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Any horror games recommendations for playing while i rot on the morning before going to wageslave in my shitty job


I dunno, FEAR is pretty good. It is spooky and kind of luls you into trance. It's very trippy, at least it was for me.
Aside from that, the gameplay is top notch. With debris flying evewhere, clones chatting on the radio and trying to flank you. And then afterwards you see the aftermath, the smoke settling in from the chunks of plaster that were shot off the walls, etc
Then you proceed to the next area while also seeing some trippy hallucinations while listening to ambient.
It's very well made and no one has done anything similar to this ever since.


Amnesia series


Signalis was breety good. Highly reccomend it.
Tormented souls ain't all that bad
Silent hill 1,2,3
some love 4 some hate it. 3 is my fav. Havent played sh 4 though

Evil within was also love or hate it. It is gritty, it gets to be quite good torwards the end

Evil within 2 is less gritty and grimy and slightly more cheerfull/ but it had its moments like the first proper bossfight cinematic.


Clive Barker's undying


I really enjoyed Condemned Bloodshot.
Had a really good first person hand to hand combat system and a lot of crazy and cool moments that you probably won't get out of any other horror game.
You will never look at homeless people quite the same way again, lol.

That said, I will warn that it ends on a cliffhanger that has and will never be resolved.


DBD is fun for the first few hundred hours


Resident Evil and Silent Hill are obvious, both are good until the 4th game though some people liked SH Origins. There's a 2D pixel-scroller called Ib, I haven't played it nor know much about it so check it out yourself. Both Parasite Eve games. Rule of Rose.

These aren't horror games but may still scratch your itch. Max Payne had nightmare sequences and the game takes place at night and is lonely. Pathologic is a Russian walking simulator with some shooting, taking place in a town dying of a plague.


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try rule of rose.
after watching a video about it, I want to make a horror game too


Check out Markiplier's "3 scary games" videos for a lot of good horror titles.


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>Check out Markiplier


My thoughts exactly. Can't even tell if this was trolling or not.


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Ib is a great horror game if you don't mind pixel graphics.


If you haven't played it yet Outlast 1 is a good horror game, pretty memorable with some good characters and a very eerie atmosphere.

I'd also recommend eternal darkness for the Gamecube, great game. Its not as much of a hidden gem as it used to be so you may have played it but if not definitely put it on your list.

If you want something more lighthearted but still "spooky" I'd recommend Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion. It's pretty short and fun, I like to replay it around Halloween.


Devil Came Through Here trilogy. Especially Cat Lady and Downfall.


I'm going to say Silent Hill 1-4 especially 1, the gameplay isn't interesting like Resident Evil but the tone, plot and atmosphere is superb.
>Rule of Rose mentioned
I'm glad to see it get love after all these years (even at the risk of it becoming too popular) and I even played and beat it too.


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I like rule of rose but I heard the gameplay is old and clunky. I miss these kind of games japan made. kind of experimenting with original games. they don't do it anymore…maybe japanese indie devs do this, Idk.
I prefer more silent hill then resident evil


The gameplay is serviceable and not as terrible as reviews made it out to be, for 2006 it was boring.


Space horror mouthwashing is the one I enjoyed lately.
Soma had an interesting story too.


is the gameplay smooth?



h-how smooth?


Silent Hill 2 remake. It's actually breddy gud.


rule of rose isn't even a game, it's an interactive movie. Don't gaslight people like this.


yeah a video interactive movie-game


Don't gaslight people by saying it's an interactive movie like it was made by David Cage, fuck you.


literal walking sim trash


I want to make a video game in the horror genre.

>You are a Hikkikomori NEET who is now homeless since you tried to go out to touch grass, get away from your horrifically abusive family, and try to get a job due to hitting 35 and having a midlife crisis.

>You are the ultimate truecel, the polar opposite of the gigachad in almost every way.

>You were born into an impoverished home with a separated pair of abusive parents who hated each other and you (whom they had as an accident), both of them had abused you every way but sexually, and they had also neglected you as a child (and switched to becoming possessive and controlling when you graduated high school).

>You were born with aspergers and placed into special ed starting from the first month of the first grade until the end of elementary, then you were in an alternative program to high school where you worked for free at local businesses during school hours instead of attending classes and getting an education, causing you to graduate without getting a diploma, you got a cettificate of completion, which was useless for anything except preventing you from getting into the high school system again.

>Throughout the entire stint of public schooling you were bullied in the worst ways possible, not just by your fellow students but also by the school staff members, you were hated for wanting to just be normal.

>Never had any education past primary school, never had any employment or education, never had any training, your hobbies were 4chan and related pursuits, and you have no known skills or talents beyond the most basic self-care.

>No wonder, no matter what you do you can't find the job you set out for.

>Of course, you were a kissless hugless handholdless virgin without ever having a single friend whose name or face you knew.

>And now you are a hobo bum whose only perks (aside fron being a straight white male with blue eyes and blonde hair) are what you lack: a criminal record, a history of addictions, any outstanding debts etc.

>You also lack any psychotic issues, or so you thought, you start having encounters with horrors both natural and supernatural, there are a variety of encounters and events that begin innocuously but lead down a plotline where you see things getting more and more fucked up.

>Each time you begin as a nobody intruding into a situation, stumbling into the story by accident, are you going to be a heroic badass? or a victim to the terrors hidden beneath the surface of civilization? or maybe, you will find a way to become the monster, and gain a power to wreak your havoc upon the world that hurt you.

>Your life status and history are what enable these encounters, as everyone else is an NPC preoccpied with their lives, but you have no life, and are thus able to explore an discover the hidden horrors of the city.

>There'd be multiple timelines that lead to different endings.

>You begin with a tutorial story wherin you receive the "curse of the everyman", all your capabilities are reduced to the minimum value, leaving you as weak stupid and generally all around disabled as any human could possibly be.

>However, there is a blessing hidden in this curse which makes receiving it something that others had sought out: While your present actual abilities were reduced to zero, your potential furure abilities were maxed out, and the curse would ensure there was always some way to improve yourself, and that you'd instinctually know what it is.

>So spending five years in the hospital allows you to miraculously recover back to what you had started off as, and now you are where you began, as a homeless autistic loser, but with a massive hospital debt you have no way of paying, but also with a hot-ass social worker assigned to you, and the ability to become the most powerful man in the world by becoming the best human being in every way, even genetic traits about yourself that are known to be immutable, such as height or intelligence, can be improved upon, you can also completely alter your personality through the customization feature, cure your autism or make it worse, become a better person or take points to up your dark tetrad to become the meanest sonuvabitch you can be (this will change the options presented to you).

>Depending upon the events that occur from that point, you are also able to acquire other, more blatantly extranormal abilities.

>This isnt some power fantasy modern rpg, this is a horror game set in a version of our world that is as dark as every imageboard had ever perceived or imagined it as being, and then made even worse until they are as bad as can get, all of the fears of /pol/ and /x/ are true, all of their monsters real, but within that also exists opportunities you can seize upon, and you are desperate for whatever you can get in this life.

>Just like a game where you are an unconventional protagonist, a background character who inserts themselves into preexisting conflicts wholly unrelated to themselves for the purpose of opportunistic self-benefit, and no matter what you do, heads will rolls and lives shall be taken, flesh may be eaten and blood may be drank, just hope for all these its never yours.

>watch as you go from homeless bum to the secretly most overpowered creature in the city, and possibly the country, then world if we get a sequel and trilogy (you can use the mc from the first game in the second and third).

>I want being the evil dick who makes innocents suffer and die into a fun option, into the most fun option, I want the player to relish in being the monster made of man borne of monstorous (wo)men.

>Game name: NoLife.


No one wants to play your autobiography.
Author self inserts are cringe
And I think you fundamentally don't understand the point of video games nor of horror.


Thanks, I needed that.
Was throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks.
Yeah, there will never be a game about us, huh?
Not one where someone like me becomes all cool and shit.
That can only happen in real life.
JK it can't happen out here, either.


People don't play games to see reflections of themself.
They play games to have fun and as escapism from boring shitty real life.

Also the story arc described doesn't fit with the horror genera.


how does it play/ what's the gameplay?


You could always get into the horror romance genre



I have actually played a few "yandere" games. But I wouldn't call them horror romance.
Like I played Saiko no sutoka. It's basically a escape/chase type game where you happen to be running from a crazy anime succubus instead of a standard monster or something. Nothing romantic about it. It's escape or get stabbed.


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They finally added rafts to sons of the forest


you should make a life simulator of a hiki in his room and you must manage him to not die or getting kiked out of the house. why do you think?


I have the forest downloaded but still haven't gotten around to playing it.
Once I play it, if like it then I will pick up sons of the forest.


Don't shit your pants


Uhhh ok.
Do you mean in the game or in real life?



>Silent Hill 2 remake
Pleb taste.

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