it because I k'ow nothing (well just the stories I've read on wikimedia yesterday haha).
Wich silent hill you've played?
which is your favorite SH? Did the game you've played was scary or not?
Why Silent Hill is so comfy?
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iirc it was a mercy kill because she was terminally ill, but he still felt remorse afterwards


I've only played the room but I stopped playing after encountering those dogs with the suckers


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>Did the game you've played was scary or not?


was silent hill scary?


only silent hill 3 does

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The older I get, the narrower my taste in games becomes. It isn't for lack of trying, either. I constantly download new shit, but nothing ever sticks. I've come to the conclusion that there is an incredibly small handful of games actually worth playing and almost all of them are made by Nintendo, Blizzard, id Software or Capcom. If I had to name a few in no particular order:
>Diablo 2
>WarCraft 3
>Ocarina of Time
>Resident Evil 4
>Quake 3
All of these games are 10/10 solid gold classics with endless gameplay and lively communities. Playing anything else just feels like buying store brand, what are your eternally playable games?
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>No Skyrim


which one are your favorites? i would love to see you rank the ones you played from least favorite to most favorite.


>from least favorite to most favorite from ones I played
>Europa Universalis
I just hate the mana as a concept, I find the events to be absurd and I only play it when I play a megacampaign
it has fine mechanics with the exeption of families and family holdings, but it is pretty much impossible to play tall. Also, the AI Rome always does the worst bordergore- I've never seen them conquer mainland Carthage (Or any medium-large southern state) but they often conquer beyond Rhine and Danube
>Hearts or Iron IV
love the production and division autism. Fighting is ok. I could even stomach national focuses, but the problem is boredom during peacetime. I know this is a war game, but there is almost literally nothing to do before war starts but wait. Also, the fact that 1/4 of the mechanics is tied to DLCs is scummy
>Darkest Hour
iirc correctly it is modified version of Hoi2. It is the definition of simple but fun. It as more tech (up to 1960s) than Hoi4. Same probelm with peacetime. Fewer provinces means that that it feels too much like a boardgame than a simulation.
>Crusader Kings 2
I think I'm the most familiar with this one, as I have over 600 hours in and still haven't played 10% of all content. The main problems are too much time (almost 700 years long campaign with earliest start) and all-or-nothing type of gameplay. Both of those things mean thta when you accomplish your goals you just wait till the end date, as playing suboptimal means losing all progress to some AI character, and they run player kingdoms to the ground. I also think that mechanics fail to represnt the period faithfully, especially earlier dates.
>Victoria II
When it comes to the gameplay, I like the idea that a lot of things are controlled indirectly, in contrast to previous games. It is closest to a "simulation" a paradox game have come to. Time period is both good and bad- industrialization is fun, but the political landscape means Europe looks the same every game unless something crazy happens like Bavaria becoming a Great Power. I would also change some aspects of RGOs and goods, as the way it is handled in the game Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Can anyone tell me why Ocarina of Time is so popular? I've never played it in the 90s, I have only tried it couple of years ago and I thought it's pretty boring and extremely ugly (everything is puke green and brown, faces are ugly). I am genuinely curious. Is it because I haven't played it back in the time it was popular so it's charm is lost on me as my standards toward games are much higher?


did u play on some lousy emulator with your keyboard?

ur supposed to play on RMG with paraLLEl RDP plugin with a proper controller with vibrate support like 8bitdo 64 (tho any other gamepad would be passable too, just map yellow C buttons to right analog), and try to beat at least the first boss, and it has to be ROM version 1.1, NOT 1.2 (or the GCN or VC/Switch ports), they ruined the music and censored the game in those

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A video game magazine made by anons, for anons!
Currently 8 issues out!
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Issue number 9 out now!



>video magazine where i can goon to draw porn of underage characters


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I think I have gamer burnout


Just what a wizard needs

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do any wizards play monster hunter?
im playing monster hunter rise:sunbreak right now
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what game should I play? I've never played a MH? also is hunting horn good, it'sa weapon I really want to try


My friend played through monster hunter world with the hunting horn.
Though I assume it's more of a group play weapon.
I'm trying to get into world again, but it's probably the most boring of the recent ones from what I have heard.


yea you're gonna wanna avoid wilds.
it's so easy i only fainted 3 times maybe 2 and made it to HR 50 or something before i quit.
it's below a phone game mechanically it's for succubi or something.
it's also like 10% of the content of freedom unite or 4u which should be evident since i got hr 50 in like 3 days it just came out lol.
also the ugly npc's talk literally nonstop like they never stop talking they interrupt your gameplay to talk. and do that RDR thing where they make you get on a mount and slowly walk somewhere so they can talk at you. mh fell for the cinematic movie game psyop


freedom unite and 4u are the only ones worth playing, world i know a japanese guy who bought it as a joke and just laughed at the ugly wire bug handhold trash then returned it to the store.
gay anime animations and this forced vertical gameplay where youre constantly batman grappling everything isnt good combat flow, this shit chart made by a zoomer

actually just fuck you guys just fuck you guys i cant even discuss mh anymore people are so fucking retarded man


gay tranny lords watch this

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Does anybody want to play Minecraft?
You can make a free server with Oracle cloud's free tier, but i already blew my account on a server for my little brother and his classmates.
Picrel is my 2020 singleplayer world
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Can someone recommend me some nice minecraft servers to play? I have pirated version (PollyMC like anon from here recommended)

Creative mode is like playing with Legos. Survival mode is nice because you try to survive, explore and you never know what will happen. It's a nice feeling of freedom.


it's strategy. following step by step every needed requirement without dying until kiling the dragon or the wither. It's planning but also being patient…

Quite annoying quests. Even more patience is needed after the updates, but mods help quite a bit. If mods were professionally taken care of by Mojang, they could outclass every other single genre of game: it can imitate any.


I can barely find any lapis lazuli. They are rarer than diamonds.


aahhh, yeah. That worst than stupid update…


Pikanetwork, Jartexnetwork, you might have fun on UltimisMC

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 No.58061[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread >>53822

Thread for games you managed to finish and your thoughts on it.
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I tried playing it but it seemed a bit too hollywood for my liking. Original SH2 had way more unique soul. It is the main problem with remakes. They become soulless or at least get a different one.


Finished playing through Mouthwashing.

Was a lot more linear then I was expecting.
It was more a vehicle for the story then a game imo.
On the one had I feel like I probably missed a lot because there are a fuck ton of hidden achievements somehow, but on the other hand I don't really feel the urge to play it again.


Thank God I waited until Robocop Rogue City was less than a tenner, though even that was a bit too pricey for an incredibly bog-standard fps with handful of maps intersped with a few hub-maps and a couple of novel gimmicks like the ricochet shot and robocop marking enemies like in the film. The AI is retarded, enemies stand out in the open while you blast them and does not improve as you go through the game, so it's basically like a shooting gallery.

When you're not shooting people you're walking on foot to talk to people and issue parking tickets with tedious A-to-B sidequests.

The story was like an episode of a robocop cartoon, just constant referencing of the original two robocops, ridiculously blunt "satire" that makes you appreciate how well the over-the-top satire was done in the original film, cheap voice acting with many of the npcs voiced by a handful of people. Peter Weller gives the appropriate amount of effort for this.

It's not a bad game, just a low-budget one with a license. Modern day "gamers" are retards giving this 8s and 9s are out of their mind, this game is 5/10 which is an okay score because scores don't start at 7/10. If this game came out 10-15 years, it would warrant a higher score.


I agree with you on the rating inflation thing.
It's one of the reasons I prefer a "out of 5" scale for ratings with effort, and simple thumbs up thumbs down for low effort normies.

Because of gaming media being payed to inflate reviews, for most sites and review aggregators 7 is actually average and anything 5 and below is differing degrees of garbage.
So they functionally already have a 5 point scale.

Then again I fully admit I am very bias because I grew up watching X-Play as my primary source of game reviews during my formative years. They used a "out of 5" scale.


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Played through one of the endings of MiSide

It's more feels than thrills for me.
For a horror game, besides a few jumpscares, most of the "horror" was just really sad. Like emotionally sad, not sad as in I was disappointed.
It's really good, but as with most of these types of games, I REALLY wish the movement speed was faster or I could run all the time instead of just scripted segments, because slow walk speed is and will always be something that irritates me.

It's frankly unbelievable that just 2 dudes pulled this game off. It's really well done, well polished, and unlike most horror games I have played, I didn't run into a single unintented glitch or bug meaning it's really well polished.

Oh, and for those wondering if it has any "adult content", the answer is no. Which actually relates to the subtext of certain aspects of the game as well as the themes in the plot.

Now to play it two more times to see the other endings and unlock more stuff.

[Last 50 Posts]

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This is a thread for sharing free game deals you find on the Internet.

Currently Control is free on the epic games store.
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All the expansions cost premium currency. They might bundle some in the free package (I thought the barebones game was already free so I would expect them to), but they definitely won't give you the newest content for free. I think subscription is only $5/mo and you get a small stipend of the currency every month. Another bad thing for F2P is that you have storage caps on all materials. I don't know how harsh they are, but I presume they're very limiting.


Little tip: search for steam on google and click on news, there is always a new about a game being given away for free


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New game from the dev of Baba is You is free to claim until Wednesday


It's a hybrid of Baba and Into the Breach. Played about 10 levels and it's pretty fun so far


Why not? Marvel Rivals is F2P and fun.


F2P doesn't count and isn't what this thread is about.

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I have the sinking feeling that we have lost Minecraft and culture surrounding the things that were like it to the new normies the nermies if you will. For example the core of Minecraft c418 has been gone for some years now and the majority if not all of nermies can't really tell a difference. The new music isn't even necessarily bad it's just not it and you know what fuck you yes Minecraft does have a specific feeling to it so by playing music that sounds like it's directly out of terraria. Anyway it wasn't the bad graphics or the lagg that gave you the absolute Nirvana. It was the boldness of mostly jeb and a little from notch and not being afraid to add something so small like a fucking firefly. And that's pretty much it I don't feel like doing anymore I just had to purge all of this after hearing all the nermies on cucktube and queddit.


>having a tantrum over minecrap music


I still play 1.16, I also have 1.19 but i don't like the new map generation so much and copper is pointless

I also replaced and expanded all of the music with stuff like fearofdark and xyce, I like the old soundtrack but it gets repetitive


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My nigga have you never listened to any of the original music or are you just that fucking dense.

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Magic: the Gathering Arena General

>when you download extra data edition

Or just MtG thread

What do you play? Aggro? Control? a ramp deck? What colours?

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